global problems - global science – global education unu as (the) global university prof. dr....

Global Problems - Global Science – Global Education UNU as (the) Global University Prof. Dr. Konrad Osterwalder, Rector United Nations University

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Page 1: Global Problems - Global Science – Global Education UNU as (the) Global University Prof. Dr. Konrad Osterwalder, Rector United Nations University

Global Problems -Global Science – Global Education

UNU as (the)

Global University

Prof. Dr. Konrad Osterwalder,

Rector United Nations University

Page 2: Global Problems - Global Science – Global Education UNU as (the) Global University Prof. Dr. Konrad Osterwalder, Rector United Nations University

Celebrating The Event:

21 December 2010

An old dream comes true

The General Assembly approves the amendments to the charter of UNU that will oblige it to become a full-fledged Graduate School

Page 3: Global Problems - Global Science – Global Education UNU as (the) Global University Prof. Dr. Konrad Osterwalder, Rector United Nations University

The United Nations University

1969 Secretary-General U Thant suggests the creation of a

“United Nations university, truly international in character and devoted to the Charter’s objectives of peace and progress.”

Goal: scientific think tank, engaged in• Research • Postgraduate Training• Capacity building • Advising

in furtherance of the purposes and principals of the UN

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• Founded in 1973 (began operations 1975) by UN General Assembly as

• autonomous organ of the United Nations• Funded by host countries (not by UN)

But: original dream of U Thant and of the main

host country, Japan, not fulfilled:

No postgraduate degree programs

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• Headquarters in Tokyo (financed by Japan)• 13 Institutes for Research and Training

in 12 different countries, financed by host countries

• Operating Units (as parts of the institutes)

• Associated Institutions (Institutes of other universities)

• Capacity Development units (ad hoc)

• Liaison offices to UN and to UNESCO

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Overall Topic: Sustainable Development

Devoted to the needs of the UN, in particular Sustainability and the Millennium Goals

the United Nations University focuses on

Societal Problems Economical Problems Ecological Problems

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• Research and Education at postgraduate level in fields that are related to the pressing global problems of concern to the UN, its people and its member states

• Capacity Building in developing countries and in countries in transition

• Academic Think Tank for UN and its member states

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• Postgraduate programs• Twin Institutes• User focused research and teaching• Collaboration instead of competition: strengthen

ties to other leading universities• Global Institution with strong local roots • Closer collaboration Soc.+Nat. Sciences • Systems thinking • Quality control, Accreditation• Fund raising

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Graduate Programs

• Master and PhD programs

• International students teaching language English

• In collaboration with local universities

• Focusing on the thematic topic of the UNU Institute

• Involving practical work

• Preparing students for work in UN, governments, NGO, industry

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UNU presence in developing countries has to be strengthened

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UNU Institutes

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• Task: capacity building in developing countries and in countries in transition

• Goal: extend teaching and research activities to developing countries in a substantial and sustainable way

• Method: creating institutes with a campus in first world and a campus in developing world -> Twin Institute

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• Campus in a developed country: fully financed by host country

• Campus in developing country: partially financed by host country

• Remaining finances: submitting joint proposals for research/teaching projects to agencies in developed country

• One advisory board• Combined directorate

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Poverty reduction



Systems Thinking: Example

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UNU is different, adds value

• Global institution with strong roots into politics, government, UN. Practitioners as teachers.

• Goal: a large number of the higher UN employees have a UNU degree (also in government, in NGOs)

• Postgraduate programs and research are focused on themes not on disciplines, focused on “user’s” needs

• Students get to know both developed and developing regions and their problems

• Twin Institutes lead to N – S partnerships• Collaboration instead of competition: strengthen ties to

other leading universities

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Next steps

• Build up Graduate School and Twin structure

• Establish new Institutes

• Fundraising

• Communication

Thank you for your ongoing support