global connection and exchange program afghan and american pre-college institute moini international...

Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institut Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training Center Name: Fareed Ahmad “Tanha” Site: Http:// E-mail: [email protected] Topic: Human Right

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Page 1: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute

Moini International Consulting (MIC)(CETC) College of Education Training Center

Name: Fareed Ahmad “Tanha”

Site: Http://

E-mail: [email protected]

Topic: Human Right

Page 2: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

*dissimilarity between male and female regarding education male receives educationAnd unfortunately in the remote places of our beloved country Afghanistan female can’t prolongs their education. * In managements executives persecute with oppressed people they take bribe because of that poor people get behind of success and rich people who can easily prologs their education and they can get step toward promotion.

Page 3: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

Afghanistan democratic government faces the challenges of extending its authority beyond the capital and of forging national unity and Afghanistan people continue to be victim of human rights. Afghanistan has rugged and forbidding terrain and nature is not in favor of Afghanistan people. Attacks by the Taliban continue, particularly from Pakistan Taliban. Afghanistan faced War from Soviet troops in 1979, leading to a major confrontation that drew in the US and Pakistan. The Taliban - drawn from the Pashto majority - were opposed north Afghanistan's minority communities and based in the north. In control of about 90% of Afghanistan until late 2001, the Taliban were recognized as the legitimate government by Pakistan. 

Page 4: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

In March 2009 US President Barack Obama unveiled a new American strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan to combat what he called an increasingly perilous situation. Meanwhile Afghanistan people continue victim of human rights from US forces and victim of human rights from fundamentalist. Right information report is that Afghanistan's drugs industry makes up around 60% of the economy. The trade has boomed since the fall of the Taliban and the country supplies 93% of the world's opium, the raw ingredient of heroin.

Page 5: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

Afghanistan general information about Human right. The total numbers of human living in the world of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are about 6500 million Africa. The human of Asia is close to 4000 million of which human of Afghanistan are about 28.2 million     . Afghanistan   represent broad culture of different, languages, and lifestyles, which require human rights protection.. Afghanistan represents systems of government very broad Republic. Afghanistan is the small economy in Asia.. Afghanistan general information report it has State capital Kabul.    . Afghanistan right report of basic languages is   Pashto, Dari (Persian) ……….

Page 6: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

Afghanistan people Major religion report is:  Islam .Afghanistan  are failing to provide Education  free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages as committed in UN Charter of Human Rights, 1948. Failing to provide Technical and professional University for higher education equally accessible to all on the basis of merit as accepted in Universal Declaration of Human Rights... Afghanistan is also failing to provide basic human rights for political stability. . Abuse of human rights of children and women are more common in Afghanistan

Page 7: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

Afghanistan is landlocked and mountainous and victim of all kinds human rights in recent past.  Afghanistan people has suffered chronic political instability and human rights conflict during its modern history that its economy. Right information report is that Afghanistan infrastructure are in ruins, and many of its people are refugees and victim of  human rights from Taliban,  victim of  human rights from US forces and victim of  human rights from fundamentalist. Since the fall of the Taliban administration in 2001, adherents of the hardliner Islamic movement have re-grouped and Afghanistan people continue to be victim of human rights.

Page 8: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

Right information report based on and many local human rights activists is that implementation of declaration on many articles is mere formality and administration human rights record remained poor although there were improvements.  Human rights of child for education and human rights of women for dignity as given in declaration of human rights are repeatedly violated by police administration itself .Child human rights, Disability human rights, Housing human rights, employment human rights, Refugee human rights, Reproductive Rights, Trafficking human rights are repeatedly being violated and there is no check over it, by administration and adequate redresses system is not available. Domestic media and local human rights activists Right information report available online is that that police use of excessive force resulted in killings.

Page 9: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

Turning to the situation of women in Afghanistan , the report notes that violence against women  in Afghanistan such as rape  “honor killings Afghanistan ,” early and forced marriage Afghanistan , sexual abuse Afghanistan , and slavery in Afghanistan remain widespread. The report on Afghanistan calls for the protection of women and girls education in school and university in both the private and public sphere and this must be translated into policies and concrete programmers. The report states that freedom of expression in Afghanistan came under significant threat throughout 2008, with threats and intimidation directed against civil society groups and the media, including the killing of journalists in Afghanistan. “In the months leading up to the 2009 elections in Afghanistan the media will continue to self-censor in Afghanistan or be pressured into broadcasting only those views in Afghanistan which are favorable to certain political interests in Afghanistan and candidates and citizens  in Afghanistan will be intimidated through threats and attacks from fully expressing their opinions,

Page 10: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

The UN human rights treaties are at the core of the international system for the promotion and protection of human rights. Every UN member state is a party to one or more of the nine major human rights treaties. It is a universal human rights legal system which applies to virtually every child, woman or man in the world.

Page 11: Global Connection and Exchange Program Afghan and American PRE-College institute Moini International Consulting (MIC) (CETC) College of Education Training

The successful implementation of the human rights treaty standards, whether at the international or national level, depends on their accessibility to the victims of human rights abuse. This means both familiarity with the standards and access to remedial mechanisms. The purpose of this website is to enhance access, by making materials associated with the treaty system available in electronic and user-friendly form. a

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