give your international business a marketing boost

RAFFINADERIET Give your international business a marketing boost

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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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The road to international success can be long. You often have to activate many links inthe value-chain before your product reaches the end-customer. We can assist you in allphases of the export marketing process. From training and mobilization of your sales staffto activation of resellers and lead generation through targeted end-user campaigns.


Page 1: Give your international business a marketing boost

R a f f in a deRie t

Give your international business a marketing boost

Page 2: Give your international business a marketing boost

all partnerships start with good intentions. But in everyday life, action does not always follow words. When growing your business through partners you need to set clear goals and objectives, both for the results you want to achieve, and for the work it takes to achieve them. You also need to support your dealers with sales tools suitable for their specific levels and needs.

Client // dnp denmark – the world’s leading supplier of projection screens. CHallenGe // to develop a global partner program that paves the way for closer relations and an optimal flow of knowledge between dnp and their partners. taRGet audienCe // dnp’s global network of resellers, distributors and sales reps. SOlutiOn // a detailed partner program that specifies a number of requirements partners must fulfill to receive economic benefits and services. the program is communicated through a range of elements but is primarily built around an online Partner Zone that facilitates and ensures an ongoing dialog between dnp and its partners. the Partner Zone is individualized and gives partners access to a variety of online tools and mobile applications – making it easier to guide prospects and sell dnp products.Certified partners receive leads which are systematically collected on dnp’s global website. tHe PaRtneR PROGRam iS a fantaStiC PlatfORm tO exPand tHe

COOPeRatiOn We alReadY Have WitH OuR PaRtneRS. all PaRtS Of tHe PROGRam aRe Well tHOuGHt tHROuGH and We Have Had

ReallY GOOd feedBaCk fROm eveRYOne in OuR netWORk. tHe manY SiGn uPS fOR OuR PaRtneR PROGRam SPeak fOR tHemSelveS

liSette RønnOv JøRS // maRketinG manaGeR

Create successful partnerships

Page 3: Give your international business a marketing boost

dnp’s online Partner Zone and mobile applications provide partners with access to user-friendly tools that make it easier to guide prospects and sell dnp products.

Page 4: Give your international business a marketing boost

turn product launches into experiencesmany product launches follow a predefined template. Why not introduce a new medium or innovative tool that will surprise your target audience? Bring your campaign website to life by adding sound and pictures; send out short movies as viral teasers for the product – or use iPad for presentations.

Client // interton – a brand of the Gn ReSound Group, one of the world’s largest providers of hearing instruments.

CHallenGe // launch the new Cosmo hearing device and promote it to professional dealers and hearing aid clinics throughout the world. interton is a minor player on the international scene, competing against more well-known brands. the company needed a different approach to the market, which is often characterized by cliché lifestyle images featuring happy seniors. taRGet audienCe // interton’s international sales companies, distributors and hearing aid clinics throughout the world.

SOlutiOn // a strong visual and experience-oriented universe, where unusual illustrations highlight product benefits without getting too technical. the main message is that interton hearing instruments can receive sound digitally, directly from the tv, radio and mobile phone.

a campaign site gives people a close look at the product, lets them experience great sound quality and watch small movies that highlight the benefits of all the advanced product technologies in a simple way.

tHe RefineRY HaS develOPed a fantaStiC CReative CamPaiGn tHat

StandS Out and HiGHliGHtS tHe PROduCt BenefitS in a ReallY niCe WaY. tHiS SuPPORtS OuR miSSiOn tO

PROvide ”eSSential HeaRinG” – GOOd value fOR mOneY WitHOut fRillS.”

JeSPeR GORm // maRketinG manaGeR

Page 5: Give your international business a marketing boost

the campaign presented the new hearing aid in a dynamic and interesting way with audio clips, product close ups and small movies highlighting the benefits of the products.

turn product launches into experiences

Page 6: Give your international business a marketing boost

activate your ambassadorsin most B2B relations the decision maker is often not the actual user of the purchased product or service. the person in charge may be completely indifferent to your product and only interested in price. By mapping out the decision-making process, you can find internal ambassadors for your product and provide them with the quality arguments they need to get a thumbs-up for the purchase.

Client // Jabra/Gn netcom – manufacturer of professional wireless and corded headsets for mobile phone users, call centres and office-based users. CHallenGe // to develop a tactical campaign that lets dealers sell Jabra headsets by involving several parties in the company. taRGet audienCe // it managers/decision makers in medium and large companies – and headset users in these companies. løSninG // Studies show that people who talk on the phone for three hours a day can save 20 minutes every day if they use headsets. it is an argument that everyone can relate to – even in times of crisis when leaders must decide whether employees should be ”allowed” to buy a headset. users were turned into ambassadors of the campaign through small fun challenges they could send to their manager or the decision maker for the purchase of headsets. each was focused on Jabra product benefits.

Jabra dealers carried out the campaign using web banners, emails and postcards, all aimed at driving traffic to a simple co-branded microsite, where leads were collected.

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We involved headset users in the campaign by providing small mails they could forward to their boss or other decision makers to achieve maximum influence.

We Have ReCeived POSitive ReSPOnSe fROm OuR SaleS COmPanieS and tHeiR dealeRS. We fOund tHat dealeRS WHO Had PReviOuSlY

nOt uSed PROmOtiOnS fOR OuR PROduCtS Have tRied tHiS CamPaiGn and PlaCed mORe fOCuS On JaBRa HeadSetS.”

JeSPeR teRmanSen // diReCtOR Of maRketinG COmmuniCatiOnS


Page 8: Give your international business a marketing boost

Bring your communication to lifeB2B companies are often perceived as boring and traditional. But there are many ways to make your corporate brochures and annual reports stand out from the crowd. for example, by incorporating multimedia content, such as audio and videos. this not only gives your target audience a richer and deeper experience – you also send a message that your business is modern and dynamic.

Client // Pfa Pension – denmark’s largest pension fund. CHallenGe // to convey Pfa’s CSR efforts in a dynamic and engaging manner that takes into account the many different target audiences and their requirements. taRGet audienCe // Pfa’s many stakeholders: customers, employees, authorities, media and the general public. SOlutiOn // a digital magazine for PC and iPad with video, audio and facts on many levels. the standard for CSR reports has long been traditional print media, either as an addition to the company’s annual report or as an independent publication. to create a more dynamic, engaging and relevant CSR report we converted the annual report into digital format. a format that makes it possible to integrate audio and film – as well as structuring the facts on many levels.

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Bring your communication to lifeWitH tHe diGital editiOn Of tHe CSR RePORt 2010, We Have taken

a maJOR SteP tOWaRdS makinG CSR COmmuniCatiOn mORe dYnamiC. in additiOn tO tHe RePORt BeinG viSuallY aPPealinG, itS multi-level infORmatiOn flOW fulfilS tHe RequiRementS

Of OuR diffeRent StakeHOldeRS in a niCe WaY. We Have ReCeived POSitive ReSPOnSe fROm BOtH emPlOYeeS and CuStOmeRS.

kRiStin PaRellO-PleSneR // CSR manaGeR, Pfa PenSiOn

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Page 11: Give your international business a marketing boost

”door-openers” are small, simple campaigns which facilitate the sales process for your sales people or dealers by making it smoother and easier to e.g. book meetings or provide demonstrations of products. it’s about finding the unique story that can be told quickly and is relevant and valuable to the recipient. We helped Ropox with this and it resulted in increased sales activity.

Client // Ropox a/S – manufacturer of rehab products and provider of consultancy services to institutions, therapists and users. CHallenGe // to promote a new bathroom concept for the disabled and book meetings with relevant decision makers. taRGet audienCe // architects who work as consultants for municipalities (health/technical management) designing nursing homes. SOlutiOn // focus on a swivel basin, a unique feature in the new bathroom concept that can help save 1.5 m2 of space in the bathroom, representing over 25,000 dkk. this was communicated in a die-cut direct mail with the headline ”are you pouring money down the drain when you decorate bathrooms for the disabled?”

BefORe tHe CamPaiGn We WeRe nOt SuRe if We COuld BOOk meetinGS WitH aRCHiteCtS like We dO nOW. But tHe CamPaiGn HaS Been a GReat

SuCCeSS and tHe ReSult HaS SuRPaSSed OuR exPeCtatiOnS. We aRe nOW COnSideRinG if We Can imPlement SimilaR aCtivitieS in OtHeR aReaS.

JenS WinteR // SaleS diReCtOR, ROPOx a/S


make the sales process easier

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R a f f in a deRie t

for more than a decade, Raffinaderiet –the Refinery– has assisted Scandinavian-based

enterprises such as Bring, dnp denmark, Jabra, interton and Posten norge in building

dealer networks and promoting their products – both nationally and internationally. the

recipe is reponse-oriented marketing with a creative edge. We call it action with attitude.

the road to international success can be long. You often have to activate many links in

the value-chain before your product reaches the end-customer. We can assist you in all

phases of the export marketing process. from training and mobilization of your sales staff

to activation of resellers and lead generation through targeted end-user campaigns.

Our solid core team of 13 experienced consultants and creatives undertake all projects,

along with a strong network of freelance specialists and native speaking copywriters.

We are well versed in the complexities of international marketing, which is crucial to

successfully capitalizing on opportunities while avoiding pitfalls.

We also collaborate with an international network of advertising agencies that can help you

deliver your marketing efforts on local markets.

for further information and more details about specific cases,

please contact Jens Grauslund, Head of Strategy.

COntaCt # +45 26 15 56 60JenS GRauSlund // [email protected]

WeBSite //

action with attitude