giáo án tc 11

Date of planning: Sep 7, 2014 Period: 01 Date of teaching: Sep 8, 2014 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY I. Aims: To help Ss practice pronunciation and perfect grammar use. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice reading words containing ending // and /t/and perfect their use of infinitives with to and without “to” through multiple choice exercises. III. Material: textbook, handouts, chalk, board. IV. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to V. Procedure: Teacher’s activity Students’activity I. Introduction (1’) - Teacher introduces, today we continue reviewing all knowledge in Unit 1 by doing some exercises. II. Practise pronunciation (10’) 1. Practise pronouncing the two sounds: // and /t/ again. (3’) - Ask Ss to pronouncing the two sounds again. - Feedback. 2. Practise (7’) - Ask Ss to practice the two sounds with a multiple choice exercise on the handouts. - T distributes the handout and asks Ss to work in pairs, choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Exercise 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. ch arity B. ch in C. ch ip D. ch aos 2. A. ch oice B. ch apter C. ch allenge D. ch aracter - Listen to the teacher. - Practise pronouncing the two sounds again. - Work in pairs, choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Lesson Plans for Teaching Optional Curriculum (English) for Grade 11 1

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Page 1: Giáo án TC 11

Date of planning: Sep 7, 2014 Period: 01Date of teaching: Sep 8, 2014


I. Aims: To help Ss practice pronunciation and perfect grammar use.II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice reading words containing ending /dʒ/ and /t∫/and perfect their use of infinitives with to and without “to” through multiple choice exercises.III. Material: textbook, handouts, chalk, board.IV. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to V. Procedure:

Teacher’s activity Students’activityI. Introduction (1’)- Teacher introduces, today we continue reviewing all knowledge in Unit 1 by doing some exercises.II. Practise pronunciation (10’)1. Practise pronouncing the two sounds: /dʒ/ and /t∫/ again. (3’)- Ask Ss to pronouncing the two sounds again.- Feedback.2. Practise (7’)- Ask Ss to practice the two sounds with a multiple choice exercise on the handouts.- T distributes the handout and asks Ss to work in pairs, choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.Exercise 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.1. A. charity B. chinC. chip D. chaos2. A. choice B. chapterC. challenge D. character3. A. stomach B. matchC. switch D. catch4. A. chip B. childC. chemist D. French5. A. genius B. generalC. gentle D. gaze- Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to pronounce and answer.- Feedback and ask Ss to repeat the words.

III. Practise using vocabulary & grammar (33’)1. Revision (10’)- Ask Ss to have a look at reading, speaking, listening section of unit 1 and find some collocations, word uses, especially have a look at to infinitives with and without to.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Practise pronouncing the two sounds again.

- Work in pairs, choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

- Pronounce the words and answer.Expected answers: 1.D 2.D

3.A 4.C 5.D- Listen and take note.

- Have a look at the sections they studied.

Lesson Plans for Teaching Optional Curriculum (English) for Grade 11 1

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- Call on some Ss to report their work and write on the board. 2. Practice (26’)- Ask Ss to practice using vocabulary & grammar with the exercises given.* T distributes the handout and asks Ss to work in pairs, choose, choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. (13’)Exercise 2: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.6. People say that there must be………… between two friends.A. common B. sharedC. social D. mutual.7. We always admire the ………….between the two scientists.A. difference B. harmonyC. contribution D. friendship.8. His father’s death was a great…………….to him.A. sorrow B. happinessC. pursuit D. demand9. At work, she has many business ……………..but very few true friends.A. customers B. relativesC. acquaintances D. friends.10. If you only care about your interests and feelings, you are very…………A. happy B. loyalC. friendly D. selfish11. She is in a hurry, She has a train…………..A. catch B. to catchC. catching D. caught12. This dress makes me ……………..fat.A. look B. lookingC. to look D. looked13. The children cheered wildly when the teacher let them …………..a game.A. play B. to playC. playing D. played14. Don’t let her ……………your children.A. upset B. to upsetC. upsetting D. to upsetting- Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to report their answers.- Feedback and ask Ss to remind Ss some points if necessary.* T distributes the handout and asks Ss to work in pairs, choose, choose the word that needs correcting. (13’)15. Where mutual sympathy does not exist, friendship is impossibility.

- Work in pairs, choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

- Say their answers.Expected answers: 6.D

7.D 8.A 9.C10.D 11.B 12.A13.A 14.A

- Listen and take note.

- Work in pairs, choose, choose the word that needs correcting. (13’)

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16. Everyone has a number of acquaintances, but all have many true friends.17. Some people are incapable in finding good friends. 18. It’s comfortable to work with such an understood person like him.19. I made friend with Lan when she was on her trip to Do Son.- Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to report their answers.- Feedback and ask Ss to remind Ss some points if necessary.III. Wrap-up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice more at home with exercises in work book.

- Say their answers.Expected answers: 15. impossibility ( impossible) 16.all (no one) 17. in (of) 18.understood (understanding)19. friend (friends)- Listen and take note.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of preparing: Sep 14, 2014 Period: 2Date of teaching: Sep 15, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss gain more vocabulary of a specific topic.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use vocabulary related to the topic personal experience through word choice and preposition exercises.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to use appropriate words to complete the sentences.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Warm-up (1’)- T introduces: Today we’ll practice using vocabulary and understand the meaning of the words related to topic: personal experience.II. Word choice (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete the sentences with the words given. Handouts:I. Complete each of the sentences with the appropriate word from the box. Make changes if necessary.embarrass personal idol excite imaginememory embrace sneak fuss experience 1. A lot of teenagers make Bi Rain their

________.2. The task needs the skills of a suitably

________ engineer.3. She smiled to hide her slight

________.4. I ________ prefer Pizza to

hamburgers.5. The romantic evening cruise will be a

________ experience.6. They left quietly, without ________.7. I have a ________ suspicion that she

knows more than she's telling us.8. They were locked in a passionate

________ on the station platform.9. Don't get the children too ________.10. I haven't got a picture of this so you'll

just have to use your ________.- Make a model1. idol- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work in groups, complete the sentences with the words given.- Report their answer.Expected answers: 1. A lot of teenagers make Bi Rain

their idol.2. The task needs the skills of a

suitably experienced engineer.3. She smiled to hide her slight

embarrassment.4. I personally prefer Pizza to

hamburgers.5. The romantic evening cruise will be

a memorial experience.6. They left quietly, without fuss.7. I have a sneaking suspicion that she

knows more than she's telling us.8. They were locked in a passionate

embrace on the station platform.9. Don't get the children too excited.10. I haven't got a picture of this so

you'll just have to use your imagination.

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III. Applying preposition (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, fill in the gap with one suitable preposition.Handouts:II. Fill in the gap with one suitable preposition.1. She had a quick glance ___ the

newspaper as she gulped down her coffee.

2. She got ________ the bus and sit ________ next ________ an old man.

3. If you don't like the scarf, you can take it ________ to the shop.

4. She showed her new toy ________ her friends.

5. How much did you pay ________ your new car?

6. He pointed _______ the dog when it ran ________ them.

7. Are you interested ________ practicing speaking English?

8. You should have more confidence ________ your own abilities.

9. The fire started in the kitchen because she forgot to turn the light ________.

10. My parents gave me a bicycle ________ my birthday.

- Make a model1. at- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

- Ss work in groups, fill in the gap with one suitable preposition.- Report their answers.Expected answers: 1. She had a quick glance at the

newspaper as she gulped down her coffee.

2. She got on the bus and sit down next to an old man.

3. If you don't like the scarf, you can take it back to the shop.

4. She showed her new toy to her friends.

5. How much did you pay for your new car?

6. He pointed to the dog when it ran toward them.

7. Are you interested in practicing speaking English?

8. You should have more confidence in your own abilities.

9. The fire started in the kitchen because she forgot to turn the light off.

10. My parents gave me a bicycle on my birthday.

- Listen and take note.IV. Wrap up (2’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson by repeating the words appeared in the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

Duyệt ngày 15 tháng 9 năm 2014TCM

Lesson Plans for Teaching Optional Curriculum (English) for Grade 11 5

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Date of preparing: Sep 21, 2014 Period: 3Date of teaching: Sep 22, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better grammar use and pronunciation2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to the simple past, past progressive, past perfect appropriately and practice pronouncing words containing three sounds /m/, /n/, /n/3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to distinguish between simple past and past progressive, past perfect.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Introduction (1’)T: “Today we are going to practice using the simple past, past progressive, past perfect and pronouncing words containing three sounds /m/, /n/, /n/”II. Review (15’) * Simple past (10’)- Ask Ss to distinguish between simple past, past progressive and past perfect by making two examples combining these tenses and then say the rules.- Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.

* Pronunciation /m/, /n/, /n/ (5’)- Ask Ss to pronounce the three sounds again.- Tell them to find at least 3 words

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work individually.Example: When I was eating my breakfast, he came.After the train had left, I arrived.- Distinguish the three tenses with+ Form:* Simple past:

* Past progressive:

* Past perfect:

+ Usage:a. The Past simple expresses an action

that happened and completed at a point of time in the past.

b. The Past progressive expresses an action happening in the past when another action happened.

c. The Past perfect expresses an action that happened before another action in the past or before a point of time in the past.

- Pronounce the three sounds again.- Find at least 3 words containing each sounds and practice.- Feedback.

Lesson Plans for Teaching Optional Curriculum (English) for Grade 11 6

S + V2 / Ved

S + was / were + V-ing

S + had + V3 / Ved

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containing each sounds and practice.- Feedback.II. Practice (26’)* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (16’)Handouts: Choose the correct answer.1. After Jessica ____ her degree, she intends to work in her father's company.a. will finish b. finishes

c. finished d. is finishing2. As you ________ your car at the moment, can I borrow it?a. don't use b. didn't use

c. aren't using d. haven't used3. When she saw a snake at her feet, she ________.a. screamed b. was screaming

c. had screamed d. screams4. When he realised that I ________ at him, he ________ away.a. looked - was turning b. was looking - turnedc. was looking - was turning d. looked - turned5. I ___ the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my copy if you like.a. finish b. am finishing c. have finished d. had finished6. I was sure that I ________ him before.a. met b. had met c. have met d. was meeting7. Before I started the car, all of the passengers ________ their seat belts.a. will buckle b. had buckled

c. was buckling d. have buckled8. The minute I got the news about Sue I ________ my parents.a. phoned b. was phoning

c. had phoned d. have phoned9. A lot ________ since I last ________ you.a. happened - saw b. happened - have seenc. has happened - saw d. has happened - have seen10. Your eyes are red - ________?a. did you cry b. have you been cryingc. have you cried d. do you cry

- Work individually and do the task.- Report the answers.Expected answers:

1. After Jessica ____ her degree, she intends to work in her father's company.a. will finish b. finishes c. finished d. is finishing

2. As you ________ your car at the moment, can I borrow it?a. don't use b. didn't use c. aren't using d. haven't used

3. When she saw a snake at her feet, she ________.a. screamed b. was screaming

c. had screamed d. screams4. When he realised that I ________ at him, he ________ away.a. looked - was turning b. was looking - turnedc. was looking - was turning d. looked - turned

5. I ___ the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my copy if you like.a. finish b. am finishing c. have finished d. had finished

6. I was sure that I ________ him before.a. met b. had met c. have met d. was meeting

7. Before I started the car, all of the passengers ________ their seat belts.a. will buckle b. had buckled c. was buckling d. have buckled

8. The minute I got the news about Sue I ________ my parents.a. phoned b. was phoning c. had phoned d. have phoned

9. A lot ________ since I last ________ you.a. happened - saw b. happened - have seenc. has happened - saw

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11. A small stone struck the windshield while we _______ down the gravel road.a. drive b. were driving c. had drivend. had been driving12. In the next few year, thousands of speed cameras ________ on major roads.a. are appeared b. will appearc. are appearingd. are going to appear13. After she ________ hospital, she had a long holiday.a. leaves b. is leavingc. left d. has left

- Explain some new words to Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.- Feedback and correct the answers.

* Pronuncation: Ask Ss to work individually, put the words into the correct column according to their pronunciation. (10’)Handout: Put the words into the correct column according to their pronunciation. (10’)Words: may, nose, wrong, running, nine, make, summer, money, bringing, home, small, seven, morning, sing, snow./m/: /n/:/n/:- Call on some Ss to pronounce and say their answers.- Feedback and correct the answers.

d. has happened - have seen10. Your eyes are red - ________?a. did you cry b. have you been cryingc. have you cried d. do you cry

11. A small stone struck the windshield while we _______ down the gravel road.a. drive b. were driving

c. had driven d. had been driving12. In the next few year, thousands of speed cameras ________ on major roads.a. are appeared b. will appearc. are appearing d. are going to appear

13. After she ________ hospital, she had a long holiday.a. leaves b. is leaving

c. left d. has left- Listen and take note.- Work individually and do the task.- Report the answers.Expected answers:- Listen and take note.

/m/ column: may, make, summer, home, small./n/ column: nose, nine, money, seven, snow./n/ column: wrong, running, bringing, sing, morning.

III. Wrap up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of preparing: Sep 28, 2014 Period: 4Date of teaching: Sep 29, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss gain more vocabulary of a specific topic.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use vocabulary related to the topic party through word choice and preposition exercises.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to use appropriate words to complete the sentences.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Warm-up (1’)- T introduces: Today we’ll practice using vocabylary and understand the meaning of the words related to topic: party.II. Word choice (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete the sentences with the words given.Handouts:I. Complete these sentences with the

correct form or tense of the verb in the box.

celebrate sing joke divorce receive decorate serve gather

invite clap1. Paula's parent _______ when she was only a child.

2. Everyone _______ us when we went up to get our prize.

3. Let's have a party _______ your birthday.

4. _______ you _______ your Christmas tree yet?

5. I'd have liked to have gone to their party but I_______.

6. She _______ a camera as a twenty-fifth birthday present.

7. Traditionally, Auld Lang Syne _______ at midnight on New Year Eve.

8. I thought he _______ when he said he'd resigned.

9. By the time we got to the party, the pasta ________.

10. They _______ for a major conference at the moment.

- Make a model1. divorced- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work in groups, complete the sentences with the words given.- Report their answer.Expected answers: 1. Paula's parent divorced when she

was only a child.2. Everyone clapped us when we went

up to get our prize.3. Let's have a party to celebrate your

birthday.4. Have you decorated your

Christmas tree yet?5. I'd have liked to have gone to their

party but I wasn't invited.6. She received a camera as a twenty-

fifth birthday present.7. Traditionally, Auld Lang Syne is

sung at midnight on New Year Eve.8. I thought he was joking when he

said he'd resigned.9. By the time we got to the party, the

pasta had been served.10. They are gathering for a major

conference at the moment.- Listen and take note.

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- Feedback and correct their answers.III. Applying preposition (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, fill in the gap with one suitable preposition.Handouts:II. Fill in the gap with one suitable preposition.11. We are having a big party ______ our

twenty-fifthwedding anniversary.12. It's Jane's farewell party _______

Friday night.13. He blew _______ all 60 candles

_______ his birthday cake.14. We don't know what to give Dad

_______ Christmas.15. People usually give cards and gift

_______ the anniversary couple.16. If you carry ______ spending money

like that, you'll end _____ in debt.17. We've invited all the neighbors

_______ our party.18. He bought her a diamond ring ______

their tenth wedding anniversary.19. The whole family showed _______ for

our anniversary celebration.20. There are some games _______ the

party. Would you join _______ enthusiastically?

- Make a model1. for- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

- Ss work in groups, fill in the gap with one suitable preposition.- Report their answers.Expected answers: 11. We are having a big party for our

twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.12. It's Jane's farewell party on Friday

night.13. He blew out all 60 candles on his

birthday cake.14. We don't know what to give Dad at

Christmas.15. People usually give cards and gift to

the anniversary couple.16. If you carry on spending money like

that, you'll end up in debt.17. We've invited all the neighbors to

our party.18. He bought her a diamond ring on

their tenth wedding anniversary.19. The whole family showed up for our

anniversary celebration.20. There are some games at the party. Would you join in enthusiastically?- Listen and take note.

IV. Wrap up (2’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson by repeating the words appeared in the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

Duyệt ngày 29 tháng 9 năm 2014TCM

Lesson Plans for Teaching Optional Curriculum (English) for Grade 11 10

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Date of preparing: Oct 5, 2014 Period: 5Date of teaching: Oct 6, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better grammar use and pronunciation2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use infinitive, gerund, passive gerund and infinitive appropriately and practice pronouncing words containing three sounds /l/, /r/, /h/3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to distinguish between infinitive, gerund and passive infinitive and gerund.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Introduction (1’)T: “Today we are going to practice using use infinitive, gerund, passive gerund and infinitive appropriately and pronouncing words containing three sounds /l/, /r/, /h/II. Review (15’) * Infinitive and Passive Infinitive (5’)- Ask Ss to distinguish between infinitive and passive infinitive by making two examples of infinitive and passive infinitive, then say the rules.- Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.* Gerund and Passive Gerund (5’)- Ask Ss to distinguish between infinitive and passive infinitive by making two examples of infinitive and passive infinitive, then say the rules.- Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.* Pronunciation /l/, /r/, /h/ (5’)- Ask Ss to pronounce the three sounds again.- Tell them to find at least 3 words containing each sounds and practice.- Feedback.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work individually.Example: I want to go to Hanoi.She wants not to be disturbed at home. He enjoyed watching TV.He enjoyed being taken to the zoo.- Work out the differences between them. + Form:To infinitive: To + VinfGerund: V-ing+ Usage:+ Infinitive only

+ Gerund only

+ Both

AdjectivesNounsagree arrangeask choosedecide demanddeserve expectfail hoperefuse hesitateintend learn

Prepositionadmit avoiddeny enjoykeep suggestpractice missconsider finishprevent minddetest riskpostpone

begin stop start continue love likehate rememberforget regret try prefer

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manage offerwait seemwant plan

delaymentionV + prep

Passive infinitive: to be + Past ParticiplePassive gerund: being + Past Participleto emphasize the action/event rather than the agent.- Pronounce the three sounds again.- Find at least 3 words containing each sounds and practice.- Feedback.

II. Practice (26’)* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (16’)Handouts: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:14. It is easy (fool) ………….. by his lies.15. Martha doesn’t like to have her picture taken. She avoids (photograph) ………………16. I appreciate (invite) …………. to your home.17. Let’s not risk (catch) ………. In a traffic jam.18. The government tried to stop the book (publish) ………….19. (search) …………….. by customs officers is unpleasant.20. There’s a lot of work (do)…………….21. The new students hope (include) …............ in many of the school’s social activities.22. When the police first questioned him, he denied (involve) …………. in the robbery.23. I remember (take) ………. to the zoo when I was a child.24. We managed to climb over the wall without (see) ……...25. Isabel expected (admit) ……… the university, but she wasn’t.26. The tin opener seems (design) …... for left-handed people.

- Explain some new words to Ss if necessary.

- Work individually and do the task.- Report the answers.Expected answers:

14. being searched15. to be done / to do16. to be included17. being involved18. being taken19. being seen20. to be admitted21. to be designed

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- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.- Feedback and correct the answers.* Pronuncation: Ask Ss to work individually, choose the word in which the letter l, r, or h his silent. (10’)Handout: Choose the word in which the letter l, r, or h his silent.1. a. cold b. calm

c. light d. film2. a. honey b. healthy

c. honest d. happy3. a. work b. parent

c. drive d. dairy4. a. horrible b. hospital

c. holiday d. honour5. a. follow b. fold

c. folk d. file6. a. ring b. uniform

c. hungry d. pretty7. a. should b. shoulder

c. sailor d. slow8. a. carry b. around

c. burn d. Europe9. a. inherit b. enhance

c. exhale d. exhaust10. a. calf b. climb

c. world d. glass- Call on some Ss to pronounce and say their answers.- Feedback and correct the answers.

- Listen and take note.- Work individually and do the task.- Report the answers.Expected answers:1. a. cold b. calm

c. light d. film2. a. honey b. healthy

c. honest d. happy3. a. work b. parent

c. drive d. dairy4. a. horrible b. hospital

c. holiday d. honour5. a. follow b. fold

c. folk d. file6. a. ring b. uniform

c. hungry d. pretty7. a. should b. shoulder

c. sailor d. slow8. a. carry b. around

c. burn d. Europe9. a. inherit b. enhance

c. exhale d. exhaust10. a. calf b. climb

c. world d. glass

- Listen and take note.III. Wrap up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of preparing: Oct 12, 2014 Period: 6Date of teaching: Oct 13, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better vocabulary and use.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use vocabulary related to the topic volunteer through word choice and synonym exercises.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to use appropriate words to complete the sentences.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Warm-up (1’)- T introduces: Today we’ll practice using vocabulary and understand the meaning of the words related to topic: volunteer.II. Word choice (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete the sentences with the words given.Handouts:I. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form or tense of an appropriate verb from the box.suffer overcome volunteer repair comfortdonate participate join raise

perform1. Claire ______ at the homeless shelter

once a week.2. I've never seen this play ______

before.3. He ______ to know that most students

in the class knew even less than he.4. He made a rash decision and now he

______ for it.5. She ______ her difficulties to

graduate.6. Some people were in the streets

______ money for charity.7. He ______ thousands of pounds to

charity. 8. It was too badly damaged ______.9. Would you mind if I ______ you for a

drink in the bar?10. We encourage students ______ fully in

the running of the college.- Make a model1. volunteers- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.

- Ss work in groups, complete the sentences with the words given.- Report their answer.Expected answers: 1. Claire volunteers at the homeless

shelter once a week.2. I've never seen this play performed

before.3. He was comforted to know that

most students in the class knew even less than he.

4. He made a rash decision and now he have suffered for it.

5. She overcame her difficulties to graduate.

6. Some people were in the streets raising money for charity.

7. He donated thousands of pounds to charity.

8. It was too badly damaged to be repaired.

9. Would you mind if I joined you for a drink in the bar?

10. We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.

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- Feedback and correct their answers.III. Understanding the meaning of the words (21’), synonym.- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, choose the word or phrase with the same meaning as the underlined part.- Make a model1. volunteer- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.II. Choose the word or phrase with

the same meaning as the underlined part.

1. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.

a. bring along b. get on with c. keep up with d. look after 2. The construction work was carried out

by the local contractor. a. continued b. completed c. done d. run3. Some high school students take part in

helping the handicapped.a. participate b. compete c. experience d. support4. She had never imagined being able. to

visit such remote countries.a. foreign b. faraway c. friendly d. desolate5. The lawn needs mowing again.a. repairing b. making c. bending d. cutting 6. A bank has promised a donation of

$24 million toward the disaster fund. a. connection b. addition c. contribution d. provision 7. Teachers have been asked to

concentrate on literacy and numeracy.a. the ability to read and write b. basic skills in mathematicsc. good knowledge of literature d. the ability to write books8. We were involved in the anti-drug

campaign up until the last minute. a. included b. affected c. interested d. taken part9. English classes will be set up for the

disadvantaged children.a. built b. started c. chosen d. taken

- Ss work in groups, choose the word or phrase with the same meaning as the underlined part.- Report their answers.Expected answers: 1. Each nation has many people who

voluntarily take care of others.a. bring along b. get on with c. keep up with d. look after

2. The construction work was carried out by the local contractor. a. continued b. completed c. done d. run

3. Some high school students take part in helping the handicapped.a. participate b. compete c. experience d. support

4. She had never imagined being able to visit such remote countries.a. foreign b. faraway c. friendly d. desolate

5. The lawn needs mowing again.a. repairing b. making c. bending d. cutting

6. A bank has promised a donation of $24 million toward the disaster fund. a. connection b. addition c. contribution d. provision

7. Teachers have been asked to concentrate on literacy and numeracy.a. the ability to read and write b. basic skills in mathematicsc. good knowledge of literature d. the ability to write books

8. We were involved in the anti-drug campaign up until the last minute. a. included b. affected

c. interested d. taken part9. English classes will be set up for the

disadvantaged children.a. built b. started c. chosen d. taken

10. People are now raising money for flood victims.a. sending b. collecting

c. paying d. making

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10. People are now raising money for flood victims.

a. sending b. collecting c. paying d. makingIV. Wrap up (2’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson by repeating the words appeared in the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

Duyệt ngày 13 tháng 10 năm 2014TCM

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Date of planning: Oct 19, 2014 Period: 07

Date of teaching: Oct 24, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better grammar use and pronunciation.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use gerund, present participle, perfect gerund and perfect participle appropriately and practice pronouncing words containing two sounds /w/, /j/.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to distinguish between gerund, present participle, perfect gerund and perfect participle.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Introduction (1’)T: “Today we are going to practice using gerund, present participle, perfect gerund and perfect participle appropriately and practice pronouncing words containing three sounds /w/, /j/.II. Review (15’) * Gerund and present participle (5’)- Ask Ss to distinguish between gerund and present participle by making two examples of gerund and present participle, then say the rules.- Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.* Perfect gerund and perfect participle (5’)- Ask Ss to distinguish between perfect gerund and perfect participle by making two examples of perfect gerund and perfect participle, then say the rules.- Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work individually.Example: They like watching TV.I watched two robbers breaking into a house.Jimmy admitted having stolen the wallet.Having watched the film for 3 hours, they became tired.- Work out the differences between them. * Gerund:- Formation: V-ing- Usages: Gerund is used :+ as a subject of a sentence:Eg: Behaving well with everyone is impossible.= It is impossible to behave well with everyone.+ Ving + tobe + adj= It + tobe + adj + to V1+ after some verbs: enjoy, mind, avoid, like, dislike, love, hate…Eg: This man enjoys eating cakes. + after prepositions: look forward to, object to, insist on, interested in, approve of….Eg: I look forward to hearing

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* Pronunciation /w/, /j/ (5’)- Ask Ss to pronounce the three sounds again.- Tell them to find at least 3 words containing each sounds and practice.

from you soon.* Present participle- Formation: V-ing- Usages: Present participle is used :+ after verbs describing senses: see, hear, smell, taste, feel …Eg: Last night, I saw a thief crossing the window of the kitchen.+ after some verbs (spend, waste) + time/money Eg: The students wasted a lot of time playing games+ in progress tensesEg: We have been studying English for 7 years+ in shortened clausesEg: I divorced him. I felt free.→ Divorcing him, I felt free.* Perfect Gerund: - Form: having + V-pp- Usage: It can be used instead of the present form of the gerund when we are referring to a past action.- It also is used to emphasize completion in both the past and the future.* Perfect Participle:- Form: having + V-pp- Usage: + The perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject.+ The perfect participle emphasizes the first action is complete before the second one starts.+ The perfect participle is necessary when there is an interval (khoảng thời gian) of time between the two actions.+ It is also used when the first action covered a period of time.- Pronounce the two sounds again.- Find at least 3 words containing each sounds and

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- Feedback. practice.- Feedback.

III. Practice (26’)* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (16’)1. Handouts: ______ for twelve hours, I felt

marvelous.a. Having slept b. have sleptc. Having been slept d. have been slept2. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson

hope ______ painting and decorating the new nursery.

a. having finished b. to have finishedc. having been finished d. to have been finished3. She's angry about ______ to the farewell party

last night.a. not having invited b. not to have invitedc. not having been invited d. not to have been invited4. We decided not to travel, ______ the terrible

weather forecast.a. having heard b. to have heardc. having been heard d. to have been heard5. I'd love ______ to the party, but it was

impossible.a. having gone b. to have goneb. having been gone d. to have been gone6. I don't recall ______ him at the conference.a. having seen b. to have seen c. having been seen d. to have been seen7. ______ in dark colors, the room needed some

bright lights.a. Having painted b. To have paintedc. Having been painted d. To have been painted8. The stockbroker denied ______ of the secret

business deal.a. having informed b. to have informedc. having been informed d. to have been informed9. They now regret ______ their son by providing

too many material possessions.a. having spoiled b. to have spoiledc. having been spoiled d. to have been spoiled10. ______ to the party, we could hardly refuse to

go. a. Having invited b. To have invitedc. Having been invited d. To have been invited11. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss

didn't fire him. He's lucky ______ a second chance.

a. having given b. to have given

- Work individually and do the task.- Report the answers.Expected answers:1. ______ for twelve hours, I

felt marvelous.a. Having slept

2. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope ______ painting and decorating the new nursery.b. to have finished

3. She's angry about ______ to the farewell party last night.c. not having been invited

4. We decided not to travel, ______ the terrible weather forecast.a. having heard

5. I'd love ______ to the party, but it was impossible.b. to have gone

6. I don't recall ______ him at the conference.a. having seen

7. ______ in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.c. Having been painted

8. The stockbroker denied ______ of the secret business deal.c. having been informed

9. They now regret ______ their son by providing too many material possessions.a. having spoiled

10. ______ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go. c. Having been invited

11. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn't fire him. He's lucky ______d. to have been given

12. Are you sure you told me? I don't recall ______ about it. c. having been told

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c. having been given d. to have been given12. Are you sure you told me? I don't recall ______

about it.a. having told b. to have told c. having been told d. to have been told- Explain some new words to Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.- Feedback and correct the answers.* Pronuncation: Ask Ss to work individually, circle the word with the italic consonant sound different from that of the others in each group. (10’)Handout: Circle the word with the italic consonant sound different from that of the others in each group.11. hour half home house12. union useful under university13. water whale whole window14. when who where which15. usually uranium uniform umbrella16. answer world write jewellery17. children kitchen beach chemistry18. game organize angry college19. year youth jealous yellow20. ugly unit ulcer upset- Call on some Ss to pronounce and say their answers.- Feedback and correct the answers.

- Listen and take note.- Work individually and do the task.- Report the answers.Expected answers:11. hour half

home house12. union useful

under university13. water whale

whole window14. when who

where which15. usually uranium

uniform umbrella16. answer world

write jewellery17. children kitchen

beach chemistry18. game organize

angry college19. year youth

jealous yellow20. ugly unit

ulcer upset- Listen and take note.

III. Wrap up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

Duyệt ngày 27 tháng 10 năm 2014TCM

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Date of planning: Oct 26, 2014 Period: 8Date of teaching: Oct 31, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better vocabulary and use.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use vocabulary related to the topic competition through word choice and verb form exercises.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to use appropriate words to complete the sentences.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Warm-up (1’)- T introduces: Today we’ll practice using vocabulary and understand the meaning of the words related to topic: competitionII. Word choice (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete the sentences with the words given.I. Complete these sentences with one

appropriate word from the box.representatives score reciting spirit awarded worksheets sponsored

participate rules announced1. The competition's aim was to stimulate

the ........ of learning English among students.

2. The competition was ........ by the Students' Parents Society.

3. The English teacher explained the competition’s ........ to the students.

4. You will have to answer the questions on the ........ within two minutes.

5. A maximum ........ for each activity is 15 points.

6. The winner will be ........ a set of CDs.7. Time was up and the judges ........ the

results.8. To ........ in the contest, you have to

work in groups of three.9. The final competition included

the ........ of three classes.10. He had difficulty ........ the poem in

front of the judges.- Make a model1. spirit- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work in groups, complete the sentences with the words given.- Report their answer.Expected answers: 1. The competition's aim was to

stimulate the spirit of learning English among students.

2. The competition was sponsored by the Students' Parents Society.

3. The English teacher explained the competition’s rules to the students.

4. You will have to answer the questions on the worksheets within two minutes.

5. A maximum score for each activity is 15 points.

6. The winner will be awarded a set of CDs.

7. Time was up and the judges announced the results.

8. To participate in the contest, you have to work in groups of three.

9. The final competition included the representatives of three classes.

10. He had difficulty reciting the poem in front of the judges.

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- Feedback and correct their answers.III. Understanding the verb forms(21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.1. The company has decided to withdraw

from some of its ........... (sponsor)2. The playgroup provides plenty

of .......... for the children . (stimulate)3. Over 30,000 .......... will run in the New

York marathon. (compete)4. The negotiation was attended by ..........

of several states. (represent)5. The scheme aims to encourage

increased .......... in sporting activities. (participate)

6. The survey was based on direct .......... of over 500 schools. (observe)

7. I felt extremely .......... when we lost. (disappoint)

8. She finds writing poetry deeply .......... (satisfy).

9. The teacher's comment are designed to help improve your .......... and ...........(know - understand)

10. The .......... of further job losses comes at a bad time. (announce)

- Make a model.1. sponsorship- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

- Ss work in groups, choose the word or phrase with the same meaning as the underlined part.- Report their answers.Expected answers: 1. The company has decided to

withdraw from some of its sponsorship. (sponsor)

2. The playgroup provides plenty of stimulation for the children. (stimulate)

3. Over 30,000 competitors will run in the New York marathon. (compete)

4. The negotiation was attended by representatives of several states. (represent)

5. The scheme aims to encourage increased participation in sporting activities. (participate)

6. The survey was based on direct observation of over 500 schools. (observe)

7. I felt extremely disappointed when we lost. (disappoint)

8. She finds writing poetry deeply saitsfying. (satisfy).

9. The teacher's comment are designed to help improve your and knowledge - understanding.(know - understand)

10. The announcement of further job losses comes at a bad time. (announce)

- Listen and take note.IV. Wrap up (2’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson by repeating the words appeared in the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Nov 2, 2014 Period: 09Date of teaching: Nov 7, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better grammar use and pronunciation.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use reported speech with gerund correctly and practice pronouncing words containing three sounds /tr/, /dr/, /tw/.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to distinguish between using object or not using object.

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Introduction (1’)T: “Today we are going to practice using reported speech with gerund correctly and practice pronouncing words containing three sounds /tr/, /dr/, /tw/.II. Review (15’) * Grammar: Reported speech with gerund- Ask Ss to tell how to change into reported with gerund by making two examples of and present participle, then say the rules and the verbs.(10’)- Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work individually.Example: “Thank you very much for helping me”, said Nam.+ Nam thanked me for helping him.“Why don’t we go on a camping trip this weekend?”, said Hoa.+ Hoa suggested going on a camping trip that weekend.- Rules:S + V1 (prep) + O + prep + (not) + V2-ingVerbs: accuse (sb) of, apologize (sb) for, insist on, congratulate (sb) on, dream of, warn (sb) against, prevent (sb) from, thank (sb) for, suspect (sb) of …S + V1 (prep) + (not) + V2-ingVerbs:stop, admit, suggest, deny, mention, propose (đê nghi) …We usually use a gerund structure to report thanking, apologies, accusations, and so on.

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* Pronunciation /tr/, /dr/ and /tw (5’)- Ask Ss to pronounce the three sounds again.- Tell them to find at least 3 words containing each sounds and practice.- Feedback.

- Pronounce the two sounds again.- Find at least 3 words containing each sounds and practice.- Feedback.

III. Practice (26’)* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (16’)I. Complete the sentences to report what was said1. 'You'd better look for a new job, Andrew.'Jane advised ....................................................2. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday

party. Thanks very much.'Mike thanked ....................................................3. 'I must have made a mistake in the

calculations."Mr Forest admitted ...............................................4. 'I'll pay for the meal.'

Sarah insisted ..................................................5. 'Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.'

Neil suggested ..................................................6. 'I'm sorry I couldn't come to visit you last

summer.'Kate apologized ................................................

7. 'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!'Dane congratulated ..........................................

8. 'I wish I'd asked for his name and address.'I regretted ..........................................................

9. 'You're selfish.'Jane accused ....................................................

10. 'You mustn't drink too much caffeine.'Marta warned ....................................................

- Explain some new words to Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.- Feedback and correct the answers.* Pronuncation: Ask Ss to work individually, put the words into the correct column according to their pronunciation./tr/ column/dr/ column/tw/ column (10’)Handout: Words: tropical, dress, drink, twin, twinkle, traffic, drive, twelve, dreadful, troops, trousers, twenty.

- Work individually and do the task.- Write the answers.Expected answers:1. Jane advised Andrew to

look for a new job. 2. Mike thanked me/ us for inviting him to my I our birthday party.3. Mr Forest admitted making/ having made a mistake in the calculations.4. Sarah insisted on paying for the meal.5. Neil suggested going to Paris for the weekend.6. Kate apologized (to me/ tis) for not coming to visit me/ us last summer.7. Dane congratulated me on winning the championship.8. I regretted not asking/ having asked for his name and address.9. Jane accused me of being selfish.10. Marta warned me not to drink too much caffeine./ Marta warned me against drinking too much caffeine.- Listen and take note.- Work individually and do the task.- Report the answers.Expected answers:/tr/ column: traffic, troops, trousers, tropical./dr/ column: drive, dreadful, drink, dress/tw/ column: twelve, twenty, twin, twinkle.

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- Call on some Ss to pronounce and say their answers.- Feedback and correct the answers. - Listen and take note.III. Wrap up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Nov 9, 2014 Period: 10Date of teaching: Nov 14, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better vocabulary and use.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use vocabulary related to the topic world population through word choice and verb form exercises.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to use appropriate words to complete the sentences.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Warm-up (1’)- T introduces: Today we’ll practice using vocabulary and understand the meaning of the words related to topic: word polulationII. Word choice (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete the sentences with the words given.I. Complete each of the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the box.increase expect decrease reach limit raise control

populate support freeze1. North America was once widely

______ by Native American tribes.2. The world's population is ______ to be

over 7 billion by 2010.3. The population has ______ from 1.2

million to 1.8 million.4. Water ______ at 0oC.5. Parents should ______ what their kids

watch on television.6. The number of new students ______

from 210 to 160 this year.7. My family have been ______ sheep for

over 60 years.8. How can we ______ our families on

such low wages?9. Profits are expected ______ £2 billion

this year.10. The role that women could play was

socially ______.- Make a model1. populated- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work in groups, complete the sentences with the words given.- Report their answer.Expected answers: 1. North America was once widely

populated by Native American tribes.

2. The world's population is expected to be over 7 billion by 2010.

3. The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million.

4. Water freezes at OoC.5. Parents should control what their

kids watch on television.6. The number of new students

decreased from 210 to 160 this year.

7. My family have been raising sheep for over 60 years.

8. How can we support our families on such low wages?

9. Profits are expected to reach £2 billion this year.

10. The role that women could play was socially limitted.

III. Gap-fill- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete

- Ss work in groups, complete the passage with one suitable words.

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the passage with one suitable words.II. Fill in the blank with a suitable

word to complete the passage.China is the most populous country of the world. Its (1) ______ is approximately 1.3 billion people, which is almost 22% of the (2) ______ population. The population density is high in the southeast: 43 percent of the land contains most of its population. A quarter of the population (3) ______ China is in the middle and lower parts of the Yangtze River, and the population density (4) ______ 663 people per square kilometer. Shanghai is China's largest city, (5) ______ population density reaches 2,118 people per square kilometer.China's population growth rate has (6) ______ in the past years, although its population is still increasing. In the 1970s, the government started to implement birth (7) ______ programs to the people: late marriage, late childbearing, a one-child family, and a four-year period between two (8) ______ in the countryside where each couple may have more than one child, According to the report of Major Figures of Population of China, the annual growth rate of China's population (9) ______ from 25.83% (in 1070) down to 11.21% (in 1994) and to 8.77% (in 1999) in the past 20 years. This should be (10) ______ a great success.- Make a model.1. population- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

- Report their answers.Expected answers: China is the most populous country of the world. Its (1) population is approximately 1.3 billion people, which is almost 22% of the (2) world population. The population density is high in the southeast: 43 percent of the land contains most of its population. A quarter of the population (3) of China is in the middle and lower parts of the Yangtze River, and the population density (4) reaches 663 people per square kilometer. Shanghai is China's largest city, (5) whose population density reaches 2,118 people per square kilometer.China's population growth rate has (6) decreased in the past years, although its population is still increasing. In the 1970s, the government started to implement birth (7) control programs to the people: late marriage, late childbearing, a one-child family, and a four-year period between two (8) births in the countryside where each couple may have more than one child, According to the report of Major Figures of Population of China, the annual growth rate of China's population (9) fell from 25.83% (in 1070) down to 11.21% (in 1994) and to 8.77% (in 1999) in the past 20 years. This should be (10) considered a great success.- Listen and take note.

IV. Wrap up (2’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson by repeating the words appeared in the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Nov 16, 2014 Period: 11Date of teaching: Nov 21, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better grammar use and pronunciation.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use conditional sentences& conditional sentences in reported speech correctly and practice pronouncing words containing five sounds /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, /kw/.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to change conditional sentences with questions into reported speech.

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Checking attendance & Introduction (1’)- Checking attendance.T: “Today we are going to practice using conditional sentences& conditional sentences in reported speech and practice pronouncing words containing five sounds /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, /kw/.II. Review (20’) * Grammar: Conditional sentences (8’)- Ask Ss to tell how to make conditional sentences based on the situation. - Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.

* Grammar: Conditional sentences (7’)- Ask Ss to tell how to change conditional sentences into reported speech. - Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.

* Pronunciation /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, /kw/. (5’)- Ask Ss to pronounce the five sounds again.- Tell them to find at least 3 words containing each

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work individually.Ex: SituationThey don’t have enough money, they won’t buy the house.CS: If they had enough money, they would buy the house.Note: The verbs of the situation(present: conditional sentence type 2, past: type 3)Clauses of reason-> if clauseClause of result-> main clauseNegative (not, no, never)->affirmativeAffirmative-> negative

Ex: 1. “If I have a lot of money, I’ll build houses for the poor”, John said. John said if he had a lot of money, he would build houses for the poor.

2. “If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school”, they said to me.=> They told me if that day were Sunday, they wouldn’t go to school.Note: Conditional sentences type 2 and 3 can be the same in tenses in reported speech. .

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sounds and practice.- Feedback.III. Practice (23’)* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, make conditional sentences based on the situation. (10’)1. My parents don't send me to an English-speaking school, so I can't speak English very well. 2. The students failed in the examination, because they didn't take their teachers' advice.3. They didn’t teach me that lesson, so I couldn’t

understand what it was about.4. Because they were rich, they could afford to

raise much money for the charity.5. My daughter didn’t eat her breakfast, she feel

hungry now.

6. The weather is fine and we will go camping.

* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, change the conditional sentences into reported speech. (8’)

1. “If the weather is fine, I’ll go on a picnic with my friends”, Lan said to her brother.

2. “I’m sure she will help you if you ask her, Jim”, said Mary.

3. “If I were you, I would give up smoking”, the woman said to her husband.

4. “I would have come to see you if I had known you were ill”, Kate said to Susan.

5. “You will be disappointed if you meet him” , Betty said to me.

- Explain some new words to Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.- Feedback and correct the answers.

- Work individually and do the task.- Write the answers.Expected answers:1. If my parents sent me to an English speaking school, I could speak English very well.2. If the students had taken their teachers’ advice, they wouldn’t have failed in the examination.3. If they had taught me that lesson, I could have understood what it was about.4. If they hadn’t been rich, they couldn’t afford to raise much money for the charity.5. If my daughter had eaten her breakfast, she wouldn’t feel hungry now.6. If the weather is fine, we will go camping.- Listen and take note.- Work individually and do the task.- Write the answers.Expected answers:1. Lan said to her brother if the weather were fine, she would go on a picnic with her friends.2. Mary said she was sure she would help Jim if he asked her.3. The woman said to her husband if she were him, she would give up smoking.4. Kate said to Susan she would have come to see her if she had known she were ill.5. Betty said to me I would be disappointed if I met him.- Listen and take note.

III. Wrap up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Nov 23, 2014 Period: 12Date of teaching: Nov 28, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better vocabulary and use.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use vocabulary related to the topic celebrations through word choice and preposition exercises.3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may not be able to use appropriate words to complete the sentences.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Warm-up (1’)- T introduces: Today we’ll practice using vocabulary and understand the meaning of the words related to topic: celebrationII. Word choice (21’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, complete the sentences with the words given.I. Complete each of the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the box.

preparations decorate celebrate excited popular wrapped represent influence traditional

exchange1. How do people ______ New Year in

your country?2. On the first days of Tet, people often

visit relatives and friends to ______ New Year wishes.

3. Japanese usually ______ their houses with some small pine trees, which ______ constancy and longevity.

4. People believe that what they do on the first day of the year will ______ their luck during the whole year.

5. People usually make ______ for Tet severals weeks beforehand.

6. Tet is also the time for children to receive lucky money ______ in red envelopes.

7. Besides the ______ flowers for Tet such as peach flowers and apricot flowers, the kumquat trees are also ______ throughout the country.

8. Children are always ______ about the Tet holiday.

- Make a model1. celebrate- Move around and help Ss if necessary.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work in groups, complete the sentences with the words given.- Report their answer.Expected answers: 1. How do people celebrate New Year

in your country?2. On the first days of Tet, people often

visit relatives and friends to exchange New Year wishes.

3. Japanese usually decorate their houses with some small pine trees, which represent constancy and longevity.

4. People believe that what they do on the first day of the year will influence their luck during the whole year.

5. People usually make preparations for Tet severals weeks beforehand.

6. Tet is also the time for children to receive lucky money wrapped in red envelopes.

7. Besides the traditional flowers for Tet such as peach flowers and apricot flowers, the kumquat trees are also popular throughout the country.

8. Children are always excited about the Tet holiday.

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- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.III. Gap-fill- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.II. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.1. Children usually are given 'lucky

money' _______ Tet.2. Banh Chung, which is made _______

sticky rice, is one of Tet's special foods.

3. The New Year is celebrated _______ night _______ January 1.

4. There are usually a lot of party _______ New Year’s Eve.

5. Vietnamese people prepare _______ Tet several weeks beforehand.

6. We decorated our Christmas tree _______ a lot of colored and shiny little bells.

7. Many people go to the pagoda to pray _______ a happy year.

8. _______ the first days of Tet everyone tries to be nice and polite _______ others.

9. Lunar New Year usually falls sometime _______ 19 January and 20 February _______ the Western calendar.

10. Both children and adults take part _______ games and various forms of entertainment.

- Make a model.1. at- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

- Ss work in groups, fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.- Report their answers.Expected answers: 1. Children usually are given 'lucky

money' at Tet.2. Banh Chung, which is made from

sticky rice, is one of Tet's special foods.

3. The New Year is celebrated at night on January 1.

4. There are usually a lot of party on New Year’s Eve.

5. Vietnamese people prepare for Tet several weeks beforehand.

6. We decorated our Christmas tree with a lot of colored and shiny little bells.

7. Many people go to the pagoda to pray for a happy year.

8. On the first days of Tet everyone tries to be nice and polite to others.

9. Lunar New Year usually falls sometime between 19 January and 20 February on the Western calendar.

10. Both children and adults take part in games and various forms of entertainment.

- Listen and take note.

IV. Wrap up (2’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson by repeating the words appeared in the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Nov 30, 2014 Period: 13Date of teaching: Dec 5, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss better grammar use and pronunciation.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use pronouns correctly and practice pronouncing words containing three sounds /fl/, /fr/, /0r/3. Teaching aids: handouts, chalk, board.4. Anticipated problems: Ss may misunderstand between someone and anyone.

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Checking attendance & Introduction (1’)- Checking attendance.T: “Today we are going to practice using pronouns correctly and practice pronouncing words containing three sounds /fl/, /fr/, /0r/II. Review (15’) * Grammar: Pronouns (8’)- Ask Ss to tell how to use one/ones, someone, somebody, anyone, no one. - Help Ss if necessary.- Feedback.

* Pronunciation /fl/, /fr/, /0r/ (5’)- Ask Ss to pronounce the five sounds again.- Tell them to find at least 3 words containing each sounds and practice.- Feedback.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Ss work individually.One and one(s) are used to replace a previously mentioned noun when we do not want to repeat that noun. One replaces a singular N and ones replaces a plural N.Someone=somebody. It used with a singular verb in an affirmative statement or a question when speaker expects the ‘yes’ answer.Anyone= anybody. It used with a singular verb in a negative statement or a question.No one usually takes a singular affirmative verb.Everyone = everybody. It usually goes with a singular verb in an affirmative statement or a question. It is used to refer to every person or all people. .

III. Practice (23’)* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, fill in one or ones. (10’)A. Fill in ONE or ONES:1. I don't like this pen. Give me that blue ________.2. Which shoes do you like best? - The black

- Work individually and do the task.- Write the answers.Expected answers:

A. 1. One 2. Ones3. one 4. Ones 5. One 6. OneB. ones, ones, one, one, one, oneListen and take note.

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________.3. This book is interesting. That ________ is boring. 4. These flowers are expensive. Are those ________ expensive?5. What kind of ice-cream does she usually eat? - The chocolate ________.6. Do you like this hat or that one? - I like this ________.B. Fill in ONE or ONES:(Chủ nhà tiễn hai người khách đi cùng nhau ra cửa sau một bữa tiệc buổi tối)A. Good bye. Thank you for a wonderful party. B. Which coats are yours? A. Those ________. B. Which ________? A. The black ________ and the grey ________. B. Here you are. A. Thank you. The black ________ is mine, and the grey ________ is hers

* Grammar: Ask Ss to work individually, change the conditional sentences into reported speech. (8’)1. There is ______________ in the bathroom.2. Did ______________ answer the telephone?3. _______________ took my car keys.4. She’s sure her children are hiding _______________ in the house.5. I can do it by myself. I don’t need ____________ to help me6. I’ll give it to _______________ else.7. He invited ______________ but just his closest friend came to the party.8. We close at 6:00 so there is _____________ at the office after that time.9. Let’s have lunch! _____________ is hungry.- Explain some new words to Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.- Feedback and correct the answers.

- Work individually and do the task.- Write the answers.Expected answers:1. someone 2. Anyone/someone3. someone 4. Someone 5. Anyone6. someone 7. Everyone 8. No one9. everyoneListen and take note.

III. Wrap up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to practice with more exercises at home.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Dec 7, 2014 Period: 14Date of teaching: Dec 12, 2014

CONSOLIDATION (1)I. Aims.1. Knowledge.- Help Ss to review again all structures and phrases which they have learnt2. Skill.- Ss review and copy then use them to do exercises.3. Attitude.- Educate Ss to be interested in the lesson.II. Preparation.1. Teacher’s preparation.- Book, Teaching plan, Structures, and some exercises…2. Students’s preparation.- Book, notebook, pen and knowlegde…III. Procedure.

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities1. Check up the old lesson. (5’)- Teacher checks up the old lesson and introduce the new lesson.- Today I and you will review the old structures and phrase.2. The new lesson.a. Warm up. (2’)- Teacher asks Ss to remember again the old structures and phrases and say out.b. The new content* The theory. (10’)- Teacher asks Ss to copy some structures.- Some words go with two kinds “ing and to do” bring the different meanings.(1) Remember:- Remember doing sth: nhớ vê việc đã làm.Ex: I remember closing the door.- Remember to do sth: Nhớ sẽ phải làm gì.Ex: Remember to close the door after class.(2) Stop.- Stop doing something: Dừng hẳn vc đang làm.Ex: I stopped smoking 2 months ago.- Stop to do Sth: Tạm dừng việc gì để làm gì.Ex: I’m working in the gardern and I stop to smoke.(3) Regret- Regret doing sth: Hối tiếc vê Vc đã làm.Ex: I regretted being late last week.- Regret to do sth: Tiếc là sễ phải làm gì.Ex: I regret to be late tomorrow.(4) Go on.- Go on doing sth: Tiếp tục làm cùng một việc gì.Ex: I went on talking for 2 hours.- Go on to do sth: Làm tiếp một việc gì.

- Ss listen and copy.

- Ss listen and answer.

- Ss listen and copy

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Ex: After disscussing the English speaking club, we went on to sing.(5) Try- Try doing sth: Thử làm gì.Ex: This machine doesn’t work . We try pressing the red button.- Try to do sth: Cố gắng làm gìEx: I try to study hard.Exercises I . Rewrite the sentences with the meaning is unchangable. (23’)- Teacher explains the requirement of the exercise then ask Ps to work with a partner and do the exercise .- Teacher calls some Ps go to the board and write.- Teacher calls other to stand up and comment on them.- Teacher corrects and gives the right answer.1) It’s very usefull to know English.2) It has snowed since 5 o’clock.3) Hung is not as tall as Nam.4) What time did you go to bed last night?5) Do you know the time Nam has to leave?6) It is good to do morning exercises?7) This book is as boring as that one.8) Shall I have to sleep under the net?9) I haven’t read a book since September 20th.10) Mexcico is warmer than in Canada.II. Put the verb in the correct form.- Teacher explains the requirement of the exercise then ask Ps to work with a partner and do the exercise .- Teacher calls some Ps go to the board and write.- Teacher calls other to stand up and comment on them.- Teacher corrects and gives the right answer.1/ My sister hasn’t listened to the music at all.2/ How many languages does your teacher speak?3/ What times do shops open in your home town?4/ My brother has a motorbike but he doesn’t use it very often.5/ How many cups of coffee does your father drink each day?6/ What does your uncle do? He’s a police?7/ What do these words mean? 8/ Where are your grandparents living now?9/ I don’t Literature but I enjoy learning English.IV. Consolidation (2’) - Teacher repeats again all the content of the lesson

- Ss listen then work with a partner and do exercise.- Ss go to the board and do it.- Ss stand up and comment.- Ss listen and copy.

- Ss listen then work with a partner and do exercise.- Ss go to the board and do it.- Ss stand up and comment.- Ss listen and copy.

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Date of planning: Dec 14, 2014 Period: 15Date of teaching: Dec 19, 2014

CONSOLIDATION FOR SEMESTER 11. Aims: To help Ss revise their knowledge that they learnt in semester 1.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do some reading and writing exercises to revise the vocabulary and grammar of units 1 to 8.3. Lexical items: Vocabulary of unit 1 to unit 8.4. Skills: vocabulary and grammar.5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, projector.6. Anticipated problems: Ss may forget some grammar points and the meanings of range of words.7. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Organization (1’): - Greet.- Check attendance.II. READING GAP-FILL (15’)- Ask Ss to do the reading exercises.- Explain some new vocabulary to Ss.- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct the answers.Read the text below and then decide which answer - a, b, c or d – best fits each space.In many countries in (1) ______ of industrialization, overcrowded cities present a (2) ______ problem. The (3) ______ of towns is mainly caused by the (4) ______ of large numbers of people from the rural areas. The (5) ______ long-term solution is to make (6) ______ in the rural areas more attractive, which would (7) ______ people to stay there. This could be achieved by providing (8) ______ for people to go and work in the villages. Moreover, (9) ______ in the rural areas, such as transportation, health and education services should be (10) ______.1. a. progress b. process c. procedure d. proceeding2. a. little b. basic c. major d. practical3. a. population b. popularity c. underpopulation d. overpopulation4. a. drift b. gust c. current d. shoal5. a. barely b. only c. single d. one6. a. sights b. surroundings

c. atmosphere d. life7. a. insist b. suggest

c. encourage d. persuade8. a. incentives b. rewards

c. benefits d. investments9. a. equipment b. facilities

c. means d. appliances

- Greet teacher

- Whole class, individual work and pair work.

- Do the reading gap-fill exercises

Answer key1. B2. C 3. D4. A5. B6. D7. C8. A9. B10. D

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities10. a. invested b. increased

c. impressed d. improvedII. READING COMPREHENSION (15’)- Ask Ss to do the reading exercises.- Explain some new vocabulary to Ss.- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct the answers.Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.In an early survey conducted in 1888, a billion and a half people inhabited the earth. Now, the population is about six billion and is growing fast. Even though the rate of growth has begun to slow down, most people believe the population size may be eight billion during the next several years.If we examine the amount of land available for this ever increasing population, we begin to see the problem. Not all land is useful to us because it cannot produce food. We can cut out about one fifth of it because it is covered by snow and ice. Then we can cut out another fifth because it is desert. Another fifth is mountains. The other fifth does not have enough soil for crops to grow because it is bare rock. Obviously, with so little land to support us, we should take great care not to reduce it any more or with the rapidly growing population we may sooner or later lack food to eat and place to live in.1. What is the main topic of the passage?

a. The world's population and the shortage of cultivated land.b. The growth of the world's population.c. The necessity of reducing the rate of birth.d. The shortage of cultivated land.

2. The world's population ______ at present. a. has stopped growing b. is still growingc. is decreasing rapidly d. stands at about eight billion

3. According to the passage, we ______.a. can cultivate on all land. b. are not influenced by the land reductionc. can grow crops on bare rock d. should protect land

4. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'bare' in the second paragraph? a. hard b. empty c. treeless d. rough

5. Which of the following sentences is not true according to the passage?a. Most of the world's land are uncultivated.

- Do the reading comprehension exercises.

Answer key1. B2. B 3. D4. C5. B

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesb. The rapid growth of population may lead to a shortage of land.c. Only one fifth of the world's land is being cultivated.d. There has been a dramatic reduction of the birth rate.

IV. WRITING (13’)- Ask Ss to do the writing exercise.- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to write their answers.- Feedback and correct the answers.Rewrite the sentences without changing meaning from the root. 1. The teacher made his students work hard for the

exam.The teacher told

2. It was a long time ago when I saw a movie.I haven't

3. Mary didn't wear the raincoat, so she got a cold.If Mary

Guided sentence building5. Some people/ believe/ happiest people/ world/

those/ bring/ happiness/ others//6. He/ help/ his friend/ get good mark/ explain/

lessons/ carefully//VI. Wrap-up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the exercises.- Ask Ss to do more exercises at home.

- Do the writing exerciseAnswer key1. his students to work hard for the exam..2. seen a movie for a long time.3. had worn the raincoat, she wouldn’t have got cold.4. Some people believe that the happiest people in the world are those who bring happiness to others.5. He helped his friend get good marks by explaining the lessons carefully.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Jan 4, 2015 Period: 16Date of teaching: Jan 9, 2015


1. Aims: To practice reading skills.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - practice reading comprehension with comprehension questions. - practice reading and completing sentences.3. Lexical items: words relating to endangered species.4. Skills: - reading comprehension about nature.5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, projector.6. Anticipated problems: Some vocabulary may be unfamiliar to Ss.7. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Organization (1’): - Greet.- Check attendance.II. Practice reading and completing sentences (20’)- Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the following

passage and choose the most suitable word to complete each blank.

- Supply some new vocabulary for Ss if asked.- Ask Ss to use phrase and collocation to complete

the task.- Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.A major revolution for the automated office is electronic mail. The customary (33) ...... system requires message written on paper to be (34) ...... physically from one location to another. With electronic mail, messages are converted (35) ..... electronic signals, tranmitted (36) ..... in the world, and then changed back into the original written form, all in several seconds and minutes at (37) .......Through the use of video screens in company offices, a single (38) ...... can be transmitted to hundreds of people in dozens of branch offices at the same time. Thus, electronic mail, along with (39) ......, can be an important asset in teleconferences. Furthermore, the use of electric mail in the form of a 'mailbox' (40) ...... to a telephone is also of great value. Since in offices many telephone (41) ...... go uncompleted on the first attempt, with electronic mail, two-way conversion is not essential, so it (42) ...... telephone use and saves time.1. A. post B. postal

C. postage D. posting

- Greet teacher

- Work in pairs, read the following passage and choose the most suitable word to complete each blank.

- Ask T questions related to vocabulary if necessary.

Expected answers:

- Listen and take note.1. B2. D3. C4. B5. A6. C7. D8. A9. B10. C

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities2. A. transformed B. transferred

C. transacted D. transmitted3. A. from B. by

C. into D. with4. A. wherever B. anywhere

C. somewhere D. everywhere5. A. most B. all

C. least D. last.6. A. data B. instrument

C. document D. information7. A. programs B. graphics

C. websites D. databases8. A. attached B. transmitted

C. extended D. spread9. A. bills B. calls

C. uses D. services10. A. increases B. receives

C. reduces D. transfersIV. Wrap-up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the exercises.- Ask Ss to do more exercises at home.

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Date of planning: Jan 11, 2015 Period: 17Date of teaching: Jan 16, 2015


1. Aims: To practice listening skills.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - listen for some information about the development of Vietnam’s telephone system over the past few years.- do some kinds of exercises.3. Lexical items: words relating to post office and telecommunication4. Skills: - listening: extensive listening, monologue.5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, CD, cassette6. Anticipated problems: Some Ss may not do the negative-fact questions (task 1)7. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Greeting and warm-up (6’)- Greet the class.- Check attendance.Warm –up: Ask & answer - Which is the quickest: a phone call, a fax, an e-mail or a letter? Give reasons?- Ask Ss to discuss and choose the quickest means of telecommunication.- Ask 1-2 Ss to report.- Feedback.II. Pre- Listening (10’):1. Questions (2’)1. Is your family on the phone? What is your phone

number? 2. Does any member of your family have a cell phone? 3. What do you think are the advantages and

disadvantages of cell phones? - Ask Ss to read and answer the questions in pairs. - Go round the class and helps if necessary- Call on some Ss to answer.2. Pre-teach Vocabulary (6’): - digit subscribe ['didʒit səb'skraib]:- commune ['kɔmju:n] (n): -> the Commune of Paris: - capacity [kə'pæsiti](n): - communal 'kɔmjunl] (a): -> communal land: -> communal house: - growth [grouθ] (n): - rural network['ruərəl'netwə:k]:

- Greet the teacher.- Answer teacher’ question.

Key: a phone call

- Answer the questions in pairs.

- Take notes, tell the Vietnamese meaning.

- Take part in the vocabulary.

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities3. Checking vocabulary (2’)- T uses “RAR” technique.III. While – Listening (22’):Task 1 (10’): - Ask Ss to read the sentences in Task 1 carefully. - Provide students with new vocabulary if necessary.- Play the tape and asks Ss to listen 3 times.- Ask Ss to share their ideas with friends.- Call some Ss to read their answer. - Play the tape again and correct. Task 2 (10’): - - Ask Ss to read the sentences in Task 2 carefully. - Provide students with new vocabulary if necessary.- Play the tape and asks Ss to listen 2 times.- Ask Ss to share their ideas with friends.- Call some Ss to read their answer. - Play the tape again and correct.

IV. Post – Listening (6’): - Ask Ss to summarise the main ideas of the listening passage by using the provided points- Go around the class and help if necessary. - Call some groups to show the discussion in front of the class

V. Homework (1’):- Ask Ss to rewrite the listening passage in about 50 words and prepare for the next lesson.

- Listen to the tape and choose the best answer.

Expected answers: 1B; 2D; 3C; 4D; 5C

- Do the work individually.Expected answers:1. China has the best growth in

telephone numbers.2. In the early 1990s, there were

only 140.000 telephones in VN.

3. In the 1996, there were changed from six to seven digits in Hanoi and HCM City as well as five to six digits in other Provinces.

4. In 2001.5. There are 6.014 communal

post offices in VN

- Group work, summarise the main ideas of the listening passage.

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Jan 18, 2015 Period: 18Date of teaching: Jan 23, 2015


1. Aims: To practice speaking skills.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- talk about endangered nature. - talk about measures to protect endangered nature. 3. Lexical items: words relating to nature and measures to protect the nature.4. Skills: - speaking5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook6. Anticipated problems: Some Ss may not use words and structures to say about measures.7. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Greeting (1’)- Greet the class.- Check attendance.II. Warm up (5’): Chatting with studentsT: We can call birds, animals, forests, rivers, seas in one word. What word is it in English? Question: What do you think about our nature now? Is it in good condition? Why or why not?Introduction: All animals, forests, rivers, seas around us are called “nature”. Nature is necessary for our life, but it is now in bad condition. Today we’ll learn about nature and some ways to protect it. III. Pre-speaking (15’):1. Vocabulary (7’) - capture (v)- recreation (n)- cultivation (n)- discharge (v)- pesticide (n)- fertilizer (n)2. Checking vocabulary (2’)- T uses “What and where” technique.3. Task 1 (6’)- Ask Ss to study the reasons why nature is threatened and put them in the order of importance.- Tell Ss to try to understand these reasons in Vietnamese.- Move around to help Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their answers and explanation.- Feedback.IV. Speaking (15’):Task 2 (6’): - Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the possible measure for protecting the environment in the box and match

- Greet teacher.

Answer the question Nature

No, it is worse than it was many years ago.

Take note.

Check their vocabulary.

Work individually and put the reasons in order of importance.

Match the reasons with possible measures.

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesthem with the reasons in task 1.- Make a model:People are killing endangered animals for fur, skin and food.-> Killing endangered animals for fur, skin and food should be banned.- Move around to help Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their ideas.- Feedback and correct the answers.Task 3: (8’)- Ask Ss to work in pairs, state the negative impacts caused by people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it.- Model one example: A: People are killing endangered animals for fur, skin and food.B: Killing endangered animals for fur, skin and food should be banned.- Give useful expression.

A. Banning;. . . . should be banned . . . . should be prohibited

- . . . should be discouraged B. Encouraging:. . . . should be encouraged. . . . . should be protected . . . . should be established.)- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their statements.- Feedback and correct their pronunciation and intonation.V. Production (8’): - Ask Ss to work individually, write a paragraph about the negative impacts by people on the environment and measures to protect it.- Tell them to begin with the sentence:“Nowadays, people have negative impacts on the environment.”- Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Call on some Ss to hand in their writing.- Feedback and score their work.VI. Homework (1’): Summarize the main points of the lesson and ask Ss to complete their writing at home and prepare for the new lesson.

- Pair work, do the matching.

- Take notes- Pair work, state state the negative impacts caused by people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it.

Individual work, write a paragraph about the negative impacts by people on the environment and measures to protect it.

Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Jan 25, 2014 Period: 19Date of teaching: Jan 30, 2014


1. Aims: To practice writing skills.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of Cat Ba national park.3. Lexical items: words relating to describing places.4. Skills: - writing a description..5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, projector.6. Anticipated problems: Some Ss may find it hard to connect ideas to make a meaningful description.7. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Greeting and warm-up (6’)- Greet the class.- Check attendance.Warm-up: Questions and answers- Ask Ss to answer the questions:1. Look at the picture and guess which national park it is? 2. Is it one of Vietnam’s national parks?- Go around the class and help if necessary. - Ask Ss to give their answers.- Correct their answers and feedback.II. Pre – writing (15’):1. Pre-teach Vocabulary (5’):- location [lou'kei∫n] (n): particular place - area ['eəriə] (n): measure of a surface -> area under crop - coast [koust] (n): border of land near the sea - coastal waters ['koustəl] - abundant [ə'bʌndənt] (a) rich2. Checking vocabulary (2’) T uses “Bingo”3. Model paragraph (5’):- Ask Ss to read the paragraph and answer the questions.MODEL :

Cuc Phuong national park is located 160km south west of Hanoi. It is the first of Vietnam’s nine national parks to be established and it contains over 200km2 of rain forest. Tourists go there to study butterflies, visit caves, hike mountains and look at 1000-year-old tree. According to scientists, there are about 2000 different species of flora and 450 species of fauna. Many visitors come to Cuc Phuong to see the work being done to protect endangered species.Questions: 1. Where is Cuc Phuong National Park located?

- Greet the teacher.- Answer teacher’ question.

- Do the work independently then compare with their friends.

Key:1. It is Cuc Phuong national park.2. It is one of the well-known national parks in Vietnam.

- Take notes, tell the Vietnamese meaning.

- Take part in the vocabulary activity.

- Read the text again. - Answer the questions in pair works.Expected answers1. Cuc Phuong national park is

located 160 km south west of Hanoi.

2. It is the first of Vietnam’s nine national parks to be established

3. It contains 200km2 of rain forest.

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 2. What is the feature of Cuc Phuong National Park?3. How large is it?4. How many kinds of animals and plants are there at Cuc Phuong National Park?- Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of the class.- Correct the answers and feedback.4. OUTLINE (2’)- Elicit and show the outline Location :It is located on / in -------Situated on ---------Special features :It is famous for -----------The park is characterized by ------------------Total area :Its covers ----------It contains ---------Its total area is -----------Animals and plants :There are ---------- species of --------- kinds of sorts ofMany kinds of plants/animals live here/ can be found here. There is/are ---------X is home to -------Historic features :Archaeologists foundWe can find ------------Something is found in -----------------The park is not only ---- but also ---Many people study ----the pastTENSE : Present simple & simple pastIII. Writing (15’) : Ask Ss to write a paragraph to describe Cat Ba national park, basing on the cues given.- Help Ss to do- Go around to control and give help if needed.- Ask 1 Ss to write his/her description on the board.- Take note some grammar mistakes while walking around the class.Suggested:CatBa national park is located on Cat Ba island, 120 km from Hanoi and 20 km east of Hai Phong. Its total area is 15, 200 ha, including 9,800 ha of ocean. It’s famous for both tropical forests and coastal water with while sand beach, abundant natural resources, beautiful landscape and many kinds of rare animals and plants. There are 300

4. There are about 2000 different species of flora and 450 species of fauna.

- Individual work.- Take note.

- Individual work, write the description.

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities species of fish, 40 kinds of animals, 150 different birds and 620 species of plants. The stone tool and human bones are found in the island’s caves that people inhabited there at least 6, 000 years old. IV. Post –writing (8’):- Ask Ss to pay attention to the letter on the

board.- Elicit to help Ss identify mistakes and suggest

possible correction.- Ask Ss to do peer-correction, move around and

help if necessary.- Make final comment on the writing.V. Consolidation and homework (1’)- Retell the main ideas of the writing today- Ask Ss to rewrite their letter based on the comment from teacher and their friends.- Ask Ss to prepare for the next lesson.

- Check their friends’ description

- Listen and take note.

- Listen and take note

Date of planning: Feb 1, 2014 Period: 20Date of teaching: Feb 6, 2014


1. Aims: To practice speaking skills.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources.- express their own ideas about alternative source of energy.3. Lexical items: words relating to nature and measures to protect the nature.4. Skills: + Vocabulary : Words describe sources of energy+ Grammar : the tenses and relative clauses…5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, flip chart.6. Anticipated problems: Some Ss may not use words and structures to talk about advantages and disadvantages.7. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Greeting and warm-up (6’)- Greet the class.- Check attendance.Warm-up: Game: Right or wrong chair- Ask Ss to work in 2 groups. Five people from each group stand in two lines.- Put 2 chairs in front of the class. Stick the word: limited or unlimited on each chair.T says out some sources of energy randomly. (oil, wind power, natural gas, nuclear power, solar energy, coal, water power )- As Ss to listen and decide which energy is limited and which is unlimited. - Ss takes turns running to the right chair and sit

- Greet the teachers.- Answer the questions

- Work in groups- Play the games.

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down.- The group that scores more points will win the game,- Check Ss' understanding of the instruction.Key: Limited Unlimited Oil wind power Coal natural gas nuclear power solar energy water powerLead – in (1’):- Who can tell me again about the advantages and disadvantages of these sources of energy?- Call on some Ss to answer the questions. T says: - Today, we are going to talk some more about the advantages and disadvantages of the sources of energy. Let's begin our lesson:II. Pre-speaking (13’)1. Pre -teaching Vocabulary (books closed) (5’)- renewable: (adj) that is replaced naturally >< nonrenewable. (explanation)- reactor: (n) (translation)- radiation: (n) ( example)- hydroelectricity: (n) using the power of water to produce electricity. (picture)2. Checking vocabulary: ROR (2’)3. Activity 1: In pairs, ask Ss to decide which statement is about the advantage (A) and which is about the disadvantage (D) of various sources of energy. (Task 1- page 127) (3’) Feedback; Teacher writes the words: Advantages and disadvantages on the board. Ask 7 Ss from each group to make 2 lines. T reads a statement randomly aloud. Ss run to the board to slap on the word they choose.2. Activity 2: Introducing the Dialogue (books closed)- Hang a flipchart of an open dialogue on the board.

- Answer the questions.

- Answer T’s questions to find out the words, stress and meanings.

- Take note.- Repeat the words.

- Decide which statement is about the advantage (A) and which is about the disadvantage (D) of various sources of energy in pairs.

Key: 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. D

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- Ask Ss to guess the missing words. Work in pairs to fill in the gaps with the words in the box below:

available abundant clean and safe wind power running out unlimited wind

3- Useful language (3’)- Elicit and help Ss to understand expressing ideas - I think ...- I believe ...- In my opinion - Personally...- I don't think ...III. Speaking (18’) * Activity 1: Repetition (5’)- Have Ss repeat the dialogue after the teacher. - Model the conversation with one student.- Have Ss role play the conversation in pairs simultaneously. - Call some pairs to the front of the class to act out the conversation.- Feedback* Activity 2: Substitution (7’)- Ask Ss to work in pairs to substitute the underlined words with suitable words or the words suggested in the Useful language ( task 2 on page 128) to make new conversationsA: I think/ believe that wind power can be an alternative source of energy B: Why do you think / believe so? A: Because our major source of energy is running out while the wind is abundant and unlimited B: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment. However, it is not available when there is no wind Feedback:Have Ss act out their new conversations in front of the class Give comments Activity 3 (6’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to express their belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future, using the ideas in task 1 and 2. A: I believe that the use of solar energy should be

- Guess the missing words.Key: 1- wind power 2- running out 3. abundant 4- unlimited 5. clean and safe 6. available - Copy and try to memorise the

useful language.

- Repeat the dialogue in pairs.

- Substitute to make their own dialogue.

- Work in groups of four or five to express their belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future, using the ideas in task 1 and 2.

- Work in group of five to make a list of things the family should do to save energy.

Suggested ideas : - Try to reduce the amount of

Lesson Plans for Teaching Optional Curriculum (English) for Grade 11 49

A: I think/believe that ...(1)...can be an alternative source of energy.B. Why do you think/ believe so? A. because our major source of energy is ... 2.... while the wind is...3 ... and ....4 B. I know it is also ...5 ... to the environment. However, it is not .. 6.. when there is no wind

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the alternative source of energy in our country. B: I agree with you. It is the most feasible way to have solar energy in our country because Vietnam is a tropical country. IV. Post-speaking: Group discussion (6’)- Work in group of five to make a list of things

the family should do to save energy - Share ideas with the others by changing groups - Feedback: - Each group suggests the way their family often

do to save energy

V. Wrap-up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to write a composition to talk about the alternative source of energy that you think is the most feasible one for our country and prepare the next part

water bill or electricity bill by cutting power such as lights, conditioner, when unnecessary - Do not cook with electricity - Make sure there are no cracks in the pipes ...

- Listen and take note.

Date of planning: Feb 8, 2014 Period: 21Date of teaching: Feb 13, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss use grammar correctly.2. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able - revise prepositions and relative pronouns.- understand and practise the new structure (relative pronouns with prepositions).4. Skills: - sentence writing5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, workbook, projector.6. Anticipated problems: Ss may forget defining and non-defining relative clauses.7. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activitiesI. Organization (1’): - Greet.- Check attendance.II. Review: Relative pronouns with preposition (7’)1. Presentation (3’)Have Ss combine the pairs of sentences in the examples.e.g.1 She is a woman. I told you about her. She is the woman whom I told you about.She is the woman about whom I told you.e.g.2 The song was interesting. We listened to it last night.

- Greet and answer T’s questions.

- T-the whole class

- Combine the pairs of sentences in the examples.

She is the woman whom I told you about.She is the woman about whom I told you. The song which we listened to last night was interesting.

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The song which we listened to last night was interesting. The song to which we listened last night was interesting.2. Concept checking (1’)T: What do you call the underlined clauses? (relative clause) - Can you use relative pronouns “who”, “that” after a preposition ? (No, we can’t)3. Presenting new structure and use (3’)- Elicit and ask Ss to give out the form and useRelative pronouns with prepositionsForm: Prep + whom/which + S + VUsage : In formal English, in a relative clause, a relative pronoun can be used to modify a preposition.Notice : We can not use who, that after a preposition.III. Practice (20’)Task 1: (10’)- Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the sentences in

exercise (p.66 workbook) and choose the most suitable phrases from the box to complete the sentences.

- Supply some new vocabulary for Ss if asked.- Ask Ss to find the verbs according to the

prepositions.- Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

Task 2: (10’)- Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the sentences in

exercise (p.67 workbook) and complete the sentences with who, that, which, whose

- Supply some new vocabulary for Ss if asked.- Ask Ss to find the verbs according their functions. - Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to give their answers.- Feedback and correct their answers.

III. Further practice: Relatives: defining, non-defining and connective (15’)

- Ask Ss to read the combine the following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary.

- Supply some new vocabulary for Ss if asked.- Ask Ss to find the verbs according their functions. - Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the

board.- Feedback and correct their answers.

The song to which we listened last night was interesting.

- Answer the questions:+ Relative clause

+ No, we can’t

- Give the form and use:Form: Prep + whom/which + S + V

Usage : In formal English, in a relative clause, a relative pronoun can be used to modify a preposition

- Work in pairs, read the sentences in exercise (p.66 workbook) and choose the most suitable phrases from the box to complete the sentences.

- Expected answers:1. A2. G3. F4. B5. E6. C7. D

- Work in pairs, read the sentences in exercise (p.67 workbook) and complete the sentences with who, that, which, whose

- Expected answers:1. which/that2. that/which3. who4. that/which5. whose6. that/which- Work individually, read the combine the following pairs or groups of sentences

Expected answers:1. 1. Thank you so much for the

present that you sent me.2. She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp.

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1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it. (PREP)2. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight

limp. (prep)3. I am looking after some children. They are

terribly spoilt. (two ways)4. The bed has no mattresses. I sleep on this bed.

(prep)5. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents

hated each other.6. There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box.

I was phoning from this box.(prep)7. This is Mrs. Jones. Her son won the

championship last year.8. I was sitting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed.

(prep)9. Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I

had come especially to see him.10. The man was sitting at the desk. I had come

to see this man.V. Wrap-up (2’)- Summarise the main points of the exercises.Ask Ss to find any relevant exercises and do more exercises at home.

3. I am looking after some children who are terribly spoilt4. The bed has no mattresses on which I sleep 5. Romeo and Juliet, whose parents hated each other, were lovers.6. There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box from which I was phoning.7. This is Mrs. Jones, whose son won the championship last year.8. I was sitting in a chair which suddenly collapsed. 9. Mr Smith, whom I had come especially to see, said he was too busy to speak to me.10.The man was sitting at the desk whom I had come to see

- Listen and take note.

Date of planning: Feb 23, 2014 Period: 22Date of teaching: Feb 27, 2014


1. Aims: To help Ss develop listening skills.2. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:- develop listening skills for general information and specific information.- have some knowledge of sports.4. Skills: - listening comprehension.5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, workbook, CD, cassette.6. Anticipated problems: Ss will not be able to 7. Procedure:

Teachers’ Activities Students’ ActivitiesI. Greeting (1’)- Greet the class.- Check attendance.II. War-up: Games: Bingo (5’)- Ask Ss to write down nice words of sports on a square - Teacher says out words of sports randomly. Ss listen and tick the word they have on their list. When they make a straight line with all the words ticked, they shout BINGO to win the

- Greet teachers.- Answer T’s questions.

- Play the game.

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game III. Lead-in: (3’)- Ask Ss: “Which sport from your list do you like best? Why?” - Collect Ss’ answers.- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the text book- page 141- and answer the question:1- What are the names of these sports?2- Have you ever watched sports like these on television?- Collect Ss’ answers.- Feedback.IV. Pre-listening (7’)1. Pre-teaching vocabulary; 1- to come live: to be sent out while the event is actually happening, not recorded first and broadcasting later (explanation) 2- freestyle(n):(picture)3- gymnasium:= gym (example) Example: Our school has just built a new... so we often go there to do exercise. a gymnast(n): a person who performs gymnastics in a competition. 4- bar(n): (picture) 5- to land: (gesture)2. Checking vocabulary: Slap the board - Elicit the new words by asking questions, using the techniques suggested above - Ask Ss to reapeat some difficutl names: Lee Bong- Ju VichaiIV. Speaking (27’)* Activity 1 : Multiple Choice (10’)- Ask Ss to read task 1 carefully, guess the answers. - Tell them the new words if possible.- Play the tape and ask them to listen to the tape and circle the word they choose.- Ask them to compare their answers with a friend.- Ask Ss to tell their answers and explanation.- Play the tape again and give feedback. * Activity 2 : Comprehension questions (10’)- Give Ss three minutes to read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions.- Tell them the new words if possible.

- Answer T’s questions.

- Answer T’s questions.

- Listen and take note.- Answer T’s questions to find the

meaning and pronunciation.

- Take part in the activity to check their vocabulary.

- Listen and choose the best answers.

Expected answers:- 1-C 2-A 3-B 4-B 5- D

- Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.

Expected answers:1- If was at 10. 15 pm. 2- They have won six gold medals. 3- He took part in the long jump

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- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen to the tape again and answer the questions.-- Ask them to compare their answers with a friend.- Ask Ss to tell their answers and explanation.- Play the tape again and give feedback. IV. Post-listening: Role- play - Ask Ss to Ss play the role of an interviewer

and an athlete who has just taken part in the Asian Games. He or she has just set a new record or has just failed the competition. Interview him/ her to ask about his her preparations for the Asian Games, his or her experience, the feeling after the moment

- Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to act out their conversation.- Feedback.V. Wrap-up (1’)- Ask Ss to learn the new words by heart and prepare the next part

twice 4- High- jump. 5- He looked very disappointed.

- Do the role play

- Listen and take note.

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Date of planning: Mar 1, 2015 Period: 23Date of teaching: Mar 6, 2015


1. Aims: To practice using grammar.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice omitting relative pronouns.3. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, CD, cassette4. Anticipated problems: Some Ss may find it hard to distinguish defining and non-defining relative clauses.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Organization (1’): - Greet.- Check attendance.II. Presentation: Grammar (15’)Relative clauses and the omission of relative pronouns.- Ask Ss to recall the use of Relative Clause.- Copy the sentences below on the board. Ask Ss to read it carefully. Elicit the use of relative pronouns as subject.- Elicit when we can leave out the relative pronouns.a- Relative Pronouns as subject:The woman who/that lives next door is a doctor.Where is the cheese which/that was in the fridge?* The pronouns who/which/that can be the subject of a relative clause.b- Relative Pronouns as object:The woman who/whom/that I wanted to see was away. You can get back the tax which/that you've paid.Note: the pronouns which /that can be the object of a relative clause.c. Omission of relative pronouns:- We can leave out the pronoun when it is not the subject of the relative clause. (if the verb has a preposition, it is not put before the pronouns). Clauses without pronouns are very common in informal English.e.g: The woman Gary met knows your sister.The dress Ann bought doesn't fit her very well.Sometimes we can use a participle without a relative pronoun or an auxiliary.

- Recall the use of Relative Clause.- Copy the sentences below on the board. Read it carefully. - Tell when we can leave out the relative pronouns.

- Listen and take note.

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e.g: That man who was sitting next to Angela never said a word.- Checking Ss' understanding:III. Exercises (28’)Exercise 2 (p.80 WB): (16’)- Give an example:Have you found the key? You lost them. Have you found the key you lost?- Ask Ss to combine the two sentences into one in exercise 2 to make a relative clause without a pronoun.- Move around and help SS.- Ask Ss to check their answers with their partners.- Ask Ss to write the sentences on the board.- Check the answers and feedback.

Exercise 3: (12’) - Write an example on the board:Is this the car that the police are looking for? (can be omitted)- Ask Ss to tick the sentences in which the relative pronouns can be omitted.- Move around and help SS.- Ask Ss to check their answers with their partners.- Ask Ss to write the sentences on the board.- Check the answers and feedback.

IV. Wrap-up (1’)- Summarise the main points of the lessons.- Ask Ss to google some exercises to practice more.

- Combine the two sentences into one in exercise 2 to make a relative clause without a pronoun.Expected answers:1. I like the dress Mary is wearing.2. The fish we had for dinner was really delicious.3. We stayed at a hotel Peter recommended.4. The film I watched on TV last night was interesting.5. The flat my family used to live in was very old.6. The birthday party we went to was too noisy.7. Who was that boy you went with this morning?8. I don’t like the tie John is wearing.9. The train we travelled on was full of passengers and goods.10. The church our class visited is 200 years old.- Tick the sentences in which the relative pronouns can be omitted.Expected answers:Sentences:2, 5, 6, 7, 10

- Listen and take note.

Date of planning: Mar 8, 2015 Period: 24

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Date of teaching: Mar 13, 2015 UNIT 13: HOBBIES

READING1. Aims: To practice reading skills.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - understand the passage - identify the main idea - guess the meaning in context - express their own ideas about nature in danger and the endangered animals 3. Lexical items: words relating to book and hobby.4. Skills: - reading comprehension5. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, pictures.6. Anticipated problems: Some vocabulary may be unfamiliar to Ss.7. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Greeting (1’)- Greet the class.- Check attendance.II. Warm-up: Guessing Games (5’) - What is it ? - Divide the class into two groups - Say that he has a word in his mind and he is

going to give some information about the word. Members of each group will listen and may stop at any information they hear to guess what the words is. Each group has only two chances to guess the word. The first group to tell exactly what the word is wins the game

- Gives information about the word 1. It is a noun with seven letters. 2. It is way to relax ourselves 3. It is related to free time 4. Collecting stamps, reading books, going fishing are examples for this noun. III. Lead- in (3’):T asks :- What do you often do your free time? That's good. Now you are going to read a very interesting piece of writing about hobbies. First of all, I going to help you with some new words. IV. Pre-reading (8’)1. Pre- teaching Vocabulary (5’)1. guitarist (n) (question) What do you call a person who plays the guitar?

- Greet teachers.- Answer T’s questions.

- Answer T’s questions.Expected answer:- HOBBIES

- Answer T’s questions based on their own points of view.Expected answer: I like collecting old coins

- Listen and take note.- Answer T’s questions to get the

meaning and pronunciation.

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Expected answer: guitarist 2. glass fish tank: (picture) T shows a picture of a glass fist tank What is this, the whole class? Expected answer: glass fish tank? 3. admire (gap- fill) My Tam is my favorite singer, I .... her a lot Expected answer: admire 4. throw away (miming ) 2. Checking Vocabulary : Gap - fill (3’) - Give Ss handouts and ask them to work in pairs to complete the sentences, using the words/ phrases they have just learned 1. My uncle is a good ... He often accompanies his wife singing with his guitar 2. Almost everyone in my class ... Hoa becase she is very goos at maths 3. We keep fish in a ...4. Their car is old and out of fashion. They intend to ... it... V. Reading (19’)* Task 1: Matching- Let Ss work in pairs, match a word in A with their definition in B. - Provide Ss with necessary new words. - Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to say their answers and explain. - Check their answers and feedback. * Task 2: True / False Statements (8’)- Let ss read the passage again decide whether the sentences are true or false.- In pairs, have Ss compare the answers with other pairs. - Move around and help Ss if necessary.- Ask Ss to come to the board and copy their answers on the table. - Check their answers and feedback.*Task 3: Answer Ss' questions (8’)- Ask Ss to read the next silently and answer the questions. - Check Ss’ understanding of the questions.- Ask ss to compare their answers with a partner.- Move around and help if necessary.

- Choose the right word for each sentence.

Key: 1-guitarist 2. admire3- glass fish tank 4. throw …away

- Work in pairs, match a word in A with their definition in B.

- Expected ideas:1b 2e 3 g 4 f 5 d 6 c 7 a

- Read the passage and decide T/F statements.

Key :1F ( his uncle is) 2F ( he did) 3T 4T

- Read the passage and answer the questions.

Key:1. It is playing his guitar 2. Because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good a accompanying people by his guitar 3. It is keeping fish 4. He collects stamps from discarded envelopes, his relatives

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- Ask Ss to come to the board and copy their answers.- Check their answers and feedback.

VI. Post-reading (9’)- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, talk about their hobbies, mentioning the following things - What your partner's hobby is - How much time he/ she spends on it - Ask whether he/ she collects anything as a hobby - Ask if he/ she shares the same hobby with any member of his/ her family/ class - How much money he/ she spends on his/ her hobby - Move around and help if necessary.- Call on some Ss to talk in front of the class.- Feedback and correct.VII. Wrap-up (1’)- Ask Ss to prepare the next part. - Ask Ss to write about their favorite hobby in 80 words.

and his friends 5. He keeps the less common one inside a small album. The common ones he usually gives away to others or throws them away

- Work in groups, talking about their hobbies.

- Listen and take note.

Date of planning: Mar 15, 2015 Period: 25Date of teaching: Mar 20, 2015


1. Aims: To practice using grammar.2. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice making cleft sentences3. Teaching aids: chalk, board, textbook, CD, cassette4. Anticipated problems: Some Ss may find it hard to distinguish defining and non-defining relative clauses.5. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Grammar: Cleft sentences a. Subject focus: - Explain the way to write cleft sentences with subject focus

- Listen and take notes

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- Give exampleEx : Mr. Bang went to Britain twice.

It was Mr. Bang who went to Britain twice.Practise: Exercise 1 (P.152)1. It was the boy who visited his uncle last month.2. It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday.3. It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party.....................b. Object focus:- Explain the way to write cleft sentences with object focus- Give example

Ex: The boy hit the dog. It was the dog that the boy hitPractise: Exercise 2 (P.153)1. It is English that the man is learning.2. It was the book that the woman gave him.3. It was the postcard that she sent her friend.................................c. Adverbial focus: - Explain the way to write cleft sentences with adverbial focus

Ex: Ho Chi Minh was born in Vietnam. It was in Vietnam that Ho Chi Minh was bornPractise: Exercise 3 (P.153)1. It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog.2. It was for tea that she made some cakes.3. It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle..................Homework- Practise Pronunciation.- Rewrite the cleft sentences above

- Work in pair and then read aloud

- Listen and take notes- Stand up and read the sentences individually

- Listen to the explanation of the teacher and take notes

- Work in pair and then read aloud

- Remember to do

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