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by Jonathan BensonDecember 30, 2014from NaturalNews WebsiteSpanish version 

A prominent climate scientist who's actively involved in developing technologies to thwart the natural weather patterns of the globe says he's disturbed by theprospect of having to make such drastic changes to the common order of things in order to fight so-called "global warming."

Dr. Matthew Watson from Bristol University in the UK told the media recently that he's "terrified" by many of the geoengineering projects currently in the works to thwart man-made climate change, which is still being hawked by many in mainstream science as a threat to humanity.

Speaking to the Daily Mail Online, Dr. Watson explained how futuristic technolog

ies like spraying chemical particles into the sky to reflect sunlight back intospace have the potential to disrupt how rain falls, how plants grow and how life lives.

Right now, Dr. Watson is working on a $2.8 million project of this exact nature. The plan is to inject sulfur particles into the earth's atmosphere with the stated goal of blocking the sun's rays from reaching Earth, ostensibly to keep the earth from getting too warm."Personally, this stuff terrifies me," Dr. Watson told reporters. "Whilst it isclear that temperatures could be reduced during deployment, the potential for misstep is considerable."

"By identifying risks, we hope to contribute to the evidence base around geoengineering that will determine whether deployment, in the face of the threat of climate change, has the capacity to do more good than harm."


Geoengineering will likely cause irreversible damage to planetary ecosystems

The simplistic nature of such projects ignores the immense level of irreversible damage that could result from interfering with the normal functions of the planet. By blocking sunlight, plants won't be able to engage in photosynthesis, for inst

ance, which means no more oxygen and no more food.

Similarly, humans won't be able to obtain natural vitamin D if the sun's rays aren't allowed to penetrate the atmosphere, triggering an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency and resultant disease.

One proposed method of mitigating excess carbon dioxide, which many would argueisn't even a real problem, involves planting and irrigating millions of trees in the world's deserts. 

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But this would directly counteract the natural reflection of sunlight from desert sands back into space, contributing to more warming.

Another proposal involves dumping iron particles into the world's oceans to supposedly improve the growth of photosynthetic organisms capable of absorbing carbon dioxide. But this concept would only further toxify the world's oceans, harming sea animals in the process. 

Sulfur particles will destroy ozone layer, leaving animals and humans exposed to deadly radiation

Building upon an earlier idea pioneered by Dr. Watson, climate scientists are also working on ways to pump sulfur particles into the sky in order to disperse and reflect sunlight back into space. But this process threatens to destroy atmospheric ozone, leaving plants, animals and humans exposed to harmful solar radiation."Geoengineering will be much more expensive and challenging than previous estimates suggest and any benefits would be limited," maintains Professor Piers Forste

r from the University of Leeds, who has long tracked climate engineering projects of this type and determined them to be more threatening than beneficial.Professor Steve Rayner from Oxford University, who specializes in the legal andethical ramifications of geoengineering, seems to agree. He told the Daily Mail Online that too little is known about the long-term effects of geoengineering, including their impact on planetary ecosystems."Mostly it is too soon to know what any of these technology ideas would look like in practice or what would be their true cost and benefit," he stated. 


Are We Playing God with Earth? - UN Weather Weapons - Geoengineering Watch


Are We Playing God with Earth?- Scientist Admits he is 'Terrified' of the Technology Being Developed to Stop 'Global Warming' -by Ben Spencer26 November 2014

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from TheDailyMail Website 

Dr Watson from Bristol Universitysays we should be wary of interfering with natureon a planetary scale - known as geoengineering.

It involves changing our planet to counteract effects of climate change.

Proposals include injecting water into the atmosphere to block sunlight But Dr Watson, a leading scientist investigating such methods,says he is 'terrified' of what the technology could do to Earth.

And it would also mean we have 'failed as planetary stewards' 

A climate scientist has said he is 'terrified' of the futuristic technologies he is helping to develop in a bid to slow global warming.

British academics have spent £5.4 million ($8.5 million) in the last five years on taxpayer-funded 'geoengineering' projects to stop the effects of climate change


Dr. Matthew Watson, lead investigator of a £1.8million ($2.8 million) project to pump chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays, said using such technologies will become inevitable if humanity fails to stop global warming. 

Dr Watson from Bristol Universitysaid we should be wary of interfering with natureon a planetary scale - known as geoengineering.It involves changing our planet to counteract effects of climate change.Earth is shown here pictured from space


The Bristol University academic has already suffered a major setback, when much-trumpeted plans to send a huge balloon into the air to test his scheme was scrapped over a patenting dispute.

Yesterday he admitted that despite the millions already spent on research, scientists are still decades from seeing their dreams turn into reality. POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS OF FIVE GEOENGINEERING STRATEGIESAfforestation: This technique would irrigate deserts, such as those in Australia and North Africa, to plant millions of trees that could absorb carbon dioxide.Drawback: This vegetation would also draw in sunlight that the deserts currently

 reflect back into space, and so contribute to global warming.

Artificial ocean upwelling: Engineers would use long pipes to pump cold, nutrient-rich water upward to cool ocean-surface waters.Drawback: If this process ever stopped it could cause oceans to rebalance theirheat levels and rapidly change the climate. Ocean alkalinization: This involves heaping lime into the ocean to chemically increase the absorption of carbon dioxide.Drawback: Study suggests it will have of little use in reducing global temperatu

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res. Ocean iron fertilization: The method involves dumping iron into the oceans to improve the growth of photosynthetic organisms that can absorb carbon dioxide.Drawback: Study suggests it will have of little use in reducing global temperatures. Solar radiation management: This would reduce the amount of sunlight Earth receives, by shooting reflective sulphate-based aerosols into the atmosphere.Drawback: Carbon dioxide would still build up in the atmosphere. And he said they could indeed be dangerous.

The schemes could see rainfall patterns change, droughts spread across the world and the ozone layer damaged beyond repair.'Personally, this stuff terrifies me,' he said. 'Whilst it is clear that temperatures could be reduced during deployment, the potential for misstep is considerable.

'By identifying risks, we hope to contribute to the evidence base around geoengineering that will determine whether deployment, in the face of the threat of climate change, has the capacity to do more good than harm.'But he added that it would be 'unethical' not to try the technology.'If we ever deploy these technologies it will be the closest indication yet that

 we've failed as planetary stewards. But there is a point at which not deploying some technologies would be unethical.

'It's a watershed for our relationship with the Earth and with nature. It fundamentally changes the way seven billion people are going to interact with the world, and I'm not sure the system is going to be controllable in the way we want.'Three taxpayer-funded schemes will today publish the results of five years of research into geoengineering.

Each report will confirm that we are many years away from seeing any project work outside the laboratory.

One of the touted projects includes spraying low-level clouds with sea salt to m

ake them reflective to the sun; another would pump aerosols or sulphur particles into the atmosphere to disperse sunlight; and others would see greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide sucked out of the air to reduce global warming.


One of the proposals to geoengineer our planet

involves Solar Radiation Management (SRM), pictured,which would involve releasing small particles into the stratospherethat reflect some of the incoming solar radition.This would then allow Earth to cool instead of continuing to warm like it is now 

One of the biggest risks is disrupting the delicate balance of land and sea weather influences.

The scientists admit that each technology they investigated could lead to damagi

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ng changes in rainfall patterns, leading to floods where there had previously been little risk, and droughts elsewhere.

Another danger specifically linked to sulphur particles is the destruction of atmospheric ozone, a vital barrier to harmful solar radiation that can trigger skin cancer and have damaging effects on plants and animals.

Dr. Watson said the day may come when the use of such technologies cannot be avoided.'We are swimming, drowning, in a sea of ignorance. This terrifies me. But doingnothing is not an option.'

'Unless we're very wrong about climate change or quickly change our ways, at some point we're going to have to 'go outside' [with these technologies],' he said. 

Several proposals for geoengineeringhave been proposed, illustrated here,But Dr Watson said resorting to these measures amounted to usadmitting we could no longer save the planet by managing our global emissions- and meant we had failed to look after Earth 

He stressed that without drastic cuts in greenhouse emissions, global warming wa

s on course to make the world 4°C (7.2°C) hotter by 2100.'That's going to have a profound effect on the planet,' he added.Professor Piers Forster from the University of Leeds, who has also investigatedclimate engineering projects, said:'Our research shows that the devil is in the detail. Geoengineering will be much more expensive and challenging than previous estimates suggest and any benefits would be limited.'Professor Steve Rayner of Oxford University, who has researched the legal and ethical ramifications of geoengineering, said:'Mostly it is too soon to know what any of these technology ideas would look like in practice or what would be their true cost and benefit. But it's almost certain that geoengineering will be neither a magic bullet nor Pandora's Box.'He said that each technology would have to be shown to be safe, effective and af

fordable before it was trialed - but added:'They will probably be part of the tool box.'

 'Unless we're very wrong about climate change or quickly change our ways,at some point we're going to have to "go outside,"' added Dr Watson.He stressed that without drastic cuts in greenhouse emissions(stock image shown), global warming was on courseto make the world 4°C (7.2°F) hotter by 2100 

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