gk as it is

http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780192800978.001.0001/acr ef-9780192800978-e-272?rskey=NW8e1c&result=1 Oxford Dictionary of Modern Design: Kenji Ekuan (1929- ) A founding member of the internationally renowned Japanese consultancy GK Design, Ekuan has been responsible for many designs of note ranging from the pioneering Kikkoman soy sauce bottle through to Yamaha motorcycles, the Narita NEX express train, and the Akita bullet train. He was an important pioneer of industrial design in Japan, playing a key role in the bringing together of designers and leading organizations and writing eloquently on the meaning of objects in everyday life. He graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1955 having studied under the highly influential teacher Iwataro Koike alongside Shinji Iwasaki, Kenichi Shibata, and Haratsugu Ito, who together became known as the ‘Group Koike’, the core of GK Design. Ekuan played an important role in the company's success through his ability to develop a network of industrial contacts and play significant roles in a number of design organizations. In 1960 he was elected president of the Japan Industrial Designers Association (1960) and in 1976 his international standing was confirmed by his election to the presidency of ICSID (theInternational Council of Societies of Industrial Design). In 1987 he was awarded the prestigious biennial Osaka International Design Award, one of many such awards he has received. Ekuan gained a reputation for a philosophical approach to design that doubtless derived from his training as a Buddhist priest prior to his design education in Tokyo. In an essay of 1984 entitled ‘Smallness as an Idea’ he wrote of the butsudan, a small portable Buddhist altar that could be placed in the home as a means of communicating with one's ancestors, part of a Japanese outlook in which material products are endowed with spiritual values. A later, more fashionable text, The

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Oxford Dictionary of Modern Design:

Kenji Ekuan

(1929- )

A founding member of the internationally renowned Japanese

consultancy GK Design, Ekuan has been responsible for many

designs of note ranging from the pioneering Kikkoman soy sauce

bottle through to Yamaha motorcycles, the Narita NEX express train,

and the Akita bullet train. He was an important pioneer of industrial

design in Japan, playing a key role in the bringing together of

designers and leading organizations and writing eloquently on the

meaning of objects in everyday life. He graduated from the Tokyo

National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1955 having studied

under the highly influential teacher Iwataro Koike alongside Shinji

Iwasaki, Kenichi Shibata, and Haratsugu Ito, who together became

known as the ‘Group Koike’, the core of GK Design. Ekuan played an

important role in the company's success through his ability to develop

a network of industrial contacts and play significant roles in a number

of design organizations. In 1960 he was elected president of the Japan

Industrial Designers Association (1960) and in 1976 his international

standing was confirmed by his election to the presidency of ICSID

(theInternational Council of Societies of Industrial Design). In 1987 he

was awarded the prestigious biennial Osaka International Design

Award, one of many such awards he has received. Ekuan gained a

reputation for a philosophical approach to design that doubtless

derived from his training as a Buddhist priest prior to his design

education in Tokyo. In an essay of 1984 entitled ‘Smallness as an

Idea’ he wrote of the butsudan, a small portable Buddhist altar that

could be placed in the home as a means of communicating with one's

ancestors, part of a Japanese outlook in which material products are

endowed with spiritual values. A later, more fashionable text, The

Page 2: Gk as it is

Aesthetics of the Japanese Lunchbox (1998), further developed this idea

of an interrelationship between Japanese traditions and contemporary

design practices. He suggested that the lunchbox is a key to

understanding the Japanese way of making things and that ‘the spirit

of [its] form …points to an ingenious technology that will preserve a

rich legacy for the future’. Other key texts by Ekuan include Industrial

Design: The World of Dogu, its Origins, its Future (1971), The Philosophy

of Tools (1980), and The Buddhist Automobile and the Automobile (1986).

Other roles played by Ekuan included directorship of the Street

Furniture Committee at the Expo '70 World's Fair and executive

producer of the International Design Festival at Osaka (1983).

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/kenji-ekuan#ixzz3BmGvgHN9

Oxford Dictionary of Modern Design:

Iwataro Koike


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小池岩太郎被稱為日本工業設計先鋒,也是備受推崇的設計教育家。他 1935年東京美術學校(現

東京藝術大學)畢業後於日本帝國內閣商工省(Ministry of Commerce and Industry;戰後曾改

組為通商產業省,現改組為經濟產業省)擔任技術員(技手)。從 1942年到 1969年間於母校先


小池小池 Iwataro - Iwataro


昭和 - 平成時代,工業設計師,設計教育家。

生於 1913年 2月 22日。


1947年(現在 Tokyogeidai),教授'40關聯的母校東京美術學校教授。




Page 3: Gk as it is


藝術研究基金會主席。死於 1992年 7月 21日。 79歲。來自東京。例如,“設計故事”的工



:楊 靜 日本筑波大學蓮見研究室 學術進修成果報告 2012 年 2 月 5 日

:日本 通商產業省工業技術院下設置的「產業工藝試驗所」(Industrial Art

Institute,簡稱 IAI),專門協助中小企業解決產品設計構造、品質測驗的問題,

同時同時也聘請外國專家到日本指導,每月出版「工芸 ニュース」(Industrial Art

News)雜誌。IAI 的前身是「商工省工藝指導所」,而小池曾在 1939-45 年間,進



小池新二 こいけ-しんじ

1901-1981 昭和時代のデザイン評論家。


戦後は建築やデザインの評論をおこなう。25 年千葉大教授,43 年九州芸術工科大初代学長。

昭和 56 年 5 月 4 日死去。79 歳。東京出身。東京帝大卒。著作に「汎美計画」など。
















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A highly distinguished Japanese teacher of design, Koike worked from 1942

to 1969 at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music from

which he had graduated in 1935. Subsequently he worked at the Industrial

Arts Institute of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the late 1930s,

gaining further practical design experience in the lacquer industry before

taking up teaching at the Tokyo School. One particular group of his students

in the early 1950s, comprising Kenji Ekuan, Shinji Iwasaki, Kenichi Shibata,

and Haratsugu Ito, became known as the ‘Group Koike’, the core of GK

Design, an early Japanese design consultancy. Koike himself participated in

GK Design. His pedagogic influence extended to writing, as exemplified by

his pioneering 1956 book onBasic Design: Composition and Formation. His

considerable influence on the Japanese design climate was furthered through

his involvement in the Japan Industrial Designers Association (JIDA), an

important pressure group that had been established in 1952 for the

professionalization of design in Japan. He was its director in 1957 and again

from 1965 to 1966. He was also involved with wider international industrial

design promotional initiatives, speaking at the Tokyo World Design

Conference in 1960—officially declared Design Year in Japan—and at

the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID)

conference in Paris in 1963. In 1985 he was awarded the Kuni Industrial Art

Award and the Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Japanese government.


more: http://www.answers.com/topic/iwataro-koike#ixzz3BmH3wPWT