global mission church g3 ministry 2011.09.24


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Praise is rising

Eyes are turning to you

We turn to you

Hope is stirring

Hearts are yearning for you

We long for you

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Cause when we see you

We find strength to face the day

And in your presence

All your fears are washed away

Washed away

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Hosanna, Hosanna

You are the God who saves us

Worthy of all our praises

Hosanna, Hosanna

Come have your way among us

We welcome you here

Lord Jesus

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Hear the sound of hearts

returning to you

We turn to you

In your kingdom

broken lives are made new

You make us new

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Hosanna, Hosanna

Hosanna, Hosanna

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Only A God Like You

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For the praises of man I will never ever stand

For the kingdoms of this world I'll never give my heart away

Oh shout my praise

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My allegiance and devotion My heart's desire and all emotion

Go to serve the Man Who died upon that tree

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Only a God like You Could be worthy of my praise And all my hope and faith

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To only a King of all kings Do I bow my knee and sing

Give my everything

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To only my Maker my Father my Savior Redeemer Restorer Rebuilder Rewarder

To only a God like You Do I give my praise

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Only a God like You Only a God like You Only a God like You

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Made me glad

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Made me glad

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Made me glad

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Made me glad

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Made me glad

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Made me glad

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Made me glad

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Here I am Oh God

I bring this sacrifice

My open heart

I’ll offer up my life


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I look to You Lord

Your love that never ends

Restores me again


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So I life my eyes to You Lord

In Your strength will I break

through Lord


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Touch me now

Let Your love fall down on me

I know Your love dispels all my fears


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Through the storm

I will hold on Lord

And by faith I will walk on, Lord


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Then I will see

beyond my calvary oneday

And I will be complete in You


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I will be complete

I will be complete

And I will be complete in You


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A Covenant Prayer Allen Pote

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Lord make me what you will

I put myself into your hands

Put me to doing

Put me to suffering

Let me be employed for You

or laid aside for You

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Lord make me what you will

I will no longer be my own

Let me be full

Let me be empty

Let me have all things

Let me have nothing

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Lord I freely and with a willing heart,

Give it all to You

To Your pleasure,

Your pleasure and disposal, Lord

Make me, make me what You will

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The Apostles’


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I believe in God, the Father Almighty,

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I believe in



God’s only


our Lord,

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Who was conceived

by the Holy Spirit

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born of

the Virgin Mary,

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suffered under

Pontius Pilate,

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was crucified,


and was buried;

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He descended to the dead.

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On the third day

He rose from the dead.

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He ascended into heaven,

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and is seated

at the right hand

of the Father,

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From there

He will come to judge

the living and the dead.

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I believe in the

Holy Spirit,

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the holy catholic Church,

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the communion of saints,

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the forgiveness of sins

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the resurrection of the body,

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and the life everlasting. AMEN

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G3 English Service 25th September 2011

Fulfilling Father's Will

Matthew 21:28-32

Pastor Ahn

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Matthew 21:23

Jesus entered the temple

courts, and, while he was

teaching, the chief priests and

the elders of the people came

to him.

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"By what authority are you do

ing these things?" they asked.

"And who gave you this


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Matthew 21:24-27

Jesus replied, "I will also ask

you one question... John's

baptism--where did it come

from? Was it from heaven, or

from men?"... they answered

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Jesus, "We don't know." Then

he said, "Neither will I tell you

by what authority I am doing

these things.

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● First Son:

"NO" -> "YES"

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● Second Son:

"YES" -> "NO"

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● "Which one fulfilled

Father's will?"

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● First Son:

Even though he initially

said “no,” he later

regretted and entered the


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● Second son:

though his words were

“yes,” his actions were


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Matthew 21:31

"Which of the two did what

his father wanted?"

"The first," they answered...

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Matthew 21:31

Jesus said to them, "I tell you

the truth, the tax collectors

and the prostitutes are

entering the kingdom of God

ahead of you.

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● 1. God chooses those

kinds of weak and

outcasted people to fulfill

Father's will.

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● 2. God is very generous

for repentance and is

willing to wait to see us

fulfill His will.

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● 'Talking' is very easy,

but it is 'doing' which

proves your intentions to

be true.

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● Faith without works is


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James 2:14f

What good is it, my brothers,

if a man claims to have faith

but has no deeds? Can such

faith save him? Suppose a

brother or sister is without

clothes and daily food.

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If one of you says to him,

"Go, I wish you well; keep

warm and well fed," but does

nothing about his physical

needs, what good is it? In the

same way, faith by itself, if it is

not accompanied by action, is


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But someone will say, "You

have faith; I have deeds."

Show me your faith without

deeds, and I will show you my

faith by what I do... As the

body without the spirit is

dead, so faith without deeds is


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● It is always the right

time to repent.

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● If we have breath, the

time to regret and repent

our failure to obey is now

and today.

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● God is inviting us to

say "yes" to Him because

He has already said "yes"

to us.

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Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

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Lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours now and forever. AMEN.

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