glen eden intermediate school


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Intermediate School


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Glen Eden Intermediate



Page 2: Glen Eden Intermediate School


Kiaora, Faka’alofa lahi atu, Malo e lelei, Talofa Lava, Namaste, Kiaorana, Salom, Selemate, Bienvenidos,

Ni sa bula, Unnyung

Greetings to all students and their families to Glen Greetings to all students and their families to Glen Eden Intermediate School. Students often say “the two years I spent at Intermediate School were the best years of my schooling. I was engaged with my learning, actively involved in the school community and cried when I left”. Creating life-long, self directed learners is the key Creating life-long, self directed learners is the key goal of our school. We support our students to develop academically, culturally, physically and socially.

We invite students to participate in a diverse range of activities including Literature Quiz, Mathex, Science FaiScience Fair, sports teams, choirs, concert band, rock bands, performing arts, visual arts, ‘Cactus TV’ and our ‘TnT’ Radio Station.

GEIS staff recognise that this is a time of rapid physical and emotional growth of students. Our curriculum and modern facilities are specifically designed for the ‘Middle Years’ and strongly promote student learning. promote student learning. We promote values in our school including respect, responsibility and co-operation and we expect students to follow these as they participate in all areas of school life.

We extend a warm welcome to you all and we are looking forward to working with you and your child.

I trust that your learning journey will be a warm and I trust that your learning journey will be a warm and rewarding experience.


Terry HewetsonPrincipal


Dear Parents/Caregivers

Kiaora, we would like to give a warm welcome to all students and their families wanting to be a part of the GEIS community.

Glen Eden Intermediate will offer you many opportunities that will fine tune your natural abilities, opportunities that will fine tune your natural abilities, talents and skills that you have learnt throughout your years at primary school. If you decide to join GEIS use the next 2 years here wisely, seize every opportunity, make every moment count. You can all become leaders, role models, representative sportspeople, recognised performing artists and high achievers both academically performing artists and high achievers both academically and artistically. Glen Eden Intermediate will give you a chance to shine and excel in your chosen fields.

The staff at Glen Eden Intermediate will enable you to The staff at Glen Eden Intermediate will enable you to voice your opinions and express your feelings. You can discuss problems with your teacher whether they are personal or school related. The staff all work together to make you feel safe and let you know that you are an important part of our school community.

Glen Eden Intermediate will teach you about life long Glen Eden Intermediate will teach you about life long values such as respect, responsibility and co-operation. These values are highly promoted in our classes, in the playground and also on the sports field.

We would like to welcome you as you join the team at GEIS - the best intermediate school in the southern hemisphere.

Elijah Renata-SmithElijah Renata-Smith Molly FlynnHead Boy Head Girl

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1. to equip students with the skills needed for life-long learning.

2. to foster a love of learning by providing challenging, authentic learning experiences.

3. to encourage students to strive for excellence.

4. to assist students to become risk-takers and accept and embrace change.

5.5. to provide a positive, safe and caring environment.

6. to teach and model the GEIS school values.

7. to be a learning community where community support and involvement is valued.

Our aim at GEIS is to equip all students with the skills they require to become lifelong learners in the 21st Century, with a particular focus on numeracy and literacy. In all curriculum areas, we aim to make learning powerful for students by providing them with experiences that are meaningful and challenging. While at GEIS, students will be involved in inquiry learning, where they will develop skills in generating their own questions, and locating and analysing information. skills in generating their own questions, and locating and analysing information. Values education and higher order thinking skills are emphasised and infused into all subjects.

At GEIS we value:

Respect Responsibility LearningAt GEIS we believe:

Teachers have a right to teach Students have a right to learn

“To be a dream school where everybody loves to learn.”

“Students are confident, capable learners and proud of their school. The school culture is inclusive and the school vision and values underpin the way the school operates.” (ERO November 2011)

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Glen Eden Intermediate School takes great pride in offering a quality Middle School programme that recognises the distinctive learning needs of Year 7 and Year 8 students.

Pedagogy (How we teach)• GEIS promotes active rather than passive learning and strives to engage students with the real world.• Classroom programmes respond to the diverse needs and abilities of middle year students.•• Programmes are learner centered with an emphasis on developing independence and collaborative learning.

Engagement• The positive school culture promotes high levels of student engagement and student achievement.• An environment where the students can be involved in the running of the school. The responsibilities offered are realistic and carried out in conjunction with their peers.

Learning EnvironmentsLearning Environments• GEIS learning environments are engaging, current and meaningful.• GEIS provides a safe, supportive and culturally responsive environment which allows personal growth for all. • There are a variety of opportunities to recognise and celebrate success.

Partnerships• GEIS encourages the development of a positive and effective home/school partnership.•• GEIS maintains regular communication through emails, newsletters, and the Ultranet (website).

Success for All

“Senior managers and teachers maintain a strong school culture by articulating their high expectations of students to achieve.” - (ERO 2011)

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Our school mission statement ‘To be a dream school where everybody loves to learn’ and the ideal of ‘Success for All’ underpins our curriculum design. GEIS strives to foster a love of learning and achievement of success in all of our students. We excel at this by providing engaging and creative programmes across all learning providing engaging and creative programmes across all learning areas. The use of a thinking language known as SOLO enhances powerful learning opportunities for students and deepens their understanding of their everyday world. Explicit teaching of the school values prepares the students to be effective global citizens.

ENGLISHGlen Eden Intermediate School recognises that success in English is fundamental to success across the curriculum. fundamental to success across the curriculum. We aim to develop in students the skills, knowledge and attitudes which will enable them to cope confidently with the literacy of everyday life. This is achieved by planning and implementing a meaningful teaching and learning programme that focuses on the skills of Listening,Reading, Viewing, Speaking, Writing, and Presenting.

MATHEMATICSAt Glen Eden Intermediate School mathematics learning is structured At Glen Eden Intermediate School mathematics learning is structured around three strands: Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Statistics. Our students learn to develop the ability to think creatively, critically, strategically and logically. We do this by providing rich and balanced teaching strategies, employing meaningful and relevant contexts, delivering enrichment programmes for our able mathematicians and assistance for the less able. Wherever possible we integrate mathematics skills into other learning Wherever possible we integrate mathematics skills into other learning areas in ways that will help them make sense of the world around them.

INQUIRYInquiry provides students with an authentic or ‘real-life’ learning context. Programmes are designed to be highly engaging and challenging for students.challenging for students. These learning contexts are based around either a Science or Social Science theme.

SCIENCEThe following strands are covered:• Living World• Material World• Physical World•• Planet Earth and Beyond

The word Science comes from a Latin word which means ‘Knowledge’. Here at GEIS we want our students to have a ‘Science experience’ like never before. We want them to gain ‘knowledge’, to ask questions, to start thinking like a scientist and to have an inquisitive mind. Science is a very live, hands-on and vibrant subject with unlimited potential. The opening of a Science Room in 2010 has made this practical The opening of a Science Room in 2010 has made this practical approach possible.

“School achievement information shows that students achieve well in reading, and make good gains in mathematics and writing.” (ERO 2011)


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SOCIAL SCIENCESThe following strands are covered:• Identity, Culture, and Organisation• Place and Environment• Continuity and Change• The Economic World

The Social Sciences Curriculum is about studentsThe Social Sciences Curriculum is about students exploring how societies work, and how they can participate and take action as informed and responsible citizens. At GEIS, students will study the social sciences through the processes of inquiry. Some previous contexts for study have included the Environment, Citizenship, Cultural Identity, Career Education, Globalisation, and SustainabilitSustainability.

HEALTH and WELL BEINGIn Health and Physical Education, our focus is on the well-being of the students themselves, of other people, and of society through learning in health related and movement contexts.

GEIS Health Curriculum supports and encourages students GEIS Health Curriculum supports and encourages students personal growth and acknowledges the unique needs of emerging adolescents. Areas that are incorporated into the health programme include: making positive choices, forming and maintaining positive relationships, Pubertal Change, and Keeping Ourselves Safe.Physical Education includes the development of skills related to aquatics, large and small ball sports, and athletics.related to aquatics, large and small ball sports, and athletics.

TE REO MAORIThe curriculum acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand. At GEIS all students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge of Te Reo and tikanga Maori.

LANGUAGESLearning a new language provides a means of Learning a new language provides a means of communicating with people from another culture and exploring one’s own personal world. A number of teachers at GEIS have second language teaching experience and we are able to offer all students the opportunity to learn Spanish, German, Japanese or French.


“School leaders and teachers make very good use of achievement information to identify underachieving groups of students and provide appropriate programmes to support student learning.” (ERO 2011)

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GEIS offers a comprehensive specialist programme based around the Arts and Technology learning areas. Year 7 students are given the opportunity to participate in all eight specialist subjects to experience practical and creative learning. Year 8 students are encouraged to further develop their passion in four of these subjects (2 x Art, 2 x Technology).

THETHE ARTSThe vision at GEIS for ‘The Arts’ is to provide learning opportunities for all students through each of the Arts disciplines: Sound Arts, Dramatic Arts, Visual Art and Video Production.Production. Through movement, sound, and image, the arts transform student’s creative ideas into expressive works that communicate meaning. GEIS students will create musical and dramatic performances, artistic masterpieces, and short films.

TECHNOLOGYAt GEIS the aim of Technology Education is for students to develop a broad technological literacy that will equip them to develop a broad technological literacy that will equip them to participate in society as informed citizens and give them access to a vast number of technology related careers. They will learn practical skills as they develop models, products and systems. GEIS provides a wide range of technologies for students to experience: Design, Food, Hard Materials, and Textiles.

“Students are o“Students are offered a broad curriculum that focuses on key learning areas. These are complemented by a wide range of specialization, performing and visual arts, education outside the classroom and sports.” (ERO 2011)

KEY COMPETENCIESThese competencies underpin all of the curriculum areas. They are the capabilities people need in order to live, learn, work, and contribute as active members of their communities.contribute as active members of their communities.

Key Competencies include:• Managing self• Relating to others• Participating and contributing• Thinking• Using language, symbols and texts


“Glen Eden Intermediate School’s curriculum promotes student learning and engagement very effectively.” (ERO 2011)

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The success of Glen Eden Intermediate School is hugely influenced by effective transition processes that provide systems, structures and strategies to welcome and support our new students.

MINI SCHOOL ORGANISATION GEIS is divided into four Mini Schools with an Assistant Principal responsible for each team.responsible for each team. The nature of these Mini Schools promotes a school within a school ideology. This fosters a culture of belonging and pride both within their Mini School as well as across the whole school. Our four Mini Schools are named after local West Coast beaches that acknowledge the uniqueness of our local community.

CLASSROOM ORGANISATIONAt GEIS our classrooms are single-teacher learning environments. WWe have separate Year 7 and Year 8 classes.

INDEPENDENT LEARNING CLASSESWe provide two Independent Learning classes at each year level. These classes are for high achieving students across all facets of the curriculum. Students selected will demonstrate the ability to think creatively and function equally well in an independent or collaborative environment.

PERFORMING ARTS CLASSAA new initiative for 2013 will see the creation of a Year 8 Performing Arts Class. The Performing Arts Class is similar in make up to a single cell class yet with the curriculum delivered using the many aspects of the performing arts as the learning context. This class will see students take their performing expertise and academic achievements to higher levels across a range of disciplines.

GIFTED AND TALENTED (GATE)Glen Eden Intermediate School identifies our Gifted andGlen Eden Intermediate School identifies our Gifted and Talented students using a multi-identification programme. From this GEIS offers our GATE and OPTIONS programmes for students who have a recognised talent. We participate in all appropriate local and International Academic competitions. Participation is optional.

THE AKORANGA CENTRETheThe AKORANGA Centre (previously known as the Progressive Learning Centre) aims to assist teachers with their teaching and support students with their learning, social and emotional needs. This is staffed with an Assistant Principal, two part-time teachers and eight teacher aides.

SEMI-SPECIALISATIONWithin each Mini School, teachers specialise in a subject in which they have Within each Mini School, teachers specialise in a subject in which they have a particular strength. These subjects are typically Physical Education, Maori, and a second language.

SPECIALIST SUBJECTSAll students take part in Hard Materials Technology, Design Technology, Food Technology, Textiles Technology, Visual Arts, Dramatic Arts, Sound Arts (Music), and Video Production.

“Students with a diverse range of learning, emotional and behavioural needs are well catered for in the Akoranga Centre.” (ERO 2011)

School OrganisationThe success of Glen Eden Intermediate School is hugely influenced by effective transition processes that provide systems, structures and strategies to welcome and support our new students.

MINI SCHOOL ORGANISATION GEIS is divided into four Mini Schools with an Assistant Principal responsible for each team.responsible for each team. The nature of these Mini Schools promotes a school within a school ideology. This fosters a culture of belonging and pride both within their Mini School as well as across the whole school. Our four Mini Schools are named after local West Coast beaches that acknowledge the uniqueness of our local community.

CLASSROOM ORGANISATIONAt GEIS our classrooms are single-teacher learning environments. WWe have separate Year 7 and Year 8 classes.

INDEPENDENT LEARNING CLASSESWe provide two Independent Learning classes at each year level. These classes are for high achieving students across all facets of the curriculum. Students selected will demonstrate the ability to think creatively and function equally well in an independent or collaborative environment.

PERFORMING ARTS CLASSAA new initiative for 2013 will see the creation of a Year 8 Performing Arts Class. The Performing Arts Class is similar in make up to a single cell class yet with the curriculum delivered using the many aspects of the performing arts as the learning context. This class will see students take their performing expertise and academic achievements to higher levels across a range of disciplines.

GIFTED AND TALENTED (GATE)Glen Eden Intermediate School identifies our Gifted andGlen Eden Intermediate School identifies our Gifted and Talented students using a multi-identification programme. From this GEIS offers our GATE and OPTIONS programmes for students who have a recognised talent. We participate in all appropriate local and International Academic competitions. Participation is optional.

THE AKORANGA CENTRETheThe AKORANGA Centre (previously known as the Progressive Learning Centre) aims to assist teachers with their teaching and support students with their learning, social and emotional needs. This is staffed with an Assistant Principal, two part-time teachers and eight teacher aides.

SEMI-SPECIALISATIONWithin each Mini School, teachers specialise in a subject in which they have Within each Mini School, teachers specialise in a subject in which they have a particular strength. These subjects are typically Physical Education, Maori, and a second language.

SPECIALIST SUBJECTSAll students take part in Hard Materials Technology, Design Technology, Food Technology, Textiles Technology, Visual Arts, Dramatic Arts, Sound Arts (Music), and Video Production.

“Students with a diverse range of learning, emotional and behavioural needs are well catered for in the Akoranga Centre.” (ERO 2011)

School Organisation

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Students are encouraged to involve themselves in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. They have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities in a varied and exciting range of sporting, recreational, cultural and service endeavours.

AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMESGEIS offers a comprehensive After School Enrichment Programme that caters for about 250 students each term. Students from GEIS participate in courses that are fun, challenging and exciting. Courses participate in courses that are fun, challenging and exciting. Courses range from art to sport, languages to technology, and English to Mathematics. All needs are catered for throughout the year by caring,experienced and skilled tutors.

COMMUNITY SERVICEOur students are regularly involved in community projects. The School Council takes a lead role in organising fundraising events, The School Council takes a lead role in organising fundraising events, including Heart Children Awareness and the Auckland City Mission. We have won awards for being environmentally friendly, and have raised record amounts of money in the World Vision 40-Hour Famine. We have regularly been awarded World Vision Scholarships, for being in the top 20 schools in New Zealand for our achievements.

ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMES Students have the opportunity to take part in programmes designed to Students have the opportunity to take part in programmes designed to cater for their special abilities. These include: Maori & Pacific Island Groups, Choir, Orchestra, Jump Jam, Dance Groups; external Mathematics, Writing, Science, English and Computing examinations; Mathex, Science Fair, Short Story, Debating and Speech competitions; Art Exhibitions, Television Production, Musical Productions, Talent Quests, Music Festivals, Performing Arts Festivals and Cultural Festivals.Festivals.

ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION GEIS is an Enviroschool, having achieved a Silver Award for environmental initiatives implemented by staenvironmental initiatives implemented by staff and students. The school aims to promote sustainable practices such as Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, and has established an organic garden. Projects in and around our school and community include native tree planting, worm farming, composting, and stream studies. We are also actively involved in Project Twin Streams in association with the Waitakere City Council.

KAKAPA HAKAThe Kapa Haka Group greets school visitors with a traditional powhiri and performs to a variety of audiences. The Kapa Haka Group is made up of students from a variety of different backgrounds and beliefs. They meet once a week and it is very popular.

MUSIC OPPORTUNITIESGEIS offers lessons with private tutors in many band/orchestra instruments during school hours with a weekly cost for tuition. Detailed instruments during school hours with a weekly cost for tuition. Detailed information will be available at the beginning of the 2013 school year. GEIS operates an Orchestra for those with musical instrument experience. We also have a Choir, Jazz Band, Rock Bands, Ukulele Group and Dancing Groups plus many more. Every year these groups have the opportunity to perform for a variety of audiences.

Special Programmes

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NAVIGATORS The Navigators Programme is an after school educational initiative set up by Glen Eden Intermediate School, to focus on Maori and Pacific Island student achievement, although all students have the opportunity to join this group. By providing tutoring and mentoring, this is having a positive impact on these students’ study skills, goal setting and self-esteem.self-esteem.

OPTIONS PROGRAMMESAll students will have the opportunity to Participate in an OPTIONS Programme each year. This programme creates opportunities to develop physical, academic, cultural and environmental skills, through a variety of learning activities such as Science, Trash to Fashion, Cartooning, Short Story Writing, Languages, Art, Horticulture, thethe Twin Stream Project and many more.

OUTDOOR EDUCATIONStaff plan a developmental Outdoor Education programme, with the belief that these experiences enhance self-esteem. Year 7 students participate in an EOTC week and Year 8 students are involved in an outdoor education camp experience. The focus of these programmes is the promotion of skills such as team work, communication, trust, problem solving, leadership and responsibilitproblem solving, leadership and responsibility. GEIS also has international excursions for groups of students to travel to South Korea or Japan. Other EOTC opportunities include a tramping group and recent tramps include the Kaikoura, Routeburn, Milford, Rakiura (Stewart Island),Waikaremoana and Abel Tasman tracks.

PASIFIKA GROUPThe Pasifika Group is made up of students from a variety of different backgrounds and beliefs.backgrounds and beliefs. The Pasifika group learn a variety of traditional songs and dances from across our Pacific nations. It meets once a week.

PRODUCTIONBi-annually GEIS delivers a production of the highest quality. Previous titles include: Man of Steel, Bats, Back to the 80’s, Snow White and the Seven Environmentalists and Jungle Fever. Keen actors/actresses, singers and dancers are always welcome to audition. singers and dancers are always welcome to audition.

SPORTGEIS has a full-time sports co-ordinator who organises all aspects of our sports programme. Inter-class and Mini School competitions are held at lunchtimes, where participation and enjoyment are the keyelements. Every student is involved in Fitness and Physical Education programmes. Students are given the opportunity to participate and compete at their Students are given the opportunity to participate and compete at their own level in most sports from athletics to water polo. GEIS also participates in the National AIMS (Association of Intermediate and Middle Schools) Games, in Tauranga, during September. Teams regularly achieve success in the Waitakere and Auckland regional competitions as well as at National competitions.

STUDENT LEADERSHIPAt GEIS students are encouraged to take on leadership roles across At GEIS students are encouraged to take on leadership roles across the school. Students may be selected to represent their class on our Student Council or as Sports Captains where they lead their respective Mini Schools for the many sporting opportunities at GEIS. We see these leadership positions as an opportunity for students to take part in democratic decision-making, and to further develop their leadership skills. Each year our Student Council participates in leadership training.leadership training.

Special Programmes

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At Glen Eden Intermediate School we promote a school culture where positive behaviour and learning thrive. We believe that ‘Teachers have a right to teach’ and ‘Students have a right to learn.’ This is reinforced by several initiatives and strategies. Teaching values and appropriate behaviourAt the beginning of every year all students are explicitly taught the school values and appropriate behaviour expectations.behaviour expectations. These remain highly visible and are reinforced around the school throughout the year:• as an integral part of our school curriculum. • through displays around the school. • through role modelling by all staff. • as a focus at assemblies and school events.

ConsistencyAt GEIS we believe in a consistent approach to dealing with student behaviour whilst recognising At GEIS we believe in a consistent approach to dealing with student behaviour whilst recognising individual student needs. This includes a consistency in teacher understanding and the language being used so students have a feeling that, no matter which teacher speaks with them, their language, the approach and the issue will be treated exactly the same.

Focus on positive incentivesGlen Eden Intermediate school actively celebrates student success in all areas. This enhances the culture of the classroom, the Mini School and the school as a whole. Schoolwide incentives include: GEIS Blues, Praise Cards, Student Honours Roll, Principal and Mini SchoolGEIS Blues, Praise Cards, Student Honours Roll, Principal and Mini School Awards.

Student VoiceStudents are encouraged to take ownership of their environment. Student issues are discussed at student-led meetings. Students are given the opportunity to report issues, concerns and suggestions to the Student Council. At GEIS students are encouraged to be proactive in resolving issues and planning new initiatives.

Positive Behaviour for Learning

“Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect Property” “Teachers have a right to teach. Students have a right to learn”

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All students attending Glen Eden Intermediate School are required to wear the official school uniform when travelling to, attending, and returning from school. All students are expected to be clean and neatly dressed. Students may not wear make-up or nail polish. The only jewellery allowed is a pair of stud earrings to be worn in the jewellery allowed is a pair of stud earrings to be worn in the ears, and a watch.

GirlsAll Year• White polo shirt with school logo.• GEIS culottes.• School polar fleece with logo.•• Plain black or green cap or hat.• Plain black leather school shoes, able to be polished, with black laces if applicable (NO colour labels or emblems allowed). • Black leather roman sandals (optional in summer but shoes must be worn to technology classes) with a back strap buckled at the ankle.•• Optional extra - Bottle green nylon jacket, lined with zip, printed with GEIS logo.Terms 1-4• Plain above the ankle or knee length white socks, or black opaque tights are worn only with plain black leather school shoes.

BoysAllAll Year• White polo shirt with school logo.• Bottle green tailored leg shorts.• School polar fleece with logo.• Plain black or green cap or hat.• Plain black leather lace up school shoes, able to be polished, with black laces (NO colour labels or emblems allowed). allowed). • Black leather roman sandals (optional in summer but shoes must be worn to technology classes) with a back strap buckled at the ankle.• Optional extra - Bottle green nylon jacket, lined with zip, printed with GEIS logo.Terms 1-4•• Plain above the ankle white socks are worn only with plain black leather school shoes.

Physical EducationBlack shorts, and a bottle green shirt, purchased from the school shop. Students are encouraged to wear sports shoes.

Uniform ShopSchool term hours are Monday-Thursday between 8.00am and School term hours are Monday-Thursday between 8.00am and 9.00am.

Please refer to the school website for additional opening hours prior to the commencement of the school year.


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School FacilitiesStudents at GEIS have the opportunity to broaden their educational experiences through the use of the following facilities:

ARTIFICIAL TURFWe have an all-weather artificial turf for hockey, netball and tennis. This is being used regularly for fitness and physical education programmes. The turf and gymnasium allow us to provide physical education all year round,unhindered by weatheweather.

AUDITORIUMOur Auditorium provides a magnificent venue to support the creative talents of our outstanding dance, drama, cheerleading and music students. This facility is available for school and community events, and is well equipped with state-of-the-art sound and lighting.

GYMNASIUMGYMNASIUMGEIS has a full size gymnasium. This fantastic facility is available for school and community use. It has 3 volleyball courts, a netball court, a basketball court and badminton courts. Students use this for daily fitness and physical education programmes.

ICT (Information & Communication Technology)Glen Eden Intermediate School is well resourced in this area Glen Eden Intermediate School is well resourced in this area and is a recognised leader in this field by the Ministry of Education, with highly skilled teachers and up-to-date equipment. As well as having computers in each classroom, which students use to assist in their class work, students participate in ICparticipate in ICT classes in our ICT suite. This is equipped to ensure a ratio of one computer between two students. GEIS also has pods of laptops that are easily moved around the school for use in classrooms, resulting in having up to twenty computers in any one classroom. All computers are connected through a comprehensive school-wide network. Students have their own personal username and password, which allows them access to email, the Internet, and a range of communication access to email, the Internet, and a range of communication resources, upon signing an acceptable user policy. Additional technologies in use include IPODs, Mimios, digital cameras and Flip Videos. GEIS also has state of the art Video Conferencing equipment. This enables our students and staff to communicate instantaneously with other organisations around the globe.

LIBRARYOur Library is a well resourced facility, providing our students with a spacious, comfortable environment where they can relax, research and read. We have a large, modern collection of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sophisticated Picture Books, Graphic Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sophisticated Picture Books, Graphic Novels, High Interest Reads and Magazines to support student inquiry and recreational reading. Our Library displays updated regularly, showcase our latest books. Students have access to a Computer Suite and photocopying facilities within the Library to support their learning. The Library is open daily, 8.30am until 3pm, with extended hours on Tuesday and Thursdays until 4pm. We have a full time staWe have a full time staff member managing and promoting the Library. Student Librarians volunteer their time and play an integral role in the smooth running of our Library. Membership to our Book Club is available to students who prove to be enthusiastic, voracious readers.

School FacilitiesStudents at GEIS have the opportunity to broaden their educational experiences through the use of the following facilities:

ARTIFICIAL TURFWe have an all-weather artificial turf for hockey, netball and tennis. This is being used regularly for fitness and physical education programmes. The turf and gymnasium allow us to provide physical education all year round,unhindered by weatheweather.

AUDITORIUMOur Auditorium provides a magnificent venue to support the creative talents of our outstanding dance, drama, cheerleading and music students. This facility is available for school and community events, and is well equipped with state-of-the-art sound and lighting.

GYMNASIUMGYMNASIUMGEIS has a full size gymnasium. This fantastic facility is available for school and community use. It has 3 volleyball courts, a netball court, a basketball court and badminton courts. Students use this for daily fitness and physical education programmes.

ICT (Information & Communication Technology)Glen Eden Intermediate School is well resourced in this area Glen Eden Intermediate School is well resourced in this area and is a recognised leader in this field by the Ministry of Education, with highly skilled teachers and up-to-date equipment. As well as having computers in each classroom, which students use to assist in their class work, students participate in ICparticipate in ICT classes in our ICT suite. This is equipped to ensure a ratio of one computer between two students. GEIS also has pods of laptops that are easily moved around the school for use in classrooms, resulting in having up to twenty computers in any one classroom. All computers are connected through a comprehensive school-wide network. Students have their own personal username and password, which allows them access to email, the Internet, and a range of communication access to email, the Internet, and a range of communication resources, upon signing an acceptable user policy. Additional technologies in use include IPODs, Mimios, digital cameras and Flip Videos. GEIS also has state of the art Video Conferencing equipment. This enables our students and staff to communicate instantaneously with other organisations around the globe.

LIBRARYOur Library is a well resourced facility, providing our students with a spacious, comfortable environment where they can relax, research and read. We have a large, modern collection of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sophisticated Picture Books, Graphic Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sophisticated Picture Books, Graphic Novels, High Interest Reads and Magazines to support student inquiry and recreational reading. Our Library displays updated regularly, showcase our latest books. Students have access to a Computer Suite and photocopying facilities within the Library to support their learning. The Library is open daily, 8.30am until 3pm, with extended hours on Tuesday and Thursdays until 4pm. We have a full time staWe have a full time staff member managing and promoting the Library. Student Librarians volunteer their time and play an integral role in the smooth running of our Library. Membership to our Book Club is available to students who prove to be enthusiastic, voracious readers.

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School FacilitiesMUSIC / DANCE Our performing arts block includes a dance/drama studio, music room, and practise rooms for private tuition. The performing arts programmes focus on students creating performances in music, dance and drama.

RADIO STATION (T’n’T Radio)GEIS is proud of its radio station,GEIS is proud of its radio station, T’n’T Radio 87.8FM. The radio station provides opportunities for students to work co-operatively to provide entertainment and music at break and lunch times. Students organise the daily show with other crew members ensuring that their programme is exciting and creative.

SCHOOL CANTEENGeneration Foods runs our school café and the menu is Generation Foods runs our school café and the menu is designed to meet Ministry of Education guidelines for Healthy Eating. It provides a variety of nutritious snacks, meals and lunches, and opens at 8.30am daily. The menu for the cafe is on the school website.

SCIENCE ROOMTo support the Science curriculum and ensure students have opportunities to participate in authentic practical science, opportunities to participate in authentic practical science, GEIS has a science room which classes have access to on a weekly basis. Experiments are carefully planned and activities include students using microscopes and chemicals.

SWIMMING POOLWWe have a 25 metre heated pool, which provides all students with an opportunity to participate in swimming programmes, during Terms 1 and 4. These are for every class, catering for individual levels. School and zone swimming sports are a focus, along with lunchtime swims and special swimming programmes. Duck ‘n’ Dive Swim School take classes after school.

TECHNOLOGTECHNOLOGY BUILDINGThis building houses a Design Technology Room, Hydroponics Room, Food Technology Room, Hard Materials and Textiles Technology Rooms, Television Studio, Art Room, two classrooms, our ICT suite and an atrium for displaying students’ work.

TELEVISION STUDIO (CACTUS TV)WWe have a television studio, which is well equipped to offer all students the opportunity to film and edit. Video Production is one of our specialist subjects. Students produce a daily television show, which includes news and video clips of current events. This is broadcast live to each classroom through our television network.

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General InformationBOARD OF TRUSTEESA list of the current Board of Trustee members is available on the school website. Meetings are advertised in the school newsletter and on our website.

COMMUNICATING WITH THE SCHOOLGlen Eden Intermediate has an open communication system, Glen Eden Intermediate has an open communication system, and would like parents to feel free to make an appointment to meet with a teacher or one of our leadership team. The Senior Leadership Team, consisting of the Principal and Deputy Principals, are available to talk to parents. Parents with concerns or requiring information about the school should first contact the classroom teacher. However if parents prefer a personal intervieinterview, an appointment time needs to be made. No parents or visitors may speak to a child or visit a classroom without first calling at the School Office. This is to maintain school security and to protect our students.


In ZoneThe law requires that GEIS gives priority to enrolling students The law requires that GEIS gives priority to enrolling students who live in our home zone.

Out of ZoneOut of zone places, where available, are offered according to the following priorities:Priority 1: Siblings of current students Priority 2: Siblings of former studentsPriority 3:Priority 3: Children of board employees Priority 4: All other applicants

Where the number of students exceeds the places available, a ballot will be held from the group with the lowest priority according to the rules set down by the Secretary of Education.

FEESParent Contribution - Parents/Caregivers are asked to make a donation per family to cover part of the costs for educational, donation per family to cover part of the costs for educational, cultural and social activities. This enables us to provide for services not covered by government funding. Course Fees - Course fees covers take-home materials used in classroom and specialist programmes. An outline of current costs is available from the school office or on our school website.

HEALTH AND SAFETYAA qualified nurse runs our Medical Centre. Students who feel unwell at school, must report to the Medical Centre.It is essential the school be made aware of any health problems a student may have, and that contact telephone numbers are correct. Please advise the office of any change. All medicine must be clearly labelled, and for certain medication the parent or caregiver must fill in a form giving permission for administration.

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General InformationINTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Glen Eden Intermediate School accepts International fee paying students. As a school we have a long history of working with International students and have been a signatory to the Code of Practice for International Students since 2002. International links with Sister Schools in China, Japan, South Korea & Thailand reinforce for our students the concept of Globalisation in the 21st reinforce for our students the concept of Globalisation in the 21st Century. GEIS students and families embrace all cultures. Our students enjoy being part of a ‘buddy’ system while our families enjoy home staying these students. Should you require any further information please contact the International Student Director, Mrs Lesley King, via email, [email protected]

MONEY, MOBILE DEVICES AND VALUABLESIf these items must be brought to school they MUSIf these items must be brought to school they MUST be handed to the class teacher to store in the classroom safe until 3pm. Teachers will take all possible care, but they cannot accept responsibility for any loss.

PARENT / COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT WWe encourage parent and community support and involvement in our school. There are a number of social activities organised which embrace the diverse cultures of our school. We have regular Hui discussions with our Maori families, and our Pasifika regular Hui discussions with our Maori families, and our Pasifika group meets on focus nights. Our dedicated ‘GEIS Parent’ group meets at least once a term. This group is an important sounding board for new ideas and is one of the means by which parental opinion is obtained. This group takes an important role in fundraising. GEIS holds regular forums to discuss curriculum programmes such as Mathematics, Literacy, Inquiry and Health

REPORTING REPORTING TO PARENTSAt GEIS we acknowledge the importance of the Home/School partnership. To enhance this relationship there are two conferences held during the year with Parents/Guardians/ Caregivers, the Teacher and the Student. The student is an integral part of this process where they are encouraged to takeresponsibility for their own learning.

TTerm 1: Learning Conferences, between parents, teacher and student, focused on setting learning goals based on test results.End of Term 2: First report is issued. Term 3: Student Led ConferencesEnd of Term 4: The final report is issued.

SCHOOL HOURSTTeaching Hours: 8.45am – 3.00pm1st Break: 10.00am – 10.15am2nd Break: 11.40am – 11.55pmLunch: 1.00pm – 1.50pmOffice Hours: 8.00am – 4.30pm

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General InformationSCHOOL NEWSLETTERSThese are published fortnightly on aThese are published fortnightly on a Thursday and are posted on our website. Hard copies are available from the office. These newsletters are the bridge between the home and the school, so please look out for them each fortnight. Please note that the newsletter is the official communication between home and school, and parents are considered to have read and responded to any requests in them, e.g. notifying the school if a responded to any requests in them, e.g. notifying the school if a student is not to participate in an activity.

STUDENTS’ ABSENCESWe operate an electronic roll, which means that any absences not covered by a previous days notification or morning answerphone message will receive a phone text asking for absence details and for you to confirm they are genuinely awaabsence details and for you to confirm they are genuinely away. You will need to telephone the school office (Ph: 817 0032) to let us know if your child is going to be absent from school.Even though you may have telephoned, there is still the need to send a note, to satisfy Ministry requirements. Please send dated notes, written and signed by a parent in all cases where students are required for medical or dental appointments, when students are required for medical or dental appointments, when exemption from sports or physical education is desired, or when students are unable to wear specific items of school uniform. Please ensure all students are at school by 8.45am each daPlease ensure all students are at school by 8.45am each day. If students arrive after 9.00am they must sign the Late Book in the front office. Students leaving the school grounds during the school day will also need to sign out at the office where their parents will meet them.

STATIONERYStationery lists will be issued by the class teacher at the beginning of the school yeabeginning of the school year.

TERM DATES Please refer to the school website for details.

TRANSPORTTravelWise – GEIS is a TravelWise bronze medalist. We actively encourage our school community to use sustainable actively encourage our school community to use sustainable modes of transportation e.g. walking, cycling, carpooling and public transport. We acknowledge that this will increase student safety awareness, health and fitness.

Bikes/Scooters Bikes/Scooters – Students may ride their bikes/scooters to school. These are parked inside the bike shed, and need to be locked in place. Bikes/scooters are not to be ridden in the school grounds between 8.00am and 3.30pm. All students must abide by the New Zealand Road Code. This includes wearing an approved safety helmet.

Buses – Students travel by bus from Huia, Laingholm, WWoodlands Park, Green Bay, Oratia and Henderson Valley (Sturges Road). A letter is available from the school office containing information on bus times, costs and routes. Public buses are also available, and parents should contact Stagecoach regarding these.

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