global environmental governance james gustave speth and peter m. haas

Global Environmental Governance James Gustave Speth and Peter M. Haas Speth and Haas: Ten of the major global environmental challenges are: 1. Acid rain and regional air pollution 2. Ozone depletion 3. Climate disruption [global climate change] 4. Deforestation 5. Land degradation and desertification 6. Freshwater degradation and shortages 7. Marine fisheries decline 8. Toxic pollutants 9. Loss of biological diversity 10.Excess nitrogen

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Global Environmental Governance James Gustave Speth and Peter M. Haas. Speth and Haas: Ten of the major global environmental challenges are: Acid rain and regional air pollution Ozone depletion Climate disruption [global climate change] Deforestation Land degradation and desertification - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Global Environmental Governance James Gustave Speth and Peter M. Haas

Global Environmental GovernanceJames Gustave Speth and Peter M. Haas

Speth and Haas: Ten of the major global environmental challenges are:

1. Acid rain and regional air pollution

2. Ozone depletion

3. Climate disruption [global climate change]

4. Deforestation

5. Land degradation and desertification

6. Freshwater degradation and shortages

7. Marine fisheries decline

8. Toxic pollutants

9. Loss of biological diversity

10. Excess nitrogen

Page 2: Global Environmental Governance James Gustave Speth and Peter M. Haas

Acid Rain


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Acid Rain

• Effects• Terrestrial• Leaches minerals (nutrients, metals) from soil

• Facilitates desertification

• Damages leaves of plants• Aquatic• Irritates gills of aquatic organisms

• Interferes with gas exchange

• Erodes slime layer of fishes• Reduces resistance to pathogens

• Erodes shells of aquatic mollusks and arthropods• Impedes ability of crustaceans to recalcify after molting

• Facilitates release of toxins bound to particles in sediments

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Lu et al. 2010

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Lu et al. 2010

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Air Pollution – Components

• EPA – NAAQS for six criteria pollutants• Particulate matter

• PM2.5, PM10

• Carbon monoxide (CO)• Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

• Sulfur oxides (SOx)

• Ground-level ozone (O3)

• Lead (Pb)

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Piccadilly Circus, Dec. 1952

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Matus et al. 2012

PM10 Concentrations, 2005

Red Line: US NAAQS, pre-2006

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Air Quality (Tropospheric NO2)

Summer 2006

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1945 1960 1974 1990


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Tropical Forest Loss

• Four major types1) Tropical rain forests

• More than half in Brazil (41%) and Indonesia (13%)2) Moist deciduous forests

• Usually less diverse than rain forests3) Dry zone forests

• More than 50% in Africa4) Tropical upland forests

• Includes cloud forests• Current Status

• Not all tropical rain forests are the same or under the same pressures

• Worldwide – ~66% cleared for agriculture• Africa – Population growth & subsistence farming• Asia – Logging; subsistence farming increasing• Latin America – Ranching; subsistence farming


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Tropical Forest Loss

Region Land Area

Forest 1980

Forest 1990

Area Change

Annual % Loss

(million ha)

Africa 2236 568 527 -41 0.7%

Asia 892 350 311 -39 1.2%

Latin America

1650 992 918 -74 0.8%

World 4778 1910 1756 -154 0.8%

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Fresh Water

• Historically limiting factor in arid regions• 1940-1990

• World population more than doubled • 2.3 billion 5.3 billion

• Per capita water use doubled• 400 m3 person-1 year-1 800 m3 person-1 year-1

• Global water use increased fourfold• 2000: USA ~2000 m3 person-1 year-1 (~1450 gal day-1)

A. Current Status• In 1996, world human population using estimated 54%

of all accessible fresh water in rivers, lakes, aquifers• Many people predict disastrous consequences for

world’s fresh water supply in coming years• This potential disaster may have several causes

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Fresh Water

• Current Status1. Distribution

• Uneven compared to population• 75% of annual rainfall in areas containing less than

one-third of global population• Amazon River carries 20% of global runoff through

area containing 10 million people• Congo River carries 30% of Africa’s runoff through

area containing 10% of population• Uneven in space

• North America contains 19,000 m3 per person per year vs. 4700 m3 per person per year in Asia

• <10% of Mexico supplies >50% of annual runoff• Uneven in time

• India gets 90% of annual rainfall during summer monsoon season (Jun-Sep); runs off too rapidly for efficient use

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Fresh Water

• Current Status2. Usage patterns

• Agriculture – 69%• Industry/Energy – 23%• Domestic – 8%• Varies among regions and with development

• Africa – 88% for agriculture (irrigation)• Europe – >50% for industry• Japan – Industrial but uses lots of water to grow rice

• Personal use tracks standard of living• Africa – 17 m3 year-1 (12.3 gal d-1)• Asia – 31 m3 year-1 (22.4 gal d-1)• UK – 122 m3 year-1 (88.3 gal d-1)• US – 211 m3 year-1 (153 gal d-1)

• By 2020, water shortages likely in Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, China (parts of China already face problems)

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Fresh Water

• Possible Solutions• World may have enough fresh water but

inadequate distribution mechanism• Long pipelines and movement of icebergs

have been proposed• Excessively expensive• Technological limitations

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Fresh Water

• Possible Solutions1. Improved irrigation efficiency

• Drip irrigation reduces losses from evaporation• Cuts water use by 40-60% compared to conventional

systems• Used on <1% of irrigated land worldwide but used

extensively in some countries• Ex: Israel uses DI on 50% of irrigated land

2. Municipal conservation• Infrastructural losses can be substantial

• Ex: 40-70% of water lost in transit in 15 major Mexican cities (similar rates in India)

• Ex: Djakarta, Indonesia could cut water losses an estimated 20% by fixing leaky distribution pipes; would save ~12 billion gallons of water a year, enough to supply 800,000 people

• Higher price could encourage conservation• Ex: Bogor, Indonesia increased water prices 3-4x;

average household water use dropped by 30% in less than one year

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Fresh Water

• Possible Solutions3. Reuse of urban wastewater

• Use of treated wastewater for irrigation• Today, at least half a million hectares in 15 countries are

being irrigated with “gray water”

4. More water-efficient industry• Practiced in industrialized nations.• Amount of water needed to produce a ton of steel ranges

from 23 to 56 m3 in China, compared to an average of less than 6 m3 in US, Japan, and Germany

5. Desalination• 2010: Over 20 billion gallons of fresh water produced

daily in ~15,000 facilities worldwide• Minimum cost = 0.2¢ gal-1

• Current methods of desalination driven almost entirely by combustion of fossil fuels

• Solar powered desalination plants produced only 1.4 million gal d-1 in 2009

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USA Today

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Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

• Industrial processes release halocarbons and other gases into the atmosphere, reacting with ozone and destroying the ozone layer

• More pronounced in colder Antarctic than Arctic• Reduced protection from harmful ultraviolet

radiation• Ozone normally reacts with uv light but is

regenerated• O3 + uv light O2 + O

• In presence of HCs and other compounds that contain Cl

• O3 + Cl O2 + ClO

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• Less than 20% of original forest cover remains in many countries

• Philippines, Madagascar

• Loss of CO2 uptake capacity

• Biomass burning• Decomposition of organic material• Increased erosion/nutrient loss

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Water Pollution – Nutrients

• Nitrogen, phosphorus• Common sources

1) Crop and lawn fertilizers2) Manure3) Sewage4) Detergents containing phosphates and nitrates

• Excessive nutrient loading eutrophication• Effects

1) Plant growth can clog waterways (ecology, navigation)2) Plants can interfere with recreation (swimming, boating)3) Nighttime oxygen depletion4) Nitrate methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome)

• Nutrients can be difficult to control once in a system• Recycling and regeneration

• Eutrophied water bodies can recover if sources are removed

• Ex – Lake Washington

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Kiely 1997 Environmental Engineering