glennie justice brochure

“We help our clients create the right culture for justice” Actions & Outcomes We work with organisations who want to bring about a step change in the way people view justice and rehabilitation. We help them spread their message with depth and intensity to a wide audience. We help people communicate from the heart about crime, change and empowerment. And in doing so, we establish a deeper connection and understanding between organisations, staff, service users, victims, partners and communities. With our knowledge, experience and connections, we help our clients create the right culture for justice and rehabilitation. Credentials Winner of the Attorney General’s award for ‘Excellence in Communication’ Over 30 years’ communications and marketing background with industry-leading qualifications Over 15 years’ specialist justice communications experience, delivering strategies and projects for over 50 different justice organisations Excellent justice connections and reputation Winner of over 20 national and international awards for ground-breaking justice film dramas Managed large teams of communications people on campaigns up to £1/2 million Ian Glennie & Associates Justice Communications Specialists Justice Communications glenniejustice

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A brief overview of the work of Glennie Justice - a PR and marketing company specialising in justice communications and engagement.


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“We help our clients create the right culture for justice”

Actions & Outcomes

• We work with organisations who want to bring about a step change in the way people view justice and rehabilitation. We help them spread their message with depth and intensity to a wide audience.

• We help people communicate from the heart about crime, change and empowerment. And in doing so, we establish a deeper connection and understanding between organisations, staff, service users, victims, partners and communities.

• With our knowledge, experience and connections, we help our clients create the right culture for justice and rehabilitation.


• Winner of the Attorney General’s award for ‘Excellence in Communication’

• Over 30 years’ communications and marketing background with industry-leading qualifications

• Over 15 years’ specialist justice communications experience, delivering strategies and projects for over 50 different justice organisations

• Excellent justice connections and reputation

• Winner of over 20 national and international awards for ground-breaking justice film dramas

• Managed large teams of communications people on campaigns up to £1/2 million

Ian Glennie & Associates Justice Communications Specialists








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inspiring solutions for change and growth

I think that your service is fantastic in bringing the work we do to life and showing the journeys that we are all on ~ victims, staff, offenders and partners. This is due to your technical/creative skills in making the words and graphics come together but couldn’t happen without the knowledge and experience you have of criminal justice.

Liz Rijnenberg, Chief Executive, Wales Community Rehabilitation Company

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Integrated care for victims

build communitiesCommunication helps

We help our clients engage with people at a

deeper level to promote and bring to life...

Restorative justice

Community rehabilitation

Service user motivation

Peer mentoring

Service user life stories

Organisational change

New projects & ways of working

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inspiring solutions for change and growth

Putting victimsat the heart of our care

Crime is a very personal affair for the victim. Your space is invaded and you can end up robbed of your property, your personal security, health and wellbeing. If you have been assaulted then the fact that statistics show that violent crime in the UK is reducing is irrelevant because you are the person who has been 100% affected.

That is why it is essential we find ways to make support for victims more person-centred.

For the victim, statistics are meaningless

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A crime is committed...the result of a moment’s recklessness, the addictive influence of drink and drugs, a response to mental health problems, abuse or intimidation or just cold self-seeking malice, greed and manipulation.

For the people who have been harmed, life changes instantly. They are often plunged into a state of pain and anxiety, their peace of mind lost along with their trust in the positive shared experience of community.

There is a tear in the unspoken bond of faith in community between people.

Justice demands that our rights are protected. It holds those who commit crime to account for their actions, it seeks fair punishment and expects people to reform.

For the people involved who want to change, it is the start of a long and often painful journey: to deal with the pain of loss on one side and the pain of guilt and shame on the other. It is a journey to get beyond the labels of victim and criminal and ultimately get back to being real people again.

Restoring torn lives

We help our clients:

• Promote integrated services that care for victims

• Build understanding and appreciation for restorative justice practices that help heal people and communities.

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inspiring solutions for change and growth

Creating the right culturefor rehabilitation at a deeper level

safeguarding and upholding the rights of victims

holding up a mirror to what people are doing

recognising that relapse is part of positive change

looking beyond instant gratification

empowering people to live their own lives

being accountable to someone outside of yourself

recognising that some people with convictions are also victims

setting safe boundaries for ourselves and others

having genuine relationships with people

persevering and getting back up again and again

being willing to learn

being part of a community of change

challenging those who would keep you trapped in your past

respecting people’s differences

planting seeds of change that will take root when ready

giving people the positive experience of being trusted

setting other people free so you can be free yourself

In the last fifteen years, we have had the privilege of working with some amazing people - people with convictions and professionals who have become change-makers for others and themselves. Here is some of what they have taught us.

Justice and rehabilitation is about ...

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Engaging with peopleat a deeper level

seeing the person beyond the behaviour

being honest with people

understanding we are all ‘works in progress’

believing in people until they can believe in themselves

giving love to people who feel they have no hope

progressively realising a worthy ideal

overcoming the pride of trying to change all on your own

Making rehabilitation relevant to people and giving them a voice.

Community Engagement

Giving people hope and inspiring their self-belief in positive change.

Service User Engagement

Making people feel valued and a vital part of the journey.

Staff Engagement

Building the trust for people to work together effectively in new ways.

Partner Engagement

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inspiring solutions for change and growth

Some recent projectsFor our full portfolio go to:

1. Promoting Community work2. Poetry workshop3. Raising the profile of probation4. Award for drug overdose film5. Brand building leaflets6. Annual report7. Brochure marketing8. Ground-breaking website9. Probation Journeys magazine10. Protecting Jayne film

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

9 10

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Justice Portfolio

11. Presenting a united front12. Interventions brochure13. Branded staff values14. Staff creative arts workshop15. Multi-platform website16. Sentencer engagement17. Award-winning DV film drama18. Capturing staff feelings19. News magazine for staff20. Cutting edge conference

11 12 13

14 15 16

17 18

19 20

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inspiring solutions for change and growth

Our communication skillsmake a difference

“Ian has great sensitivity and an ability to get beneath the surface of people and situations.”Riana Taylor, Operations Director, BGSW CRC

As communicators, we facilitate culture change by:

• APPRECIATING the cultural standpoint of people from across the spectrum of debate about criminal justice

• BUILDING a sense of community amongst staff, partners and service users by sharing our stories and journeys

• CELEBRATING milestones in the journeys of change of people and organisations

• CHALLENGING media labels and stereotypes about crime, victims and criminals

• COMMUNICATING professionally with a deep understanding of change rather than misleading oversimplifications

• CONNECTING with people at a deeper level so they empathise with the situations faced by others

• CREATING easy-to-understand and engaging presentations about the work of victim support, probation and rehabilitation

• EDUCATING people on the impact of language and its power to either trap or free people from existing ways of thinking

• EMPOWERING people with the words, ideas and feelings of hope and acceptance that make rehabilitation possible

• ENGAGING people in discussions about justice that are relevant to their own lives

• EXPLAINING justice theories and jargon in plain English • FINDING areas of common ground with those who have a

negative view of rehabilitation• GATHERING the hard-won experience of service users and

rehabilitation professionals on what works• INTERVIEWING people with sensitivity to reveal the depth of

struggle needed on the road to recovery and rehabilitation

• LISTENING carefully so that people’s views are heard and respected

• SPREADING best practice through engaging case studies of people, projects and programmes

• UNDERSTANDING the underlying causes of fear and prejudice towards people with an offending past so they can be progressively addressed and unpicked

• WRITING compelling life stories about positive change that large audiences want to hear

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We are mastersof our craft

Our communication skills

We have both the understanding of the message and the skill with the medium to share your story with a wide audience






News Media





Digital Comms


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inspiring solutions for change and growth

We are recognised for our excellence


do good

be free

be kind

be happy



personal support and expertise have been highly valued.”

Paul AvissMagistrate and former chair of Wiltshire Probation

We have worked with over 50 different justice and rehabilitation clients over the last 15 years - from across all sectors. Their good opinion means the world to us. Join us and you’ll be in good company.

“The workshop was my highlight of the conference. It was very moving, very inspirational and very very smart.”

Shadd MarunaAward-winning criminologist













Visit our website to read more testimonials.

Justice Communications



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Get involved and join the journey

insightpeople ideas

Every project starts with an idea and we like to share our ideas, lots of them, with our team colleagues, clients and partners - through our lively news magazine, Justice Inspiration.

To subscribe please visit our website.

Anyone who is looking to support victims and people on the journey of rehabilitation is our kind of person.

We are looking for clients who want to make a difference through the way they communicate - as well as for more researchers, writers, designers, film-makers and project leaders to create and carry the message.

Visit our website to find out more.

Finding solutions to the challenge of change requires all the experience and understanding we can muster.

Dive into the discussion and insights of people with something to say about justice in general and justice communications in particular.

Visit our website and see our blog series.

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Ian’s credentials

Ian Glennie and his team have won numerous awards for work in justice communications, including the Attorney General’s ‘Excellence in Communication’ award and Best Short Film at the International Film Festival in London for ‘Leaving’, the ground-breaking film about domestic abuse.

Award winnner

Working with clients for over 15 years, Ian has built up a network of colleagues and friends at every level within justice organisations, united by a common passion for rehabilitation. He is an advisory board member of No Offence! which has links with over 30,000 people in 60 countries.

Well connected

Our knowledge and understanding of how the justice system works is the foundation of clear communication.


The Glennie team have been described as some of the most creative people working in justice communications. We care about making a difference so that means pushing the boundaries of what is possible. It is vital if we are to make a stand against the simplistic ‘cops-and-robbers’ media narrative.

Cutting edge creative

Your fantastic service couldn’t happen without the knowledge and experience you have of criminal justice.

Liz Rijnenberg, CEO, Wales CRC

inside justice

A local community engagement programme around the opening of a new probation hostel was never going to be the easiest assignment but it inspired us to do more.

Sound judgement The Glennie team proved proactive and resilient on a very demanding public consultation and delivered imaginative and effective solutions.

Chris Hoare, former Chair, Wiltshire Probation

Our work often starts with getting to know people with convictions who have successfully turned their lives around. As our clients say, “you have to look beyond the behaviour to the person”. Only then can you understand what someone has gone through and communicate their story with passion.


Ian is married and lives with his wfie and two children in Chippenham in Wiltshire. He loves walking especially with his faithful and wonderful hound, Merlin. Hobbies include tennis, squash and a bit of golf.


The benefit of knowledge and experience is that you can know what is needed before people ask for it. We take a pro-active approach to our work for our clients. This enables us to generate the momentum in our campaigns that brings about change in opinion and culture.

Pro-active leader

inspiring solutions for change and growth

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Ian was born in Malaysia, one of the most multi-cultural societies in the world and yet people live together in relative peace. The considerate and respectful forms of communication I learnt there have had a strong and lasting influence on me.


Ian studied Geography, Social Anthropology and Linguistics at Cambridge University. Particularly helpful have been the insights into culture and communication; how we use symbol, stories and language to define who we are and what we make others out to be; social theory as well as cross-cultural examples of Restorative Justice.


As head of Marketing and Communications, Ian helped a social housing and urban regeneration developer grow from a £10 million into a £100 million turnover business. Worked on major regeneration projects in London, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter & Teeside.


Tasked by Wiltshire Council and BT to lead a £1/2 million three-year communications programme to increase broadband uptake. Conceived and ran the campaign, created materials and co-ordinated the efforts of many different private and publc sector stakeholders.

Campaign leader

Given responsibility for high profile public communication roles including: media support during the foot-and-mouth crisis; public health campaigns on everything from heart disease to cancer; comms strategy for a successful unitary authority bid; and media liaison for a coroner’s enquiry which hit the national news media.

Trusted partner

Advising Chief Executives and leading communications on a range of major organisational restructures of health trusts and hospitals in Wiltshire, Dorset, Cambridgeshire and London. Running consultations, writing manifestos for change, responding to front page headlines and communicating with staff about redundancies.

Change communicator

Ian is a long-standing member of both the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. He has a Diploma in Marketing with a distinction in marketing comms.

Well qualified

Street wise

Ian loves taking a ground-up, person-centred approach to communications that engages people’s real thoughts and feelings. Few projects have been as rewarding as steering an editorial team of teenage journalists through the creation of 20 editions of a countywide youth magazine.

outside justice Ian’s credentials

The film (Overdose Notes) is so good and the messages so relevant that I very much hope it can have a national audience

Stephen Shawformer Prison & Probation Ombudsman

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inspiring solutions for change and growth

Contact: Ian Glennie

07734 858121 | [email protected] | @ianglennie

We help our clients engage at a deeper level with victims, service users, communities, staff and partners so that they can get better results and outcomes

We communicate from the heart, connecting with people at the level of their vocation, ambition and deep desire for change and growth

We harness the power of the present moment so we can bring people together and achieve more than we thought possible

We are constantly cultivating our

skills to reliably deliver exceptional

projects that stand the test of time:

• Research and strategy

• Branding design

• Brochures and leaflets

• Magazines

• Books and resources

• News media

• Websites and apps

• Digital communications

• Films

• Events and performances

• Displays and interiors

• Photography

What we offer What we do

Reliably delivering exceptional projects of lasting value






ions“Ian and his team took a mix of

concepts and ideas and translated them into a publication of which we were very proud.”

Rob Menary, Chief Executive Dorset, Devon & Cornwall CRC

“Thank you for all your professionalism and creativity - and for making our conference the best we ever had.”

Annette Hennessy, Chief ExecutiveMerseyside CRC

Let me turn your desire for something more into something more tangible