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St. Gianna Health Academy Gina Wade

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St. Gianna Health Academy

Gina Wade

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Orientation Week Summary

On August 18, 2011, Jill, Laurel, and I made our way to St. Francis for our first day of Health Academy. We had heard different stories of what we would be doing for the next semester, but we were still not positive what to expect. Finding our way to the classroom was quite the struggle, however, once we found our way we were immediately greeted by Mrs. Clarke-Hang and felt very welcomed. For the next week we reviewed the syllabus, discussed the rules of the hospital, and listened to a few different speakers explain what we should know about Health Academy. We were also assigned a career paper to get things started. Little did I know, this semester would be very life-changing.

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Rotation Week 1: Rehab Services

On August 31 and September 1, 2011, I spent my first rotation in Rehab Services. Each day I followed a Physical Therapist (PT) to see two patients. I also got to see what an Occupational Therapist does. The difference between the two was explained to me as a Physical Therapist looks out for the lower part of your body (balance, legs, feet, etc.), whereas an Occupational Therapist takes care of the upper portion (fingers, arms, etc.). The PT would do simple exercises with the patients such as having them get out of bed, raise their arms above their head, walk a short distance while wearing a safety belt (the PT would hold on to it just in case), etc. Patients were also asked simple questions such as do you live alone, do you have safety bars on your toilet/in your shower, do you have a walk-in shower or sit-in tub, do you have to walk up stairs in your house?Rehab Services was very interesting, however, after seeing more in-depth I do not see Physical Therapy as a career choice in my future. I would highly recommend this type of career for anyone who wants to work in the medical field but does not want to constantly be on call or work long hours. I still had fun though!

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Rotation Week 4: OR SJC

This week I went to the OR at SJC. It. Was. AMAZING!! I had the best rotation yet. On Monday I arrived and changed into scrubs, hair cap, shoe covers, mask and protective eye wear. The first surgery I was sent to was supposed to be an Appendectomy, where they remove the appendix. However, they found cancer in the patients colon so they ended up removing their colon and I got to see it!! Then I watched a doctor trim  a man's prostate, then hook up a catheter to the man's penis. The last thing I saw on Monday was a Hysterectomy where they removed the woman's uterus. It was so cool because they used a robot to perform the operation. When the uterus was finally removed I got to hold it! It was so awesome.

On Tuesday I changed again then while I was waiting for a surgery to begin I sat and watched another Hysterectomy and this time they were removing the woman's uterus and ovaries. Next, I watched an Inguinal Hernia and that was so cool too because I got to stand right by the patient's head and watch the entire thing! After that I watched an Endoscopic Sinus Surgery where they broke out some of the bone in the patient's nose. It was weird because you could hear the bone breaking and everything! Finally, I saw a Colonoscopy and then another Hernia performed all on one patient. I had the best two days of rotation ever!!!

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Rotation Week 6: Labor and Delivery

For Rotation six I was in Labor and Delivery at SJC. It was so cool! Both days I was there I got to see a birth! The first birth I saw took a lot longer than the one I saw on day two. This was because it was the woman's first child and the first baby is always the hardest to get out. The woman I saw give birth on day two was on her third child. They both had girls! Day one and two I saw how they stitch up a woman after she tears from giving birth. There are four degrees of tearing, four being the worst. Mommy 1 had a third degree tear....OUCH and Mommy 2 just had a second degree...still pretty painful looking. Both of the moms requested skin to skin contact after the baby was born. Mommy 1 requested her baby to be cleaned off a little bit first, but Mommy 2 did not wait one second to hold her child. I also saw how they weigh, measure and bathe the babies after being born. Labor and Delivery was really really cool you just have to be patient because you're mainly waiting around for someone to start pushing but when the delivery does start everything starts to speed up. I loved it and it was a great experience!

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Rotation Week 7: Respiratory

For rotation seven I went to Respiratory at SFC on the fourth floor. As you've probably pieced together by now, respiratory has to do with your breathing and lungs. Both days I followed a Respiratory Therapist. Each day Respiratory Therapists are assigned to different units in the hospital. The purpose for doing this is to keep the them updated with the different areas of study in the hospital, this way their knowledge of everything will stay constant and will be renewed periodically.

The first day of my rotation, the Respiratory Therapist was assigned to the CTI unit. Basically, what the therapist did was go to see the different patients and provide breathing treatments. All of these treatments seemed to be all the same to me, in fact a couple of them are the same they just have a different name and are more expensive. It just depends on what you prefer.

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The second day of my rotation, the Respiratory Therapist was assigned to the PICU, Burn, and Neuro Units. I got to see a patient in the burn unit who had a bunch of bad sores all over their body. It was pretty cool. The therapist provided different breathing treatments as well! There are quite a few different breathing treatments; I will admit I was getting a little overwhelmed but I still really enjoyed myself.

This rotation definitely wasn't my most exciting but it really opened my mind. I have started to spark an interest in becoming a Respiratory Therapist. It might sound boring to some, but really if you think about it, you are never confined to just one unit for the rest of your career. Everyday you are assigned a new unit to work in so you are constantly getting to learn about new things. It was pretty awesome!

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Rotation Week 11: General Surgery

For Rotation eleven I was in General Surgery. This was basically exactly like the OR so of course I loved it! I saw my third hysterectomy, two laparoscopic gallbladder surgeries, and two hernia surgeries (one was open ventral and the other was laparoscopic). They were all so awesome! The laparoscopic hernia was probably my favorite because they used the camera to look inside the patient to place the mesh over the hernia to repair it. They didn't even have to cut into the patient except making the incisions for the camera and for the instruments! It was so cool. I am really starting to think that general surgery/OR is my calling!

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Mentor Forms

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Mentor Forms

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Mentor Forms

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Mentor Forms

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Handmade Thank You Letters

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Handmade Thank You Letters

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Handmade Thank You Letters

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Professional Thank You Letters

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Professional Thank You Letters

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Cover Letter

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Career List: Pediatrics

My first choice, Pediatrics, consists of caring for children from birth to early adulthood; specializing in diseases and ailments specific to young and growing bodies; supervising the health of children; advising parents on taking care of their new babies; diagnosing childhood cancer; etc. To be a great Pediatrician you must obtain excellent communicating skills. It is important to be a good communicator since you are going to be speaking with children who are just learning to talk and you do not want what you are going to say scare them or make them think they are just going to get hurt.

It is recommended that while in high school you take challenging math and science classes. This included AP biology, chemistry, physics and calculus. You should also enhance your communication skills with English composition, speech and drama classes. Psychology is recommended to learn about human nature and explore the mind-body connection. Also, while in high school, you should be volunteering at a health clinic, hospital, women’s clinic, or eldercare facility to start familiarizing yourself with what to expect.

After high school you should anticipate eight more years of schooling; four years of regular college, then four years of medical school. To reach medical school you will be expected to attain a college degree, not necessarily made up of a major in biology though. The reason behind not having to major in biology is that it would be easier if someone were to major in natural sciences since the following classes will be a part of it: biochemistry, zoology, anatomy, statistics, microbiology, physiology, immunology, genetics and cell physiology. Working your way up to medical school will consist of you taking the following courses as well (may vary between medical schools): one to two years of biology- including labs; one year of physics- including labs; one year of English; two years of chemistry- including one year of organic chemistry and labs; and one year of calculus.

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Pediatrics cont.

Once someone has finally reached medical school they will need to obtain a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) degree. The first two years will be spent in the classroom and labs learning. The last two years will be spent earning clinical experience under supervision of licensed physicians.

After graduation, when you are completely finished with school, you will need to attain a minimum of three years in residency training. This will be hands-on experience in your specialty prior to obtaining a license to practice. Many employers require receiving board certification through the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), which is one of the boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).

Pediatricians are also faced with talking to teens about birth control, helping overweight children plan a diet, order tests to confirm your diagnosis, give babies immunization shots, treat children for strep throat and other common ailments, etc. You will be spending years studying and training and a lifetime keeping up with advances in medicine, responding to emergencies late at night, working closely with other doctors, etc.

I find myself so interested in becoming a Pediatrician because I have always known that I want to work with children. Also, being a Pediatrician brings you into contact with so many new people; and I adore meeting new people and getting to know them. I believe that I would be able to handle all the schooling as well. So far I have been going to school for 12 years, I am positive eight more years will be a breeze.

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Career List: Psychology

My next career of interest would be Psychology. I have always been very curious about how our minds work. I have never fully grasped the concept of dreams, how we handle certain situations, or why we act the way we do when we hear about different things. Psychologists in healthcare help patients and their families/friends overcome emotional or psychological difficulties. They also study the human mind and behavior.Those who work in the psychology field can work with different degree levels, however, if you choose to practice individually you must obtain advanced schooling. Psychologists typically need a master’s degree or doctorate to become licensed or certified in every state, which you need to begin your work as a psychologist.Psychology is such a large field of study that there is really almost no end to what you could do. Some of the specialties consist of counseling, school or clinical psychology, working with large companies and organizations to improve workplace productivity or employee satisfaction, conduct research, publish papers, or even give speeches.A bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement in the psychology field, but there is high competition for jobs at this level. With this degree you will usually find jobs with the federal government or work as an assistant to psychologists. An undergrad psychology degree can prepare you for graduate programs. The bachelor’s degree program includes course topics as research methods and decision-making and core requirements in areas like development, social and clinical psychology.

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Psychology cont.

If you are at the doctoral level then you may choose from a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program. Most states require you to have a Ph.D. or Psy.D. if you plan on running your own practice. Doctoral candidates must complete research, residency, or comprehensive exams (varies by program). Students usually work as research assistants or teaching.

Psychologists who are preparing for a career in health psychology often obtain general psychology training at the undergraduate and doctoral levels, then receive specialty training at the postdoctoral or internship level. For an undergraduate; health psychology courses are available at about a third of North American colleges and universities. These students are encouraged to take courses focusing on abnormal and social psychology, learning processes and behavior therapies, psychophysiology, anatomy and physiology, psychopharmacology, community psychology, and public health. A number of programs exist now in the United States and other countries for graduates. Predoctoral internships provide specialized training in health psychology in which at least half of the trainee’s time is spent in supervised health psychology activities. Postdoctoral fellowships are found in many university medical centers, universities, and health centers. Health psychology programs offer specialized research and/or clinical training in different areas of health psychology.

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Career List: Obstetrics/Gynecology

Another area of healthcare I have had numerous thoughts about is Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN). This is the specialization of diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases/disorders that affect women. These include: breast cancer, cervical cancer, and menopause. Obstetricians and Gynecologists also help with expecting mothers through their pregnancy, during childbirth, and into postpartum (the period just after deliver, as with postpartum depression-

I am interested in Obstetrics and Gynecology because, as I stated earlier, I love children; but I am also curious in the specialization in the diseases/disorders that affect women. I have known/know many women who go through breast cancer and I have always wondered what goes into treating them.

Generally, you must obtain a Bachelor’s degree, four-year Medical degree, complete a four-year residency, and receive licensing in order to practice medicine to become an OBGYN. Depending on if you graduated from an allopathic or osteopathic medical school, you have the option of passing an exam to become board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology from either the American Board of Medical Specialists (ABMS) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).

Undergrad coursework requirements for an OBGYN consist of: chemistry, physics, biology, and other sciences. While in medical school, you will be taking courses in genetics, human anatomy, microbiology, pharmacology, pathology, and more for the first two years. The last two years you will be gaining hands-on experience in hospitals and clinics under the supervision of licensed physicians. You will rotate through different specialties including Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, etc.

After eight years of schooling, you will need to complete an internship and residency in a hospital; this may last up to eight years. Gaining residency at more distinguished facilities often requires a very high class ranking, strong recommendation letters, and published medical research.

To become and OBGYN a state licensure is mandatory. After schooling and residency, you must seek professional certification from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) before legally beginning your medical practice. To receive licensure, you must complete the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).

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Career List: Physical TherapyNext area of healthcare is Physical Therapy. If I chose to become a physical

therapist I would choose to do it for a sports team. I am a huge athlete, I have played sports my entire life, and so I know how often an athlete can become injured and then need physical therapy to help them get back on their feet. I also have numerous friends who have gone through therapy, and it is all thanks to the physical therapists that these kids get to continue on with their dreams.

Physical therapists rehabilitate patients, including low-back pains, arthritis, head injuries, fractures, accident victims, heart disease, etc. The physical therapist provides services to improve mobility, prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities, restore function, and relieve pain.

There are no specific undergrad majors, however, most physical therapy departments offer a master’s degree that can be completed in about two years. These degrees require courses to be taken in math, chemistry, physics, biology, and anatomy. An undergrad student could enroll in a bachelor’s degree program in a specific area or complete a pre-physical therapy-training course.

Community Colleges offer associate’s degree programs that prepare graduates to enter into a master’s degree program. Students that enroll in this kind of program will take courses including human physiology and anatomy, organic chemistry, general chemistry, anatomical kinesiology, and biology.

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Physical Therapy cont.

Before you can go out into the world as a full on licensed physical therapist you must complete a master’s degree program. A Master of Physical Therapy degree program combines foundational science courses with classes that emphasize clinical experiences. Clinical courses may be taken between the first two years of enrollment and the last year as well. After completing a master’s degree in physical therapy a graduate is prepared to sit for the National Physical Therapy Examination.A few of the core physical therapy courses touch on subjects such as cardiopulmonary physical therapy, neurological physical therapy, physical therapy and psychosocial issues, musculoskeletal disorders and physical therapy research.It is required to obtain a state license before a graduate of a physical therapy master’s degree can begin. After passing the National Physical Therapy Examination, you may be expected to complete additional state requirements, such as jurisprudence examinations. Once you receive your license, it will eventually have to be renewed to stay valid.

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Career List: Anesthesiology

My final area of healthcare is Anesthesiology. I am interested in this area of healthcare because I have thought it would be appealing to learn how you are supposed to monitor a patient’s vitals when they are under anesthetics.

In the beginning you begin your career with an undergraduate degree, usually in one of the life sciences or mathematics. Continuing on from the undergrad degree, a student is required to acquire a medical degree and complete a residency program in anesthesiology. While working through your residency, you are expected to study anesthesia theory and complete internships in areas including critical care, cardiology, and emergency medicine.

Anesthesiologists dedicate four years to a baccalaureate degree, four years to medical school, and four years to a residency program. There is only a limited number of schools that offer a master’s degree in anesthesiology. While undergoing a two-year master’s degree program, students study courses in physiology, pharmacology, pulmonary mechanics, and electrocardiography.

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Anesthesiology cont.

The first two years of medical school are normally spent in laboratories and classrooms completing courses such as cell and tissue biology, gross anatomy, pharmacology, and microbiology. The last two years are spent at hospitals or clinics practicing patient care. Towards the end of your fourth year, you should be interviewed for residency positions at hospitals.

The American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) gives out certification in anesthesiology and anesthesiology sub-specialties. You must posses a medical degree and recertification is to be completed every ten years.

You can choose to work for a hospital or outpatient medical facility once you complete your residency program.

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Reference Page (1)

Kevin ArkinKapaun Mt. Carmel High School8506 East CentralWichita, KS 67206316-634-0315

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Reference Page (2)

John ArnoldRedRock Canyon Grill1844 North Rock RoadWichita, KS 67206316-636-1844

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Reference page (3)

Chris BloomerKapaun Mt. Carmel High School8506 East CentralWichita, KS 67206316-634-0315

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Lecture Papers

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Lecture Papers

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Lecture Papers

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Lecture Papers

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My Future Plans

Next year I will be attending the University of Kansas! I will be rooming with one of my best friends, and I plan on rushing to be in a sorority. Currently, I am planning on majoring in Psychology! I am pretty darn excited

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Final ReflectionAs the semester comes to an end, so does Health Academy. Throughout the semester I have had numerous feelings about this class. There were days when I could not wait to get to the hospital, but I also had my days when all I really wanted to do was go home and sleep (I’m sure everyone did). I have learned so much with the “hands-on” experience on rotations to independent study in the classroom. This has been a life experience I will never forget! There is no regret in taking this class, because it really has helped me cut down on some of my decisions. It is going to be really weird not coming to the hospital everyday next semester…I have thoroughly enjoyed working with everyone and I will not forget any of you, especially Mrs. Hang!