|g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitallibrary/news-archive...marie...

wmmmm^mmmmit mmmmmmmmmmmimimmimm w^mmmm wmmmmmmmmmimmmmm t ••- - P VOL. XIX. No. 40. MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY/FEBRUARY 27, 1914 ONE -A^YEAfr CENTtNMAL NEXT FALL Virginia is Much Interested in C«»t«ntu«l Celebration of Star-Spangled Bannesr. One hardred sears ago when „ tliii British.-** WaahincrtoTi, three of the banks of Aiexanc^ria.Va.. offered to loan way to -the heavy snow slorir'h*e~Hoh- the Govef'nment $450,000 for the;^^ Arm^ construction of more defensest^^^ *'*"'^ for the District. The money was accepted but nothing was done at Fort Washington, 12 miles down the Potomac on the Mary- land side, ^ In the wir of i8t2 the stirring events in Virginia and in Maryland occured in 1814. From the first, Virginia was heartily ins fayor of the conflict and contributed men, money and inraauiea' towards ita Tkieves Elnter Prince WtUiaoa P&armacjr, W. C. Wagemr^r and Freight Depot Eogliah Practice—A FaroMra' "Word—The Lesson in « Word"" —By Kaii^ jLangenbeck. Burglars took advantage of day night, breaking into three btreiness heussi^v le plale OUCC00& It is deeply interested in the Centennial which Baltimore will hold next September. Thft date tor thia cetetMration is set f«r the Jjattle of North Foint and the Bombardment of Fort McHenry, in which VirgiHia txoupa' twk sse stir- part. Thepopnlan MFig "day's was Tiie' BTrtb of - tfie Star-Spangled Banner, which -by executive order has becopne^the blktional Anthem m ^ t h Army and Navy. F«ui(ri«_ Scott Key, who wrotethis lyric, was aeekmg TIFXr evidence canned goods, notions, perfumes^ soaps, mpafH and prunea were to obtain the release of his friend i»a was on B BritishThlpr fte^ wa& detained during the bom bardment anfl the nnthom waa scattered around the boxes from w"H»ch ifiey' were taken. " tilvelry wei<> thp rpmning nf n hantUy- -the inspiration of his experience, ^hen daylight appeared he saw nSie flag was still flying over the g ^ a a d wrote the lines on the lyScirof old envefopes. TBe pong be^mHnramediatety 8u«ces6- fn1 anff no i t has continued Balcimore's celebranon will com^ Sept 6, and ending the followingr Buaday. • ^j.^ ' = At W. C. Wagener's hardware and furniture store the looters probably located their largest haul. About seven dollars was -missing from the cash drawer in addition to a valuable lot of sil- verware, including a number of knives. A resident in-t^Miieigh- borhood remembers the sound of All Day Session Yesterday Ceurtheuse PoulUy ^baw- This Afternoon. The beneficaj results of apply- ing a variety of chemicals to the soil is an old experience in agru • culture. - Gypsum or crude plas^ question but little attention was paid to the noise -teis marh a formtrf carbonate of - lime, with more or less of clay admixture, chalk, crushed lime- stone and the road dust of reeds running through a lime country were used indiscriminately just as they Vere"available." In dis- tricts distant from such materials, the plastering, stucco and mcfrtar of old buildings that were pulled down was*.not wasted. They were applied to the hop gardens onH »im/.ii- •faring ppp,. tht> YJll^'fT'^" They rifled the eash drawer at the Fringe William -Pharmacy, carrying off about eight dollars in change. Dr. Johnson feels sure there wsa ho otner toss. The Southpm frPight HApnt SeTf th"¥-4ir fan shoes, l^ZV.'' -^ V.f "*' ;^^«?.'!"^." enjoyed lunch. Pieces of frtat ham, sliced from a local mer- chant's shipment and browned ori,^. office stove, gave,token 6f a satisfied appetite, while-a partly filled case of prunes sup- pHed amnjlfl tjwttmnwy thnf tha lawbreakers were never aecus' tomed to Boardrng house #are. This 13 the first attempt at rob- -RWfiT.ISH rfttCTICC^ —We are speaking, of course, of old countries, where the keeping up of the foftility of tUu hiiid haa been a constant problem. And, this is a problem we still have to fertility is still so recent a tradi- tion, if not a personally exper- ienced fact with many, -that farmers are slow to keep alive to its necessity. Now,, rural England. tK« 11/%^^^ of our mother tongiiP, fjtIlpH nil these various forms pf chemicals by the feneral tfirm "Kmo " "Laming the soil" meant apply- ing^ ttmpSMtW ^TvHF or"tHein, whinhavflr was >hAtip<»at ny ftmnj est available. But it was also known, that il result»-w«e BUSINESS HOUSES ROBBED:Oi.P CHFMirAI, FFRTMHtlFABMHtS Mm^^JHW.FnPnMar fltn aiiivtvTiiTHiKJUgK SESSION •t^Sefate—RlU, of AlWrnarre,'Patrons' League Meets at Ruff- T'}e February jneeting of the Northern Virginia Farmers' In- ^'tuj«_j^,iiLBewii<>B y-^ptftrday and to-dav at the co»rfhmti.c The features yesterday were addresses by Dr. Howard, of Richmond, State Creamery In- spector, who discussed theoppor-; tunitieafor dairy devebpraentin Northern Virginia; Mr. W. M. Brown, Field Agent of the South- ern Railway, whose subject was "Growing Hogs for Profit"; Mr. R. E. Grabell, of Charlotte, N. C , who explained the cooperative marksting of farm pfoducto, and .Introduces Measure Followinff Fanners' Resolutibni. ner-High Scheot Debaters Wfai Mtieh Applaose. 1 NHj.^JBafry Agenfcior4hfrSc<rth- ern. wfao diatMtssWi -016 »ork^6^ As a result of the resolutions! The meeting of the Manassas adopted by' several farmers''. Patrons' League, held at the ent pailsuf the state. th6follow-'*'"' ^'^l'"^tended in spifa^of^be^: .... . . , - , . . very inclement weather. After mg bill was introduced in the .he meeting was called to order House of Delegates by Repre*;and the minutes read, the chilr sentative D. H. Pitts, of Albe- dren of the fourth grade gave a marie county: t charming little program of songs - A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and recitations. The little boys, vey for the purpose of classifyinfir especially, sang with admirable the tillable s^ils of the State, de- gpint and vigor and little Miss ternimmg their fertility, and the Elizabeth Johnson quite delighted methods of treating them for the the audience by her reciution o! establishment of a permanent james Whitcomb Riley's 'The ^stemof agriculture, and makr Goblins." Next came the sperial ftig-appropriation therefor. j fcat»r.> of the meeting, a debata 1. Bo It onaeted-^i^^he-tJpn. by the High Sciiool stugenHFoiF^ l y s depaj-tttient. A report was made by Mr. W L. henser. ol Haymarket, with" regard to road i^ y^T^tiitnr^ in Gainesville district, shnuring that th^y had gotten better results at the same expenditure by the use of improved,machinery. It waa deciced that Manassas district would ihave a better condition of roads at less j^xpfrnwo by fpU^iiy. ' T ""* *''"' Ttlim ^f Gainesville dJHtriet. The committee on legislation drafted the following resolution. which _wilX be s^tllQ .Gosemor ^aoLVKD. That we dcnonnce the a^_j^eiterate onr sdvocacy of the lUxrthem Virgini» Farmers' InstHote |g!i^^^^j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^^ ^t. I'be authorities are unable to make anylUng uf the tt^aeks-iir the snow.and have praetically no dags tP wuikuu. litee «ueh as used for mortar was- meant alivo in old English and 'lime" an earthy BhomicoJ. A FARMERS' WORD. 'Quislriimo" io the good old eral Assembly of. Virginia that the Question, "Resolved, That the gaard ot Control of the Vif. rht. .tJ-hflnlB •nhAnHl.Hiivii u Wlm ginfa l^glFicuItVrol Experiment Months' SfeS&IOtt. " T h e speaker!. Station be authorized, and is on the afiirmative w6r^-Mr. Her-" hfTihy I'fqnirfd to uiaki ^1 man UUi^Ki UflU HiBH Alici; MeU. cause to be made a Soil Survev »n tv.« r.^pnfMr^, MiPn«, M»rin of the tillable landa of the State Leachman arid Marian Lewis. of virgmia. lor tne punxise or in view of the strong feeling determining and classifying the now.Erfixailin«_JanQng_b6th-pa-- flamff .»«vrdvBg-to theiragricinr-^rons and pupils over the unfoi^ tund -character; and to invei'tj- . tunate' shortening of the school gate by chemical analyses and term, it is only fair to theyounj er<y experiment their fertility iAdi«.Rwl^t/w>kthPTiPOT.»iWfij^,, TiTKl BVflllBhilily fui uup piOduc- to explain that they were induced tion of iLe severalotapk >aopa,M »tki> itwii t»tf4i*.»i«»l« «>n-the^ produced in the State of Virginia, representation tiiat the discaa. 2. In pursuance of this Act the gjop of tfao oitnation could be aforesaid. Board of Contrel of ^ ^ e nwire entertaining and ai- the Virginia Afflicultural Experi_- tractive if thrw^nin thtlDom of . „ ^ ^^ment Station ahaB cause the in- a debate. Tha argumeuta wwe Lej^dog lawas »nOrery"i^cf«itj <'««''H{»»tioil hutJU igqujted U> Ue wmliily .1...^ li,. li.ii nf llii. irt conducted by the Director and vantages <rf~tbe aehoiA of nint tiieChemist of the said AijrJcul--fflontha'session. ' tiEfSl Experimeat Station* Lsnd Titla Riyiiitr«tifm; That we am dt-pimrtinff «fr^„ th^. pronHSe of the administratioiD at Wsah- ingtoB, to follow np its free trade in farm prodacts with a nvatem nf Farm. leatj Other than fhfw on prop^-^Y„ii,,i fijijt |,ii,iiiiii I„.L TI. U owned oi Jwuiwl by the Virgima sometimes agreed that the rural A«ncaltural College (The Vir- school of six or seven months is giriia Polytechnic Institute) shall gajte able to prepare purals for On the first Sunday there will be patriotic services in the churches and a mtaieid festivaf MRS. SARAH J. BETTIS. English name for burned lime. It got it from the farmer from in Druid EjftlPark. Mwiday witt^ *.~- be a day gf welcome to t irt :--4lrs; &rah iJ.rfetti*-died of T)arti,lysis Tuesday m ^ a. ui.. at- guished visitors, for the unveil- infrfif tfihlrifn Hv nfl^Hotic flnrietiPH . and the arrival of the ship "Con-. tCT-in^w^Mft and Mra. William 1^ th^ftiff^realways more farra^ ers t h i n mawMis. their ^iifesiignj&. land banks to e^ialise the AtBeriain farmer <» (njual terms witb his foreign cempftilor; the home of her son and daugh- lk%Sii>is-3tat«. Farmers' lostitute to twi^ar-eay«a%4myrtaht measaw and its refusal to allow any discussioD fab Of fegland.'^nedtimi^'i^^^^ be undertaken, oniy upon ttelds high achoo! work. This is true, or plats which have been funt- but th^ unfortunsterfact is foi*- Ished^foy^thlS P " ' T ^ J ^ ^ J » ^ g^t^P t^'^* thA high «^fan»l pr^ cnat to tne afnrwaid •Bowyof,ai-atioa accomplished iua.beUool' Control of the Virgihia A«»ml^ of nine mwrths' w^ssionr^y thg> BtcHation.**^mg the fleet which Betris, of Maple Sttyi*t. She was tion bad the call and in the Eng- fab of England, "baraed -Uam^^ maild—not * be understood -fog thp Navy has promi3ed to send, with a general iliumtnation of 84 years old. of the City in the evening and band (Conceits in every part of The remains will be shipped to Catlett today. The funeral ser- what i^ is by the generality of men for ' 'quicklime" is the word. Now, it would he well for Qinr tunil Experiment Stetioh. The time the child is thirteen or foot- product of all such tests, other teen, or even eariier, is delayed Ti^ -u-.«»,v ^ - - - . - • i^^^g^'^a^gJgfecHiMlex-^^^^^^ uumfural^aehoa" •jjat-weuqutfsnon the wis*oi-w ^m-^|amujaaOii, Shall be sold and the until the pupil is seventeen o» proceeds remitted to the Treas- eighteen. This means .(except urer. of_tbe i^ommonwfiilth nf jjn ycry unacnal casci) that the \u every tb&City. - Tuesday wiU-b»Indus- trial day, with a parade and.the illumit.atioa o f ^ t ^ City in the evening —On Wcdn ders~WTll hold their-procession Tnd they are expect^ to make the greatest demonstraci<m in their history. Thursday will be ^ Mttflcipal and Athletic day, with parades and contests and in the evening there will be the most gorgeous historicaLAttta ever witnessed in America. Fri- vice wiH be conducted in .Grace M. E. Church,'South, Fauquier coimty, of which the dee«ieed was-ft member. Int^rmeiii will tjuier.' 'Ber-ions will act as pallbearers. Mrs. Bettis issiirvived by three daugbtersrrzMrs. Allen Dodd. of Greenwich: Mra, EUa Heflio, of Catlett, and Mrs. George Elling> ton, of Grove Church, and eight sons -Messrs. William Bettis, of Manassas: "PI F Rottin, Vif Aiav. farmers to rememhpr fhis eerity of an Bgricultoial leadership «lnch piv^Kwes the H t ^ credit imi<»s and ignores the Farm-land Bank Bill <Fletcher-Sen«te JJpenmePt 424<)"now" tells the story of age long exper- ience in a word. But, how is it that~l)ere in America we have That we thank The Soathem Planter far its. vigorooa campaign in workii% np sentiment for more eqaity imrtt IqpsUtion pertaining to land; ^yi":,'r^"'=r*f'"""' ?"" ""7^H&MT ttttwe le^uCBt Qovemor Stuart m ffie mother tmigaer stand by lime, a class of substance an^ the particular 'thing by * 'quicklime V' Why, very natur- ally. Favored in agri4»ltnre^ by fertile soil, the American farmer forgot about fertilizing it with 'a )^>edarmess%e to the legis- latnre in behalf of the above measaras. J. J. Camnut, * : ^——• • W. B. DOAK. This morning, Mr. George D. Brandt, of Bcmnie View, near different chemicals. "Quick- ^ * ^ '***^ anaddresa on poultry parade of the Army ahd Navy and thj^ National Guar^sgi^,, of its best troeps. This will be followed by a banqutt to the •- President cf £he United Statea and his Cabinet, to the Goveinors of the dtfferent States and to the andria; Mitchell Bettis,of Forest- buiv;4j^iil^ Betti&i^ of-Nokea- lime" booamcvirtuallya material" and Mr T^'wis B. Washingtonj^ David Bettis, of Bristersbur^, and M. D. Bettia, of Cuipeper. jof.the mison aiooe. The deaig- natio»-i^^giok "-- «Koppe3 ^ISe^ma; tib^ AsSlsU&t. Oil&ce^o! Markets. Vir^tiiiia. and pltifpd fn t h g J u r T ] f 7 ^ n i , | | | ^^ ^t Wn\ Tnly fl yi^r TiO^i^of the State. ( QJ. two of high school education. 4. There IS hereby appropriate nig mind has become too set t» edfor the fiscal year ending on keep up with tJierajnd pace da- !^!^,!?^^S^^^'^^^'''"^"*^*'* ^^ the tuuwe, be. b»- ^ »ry, uiueievu bundredvnd fifteen, comes disc(mn«ed and dn^>s out the sum of twenty-four thousand Q^; even if he possesses a wift dollars, and there ia hereby ap-i strong enough to cope with tbfe IMo^iAtdd f t t - ^ « ^SsTfd yea^ailHIcttiee* ©f the aitaatiwii «h» endmg on the twenty-eighth day : i^^ gtepa in and excludes him by of February, nineteen hundred ^ time he is twenty-one before and sixteen, the sum of twenty-} ^ ! , „ time to finish. From ata- four_thousand doUagg. for tiie'^tistigB taken from thft y - ^ - flffinsd ill liiiiL.Aa;;jiigi^Schoolr^ordaalone,iti ^ Bmh nf iroriraaims tn hf naid nnt ^|, ,n~'i;^*^.SflfTF^-n.^^^inir visiting officers of the Militia and ' HnxyHirJitiA^ ^^L W*iW»^ -an illumination of the Cttjr. On Saturday will come the eli- gtai-Buauijled HatT ROBERT M O i A » ^ It WW law- sidered senseless. _ THE LESSON IN A WORj>. So, in Amaican engliali we know of lime as a iwrticular tof AfiTK^to^^ ^SCng'of fltrin of Miy money in the PublJc'Treas- at€« were only eighteen or nine- at grartiiatiigEiOid ttwt_tfagr^- prodncta by parcel post etc the MaiwMas Poultry Show is new ia .progress. No awards luveyetbM&^iBade. and the Treasurer nf Ute Cun-T^d practically Vdi been i ^ p a i ^ ==WF Robert Molair died at KhS& o'clock Wednesday moralBg at We haveTwtIfie7armetil| lIAWAa&*a V!L UPPrjimtXte. 'Uniafahms" ier the most thing, tern' active of lime derived chemicals. monwealdi ia herwUx Ksquiredl td!in graded schools bavuig a 611* draw his warrant J L ^ Q r of the months'^jession. said Board of C—twi of the Vi^•| ^nre impo^ibilTl^ of givrng-TE- gima Agriealtiiral Experiment the short term school the educa- gtatiOTi fey the sum iierein speci- ition demanded by the conditions McHenry and the escort vnTTcoh-1 ing atong ilTn^s of tubercukiaa. sist of the President of the. jjg ^^^ 53 ygars old. we nope Amerv^n farmers wHT Th» '\ntm high athiid debate fied, provided that uOl luoie thau^rrfTnodemWer w«a-aext .pointed uiie fouft^^<g-^fc aam aror^ioat^ Npw-a-daya. » bigh^achod- riated for each fiscal year shall rev^tJiaexpr«iw*«iglidil^*^,ff^ *«^ "£P^-{bednt«»ir«y^a i&amer of day night. March 3rd. The sub- Tho aprviro waa in the different States,distmguished. . Vt id specially irtVlted guedU ajRi^..».» ^^^'^ troops from the 18 States that charge of Bull Run Council, No. -jbrmed the Umna,when the Na- 1^, Order Fraternal Americans, trrnat Anthem was writt^TTr-^^^^^-ije was'a member. PreMdent V\i}apn f/ui make an It will tett itt own story to the growing boys on the - . ..|>,.,^,„^ ^v,^ oition for All Children Between observation make such scientific explaiuiiioii -tat m —rooming to Manassas Tues- ! day mornine. Dr. W. h. Stevens, Hhe Ages 6f Sefren tod.Fifteen.* Th( education i& practically demanded of cvory ^|p>l»<«ant. fnr a place in ^ ^ tHMmess world;" atid DOTS » t with thia Act are bere- Iqr iqipealed. - k wM Wtuiii iaai week-that debates are held under j Mr. Fred Snook had retumecl TTnTveffcty of from with only an elementary aehooUng'find themselves terri- bly handicapped in the stru^^le of life;—^Phe--dwMTt tenmichool a wasntngton excludes them from this hig^ /*^ i sharp competition of modem life acdress and the anthem wiTT^ tei hient was made on the home^f Centreville, found a covey of I Virginia, and the winning schools I where he spent the past three; ^ ^ ^ ^ J ! ^ " " " , _ .- J "— place, near BrentsviUe •• • •« f»i« n~iin,i..»..,--.-..»— j u. mui -_r_ _.iana tne aemanas or mor;. ,, little pfkrtridges freezing in the { ^^ ^^ preliminary contests wnd; months. This was an jarror, we The sympathy of the cpmmu- g ^ ^ One j^^jj^ fellow heith«rteaaw to Ch&riotteavilla i«r have since tearnedTand w« are Jgelenee call for mpTOvpd ,-• n^- sung by a r.uman flag fonned by tDP f.hcxii f: lidren of Baltimore. '^ ' "^young daughter. MlSS Jlloilie ^nd r<^.dy to accept .iaod from The debate will he held in the taken by Dr. B. F. Iden and h i s . " ^ tlomesttr-sr'f-.^ ay. u...cn cl«s«s the «'«^k, nity is ejaended to the Mdow and brought w i t i w m ^ fi"*^ championship debate^'n'glad" to trtate'that Mr. Snook had'"•*?*'" ^K^^ll" ^^ aevr.U'.i to peace. It is /-_ »i„H,.,=r, ahn^Burvivo Hia . , . . , , Anril . ^ ;_ » );. _i v- !*"« ^^ industrial, •^pr- tp.^~v pro -OS. Molair. prec»-.^.ed him to the grave b^r.d. i-.\> IS- .J.«t another High bchoolbufld.ng and begin son, Dr. Jonn H. •..'-ds. at S p. vn. Adniishi.ir ITi 0(-nt5: T*'VJ is ;:.i: "r.i-i: I den, -.t-re- tr:^. : »*»t«»rtMr*'fl »**• ioDlinum or

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Page 1: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and

wmmmm^mmmmit mmmmmmmmmmmimimmimm w^mmmm wmmmmmmmmmimmmmm

t ••- -

P VOL. XIX. No. 40. MANASSAS, VA. , F R I D A Y / F E B R U A R Y 27, 1914 O N E -A^YEAfr


Virginia is Much Interested in C«»t«ntu«l Celebration of

Star-Spangled Bannesr.

One hardred sears ago when „ tliii British.-**

WaahincrtoTi, three of the banks of Aiexanc^ria.Va.. offered to loan

way to -the heavy snow slorir'h*e~Hoh-

the Govef'nment $450,000 for the;^^ Arm^ construction of more defensest^^^ *'*"'^ for the District. The money was accepted but nothing was done at Fort Washington, 12 miles down the Potomac on the Mary­land side, ^ In the wir of i8 t2 the stirring events in Virginia and in Maryland occured in 1814. From the first, Virginia was heartily ins fayor of the conflict and contributed men, money and inraauiea' towards ita

Tkieves Elnter Prince WtUiaoa P&armacjr, W. C. Wagemr^r

and Freight Depot

Eogliah Practice—A FaroMra' "Word—The Lesson in « Word""

—By Kaii^ jLangenbeck.

Burglars took advantage of

day night, breaking into three btreiness heussi^v le plale

OUCC00& It is deeply interested in the Centennial which Baltimore will hold next September. Thft date tor thia cetetMration is set f«r the Jjattle of North Foint and the Bombardment of Fort McHenry, in which VirgiHia txoupa' twk

sse stir-part.

Thepopnlan MFig "day's was Tiie' BTrtb of - tfie Star-Spangled Banner, which -by executive order has becopne^the blktional Anthem m ^ t h Army and Navy. F«ui(ri«_ Scott Key, who wrotethis lyric, was aeekmg

TIFXr evidence canned goods, notions, perfumes^ soaps, mpafH and prunea were

to obtain the release of his friend i»a was on B BritishThlpr fte^ wa& detained during the bom bardment anfl the nnthom waa

scattered around the boxes from w"H»ch ifiey' were taken. " tilvelry

wei<> thp rpmning nf n hantUy-

-the inspiration of his experience, ^hen daylight appeared he saw

nSie flag was still flying over the g ^ a a d wrote the lines on the l y S c i r o f old envefopes. TBe pong be^mHnramediatety 8u«ces6-fn1 anff no i t has continued

Balcimore's celebranon will com^

Sept 6, and ending the followingr Buaday. • ^ j . ^ ' =

At W. C. Wagener's hardware and furniture store the looters probably located their largest haul. About seven dollars was -missing from the cash drawer in addition to a valuable lot of sil­verware, including a number of knives. A resident in-t^Miieigh-borhood remembers the sound of

All Day Session Yesterday Ceurtheuse PoulUy ^baw-

This Afternoon.

The beneficaj results of apply­ing a variety of chemicals to the soil is an old experience in agru

• culture. - Gypsum or crude plas^

question but little attention was paid to the noise

-teis marh a formtrf carbonate of -lime, with more or less of clay admixture, chalk, crushed lime­stone and the road dust of reeds running through a lime country were used indiscriminately just as they Vere"available." In dis­tricts distant from such materials, the plastering, stucco and mcfrtar of old buildings that were pulled down was*.not wasted. They were applied to the hop gardens onH »im/.ii- •faring ppp,. tht> YJll^'fT'^"

They rifled the eash drawer at the Fringe William -Pharmacy, carrying off about eight dollars in change. Dr. Johnson feels sure there wsa ho otner toss.

The Southpm frPight HApnt

SeTf th"¥-4 ir f a n shoes, l^ZV.'' -^ V . f "*' ; ^ ^ « ? . ' ! " ^ . "

enjoyed lunch. Pieces of frtat ham, sliced from a local mer-chant's shipment and • browned o r i , ^ . office stove, gave,token 6f a satisfied appetite, while-a partly filled case of prunes sup-pHed amnjlfl tjwttmnwy thnf tha lawbreakers were never aecus' tomed to Boardrng house #are.

This 13 the first attempt at rob-

-RWfiT.ISH rfttCTICC^ —We are speaking, of course, of old countries, where the keeping up of the foftility of tUu hiiid haa been a constant problem. And, this is a problem we still have to

fertility is still so recent a tradi­tion, if not a personally exper­ienced fact with many, -that farmers are slow to keep alive to its necessity.

Now,, rural England. tK« 11/% ^ of our mother tongiiP, fjtIlpH nil these various forms pf chemicals by the feneral tfirm "Kmo " "Laming the soil" meant apply­ing ttmpSMtW TvHF or"tHein, whinhavflr was >hAtip<»at ny ftmnj est available. But it was also known, that i l r e s u l t » - w « e

BUSINESS HOUSES ROBBED:Oi.P CHFMirAI, FFRTMHtlFABMHtS M m ^ ^ J H W . F n P n M a r fltn a i i i v t v T i i T H i K J U g K SESSION

• t ^ S e f a t e — R l U , of AlWrnarre,'Patrons' League Meets at Ruff-

T'}e February jneeting of the Northern Virginia Farmers' In-^'tuj«_j^,iiLBewii<>B y- ptftrday and to-dav at the co»rfhmti.c

The features yesterday were addresses by Dr. Howard, of Richmond, State Creamery In-spector, who discussed theoppor-; tunitieafor dairy devebpraentin Northern Virginia; Mr. W. M. Brown, Field Agent of the South­ern Railway, whose subject was "Growing Hogs for Profit"; Mr. R. E. Grabell, of Charlotte, N. C , who explained the cooperative marksting of farm pfoducto, and

.Introduces Measure Followinff Fanners' Resolutibni.

ner-High Scheot Debaters Wfai Mtieh Applaose.

1 NHj.^JBafry Agenfcior4hfrSc<rth-ern. wfao diatMtssWi -016 »ork^6^

As a result of the resolutions! The meeting of the Manassas adopted by' several farmers''. Patrons' League, held at the

ent pailsuf the state. th6follow-'*'"' ^'^l'"^tended in spifa^of^be^: . . . . . . , - , . . very inclement weather. After

mg bill was introduced in the .he meeting was called to order House of Delegates by Repre*;and the minutes read, the chilr sentative D. H. Pitts, of Albe- dren of the fourth grade gave a marie county: t charming little program of songs - A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and recitations. The little boys, vey for the purpose of classifyinfir especially, sang with admirable the tillable s^ils of the State, de- gpint and vigor and little Miss ternimmg their fertility, and the Elizabeth Johnson quite delighted methods of treating them for the the audience by her reciution o! establishment of a permanent james Whitcomb Riley's 'The ^ s t e m o f agriculture, and makr Goblins." Next came the sperial ftig-appropriation therefor. j fcat»r.> of the meeting, a debata

1. Bo It onaeted-^i^^he-tJpn. by the High Sciiool stugenHFoiF^

lys depaj-tttient. A report was made by Mr. W

L. henser. ol Haymarket, with" regard to road i^ y^T^tiitnr^ in Gainesville district, shnuring that th^y had gotten better results at the same expenditure by the use of improved,machinery. It waa deciced that Manassas district would ihave a better condition of roads at less j xpfrnwo by fpU iiy. ' T ""* *''"' Ttlim ^f Gainesville dJHtriet.

The committee on legislation drafted the following resolution. which _wilX be s^t l lQ .Gosemor

^aoLVKD. That we dcnonnce the

a^_j^eiterate onr sdvocacy of the lUxrthem Virgini» Farmers' InstHote |g!i^^^^ j ^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^^ t.

I'be authorities are unable to make anylUng uf the tt^aeks-iir the snow.and have praetically no d a g s tP wuikuu.

litee «ueh as used for mortar was-

meant alivo in old English and 'lime" an earthy BhomicoJ.

A FARMERS' WORD. 'Quislriimo" io the good old

eral Assembly of. Virginia that the Question, "Resolved, That the gaard ot Control of the Vif. rht. .tJ-hflnlB •nhAnHl.Hiivii u Wlm ginfa l^glFicuItVrol Experiment Months' SfeS&IOtt. " T h e speaker!. Station be authorized, and is on the afiirmative w6r^-Mr. Her-" hfTihy I'fqnirfd to uiaki ^1 man UUi Ki UflU HiBH Alici; MeU. cause to be made a Soil Survev »n tv.« r. pnfMr , MiPn«, M»rin of the tillable landa of the State Leachman arid Marian Lewis. of virgmia. lor tne punxise or in view of the strong feeling determining and classifying the now.Erfixailin«_JanQng_b6th-pa--flamff .»«vrdvBg-to theiragricinr-^rons and pupils over the unfoi^ tund -character; and to invei'tj-. tunate' shortening of the school gate by chemical analyses and term, it is only fair to theyounj er<y experiment their fertility iAdi«.Rwl^t/w>kthPTiPOT.»iWfij^,, TiTKl BVflllBhilily fui uup piOduc- to explain that they were induced tion of iLe severalotapk >aopa,M »tki> itwii t»tf4i*.»i«»l« «>n-the^ produced in the State of Virginia, representation tiiat the discaa.

2. In pursuance of this Act the gjop of tfao oitnation could be aforesaid. Board of Contrel of ^ ^ e nwire entertaining and ai-the Virginia Afflicultural Experi_- tractive if thrw^nin thtlDom of

. „ ^ ^ ^ m e n t Station ahaB cause the in- a debate. Tha argumeuta w w e Lej^dog lawas »nOrery"i^cf«itj <'««''H{»»tioil hutJU igqujted U> Ue wmliily . 1 . . .^ li,. li.ii nf llii. irt

conducted by the Director and vantages <rf~tbe aehoiA of nint tiieChemist of the said AijrJcul--fflontha'session. ' tiEfSl Experimeat Station*

Lsnd Titla Riyiiitr«tifm; That we am dt-pimrtinff «fr^„ th^.

pronHSe of the administratioiD at Wsah-ingtoB, to follow np its free trade in farm prodacts with a nvatem nf Farm.

leatj Other than fhfw on prop^-^Y„ii,,i fijijt |,ii,iiiiii I„.L TI. U owned oi Jwuiwl by the Virgima sometimes agreed that the rural A«ncaltural College (The Vir- school of six or seven months is giriia Polytechnic Institute) shall gajte able to prepare purals for

On the first Sunday there will be patriotic services in the churches and a mtaieid festivaf

MRS. SARAH J. BETTIS. English name for burned lime. It got it from the farmer from

in Druid EjftlPark. Mwiday witt *.~- be a day gf welcome to t irt

:--4lrs; &rah iJ.rfetti*-died of T)arti,lysis Tuesday m ^ a. ui.. at-

guished visitors, for the unveil-infrfif tfihlrifn Hv nfl^Hotic flnrietiPH . and the arrival of the ship "Con-. tCT-in^w^Mft and Mra. William

1 ^ th^ftiff^realways more farra^ ers thin mawMis. their iifesiignj&.

land banks to e^ialise the AtBeriain farmer <» (njual terms witb his foreign cempftilor;

the home of her son and daugh-

lk%Sii>is-3tat«. Farmers' lostitute to twi^ar-eay«a%4myrtaht measaw and its refusal to allow any discussioD

fab Of fegland.'^nedtimi^'i^^^^

be undertaken, oniy upon ttelds high achoo! work. This is true, or plats which have been funt- but th^ unfortunsterfact is foi*-Ished^foy^thlS P " ' T ^ J ^ ^ J » ^ g^t^P t^'^* thA high « fan»l pr^ cnat to tne afnrwaid •Bowyof,ai-atioa accomplished iua.beUool' Control of the Virgihia A«»ml^ of nine mwrths' w^ssionr^y thg>

BtcHation.**^mg the fleet which Betris, of Maple Sttyi*t. She was

tion bad the call and in the Eng-fab of England, "baraed -Uam^^ maild—not * be understood -fog

thp Navy has promi3ed to send, with a general iliumtnation of

84 years old.

of the City in the evening and band (Conceits in every part of

The remains will be shipped to Catlett today. The funeral ser-

what i^ is by the generality of men for ' 'quicklime" is the word. Now, it would he well for Qinr

tunil Experiment Stetioh. The time the child is thirteen or foot-product of all such tests, other teen, or even eariier, is delayed

T i ^ -u-.«»,v ^ - - - . - • i^^^g^'^a^gJgfecHiMlex-^^^^^^ uumfural^aehoa" •jjat-weuqutfsnon the wis*oi-w ^m- |amujaaOii, Shall be sold and the until the pupil is seventeen o»

proceeds remitted to the Treas- eighteen. This means .(except urer. of_tbe i^ommonwfiilth nf jjn ycry unacnal casci) that the

\u every tb&City. - Tuesday wiU-b»Indus­trial day, with a parade and.the illumit.atioa o f ^ t ^ City in the evening

—On Wcdn ders~WTll hold their-procession

Tnd they are e x p e c t ^ to make the greatest demonstraci<m in their history. Thursday will be ^ Mttflcipal and Athletic day, with parades and contests and in the evening there will be the most gorgeous historicaLAttta ever witnessed in America. Fri-

vice wiH be conducted in .Grace M. E. Church,'South, Fauquier coimty, of which the dee«ieed was-ft member. Int^rmeiii will

tjuier.' ' B e r - i o n s will act as pallbearers.

Mrs. Bettis issiirvived by three daugbtersrrzMrs. Allen Dodd. of Greenwich: Mra, EUa Heflio, of Catlett, and Mrs. George Elling> ton, of Grove Church, and eight sons -Messrs. William Bettis, of Manassas: "PI F Rottin, Vif Aiav.

farmers to rememhpr fhis

eerity of an Bgricultoial leadership «lnch piv Kwes the Ht^ credit imi<»s and ignores the Farm-land Bank Bill <Fletcher-Sen«te JJpenmePt 424<)"now"

tells the story of age long exper­ience in a word. But, how is it that~l)ere in America we have

That we thank The Soathem Planter far its. vigorooa campaign in workii% np sentiment for more eqaity imrtt IqpsUtion pertaining to land;

^yi":,'r^"'=r*f'"""' ?"" " " 7 ^ H & M T ttttwe le uCBt Qovemor Stuart m ffie mother tmigaer

stand by lime, a class of substance an^ the particular ' thing by * 'quicklime V' Why, very natur-ally. Favored in agri4»ltnre^ by fertile soil, the American farmer forgot about fertilizing it with

'a ) >edarmess%e to the legis-latnre in behalf of the above measaras.

J. J. Camnut, * : ^——• • W. B. DOAK.

This morning, Mr. George D. Brandt, of Bcmnie View, near

different chemicals. "Quick- ^ * ^ '***^ anaddresa on poultry

parade of the Army ahd Navy and thj^ National Guar^sgi^,,

of its best troeps. This will be followed by a banqutt to the

•- President cf £he United Statea and his Cabinet, to the Goveinors of the dtfferent States and to the

andria; Mitchell Bettis,of Forest-b u i v ; 4 j ^ i i l ^ Betti&i of-Nokea-

lime" booamcvirtuallya material" and Mr T 'wis B.

Washingtonj^ David Bettis, of Bristersbur^, and M. D. Bettia, of Cuipeper.

jof.the mison aiooe. The deaig-natio»-i^^giok "--«Koppe3 ISe^ma;

tib^ AsSlsU&t. Oil&ce^o! Markets.

Vir^tiiiia. and pltifpd fn thgJurT]f7^ni , | | | ^^ ^t Wn\ Tnly fl yi^r T i O ^ i ^ o f the State. ( QJ. two of high school education.

4. There IS hereby appropriate nig mind has become too set t» edfor the fiscal year ending on keep up with tJierajnd pace da-

! ^ ! ^ , ! ? ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' " ^ " * ^ * ' * ^^ the tuuwe, be. b»- ^ »ry, uiueievu bundredvnd fifteen, comes disc(mn«ed and dn^>s ou t the sum of twenty-four thousand Q ; even if he possesses a wift dollars, and there ia hereby ap-i strong enough to cope with tbfe IMo^iAtdd f t t - ^ « ^SsTfd yea^ailHIcttiee* ©f the aitaatiwii «h» endmg on the twenty-eighth day : i^^ gtepa in and excludes him by of February, nineteen hundred ^ time he is twenty-one before and sixteen, the sum of twenty-} ! , „ time to finish. From ata-four_thousand doUagg. for tiie'^tistigB taken from thft y - ^ -

flffinsd ill liiiiL.Aa;;jiigi^Schoolr^ordaalone,iti ^ Bmh nf iroriraaims tn hf naid nnt |, ,n~'i;^*^.SflfTF^-n.^^^inir

visiting officers of the Militia and ' HnxyHirJitiA^ ^^L W * i W » ^

-an illumination of the Cttjr. On Saturday will come the eli-

gtai-Buauijled HatT

ROBERT M O i A » ^

It WW law-sidered senseless. _


So, in Amaican engliali we know of lime as a iwrticular

to f A f i T K ^ t o ^ ^ ^SCng'of fltrin

of Miy money in the PublJc'Treas- at€« were only eighteen or nine-at grartiiatiigEiOid ttwt_tfagr^-

prodncta by parcel post e t c t h e MaiwMas Poultry Show is

new ia .progress. N o awards luveyetbM&^iBade.

and the Treasurer nf Ute Cun-T^d practically Vdi been i ^ p a i ^

==WF Robert Molair died at KhS&

o'clock Wednesday moralBg at

We haveTwtIfie7armetil| lIAWAa&*a V!L UPPrjimtXte. 'Uniafahms" i e r the most

thing, t ern ' active of lime derived chemicals.

monwealdi ia herwUx Ksquiredl td!in graded schools bavuig a 611* draw his warrant J L ^ Q r of the months'^jession. said Board of C—twi of the Vi^•| ^nre impo^ibilTl^ of givrng-TE-gima Agriealtiiral Experiment the short term school the educa-gtatiOTi fey the sum iierein speci- ition demanded by the conditions

McHenry and the escort vnTTcoh-1 ing atong ilTn^s of tubercukiaa. sist of the President of the. jjg ^^^ 53 ygars old.

we nope Amerv^n farmers wHT Th» '\ntm high athiid debate

fied, provided that uOl luoie thau^rrfTnodemWer w«a-aext .pointed uiie fouft^^<g-^fc aam a r o r ^ i o a t ^ Npw-a-daya. » bigh^achod-riated for each fiscal year shall

rev^tJiaexpr«iw*«iglidil^*^,ff^ * « ^ " £ P ^ - { b e d n t « » i r « y ^ a i & a m e r of

day night. March 3rd. The sub-

Tho aprviro waa in the different States,distmguished. .

Vt id specially irtVlted guedU ajRi^..».» ^^^'^ troops from the 18 States that charge of Bull Run Council, No.

-jbrmed the Umna,when the Na- 1 , Order Fraternal Americans, trrnat Anthem was writt^TTr-^^^^^-ije was'a member. PreMdent V\i}apn f/ui make an

It will tett itt own story to the growing boys on the - . . . |>,. ,^,„^ ^v ,^

oition for All Children Between observation make such scientific explaiuiiioii -tat

m —rooming to Manassas Tues-! day mornine. Dr. W. h. Stevens,

Hhe Ages 6f Sefren tod.Fifteen.* Th(

education i& practically demanded of cvory |p>l»<«ant. fnr a place in ^ ^ tHMmess world;" atid DOTS »

t with thia Act are bere-Iqr iqipealed.

- k wM Wtuiii iaai week-that debates are held under j Mr. Fred Snook had retumecl

TTnTveffcty of from

with only an elementary aehooUng'find themselves terri­bly handicapped in the stru^^le of life;—^Phe--dwMTt tenmichool

a wasntngton

excludes them from this hig^

/ * ^ i sharp competition of modem life acdress and the anthem wiTT^ tei hient was made on the home^f Centreville, found a covey of I Virginia, and the winning schools I where he spent the past three; ^ ^ ^ ^ J ! ^ " " " , _

.- J "— place, near BrentsviUe •• • • •« f»i« n~iin,i..»..,--.-..»— j u . mui - _ r _ _ . i a n a tne aemanas or mor;. ,, little pfkrtridges freezing in the { ^ ^^ preliminary contests wnd; months. This was an jarror, we The sympathy of the cpmmu- g ^ ^ One j jj fellow heith«rteaaw to Ch&riotteavilla i«r • have since tearnedTand w« are Jgelenee call for mpTOvpd ,-• • n -sung by a r.uman flag fonned by

tDP f.hcxii f: lidren of Baltimore.

' ' "^young daughter. MlSS Jlloilie ^nd r< .dy to accept .iaod from The debate will he held in the taken by Dr. B. F. Iden and h i s . " ^ tlomesttr-sr'f-.^

ay. u...cn cl«s«s the «'«^k, nity is ejaended to the Mdow and brought w i t i w m ^ fi"*^ championship debate^'n'glad" to trtate'that Mr. Snook had'"•*?*'" ^K^^ll" ^^ aevr.U'.i to peace . It i s / - _ »i„H,.,=r, a h n ^ B u r v i v o Hia . , . . • , , Anril . ^ ;_ » ) ; . _ i v - ! * " « ^^ industr ia l ,

•^pr- tp.^~v pro -OS. Molair. prec»-.^.ed him to t h e grave b^r.d. i-.\> IS- .J.«t another High b c h o o l b u f l d . n g and begin son, Dr. Jonn H.

•..'-ds. at S p. vn. Adniishi.ir ITi 0(-nt5: T*'VJ is ;:.i: "r.i-i: I den, -.t-re-

tr: . : »*»t«»rtMr*'fl » * * •

ioDlinum or

Page 2: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and


* " • " ' •' "^»—-^t"**""-"'?? ntrrrtrTTrtirirrtWBftf y J T h l i co luma i» -opea t o any reader o f T H K J O U R N X L "for c x p r o w i o n <»pe«4

topics of currant i n U r a i t . — N o oommunicat ion will be thruat as ide simply b e c a u s e the wr i t er ftilg toprCTent our v i e w * o f the »ubject. U s purpose is, a s s t a t e d , fo pr t senT the KKAbERS' point of v i ew. P leaae wri te plainly on one side of t h e aheet . sij{ning your name w i t h proper address . The w r i t e r ' s name will not b j m a d e public wi thout p e r m i a a i o a m i t , a a an ev idcace of « o o d f a i t h . T H E J O U R N A L *•«»* a lwaya know.—OidiBarHy pr«f«refie« wilt be rrym-tn ai^r* MtrnTrnTHSxa-. ^ " " ' -^^WTOI, 1 — — — '-—^ ' •


( B Y REV. H. L. Q U A R L E S )

J)£Aft MR. EDn'<»i--For th« discussion of this subject, I seek your pAper rather than the pulpit. bMSuse it reaehes a lar rer nmii-ber of the class specially ad­dressed jhan any Manassas pulpit reaches. At the same time, let it he o\cAr\y imHPMBfnnH fhnf thls

"lltoB 'itiwciaTj' Bildruuwd" eon^ sista 0f peraoBB whoielaimteob^ serve the Lord's Day, who, in­deed, would vehemently resent any charge to the contrary. This message has no meaning for tb'(^ (Hat ''itat not God^jutrce^ gard man." It is intended only for those that accept as authori­tative both the practice and the precept of tWe Jftw Testament— that accept the "First day of the week" as the "Lord's Day." the New Testament substitute for thu Jtjwiah Mbbath '(not a per-petuafioh of it) and that recog iii'/.H the serlpniral oftligAfaon

peculiarly his otrn only one day in seven, and a church sejts apart Tor the public worship only about ooe-fifth of that time, can any member of that church reasona­bly claim that he is scripturally observing the day, if ne neglect to attend any of those services? And what shall be said concern­ing those that go at church time to the homes of church gopra grid purpganiy iiwp tkcm from wbi* ship? Well, let us say nothing; because there is no language to say it with.

Every "first day ofttTe week" is ''the Lord's Day"-the day of iKe rSvIor's resurrention. All of them are equally sacred; and these alone are sacred. There is absolutely no scriptural authority for observing any other day. or for attaching more sacredness to one Lord's Day than to every other.

We Promise You Relief tsB'AIIStomach Troubles

Or Your Money B a c k


We honestly believe we have the best remedy in the worW for indigestion and dyspepsia We urge voir to try it at our risk. If it doesn't relieve

you—as we feel sure it will—we'D give back your money without a word. L-^Z v"^. us-.your family druggii^t. You know we wouldn't dare recommend anything we didn't

we beli^^'!t\"'''Kf 1!!.J^ ^ ' ^ ^ P'*'""^' Therefore, when we recommend.anj^Wdi: i t i^ becau^ ' ZaJ^ Z t i!^ .be better than any other to reheve the ailment for which it k made, and WJMHI we •provft^iur faitl> m tt and our sincerity toward von hv ffroTnT^tHa mmi^ hu/^ vm.r rr.r.n^^ ;f ,T


bindJTig on airChriatTana tp^ot


au.«ii I relieve you and in every way satisfy ypu, you have no possible l ^ u ^ t e doubt or hwitation.

>Q/v«OP. Di/spepsia w/t\AT.Tu table ts

a+e, we honestly believe, th« l^e^ r ^ i ^ y f*Mwl#, >iir .iVvllgfrtlofi, l^^peptia and all 93 f)er «(CHniaQli Hit; 'H>:.

serve the Lord's Day. And this article is not BO much a plea-for Sunday obaervanee as a diacas= sion of what really constitutes it.

Jsing Suuday-HB a means of saving business time is a violation of the day. To visit «r travel or sleep on Sunday may under certain t»onrfitinn« l^ an tirely propg-; hnt to An any ^^.h thing because unwilling to use business hours for that pn>|v«o 18 virtually the same as doing any; of these things during the week and then ccmdueting bumness on Sunday. Traveling 6n Sunday is now mort timirii'prevatent

-eiiTitom; it hM eawii tei be an idiotic fad. ;^<x^e-even l^ose that claim to be Safahath obaep-vers—wiM actually put thein-

irrvran mailed by a friend to Mrs. M. L. C. of Newark, N. J.—She ia the witiuw, of tt Fcaawi soldier whc lostan.'ann in the conflict. Their ^"'r * 'Mnnnnnm in ^'Vy^ ii linn

Wo Know They're 600I De|| I /y

ItJsmulh. two ) ; r e a r a ^ n v e alH» l isej by the futire metlical profosmon. They soothe the inflainod stomath, check the


the Army of the Potomac held a reunion here, is still pleasantly engraved OP faw memory, though ahe.reccaved a painfiii injury a few houra-aftar rp«<>hipg Martae sag, Mrs. C. writes.

I received TWRJATTPMAT «^^ read ita contents withInterest.

IHaO a voice in the ^aatterl^

selviis toapMlllf«iti«6BTaBieBee in nrdpf to fa OuMJay iw the time for maMng actip. What iS the difference between traveling on Sunday in order to avoid los­ing a week day from businws, and traveling (H) the week day and thert d«^g bdainegs os Sun-day ? And tixe q mf if f jripif

wonldeertaiBlyuseit in the mat­ter of the government availing itaelf of the ( ^Mrtnnity to-make tha old battlefield a natiuual law-aesson. It would s«emaathougb there- gfaould be j o dday, in the purchase of. it,

tiLii^ji/iiiiUHi>itK'HBfi]ia;{M«:nB,',ri]ira' Hi'Vl!] Uy.spqjsia Tablcti, in addition

mT lUii; tnrrrntjan at the t.ii3tiitj julw, :

ntp''d and comlortable dijjestion-oi th-IiKid tizd. iielp ia quicJdy eoovwt^ «' into rich n-J Uiood. and thereby i n t o Hesh, Ijujc- arrft •niu.'=cl<'. ~ Thiiy felieve" stojnach d',*ixe>3 promptfy, and, used repiilarly for a ahort time^ tend to re­store Uic sioiniij:h tc a et»s{OTtabI«r yaj-v-actiiij;. healthy- xtiitr. TT.y »id . greaUy "1.) prcioote regular bore l actioo.

indigeatip^ _ for it fre^.

Thfi pain unri riiicnmfmf ia not the fcort unioirtuiiate partT Tbefac t that when the stomacii is not acting right, the luaUjrud nwgfevl fn ~ p . ~ tvz wastes tbat are o s ^ a n t l y taking jrface in the body is not being given to the blood

'Citnef -ttt • the 'pji^Ai condJtUwior ftiift' mmigh h far mofa aerioua.—Nethiag ^ „ - — -BaaFfr-aerieoa. i......™., will cause more double tiuui an uofioiItEy stomach. H i e blue*, debility, b e k of strength and energy. coostqjiatioB, Inl-lausBesa, heailaUiea and scores ot other

e< the stonaxah t « pnpafy da il

. jQlIK nOingnesa to i a x e . ^D^spepate^TaUeU entii

proves eta faith »• t h e t . l i t our IUIL'

' » . i — CT- - • We always sell them this way. aad it is because we know that theV jhare greatly h « ^ alitaa —»B« et mOuum—to wbum we have aoM them. There's no red t^>e about oar guarantee. I t means ^urt-WhB I t sajiC Wel l i f f y55 m questoona. You auejit't mufi anytfaiiigr Itsnt-we^iimiimAloria. W e know U u * when th«7 U b yqa joa ^caa.

y wfB wftat e v m if t h e ; mfcr it moacy - _ - r — - ~'-^ hadoortyo i i ten times M rnndu If they * « r t > * SWB. ffie B o i q ^ fHi p i i d for t fa—MyiBWi^—dwwBntyon t o have it.

1 lead «iv«fy blt^f it(reierring toiaaii^wf liiilunuiii uttnfy-*,^

ScU crJy zi. the more than 7,00(rRe]aI Stara*-1fM WorfcPi Gnwmt Dfi« la t a M B » n j »


,*i^aPi M<3.^nc"KiMrt n r A I ?'• _ xi. ,w«: ' f<,'., /,> r/!js /nun

Sunday for making tip lost sleep. Reversing tife ofder—sleeping

haviHje beeuovBf the held it had a double interest for m«>. How well I remember that bright, sunshiny day we started on oar gyedition. ^'Hiere was sojnueh | H > a # i i r > « ' tntfMsi isT^rf^tt for rae tBat f | ' " « i U i n g

forsfot my ^ ignhih};y forgot xeiltax keeping IhSbuBineag hOttra onl ^ » Mcltaigiaga rCTl taste of

Saturday night and then using iPiPd j e a t h ^ now ' witfc-lovely^




Saturday night and dang fa^isi ness Sunday m<Hiun|gt would be practically the same thing. Th. deed, it I s ineuinbent on every Christian to see to it that Sunday morning find bimintiie bestpoe-aible conditidn of both body andl uiiiid leadjF 16 arise m aata^f „ and with frealu and vigorous ,J^. ^^ JEWT<*:-Wlpte old powers pursue the pn^er par- *'"""" ''** pft«a*^ -J*K -

moonlight _ nights. > All that is needed is a good deep snow nudce skating and sleigh-riding for the young folks. Of course I am past that-I i^n^ft^ « 1 , ^

With beet wishes, etc M. L. C.~

pjses of the day. Secondly: Tb«f poipoae of the

rtiuI day Is WwaU u Trae. it baa been abundant^ proved that sir

Ing iwsriadimMiinM of jeat-Me neceasary^-liyeaaBiiBalA rwptfig this. Yet the man that uaes thia

A Plea for Onr B M Friewlk

Virginia lies covered with a Uanketof snow, let us not few-get oar little bird friends. The Jwatw having been open, inalces this a very trying time tof th&n e c u j t u u i i u a o u y p n w e a O M t - ^ — ' ~ J " " B U U K , i w c U I « I B

mply for tfaejhysidJ well-be- r " " ^ Uttlft-f^wa not even irr rwa>.{<x/t;A . » . » _ . « .. "faaVinir l e f t IM •&. l U n s I

Our s u p r e m a c y in t h e f<rflowiiir hnea has b e e n reca5:nj*e<i for y e a i £

Depend«bl«» ryialrH^, w c h M h r c t r loweat pricaa for T H E B E S T .

Sterl i i ig SO*. F » B a t P U t e d W « r a

Seed Potatoes All Fancy Maine Grown -~ aiaEMIlL "JOHN BAER" TOMAm

l i e Earliest Tomato On Eartlk

laving left JM «« n«»ii Th<W<» B h i l l . i n i la>i i~VgiM. I

•" - • "««**»*« vsyv luive Deen >..iia. Ac mgnum mat uaes tnia| '"|| ^tli!^^'^^ '" youngsters day for nothing hi > ji^^y t^jfT »»" tli^if bread crumb invitatiorw self nothing bat animal! Th* rest is mereljF4be.B^0itive-a«le

for the sake <tf^dl i i^' Evan in the Jewish code, theoomniand was: "RemeinBer the dabbath Day to keep it holy." Any man that simply suspends busioeaa on Sunday would ooitdact business on that day if the civil lay al-

— jfflji ^ mWtmirU G SE-

1owed ft. SSb^y

served unless ftte VSKS tbt wor ship, sod that, too, f(H> public worship whenever that is i»vcti-cable. It is the Lord'* Day; and he has positively commanded 'hi». po>ple net te forsake the as- M ,, ^ .._ aemtthng of themselves together. 11;-. yg^-i^-^^T^^KT '^^'J^^T

T ^ Tttmr h r m * up CoM« in «

peckov, bloe jays and cardinals —ev«a the crows—si coming rif^i undfr the ^rindows for tiie varied treats qiread.

With an illustrated govemmast bulletin. No. 578. as help, what Tnore-CTJoyitsteisBBj^pi^oneoaff

t « tw» apritea which annaaUy save OBreoMrtrynaiBoM of doi-•*"? Mu. X

Clifton. Vs. - -

Ckm» T a b U w f Tmhh Glaaswar* '" I w h C a t Glasa — T « U t S « U

-gp*g"l^"»»iWa _ i a i a f i B g J 2 i a l M


tOtektm Ut«Mi la B a d u v M B Fixtwrea


Ckicast, HsaJ-neU5d«tol Slack. o-Mr. iu-„u J.B.w.^!!..,„««.»,. M^J?"'"^ ^ d healthy: Bran. from Aroottook County Maint wbae he fm- - M i d d l i n g s a n d 3 l h t T f e e d 1'or •aftf leleete* -the Pureit and t r e a t StodcTS a a fS "Wat ci- rr..^.,., ^ »< » •'T^-rirrit nimnrtrit llnml n ' t i i nr^ir i i ' 8816 . W a t e r g r O U n d M p g j ^

W A S H I N G T O N . t>.

flMBotSead Patatoas in the W o r i i r ^ ^ ^ ^ ZB_ A n y Q n a a t t t y

Vfcein tuppty you{romabasbd to a eaz-load. Wa keep a lartfe tuppry ahvays ca baad la our ^aini i t Baltiason Wvdioiuei.

P i t ( ^ V i U B e B i t f h o r .P»<«»wi'H>« liJgbtr. TbcCovemment reports a

n n t j o e in potatoes i fab yearoCs* milUoa Ixabcfe.

Seed Potatots. B yoor local menliaat canaot Ripply you. wrileBadirect aad maM Ml »• •

Tfiis .ell known milling in6titution,^Bgtei]ily re-buili auid set in first class eondi-* Oft,! is now being oj>wat»~d~ by a miller of years' of ex perience. Tne Flour being made at this mill. Fancy and Stiaightgrade. is giving sat­isfaction wherever used, and la rapidly attraftiny new ons.


torfter*;—It is made of the very best wh at and puaran.

b U C o b U t s Trust Bmtrr Cn»im TeH ris Gray'i MortAaai LUtar Hcoderv>ii't Bo»aB -Ancrkan Gtaata •Saarof Maine •emi

Of the fifteen or sixteen working ' b^r,*T^' hours ja_tiw dsy, «V«B the church, with its three services, !s using for these only about three hours (one each for the Sunflay School and the t^o gulgit *ervicea5.""trthe tx)S claims as

We make a specialty of puch work and gtiarantee satisfac-fion. Appointm^its made OD short notice. For prices call on or write

Ha !• 11 u^g Studio

Jii Wu. 8

KaASHti ^ Early Ohio* Ptadv BaltioMf* WMIcBliu Ai»eMook Prlie S»t WaMcT Raiciah W1M»» EJjphjBl

made of Nb. 1 com, constant-ly on sale, and is second to none, Alt orders promptly filled and delivered to nearby merchants if desi-ed.

•Phone messages to the toUl receive prompt attention.

V 71*^ gackot priG^^id ft» gram.



SIapp g~TOirEKF


Eariy Northgrt

EwtyRonnd Sia W « t a

Blanks S«2hM H«i*Bt DakofaRoM ^^ BioiPoUri* McConnlck

£ > l a r « « d 1 0 1 4 C i r t a l o i a a Fra« . Haveyoo ntxtvtd yotrrcopy of opr nibrctd 1?14

Craan Mountaiaa Eaaire Slate

. ••«—"•i"'"' JJear"* Tomato prodtA^a larira^ o.vys irom flUDta arown la Veneer «• ^2^J ^ ^ ^ With P^pujatfordrbea!' - * * -_ . JohQ Bear" Tomato produces tha

3rd—"John Bear" Tomato proanST"**"^ t?'' ch"pl'i'„T ** T«»«^«?S°i^ra -4th—Erenr -John Bear" Tmnato rloena

„^.^J11. '^^PVien, ro jwalda. no blight. '

TrC—I-T iTL' o ^ ' .IP' COW.

Bpar" Tmnato' 15th—-John "Jiwd only h

is is the season to took Beds for Wire, Ru.^. , ..,,

Roofing^ Poultry Netting, S ^ ; Nails, Plows and Plow Re- "^"

S<»><I - - T I T

brtmniWowr with Tiiuj hie InfonnaH^ fw the! f> ' " ' t ""' Farmer. TnxJwr ami Poultry Raiser • beak'o It I K C m e n i b e r . l»ni u«e y a monr\ on Ihr Choi»_

da Pniiltr» .r.^ p . . ..,y g-pp),„ Gmi»


^ing or send your Kfxiak Work

^Nsw - zoo Tamzm E M U i s h a d


"T^ARKTRT— " A l P B A L S A I i

w i s 000 roils and beau' tiful desiuiia of Wat!f*-

to choose from at per -RWl nrrTDTiimrioBar It-wiJl pay you to exant-ine stock an^ 4>rices. be­fore placing: your order.

^rneedsfor Wire, R u b b e r i l ^ ^ ^ i S S S H ' S T r S

•John B^^r'' T o ^ i t ' ; , . C - i. " ' v ^ " ^

ion for' r"'r";; :=" "LlliVr^^^y^"^ cau»o»e> I, no. .d.op u» a n^ait»da,. \,\gairs, B u i W e r s ' HardwaTe'^TP^i'.o^^rv'?'?^^:::::™""? •-oTr.v, , c * Frnl

: ^ t h a ^ m m e Q h y e i ri<,WB U ^ K ^ ^ ^ ^

Iho .Tohn fVnr" Tom.vrw~, h . o.

John .Be5^ T ( > . , - . ^ ^ _ , , . ^ . , _ tBr^Vhu%hois - „ . « i ^ ^

M A N A S S A S , V A .

fcUrdi Graa ( -eTebrat iaaFvkma'T I *»*.

i r ^ w a many of Rich's ! :^aH^„':^„r^ fash ions for m en, women i f' '' ' and. children apJjrOH «ii»tll>? l)uy from it with every a s - , ^ r : , ' ; surance of satisfaction. ; <-. JSr.i WK-

F i ; i « . i n i r I V<j%-oh i>^

r>rtuc\it»' r*'int» ir \ iruiniji

. - . htd Jili

^^• "TTi private n'-- "'»•>'•'' tmUe an« SITP1.T IS I IMIT X: T >—KFrmy -r.%r—

taand a a j t^o . h o - T T - ^ " " '•«-t o !»—i-r'' v o ' i r -i-'- _ . " ' • • ' "• • "T Tnnr i.-.<n| 'II«.^T h.. u i u

» * n o r ^ v ' - ^m:

id r^TMnrn-a ac-nnr.i t ' - ,. i . '^' T^-t Tir l .-t. o«

B. Rich's Sons .011


" ' f' a f:oo

»•• I M U 'if'

• t l«n culs f . « i -

, J ' Bo I; rfs a p<.Kt»i s n d


- --f' • Gro-w—

" no. a Soji——^ :^

iULirvioftf: i^j,

Page 3: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and



r Manassas Jnufnj L'HLi.'-HJri) KVLKV KRiHAV Al-TLKNCKJK liX-^


Hritertd at fli-/ Pott Offict- at Manassas, Vir^nia, Ha Second


AT CATAWBA A truly rreat work is being accomplished &t'\

show an active interest in this state institution for the treatment and eare of victims of the dread -wi>it« piague.


i ^ ^ L^ali. au li-^ frt OieJinithiviTtfaiii md TwMM|i-fiieO«nt«ftr<i«i!t (wutmuji/.cr I.iUiral i)i»counU lo Yrtuly AdveTtiMra >• ~ . »

Ail <irdB . f th*Dks. turvnmi r««rfutloii», obita«ry i^ticn gthv than the u.aa) dtath notice, tmd all mxttor of «n xtrerttoinK character eithai dlr«:<ly or lndlr«-tl,, will be pabUabed at th. r « u S f ^ « ^ ^ C e ^ | r l S IDCB.


A grf^ daal of the prafae ta iJOT^gigfamtirgS^

ARTILLERIST BROTHERS! At?xah<IeF Captam AtTxander Jordan, who died Friday

morning in Badford City, was pciliatia the laafsgr

sociation composed entirely of patients who Hfilp each other as well as themselves, welcoming new-co^erS, doing ail they can to provide for the care of persons who are unable to afford the treatment, arid devoting what might be ample time for uneasy reflection to the wholesome task of working for a common good.

— Tha «tate provides no free bed , and the total accommodation for paying patient? and benefi-

The state owns land nt Salem ciaries is 161 beds.

•iyor of the war-time Qpn ral ^ B^mhly Af V..--ginia. a veteran of distinction and a man of genex 0U8, whole-souled natui .

He came from_a^countyian]oua for the nnmber of troops it furnished the Confederacy, and partic ularly for the artillerists Ft gave, the Southern cause. Six batteries came from Bedfoi'd, and were recruited from the same county throughout the war. Three Jordan brothers organized a like num­ber of these companies, and received their com­missions as captains—Alexander, William V., and TyW C< Jnrrtao, thp '°°» "niT'" """—'-g -jority and Becoming famous for hib gallant service. Alexander Jordan's company, known as the Pied­mont Battery, was laterTranafwTPrf tnVWgiT^nTi-

•vwy n o f the —waterium and tht Doaril of fleatth has asked for aTecefvrngTioapital on this ground. Only incipient patients would then be required to take the four-mile trip over mountain roads.—The results would be practically doubled and the segregation of pstienta in inciiueat and advanced stages of disease would by the absence of the depressing effect of contact, materially speed the progress and recuperatioa of the ijicipient^asea.

May the erection of the receiving -hospital be soon a thing;of the past and the successful treat­ment of Virginia's suffering victims of ttiherffn.

"plGHTEEN years of successful banking is one of our gr^at^ t t n n ^ - ?^^^ "^^^ ^ ^P^'^ <^ $50,000 and less than $:>U,UUU on deposit, we now have a Capital of $75,000. in-

f l o l f A ^ ' ^ /^""^"^^ ^''°^^ ^ ^^»^00 ^ d Deposits

1: ! -'' -!i^ ^^ " " ^ ry>j fy a »; 4?ending faruft compoiy^ey^-I cnng all ol our available cash. A . banfe^accounl wtfi

losis conunue until the Ulcl dominion is free of the great White plague.

try service, and became Company E. Thirty-fourth virorinifl VAhmt^aai-B Tho r.^\,^J. Vr^thBHi rafflirnad

artiilerists throughout the war. Strangely enough. Captain Jordan was able i^

the annual Cduif^erate reunions in his county, :«ore than fifty years after hia command enlisted,

~~tO"Tnusta- his old troops,"and to have evoiy^cran-missioned officer answer the roll call. Himself,

T;ll€Hiyt?:IgWry7tiret-fieulCTaiil.~ the venerable Delegate frum Bedfordr ?»nd J^uTBl: White, second lieutenant, all survived the cam-paigns of the war, and lived to celebrate the fifty first year of their enUstment. record has ever been excelled.

We doubt if this

A yiiyiniagentleman was Captain Jordan, whose passing isregretted not less^by the Conrimonweslth

-,_ .^anJby his.county.—Times-Dispatchi _ '

AcklEVEMkWTr A littte.girl of Qakman, Alalama, hairing taken

a piliie in the Tomato Club, waa oent upon n mnr-yeioua jnumpy. Home again, ahe wrota to "PyogMeaiTO FarriieEf pbont her experiences!

"What did me mcmrtfood than alL^ trip to ColumbTifo South (JaroUna which was just fine for a little girl that had neyerfetJIhe pleas­ure of going to such a place before.—And- " got there I.was asked to stateto that vast people what I had Tdone« and wtmrr F-tntrt thrm T had iauuuid-22t> thmgs, no two alike, I could not heai-myBftlf.fnryplhandchporo/^ - , >--i

Great little woman! May she continue to "put up" many things in cans, "no twMMjItW. to know the sweetness of praise and glory and interest Of afr^ltrip to Coiumbia. Thereioe eoontless peo-

Natienal Bank of Manassas will insure the safety of your surplus money


Egtabltthed mWlK

—^ THEmEQfilWGdr ItlLbNOWF

pie who puroup haptHneae all aroaud the globB and never get within seven days' joumeyx>f i£ What they need is honorable workv^af^V < f 'tthie»e Hi«til.anrt the fnendty gifta of t l ^

Richmond-people who trudged about in the snow id sawr it turn into slush beneath their foot

would not have complained had they realized what the two recent snows bavejneant to this section of ihe state. -

Some people prefer to shut their eyes to the fact, iMrt thfrtMrtfeis that httie bf httte dnnngihe laSl twenty years, the level of our ground water has

Tol^o Blade

-FEEO-THTBIRDSr While this great white blanket of snow Cftvern

Gbt in a firsfedassL

the Virginia fields to help the coming- crops and give the yonngstecs the nwMt of winter's fun, it

for us to remember our littTe-f^fhprftii

ncccr il llian nftftH itra its millionj

fire ^ U F agcn^^ fepre^ente iiiillions~ijnr

When jrou have a '~

been lowered. Century-old wells, vhich never have been known to fail before, even in the m.ist:

friends. Until. Fehrnary wp have enjoyed ideal weather

serious droughts, have gone dry; sections whigh seldom felt the need of rain have seen their crops wither and tiieir stock suffer in seasons of normal raipfall.

The reason for this liailbeen the -removal of our forests by^^at short-sighted folly which will sell a sapling rather than wait for a tree to grow. The

up the water are now stripped; the heaviest rain­fall washes at onceinto~the streams, floods t h e ^ iows into the great rivers and intfTThe sea^hd

Many of the little birds forgot to travel southward and have remained inxomfort until tow. But the berries and fi-uit ari gone. T Ivery seed and feed particle are buried under the snpw, too deep for the bill of any little nuthatch, or redbird, or bhie

What f!>n t^f.y ^^9

Tender a cordial invitation. of wheat, com and crumbs of bread to help the little fellows who an­nually save the country millions of dollars.

Feed the birds—else more wij) f ii» jn a cw nhor, weeK&than the huBtsman could possih^kill ia« season twelve months long.

VIRGINIA'S EXPERIENCE, nuwa luu^ -ujx; greai. luvers <uiu iiitu iiie sen ana

- , _ d o e s n o t ^ ^ i « U i « B ^ ^ ^ « » 8 » i : . - S o « « 4 o « ^ Virginia'a-e'xiaFie?i^J^rT^r:^;;.WH^^.,.t i-f £ problem ^EaF'deforestatien become ,that able [oyster culture'was similar for years to that enginppra t<t|l iis

ing^atum has been lowered by from/three to nine feet in Southside Virgima.

A 'snow like' that of yesterday does not wash

process that a single snow will sometimes giv« the earth more water thsn wiH half-a-dozen tains.

NextJU0uner's crops will show the effect of yes-' terday's snow. —News-Leader.


je Virginia oysterman has Jiad the wiadotn f'' '"^ ^e oppoitu niQT m this policy of development, and is support-jjlfclhe law instead of-fighting iti He has became a planter himoclf unrf hjm ma^c hi« "j\\V'"ii and

away. Under the-slow famof^he son, it Tqg^Bh.iec{|fth s«ge -Wjhyi hmihi ngt: g ' ^ f e e ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m d u i l fel .ttet|digMiuyTHwl osttStm^f^S^^if^iff tiie yggig'

ian and put his buaness on a solid and pemument Baas? He has eveiy chance and indoeeroent to do ao undCT the amended Haman law. Why should

Why should Un't

Haman law he persist in fighting agai nst himself? he delight in being his own worst enemy? it time for him to imitate his Virgian brother?— Baltimore Sun.

4 A fun line of Fancy and Staple Cw^ariea. Fteah and SKtrftfeita, Beef, Veal, Lamb, Ekss^-die best tke • w t f a l a m afford. ' ' -

rutwir =-->^i . Intbe reados^ etrfuom «i&^ li^fotad- a letter fnim DJ. Quaries of tKe BaplTff>Mrch^oira sub-T '- AI.EXi ject that will interest every reader addresssed. It j Alexandria- is ceceiving-co^ratnlations on 1i is an up-to-the-minute topic that is being agjtatied ''^'*'^***'^^« oW-farfnoned ceMiratkm of the throughout the country and is being givenTHreful i ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ Virginia's son. the noble Washington.

« i -T , t . -——-r =—*5— bven the clenftowta acemod *»-be-in tune. - T ^ lianaideration hy ptrsona grgy^syMJ^TipminfttionJ^^^^,., l u u i ^ i.Ith-ihe dflvini^ snow but thT

and in eTftTY V*^^ ^ ^ *>- " , — . . . . .

l£!r'i?''**i? y*«r^ • {^ fc~- «««». Miiliifat% Cimched corn, Wbole Corn. Wbeat. Oats and Hay.

f We Imy aU land* of Cooigfary Produce from a b e n »MM «» a car e l fat • ! •—fci i i«* i^iA Miiiait ax •"•111 a ' i f ' ' ~ ~ " "

erTiad "httte ar no cffcet ea their enthusia^c tribute to the Father of his Country.

Woodrow Wilson, his twenty-seventh successor' $) To a great extent we all agree about the observ­

ance of the Lord's day anth'why the church at- -- - ., . .. ~"' ••» Jendance is so small in comparison with the e x - ^ Q ^ ^ * ^ Vice-President and-jitg. SfiCretacjJ-of lJU——*---

J J —y~T T T' - =—-j- ""t War tpnf tf'fanf^h tvf r iirnify !/> the occasion and old" t t " _ . pressed ideas of trie people who make up the con-1 . , , . . . . :" / ^^ "'""." s ' ~

^ _, , , , - . [Alexandria paid fitting homage to the bonoredtj C O N N E R B U i L D i N C ercgav.ons is a hard problem to solve. i p,,,,^,.„, , . j , , frequented her historic streets when ' 0 ^ ' ' " ' ' - ^ - ' ^ - ° . " " - ° " * ^

- • w?' stiaH be siiad » hwar-from our readers on! A+p ;-,T- ^ a va? v,-.uT.e~' '• "-^^ tt •"-

Page 4: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and


.1 rP-z=h=

-\Btankerysut horsiifV

—Mr. Charles Lynn is suffer-

J5!t-S^H*^^'^5'.'**.y •A.}r'• •; —Mr. James W. ' Wyckog^j^ji^TAWgA-'SAI^ATORlUMi

stop here tomorrow at 10 a. m. ihosijitaitast iu;ihtabout Tu'clot-k. i i-' Jfing the past summer the; I on its trip frofti West Point tqJMr. Wyckoff was a fnrmpr Mf..'I^^^HJiHsof^Qqawba Sanatorium, j t ' " ' • -^ •• . ; . - . . . . ^ . 1 . . . ^...= T l " . . . i . r . . . : , . _ i.-„. . u . . ^ ^ j j ^ . , [ _WAfihixi£laiiz::£an'tlaitt!i:takE.:iias3as resident^ a JJaafiiJerau*^ ?if?-yy

~ TliB choir of Trinity^ Epiaco-pal church Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock; — ——

—Mr. Mark Florance, who has been ill the past BIX weeks, Is

theblaleinsiitutionfor the ' advantage of its visit. soldier, and'had many friends in'™^"* ^"^ care of tuberculosis^,

Ti77ip M Davifl u„fP „^!this community who will regret i"'"^a"' ed an alumni association! j

aet- Eriday in Waabiaifton at the i age of 52 years. The funerai senior class of

rpv ^ . , ,. , tand entertam'ment

anich imprffgedr

. -.Sevezai«9eraber3ol-t£e fam­ily of Mr. J. P, Lewis have been <m the sick list.

- D r . and Mrs. R. C. Buck, "wIiiT liaTe^i

- are much improvmfe

Eastern was held Monday afternoon from j entertained the faculty Tuesday the Second Baptist church. '"'

EacTi newcomer is made wel-Loliege I ^^nie jjy ^ special committee, and

J lxu- t t^ l larr , teller of The Peoples National Bank of Mana-sas, has been appointed post­master at Bristow.— Hiels atHt on duty at the bank and his succes­sor has not been decided upon.

-There will be services at

Cknt/t-inrr tTTciTitrti trt i>xxt7 tUSoUCttt*

tion attempts to provide free treatment for persons who are handicapped , with insufficient

P,„„. I 1 xt T\ -^ i_ ^ , means and who might otherwise S!!''L^:*!^_^*::'**'P"'^^^"''"Hte compelled to abandon the

evening at a banquet at the New Prince William Hotel. Miss Ednp Hume, president of the class, gracefully presided, white Mr.

Tiitr^iKfopal churcfr nextT^Voorfiees Hath

—Mrs. Keys, widow of Henry Keys, who was fatally shot last summer, » extremety il^.

—Miss Helen Florance is out 'tgaiit after Bpeadin?" several weeks indoors with a severe cold.

—Workmen are busy at Judge 'ni(»mtonf8 this week, wiring the house for about forty electric lightfi — .

Smiduy inmn!n( i^41 V<;tecfc^W--^--ifhg cotorcd P a r m ^ ^ A m ance of Northern-Virginia held its regular winter meeting at the Manassas Industrial School Feb­ruary 2Srd, Professor Yar-

Wuich time there "WiH ue a cere­bration of the Holy Communion. Sunday school nueets at 10 _a. m.

—Mr. D. C!otlier, of Nokesville, , . - », was taken to Washington yester- r T S ' u°o 5^?^^*^ ^'^'*'"'" day where an operation was per- *"" "'^^w^'iTi Z^ ^^^ '" ' formed at Sibley hospital last ^P^}'f- ^f-W-S. Montgomery, night. Enc6uraging reports have Pr^identof the board of trustees, been received sincetheoperation. a ^ sfv.eral. other Washington.

class and Dr. Roop represented the faculty. Preceding the ban­quet, an entertaining program was rendered in the parlors of

treatment This object is carried out so succesaf utiy thaTffietdelil^ ity of the beneficiaries is known


: =

-Miaa Oahniim. Miss Kirk. J^j[ggJ[Jgj2^^j^^£jasJ[fl|Uj3Qjjj^jl^^Jl;^jlttgjjj[jflj3^Qgjjjag_^_g^

nten also made addresses. AI-thouyh the weather nraq aoypr^^

' The capacity of the institution is 161 patients, a very small pro­vision for the whole state of Vir­ginia.

The state owns.land at Salem where a suitable receiving bospir tal may be erected. The Board of Health has asked for its erec­tion, and in this event it is stated that only incipient cases will be sent to Catawba, thus obviating thft dftng«>r of driving \o^\c

The will, insurance policy, morty ay e, | note, stock inventory, bond or stock 1 certificate, when lost or destroyed causes » endless trouble, misery and 4egal expense—I— Put y o u r v d u a b l e papers, keepiakrs r.u-. in <u<f- nf o u r | .

. ibout them. - r ^ _ . J Massive steel vaults and Yale t>ocks will keep them !

«af«^irom all l ia«n. i „_ I


428^ t.ient.q nvpr fni ir mil«^ nf mmin. Peoples NatinnalBankj-

— - M r . and Mru. w. B. Haiwf-man, of the Bristow neighbor-hoo(i. arc rejoicing over the ar­rival of twins.

—Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Evans entertained their friends at a dance last Friday evening in their home on Piustfotc avenue.—

- T h e Home Missionary Society •f Grace M. E. church, south, will m6«t at the liome df 'Mn . Maloney Thursday, March 5, at 3 p. m.

Mr. Elmer Marks, son of Mr. T. H. Marks, left Tuesday to ac-cept a position With a Greenville, N. € . , ftn»-^f contractors and builders; — . '— ^ ^ -

-Little Miss Laura WiUiiTs suir«riugfriHupa|nfuliaceratlotiS

resent Manassas High School at the Department of Superindend-

one, and all seemed to have been amply repaid for coming.

tain road, and removing the de-pressing effect on the incipient

Association^ which is in sessipn ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW this week at Kichmond.

—The Grant avenue home of Councilman E. A. Brand was

patient who is cootinuajly thrown with tjie victim in an aavancea


lyilliantly iMiiminateO- iuesdiy evtJiiing roTiawmg the installation of electric wires. As at Mr. Ratcliffe's last week, Mrr Peter-.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clark, of Minnieville, were town visitors yesterday

son's automobile furnished the

—Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Simpson entertained at dlHner Tu6feday, the 17th, in honor of the birth­day of their daughter. Miss Daisy

i.gimpson. Miss Simpson was the recipient of many nice and useful presents as well as hearty wishes

stage of the disease.

Condemnation Case On.

New Era, Amherst, was a wel­come town visitor yesterday:

•1 In ' the

thfiUnifrfifl Fiffltmir mnrt fnr "• "* ^ ' f the eastern district of Virginia

Mr. Loche Buahong, oLBaltL-, jury heard the condemnation case more. ViSiteams parents. Mr. and

Mr. W. Partee Weir loaves ttv day for Richmond where he will visit his brother, Mr. Paul L. Wtir.

. Mrs, 0 . D. Waters andJittle son, Dabney, are guests Of Mi*. and Mrs. Janaea Phillips in Rich-

Tuesday, in Alexandria, Judge Edmund - Waddill preaidinfe, a

involving 1.3.^aflrfl«nf land near Occoquan,>Va., which the govern ment d<»girpH fn ha. naPfl na ^ f^\^^

foe the establishment an4 erec­tion of a reformatory for the dis-trict-of Columbia.

There are six witnesses^ "who will testify. Repreaenting the

DirecT from the farfnry-,.]inpQgBiii-ble to become stale m ihc hands of the jobber—Sizes of parkagoA f mtw

govornmont in "tho proooodingc

10c to 5 pound boxes, 80 cts. to $ 1 per pound. This line includes

^orris' Exqmsite Candies,! igg* tt*« Chocolateg, Fenway Chocorates;

of the face as a result of a sleigh futujc for many happy birthdays j n the mond.

nde wnicli Itiiiuiiuited in a barbed wire fence. —— •^=44ed€r»

—Mr. J. L. Bushong, of Balti-mOFOi IBi MWfH»= liMUglt!<i J^Sf The Hopkins Company and will probably move to Manassas about March 15th.

—Dr. Hervin U. Roop will -tMreach Sunday morning in the

Miss Portia 17. Moran was .tat-fjH. Dis t I iVl A M I I E :

a ney D. Lawren<M Groner and As- ^Oid Gulii V^hocoJates—Goods- re-

has cancellpit thg game,.scheduled for Satuwjay "i>H 1 " Q ov.,; the,bagkotDau ocaaon tK@feft>re closed with the Cteorgetown prep game last Thursday night The present season has not been an entire success, the teate wiiming only three of the ten games; but

Presby teriafr «hu«sh. His sub-i t^® e la^ of contests was better ject will be '"I'he (Jreat aeif-!*-'""'^VWandtft^lfKai bftyshave Sacrifice and Its Purpose." won from all public high schools

The Junior and Senlof classes of Manassas High School wijl presenfAPeiplexing Situation" in Conner's Opera Hotae Thurs-rfay PvPtiirig, U i t ^ h \^ —-^—

• played this year. The basel^l

Alexandria last Saturday and lE^tetaHt mey Hiranr

Sunday Smith Attorneys-S. G. Brett

MISS Eiany J. Johnson,was-y thii landowBg;g= M }>If,r*nm |-*prfWnf

guest of her .siatftr. Miss Elizg beth Johnson, this week in Fred^

This ease will wcupy several days, and tiie jury wjU" vi^w the land before reaching its vei-dict: ericksburg.

Mr ^nA Mrs R Wpjr w nforc The jury is composed ofXJeorge Mr. and Mrs, R. Weir V aters K. pjck^tt. W. P. Taylor. H. A.

and little Weir, Jr., olCultteiBg; were guests of ralatiyes bere for the week-endl

gjv^tfad Mrt. H. L. Quarles are

season is comparatively near and •***'*'" '" "**'"'?*' ' '' ^ * " ^ " '

Whallon. jr., C. J. Ives^ Wilham ft.Duucaa,B.'A. Way, W. A. Gaf^ ner.Robert Sullivan.C. t . Clarke, Henry. Meanely, William J. Rogers,. Robert E. MillerJ A: Jud-son Armstioug, E.' JjacksoirEgg-bom, George W. Grayson, C. F. Hicks, John F. Ryan, B. D. Wes-s^, Thomas A. Williams, and John-A.Nicol. — We.shington Star.

ceived every week oriiwo in smaJT^ — , :.:•«*«» t"'/ f, f ' t " ' " —^-—•—'"— ~ quaiitiUeit to ilMure fre*lmt<x£


—Col. Robert A. Hutchison. Mr. Walter S. Opp and Mr. J. L. DawsQH ^ rof Woodigidgi6, have returned fWm Moiib Caroli where Lhey attended toqrt l a ^ week. • -• - '

-Mr. J.; Wihner Vlf lfley JSaa moved firom the Stmth U,Hn street property of Mrs. Keys to thfi Fairview avoHue rtAkliiuCe" owned by Messw. MtaeehaHt and iiuichiauB:

—There will be a sewice St. AnntJ's ehuKSh, Nokesviile,


-Manaas^ Lodge, No. 182, A. P. & A. M., will entertain the members and ladies at the an­nual banquet which will be held

until then the boys may rest on their football laurels.

—The Depftrf mpnf nf Stipninn tendents of the National Educa-tion A38oc»ation meeting witk4t8 allied organizations, in February

a, is the most imr tticHial gathering _ _ m

America. Richmond, .Va.," has been fortunate enough to secure

peper with their daughter. •John W. Yowell.

Mrs. J. C.Rust, who has been visitlajr b ^ daught^rv ttrs; Win. F. Dowell, Ivis returned to her imnffi in- liivettsville. •

- -' —--' Mr. Alfred Zerega, who is em-of each year, is the most import- l4ilaYed_-in. the National Bank of

' " ' Manassas, spent Sunday and ^ _^__. ^ Ml^ T. E. Garnett and Monday with liis parents at Aldie Thomas, visited

„.. Mrs. R. W. Merchant, o f Rich-the meeting for^this year. The; mond. is.a guesr&fher son-in-law cenferem* i r t a d h t pfafee flfifff?** daa«h*er£Mr.«id MM.H«iry week and Uie normal sdiools a n d f g ^ f ' ^ ' ' ° ^ ^ * ^ * °" ^ * « '

are doling to enable the teachers! .*[5v.?^/ Hiner, who has been ^ ^ I with hw father; 4fa^ J. T. Hiner, gntf—&r gH»t^«lr^^«aha^^^

School will close on Friday with to his bosiness int^esta in West the execption of the domestic Virginia. -8Cience7dei^u=6Bent.:^^tSK'willi « . w M O . ^ .




dan in Manassas, Sunday Mr. Eppa Hunt is quite ill at

his hc^e,^ sear. Woolsey.. Mrs. Wills^ Miss Fannie Beale,

Dr. and Mrs. Toluiau. Clark, <if Wa^ington; Mrs. Brad Bev«-ly

E. P. ClArk, ot The Plains, were week-end guests of Mrs. TuUossr—

Messrs. Bass and^ Hoov«>j Airp

A Mvine of from 3B to60 yer ceST ^ ^ ^ ^ " " " ' » " « ''•T«t ta the consumer.

^ " ' f i ' ^ ' S S i ^ J ' r ^ S S ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ S j ^ S ^ H ^ h . v e to p.,^e de..«V

>»on .«or« ,««Di« . ;3r3a^.QoJS*aSSrE^ „ther,rf

iU^Ii8lii»W(A«p^R^^^ WniTaEg PRICES CAREFinJY


_, ^^ and aunt, Mrs. J. —ThP Mftnas«»«f ^^rman Club j south Main street

gave the annual mid'winter dance < w i:« 1 *«-< u u • -— ^ ^ u»uw; jjjgg Evelyn Milnes, who has

been visiting friends in Alexan-

^—,. _—— Metuie Is vaftmy ^ Jordan, "on j f rieftds-in Baltimore.

_Mi8S Carrie Sand^rg HAS

30x3 7 80 30x3J W 80 31x3| 11 00


$1 65 1 9& 2 80


-B£J> -ftELWER

$1 W $1 35 2 20 1 40



last Friday evening in Conner's Opera House. Among the out- dria for the past week, is ex

turned from a visit to friends Marshall.

Messrs. 0. C. Hutchison of-town guests were: Mr. at»d-*eeted to return to her hoase-inJ w . M. Jorffanvimted Alexaiufaia

this town on Monday next _ Mrs. C. J. Sharpe, of Nokesville; in the M^onic Temple Fr idp Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Donohoe, j Miss Effie Gulick. who is MQ Avpmncr- M^wlj i^^ - - 7^rTir-i.K^ny|. n. p^ ^^A Hwi R. I pFt yrl in T^- RMrwiii nf Printing

•^rs . Catherine J. Oaborn, tormerty of Lenah. died ^ddenly

4ArWagfilBgtori;.Hr and Hwi R. ipTt^yrl in th-- Rvirwin nf Printing TWeTFlraters, of Culpeper; Miss *"<* Engravipg, Wyhington,

HynTie P<illism.of Culpc'pcr: Miss | h ^ T ^ ^ Tte5:g-»te-; ITdns RaasoH. rf Marahafl, Misa j j^^"! - . g t S . Van Sickler, of Occoquan; Miss

nta. Mr. imd Mrs.

this week. Mrs. C. D. S. CiarksoQ has

tmnsd fauuf*\ittli tg Wj

Ruth Hulfish is Mrs. ThoraaslVilson in Roanoke

Van Sickler. of Occoquan; Miss , Mr. Ho^nira WHtlng is .

i B e r t 4 > . ^ a n d M i H S H a r i e I ^ h - | , , ^ c S ^ * * 2 ; d ^ £ g J ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ of Miss t i « « n L^itner. ^A. SmaiTJuae».'or PieJeiitks-!—Miaaea Beasie an? Louiae Ti

Wednesday rnbrning in Wasbing-tan at tbehomeof her8on.Qaaa.

%~:Ostwrn. tte~fanen4 waa: , _ . _ , ... -. -henrWBfeejdJil AiUl'mUU Itum I""" of Hrintnm, nwd Miaa Poari! A. Smarr JuQto. of FieJeiiOs-1 Miaata BeaiM'e IMS Louiae ' her son's residence. I ^now, of Haym*rket,and Messrs. burg, were guests this week of lor are guests this week at

— iBdward Beale, Hwry Latham, i Mr. and Mrs. Rog^r W. P w n * atiHlwhlatHh' —— - M r . O. D. Waters left for | Marion Hutchison. Gordon Light- > ^^^ ^^^ ?rinee William ' ^^^^^^ „,;,i K. ^^IJ

Rirhmnnd this mnrning to join I wet and DiH Smith, of Haymar- ~~ his wife and little son, Dabney. kec; Joe JohnstMi, of Washing-

-wh» iia«>- 4ev w taped - w j cough. Mrs. Waters and

Mr. F. J. Kasehagen, of Wil- Paul's church at 8 p.' m everj mington. N. C.. was a K^est thus Su«d«y eveninf? m March, in ad-' week of ms brother. Mr. L. W. ,-.• ,. . L ,

. OR Ms f e t n r n f r o m - ^ ^ ^ - " - ^ - ^ ^ * ^ ^ - * ^ ' ^ " ^ , Dabnev are (niesti of Mr .nd! iinH ' R«1fn^"'TTi;i'IJ" y^?*"'"' \ Washington where he ^ a.s one of ^^^ " es a;so at 4 p. m. t.vt=ry Fri- I uaoney are giiests of Mr. and,and Bedford Uhler. of Alexan-.the three Wilmington delegates.day afternoon dunng Unt . in " ^ ' ^ : ' ^ * ™ ^ - ' ' P ^ ' " ' P « ; _ _ _ , _ . , _ ^ _ , _ _ . -tathePyUuaa-eofivention. - th<> Parwh Hall. H R

i-rfcuucj, Kci, joe jonnstMi, 01 Washing-: "''''gton, .>. yboooing ton: Pprrv .S u^yA<.r. ^f Phftrry; ^eek of ms ind little; Hill; R C. Haydon, of Occoquan.^S.m^ton

a. [

TTERMS - F W e p w c u t . rfiMouirt » htfl u n o u n , . ^ . .

\ IS uathU i* m titr. S^ad

• .ml. n ' i S T " , * " ' * * - tfa^ •««

\ .



Page 5: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and

^^m^fm 1 ^ mem



_^4 ( rtti^WSC R)R^4 i DEir ifi >1< X .".-.-, r.

Handbook Now Ready JOT ^tribuUon by StaU

Healdi Authorifiet.

In pursuance tablished four - . ago. the __, _,;

.State Roard of Health has issued School, lee them don their invia-"and today began maihngr the Vir­ginia Health Almanac, the new

POWDER AbaointalyPure

Wismsmsmm A C r M

*W»roW alumorphfft-Phatlw aeia -

number covering the year 1914 The Board'-* faaaBag was first

cohceiveid as B competitur for the [ intef isehool debate of Tuesday familar patent-medicine almanac. But instead of containing testi­monials in praise of sure-cures and panafpna tho Ai»,n„n» ;^

^tfowded^gith-factafegarding difcijJBQDggt th» high wfijioola e l ¥i& prevention of communicable dw- ginia» to be awarded by the joint


F e b r u a r y Imthote Wdl.At­tended-Maiqr Intewting


' Superintendent G- G. Tyler has reason to be proud of the tidelity of lijs teaching force in

ruary Institute of the Prince William County Teachers' Asso-

' ciation. Braving the rough roads

members were missed from the large gathering last Friday mom-

ling in Bennett Grammar School.

nac has beconrie an established custom and has been emulated

J h e following progcam, b e a r - l ^ ^ I ^ J , ^ ^ B o « ^ o ^ various - rrrr -—[Tl l lnrr i l i i i l i in nr^^^^^^^^""^ NorthCarolma the elementary and high schools of the county, was reported fully

"ani practically by asalglidd: ~ '

the teachers

~Nai5re"Slu3y Miss F. "E. Brown

AgririiHaM—in tho—Elcmcntaty

ease. Opposite the calendar for each

month is an account of the dis­ease most prevalent at that sea­son, with brief directions for preventing its spread. It addi tion the bulletin contains special pages descriptive of the activities of the State Board of Health, brief directions for the care of infants, a catalogue of the litera-issued by th^ Board HntrgpaHnna To^^if^Hiiiltatibu uf uulhooser and other information of like character.

t-];^ Virginia in the pnblicaliorf of ita Ural"

to Texas And Kaneaa. Collier's Weekly, commenting on a pre-viouB issue of the almanac, com-mended it aa'one of the most ef-foctiva mothodo"devised fui tuiii-bating~diS(ease and foir the pres.-entation nf piihh'c health truths

_ Grades. .Mr. C. H. Yarborougb, Jr. -in popular form . Uethods in Reswiing. rSfiat'G/B. Mbraii ; The Teaching- of History '

Miss A. B. Kirk Patrons' League... ,.Mr. R. C. Haydon '^he EvolutMWi of ftusic

r Mia. ChluB B. Lay Modgti Jtoiind-.labte-^

- - = ._v . Eyler, pactu^ipatedan-hy Mthe Beardr nMTrtftn,

»nd MHtlir«r H»»^OTI T.iyj jjpgy, S a o ^ and Hflon.

Details of the exhibit and spel­ling match to be given by the pupils of the town and county schools of Prince William in

The funds'cf the Board do not permit the publication of an ed-dition in excess of 36,000.—0f this number, 18,000 almanacs wiU>j btjiit Lu those Whbse names

y'jMlkii>.iidit-,'^^.\fiM'rikr, n p *rUpBfviSORS

The M anassas Schools By A. B. K.

«j»" vti-jp^yfi -,j.- >jr -^f >j»- -4.- yffT^-j^-tfi

If there could be found in Ma-BBHHHftwnv-whft doiiht thft Inynlty oL the student body to the best interests of Manass s High

ible helmets and step aut into the lanri T M iigaf»ll corridors, where the student groups assemble, and listen to the diseu)isiani>f the forthcoming

night, the 3d of March This will be the first step t<>-4_'

ward the capture of the silver

literary societies of the Univer-sity of Virginia.

Our opponents on night will be a team from Upper vilie High School and we under­stand that they are fpemen worthy of the rapier thrust of Herman Steele aild the heavy cannonading of Roswell Round.

The boys and srirls say: "Let them go on. Old Ruffner is ready f o r t h p m ViV«-»ryqha11 ^ ' " " i i r " " MJn iniHt-Q ni l pn»wnn nw^ ^'nPnfJR

of the school to assemble in large numlwrs on that night, to give

At-a meeting—of the Boards of SupervTsore oTPrihce WilTTarn county, held at the court-house of the said county on Saturday, thrffTstHiiy of FwL,

Dr. F, W. Hurabaker, omallpox claiip, county fund,

Jno. Watkinii sthal pox* cTalmT COUncy ttlTTlI, ' *" ' " .


•t:m Br. J. M. L«wS7smairpox'claim,

county fund, J. W. Herndon, judge election^

- .-coon^ fund, 2.00 TX T?. ClliiB, wrvltiCT lu pau-

Wfire prftsent J, T.. Syncftx. Cbair.—p^r t ut — f y f.,n^ P. Manuel.XJF.GuUck,

J, ,L Dawgon. 0. C. HutfhisonJ


ORDERS. T. M. Russell and others di­

rected^ advertise n>r Kds f^ materials and construction near N. Crump's place.

Herring and-others application for bridge,

eport of viewers filed and

ture action of £oard. The sum of $300.00 was ap-

T ead P">P"ated out of the county ^^^^^^ I funds for the purpose-of develop­

ing the art of domestic science and manual trsuning in connec-tidn with the^'schools of the county—to be paid out oh war­rants drawn out by" the superin­tendent of schools and secretary of the school board.

It is ordered that it be certi-nea to tne Receiver of the Vir-

^'"'" "f' r "" "".' ^ :>;;; iriyunur.

A small entrance fee will be charged And delicious refresh­ments sold for the ben^t of the athletic fund.

Um* be^s have met victory upon theftetd as well as. in th« lorum, and we must help to awell th» coffers to enable RulTner Ui rulg out' the tfommeirdAl spint whicR" nstignratizes roanj dary oehcfolo and


America., cullugtis uf


_ The boys and girls of the Senior class renderej^thejollowingpro-'

itai Jiy Mr.--ttfCLQp tha wgular maiHng-ll6t o^

distritruTed to persons fequestnrig wgnsr-

April, were left to a committee to be appointed by the preaident,


"We Have found,". says the [ft of tliife Buard, air

p r a m ng^a f i f H n g <»1nrn>n n n». i i«n

on the Elizabethan poets: _ , , . .,, , A Supplication - Sir Thomas Wyatt The others wilt-^ef- - - — - — MTSS SasTDoaofi

M ^ ^ £ a a S ^ 3 ^ e m ^ _ L B ^ ^ : : : at any time by paying intproct on MFsB Alice Metz

nouncing the publication of the Almanac^ "'that many of our cit-zenirftr»g4ad to get a^bulldtan'oo

Miss Myrtle Jcdmson Pack, Clouds; Away—Thomas Hey.- ' •

wood... . . Mr. Douglas Jaaney Th« TJaBhangoablo Shtthoqpcfa'P

OMOOB, Ttou Clunbst the.Skigs-air P)iili|j«diw>^

Corporation that the assignment, dated July 13, lyii , made by J.

this county—of his accounts with said corporation, that said ac­counts are hereby assigned to said Herrell, all matters in said nRaitjmmpn^ hn i n n g haoTi fiT^olly

settled Se]^'^ 28, 1912, as shown by records,

and Boley others appiication •Ji M. Michael,

|l . Bryant and I. N. Wittig ap­pointed viewers to viftw anrt port as the law directs.

It is resolved" that this tijBbrd approves-the project to takeover agd macadamize the old turnpike from the Fauquier county line to the Otone Diidgt; aud eaiabllah toll gates thereon, with the con­dition that the couoty sh&ll have the right to take over the saise

n i n £ » ; n n 1 nn^i-y ».nr1 > K o t t h i a ^'^VA

will do all thinjpa rfpccpflsary til

S. W. Burdgj, worlLjn c«irL -room, county fund, " • - --- rTK

J. J. Carter,"8aTary an4S£fip_j»£ , paupers.for Deeemtssr, 46. fd., S9.1B

i. J. Carter, salary and keep of paupers for January, co. fd., 92.99

fi T M o l l a i l n n l i r t a tnr r t - - * - « -

office, county fund ' J. P. Smith, justice peace, re-


Grand Union Tea Conrparw wants a reliable person or Ma-naasaalb sell theTr leas and cof-tees direct lolKe consumer. Es­tablish weekly deliveries; Full particulars address. Grand Uoioh ivu iA»rnptiny,*rT ^firoevritit) Qt.

TiT.W..Washington.D.C. 2 27 4t-.*

.porting fines, county fund, Dowell's Pbamiccy-, -medicine

etc.. county fund.


J. M. Russell, jrauaty femd.

wood for jail.

Dr. J. C. Meredith, coroner's in-

G. A. Gossom, overseer of poor,

county fund,

J. L. Dawson, " •• " J. J.Nichols6n,Duinfries " " Bladen Johnson,Manas iBs" " W. J. Jasper, " " " G.-H.Shara^er,- " "' •' R. H. Davis & Co.," . " " Robert Dolman, " • . * J. W. Jones, " •' " Robt. Hoffman, " " " J. T. Hiner, A. lyonner^^^"""; , " " Thomas Moss,

The wiring of two Manassds residences- haa.Jifien comjaitted and work is now in progress oji the tlllJd. AiJKibouf the results

I of our work. WM^H satisfaa-*^toJT? If yottwereJn Manassas

you must have seen the_ light.

, 2120,,


31.00 6.65

. &.Q0 4.26 3.76

28.60 8.26

24.76 1.26

T. A, Thomasson.' w :

24.25 18.00 14.46 18.50


E. S. Comwell, Coles Jno.T. Spittle, Brentsville' W. W. Woodyard," K.R.Bodine&Son,y; J. B. Manuel, " '^ C. C. Rampy, '• - i S T P . Grissp, L. L. Payne, " Eppa Dunn, (^inesville

1.50 " 15.63 " 25.82 " 39.40 " 16.07 ^^ 88.00

Jos. Utter back, Jokn Tliuiutou,

use P. Smith, Allen Parryr

8.26 13. $0 29.37 41.25


use P. smith, " Silas Utterback, " WarsBaTI BTacTc weir James E. Beale, " Oscar Demory, "

16.87 20.^ 5.12

19.75 12.26

llHiSiJiirilii. If. i\/i ! W « a t , For S*le juad BaUcclUn.nm. - d ^ h r

! • « M » » r M » » * mmcwnU • b n c for Ihi tttii i u M f t o a , UlTM c « a u • l ia« for •ub>c<ju«iU

-My mrtUitm MfC for 'jtigiTiTJi

Upon completion we test every wire—you may be assured of ef­ficient and lasting service if you caTTonThe Washington Suburban EI ec trie Com pany. Offices in old Journal building. . ' It.

My ice plant is offered for sale but until a deal is made 1 will continue to serve the public of Manassas. Manassas lee Com­pany. E. L Comwell. It;

A complete line of pockpt kiiiiev alsu laiiUJflia ai.AUi-'Mn'g.

For Sale. Rock eggs 16 for 50c. S. Stoltz. NokesviUe. .Va. 2 20.

t Satisfactory adjuBt«-e-ft-t—qf-

lusifsla Dui Lly I'ta^nylble foi- the rapid growth of Austin's Fire In­surance Agency. " 2-20-tf

Fine granulated cane sugar 4ic perlOOlbs. S. G. Carter. 2 13-4t —Wanted. —SOHieeutagelic luain-to rent farm of 125 acres, to fur­nish equipment for share of crop. Good opportunity to right party. ^ ' '""ffi Inaan TT: Wjttig, Nokea-ville. Va. 2^^^:*

For Sale.-2.COO cedar pooto

WW P. Smith -a—13.0» F. R. Rhodes, commissioneiri

Slaty. Run bridge, sp. rd. id.. 1.00 M. Seese, ceranussiOBer, Sla^. .-.==^

Ruii biijgc, apt.i,ial road fiiad) t.OO L>. i''."Kerlm,eommiasIdncr, SSty

Bun bridge, special road fund, Tyson Joaney, op. td. fd. Goo. M. 'pn 'isr auiinW'»*'—rf**»f

for wire fencing, at and near Finch place,- Fayman. Lot of other proper^ for sale, there.. Man on place will make price and receive money. W.T. Wine.2-6 6t*

fhe tax books for th^ town of Manassas are-now in my hands.: A penalty of 5 per cent, will be added aft.nr March let. R. M, "Weir, Sergeant. 2e4ti

^ahtod, "-liL:"good~giri or set-

give permission for saTd i:Qad tor .roads, special road fand, . 10.00 be rebuilt and maintained by per- J- W- Jones, si]«ciat road fami, z ^ son, fir?p or corporation. , :t-^Z"\ \. .'.' " '* ^^^

R T Ht^rirlf, •' ". / • a 16

1.00 tied woman to make home with

iuMiflplccoBing. jVpplytoMroTTitT^^

The commissioners 'heretofore

E. Silling, corner Portner and West streets. Manassas;V«. * # ^

For painU and waflpaper try UJpa, Haraware Co.

1-30-ii. bound that it can be kept for the year. The almanac in addition

Miss Lucy Back

Uo feature o£ the program was to the calendar, the table ot mem-

The Passionate Shepherd to t_ Miatrhfla: C^JIarbge

Sir appointed by. the Board haviflg j E. K. Bodiae t Son gntored into a eontraot with John M. A. Bell,

enjoyed more than- fhe demdn--^»^ day* and Oie phasea-^ Mr Carroll Bica Ri Tillett for the furnishing and

gt»-?»t'nn f n l l n w i n g Miag Mf>mTi 'g[ '

talkoh req^infi f*"* Grarft Mrtr student of the Normal Depart-

"ment of Manassas Uigli Schooi, leading the little cli^s of primary pupils of—Bennett—Gramraar

of the moon, contains our present Jcnowledge regard­ing typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneumonia,tubcrouloEis, moaalofi.

Swawons t» i><>»>~D,umiiH«Ua u> erection of the neceisaiT'lrBff; rendso-,..Miss Mary Akers

True Love—Shakespeare

School in a delightful gaqie in sight-reading. Both teacher and pupils deaerve much praise for

scarlet fever, hookworm disease, the rnmplaints nf infants, the

_ their. » s £ araT enjoyment of the - task- .

w«e: --Misses Brown^ Garth, Glass­

cock, Haydon,- Johnson,—Siirk, Ldmstnmg, lx>pg,--G^-Mii»aa^P, Motan, Mayhuglu JUMMeyJg" MyraSvNichote, NorraaB.Osboam,

yeafjtjsmuch in dpmand. Those who desire copies are accordhigly requested to notifiy the Board at once. LikejUJ,ofourpui>lications, the almanac is sent f i ^ upon

Pftyb6,Ro6ehberger, snow, swart, " Taylor, Van Sickler, Whitmer, K. Wilcoxon; Mesdames Laricin.

i-B e gei and Mesars.!:

H. Yaitwroogfa, G. G. Tyler.


spread of disease by the fly and the sanat^on-,-0 springs. As the- almanac is the

Mr. George D. Adamaofti A Ditty-Sir Philip Sidney "

. Miss Grace Metz To Me, Fair Friend, You Never

Can B« Old ShoJtQgpoafc -.—-—-

most comprehensive p;ublication iMaed bv the Board dnring the


Blow, Blow, Thoo Shakespeare.


.. ; Camplftn Mr.

Miss K. DoiKJioe Winter Wind- — . .Mr 'Paul ReKTode.

Thama& '. Hemuut-StMie:

App^—Sir Thcsnas . MiBoMlldiied Ilmell

The Lover's


The following—students re* ported «p Thursday as the boy a, were in attendancejipen sessuas ef the FatmciaJJjuatikuty "-^--^ fttB-Ammean News

Arrangements have been made with one of IheBesf oculists in

Mr. Luther Comwell guest Sunday of Mr, W. i. ards.i

th« Rich-

having defectsve visKm oi eye strain in the aeho^ tnavfectioD tests recently oondocted in the Manassas 8cho(^ by Dr.. Mer chanl and I>r. Lewis.

The ochhst in question, who will Come to Manassas next week.

»lejjkjfttefflr TBrT«few'Boo(wrTtt«rte*WI

Mr. Archie Ro tvi wt. of G*i«wMi- i has conaented to nwkf nfHwimllv ^Mlte,i^eMtwven*a«j»tatw**i*ow nebea-lor ttamtnuiB^B^So^

with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | because of his interest in fortb^-Rarrjqnn Jj^vara 1 jpg thp movemapt, whjch ia now

Mr.Enw«t ComweH spentSa»-fbecomin» nation-wid^ of intro-day evaungwith Mr Raynwod | ducing medical inspection in ^te Beavers. " ___a£hQ(ds^

Mr. Allen Comwell made a The arrangement has been hti.«tine«« trip to Alexandria Tues- [ made with the approval of the

doctors who condacted the Mr. Eichard Gornwell andili^T^pection here,and parents should,

"" Miss Jennie ttottei Education at Home and Abroad

Miss Jutia'Maloney Th* British Parliament ; ^ i; ir ! Sfr. William Harlowe

and with George Muddiman, for tunnshing and greeting—abat-^ ments for the two bri'dges to be erected on the highway to Teie-graph Road over Powell's Creek by the Countg of Prince Will: aM over Chappawamsic CreeE" bv the Gountiefl of Prinrg Wfl

J. B. Manuel.' eommiff iffnfir'

«7.30 13.15

JVewman-Tmder That', an.

J. t. Syneox, I P Msnnsl,

soperrisor srar —2 mitrasgathWe tj.~Eunardue

i-JL-L. Dawse» T -. 3. F. GuUck, T;Tr. Russen,'— p.. C. HotehisoB.



_ Another car of Puri'ha Daii^" and Molasses f^din-tfats-week?-Maddox & Byrf. -^—1-30-tfr-

liam^and Stafford, as in the con­tract and speeifieaUons (Mrovided; and it further attpearitiy tr> thin Board that each, of these con-tractwshave. executed ^ d sub­mitted bpnds, with approved sec­urity ^ provided by law, J. L. Dawson was directed-to execute the '^uinu.t^fti' Pffwell's Cie tk' bridge ^ duplicate and. C. J.

3fc«J^t^s» I^^M^^e^^z.^

Bailey was empowered to exe-cute the contract for Chappa-wamsic Creek bridge in tripH-•csm:—'-' —->—.r-,-

-Hnnwi fihaffeg^j -j^ r-jntn

The Kmff. ot Albania . Miss Lc«^ Uar Kespornaftility for Mexico

Miss K. DoMlMe


The indefatigable sophomore i

nf thii railway, !9ectiO{i NuKBff °^

and Elaaer Payne far the Mction Southrof the rail­way.

The fo)k)wing accounts were presented, examined,- atfowedt

Wood's Superior

Seed Oats aie litoiue, leUeaueJ., hewy' nii graipT We offer all the beat and naMf praduc-tive kinds for ipring acediBg; '

BiMTt or 99-D&y. Texas Red Rust Proof. . ,

S w e d i s h S e l ^ ' -V Bancroft, ^p l er . etc.

Mm£i gives specUQjr full matioo about

Spring Oats. Barley. Cf«

For Sale. - 31 I&nf'-knnwn ag

acres tiinlHsr


and INSURANCE Having determined-tojiEvote our whdetipaeto the Real J Insurance business, we faerd>y eolidt an property fcft sale afisL Z request those having property to list the same with us -DBiptly.

Mil 1 ^ A» hwimass M T ^ M I atteMi


CtttMJog mailed fresL Write for k.

T. W. W0OD 6 SONS. Va.

daas wiU give a program in their .„H ntA.r^ m h. . ^ f i ^ . . .K. reguuu- program or iueaday aS- r"" "T^"^.„^; t , .. ***""''"'

'County Treasurer foj payment: CHAS. E. r C CLEVELAND nSKER

a « m * h * i firm MitectidM off hr cterit's m^.:mmJ9AJi-7.i&\ proee ahd poetry of Ere^aon. Daniel R«id. roooiraBt, eo. fd... i.so' —The pfogiam coutaiws the ftrt- w.w.afcuuw*.p64*-efaww. '• - 12.00 lowing numbers: jW. A-DsTia, " •• •• 20.00

tRaftttBaris, '•._ "_ - . 7 .« \ Sanif " -" •• •• s . a



Biography of Bmenon

'Concord Hymn . Jlr. Alfred Presoott FVeedofli Hiss Lily Sutton

in-f- T Nature aud LIfg

Hibbs & Giddinss, T. M. RuaaelL "

Pnnce William, Purity and other brands. Groceries and Provi-tionK AllkindrofGioandFeed, QiaiiiH and Hay.—Phrow

Bertha CbrnweH were gues«" 6f if posaibleriaEe tfila uuuHuat OIJF Fabk ,


w- , . „r „ 'Sam"lC.Fo(fi«, **

• * ^ . ^ ' r * ^ ^ ' ° « ^ ' J o r d a n ft Jotxia.-

10.001 rv..^....^ -1-^ Door Highest

^ •«>lGQOds.

yonr Goods delivered at Yovr

price paid for


Richards Sun- portunity to secure the services ! of an expat speciahat.

ivers' ^ ^ ] Snnday afternoon " ' bubecnbe for

O Ym WiuORosE. $1.00 a year in advance

Mr. and Mrs. N. J. dav. , Miss Lola I'ornw guest of' 4rtt«w»' Lot

Miss Myrtle Merrill Selection from Self-K«tiance

Mr Evert-tt Kice i Give AH to Lore I Mis-s Virg-int* V\ slijer

The Rhoiliira Miss Nsm-y ilrefn £ b e Biii»hU»itiML'>s.-..M>«n isMumi Ualoney The Snow Stonr, Miss t i i iabeth Weir AppreCTation. Miss MMrr»i Lawler

W. R. GosRom." Butif^rA Rector" J. C ftarbp*-.- ^ - •* Davl^ & Slack, pauper's coflin, . .fount), fijjri,. . . . . Thp Palconer C<y.. su^J^iftrTSr

trpasurer. county fund

«.00( CHAS;E:t]SH£R«^


-speeifaea Oons for same can he- obtaifMd frem any member of Board, viz: R. H. Davis, Bristow; J. T. Flory, NokesviUe. or J. R. Cooke, Greenwich. Cootractors can bid on all or aay specified nnmber, sad the Board reserves the Tifltt to reject any or idl bids. Bids shoold be sent to J. S. Cooke. Clerk of Board, on or before February 21. 1914.

l-a»#t y. It: OwKB. Clerk

Triaity Epwcopal Cbarck.

Ask Wednesday H I

AJl the news of the county -ncps heipfui to ;> •frfty-twer weelcs for $ 1. UU—THK "*'T:v Wone is .-.

•? ! JOl'RNAL. t<^vK\ all services

Good fViday 11 a. •» Services every Wednesday at 7:30 p.

m. and €Vfry Friday at 4 p. t%. wi;»-The txf^ptioo of Ash Wednes^o ai.d

Services ot) Friday afternoons *.:: :., held for thos*" who hftv,- N-PT^ --conhrpK-d. ap<l lixtet ik.'.o ,1. . , j^. . of being confirmprf Th«- ;.• : J F. Buries, hop« s ;. n-.,-.- n--.

Page 6: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and



|f:<ttTt«'-»«it-"'^y ""• N&tlooal W O S S S T Oti«t«t1«n TamilTMif IfntWI )

•cianc* ov«T the Uel and tliougbl _ . .„^,^.», , -* only of being ahrewd e&ouKb to maak rACTOR IN ACCIPENT<. hi. «.u daiun tronx U.« eye. Of the «( Ter7 stmrUiox accldentj have be«B jiaari/ traiiMhIe U> fflttt*k«* ot Vtr-foaa «alas Intoxicant*. In iQoet oaaee

re todlTidaal and become the baaia damace auita. Dr. T. D. Crothera

fit Hjtfttord, Coon., who has maHe a ^tu4y of aloohoi'i otmnoctloa with re-•RzT uiaaiiBH, BiTea eoiBe or ntr itBa-^ B la iDTeetlgatiBf the cauae* of

and rtwungfaipoBttamet. tii*f

IhB le t ter lu Liia uucl t . Watching, to be sure that be waa i

not oDBerrea, ixnige ixjureci the coa l*ml6 O: Lilt: ph^-' '" V' -- hann t h m n y h the utot +n the totter box. A fflnt wrealh ot vapor iti itmaa* arose Iroia

By WALTER JOSEPH OELANEY. •Within ao hour everything In that Eliner Dodge was a vUlaio. Ue n- : box will be cinders," he' chuckled.

-w.-.< «. f..iiy w^.^,^ «„ th.i >>.«••.• , •! rii |Vi .atiB uiicla wtU aeyer ye-had no particular gualma of con- cei»« that letter

-*r Janassai Heoneries


evade the law. CyrU Marsh waa a -tarlsht,

If i,yun„m I enecgetlc young buslneaa man. He .Z .„ ^ ^ I *M QiT'empIoyer of uoigo, ImS beeft

Und 444. .Mb«< l W\^*^ him, never aua-pectod^ U» dupttelty aa4 «aa trleBtSly and at tiinee' even oonAdentlal with him.

ttUnmA lory "wptoatoDa. ilraa, autonobUe ae-ft^entM and the like. We quote:

*T«beratory atudlea and the asaer-of the moat competent expert*

to the iacL that no appraciahle ml aleohol !• sate to the human

To many Aian t ^ aeema a IreiT extravagant claim and aeemlngly •ostnuttcted by ezperleaee, wke* ap-parent cood work ia done by persons

K ya« spirits. The laboratory sbowa tke aetloQ ot apirita la that of

•^ aMnthetlc on the senses and In way the integrity of the brain is

ipaliad and the evidencee of the —ter world through the eenaes are de-

no, lowereo ana lessened. Tbe 'rmtory ahows that reasoning under

conditions la very apt to he ^»lt|r. It iacka in rapidity and accu-


M>4 ludgment of eTanta oleafwaaa—Iiabomtory at idled

'w a ceU ana motor aerangemeat $aa l o u of oontrql, which may be fBcht at first, but later increased. The

caatlon seems t» be dtmin-ed and persons act recklesaly, and

and-do tfalnga-which UUar-r t o b« laolty. There ia a

in WhlCK 'tBU0«9 lllfl Tery

«KUlt< ttom spirits ttat is and dang«at>ua."

WORKINQ OP WEBB LAW. " Talking recently .with a deputy

sheriff In Portland, Maine, who8e spe­ar Ulegal

pquor sellers and their. accoi^Uces,' Mrs. Stevens; National W. €. T. TJ. president. askeThtm liow the Webh law was working. He quickly replied. " That Is the thing which has broken OiBir horta, and HtPkwi inctf M<ite."

."•W* w a n t " » T a M>- . ati^r,^^^ ••*^ the rooms In the county cpnrthonse vnere ine contraband tlquor is stored •waiting legal proeccdings.—H Is then eithftr emntitut tntq. the Bew^\_nr 'lu: posed OT V b e de{Mity. been expressed to see-so moch liquor In Portland, but all th^re is to thest: three rooms would not, be; aafflctept to ateck one IIUAI nAlwi a out-«oa. Nag Jflt3{._or_Chicagbr ^~He' fiir-ttej-aald. But Idr the Webb lavr we eoutd nt>t. have toaehed an]r x>f .th° *tug In till! largo- foom, and Very-Ht-Ue of rooms, '

what is m the other two



Two surgepds stood over a man who was near death from taking «n anaea> thetic—so, near that both believed be would never• pali throngh. They did fcpnoic work to save him, and for 6cmp time ft seemed, their, efforts would be in tain. Mfe'a.cntrent ebbed and flowed and sometime^ seemed to •ease entirely. So tense were the mo-

evenlng that master and man left the tr{td(i brokerage office of young Marsh. The ImUtm wwtod • >MMI asalid

That was {Be prelude. Three months later Cyril Marsh failed la bunineits. A bad markut, a mUcaicu-laUaa a s t o prieer^tn a linie of jawte awept away all that he had.

He sold his watch and chain to pay off Dodge his last ciuaLb's salary, and they parted—the villain gloating' oviar a brilliant scheme his evil mind had Invented, Cyril Immersed ia dejection and unhapplness.

Fbr with hlH failure the arlatoctatlo It was just a> daah eae lata fait- Daflaiis had aimted theia deeps agaiast

velope In his hand.' Ita possession

tlon. "Dodge," he spoke, as he paused at

the Iron letter box at the comer and slowly allowed the envelope to gUda from view, '^ere goes my fate."

"IndaeA?" questioned his COI^^B-Ion.

"Yes," replied Cyril. "It covers the strangest IncldMit in my life. I al­ways knew I had a relative, a balf-nncle, out In Idaho, ini that he was enormously rich, but at odds with my dead father, and ril Iris'itltt. What waa my eurprtsei yesterday to feeelre a letter from htm. It was chlUiag, al­most offensive—characteristic of the cral|)>ed, prejudiced old man. He wrote to ask me to send my photo-"KiaWi anil a lew details »I my bttst

hlra, and he had loved the *f"t^'^ of thai proud bouse-T-li dnA. —To atttve -«» humble lover th^y bad sent her abroadi A, ^ataet Bot» 4UkBta-to- J however, telling him that "rtt"* could never divide their k>ve.

Then Cyril had started ont into the world to carve a new name and for­tune. It was a hard task. He wan­dered through halt a dozen atates, earning a precarious Income as dest^ tory work came to his hand.

It was way out In Idaho that on* evening traversing a lonely country road he came upon a strange scene. A fanner armed with a pitchfork held the elfwgWtf^-^ a Ms touriag -ear-at

ness career. 1 could fefthttrtt*"irHr —Id the chaugwii. but one way:—Lonely, chlldlesa, pns«l bly nearins the end of hda loveless life; a thod^t of old famity ties bad coma to him. He forbade me to keep up a otHTespoBdence with him, to seek him out, but th time he intimated J>e"mlg&i.a^ at tt leave Yaii ^ i l l lWtlwwd Tmnmntiranwi'

"Wlnr, he mar Intend to mak» ywt hlS' heir," soggested Dodge.

"I hope M). Think of what I could da with * tlttlo mow eigttgl! -ea»-^^^^ the fMT that t mli^t gat otarloaded ke^pa iM from bnytw. soods that 1


H . . -

ments that the sweat, stood on Aeir foreheads^ At last there wits ai fatet gUminer uf.hope, ttud w s<'pn that death for a time had been bfatcn. nne of the doctors, a icadfr In hlB profeiision la this county, stood up arid said: "The longer I practice

of tired tonlgH.' Theninate his employer was out of

• -itght. however,-Dodge went .straight back Use route they had followed to­gether. Those masked eyes of bis glowed with an eager, nnholy light His excited- manner siiowed Oiat his

coodiUdft' Qcct iBii4e [ *etiye m<od was •;<!&•>» vtfh Bom* aB,alwrM%ing idea.

Etodge reiwhed the oflce ka had so te(t—He fcad • kmr tn itM,

mftdiclne..._the manLBteariy 1 see \hat • thf use Of alcohol Is hnrtfal to the buiiia:. bxiy." The man had not been a driiukard. He -had been what i s , callnd a moderate drinker." Whisky hail :i>it him in ti. ^n3<»sthetic a poiaon t c l l n L , - ^ ^ -e^..^ng»

ABOUT EmciENCV. Temperaucr work today is very pme-

ttcalAS compared with the scnttmen-ta! pihortailtJur of "yfe tenhy-. " " Ehfse days when "elBctency'' eral a watohwoTd In the world of basi-

__ __^_Tn - •- "- .'-•H.SFf fiat he i m S S . A ffimer VFho ties • weight about his leg is no greater dupce than the worklngmas or the merchant who BUii^JiJtaBi of liqnof Uito hla digestion or his brain. It ia «a(>abtp of proof by flguiee fd l <la' crame that the drinker of «vea aii oe-caFional Kla«* of wine or b6er or wblsky Injures the work of both hl^ baarta mm* tits mlad. whHn >he babi laal drin'ker aewr^^p -M* niffiW'cgl<f "manuai machinery persaaaeatTy? This' •i the gaapel of the new temperanee suax«meDt. ~ Aimaate (Caaada^ Oa-

CARNCOico onACTice.


Imow will double in a year in valne. I wtii ahowyoa the letteo- I received in the morning, ^ t ia In my desk.".

Dodge^gaye IOB eompaniOB a ahnwd iddelbng look. They parted a •treet'

"Ton ran over my eow back yon­der!" ha was shouting aa Cyril came

"Well, just make ot t yoor bill and a^T"! It tn my ^pinloyer in CroftoM."

"Wfin l« ynnr ampinytw* t V i n t yrm dare move till you fix this damage,' cried the farmer, "or ^ puhcture your tire with this torfc!"

"There ^ his card," and the man handed the farmer a - bit of vsst»

S. C. White leghorns, Eng-TTsli type, chalky white-egg strain.

popular red-brown egg: etraio. Barred Plymouth Rocks,

j large, hardy, high-bred strain. Indian Runner Ducks, fawn

and white, white-egg strain. Setting eggs and some breed-

iiig fowis at aTgasoiiablK price.

Piac« ^our order now for Spring ^eErery

To CUra P. Martin, O. t . Martin And. Henry Roberts:

You and each nl vou are h«reby notified lUttt, at the law utliix of H.TIuuntoo Davieg, u> tb* Tonrn oi Manaatian, l>riDe*^William County, Virginia, on Tuesday, liia 24th day ol Maxell, lt)14, at JU-o'ciook a. m of that day, th« u.ideV>>iuued ComaiiMtoaer, kereto^ fore appoinied by a decree of. tha Cirenit Court of the aforesaid ooanty, entered on ibu Slat day of l i^rch, 1913, in the chancery eause iberein depesiliog auder the style ot Olore P. M«i>iu wt al agaiml Ileuiy Huljeita et al, will proceed to eiocute the said decree, wherein the underaigoed was directed to aacertain and rmmrt to said oourt what amount the a»id Henry itobarts is entitled to recover against the said 0 . T. Martin and t:lart P, **^'" f"'TOant to the eross-bUl

TwoCarioadis ====Buggies-

PiicM Frw $45.00 Ui $100.00

We have just received one car-load uf Blue Ribbtm Buggies. and one carluad of the fainuua Haydocks—each made of the v«ry b«st material available, bought in the white wood and painted aa per our inatructions.

AJBO all kinds of




It win be worth youf wMIe to iospefct our stock.

F. A. Codo'dl & Ce. . Manassaa, Va.

^S^^S^^ny^ESnatEaaEMsSJ hiMt.

t«r at oBoe, as his eye ran ovor the name It bore—"nUr. Gyril llarak la good>ftor aU III claim.'


Oivan nader my haod'ihia Iftli in mt febniarv, lt»l4.


wanderer. ' He could not rid hla mind of the

a»Tsiige incideaf as'ha ptu'saaJ hi* Jotirney to Crofton. A dim light be­gan to glow in Us mind aa inquiry

'Cyril >ia»ah" was the heir of the wealthy Johh Marsh, iriio had died a few aaoatha

"Cyril Marrt looted the princely residence to whldb be was dUwetetT He glanced in at a l i f t ed -wladax.

."As I Siad began to s^tspact." ha hrPMthixi with a ptranKd amlte OB hla <ace as ha* recognised a man tsaid»

^•r-wia* to see Mr.' Marafc," i » ag-rlsed the servant at the door, and waa ^own into a raceptitm'room- '

tamlllai Telee. and thoa jta paused., whf tfi_aa.a.Bh eet^. •_"Mr.- Elmer Dodge," observed the

Cgg Marsh, quietly, but with a latent loreenuness' 1 UVtt cume relieve 70U of your stolen idoitity.

Then the villain slnak oat of the place and tlie il^ttul heir came into his own. And then the. Darleya sent fui Bliaeul Bdna, lui uiuuu; * U a lod«stone to them—iand. tme lore waa l^rlhiided with happiiteas.

(Cnprrlsht, nil. tr-W. a Cliaiiaaa.)

Tiuh hotice ia published aS directed in a decree entered by the alorasaid o o u t at its Februaiy term, 19 i4 , wherein it is provided thalHuch pnblicotiuD aball be equivalent to personal service of socfa notioa on all partiea tfl tbii unit uilerwttid in ibn «innatifla--at aloreoaid decree sad the takkv of *ud \

^ ^ WEB«Y


Tdftjttaph anc|[ Teter plume Poles andPUinf

for whichjwefrrT THilii I


T T * -• " "

Very Desirable Home Just Out of CorporaticHd of


iiesUoned Cyril. France, her native land, as the first Think I will," repUedDotgg^^-Bort I BBortgwomanln the wtwld. She has

the aatoaBBTSg rtieuid uf being able to swim, ode., shoot, fly, climb, flsh and drive a motor car, and she does everything i»erfectly. It Is nothing- to her ta (cale a raountaia, to hunt big game; she rides a bicycle better than inc«t pee^Ie; she ohatee and. skiis feeaatifnlly. In '1902 she -was the best ^ o t at a great international congress. and carried off the fttte from hnn--dreds of competitors; three years

door. Alao.' anknowa • to his unsoa-picioQS emitfoyer, one to his desk.

•Ah, 1 have It!" he ihuttered at last

HVW ^ m ^Qa'diBtaat relative tha

preceding day. f Xrftng and ardoooaly Dodge stadied

It Tkea he sat with it tv ilia ^aad, thiakiag—thinking. And then ha acemod to have evolved a eobereat plan of action. Hla face glowed wttk aatisfactlen and resolve.

"111 dare to do it.' he told him^lf rairtdly. -n»e stake is bia. the rtak .amatltrfcaiir<>,aad JbifkJHg tUtitt^^^

WttktK tka SNH-Aaage tedlnrlKea a letter to Cyril's aacle. signing Cyril'i naihe in his own haadwritiag. Thea goiag to his daak he aeeared a

'llhulugiaiili ut_hi«__owB . This.be in rlniwil In tha lattsf. ansTsTr The aa

^ u imow g lassea are nsed t TT****' « « ' » « ^ » " * • **« Oian in a n d under the nose ^ aV '*»»»• P l « * « " »• k«» P««kat

Erei>ch¥>omai> Has Made ReRmrluiiiia Record in Everything That She

- Has Undemtlten. —

Miss Marie M s r r i n f t la. k n o w n In

IM Talef-PVeneh Sperta cftib. a dlatlnctioa woman had ever held b^ore. ' Moi^ •a»aK.-it la n fl'at'T'CtiOB tO whi«-h very taw m«a have attained r At tfap j ^ ^ t)f mti ulH tHigan to learn"

\o swim,' 'anJ'BTlg'PBCg- j.un.mlcJ "ta

I aita ! • » T rf^TtBMf --Se fime, ~!JayB ilia' BKtiy-THSirBtitntanTr Tatereallfig el-per i ences fell to ber w h e n s h e cHiabed the Mat terhom. t h e Jtmgfraa a a d Slonte Roaa. btit h « A l p i a e a c h i e r a -m e n t s are a s noth ing aa eompared to h e r f e a t s ta the air. Miaa k a r v t n g t h a s been a p with s e v e r a l waU-lBaowa ba l loonis t s inchidlDg Mr. Q f a a l e r . with whom ' s h e vrent rt-om N a n c y to Southwold abont «00 milee , inc luding

The place ctHitains about three acres of land and large ten-room house with number of oitfbuild-tngis. "Therf is an orchard, good garden, contauung strawberry, riieubarb and" asparagus bi^s, an4.a bored well ovor a hundred feet deep of gtx>d soft water. M R S . W . H - W.

Bell's Bread



Boaidiag by. t h e ^ i y Wedc or Mmith

hmii JhnnhKL fmiMl.


Manasaai, Vurgiaia-

Lumber ;r*

and , Plairinsr


W e k«ep OH hjind Lami«r. I^air ('..mem,

-tittrBScI, IKSarSiui.' BiinJa, bhin'^i^ Hbntdings. Door and Window Framaa, Paiata.

Oils, Vamiah, Hingea, iicrewa aad ail kintb

rf Boilders' Hardware, aad are prepared to

til ail orders for aams on abort notice.

We guaraotee prices to be aa hMiras-uiy Ja aU <

Lumber ^Mcialtjr.

ta Carload Lota


Marble, Granite and afl Kinds of Cemetery


snimffiRfrijfflWAy Gaiaesville, Va"


lOT pe^BiniDg to heoiKbnee. Estimates b . -naO, draiBSpB anri ganetal' <;on8tructioB

In effect Jan. 18, 1914. . dobedstJe tigoree pnbtiahed aa tafinaatioD

and are not goaraateed.


No l»^D«iJy local, 8:55 a. jn. Deliver* ronnectioii at Orange dajty except inday to 0. i 0. Xo -103 for GordonavjU* and Rit-hninnd.— :_ .- - —

No. l i t—Except Sunday, 11:25 a. m, Logtl for Wairenton and intamu>Hi.to |~w. t .

^ck 43—-T^ily thrtmgh train, 11:43 a.

No. 113—£xoeptSanday,4:8Sp. m. Local ior VVarrenton and intermediate points.

J>rlorCar. • S o , 17—Eieept Sunday, IcwaJ from Wasfa-

ingtoo to Warreaton, 6:12 p . . ^ .

Better Than Ever Get ft at yourgro* cer*«. Accept no otii«r.~ antee

W e gnar-i t both m

QUANTnr and QUALITY .. Lef aa<lo your baking.

Ho. 41—Daily through train. UK)5 n. m., stops to let oS paoeengers frora Waafamgtde sad Aleiandria and"to take on paaatogerv ^ po iou Bv which wJiediiTed to st«^

NORTHBOUND. — N o . l ' j - - i i a » p t Uunday, Uieal from W M rsBtoD to ^^tdiin^oD, 6:54 a. in. -•

Vat \6—Daily tbrongh train between Ma

aaalO:4Sa. m„ from Warrenton and inter Mediate poinw tiiiiman P a d u - Gar

No. 10—[>sUv local. 1:10 p m l\ Of mas wlUiO.il 0. Rail.av I Duogd aad Oordoasville.

No. 112—Bawepiijnnday. •ax 4:1(1 J). m,,from "Warrenton a a d i n t e * . oae<iiale poinu " . _ •~ "Sfo.li—]5aOj^lhrwjij{ij t iwn he(WM»M«.

~ *"—_TVTTTiffli train, in—lins «a^

Attention niyea Ui fsm» lima aad aH-

work. 5-28 6moe

91KDHEaLB0OTHE.{ t M . B . H A A M W .

. 0Bg!t^i?iiFIKLD,O.Li;i!"^'-^-

FIRST MTIOML B m , ft T WnBAlUJlLXA, V i L . .


UWITKD S T A « t S ,

l-aUFITB »200 .e00 -DlRBCTOR»-

- . . ^ ^ DOUGLASS S T U A W ^ '


MOTOB CAR ECFICIENCX i«1argely a question of the skill of the

N - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ S ^ ^ M ^ ^ f f f i ^ m ^ c ^ h ^ ^ ^ Beyer be tinkera.

repaimi nr r>r overhailod hf

.L.X>HI<SON. H . M . OAMEk V»

alaepins ein for Waahmgtoa aad New YorT - p a r repa ir s e r v i c e i s quick aad ef f ic ient <»:23 p. m , stops on fla«r. Receivca eonaee * ' * — — - C.I.IJ«»J , tioa daily szoepi Sasday, at Oraogs f ioa

from Ricbmoed aad OordeasnUe C A 0 .

WBi4HUmN6 t p o r t s w o m a n h a s a l e e t o r a e ^ bar at-teatiflii to s e r o p l a a e s . aiMi bar d r e a a ia t o iBTrat a mode) that a i lght b a aaed aa a a a m b a l a n c e to e o a v a y wooadad so ld i ers from the SeM of bat-t ie to the bagf hoepital . '


lANASSASiUBUSOiMK ttAMd f SOUTHBOUND.' •i So,-4»—Daily local for SanmoBhvrg sad ) intermrdiatf poista, 9-30 a m ; So. 217 —f>aily local to Hamionburg,

4.. u. "'

and "Well

both wavR u s e niinf o v e r " T S * irprfia* J— ,. ,, ,. ^ ^ f n « t at a Philadelphia b a M u e t ^o™. | . J ^ » ^ ^ * * ^ ; f ' t * ^ « ^ t » ^ | ^ |

wine the wholp ev

•eft the place

REASONABLE PRICES - ^ r f ^ J S ^ t i T ^ p ^ ^ t m^ market. Reivin aad Ijodea. PallBea Par-

Properiy caaed and equipped j ' " ^" VORTHBOUND S. 21*>—l>aily local, ":10 a. « . Witt. & good pump.

veara airo. .Andrew r«rn«*nte, louche<l t ^~™' . . N s t i i r a n r ' * ' ' ' '»•«' depo«itf><l his l e t ter H e _

T^u n r ^ ^ l 7 i » „ 7 f h . n . ••^'^ "O™ eoUect ion . unt« morn- Ai.st.-ia. : i i . m . l e « a « a y a- i . n(f tiios<» pre»en' and at l<>n«ttn nne ;„_ .. . , , , . ^ " in*. 1»« aoltloqotoeH. »o I hav«

Phone - r "vrite for particulara

J ltJfflversity of Vffginia If h" wpre an repi!p<3 »r q


"if 9 e r a a e «

iTa oonalaii: prao prl n .i r.: <»s

W l r d s a a Pho»« 310 Mire* M^relesf tpipphon*' m«>)«ai5e? b a r e

been eichar.itPif suoctsaful ly t w t w f e a ; the lamoUB alriF !»>«» jtatton at Na'!f»n. ' a Tilla^t uaar Herl:c^. Cerzuan) . a x d

Vien.-i Austria. :il" mile* awav U i t h a ne' ;v..-u :.;ae •Ju.i .M 6e«« ^rtffti^ > H » « . : ? i t . - . i ^ ~ ^ . i»M.»»r Vtrftvti nc ;,paj>er a r t j c S ^ * M i d r. •>> ?*a««B i t-etters.Sc.ence, Law. •Med.cm^ Infuetr

Dodge proceeded to a d n i A »tore..,J*'*' "? '^'?i<i. J." J"''^'"'' fl .i.ctly a t ' T - P \ ' ^ ^ < - ^.\ .\\:.\in.V—^ He secured a alroea eh»n»K»l rcnibi ^ " r . n a and oilier . a i e n a t i l a t e sla,- :^ -T**-; • - - •'-- . .lUjiiat.^. ^AU.I*<

•:'g>5'yj>atto»"a«-*<<ai^r thai ma»p*^'^ii iH» > ' t i i — - n ^ <• ^ u m i , maaiT I B M iWn i H l a i in - a a a u , ^ H»«K«»r' i dniK rierk "it»f» Thi» bo r»rrt*«l In "trouper asar^.iip^ *,;; ;riA^ It L»OO- . "''*R* * h is hand nntl! he reached the latter • 'hie t o xxi\ S'TOSI

feii^\U»d ta a r t "he fajsous a'.llionatrf- , _ , „ . ^ . I. . ^^^ r v_i-,.T> wr-'raflS^e '•*^*'*^ ** t«B« m wbieh to operate'

jiimuliunj Ui Waahiagloa. 10:55 a. • roan PaHorra>

Nf. 28—Dail> l(x-»; :r»iB t>«ween H, n*-ii>nrg i.r,.'. ' %•>• ncton. !.->cal fmm

Tr»!m> trw. •21- -«} ; a n * 1.

yar.»»»«i- in y ^ c !?>ird fjtvxl service te

that h is

-s i i;; :riAr It .ifOa

E, H..

H- L. Bi.SHi

b«atiaeeverT ona of oar mechaniei is aa expert No delays-no tinkering.

Conaaltatiaiw All ft«e. ffoannteed.

T H E J. I.





AnaeatiietMMi Aimiaistered for Pain _ „_ J!*"****«aLtit«jBf Teeth.


M- I. C. Building Manaa g-), Va

Page 7: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and

- -e j ,4ai

r I IntrodaceaMan f W " Iff M R


» . i | i i r » l i i l i i i l ^ M »

» » » « » « l * « O t »><»><>> > > < » < !

4 * • • • • • • • • • » » 4 » 4 ^ , ^'^-f^ ^ ^ - 4 OBt Of the wmy.

hiM ^ w . - a«H— •qultuwd

ha •tuiu


• r f 7(so rooieST" —~^^:r "OoJ" •boui'M Brooks. "If I erar

• • • ycmr erll (aoa csmtn I wlif bon*-wWp you." • w» J

"Ar«, n i go, for I h»te you—har* W o n o w f l l l


MILDRED CAROLINE GOOD-' h«<Id you"tincB you'<Jld mdel d hor«» ttUuTonFeel " ThTtmgH tk^ -•••

nipae. , — , ,„^, . WTOW . , . „ , - ryoo ^1»«Te iwiea twriour, bat I»t« ; «a«hf• ItggKti ItciOB. bUad with rain. , —j r w w I wilt wlp« out thli la«t la-

^ It waa an boor ot dark doorc and

M»WaAr >1 ''AllMJidopwr"

S. ^ t U i

^ K a^^HidM howaaa. iteoB tiM hir«a« moon would leap forth. One tlrad way-t»r«- p u a e d m. foa»kDa« gaba. Tba park-like aoUtnda bayoad it attracted

Lane AUeo. that L«iie Allen no In the criialnal aanala that last same waa coT«red with aln and atain, yet a* the moumful-eyaa • ( tbo young man •wept the lovely aeaaa «ko«t htm, th« Snwd mantlon nested ! • a brill iaat

ktilt and km youT The wretch drew oat a dagger wiQT «vw arsinwr w«» _

wared It menaclngw !S..??.""2 -'?..«'"'« '» every owner

ST^snjLsJ your ">f "1*" r"rr possible—ISeJoytHat

waa his name

Uever has sage to the world. ' "PhiKp - fiadetb Nathaniel, a n d saith Unto blao. We have foaad hlra of whoaa Moses in the law and the prophet*

4td write, Jesas of Nazareth, the soa « Joseph." Philip did not Ulk about Umseir but abest Jedus. That is what we should da That Is what we wer«

• ticH int^ tw. *^-n-^— «-r t^ tan- •

hi the eonrer-sloD of Nathanaal we have a good ahutTAUoa at th« p r i B c i p i a s tm-•olved in leadlag * > » > a a l r f « t e * «* C!hrl»t I P*U8°<» and sufleriag • ( a martyr

I. Every be-' ' * ^ " ' ^<^° ^* remorse or deaperat«-j£^'r nees of B Ttctoo* flkmrvr

h ^ u t the kiag. The world is pre-1 iadiced against J e a u Christ Sin baa • bUnded their vttlon and they do not' •ee him as he la. T b ^ think tnat he j Is unreasonable and exacting and they | •Bfi an hpnnty tn him that thay sheaM-r^

Some notable functloa waa in proo-ee« at the house, the home ot Qordon Brooks. Bright forma showed on the porches. Then one light, airy figure flitted so closely past the intruder that he Bbc|Lak back. The gUntiog moonlight showed a beantifol woman In evening dress. Her manner waa agitated. She ran a tew yards beyond the roatie seat where the intruder rested. From the 'near shrubbery • Bian advanced. Tbatr hands met. Weeping violently, the womaa'a hea4 Wis pUIowed ob U s USflSSn: ^

"It i s wrong." the wayUver heard

a Jeweled haadle, ly, and Gordon Brooks returned t e the hoose.

"Ton have saved my sister," whis­pered Ariadne BelLraud, tumuituousty. She bed drawn away from the man in whose arms she had, to him, so deU-dousty rested. Her face was one deep pained flush. "I dare not oBet yflu rewsj*""" * •"

"I am already rewarded." he said. t« pteh np»raiihua flirt

of a sturdy, healthy, viforoua body. WowterfuJ ROOT JUICE U for people

who are wait, run-down, faxatd out <"«. sltmltM. apiieutel«£^ad3 n

had fallen from her bodice. "Ton will forget?" she pleaded.


9VK liltb, fi >i~eHr "Susinsss se'te reveal the beauty <rf the son of Oed Ikat they win feel their need of him.

When Die Bull, the great mosiciaa, | visited this country he found an oU Mend of his boyhood at Philadelphia. < Jhihn Sricsws the great . •hlpbaUdest I

her sob, "but w« a** agalnl"

"I start for the other side of the world with the morrow,*' spoke the vi'Mi. "aBaofae, yo«~^eBg-«» m^

Prfwrnlp w wfeavlny « «.»M«I na» r,t MW*^-—..^rag V^i.-.- ^ . t |1 11. r _ t t t T u

They had a deUghtful interview, and as he was leaving CNe Boll handed out aome tickets to a concert, and invited his friend to eoae and hear him.

other, my life is chained to one long sorrow, but we can- think of o ^ •»-other, and know Uiat we have true to ourselves and heaven."

"Always—always. Ronald, tt my mother's wicked longing tor weaim ana social oiktincuon. i u T the wife of Oordoa Brooks, onlovlnc, bnt taithfuL It Is my Ufe •fterUki*.'*

Lane Allen shrank sttU further hack. A man came slinking down the path.

Btcien and Bcsjidal abuut tlie suggAmc:

- Ipr his TeasDB, t n U 9 tonf eased that s-was tertore to him, and beKi;<»a~|~'

to b e esfeMad. Qf .rM^nu, t iwti it .g flK>re could be said, bnt Die Ball mad* vp his mind that he wonld compel his

lew days latsr_he appeared at IMe--rion's ol&aa with Uy violin, and asked

«fcanics. He said he met with an acci-|.^v*iil ta his vi4diB.aB4 needed a nttle

keip. EMcsoa toached a bttttea aad when a maa appeared, he asked him

, ^ a«iid Mr. B— to tte office: Whea ii^t,;P— prawewted himself, •rieaa*-tel wm e Bull to explain tahim what ha

TWln^t»« thi>

awn- returned with Ihe repairs mada great muslclaa took the vlbliiu

•yw. to >gw hPaM It a tew UuMuto elf it waaiatone.aBdtlieQi^tdadlii^ one of those hiatchtMis iMlpdiMi that

viBiIy Oie Ball eoald evoke from aa tsatniment. Inatantiv aT«rv derk tw,

-amcB dravfcd Ut »«&, Krleaoa ' ^ r e w down his paper and began to r^lkten, and air the men iq the factory ^"fathered aronnd the open door, and

tt»e tltey stood speU-bound tor twan-i!»"^^'WaiiM p a l uiu m u t

Wkea ^ lal* flowa his bow Krioaoa oat, '•W aae. go on, mr'iriMStit

knew baton that I had a capacity for mosie."

^':' -. Tlie. pete irinfiil wni-M ti»« £ Ubsa about Jesas tliat ErieaoB

i'AoQt nuude. U. Every biriiever in bearing his

e~tS"ate~ woiid Is sure To meet ; .«tth eoutroveralal inquiry. 'Tfathaaaei aald onto him, can any good tUlng

of Naiareth?"- These waa la Philiprs teatlmaay

(m« una ot^uatLnas:

dasplng ber~Su>3sn><iii(6echIngTy7 "BJverythlng, except you—yoti I

caa never tofget," aad Alien plaoed the rosebud within his breast, bowed with the grace of a oourtier and was gone. She kissed her two hands after him ia token of heartfelt gratitude.-

Allen wandered far from the scene, but. some Influence drew him back to the little town. It was to learn tliat Gordon Brooks had been found mur­dered In his own garden, a jeweled stiletto sunk deep In bis heart.

Dallas waa suspected. He had dia-•i-Bere were auawtHf re-ipvmesr

markable rasulls it br lnis about In mich cases la tiM WM«der or«verybodx who ever tnee It. Tou never saw anvthlnc wortt Uke ItTn sffyoitt i S , ""J™""*

L"^iE?!f_l° * ' " P T Do you ret nervous, befOddUd. rattled. cro«», Irritable ajod ersjikyT Do you feel tired, half sick, have

tA"Ni BRO.. 420-28 S . . . . l h S( W..t , ; .^— Tf r-


WW. ia its scrp* i . tUs diqriay of wotrf dress fabrict, iaclMdiBg. • • it -doci. reprtssatstives of the great !««•« ef both costiBenta. Thera i* a *•"*•* »»efcre«>e for Civpe waavce, aad thsse are iKowa IMTS ia all CMI-binariom. Thmi, tpo, Pepliss and Beagaliae* are to bf used asl—sivslj ^ a c h s ia d e w s U e »is*s are rccogiw d as bung nltra { M U O B S U * this •»'™^- Yoe will find we are wall prepared to BMt ev«»y tpriag drsfs geWs "••d. SeDdJor^MLippl*!. Fe^y price hinti aad

Cvw'o 'Piewiere, 48 inrhwi- »if»p,

Special value, «i, a ;ird $1.00 Ciepe Ojwiale, 4!! inph»« widf, imimtifd, all wool, \)i all ihe new oprmp KhsdeK ot ffreen, miluguDy, f<r»y, wi>.ta'i)i, D»K Woe, navy, row and lerrs colta _ „ Npecial »nlue, at, a y»ti i S C

All-weol Black Tjjfeta, 4ti ii.cliee »ide a fl_2a qual.tv cffrredal, . _ ^ ^ _ - _

-yaer.-r-.-f:. —T:T7r"." 7"?t;©0

€ r v F O itstiBr^»< ^c«f «• wide, s i l wnoi •ay, b i iwi

ali ie. p'grr^B Mue. r x n and las 'peeial vi.ln« al. a v»rd


B r o c a d e Popl ia , a niixiure of ailk asH wool, 4u iLchra wide, in the sew ahadia, 11 e luding) .r ien , oialj^aoy aad Frrsrk blue t | « - ia l Thitie. at, a yard

.AJj sc<l«ieja.cli Crxna Si) is. Jm wice. ^l icia. »aii.e. at, (( yard..

Aferchandise delivered free by parcel post, if yoor purchase amounts to Five Liollar*



•aiaek At Me. Tea Dare A c * I CesM Haxdly D r a s ^VkAst. UOW

JVICiJ Did It."

. „ „ . . . . ; . . I have to get up at iiicht on aooouiit' of 4 mors as to Mrs. Brooks, however. It weak kidneys, have bad dreaiuTindiew-1 waa-kBOWa that sh« had never levod I "on. beleh. bloat and s ^ e r alter eaBn?? V r r ^ j ^ t n T ^ T ^ aB.tir joiiw. t p„ ^^ jj ^g ^ ^ ^ ••Dont give a hang" her hnalMnd. Then, too, her former; feeUng,_ don't want to work fee'^^^ lover was on his return to Brampton.

^dooent wife. Allen chanced to note in the local

paper an advertisement. It asked oofa>-mnnlcation with "the stranger who had paased through-tde Brooka gar-den" the nteht of the- great social tnsotion. It directed Um to ijS Brownthorpe, lawyer of. the estate.

The nextdar AU«n knew that his evidence as to the stiletto and the threat of Dallas weald forever eioB-

juuBBu. luuney.pagit KOOT JLfUM-i will have >ou -feeltng like Nature has given you a nsw body and a new. b r l ^ t . active. happy brala . You'll see a difference in yourself In • a week, & wonderful differ­ence. Tou'U feel better, brighter, strong­er, happier ihan you've felt in many a day.

ROOT JTTTCF. >i,>lt« thn whnle body., It vMcuim uux ULe bioou, regulates u ie lazy' bowels and liver, strengthens the stQtn-arh ana the kldnays, tanca up the nevV'

Mra. Breeha.

. As they entered the ooort room the next day, AUen gave a great start U he obaerved geatea^hwMle~tte ^ d g a a man whoni he reeogaised- gn Utratia pale. Then he ngfOSb^ Ida heentltBl eompanion. _"M1^ Bettrand." he aaid. afaann^, "I go to -the-wttaeee BtMid to moot my dooBt—bet all for yonr Bafca"

IHe ^ea of the Judith visiter were eonstaatly 'flzed on tiie wttaeaa. Aa •Qeit M t the Btan^ eosipleteir tixon-eratJng lira. Biooha, tMe peracg^afled

feeling, don't want to work feeling,^ things look gloomy? ^ ^

Brace u^! Jtoujian't know what ye»>e-

wnndertul ROOT

e u s system. Teu'U eat like a wolf, eu' joy what you eat^and digest what*you e a t And s l e ^ t "Yes, indeed, good, nat-aral, restful, refres'-lng sleep and get nn In the u s j n l n g fjwliwfSwHiH ' ins wv" ^

Onme! You're doing yourself a n injus-tioe to go on feeling-«ta-yen -d<fc- a i r e this wond«^ut body restorative a week to a-eshen you up. You're takirtg T»*-ri«.~^

ROUT JUlUU h U g«t 16 bettk this urns.

C. M. L A K K J N & C O __. MANASSAS, VA. —

•f -.M-


SOLE ray;


MARVEL FLQHR ^^iin»cb» and Sieiliiig Fe«^ roicoii DairjFeci SKrene Feeds.L S f t imf Fffii, Ijslffia^4fefrFccik Cotton See^MeaCfieet P^TBraiTana Miaaiiiics

you muit~ ROOT JtnCE Is.

Ul good druggists sell ROOT JTJICB ' at a dpUar a. bottle and guarantee tt .' Ton eont have to take a barrd of tt aad wait six BIUUUM ftu' isatatt MU'

a rare eawiytto (eel wondarfnBr hnaroved Ja a

JKtJ -Arreafc that tntii -naXaaa eecaped

rmm »liilJ Tueiti WM a wufl Hifeimir

Beltrand had tatated away. .iUIen '

jnnocent of •T* "twii—^to; ment chanted, bet his caae had beea


Wmikj.fHusk II, IDli

^ r b e r ^ Hedriclc WOKLSVILLb. VIHUIWIA

r«i eteif a a y i e tlw {atBer Upiv. Tatt



Bsginning st 10 O'ckxjc, A. M;; " Stonty, N«tt F w Day.

: i f y « y

Uavintr sold my i arm on the W trrea-tmi turnpike, about 2 mi lee East from Gainesville, VM.. i witt offer at poblte sale^ on the ^causes, «a the above-named date, my personal i«o|ierty as Ssiitaui • —'• •

Haiiuwrn. Ne» liJM S p f f y a ^

Tbe Blue BeB Crgnn-Sepamterr" I'HL BL8T $ N EARTH E -Oh» If I Worthy, Mel"

rushed throng Now the anee of a woman, inoney, a gUted law­yer proved him gnUtleea.

Pardoned Iiy the state, reinstated ia his old posltloa. awarded large money = -' - -" - rt-diBrvwt

eome out only one word that that was e word Naxateth. Nathaa-M. 9>od BMta :a» ke ins . eeald aat Drbear the teraptatlostiB erttlctae, aad

to seized the opportnaity , at oeee. .•yasareth," he said, "the most disre-peUihle towB ia all GgUlee; eaa a ^

"'tmia thing e«»De odt of Naxarathr* ' JU. Kvery beUaver, ia weerhig the

( the world, haa i i'^eMBt answer. 'Thilip saith onto htm.

•uamer yo« wtU s e e what a " " T M H "

ver this is to any possible oh)ee-OOB. Stfppoee that one Is jincertaiB

rtSe aatherity of the scripeSrSCr oOsM and aee- HCKat is^ oqa»Jo

JwHiu. i t t h U ^ about-

fie evidaatir, Peatatench aa the work of Moses, aad

various ehaptara of laalah whl t t he quotes aa the word of Ood throagh

^servant, Isaiah, and leash aa a character, vrho had aa expert-such as is attribated to Uai Iv

- ^ e record bearing bis aame. If one ' i a ^ doubu about the noeslWltty of

[ivenesf let b ia eome aad see, let kBPfl right down and confess his

ijoa* and be can dcuiwiaUate the thiag a very sheM ttaM.

tV.' As soea aa the beBever to bear bis msasage to the Jesus draws near. "^Jeses saw Nathaniel eoHiac- *e h i a

linW SB iw^alira iadsid. la • » sy g S » . ' ~

^ Aa aoon tal i with Jesua. the light beglas to tome Naihanael answered to hiss.

He bore the semblance of an upper *nt.' ue pee»ea from beaua a hetwratlua^ Laiie~Alleir-lrtt

aheiterlng bosh. Then be started on a l l e ^ of Mghtedhopea. « t w back tor the Aonae. -<- :

Almost immodistelY there came tato view a new fignra A radiant young

JimmtmnnA nrmgff t h e pf^*h

lofaad the man and the womait lionald." d e cried, "go, fly! Bor

aagj^jjretumtp Jteg; t ^ a e a t -oiwa-iH wveatfrt jrirtt -«rf their Uvea., ftir aha That spy, Dallas, baa foUowedyoa. HO 'rted tlMr«»wlag Idngtng la hW eyea.

gone to send your hoabaad herai, It yon dre discovered. Ida jeidt^a «a«e WUr mar«rs lout^air'

"Goodby, good-by!" apoke ih^ man laMrtr- The wmnan clung to hlBS. and then, aa he retreated to leafe the Bogadfc^aha- started te—ncidB—tke Wnae troat the rear.

The girl who had wanted thoa Btood with her head pressed' agttated-iy to her breast She stele tewarda the path. .Bar advaaea bcoaiM.lMI** wlthta "

At the very threabold of the grim Jail Mr. Browadtorae aad Wsa Belt-

jnet him, - - — -She .pet hoth .handa Into his-owe.

Just as she bad In the garden that

"Ob. tt T U B werOy. tafee m r she crted. **iag I'loffe yea, lere .you, lave yoaiz —'—^—-—•- ' ^

ffitiTHglit, 1«H by Wi q CTiapMiaiLT



Hay Bailars. Tbrsahhig Maddaes, Seyasior aad Fataaan' F a v a s i l e - C i ^ OriUsi All KhMk a« H%h G M ^ b f ^ s ^ linplsaiaals. i^" '*^-* ' '**

Always e a Haad aad Rarahra for aH goods said fay

L.tVl^ ij'iUCK:—One pak fiaedrnrinc lianes (fciy ToantaiiHDCJ, 6 « n n / ^ steers snO 4 ealvpo.

PAR« raOl;UCE:-N}n»stackahay, com. fodaer and straw.

F A R M I M P l . R M R K T R — T w ^ h n r , ; . on. f prmar wagwi. 2 buygW, wh. , 2-borae com planter, 2 replanters,

box, caltivatMS, harrows, plow8,.2 s « ^ sowers, platform scales (weighing 1,000 pooads); dc«Ue set of driving harness, smgle hamees. wagon hamc!^ 2 ladies' saodltts', man's saddle, collars, plow ^tars, enm sh< llM,ga»dwpplgw^ Mck, cartiorondom grindstone. GO-gal-iosoi i t i k aad many other imaiements.

HOUSEHOLD AND K I T C H E N FURNiTURi:. inchiding parlor fami-

Velaiaa Saye Actors and HLliiSiSs | tore, hanging and oth<-r lamps, rxtea-Utteri^PalT tb C^evfy muTl = ^ u ^ " j " ' jabte ««fr taHT t«hlps nair

•Malai iltiialnn sideboard, sofa, chairs, bookcase, desk.

_atraB«er. "Bnt yon have -AB.

wffl ga aad—garget "Wyt-iwaW. -" Bha

in-glauwa. Tba ipy WM retaratng,"

ed -her..°?

htypy wtfa Take By

ABee. "Flaee

k 9 e we^ftBer fltjAnt^'

panted thegM to arm aboat mr

to • aseP

Ob, ftt

"Aa soon an ahgal!" spoke I^aa Al-Ua reverently. Tou «aa Ueat .• as aa own brother."

Thaa they stood. Tbe glaaaar of the atenaligbl Iwadlated seeadag lee'

girfs hewftohlag face aw>saled to 4ae stOTting maaWnsse of her oompaatoa. AH tiie ttea, however, the toeeh of her band, Oe clustuys ofher pM<-

h CatAftt getao- toea lesrowhls kaeas f « r f l e r ~ T h e n HW m t l M T g r

as i>oea u poettble He can see laaay I saw—eot U s wife, bat his sisterta-th.r<^> Uiera. whieh he xaanot s e a t b n r . A g r ^ Ungh of ralM left his sta: , . ig . If he tf not aeeastomed to.f Bpe pra} r.g, and most p*«pie are .sot. ' "Tern. ArtadneT'be tpote. Then he aj<k .^... v ,r.« ^ i i •vnieace by aea- ran boekat-ibe mean spy •arkiag

r ta&c,;.«.<u ..- u«,<e«a iMaie-eeayeevtsr^Mic-**—-^' "l>ea sussateHI" haiht " '*^ wiu b»- t jrpfhat he ooo- "How dare#Tnu malign "my 'wife"

:.!!• < nr and muLea Christ to i Thai-—and that'" ^ ..eaj-t »ric take poaaes- T»i.~« he itrack ihf ml.»rr«a«l

. . . _ __ ci-ja. »,,a.s.h: across

HWnlal IHnslaa.

'«T few actora create a ShutoB on the atags,"

tbe gray-haired aiaa. "Staca g — • tiatght tn J

"Ffaying cooplea hammer it Into •^^•- H^^BW 9K aSO vWvaOBCB (BBS iS^^y

are regalar BarMea aad >aaaa, but they don't look the parts and they ^gJHTngnamr-hr-iud l l jejaf i led

ntne' tricks ec kiokiag a t aacb- other, of speaklni

dry'the matrtmoBliir aDaec: folk onght to obaerve and

tboee slgna. Wbat gao^ H do to harp o» the Me that while omitting ^_tfaat byplay which

wardrobe, bedsteads and beds, bnreaas. wsststands. s<>wing machine, ref rwera-tor,'jee^^boaei vseataa'deanrr, »^eea cooker, washing auchine, wood and oil stoves, carpets, toga, matting aad many^other tMngs too miBWTOOs to minoon, lodaAng eoakmg aad dany utensils,

TERMS:-€hniis of $10.90 snd nnder cash; over that amount a credit of six m n n t l y will ^ g'v'^^Jgl"-*; mHutTsOlt,. intJi lest'beai iiig—Ull! alUl

J . •-. ~-T 11 sr&^ ai ki J si s

CkmpGooit, YaaCit



aawENRKM—^ ,.1 ^ > \ . '

denotes movv surely U u a aiqr war& . tlMjftlataace of t b e t i e r ~

"Now aad tbea. It is traa. aa actor, either by accldeat or design, falls into a part la which he BOP-HIII t/ hm m « ^

with laaniaga certtt-In a t a n eat play.

a^y plastered ] la

tlBpMdton. Kvea If there a Hae to indicate Ms mar

Tiaga to Ua otage wife a o oas eoald Ibr aa laataat deebt the rslstlsaiiktp.

he deseat talk lb h*t. ilvda Ifca away. Bat that lOatfoa la Hatred. )ea)oasy. reveaga. love are expieescd with more or lose mri l t r

mm. Hb-'S^^^A?

G E 0 . 1 > . B « X ] ^ =

"Do yoB A thiak yooT cAcstes cst>

f>ll . i . WALTSR «fi&NHAikD, -

- S l f P O E C N DENTI_ST-_^At Mansssss »very Tdsaday Tnonidsy. - ^

Washiiigton address : 710 Uth j street. iC^W. l

>fcniy IC. K^M ^-Cn

bmba, Spgies, Ladis, I)o»rv^i ,r OF ALL KINDS.


tf>i.~ ^r'^'k^^-'^^^ "^ i«». ?' '*^ •*^^ ; ; I ^^^ Offiea: No. l U N. Uaioe Street Factory: No. I l l N. Lee Street ALEXANDRIA. VA.

»1th "T

aad don't see how tbe

they can. for

W e r e Stteea

a>a tace. TO^TM.-Suhscr--v> for THF Jom.NAL. Get Tbe Journal's Prices o i r M Worfr

Page 8: |g!i^^^^ j^ j^l^^nsj^.s:Bm^ ^t. eeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...marie county t: charming little program of songs -A Bill to_El:Qvide for a Soil Sur-- and




LJ?imt Pag.

• Of all women in'lEe worM, probably those on the stage are

.M9?J_CL0SETJ^0R J'OUljgX.Bwst particular dwut their per-, ««»W.r .w. Strew L.ld on CurUTrt « > M J appearance, and especially

In Front of Hou»e at Main* Jjn^ Uie care of Jhe^ha^ri and wi iea -V ' gyvHwwrt auium. ' j y„^.}, leading stage beauties as

" t o the curtAin-frout type ol poulttt I Eth^il Bi?i^more:Elsie Ferguson, .botiBe used at the Maine experimeat Natalie Ait. Louise Dresser, Rose nnanon~» fHaiuru of the oiigin«i-^«» Cogtilanr Laurette Taylor and on which conilderable streaa W M „ » u „ ; , „ n „ Uidwa. the tanvaa curtain In front niany Others are PO/enthusiastic of the rooita. " j about Harmony Hair Beautifier

ThiB curtain, together- wHh th* • gg ^Q ^^jjg jj, praise of it, that is tack wan of the home and the drop- j ^ , . , . , ., . .. j„„^ pings board under the roosts, formed certiiinly evidence that It does S closet In which the birds were shut just what they say it does —that

t' Tien the curtaln-fi ont houae was th i s iQwii,

to provide such a closet to conaerre ' and men, too, who regard it as (he body heat of the birds during the ! indispensable, because it makes «old nl^ta when the temperature . , . , . , .,, Bight go weTl below lero. Erpe-i the hair gkss ier and more_silky. rience baa ahown, however, t^at this easier to dresB an(d make Stay in waa a mistake. ActuaJ test 'how* p,g Sprinkle a little on your that the roosting closet is of no ad- r . , . . , , ,.,-»•' vantage, eveff In «ueh & severe cll-ha»p each time before-brushing xiate'as'that of Orono. On the oon-1 it. Contains no oil; will not trary. the birds certainly thrive bet-'^.j^ i ^ ^f jjair. nor darken ter without the v>ost curtain thas-i .V>T With it. It has been a general ob-, gray haif. aervatlon among nsers of the curtain j To keep hair and'£Calp dan-from type . f house that when t h e ^ jj.f ^ ig^j, ygg Har-Most curtains are used the blrda are „, n>, • i- • j parflcuiarix sueceptibie to coida. It niony Shampoo. This pure hquid «• aet hajjl tn iindnnitanrl why thia cViampnn pivpw nn instAnteneniia

ischooKthaLflur young people | may obtain the specialized train- f! ing now imperatively demanded


eioset—wirenr it Is openea m the ^ i. • j morning—U-plainly had- The laet-elxates to-every part oi hair and thilt It In TJirm tn nn irw ftffmti eaalp, inauring a auicki thfaroBHb physiologically the evils of !ta lack cleansing. Washed off just as of oxygen and eioees of carbon «• . , . i.-oxid. atmmoniacai vapors, and other quickly, the entire operation

' ' ' ^ h S S ^ U5e past tt ha. been feu ^'a'"* « « t ^ « « ^ha^ thirtur Williiiift uiuin ••• ai tymr^mrrr- ipavpa no' barannfisa flr on necessary, if not in fact a positive evil. Conse<iaently tb« time of be-f l t i i i l in tn-etrtex TPW most, unrtjiln in the faH has been each year longer delayed. Finally, In the tall of"1810; it was decided not to ase these ear-tains at all rfnrin* the'winter. Con-nfMHrff T »>"-T- V-1- tffi III II f tllff fffnrmpM. Rft Hnrn punrAPtagA house. or~BpHtwl' to "the roof, as the case might be. "th* winter of iUlU-li WW a urere one.—On Myeni eeear. siona the temperattire dropped to 80 degrpBs helrxar rero. ' Yet dnrlag tht» winter the mortaliQr waa etceiptiana^ ly low and tbo egg production eocoep-Uonaily hl«*,. V _ _ __ _„ .

In view of tfala experience' the rtik-tion nas aecioea .t6 dlateliU&iie tliB use of the loort curtain. It >ronld

your mooey back^ the more than 7,000 Rexal! Stores, and tH this town only by u8.^DoweU'8 Fbatmaef, Mapas-

seem t o t i s smumUr uua—^HMii ai least unnocaaaair. .

Hole at Emh EiKt

T h i s o g g hnli lar <« maAa trrnn onrw.

rugated «trawboard, the egg being fit-serted by opening an overlapping Joint At tllB ttlrftt The, «v^T»t«tiii>y 1« prJiTTlttwt

With a small hole at each end so that

Safety Egg Holder.

it may be opened and closed wttlioat tearing It, say*, tbe Fttpnlar Meehaa-

ing eggs safely^Sy^~4)arcel post, or carrying them lylth UM Ity' 6T" "EreaKage.

"^uee^VQ By The weO-fed and weO-cved-fttr tawi

Is the one tkat bringa UM proOt. When tke oM hen bekiaa to )Kf and

whip her dilAa Wr'~timF' to ~ m a them. ' "

Fall chlckena find a good market as roasters dmiaf Jaaaary, February and

f-tickin&s. — BodrprepiaiTatiohs'cofhe in o^d-

courses enriched and better salaries offered that better teach-

- naasas, in the face of ?aH this

f haped, very ornameiltal bottles, with sprinkler 'tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier,$1..0O.- Harmony

to satisfy you in every way, or

Uweg Possftje Prkes— Fair, Honest Dealing and CourieoDS Trealmenl

fheae atre tke cardinal prin cq>ie« <#Miy baaMMBwrrdigibnu Csive j|;i(^ a caU and try them OMt. ' ' " - ' ' -•

Price Paid for Conn-in I v i d i a n y l S


MANASSASfROOF Slionld Coantc* pTrry Maaat -tion

telling th& merits of a i etnedy. Bids you (Sause and .believe

e's a Manassas A Manaasaa eitizen testiftas. Read and be conviBeed.

Qmrry St., Manassas, Va., says: "I have iMd aearcely any trooble with ray kidneys since Doan's Kidney Pills m n J Ijii^tjiu j tais age. TVe snriarm

Tire I»«»«Tte*wtn' !• gpowlag j^^nt j g^^^ ^^ g^ ^^^ ^Si VO^ Ibeyond the » 0 f » •¥ »L^»eftja^»UL, _^

yean ana BIM taat th«y AM )ust aa re{xreaented. Tbey~BOt only regulate tbe aetioa «t nay kidaeya.-bat acted at a toaic Anodwr of oiy family also had Ssa naolta tatmt t^


Egg shells miy ba «tflla«d a second « i » » » « i asked aitd Uuaad OT<it \u ifca chickens.

Tho brooder baa not, as yet. reaebed fire stage of ^adaotlaa that the !»«•• hator has.

" Lart of mulsiBra IB—tin—lucubaior For aale by aU JealwB. Price GO aeann tough shells and dead ehicka at

hatching tiiiiA. — leanta. goataTv-Miltigrn j?o,. To (Qcceeafuny B>« egg* to the artt-1 New' Ten I . aula

llcial batcbea one mast, if posslbU, aa- j States. «ure ecKS of the hlgh^tvl^lltr Bemuabet (ha nsme-nnans ai

^K " " i?f* . t ^^^^."^ ^ take no other. ItO-tt eptnb«r will bring twice as maeh l ' ^«r aa the one laid la Mareh or Apri;

----•y*Wa~»***T -4aytac - • » « • • • r«l« 4ef\rAu',c, fnvQciDfDal egg record* are , '^ i-. ATTIEY nr[ p, iruATHtee of atreag, w ^ J W o * 3*.;,;».•'' "—..m---• r- -it

again, more time is called than tTiesTiort term school

Finally, putting aside the ques­tion of any material gain^to be had from education, what is to be said of ita cultural side —the eoupses in literature, in music, in history and in pure science? There must be time for these things, lor it is these influences

meanlng«r«rvalue, that feed' inner spiritual hfe and immeas­urably enrich i t. The short term school, Jiowever, has no more lime for enriching cu l tura l courses than it has for specialized indu« trial training.

Shall we then, in Manassas, argued the debaters, %&, our faces to the past .when the educational world is everywhere pressing for­ward ? The whole South is arous­ing to the fact that if it wants to kwp {lauw with the lest irf the modern world, it must make its schfl la gftuaUo the bast. Every. where tfa )ugn tno aitdM Ihe r g motest rural schools are having their terms lengthened, their

geneial progress, go back when it has already accomplishfed so much? When the State practi-calU-Sttiffi&rtAjair.jygh schgolBt, and enables it to maintain sRind-arHa n( work onlv to be found in large city schools, shairwe then fail to support even our schools prepaititory to it, cut down our Manassas district schools to six months, and^«ir kupge Manassas graded school with its three hun. dred chHdrer to w veft months? What will this mean but ohdoitig aU t «» »"'-'f ^f «'hip post, tnwinng

Tisk of losing the State ai^ropri-ation itself.

The arguments advanced by the affirmative debaters were so

nsweraWe that-the judgi ^saly-gave the decisioJLin their

tfavor.' as, indeed; did thS.signers [ of ; fli#1g#tftidn tiKu1aaie4 iast spring, which askedToUave the school levy restored; for in the short spade of three days names fcpffocwtiHg BOttflv two thifdo of the taxable property of the dis-trifj. werft •«;p<'nr«»d favnrah>p to

the restoration of the levy. At the conclusion of the debate,

J)r. W. F. Merchant made a rfe port of the work done by Dr. M Lewis and himself in the {^ysical examinationtof the pupils in the Manassas schools. About 90 per cent of thel>upils. he said, suf­fered from some physical defect, which, in most case^ coukl be easily retiCTad by ptgmpt jitteii-.

Upon the concltision of the feport, Mr. Tyler msved that a Tote of tbemlfB- be eirt'

ed tha(

the frank statemenT^TnSiBSI^43^J4*U^diailt .«ld^Dr. L«wia for their geneQbus services to Ihe .whole community iit getting the tinpff*f«*:-MUwma»nfcfanawfetal-

under way. The v«' e was unani mously carried. A fuller report

TTiiiiam-j'ooie, prop, watt {>apar awpa QJ tihg inspection made tn tne schools will be pobtehed within a short time. — t i r W T SfPorPthPTi announced a«t tih«>ugk-] iea^Se£t.&<>f Mr

*r*S^::!^^S''^J^^kt:TL,;lJsv^ xaS: himself. ,tfi? scfvieoo of one of the best oca-

and Reduction Will Be Extended FOR TEN DAYS

TRY US AND FIND OUT It is not literally tme^ ag has been said, that THE JUUKIMAL does job work for nothing, but itrff very Ti€5ariy tarue« vHir prices are so low tti&t~tt is not to be wondered that the above idea gained credence. Try us and find oiit ::;

lists iji .WM.bingtQiL had secured. The oculist in question would come to Manassas and at | reduced ratca treat the cases re-

Manassas Transfer Co.,

ported for eye defects by Dr. | Menjhanf and Dr. Lewis. |

The league then ad}«HnM4 to| T^ti^t Afrain in March. \

• -^ - - C«» W M T U M M

N W i i . * n . M^ .

. ! • - ^ - ^ r—

W A S H I N G T O N . D. C . U. S. A.

.-Nal-only^jufe the^naott advanced styles shownAer^tgg ~^ooft-a»-produced, but in~many cases the very latest

i-4deas-orifflnateAei^And_«y# carned^^^ i|H> My^

NEW TAFFETA RUFFLINGS, with the picot - black, to be used on dresses, hate, and lackc jackets.

. in white or A YARD........



A lARiJ ,\..a'.'.^~'.: 50cto$1.00 .-JE^JgMWDUS-PLEATlNGS, of mois^roof maline.

• • • • * • * ' T i .-

SIACKTIIOIRE-EUFPONGSjfei^flott^ ^^oftSmsedt^iSfefhe simulated

- S^nh^^A YA ^ SL5Q ACCORDION-PLEATED CHIFFONS, in plain coiors and black and whit*; also

ijr&e E ^ t y Dolly V^rden desigtisj widths 1 9 ^ 36 inches. —-.—A YARD • • • • >. .....u., 7-

- * » * - » * * . ' .CJ- - -V • - * ^ * ^ « « » * * 1

Pleating Store-Street Floor