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Post on 28-Jan-2016




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Registration-Inscripcin Contents - 35 Inconvenient Truths - The Errors in Al Gores Movie - Al Gore and Venus Envy - Al Gore Forecasted "Ice-Free" Arctic by 2013 - Ice Cover Expands 50% - Al Gore Makes Embarrassing Mistake by Severely Misstating Sea Ice Loss Prediction - Al Gore's Climate Calculations Prove Wrong - AGAIN...! - Al Gores Green Genocide - The New Environmentalist Eugenics - Al Gores Science Fiction - A Skeptics Guide to An Inconvenient Truth - A Skeptics Primer on Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth Additional Information - Al Gore's Science Fiction - A Skeptic's Guide to An Inconvenient Truth - Climate Madness - Climategate Meets The Law - Senator Inhofe to Ask for Department of Justice Investigation - Evangelizing Warming - Climatologists Trade Tips on Destroying Evidence - Global Warming and The Ideology of Anthropogenic (Human Caused) Climate Change - Global Warming Zealots At It Again! - The More They Lie, The More The Science Community Suffers - If Carbon Dioxide is So Bad for The Planet, Why do Greenhouse Growers buy CO2 Generators to Double Plant Growth? - IPCC Economists Statement That Climate Change Is Really About Wealth Redistribution - Not News - On the Coldest Day in America in 20 Years, here are Al Gore's Stupidest Global Warming Quotes - Our Glaciers Are Growing, Not Melting - More Falsehoods From Al Gore - Planetary Warming Uncertain - Says The Royal Society - Post-Gore and The Coming Carbon Climb-Down - Some Convenient Distortions - The Human-Induced Global Warming Agenda - Times Atlas Publishers Apologize for 'Incorrect' Greenland Ice Statement - Time Waits for No One It Seems - "The Times" Comprehensive Atlas of The World 13th Edition - Why Environmentalists are Celebrating Rising CO Levels - Al Gore Backlash Multimedia - Al Gore Debates Global Warming - Al Gore Lying At COP15 Copenhagen Climate Conference - Al Gore Sued by Over 30.000 Scientists for Fraud - John Coleman - An Inconvenient Truth - An Inconvenient Truth... or Convenient Fiction? - David de Rothschild y El Fraude del Calentamiento Global - Debunking David de Rothschild and The Global Warming Hoax - Global Warming - A Pseudoscience... - Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul - Jesse Ventura on Global Warming - Conspiracy Theory - Marlo Lewis Critiques Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" - Not Evil, Just Wrong - Science According to Al Gore - Earth Interior Millions of Degrees - The Global Warming Scam - Roger Revelle and Al Gore - Una Verdad Incmoda - Una Vision Casi Apocalptica Del Planeta - Al Gore Return to Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience... Return to Temas / Paraciencia Return to The Global Elite