
Gillman Family News ~ Making Christ Known in Taiwan~ Fall 2011 Update The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners; Isaiah 61:1 Happy Fall Time, With the thought of Thanksgiving being just around the corner and many people already starting their Christmas shopping, 2011 feels to have just flown by. What a truly amazing year it has been! We are looking forward to the Holiday season that we are about to jump in to! Just this morning, Joel asked when we are going to put our Christmas decorations up! November 25 th was the answer! Just as excited we are about the Holiday season, we are also just as excited about all the great things that have been happening for the past 2 months here in Taiwan! Joel has been busy teaching. He taught one week on “Having a Biblical Worldview” where he was able to challenge the students to love what Jesus loves and encouraged them to stand up for the things they are most passionate about. A couple of students commented that this week was “life-changing”. Joel also taught the book of Isaiah for a week. He really pushed the important need to TRUST God and most certainly, all 53 students that week were challenged! He did a great job. Thank you for praying for him and for the students! If the name Olivia sounds familiar, it should. Last year this time, I (Grace) asked you to pray with me for a girl named Olivia. I was meeting weekly with her, sharing the Gospel with her and building a friendship with her. Today, she is a Christian, was just baptized last month and is currently doing a Discipleship Training School to learn more about Jesus and what it means to be a Christian! She also attends the church that YWAM has planted. Thank you for praying for her!

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Gillman Fall Update 2011


Page 1: GillmanFallUpdate

Gillman Family News~ Making Christ Known in Taiwan~ Fall 2011 Update

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners;

Isaiah 61:1

Happy Fall Time,With the thought of Thanksgiving being just around the corner and many people already starting their Christmas shopping, 2011 feels to have just flown by. What a truly amazing year it has been! We are looking forward to the Holiday season that we are about to jump in to! Just this morning, Joel asked when we are going to put our Christmas decorations up! November 25th was the answer! Just as excited we are about the Holiday season, we are also just as excited about all the great things that have been happening for the past 2 months here in Taiwan!

Joel has been busy teaching. He taught one week on “Having a Biblical Worldview” where he was able to challenge the students to love what Jesus loves and encouraged them to stand up for the things they are most passionate about. A couple of students commented that this week was “life-changing”. Joel also taught the book of Isaiah for a week. He really pushed the important need to TRUST God and most certainly, all 53 students that week were challenged! He did a great job. Thank you for praying for him and for the students!

If the name Olivia sounds familiar, it should. Last year this time, I (Grace) asked you to pray with me for a girl named Olivia. I was meeting weekly with her, sharing the Gospel with her and building a friendship with her. Today, she is a Christian, was just baptized last month and is currently doing a Discipleship Training School to learn more about Jesus and what it means to be a Christian! She also attends the church that YWAM has planted. Thank you for praying for her!

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Joel is now back to doing weekly ministry at the Medical University. It is a new semester which means a few

new students. In the first day of class for this semester, Joel was doing the “getting to know each other” week. Out of nowhere, one of the students asked Joel if he believes in Ghosts (if you remember, last update I talked about a month dedicated to Ghosts. Ghosts are very much a part of their culture here). As Joel answered, it

turned into him sharing the Gospel for 45 minutes with a large group of

students gathered around him, asking him questions and VERY interested in what he was saying. He shared their need for a Savior and the love of

Christ. We will keep you updated with this as they are growing in curiosity to

know what Jesus is all about!

Something new and exciting happening for us is that we are now officially doing pre-marriage counseling for engaged couples – a huge need for couples who meet over seas. Meet Stephanie and Luke, dear friends of ours who we get to help prepare for marriage! They get married January 28th in North Carolina! Please be praying for them as the prepare for marriage and serving together here in Taiwan!

Faith is doing great! She is keeping busy painting with Liam, jumping in puddles on rainy days and helping me do our daily shopping.

We are also trying to prepare her to start preschool in January 2012! Please pray for that!

I (Grace) am still in charge of a weekly Mom's group at our house. It is a chance for other mom's and kids to

come together, encourage one another and pray for each other. Our heart and goal is to see other local moms come,

hang out and hear about Jesus!

(Yes, that is Faith in the pink ballerina outfit! Such a girly-girl!)

Liam is... busy! He is our little climber who also throws anything and everything he can get his hands on! He also got his first haircut!

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One of the biggest blessings on the mission field is when a close friend or family come for a visit. This month, our close friend, Michel Musacchio, came not only to visit, but to also teach “Father Heart of God” in the Discipleship Training School (DTS). Everyone was blessed by having him here and we hope that he will come back to teach (and visit!) again. He also hung out with locals at an Evangelism night.

Thank you to all of you who continue to faithfully pray for us and financially support us. We hope that through these updates, that you see that your prayers and support are not in vain but are radically answered and used by God! If it weren't for you, we couldn't be doing what we are doing

here in Taiwan. THANK YOU!

A few prayer requests would be:

• That we continue to grow in our own relationship with God

• That we continue to get opportunities to share Christ with the Taiwanese

• That the Taiwanese hearts would be open and softened to the Gospel

• Financially! We are praying for an additional $400 of committed monthly support!

If you would like to be a part of what God is doing here in Taiwan through financially supporting us, here's how:

Have a paypal account? So do we! Our email address for that is [email protected]

You can also send a check payable to YWAM Montana with a separate note indicating that it is for Joel and Grace Gillman. Also, put #3500 on the memo line. (They process our support

finances and all donations sent there are tax-deductible)

Accounting Department

501 Blacktail Road

Lakeside, Montana, 59922

We always greatly appreciate one-time donations too!

God is a God of MIRACLES! In the past 3 weeks, both Joel's sister and brother were rushed to the ER – on separate occasions. Charis escaped a terrible scooter accident with no broken bones (which was a miracle!) and she healed MUCH better than the doctors thought possible, not needing a skin graft she was told she need to have.

Josh broke his neck. In his x-rays, the top 3 vertebrae were fractured. His MRI results, a week later, showed 3 healthy vertebrae and only a fractured disc and he didn't need a huge surgery after all!