give every dream a chance · we celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. seeing...

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Page 1: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Give every dream a chance

Page 2: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

10 Minutes with Mrs Lee…A woman who’s been in the education industry for 32 years, it has been a long journey to get to where she is today. 2017 is her 14th year as a principal, and her past 13 years were in SAP schools. Mrs Lee Hui Feng, Principal, answered 14 questions by the newsletter team about her job and how she balances her family life.

Why did you want to work in education?Being a teacher was my only dream. I have always wanted to be a teacher since young. I was blessed to have teachers who were caring and nurturing. They made a big impact in my life and opened up possibilities for me.

What was your journey like to get to where you are?I have never thought I would become a principal. Initially, when the school asked me to do something, I just accepted, not thinking about the position. I just wanted to help. Half a year after I started teaching, I became a Sports Secretary. It has given me good exposure on international events for schools like SEA Games where I even had the chance to work with the choreographer for Barcelona Olympics.

Due to the exposure, I had the opportunities to work with many school leaders to learn from and learn with them. I developed the Growth Mindset, and took one step at a time. I was always excited to learn and am thankful to all who have helped shape me.

You’ve been a school leader for the past 13 years. What does it mean to be a principal in 2017?Now that I am serving students with a different profile, I believe that my personal belief in education should never change, regardless of the school that I serve. It should be the core belief. In 2017, I am happy for the change as I could have new experiences as a school leader and there will always be new learning.

After spending 13 years as a principal of SAP schools, the learning will be different in my new portfolio but I do hope my experiences in the past will help me to value-add to and care for the students in Qihua Primary School.

What has been your proudest achievement at work so far? I feel proud whenever I see the smiles on the children’s faces. To me, I would prefer many happy faces rather than one big trophy. Although I have gone through numerous big events, what I value most is not that one big trophy but rather all the happy faces and the many celebrations that we will have along the way.

Instead of focusing on one big event or having just one scholar, I would rather see many faces saying hello to me when they see me, lives whom I had touched along the way. It is the lives that I have made a difference in that is more satisfying.

In our profession, we give all our hearts and emotions a lot. We need to nurture and nourish them. Otherwise, we will feel very drained. If we do not have our hearts full and filled with goodness, it will be hard to give goodness.

What is your philosophy of education?We are here to educate children, not to receive well-educated children. We can be firm but more importantly, we must love the children. Every child deserves the love and care to do better in life.

Education is not a competition. Every individual has a chance to go through the education system and then make this world a better place.

Education is really, a work of the heart.

What makes you smile? The children. Seeing them interacting with one another, feeling the excitement and watching the Eureka moments on their faces. And how can I forget the hugs from the students? Everything is about the children. The children are our purpose and the reason why we are here.

What keeps you awake at night?The safety and well-being of the students, the difficulties that the students may be facing. There were situations where I felt helpless, even as a School Leader. We can take care of the students when they are in school but when it crosses the family boundary, I may know that the child is suffering, yet I can’t do anything as my hands are tied.

Being a principal is busy. Do you get any time for yourself? What do you do during your free time?I go on holidays as being on a holiday is the only time I can stay away from my work but with technology and the Internet, it will not be 100% off work. When I’m in Singapore, I will always return to school or work on school-related stuff.

Going on a holiday allows me to recharge myself, mentally and emotionally. Learning is everywhere, especially when one is in another country. I am free to learn, and I like to learn about the different cultures – the collective wisdom of the different groups of people.

And that is how I rest and at the same time enjoy the learning without any boundary or restriction. You will find me travelling whenever I get a chance.

And finally, do you have a bucket list?I want to travel to the many places I have never been to before – Niagara Falls, Alaska, the Rocky Mountains, just to name a few. I would love to travel the small towns in Europe too.

I would also like to attend some good courses to enrich my life. In fact, this September, I am going to attend one in Taiwan and listen to an enlightened speaker talk about life.

In our profession, we give all our hearts and emotions a lot. We need to nurture and nourish them. Otherwise, we will feel very drained. If we do not have our hearts full and filled with goodness, it will be hard to give goodness.

I would also love to read some good books but I sometimes do not have the time to do so. I guess the length of our bucket list gets longer and longer as life is always full of surprises and as we come across good things. Like in the past, I said I wanted to see Sakura but now, Sakura has come to Singapore! We can have so many things that we want to do but we may have to let go of some of them before we can take on new things.


Besides being warmly welcomed by their older schoolmates as they stepped into Qihua, the Primary 1 newbies also had their buddies to help them during recess. Needless to say, the new students got over their jitters rather quickly and assimilated well within the next few days.

It encouraged mass participation amongst the Primary 1 & 2 students and they learnt values such as sportsmanship, teamwork, resilience and care while having fun. The games were designed to be in line with the skills taught during PE. The students enjoyed themselves tremendously!

Primary 2 students went through a dance programme as part of the PE curriculum. The programme promoted musicality and artistic movement in our young dancers. On top of being a creative outlet, our students reaped many physical benefits. Through dance the students increased their flexibility and range of motion. The repetitive movements involved in dance also improved their balance and coordination.

Lower Primary Games Day 2016

Primary 2 Dance Programme

Let me show you the proper way to wash your hands!

A smile helps to break the ice

I hope this ball does not slip out of my hands!

So much fun!

Primary 1 First day of school 2017

On 17 April 2017, students and staff from My First Skool visited our school. Beside the canteen experience, the students had fun learning the English Language through songs and participated in a lesson on sandwich-making. Students from Green Club and Brownies played host and brought the young visitors on a walkabout around the school. Our Primary 1 students acted as buddies to the preschoolers and demonstrated care towards them.

Primary 1 Kindergarten Transition Programme

This is fun! Our young visitors learning from our students

Bringing Out the Best in Every Child

Our lil’ dancing champs!

Grooving to the beat!To read her complete interview, please access our school website by scanning the QR code on the cover page.2 3

Page 3: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Overcoming our fears

Accomplishing tasks together

Heartfelt words to the parents

Working together

Facing new challenges

Sun? Check. Sea? Check. Self-confidence? Check!

The camp is one of the highlights of the year for the students involved. For many, it is their first time away from home. Students learn new skills, engage in challenging activities and develop teamwork and a level of independence, all in a safe and nurturing environment. While the thrill of their very first abseil or kayaking experience might have passed, the students will have the memories and sense of achievement for a long time to come.

While striving for academic success, it is equally important to care for our students’ well-being. At Qihua, the teachers look into equipping our Primary 6 students with the skills and motivation to handle the stresses of being a PSLE candidate.

As part of our continuing efforts, we conducted a 3-day workshop where students focused on reviewing their target setting and time management, as well as

practising effective study skills. In the months to come, we will continue to support the students

and motivate them. With determination and follow-through,

the goals they have set for themselves can be achieved!

Primary 5 Camp

Primary 6 Motivation and Study Skills Workshop

As part of the school’s Values-in-Action (VIA) programme, our Primary 4 students participated in a joint community project, Lunar New Year Orange Distribution 2017 initiated by Grassroots Adviser Parliamentary Secretary, Mr. Amrin Amin, on Saturday, 21 January 2017. The event involved all Qihua Primary 4 students, their family members, their teachers, Grassroots Leaders and Residents’ Committees (RCs) volunteers in distributing oranges to residents within Woodlands Zone 3. By partaking in this community project, our students learnt to better appreciate Singapore’s cultural diversity, understand the importance of racial harmony and maintain strong relationships with people in their community, while improving their interpersonal skills through communicating with residents.

Bringing Out the Best in Every ChildLearner

On the first day of Term 2, our Primary 3 Qihuaians embarked on a learning journey, deep into the cultural heart of Little India. Not only did they get to spend quality time bonding with their teachers and fellow classmates, it also provided teachers with authentic teachable moments to impart values and SEL skills (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management & responsible decision-making) while delving into the rich history of one of Singapore’s oldest heritage district. Not even a passing shower could dampen their spirits as our Primary 3s did us proud and demonstrated exemplary behaviour, braving the weather as our school motto says, “Persevere to Succeed”.

Primary 3 NE Learning Journey to Little India

Primary 4 Lunar New Year Orange Distribution 2017


Beautiful henna drawings


Greeting residents with smiles Ready for our mission

Happy New Year!

It was an enriching trip!

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Page 4: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Dreaming, Chasing and Living the Dream!

The Qihua PSLE Experience

PSLE. These four letters would send shivers down the spines of most twelve-year-olds in Singapore. Yet, primary school life is so much more than just passing examinations at the end of six years. There have been countless who have lived to tell the tale. Tales of challenges. Tales of triumph. Tales of facing each and every obstacle life throws at you with your chin held high. Tales of working hard and turning dreams into reality. Here, you will read about six different experiences of our Qihua graduands who have done us proud in 2016. Read on, and take heed, for these are words of the wise which might one day be yours to share.

Secondary school life… is not as stressful as it sounds. To me the only major difference between primary and secondary

school is the increase in the number of subjects. But with

good time management, it should not be too big of a problem.

I really miss… the teachers in Qihua. They made my 6 years in Qihua an enjoyable journey and I would like to sincerely thank them for that. My love towards school has definitely grown over the years as I learnt more interesting knowledge and had great teachers to make learning fun.

My dream is… I’m not sure if this counts as a dream but my goal was always to just push myself to do the best that I could.

I would tell my juniors… Do not procrastinate. Get your work done as soon as possible to prevent the work from piling up. Also, when you do not achieve your desired results, do not get too worked up about it. Learn from it and push yourself to do better next time.

Secondary school life… requires us to be more independent and responsible in our actions.

I really miss… the food, my teachers, my friends and lastly,

the memories I have of Qihua. It was where I learnt to work very hard and try

to do my best and more. I did not give up in anything I did.

My dream is… to become a beautiful, great veteran dancer in the future.

I would tell my juniors… whatever mistakes you have done in the past, just let it go. “The past is in the past”. Just don’t repeat the same mistakes and work hard at what you love the most and you will succeed in life.

Secondary school life… passes really quickly as my school is pretty fast-paced.

You are required to be more independent as the teachers

treat all of us as young adults. They expect us to be responsible for our own learning and if work and assignments are not completed, it is our own loss.

I really miss… the carefree life we used to have as primary school kids. Qihua evokes the feeling of “Home” to me, and that is something I miss the most. Having spent six years of my life in Qihua, she has become more than just a school to me. It is a big, warm family where everyone cares for one another, and it is a place where I made my first group of friends whom I still keep in touch with. I looked forward to going to school every single day where the lessons I had were taught by amazing teachers, and also to meet my friends and spend time with them. Being in a new school environment at SST, I have yet to find the same sense of belonging I had in Qihua. My attitude towards school remains the same - work hard and put in my best effort in everything I do, so at least I know that I have not let myself down. At the same time, I continue to hold a positive attitude towards school as this is where most friendships are forged and allow us to make memories, good or bad. These are the things that will last.

My dream is… I did not exactly have a dream back then, and it is still the same today. However, aiming to do your best in all the pursuits is a good start. Work hard and do your best so you will not regret in the future. You would have at least achieved the best of your abilities.

I would tell my juniors… not to give up easily. Instead, when in doubt, ask the teachers for advice. Having been in Qihua for six years, I’ve come to know that the teachers in Qihua are really approachable and will be there whenever you may need them. As long as you genuinely need help, they will go the extra mile and help you out. But of course, for academics, seek help early. There is nothing much the teachers can do if you choose to approach them at the last minute, especially for those taking the PSLE this year. At the same time, if you have things that you feel upset about, do confide in the teachers as well. They are really dedicated and truly care for you.

Secondary school life… is a bit stressful at first as I had to cope with the amount of subjects I took. Moreover, being in a new school environment takes me time to familiarise myself

to the places as my school is really big. Being in the IP track, it is a must to participate in the enrichment activities that the school has planned for us.

I really miss… everyone and everything that is in Qihua Primary School. I love the activities we all participated in together. Almost every day, I am thinking about when I can go back to Qihua. Although

the canteen in my secondary school is much bigger with more food choices, I still prefer the food in Qihua.

My dream is… to be a role model to my sister. I have to perform well so that she would look up to me and be motivated to follow me. I had worked hard to get into the secondary school that I had set my sights on. I

had gone to their open house and I realised that the programme they offered are interesting and suitable for me. So, I am very thankful to be where I am today.

I would tell my juniors… to set realistic goals for yourself and work towards it. Pay 200% attention in class (this is really important). During PSLE week, sleep early and don’t stress yourself too much. Tell yourself that you will have lots of time to go out with friends after PSLE. If you have doubts, always consult your teachers, don’t wait till the last minute. If you complain that there is not enough time for you, cut down on the time you spend on your phone or computers. Start your revision early so that you don’t panic at the eleventh hour. Best wishes and hope you guys can go to your dream school too!

Secondary school life… can be very challenging sometimes but just like in primary school, the

teachers are always there to help if you make the effort to ask them,

even after school or during breaks.

I really miss… all the fun I had with my friends in Qihua. There were good times and bad times but all of them are very good memories. When I started out in Qihua, I was very quiet and did not like to talk much. I got into a lot of trouble and also did not do my work at times but when PSLE was nearing, I tried to stay away from distractions like playing basketball with my friends and focused on revising my work. Mr Anuar, my form teacher also encouraged me a lot and told me that if I worked hard, I could do well for my PSLE.

My dream is… inspired by one of Qihua’s programme for us. During the motivational programme for the Primary 6s, a speaker called Melvin shared that about his own life when he was about the same age as us and how he was able to change for the better. When I got home, I could not stop thinking about it and decided that I wanted to change my life for the better too.

I would tell my juniors… to focus on their work first and less on distractions like playing. They will always have time to play later when the exams are over.

Secondary school life… is fun and it is a challenging experience. I have the chance to balance my studies and pursue my interest in football here in

Singapore Sports School. It is very different from other schools because it is

a boarding school. I am trained to be more responsible, disciplined and independent.

I really miss… training with my teammates from the Sepak Takraw and Floorball teams, my friends and my teachers. I miss the spicy Mee Soto too! I learned to be competitive and worked as a team with my teammates. Also through sportsmanship, I learnt to uphold the integrity of the school as I represented team Qihua.

My dream is… to be a football player and when I was scouted by the coach from Singapore Sports School to go for the trial, I was very excited. I worked hard to achieve my dream in sports and at the same time, pass PSLE.

I would tell my juniors… not to give up easily and believe that you can achieve your goals. Whenever you face any challenges, talk to your parents or teachers to get their support and guidance.

Ang Yenlin, Britney(Academic Excellence – Merged Stream,

Evergreen Secondary School)

Lin Zu Han (Academic Excellence – Foundation Stream,

Riverside Secondary School)

Khairin Nadim Bin Rahim (DSA Sports – Singapore Sports School)

Aandaal D\O Visvanathan (DSA Music & Performing Arts

– Riverside Secondary School)

Ng Yun Hui (DSA Academic

– School of Science and Technology, Singapore)

Yang Fang-Yu(Academic Excellence – Merged Stream, CHIJ St. Nicholas)

Paving the Way to a Positive PSLE ExperienceIn 2016, Qihua Primary School embarked on a mission to create a positive PSLE experience for our Primary 6’s. The goal was to the implement a deliberate experience for students taking the PSLE so as to augment examination performance. Through rigorous research and planning, we set out eight components that are crucial in optimizing performance for students as follows.

Before the examination:1) Briefing and familiarisation exercise 2) Posters of encouragement from the Lower Primary students

On the day of the examination:3) Soothing music in the backdrop as ambient white noise

4) A short session where students will experience humour5) A short session where students will carry out educational

kinesiology activities6) A short session where students will carry out relaxation

techniques 7) The continuous articulation of positive recollections

through displayed slides and counsellor’s prompts 8) Low glycaemic load food to supplement students’ breakfast

Not only did these special arrangements reduce distractions to performance such as anxiety and hunger, they even increased students’ perception of their own abilities, to shift their beliefs from one of “I can’t” to “I can”!


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Page 5: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Catching up with Mrs KohA quick chat with our former School LeaderWhat is a typical day like for you these days?My typical day is spent doing embroidery, sewing and reading up on the histories of the world. Currently, I am reading about the history of China and some historical figures. I watch historical documentaries, focused on mysteries and ancient tombs and how the recovery of artefacts told us how the ancient people live their lives. I make an effort to learn to cook for dinner, and am focused on baking. I am also going for my pottery class and am still trying to go for walks to give myself some exercise.

Any exceptionally memorable experiences while at Qihua?While the kind and good words of students, teachers and parents on my leadership journey were comforting, they also humbled me. I always believe that to do something worthwhile, I am guided by these 3 tenets: a Vision, the Passion and Determination to see it to fruition and the Integrity and Belief that I should not just be doing something in the rule book but I am doing something that will bring about improvement, to create a better place for colleagues and students to thrive

and succeed. So, when I see a school culture at Qihua being transformed to one that everyone gravitates to: integrity, service and excellence, I feel good that I had played a part in ensuring that the school sits well in a first world country like Singapore. These and the many happy encounters and conversations I had with everyone at Qihua are valuable memories.

Enjoying the outdoors Expressing her artistic self through pottery classes

A mouth-watering dinner Mrs Koh cooked for the family

Qihua’s new vision is “Every Qihuaian a learner, a leader and a champion.” What are your comments?The new vision of Qihua is relevant and forward-thinking in approach. It embodies the essence of what we hope to see in everyone whom we teach, nurture and groom. The new vision will ensure that our young students will be ready for the future in the 21st century.

What are some things you are looking forward to?I look forward to seeing Qihua embracing challenges, pushing itself for excellence, working at improvements for all under the capable leadership of the new Principal and supported by a team of dedicated staff who believes in integrity, service and excellence.






Qihua Primary School hosted 19 teachers from China, Zhejiang on 22 February 2017. During the visit, the teachers were taken on a tour around our school and they also observed an English lesson. Before leaving, they presented Mrs Lee with a big fan made of bamboo with the teachers’ calligraphy engraved on it.

A group of selected P5 students visited Brunei last year. They had the privilege of visiting places of interest such as the Malay Technology Museum and the Padi Field at Wasan. They even visited a local Bruneian home. This programme has certainly broadened the students’ horizons and deepened their understanding of the culture and traditions of Brunei.

Selected Primary 5 students went to Wuxi, China last year. They spent two days at Anzhen Experimental Primary School where they participated in the lessons. Besides that, they visited various places of interest. These enriching opportunities provided them with a better understanding of Chinese culture and traditions.

Our confident presentersOur school leaders and the visiting teachers

Outside Anzhen Experimental School in Wuxi, China

Their exuberant faces say it all! Visit to a local home – Baitul Wajihah Homestay

At Daikyo Environment Recycling Sendirian Berhad

The teachers from China were friendly and eager to learn. They asked questions about the history of Singapore and our school. They also showed interest in how our lessons are conducted and enjoyed exploring around our school. They praised me for my strong grasp in the Chinese Language and the confidence I portrayed.

Wu Xinyue P6/2

This trip was really fun. We visited many places of interest and the most exciting was the Royal Regalia Museum. I was awestruck by the beauty and majesty . There was so much to see and learn! Overall, it was an enriching experience!

Muhammad Irfan Bin Mohd Khairomi P6/2

The trip allowed me to interact with my buddies from China and their family members. I learnt more about the Chinese culture and their way of life. Overall, it was an enriching learning experience for me. If given another chance, I would love to visit my buddies and their families in China.

Kong Jing Yee P6/1

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Page 6: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Health is Wealth at QihuaDid you know that health and wellness is one way of promoting academic achievement? By ensuring our school community is physically and psychologically healthy enough to teach and learn, Qihua is making an investment in student success!

Our prefects are provided with opportunities to be trained and developed in their leadership qualities and skills.

For example, the senior prefects from Primary 6, mentor and train the Primary 5 prefects to lead the school, especially for the morning assembly and recess duty. It is hoped that this on-the-job training will hone their leadership qualities and skills further.

SSP is a platform for students to voice out their thoughts and give them a sense of ownership towards the development of the school. Once a term, selected prefects present a problem that they have noticed around the school and share their observation during assembly. They then guide their peers to provide solutions and those that can be implemented will be shared with the school.

Healthy active teachers make for healthy active students. Our teachers demonstrate their commitment to health and wellness among themselves outside of the school day.

Taking care of ourselves so we can take care of others Make sports a way of life!


Developing Leadership in our Students Prefects in Action Student Suggestion

Programme (SSP)

Our PSG is an integral part of the school. We really appreciate their dedicated involvement and active service and would like to see more parents getting involved in this family. When parents, teachers and the community have a common vision of improving the school, everyone’s strengths unite - all for the betterment of our children’s education.

Leaders amongst ParentsParent Support Group (PSG)

Let’s take 5 with this special group:How long have you been in the PSG?Many of us are part of PSG for the duration of our children’s education in Qihua. Some of us even continue to contribute after our children graduated.

What are some school programmes you have been involved in?We have been involved in learning journeys, Total Defence Day, Mother Tongue Fortnight, English ERP, decorations for school events, LPGD, Sports Carnival and others.

What motivates you to volunteer?Initially, we just wanted to know more about the school activities and their objectives. But after joining, we enjoyed the bonding with our children and the other students.

Share with us a memorable moment.The ERP students were able to progress and do well in their English exams. Last year, we did a Pikachu balloon mascot and were glad that the students loved it.

Despite your busy schedule, how do you find time to contribute as a parent volunteer?We believe that nothing is impossible if you can manage your time well. As long as you have the passion, you can do it.

Spirit to Serve

Working together, hand in hand

We strive to serve the school the best we can!

Innovative problem solvers

During my first experience giving the command, I felt nervous. Soon, I realised that it was a good learning experience as I was able to overcome my fear of talking in front of a large group of people.

Jolin Xu, P5/2


Sports Carnival

It was quite difficult trying to find good solutions that can be implemented. We had to go through the process thoroughly so that we could clearly explain why a solution was finally selected. Overall, I did enjoy the whole process!

Chay Yong Shi, P5/2

Our students are taught the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That’s why we plan many opportunities for them to be active and stay fit while having a blast with their schoolmates!

Active Living Programme


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Page 7: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Sports Uniformed GroupsNational School Games Basketball Championship



National School Games Sepak Takraw Championship

North Zone Junior Division Girls – 4th PositionNorth Zone Senior Division Girls – 4th Position

Frank Cooper Sands Award – Bronze

North Division 2017 Outdoor Challenge (Mystery Challenge) – 2nd PositionChief Commissioner’s Award – Umasivagami Ganesh Nagapan

14th Singapore-Malaysia Primary School Bilingual Olympiad 2017– Team 1st runner-up– Individual Top 30 - Wu Xin Yue and Yip Yin Xin P6/2

North Zone Junior Division Girls – 3rd PositionNorth Zone Senior Division Girls – 2nd Position

North Zone Junior Division Boys – 4th PositionNorth Zone Senior Division Boys – 4th Position

Junior Division – 1st position


As I participated in the National School Basketball Championship, I have learnt more about the importance of teamwork, care and being resilient. Without the team’s effort, we could not have clinched any awards.Although we did not make it to the second round of the National School Games, we know that we have tried our best. We always work as a team and our aim is to put in our best effort in every match. We are proud of our achievement of getting the 4th position in the game.

Siti Umairah Binte Rosli P6/5

Through the games, I have learnt the values of teamwork and resilience. My team and I worked together and we won many matches against other schools. Although it was tough, we persevered and in the end, we succeeded. I feel happy that we can achieve such good results and do the school proud.

Thian Shi Ying Jenelle P5/1

North Zone Table Tennis Championship

Through playing more games with my teammates, we become more and more confident. We encourage each other all the time and so, we become better players. I have also learnt that teamwork is very important in any sport. It is a team effort and only if we cooperate with each other can we win.

Kyle Ryan Chew P5/2

We felt very honoured to be selected by the school teachers. and were pleasantly surprised to qualify for the final round as the questions for the preliminary session were not easy. When we won the second position for the school, we were extremely proud of ourselves. The competition was exciting and challenging, and we really look forward to having similar experiences again.

Yip Yin Xin P6/2, Wu Xinyue P6/2, Gavin Tay Yee Heng P6/1

At first, I thought my group would not win because we did not know many different types of stitches. However, we remained resilient, tried our best and we succeeded. At the end of the challenge, my team members and I felt very tired but we were proud of ourselves with the work we came up with.

Amirah Atifah Binte Mohamad Roslan P6/4


After coming back from the leadership camp, I feel like a true leader; a leader who can be independent and trusted by the team.During the Cub Scout challenge, I have learnt about new knots, songs and cheers. We worked and solved problems together and this enabled us to learn more about the values of respect and teamwork.Through Job Week, I have also learnt to have more empathy and to help others who are in need. It was a meaningful experience and I would like to participate in it again in the future.

Belvin Chua Rui Jun P6/1


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Page 8: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.

Mr Raymond Lim

Children learn more from what you are than what you teach. – W.E.B. Du Bois

Mr Mohd Waffa Bin Yusoff

Our STAR Team 2016!STAR Award

MOE Service Excellence Award 2016

Values Award‘The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.’ Next to parents and families, teachers are the most important influence in our children’s lives. We celebrate teachers who are committed to their students and students’ learning, possess deep subject matter knowledge, effectively manage and monitor student learning, are reflective about their teaching, and are an inspiration to the broader school community. These are our STAR Teachers 2016.

Our school support staff plays an important role in ensuring the students are learning in a safe and supportive learning environment. These individuals are recognised as STAR Staff for providing quality support to enhance the holistic development of

students or demonstrating administrative or operational excellence.

We are pleased to announce that Mdm Goh Pee Chuan, Rebecca, has been awarded the MOE Service Excellence Award 2016 for being inspirational and passionate in her service delivery, consistent in serving internal and external customers with C.A.R.E (Courtesy, Accessibility, Responsiveness and Effectiveness), and inspiring her colleagues to do likewise.

Let’s congratulate Mdm Goh for being awarded the MOE Service Excellence Award 2016!

We do not just teach our Qihuaians how to count; we teach them what counts – good character. Our staff knows that good character is not just taught but caught. Let’s hear from those who were recognised for helping our students internalise the virtues we value by living them out daily.Mdm Norashikin Hassan

Every day, our teachers put their all and more into their craft because we know what we do matters. The school’s recognition affirms the effort of all of us for teaching is a collaborative effort.

Mr RajamohanAs School Counsellor, I work with students, teachers,

parents and external agencies to best meet the individual needs of each student. Supporting the students helps them

be maximally successful in and out of the classroom.

Mdm Norhana RoseliI believe in keeping the office organised. It enables an administrative employee to juggle her many tasks and increases effectiveness and efficiency.

Miss Tan Poh SuanWe celebrate every milestone that our students achieve.

Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards for a teacher’s efforts.


Say good words. Think good thoughts. Do good deeds.

Miss Chan Xiao Fong

Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

Mdm Watt Ai Wen, Denise Grace

A person’s character is measured neither by his knowledge nor wealth, but by his deeds.

Miss Wang Shu HuiKnowledge will give you power but character will earn you respect.

Miss Tan Yi Bei, Sally

Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do. – Elvis Presley

Miss Chan Ho Ting

Living in a way that reflects one’s values is not just about what you do, it is also about how you do things.

Mr Lee Kheng Yuen


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Page 9: Give every dream a chance · We celebrate every milestone that our students achieve. Seeing students realise their potential, or working hard at doing so, is one of the greatest rewards

Jai Ganesh Thevar, son of Mdm Amutha

Muhammad Khidir Bin Muhammad

Khair, son of Mdm Humairah

Miss Felecia Cheong Jia Hui

Mdm Leong Fong Fong

Mdm Shanuradha


Mdm Ang Lin & Mr Jasper Ang

Mr Lau Yong Heng

Miss Ang Moi Nam

Mdm Nurulhuda Bte Mohamad


Reyes Su, son of Mdm Anisa


Lim Jin Hong, son of Mdm Lee

Yen Ling

Mdm Lim Meow Choon

Mr Lim Eng Loo

Mr Aw Ker Lee Jeffrey

Mrs Koh Sau Peng

Nuzhan Bin Azwin Iskandar, son of

Mdm Hilwa

Rachel Ng Yu Qing, daughter of Mdm Quek

Pei Xin

Mr Yam Ah Lek Steven

Rifqah Helena, daughter of Mdm

Hilyah Bahkit

Devna Ramesh, daughter of Mr Ramesh

Isaac Xiong Chuheng, son of Mdm Wu Xiuqing

Mdm Sunita Kumari

Mdm Marie Quek

Mdm Chea Lee Fong Ann

Miss Suzanna Farid Tang Shu


Mdm Justina Tok Wei Ling

Mr Kamarulzaman


Mdm Hu Ming Yan

Mr Joshua Huang

Mdm Lee Sook Ling

Mr Thing Tock Keong

Mr William Hong

Mr Walter Dai Mr Roy Tan Hock Kim

Mr Teo Yuan Zhong

Miss Parhana Sawari

Ms Marwiyah Mohamed


Mdm Chua Geok Shan

Mdm Ng Lai Wah Connie

Mdm Jessintha Sasayiah

Mdm Sulasteri Bte


Mdm Ashley Wang & Mr Shawn Heng


Farewell and Thank You



Bundles of Joy


Editorial team:Miss Tan Li Ting, Mdm Norashikin Hassan, Mrs Arun Rosiah, Mdm Anushia S Surandharan, Mr Heng Yong Kwee and Miss Sally TanAcknowledgement: We would like to express our deepest appreciation to Mrs Lee Hui Feng, our principal, as well as Mr Amran Tasrif and Mdm Lim Hwee Chong, our vice-principals, for their guidance in this project. We would also like to thank the staff and students of Qihua Primary School for their contribution to the success of this newsletter.

Mr Walter DaiMdm Norhana RoseliMdm Jessie Tegina TanMr Lee Kheng YuenMiss Ee Jia YingMdm Lim Siew HuiMdm Ng Li HweeMdm Wang Shuhui


Mr Zhou En GuoMdm Tanty Mardiyani RohaniMiss Hasanah HusainMr Kamarulzaman HashimMdm Safura Mohd Shariff


Mrs Catherine Vijaya ManickaratnamMdm Sofiyanny Mansolyears:

20Mdm Zalina Buang
