getting the most out of mentorship

A Little Help... Getting the Most Out of Mentorship

Upload: stephanie-duncker

Post on 14-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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Page 1: Getting the Most Out of Mentorship

A Little Help...Getting the Most Out of Mentorship

Page 2: Getting the Most Out of Mentorship

3 Types of Mentors

- Sponsor or Advocate

- Experienced Guide

- Coach

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Types of Mentoring Relationships

- Single Leader

- Mixed Level

- Peer

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Qualities of a Good Mentee

- Self Directed

- Appreciative

- Enthusiastic

- Communicative

- Open-minded

- Honest

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Questions to think about:- What is it you really want you (or your

company) to do or be?- What are you doing well to help you get there?- What are you not doing well that is preventing you

from getting there?- What will you do differently to meet those

challenges?- Where do you need help?- How do you define success in the mentoring relationship?

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What can you get out of mentorship?- Advice on business trajectory/options- Learn to develop maximum potential- Learn to set business goals and strategies to achieve

them- Expand networks and broaden horizons- To use the successful person as a role

model- Get a big picture view of your business

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Picking the Right Mentor

- Can being my mentor be of value for them?

- Do I like and respect this person?- Does this person have the time and interest?

- Can this person help open doors/create opportunity for me?- Does this person have the personality and relevant skillset to challenge me in unexpected ways?

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Tips for Success- Know what your goals

are- Document the


- Pick the right settings

- Be open, honest and actively listen- Know when it’s not

working - Manage Expectations (!!)- Give thanks &


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Knowing what your goals areThink about what you want to achieve broadly. What is the "vision" of the relationship and what does success look like?

Activity 1: Try working backwards and describing yourself "after" the mentoring.

Activity 2: Figure out how will you know when you have achieved the goals of mentoring.

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Picking the right setting

- Don’t meet at loud places- Find a place where you can speak freely- Make sure the location is convenient to your mentor- Set next meeting time at the end of each


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Documenting the Meeting- Compose meeting agendas in advance- Make sure every agenda item drives

outcomes- Give your mentor time to review agenda & provide feedback- Prioritize important items first

- Try to estimate how long each item will take to go through- Summarize the meeting, focusing on key takeaways and action items

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Be Open, Honest & Actively Listen

- Commit to challenging yourself & your assumptions

- Take notes or record the session

- Repeat back in your own words

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Know when it’s not working

- Make sure there’s chemistry

- Don’t drag on a relationship

- Don’t hold mentors on a pedestal

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Giving Thanks & Feedback

- Say thank you whenever you can

- Provide specific examples of ways they’ve helped you

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Managing Expectations- Establish communication protocol

- Establish procedures for setting up meetings- Identify availability and frequency of meeting times

- Renegotiate mentoring agreement when things change

- Set ground rules

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Set Ground Rules

- Helps both parties understand their rights & responsibilities- Establishes boundaries of the relationship

- Determines the scope of what’s discussed- Clarifies issues w/ legal ramifications (like


Know what to expect from the mentoring relationship

- Availability of mentor outside of session- Other considerations: (notes, cancellations, sessions)

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Sample Ground Rules

- Both parties will be on time to meetings (or alert otherwise)- Both parties will be open-minded & non-judgemental

- As confidential as is legally possible- Meetings take place in a quiet, private place w/ vegan


- Either party can withdraw whenever necessary

- Will only discuss professional life

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You Need to Have Ownership Over Your Own


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