glitz & glamour at the 2019 debutante ballwedderburn college debutante ball held at the...

Wedderburn Community News [email protected] July, 2019 GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALL With a stage set straight from a fantasy movie the 2019 Debutante couples were sure to have a magical evening at the recent Wedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was an extraordinary work that set the atmosphere for the whole evening. Ned built a tree trunk with two branches that stretched to the roof of the hall and across the whole 6 metres of the stage. This was complimented with a backdrop of an old forest. For photos and the Debs stories turn to pages 8 and 9.

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Page 1: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Community News

[email protected]

July, 2019


With a stage set straight from a fantasy movie the 2019 Debutante couples were sure to have a magical evening at the recent

Wedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute.

The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was an extraordinary work that set the atmosphere for the whole evening. Ned built a tree trunk with two branches that stretched to the roof of the hall and across the whole 6 metres of the stage. This

was complimented with a backdrop of an old forest. For photos and the Debs stories turn to pages 8 and 9.

Page 2: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Inside the WCN July Edition

July Editorial Marg van Veen

Page 2 — Editorial & Index

Page 3 — Biggest Morning Tea, New generation & Quiz

Page 4 — Community House courses

Page 5 — Redbacks Ball

Page 6 — School Holiday program

Page 7 — Local karate kid in Victorian Championships

Page 8 & 9— Deb Ball 2019

Page 10 — Courses, Shearing school 2019

Page 11— Malaysian Night Inn & Spotlight on Care group

Page 12 — Community House membership drive

Page 13 — Story behind the grave

Page 14 — Community notices

Page 15 — Pete’s plant picks & Anglican church services

Page 16 — IDHS Mental health first aid course

Page 17— Men’s Health Night & Quiz answers

Page 18 — Senior of the year & community notices

Page 19 — Early communications & E-waste ban

Page 20— Community listings

Page 21— Rex Cinema & Ask Agnes

Page 22 — What’s on show in the bush

Page 23— Hockey & netball reports

Page 24 & 25— Football report

Page 26 & 27– Business advertising

Page 28— Calendar of events

If you would like the details and meeting dates of your community group on the monthly events calendar or if you would like to have an article published, then please contact Wedderburn Community House

by the 20th of each month on: 5494 3489 ,

Or you can email your details to: [email protected] or [email protected]

Community and Volunteer group details are advertised free.

Please try to write articles in format we can transfer easily such as Word or Publisher and ads or posters need to be in a finished format and saved as Word, Publisher or Jpeg.

Community Telephone Book. If you have changed your contact details in the past year,

or are new to the area, please contact Elizabeth Canfield at the Wedderburn Community House on 54943489 .

Advertising Rates for S & S.

Community groups - Annual amount of $50.00

donation appreciated but not compulsory.

Business Sponsorship: $15.00 a month ( 4x9cm ) $150.00 per year (4 x 9cms)

Deadline: 20th of the month

Larger ads available.

Contact Marg for prices.

Support your local newsletter

Wedderburn Community News 2

Community house & Visitor Information hours are 9am-5pm: Mon-

day to Friday.

Visitors Centre weekends 10am—4pm

What glorious weather we have been having for mid winter. Just the right amount of rain and sunshine. Perfect for the garden and

hopefully the crops.

Last week I attended a workshop called ‘Curious about Cimate’, in which 10 guest speakers spoke about their communities’ ideas and strategies to cope with changes in the weather. They ranged from no till farming, to council green rubbish bins, to local plant nurseries. It was interesting to meet people from other rural communities across the region, to share ideas and see how we can work together. The next workshop will be in INGLEWOOD at the Community House on 8th August, called EXPAND YOUR IMPACT—CARING FOR CLIMATE.

On a more local note, the hard work of the many people trying to protect the Mallee Fowl seems to be paying off with two sightings in recent weeks. One such sighting was of 2 Mallee Fowls crossing the Old Boort Road from one revegetation site to another revegetation site. They have been seen in this location before, indicating that the various revegetation projects happening around Wedderburn are providing important habitat for the birds and is linking up their breeding grounds. Wonderful news for the future of

this elusive local icon.

The Community House is trying to do its bit in helping the local environment too. Our volunteers are busy expanding our plant nursery, with an emphasis on native species suitable for local gardens. We have also formed a crew that will go out one day a week to work on community projects, with the first being sprucing up Hard Hill. The crew will also be involved in important revegeta-

tion projects, improving the future for local flora and fauna.

Page 3: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Community News 3

QI Quiz Questions;

1. Albert Sauvy coined what term in the 1950’s?

2. What trio were originally called ‘the Rattlesnakes’?

3. The Fields Medal is equal to a Nobel Prize in what area?

4. What is the Hebrew word for adversary?

5. What is the capital of Venizuela?

6. What was unusual about Joe Davis—the World Snooker


7. What’s round in London and Paris, but square in New York

8. Which Mediterranean country’s orchestra is bigger than its army?

9. What links: stags tails, pickled worms, gallstones and to-matoes?

10. Baked beans were originally served in what sauce?

Answers of page 17


The Coach House Gallery & Museum recently held their annual Biggest Morning

Tea fundraiser, raising a phenomenal $1,715.35 for the Cancer Council.

As with previous years the Coach House ladies delivered morning tea packs

across the community on the Monday for people who could not attend the actual

event on the Tuesday. This year they had record numbers of orders with Wed-

derburn College, the Loddon Shire and every business on the High street sup-

porting the fundraiser. The ladies and their supporters delivered 80 packs across

the town.

The following day another 70+ people attended the event at the Coach House

Gallery. They were spoilt with a variety of delicious home made cakes, Glenda’s

famous sausage rolls and slices, with hot tea and coffee available to wash it all


Robyn Vella gave a talk about the importance of looking after yourself and being

aware of any changes in your body, as she is recovering from long term treat-

ments for breast cancer herself.

The Coach House crew were supported by members from the Care Group, who

sold raffle tickets for the wonderful prizes that had been donated. The prizes

included a hand-made bag, a quilt made by the Patchwork Group, an iron and a

set of beautiful photos taken by Dave Thomas.

The Coach House ladies would like to thank the Wedderburn community for their

support of the event, the raffle and those that brought plates of cakes to share on

the day. “This event is a real community effort”, said Denise Nichols, “and the

amount we raised is indicative of the wonderful, generous community we live in.”


The Wedderburn CFA fire brigade elected youngsters James Cook and Harry

Hargreaves to become top ranking officers last week.

James will be the new first lieutenant and Harry the new second lieutenant from the 1st

of July onwards. They will assist captain Anne Hassell over the next two years in

leading the brigade and in keeping the community safe from fire. The brigade supports

James and Harry in their new roles and the older Wedderburn fire fighters are very

happy seeing the new generation stepping up to take up these important roles in our


Page 4: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

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Page 5: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

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Saturday 22nd June was the annual Redback Ball. This year

it was in Bendigo at the All Seasons Resort in the Fernery

Room. Almost 120 players, parents and supporter dressed up

to the nines and attended the fun social evening where a deli-

cious two course meal was served and Chris DeAraugo's

band "Harlem" had everyone dancing well into the early hours

of Sunday morning. The evening was once again organized

by the very efficient Corey Lowry and Meg Lockhart. For the

second year running Corey and Meg did a wonderful job

getting everything sorted for the evening and assuring that

everyone had a great time, the club thank them both for all

their organizing and time and effort put into making it a huge


The Redback Ball has now been running for around ten years

and it has become a very looked forward to event each

season on the Redbacks social calendar. Next season will

more than likely see it back in Wedderburn as it is held in

Bendigo and then Wedderburn each year about, so make sure

you keep an eye out for next years Ball early in the 2020 season and lock it into your diaries as it is assured to be a fantastic

night out once again.

The next social function will be our major fundraiser with the Goods and Services Auction. Saturday 20th July after we play

Wycheproof will see the social rooms filled with many items up for auction, from day trips to meal vouchers to memorabilia, there

will be everything and anything up for grabs, make sure you don't miss out on the chance to grab yourself something on offer.

There will also be a delicious home cooked meal before the auction so you won't go hungry. If anyone would like to make a do-

nation to the auction please see one of the Redback committee members.

We are also excited to be holding our first ever "past players day", Saturday 3rd August when we play Charlton. This will be a

day for all our past players, committee and supporters from all three codes, football, netball and hockey to make their way back

to their beloved Redbacks and watch the current day Redbacks playing. The day will also coincide with the annual "Woosang

Cup" where the winner of the senior football game between Wedderburn and Charlton will get the opportunity to hold the

Woosang Cup aloft! There are some plans to have former players as guest speakers and other exciting plans for the day, so

make sure you let any past players know of this exciting day and book a date with them.

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Here's a little exciting update regarding Leah McCoy and her fellow team mates.

On the evening of Saturday the 25th of May Leah McCoy, supported by her family, head coach

and fellow competitors, attended Karate Victoria's Official State team presentation evening in


Leah McCoy, father and son duo Troy and Tyson Hoban and Susie Oh all from Kokoro Kai Kara-

te club in Maryborough / Dunolly where all named representatives of the 2019 Karate Victoria

State Team who will perform at the National Karate Championships in Tasmania come August.

This massive achievement comes after many hours spent training and competing at state level.

For Leah and Tyson it will be their first time competing at a National level. Both are excited, nerv-

ous but also determent to give their all as they fight to keep the Kata National title in Victoria.

All four competitors along with three other club members competed in round two of the National

All Styles competition in Melbourne the following day. Leah (now purple belt - two belts and

possibly two to three years off black belt) once again had a strong field of twelve black and brown belt competitors while Tyson was

faced with ten other opponents. Both bought home gold in their respective fields while ten year old Zach Lynch grabbed third in his

division with sixteen year old (previous Nationals representative) Caitlyn Ray secured second place in her division. Susie Oh won

gold and silver in the two divisions she competed in which is a fantastic effort. David Nichols was met with some tough competition

while injury plagued Troy Hoban on the day. Neither were able to come away with a medal. Father and coach Troy was so very

proud of everyone's efforts on the day. We all were.

Leah, Troy, Tyson and Susie now have their sights set on spending as much training time on the tatami as possible as they work

toward honing their skills before Nationals in Tasmania.

As if competing at one National Championships is not enough all of the clubs competitors will then work toward competing at the

NAS State and National Championships later in the year.

For a club of 50-60 members, to have four to seven represent our state at National level is a fantastic achievement and one head

coach and head of style Shihan Peter Jackson is very, very proud of. This group, especially the younger members, are proof that a

healthy mix of hard work, determination combined with a love and passion for their chosen sport they really can achieve anything.

The sky is the limit and we wish them all well as they strive to obtain goals beyond their wildest dreams.

Who knows maybe one day Leah and Tyson will represent Australia at an Olympic level.

(Group photo from left to right - back row: Troy Hoban coach and competitor,

Shihan Peter Jackson - Head Coach and Head of style in Victoria . Front row :

Leah McCoy, Tyson Hoban and Susie Oh .)

Page 8: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Community News 8

WHITE WONDERS AT WEDDERBURN DEB The Deb was a night to remember for all members of the Wedderburn College Debutante Ball set. The

theme of the magic far away tree was nothing short of amazing with the stage looking as incredible as

ever. The debutantes and their partners underwent an intense training program to make sure they were

looking sharp on the dance floor whilst being handsome and elegant descending the stairs. The debu-

tantes and their partners have each put together their favorite memories from the deb to share with you.

Tess Jackson: The most enjoyable part of the deb for me was doing it with such a great group of people, I wouldn’t

have changed it for the world. I look back on my photos and feel grateful for all my friends. I also enjoyed dancing

with all my friends and family after presentation especially my father daughter dance!

Izzy Rollinson: My most favourite part of the Debutante Ball was the hours leading up to the big moment before we got to step out

on stage in front of the big crowd. The excitement growing inside of me whilst we

were making the last finishing touches to the hall was one of the best feelings and I

would love to relive that moment.

Elliot Reeves: My favourite part of the Wedderburn College Debute was dancing in

front of my friends and family. I also enjoyed dancing with my friends and family after

the deb was finished. I like to thank Dede and Thomas for teaching us the dances I

thoroughly enjoyed training every Tuesday.

Tobi Shelley: The most memorable moment from the deb this year was getting to

dance and spend time with all my closest friends. Trainings were always fun as we

all get along well. We were always having a good laugh.

Trent Jackson: My most memorable moment would be first walking out even though

I did it last year it looked like we had a lot more people come this year, staring out

into the wall of people made me a little nervous but it was a lot of fun.

Jayden Leach: One of my favourite parts from the Debutante Ball was scrubbing up alright and dancing in front of everyone with

my friends from class. Another one of my favourite parts was after it all finished we got to relax and got to dance with everyone we

wanted to.

Mikala Mcneill: One of my favourite parts of doing the Wedderburn Debute was being able to do it with all of people I have grown

up with. Learning all of the new dances was challenging at times, but trainings were so much fun, it’s safe to say that we all can’t

thank Dede enough. The Deb was an incredible experience and something I will remember forever.

Sam Lockhart: Things I enjoyed most about participating in the Debutante Ball include learning new dances that I had not learnt

last year, spending quality time and bonding with students who I have not spent much time with during my years of schooling and

creating another memorable moment in my life.

Grace Lockhart: My favourite memory from the Debutante

Ball was being able to dress up and wear pretty dresses

and have my hair all done up to do the deb with my best

friends. It is something that I will remember forever with

people who have been in my class for a long time.

Gerard Dehne: The 31st of May 2019 was a night to

remember where seven couples did their deb. The theme

the far away tree gave us a nice realistic looking tree.

Thanks Lennie for making the tree and painting the back-

ground. Thanks Dede for teaching us how to dance and

everyone for coming and a big thank to Keely for being my


Page 9: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Community News 9

Ethan Isaac: My favourite part of the Wedderburn College Debutant Ball was dancing and having a good night in front of my friends

and family. After the deb was finished I also liked dancing with whoever I wanted. I enjoyed every training and can’t thank Dede and

Thomas enough.

Chris Giorlando: One thing I enjoyed from the deb was trying to put the special dance all together, we all got lost and had no idea on

what came next or what to do which was funny watching a bunch of clueless teens make up some dance moves. But eventually after a

few more practices we nailed it down pat and it turned out to be the most loved dance of the night.

Keely Buschmann: On the 31st of May I did my deb with Gerard. My favorite part of the deb would be getting to dance all together

because it was fun and enjoyable. It’s a great moment to look back on one day. Thank you everyone for making it a special moment for

each other.

Holly Winslett: My favorite part of the night would have to be the special dance! It was fun to do

after the formal dances and something different that no one really expected, it’s also a fun way to

finish off the night with a dance where we can be a bit silly.

The debutantes are forever grateful for the time and effort put in by all the volunteers and hope

that next year’s debutantes enjoy it as much as they did!


Isobella Rollinson and Jayden Leach

Tobi Shelley and Trent Jackson

Keely Buschmann and Gerard Dehne

Tess Jackson and Ethan Isaac

Mikala McNeill and Elliot Reeves

Grace Lockhart and Christopher Giorlando

Holly Winslett and Samuel Lockhart


Dede Williams

Thomas Jackson

Flower Girl

Viktoria Bingham

Page Boy

Luke Martin

Principal : Ms Rachel Lechmere

Vice-Principal: Mr. Dean Lockhart (also MC)

School Council Presidents: Carolyn and Ralph Stephenson

Parents Association President: Kylie Cunningham


Mr. Danny Fowles

Miss Kirsten Graham

Story compiled by Tess Jackson

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E: [email protected] W:

Cost $5 a session

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Wedderburn Community News 11

MALAYSIAN CUISINE A DELICIOUS HIT FOR TOWN Wedderburn Community House hosted it’s first Pop Up Restaurant recently with Malaysian Night

Inn. Well known local Liza Azahar was in charge of the kitchen with support from Jane Rowley

and new resident Rena Borg. The ladies looked stunning in traditional outfits and added to the

lovely atmosphere of the restaurant with Malaysian music playing in the background.

It was a very relaxed friendly evening with customers moving around the tables catching up with

people and many making new acquaintances. They enjoyed a feast for the taste buds with slow

cooked Rendang Beef, Red Chicken, Ghee Rice and Pineapple Salsa , followed up with the Ma-

laysian Royal pudding.

The following morning a smaller group of food

enthusiasts attended a Malaysian cooking class.

At the session they mastered the art of producing

Beef Rendang, Ghee Rice and Pine-

apple Salsa. It was wonderful to see

predominantly men attending the

class, demonstrating their excellent

culinary knowledge. After the class we

all shared in a meal of our mornings


All involved enjoyed the culinary ad-

venture and wait with anticipation for

our next Pop Up restaurant and cook-

ing class. We hope to hold our next

weekend in August. I wonder where in

the world we will end up next time.

John & Rena Borg, Nada, Liza & Mick Azahar

Spotlight on Community Groups in Wedderburn: Wedderburn Care Group

Wedderburn Care Group, is a dedicated group of well established crafters who meet each Tuesday to work creating gift packag-

es and beautiful handmade gifts for people in need.

Wedderburn Care Group has a working studio for needlecraft at the Donaldson Park Pavilion area of the local trotting track.

With four sewing machines and eight overlockers, the group work on the production of heat packs of wheat, small support pil-

lows, tote bags and care bags for hospital emergencies. While the machines whirr, others are knitting and crocheting warm knee

rugs, scarves and beanies to keep the blustery winter chill at bay. The materials used are of new quality, as the group have

kindly received donations of new fabrics, wools and equipment and gratefully cherish these supplies for the generous charity


The care group create individual packs which they gift to those in need. One pack created by the group is arranged for unex-

pected journeys to hospital. It is a care pack of simple toiletries such as shampoo and soap and a face towel for immediate use

upon arrival. The ladies also make comfort totes which are soothing items for pain and discomfort. These have small pressure

wheat pillows which can be heated in the microwave and other items which suit longer periods of convalescence. The crocheted

and knitted garments, traditional as generational crafts, are for use in recovery and the day to day comfort of home.

Denise Caulfield can be contacted on 0418 330 777. She can advise you about the Wedderburncaregroup and orginise assis-

tance packages for your use.

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Wedderburn Community News 13


Margaret Grant was the youngest daughter of Lewis and Louisa Grant. She was born at Balmoral, Victoria in 1868. At various times,

the Grants lived at Spring Hill Station and at Torpicen Station. Her father began acquiring land near Wedderburn in 1869, after the

passing of the Selection Acts.

Lewis Grant acquired a smaller parcel of land from the original 25,000 acres at Tor-

picen. Lewis was thrown from a horse and broke his back in 1869, but lived for some

time after the accident. A business partner, Alexander McQueen, left his share of the

property to Louisa Grant on his death.

Lewis and Louisa had a son, Robert, who died of scarlet fever and three daughters,

Margaret, Marian and Louisa. Margaret was considered ‘delicate’ and never married.

From all accounts, Margaret was close to her sisters and spent time with one in Mel-

bourne, where she enjoyed visits to theatres and restaurants.

In 1913, Margaret decided to order a new buggy to visit her sister Louisa and brother in

law, James Edwards. Her nephew persuaded her to buy a car instead, so that he could

drive, with her sitting beside him. Margaret purchased a 1913 Buick ECX25. Alan

Esmore of St Arnaud acquired parts of the car from Polkinghorne’s farm and restored

the car between 1968 and 1974. Edwin Holt recalls Margaret driving around the district.

Margaret had a strong Christian faith and donated money towards the building of the Kurraca Presbyterian Church. The church was

eventually relocated to Wedderburn, where it is located behind the Uniting Church. There is a plaque inside the building commemo-

rating her role in the establishment of the church.

On Friday, March 30, 1923, the Wedderburn express reported

the death of Margaret Grant:

“After a long illness, Miss Margaret Grant passed away on Sat-

urday last. The de-

ceased was 55 years

of age and for a num-

ber of years had lived

with her sister (Mrs

Edwards) at Kurraca.

She was born at Bal-

moral, being a daugh-

ter of the late Lewis Grant.The funeral took place to the Wedderburn Cemetery on Monday,

the length or the cortege testifying to the great respect in which the deceased was held.

Practically every family for miles around was represented, and the expressions of regret

heard on all sides were very sincere.”

Margaret Grant is buried in Plot #611 in the Presbyterian section of the Wedderburn Ceme-


(Thank you to Edwin Holt, Peter Norman and Ruth Maxwell for their assistance with this



If you believe you have lost either of these items while visiting the Wedderburn Community Centre (either the Community House,

library, or health services), then please come and see the reception staff Monday to Friday 9am—5pm.

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Sunday 7th July 2pm—5pm

At Wedderburn Senior Citizens Hall

Peters St Wedderburn

$5 per head - door prize

Please bring a plate of food to share

No RSVP required, just arrive....

For more information please contact

Dede on 0407 871 327

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Wedderburn Community News 15

Holy Trinity, Wedderburn – Anglican Parish of Charlton-Donald July 2019

Generous hearts that keep giving

Again and again, I see our congregations and our communities keeping the Word of the Lord through actions that come from a generous heart. In so many ways, they show care, concern and love for one another. When someone is sick, they rally around – with help and with prayer. When someone has experienced grief or loss in their lives, they reach out, they offer comfort and care. They truly yield a harvest from their kindness and caring. Continued effort and demonstrated faith mean so much to people. It makes the difference. This is what it is all about – living out our faith with gener-osity and perseverance. As in the reading, because of your efforts, you are blessed. And so too is our community, to have people like you in our


“Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance.” Luke 8:15

This month’s services: Enquiries: Reverend Judi Bird 0435 593 359

Pete’s Plant Picks

This month`s plant pick is: Vitis species or Grape Vines,

For many people out there, there is nothing better in summer than to eat a bunch of juicy grapes, preferably

when they have been cooled in the fridge. Not only are grapes delicious to eat but they are loaded with vita-

mins, minerals and antioxidants. Grape vines have been cultivated by humans for thousands of years, for the

production of wine, dried fruit and to eat straight from the vine. Human use of this plant can be traced back to

6,500 BC in Asia Minor. It is estimated that at present, there are 35 trillion litres of wine produced around the

world annually. One of the reasons for this plant`s popularity is that grape vines are relatively easy to grow

and can withstand a wide range of climatic conditions. While the production of wine is the main use of grapes,

this article will concentrate on the production of table grapes, as wine making is a complex activity requiring

specialist skills and equipment. Most grape vines are very long lived. Some vines, like the one outside the

Royal Hotel in Inglewood, are over 100 years old.


Wine production, shelter, dried fruit production, livestock fodder, jams, medicinal purposes, screening and

ornamental uses.


Plant the vines in a sunny, well drained location, with regular watering until established, or the first year or so. After that, the vine is very drought

tolerant and requires very little maintenance. Grape vines are ideal for the climatic conditions around Wedderburn and surrounding districts. They

can tolerate periods of moisture as long as it is not waterlogged for extended periods. The best time to plant most trees and shrubs is late summer

to early autumn, while the soil temperature is still warm, which will promote vigorous root growth.


Once the plant is established, grape vines need minimal care. Deep watering during hot dry summers will be beneficial if you want juicy large fruit.

When watering, make sure that water penetrates the soil, as light sprinklings will just evaporate in a matter of hours. Mulching is always recom-

mended when planting vines in Wedderburn and surrounding districts as rainfall can be sparse and spasmodic. The quantity and size of table

grapes is dependent on the amount of water they receive in the weeks and months before picking.


Grape vines are extremely hardy once established. They grow best in a position of full sun, but can tolerate some shade, Pruning during winter is

essential for the production of good crops. If grape vines are left unpruned, the quality of the fruit will be compromised. A frame or trellis for the

grape vines to attach themselves to is essential. In most cases the vines may need to be tied initially with string, before they develop tendrils. One of

the major problems associated with growing grapes is that they are attractive as a food source to birds, especially the local honeyeaters. Netting of

the vines is recommended to protect the fruit, as birds will more than likely just take one peck at each grape, which will then quickly shrivel and rot.


There are many species of tables grapes available, with new varieties coming on to the market every year. Varieties can be seeded or seedless and

range in colour from green, red and black and every shade in between.

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Recycled Plant Pots Please consider donating any recyclable plant pots you may have

in your garden, to the Wedderburn Community House.

24 Wilson Street, Wedderburn.

Or telephone 5494 3489 to arrange collection.

Wedderburn Community News 17


- 12TH JUNE 2019 On a wet and cold evening at Wedderburn, 30 brave men dominated the condi-

tions to attend a evening that provided an opportunity for MEN to talk about MEN’s

stuff. It was great to see MEN taking the time to sit down and have a chat with

each other.

The Men’s Health night was a chance to discuss their health and focus on the

choices we make that impact on our health.

We were extremely fortunate to have 2 guest speakers Josh King and David

Heath. Josh is from Ambulance Victoria, Josh gave an overview of the health sta-

tistics in the Loddon Shire. These statistics are a bit alarming and highlighted the

need for the MEN of Loddon to make some better choices.

David Heath is the first Urology Nurse Practitioner in Australia, David provided a

very comprehensive yet enjoyable discussion about MEN’s plumbing and debunk-

ing the myths around prostate testing!!!

We not only had experts in their field but also MEN from our community that pro-



into their


journeys around their health.

IDHS would like to thank David Grant, Cameron Turnbull

Lance Ward and Ric Raftis for the amazing insights that

they provided. All of the stories were extremely powerful

and had a significant Impact on the crowd. Well done MEN.

Thank you to the Wedderburn Redbacks Inc for the use of

your facilities and also for cooking the BBQ. Also a big

thank you to the CFA, Lake View Hotel, Bridgewater Farm-

ware Wedderburn Lions Club and Inglewood Pharmacy for

supporting the event.

Answers to this months Quiz..

1. The Third World 2. The Bee Gee’s 3. Mathematics 4. Satan 5. Caracas 6. Blind in one eye 7. Underground / Metro / Tube Tunnels 8. Monaco 9. Once thought to be aphrodisiacs 10. Treacle / Molasses

Page 18: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Community News 18

New Members: Wanted and most welcome

We have:A fully equipped workshop (Woodworking and Metal)

Who we are: A group of men; who love to drink coffee/tea and work on our own and Community pro-jects. Working with, and Mentoring school children from Wedderburn College

We are: Planning to build a Community Vegetable and Drought resistant plants garden.

We Need: Good soil, Horse and Chook manure

We are open: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Please drop in and share a coffee with us Call Frank on 041 606 1947

NOMINATE A SENIOR OF THE YEAR Do you know an older Victorian who makes a difference in their community? Maybe it’s a leader who inspires others, a behind-the-

scenes organiser, or a person who delivers services. Perhaps you know an organisation that improves the lives of older people.

If so, you’re encouraged to nominate them for the 2019 Victorian Senior of the Year Awards.

Award categories include the Premier’s Award for Victorian Senior of the Year, Promotion of Multiculturalism Award, Healthy and Active Living Award, Veteran Community Award, Council on the Ageing Victoria Senior Achiever Awards and Age-Friendly Victoria


Nominations must be submitted by Friday 5 July 2019. For more information (and a nomination form) visit

awards .


Thankyou to all those people who donate jars and bottles to the Community House for relishes

and sauce. We have plenty of the jars at present, but are desperately short on small bottles.

If you have any glass bottles with metal lids, the size of a small soft drink bottle we would really

appreciate them, and all our happy sauce customers would be very happy too.

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Wedderburn Community News 19

EARLY COMMUNICATIONS By Peter Norman With the modern communications of today; smart phones, SMS, facebook and skype, my mind goes back to my early days with the then

PMG (Postmaster Generals Dept).

The girls on the manual exchanges were the ‘backbone’ of our communities; the reassuring voice in

times of distress. “ fire, fire” “do you wish to report a fire” that confident, reassuring voice of our girls,

“Please stay on the line”. Ring the fire alarm, ‘Where's the fire?’.

A phone call to Melbourne from Kaniva could take all day. Book it with the girls first, Ring Nhill exchange,

Nhill to Dimboola, Dimboola to Horsham , then Horsham would ring the Melbourne number. Just think;

busy to Nhill, busy Nhill to Dimboola, busy Dimboola to Horsham and then the Melbourne number would

dial busy!.

How many subscribers would ring and say “put me through to Joe Blow please”. Look out if the girls did

not know that number. Phone books, what were they?

Many is the time someone would ring for a person and the girls would say “he’s not home, just saw him out the window crossing the


Stock agents when organizing sheep sales would book many calls at a time and expect the next call to be on the phone at the end of the

previous call. They did appreciate this service at Christmas with many a box of chocolates for the girls.

E-WASTE BAN COMES INTO ACTION From Monday the 1st July the Victorian Government’s electronic waste (e-waste) ban will come into effect. The ban means no e-waste items can be put in your general household kerbside bin. Instead, e-waste items must be taken to one of Council’s landfill or transfer

station sites.

E-waste is classified as anything with a battery, plug or cord – from old phones, computers and household appliances to power tools and


According to Sustainability Victoria, e-waste is growing three times faster than general municipal waste. E-waste has many potentially hazardous and valuable materials that don‘t belong in landfill, as well as materials that can be recovered and reused – tin, nickel, zinc,

aluminium, copper, silver, gold and plastic.

As mentioned in a column at the beginning of this month, to help prepare for the e-waste ban, Boort Landfill and Recycle and the Ingle-

wood Transfer Station have upgraded their e-waste recycling facilities, including safely storing and collecting e-waste.

Council will continue to collect e-waste from all landfill and transfer station sites across the Shire after 1 July 2019. This will be transport-

ed to the upgraded infrastructure periodically for recycling collection.

Please note that the disposal of e-waste is subject to a fee. This is because of the costs involved in reprocessing these items (and some e-waste items requiring special handling due to the fact they

contain toxic chemicals).

To find out more about the e-waste ban go to

For opening days and times of Council’s landfill and transfer station sites (and fees) go to:

Wedderburn Golf Club Annual Tournament Date: Tuesday 23 July to Sunday 28 July | 10:00AM to 3:30PM

Ladies and men's events. Wedderburn Golf Club's annual tournament is played on our pictur-

esque course over 4 days, commencing on Tuesday 23 July concluding on Sunday 28 July.

23 July - Ladies 4 ball - hit off at 10.30am

26 July - Men's 4 ball - hit off at 10.30am

27 July- Ladies and men's stroke day - hit off 9.30am

28 July - Mixed day - hit off at 11am

Contact Jill Millie 0448 493 090

Wedderburn Golf Club, Boort – Wedderburn Road, Wedderburn

Page 20: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Men’s Shed are always happy to see new faces. The Men’s Shed is located on Racecourse Road at the Engine Rally Sheds.

9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Tuesday 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Thursdays

Meet at 7.30pm on the 4th Monday in the months of:

January, March, May, September, November

Janice McEwen—Secretary (0487 659 175)

Irene Finch; 0458 073 080 26 High Street, Wedderburn, 3518

OPEN: Monday—Wednesday; 9:30am—3pm



Wedderburn Conservation

Management Network

Wedderburn Men’s Shed

Wedderburn Senior Citizens

Lunch Monday’s 12 Noon

Robert Weymes 0412568891

Lions Club

Lions Club meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. 7.30pm

At the Lions Clubrooms: Mechanics Institute


Contact Lance on 0429943028

If you would like to become involved in caring for our local environment, join the WCMN.

Meets 1st Tuesday of each month At Wedderburn Community House, 7pm.

Contact Michael Moore on 5494 3542

Wedderburn Play Group

Wedderburn Bias Bowls

Every Monday 7.00pm at the Mechanics’ Hall Supper Room

Anyone of any age is welcome to come along, join in the fun and meet new friends.

If you would like to know more, come along on a Monday night, see what is involved and find out

more details.

Korong (Wedderburn)

Historical Society Inc.

Wedderburn College extends a warm welcome

to all families in our community to come along

and join in the fun of playgroup.

Every Tuesday from 9 am to 10.30 in the BER

building at the College.

Contact: Carlie Turnbull 5494 3011

Country Women’s Assoc.

Second Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm.

At the Senior Citizens Clubrooms.

Contact Rosie 0427 947 339 or Stacey 0437 943 628

Uniting Church

Contacts: Wendy Ward; 0427 943 028

Ruth Maxwell; 0427 058 544

Janice McEwen; 0487 659 175

Uniting Church, High St. Wedderburn.

Catholic Church

Service times / dates to be listed on the notice board outside the Catholic Church

For further Information : Louise: 0409 463011 Joan: 0409 800 631

Church of Christ

Worship service Sundays 11am After School club, Wednesdays.

Run by Debbie & Graham Milne.

Church of Christ. Cnr. Reef St. & Wilson St.

Contact Ian Hall 54943149.

Wedderburn Library

Monday to Friday

9am—5pm at W’burn Community Centre,

Wilson St, Wedderburn. 5494 3489

Holy Trinity Anglican Church

For monthly service times see article within.

Please contact 5494 3325 for information —-

Speaker: Rev. Judi Bird

In Her Shoes Ministries

Wednesdays 7.30pm

77 Wilson street, Wedderburn

0414 866 909

Wedderburn Community News 20

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Wedderburn Community News 21

Wedderburn Community Centre

Room Rental Rates 2017

Community Session $15

Private hourly rate $25

Private half day $50

Private full day $80

Weekly $350

Monthly $1300

Hello dear Agony,

I had to let you know about my latest conquest but also to ask your

advice about what to do with said conquest.

I met him online as we seem to do these days and at first he seemed too good to be true, we had so much in common but now as we go

things seem to have hotted up a bit.

Unfortunately he has popped the question and of course I don't want to

spoil a good thing by making it legal.

How on earth do I put him off without hurting his feeling?. He is awfully

sensitive and easily hurt.

Please help,

Sad Sally.

Dear Sally,

You don't seem so sad now!

Look, if you have a good relationship with this fellow you need to tell him the truth straight away. Be clear with what you want and what you

were expecting.

Hurting him now is much better than later and truth is good even if it

hurts a bit.

If he is really falling for you he won't worry too much. Good luck!

Agony Aunt.

Ask Agnes

Often at Scoop we have people asking our advice on

all sorts of topics. In response we have decided to

start our own Agony Aunt Agnes. To have your prob-

lems answered email Agnes at [email protected]



WHY: The group was started to assist people who were asking for advice on medical / financial /legal requirements and social responsi-bilities while they are carers. They didn’t know where to turn to for assistance because many carers don’t have social workers or other help avenues . Overall, they needed a “time-out” place so they could

talk to others doing similar voluntary work.

WHO: Carers are anyone who looks after a disabled child / adult / partner, an elderly family member or friend, and/ or a terminally ill person. HOW: We can guide you to the appropriate people who should be able to help with a problem. We can provide support for you when you’re down because we are all in the same situation . We are a member of the Victorian Carer’s Association and

have access to their resources if needed.

MEETING: We meet once a month at the Wedderburn Community

House @ 3.30pm.

Please contact Jenny Bligh - 5494 7204 (Co-Ordinator), for dates.

Dean Lauder –5494 3177 ( Founder)

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Wedderburn Community News 22


The orchid season is looking great for this year, with lots and lots of young plants, leaves and rosettes showing up in almost all

parts of the bush. These two beauties were found earlier this month –with plenty more to come. Flame Heath is in full flower ,

and the mistletoe (pictured right) in the trees are starting to bloom.

There is a few great spots along Queens Gully Road—just look for lots of small bushes like heath, broome bush and

melaleucas and lots of small mosses and lichens on the ground and go for a wander.

Keep your eyes open for

the smaller birds like blue-

wrens and robins (and the

shy Southern Scrub robin

(pictured left) as they like

the thicker undergrowth


Flame Heath and Pale Yellow

wattle make a beautiful show—

if somewhat spikey bouquet.

Pterostylis parviflora

(Tiny Greenhood)

Plant 8–25 cm tall, stem wiry,

with 3–6 leaves on stem.

Flowers 1–8, 7–10 mm long,

green and white, sometimes

with brownish petals.

Pterostylis revoluta



Flowering plants have

a single flower 20–

25 mm long, 9–12 mm

wide and which lean

forwards slightly. The

flower is borne on a

flowering stem 100–

150 mm high with

between three and five

leaves wrapped around

the stem. The flowers

are pale green and

white with a brown


Page 23: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Community News 23


The Redbacks are definitely mixing it up at the moment with girls in the footy team and boys in netball. This is a great move by

the Redbacks as it opens up the options for our young people to play a sport they enjoy.

The Redbacks junior teams now have three boys in the under 13s with Villi , Tyson and Aidan taking up positions. This shift

equals the three girls that are playing in

the Redbacks under 13’s football team

that we reported on recently. The result

on the day was a win for the 13A net-

ball, a draw for the 13B’s and a win for

the 16A’s.


Redbacks hockey welcomed Mac

Mathews to the under 15's hockey this

week. The results for the Under 15

team was a nil all draw. Our womens

team continue on their tour de force,

still undefeated this season.

The celebrations in the women’s team

continued after the game with two team

members having a shared 18th birth-

day party. Congratulations to Rochelle Vella and Beck Turnbull.


On Saturday 15 June Football and Hockey players wore Blue Socks to raise awareness of the Sockit2MND initiative.

What is Sockit2MND?

The aim of the Sockit2MND round is to: ⬆️ Raise awareness of MND within our local communities. ⬆️ Support those within our communities who may be suffering from MND or have a personal connection to MND. ⬆️ Raise vital funds to help continue to fund Australia’s best and brightest researchers towards finding effective treatments, and ultimately, a cure for MND. On this game day, let's be grateful to MOVE swiftly, BREATHE deeply and to SPEAK loudly. Let's continue to tackle this

"Beast", contest by contest, and "Play On!" until the game is WON!

The socks

are blue.

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Wedderburn Community News 24



If Redback supporters had not seen this seasons NCFL flag favorites in the first seven rounds they

certainly saw them at Donaldson Park on Saturday. The Richmond Tigers are not much chance in

2019 but the Sea Lake Nandaly Tigers are red hot.

A well drilled unit, the Tigers produced a brand of football any coach anywhere would like his team to

emulate. The running, support, backing up and accurate foot and hand passing the Tigers displayed

had the Redbacks chasing all day and were never in danger of suffering loss number one for season


Losing dynamic back pocketer Jayden Jones with a hamstring injury in the first term added to a grow-

ing Redback injury list and his run out of defence will be sorely missed for a few weeks.

Jake Hayes in stints forward and back marked strongly in both areas and was the Redbacks most

consistent performer throughout the game. Jackson Guan’s running off half back was again a feature

of his game. Jaran McKay and Jordan Hargreaves on ball both fought hard against strong opposition

and kept persevering until the final siren.

Tom Campbell at centre half forward offered many leads but had to deal with plenty of strong opposi-

tion while Darcy Jackson had stints at half back and half forward where his strength and determined

effort met with plenty of high grade Tiger talent.

The Tigers had contributors aplenty as they were able to outnumber the Redbacks at most contests

to three quarter time. Billy McInnes was a key, high marking forward and seven goals tells its own

story. Wade and Trent Donnan put their undoubted talents to good use while Luke Martin, Brady

Weir and Bryce Delmenico rounded out the Tigers top six closely followed by a bevy of teammates

well worth a mention.

The Redbacks now look to changing fortunes in the coming weeks. Final Scores Sea Lake NT 23-

20 d Wedderburn 8-6-54


A much anticipated contest between the top two teams, and supporters received value for money. A highlight and a winning formula was

the ability of the Tiger outfit to kick goals when opportunities presented. Nine goals before a miss was important in the final wash up. The

Redbacks had plenty of chances but too many misses was costly. Something to work on but more points than goals will on occasions

cause self inflicted pain.

One point separated the teams at half time. The Tigers seven goals straight to the Redbacks six goals five behinds was telling but even

more telling was the Tigers eight goals to two second half. Key forwards in Nathan Wight (6) and Ryan Parkinson (4) were on target and

the Redback defenders had their hands full.

The Tigers, undefeated at this time have plenty of talent at their disposal and were also well served by Rylee McGarry, Will Simpson,

Gardean Ellis and Drew McClelland. Final Scores Sea Lake NT 15-3-93 d Wedderburn 8-12-60

Under 16s

The Redbacks came up against the undefeated Tiger outfit and as expected the Tigers overall strength in key positions saw them in con-

trol from bounce number one. Their ability to use and share the ball well is in keeping with their undefeated status at this stage of the sea-

son. Despite the scoreboard indicating perhaps otherwise the Redbacks out scored the Tigers after half time. Maybe a good piece of tal-

ent sharing by the Tigers helped produce an even contest in the second half which in turn helps give players a good workout and specta-

tors are kept interested.

Despite what the scores may indicate the Redbacks had plenty of determined input.

Dale Kleehammer in the centre was effective in close and tight as he always contests strongly in his endeavours to put the Redbacks into

attack. Backs himself to win the ball and put it to advantage. Heath Lock and Finn Turnbull sharing the ruck duties and having a spell for-

ward both came under notice with Heath making the most of his opportunities and finding the goals on three occasions and Finn marking

strongly and contesting determinedly. Coby Cunningham defended grimly as the backline had plenty to deal with. Has recovered well

from early season injury and is making his presence felt more each week. Tyson Woodman has a heart as big as himself. He coura-

geously puts himself into contests where his opponents are always bigger and stronger. Not afraid to chase and tackle in his endeavours

Page 25: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was

Wedderburn Community News 25

to get the ball going the Redbacks way. Rohan Webb came under notice in his efforts to create chances in the forward line.

The Tigers had solid contributions from Tom Cox, Lachlan Wright, Brock Crowe, Rory McClelland, Tristan Dalbon and Angus


Final Scores Sea Lake NT 18-12-120 d Wedderburn 4-4-28

Under 13s

The mini Redbacks were missing a couple of key players in this contest but managed to put together a very creditable perfor-

mance against the third on the ladder Tigers.

Despite the scoreboard not ticking over regularly

the Redbacks fought the game out to the final siren

with all players having valued input at some stage.

Robert Whyman on the ball has little trouble finding

the ball week in week out. Runs all day, marks well

and knows what to do with the ball when he has it.

Neve Nisbet has gone from strength to strength

since being recruited from the AFLW in early May.

Put the Redbacks into attack from centre half back

many times and it appears the extra training un-

der father Tom’s guidance in the back paddock is

paying dividends. Aihen Turner is another of the

heart as big as himself brigade. Not afraid to go

and get the footy, tackle hard and do what he has

to do to get the Redbacks moving. Flynn Lock at

full back saw the ball coming his way often. De-

fended and spoiled well in his efforts to make life difficult for the Tiger forwards. Xander Kalmar in the early stages of his football

career gets involved in the contest and is showing plenty of promise as he continues to learn what the game is all about.

The Tigers in control all day were best served by Ethan Ellis, Callum Mott, Noah Barbary, Sophie McClelland, Jacob Cox and

Lucas McInerney.

Final Scores Sea Lake NT 12-12-84 d Wedderburn 0-1-1

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Wedderburn Community News 26


Monday – Thursday 8:30am-6:00pm

Friday 8:30am-7pm

Saturday 8:30am-4pm

Sunday 9:30am-4pm


Bottle Shop/ Deli

Fresh Fruit /veg/Meat

Digital Photo Kiosk

Mobile Phone

Pre-Paid Mobile

ATM 24 Hour Access (Bendigo Bank)

Bendigo Bank Agency

Glass Hire

Party Ice, Party Platters

Home Delivery

Mon—Fri 6am—5.30pm

Sat 6am—12.30pm

Sun 8am—12.30pm

Adult vaccinations Childhood immunisations Check up and medicals Baby growth & development. Cancer screening & Skin checks Counselling Electrocardiography Spirometry Liquid Nitrogen Freezing therapy Minor Therapy Pregnancy Testing Pap Smears Nutritional advice.

HOURS: Monday to Friday 8am—5.30pm









Open Hours.

Mon – Fri: 8am-5pm

Saturday: 8am-12pm

Ph.: 54943334

Mob: 0400350711

Mark Heman CPA B. Bus (Acc)

83 Wills St, Bendigo, Victoria, 3550

PO BOX 4075 Bendigo VIC 3552

Phone. (03) 5441 7154

Fax. (03) 5441 7514

Email. [email protected]


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Veracity Accounting is a CPA Practice / Business



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Wedderburn Community News 27


Bruce Hargreaves trading as E E Hargreaves & Sons

MBA 1413 DB-U 21036

ABN 52 619 044 373

Registered Master Builder specialising in building and construction work, exten-sions and renovations, glazing, window repairs, new homes, renovations, garag-

es, carports, decks, and pergolas. Please contact for a quote.

1 Hospital St Wedderburn Vic 3518 m. 0419 598 092 |p. 03 5494 3596

Email [email protected]

KurracaBurN Heights Boutique Accommodation

Bruce & Michelle Hargreaves 1 Hospital Street Wedderburn Victoria 3518 Phone: 0427 943596 Email: [email protected] Website:

Cahills Barristers and Solicitors Attending Wedderburn every second

Thursday 11.30am – 1.30pm.

By Appointment Only.

At the premises at 73 High St, Wedderburn.

For appointment contact Doug Cahill on 0428 507 138

or Cahills Solicitors, Bendigo on 54439344

Mobile Phone Recharges

Toys and Games

Account Payments

Great Birthday Giftlines & Cards

Watches and Wallets

Bank @ Post

Working W/Children Check

Office & School Stationary

Passports & Photos

Page 28: GLITZ & GLAMOUR AT THE 2019 DEBUTANTE BALLWedderburn College Debutante Ball held at the Mechanics Institute. The set designed and built by Ned with assistance from Ross Currie, was



tick o

n y

our frid












t S


1. Strength T

raining 1-2pm.


ork Group 10am


Indoor B

owls 7.00 pm

Supper room


uitar Lesson

s: 7pm

2. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and






Mech In

st. M

ens shed 9-4





ittee Meeting




SS: Tai C

hi P

g 6






r Lesso




3. C

’ Gallery /



Strength T

raining 11.30-12.30


ingo 1pm.

Singing 2pm W




unity lunches L

ions club meeting 7


4. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and




Men’s Shed 9am



hotography group 7











: K






5. C

raft Group 2pm


Strength Training 11










T. P





d : B



oach Hou

se Gallery and


: Ch


in Ju


7.Coach H

ouse Gallery and





ing group 4


Coach H

ouse Gallery and M





s in Ju

ly: A










8. Strength T

raining 1-2pm.


ork Group 10am


Indoor B

owls 7.00 pm

Supper room


uitar Lesson

s: 7pm


: AR






9. M

en’s Shed 9am—


W’burn C

are Group 10am


laygroup 9am-10.3

0 W’burn


C’ G

allery / M

useum 10-3




Mech In

st. N




ai Ch

i Pg

6 W


ly C


p. L


s PG



: CR









10. C

’ Gallery /



Strength T

raining 11.30-12.30


ingo 1pm.

Singing 2pm W




unity lunches C


Meeting @

7pm SnrC


11. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and




Men’s Shed 9am



hotography group 7










4 SH

P: L










12. C

raft Group 2pm


Strength Training 11



: LE












d 11










14. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and





ing Gro

up 4pm

15. Strength T

raining 1-2pm.


ork Grp.


oor Bow

ls 7.00 pm

Guitar L

essons: 7pm

16. M

en’s Shed 9am-4


Plygrp 9-1

0:30 W’burn C

ollege C

oach Hou

se Gallery 1



’burn Care G

roup 10am



Mech In

st. N




ai Ch

i Pg







r Lesso




17. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and




Strength Training 11.3


Singing 2pm W


, B

ingo 1pm


munity lunches

Lions club dinner 7pm

18. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and




Men’s Shed 9am


19. C

raft Group 2pm

Strength Training 11







RS 10am



. Pg





H. P





d 12



acks V





of /




21. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and





ing Gro

up 4pm


ntal H



irst Aid

. Pg


22. Strength T

raining 1-2pm.


ork Grp.


oor Bow

ls 7.00 pm

Guitar L

essons: 7pm

23. M

en’s Shed 9am-4


Plygrp 9-1

0:30 W’burn C

ollege C

oach Hou

se Gallery and




W’burn C

are Group 10am


allroom 7


Mech In

st N




ai Ch

i Pg







r Lesso




24. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and




Strength Training 11.3


Binging 2pm



Bingo 1pm



unity lunches W

ool Spinning 7-8pm




25. M

en’s Shed 9am-4


Coach H

ouse G

allery and M

useum 10am


26. C

raft Group 2pm

Strength Training 11


27. R










28. C

oach Hou

se Gallery and





ing Gro

up 4pm


Strength Training 1-2pm

. P

atchwork G


Indoor B

owls 7.00 pm


uitar Lesson

s: 7pm

30. M

en’s Shed 9am-4


Plygrp 9-1

0:30 W’burn C

ollege C

oach Hou

se Gallery and




W’burn C

are Group 10am


allroom 7


Mech In

st N




ai Ch

i Pg

6 W


ly C



ter L


s P

