getting started with oracle data mining on the cloud...getting started with oracle data mining on...

Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle Data Mining Amazon Machine Image (AMI) version 0.86 © 2010 Oracle All Rights Reserved

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Page 1: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud

A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle Data Mining

Amazon Machine Image (AMI)version 0.86

© 2010 Oracle – All Rights Reserved

Page 2: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

How to use this guide…

• This guide is intended to be more pictorial than textual.

• Screen captures of the various tool interfaces you need to use have been annotated with numbered steps , highlighted areas , and occasional guiding text.

• For textual descriptions, see the ODM on the Cloud Detail webpage.


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Page 3: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

Before you start…

• Download and install

– PuTTYgen and PuTTYDownload All

– Oracle Data Miner Classic GUI for 11gDownloadInstallation Instructions

• Connecting to the cloud

– Connecting the first time requires some setup

– Connecting subsequently is very easy (see slides 33 and 34)

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Page 4: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle


Create an AWS Account

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Page 5: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle


Sign in to the AWS Management Console

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Page 6: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle


Create and Download a Key Pair

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Page 8: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

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1-save use in PuTTYgen(see default download folder)


Page 9: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle


3-select the key pair .pem file created from AWS


Open PuTTYgen

2-select All Files

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Page 11: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle


Restrict Access to Your Instance

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Page 12: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

Create a Security Group

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Page 13: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

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1-populate fields with SSH, TCP, 22, 22, your IP or group

2-click save

Note: your host IP address can be

found via

Minimally, specify <IP address>/0

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1-create a second row, populating fields with SSH, TCP, 1521, 1521, your IP or group

2-click save

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Launch the ODM AMI Instance

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Look up the ODM AMI named “ami-117b9778”

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Note: It may take up to 30 seconds or more

for the search to complete.

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1-select your key pair

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1-select your security group

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Note: It will take several minutes

for the AMI instance to be

in the running state.

Page 22: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

1-click to refresh

2-click to show details

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Page 23: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

1-copy this hostname for PuTTY

Copy the Instance Public DNS

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Page 24: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

1-paste Public DNS from AWS

2-provide a name 3

4 5

6-select .ppk file created from PuTTYgen

Open PuTTY



Note: The following

steps are required

whether you are

inside or outside

a firewall.

Page 25: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

This step is needed only if inside a firewall

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3-specify your proxy server

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5-login as root

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Page 28: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

If you are inside a firewall…

• You may require tunneling to allow Oracle Data Miner to connect to the database instance

• The following steps enable tunneling

• IMPORTANT: If you are outside a firewall, you do not need to keep the PuTTY window open to access your AMI instance using Oracle Data Miner. If you are inside a firewall, you must keep the PuTTY window open to access your AMI instance using Oracle Data Miner.

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Page 29: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

1-type ifconfig2-copy inet address for PuTTY tunnels specification

8-specify an open port

9-paste inet addrand add “:1521”


4-Open PuTTY



75-select name of saved session

29Note: Remember the port number specified

in 8 above for connecting to Oracle Data Miner

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4-login as root

Note: When within a firewall, you must keep this PuTTY

window open for the duration of your connection

to the AMI instance.

Page 31: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

Open Oracle Data Miner ClassicWindows: <odminer folder>/bin/odminerw.exeMacOS: cd <odminer folder>/bin (from terminal window)

chmod +x odminer./odminer &

1-choose a previously created connection, or click New…

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Page 32: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

1-assign a connection name

2-specify user dmuser and password dmuser

3-if inside a firewall specify host as localhost with port, e.g., 6000, otherwise, specify host as the Public DNS with port 1521

4-specify SID as ‘odmdb’



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Note: On Mac OS, to be able to cut and paste content, e.g., Public DNS in host field,

select menu ToolsPreferences. Click tab Environment and

set Look and Feel to OS Default. Restart Oracle Data Miner.

Page 33: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

You’ve arrived. Start mining…

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Page 34: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

Connecting the second time…outside the firewall

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1-choose previously created connection

Open Oracle Data Miner Classic


…that’s it!

Page 35: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

Connecting the second time…inside the firewall

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1-Open PuTTY


2-select name of saved session


5-login as root

Note: When within a firewall, you must keep this PuTTY

window open for the duration of your connection

to the AMI instance.

6-Open Oracle Data Mineras before

Page 36: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

To Shutdown Your AMI Instance


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Page 37: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

1-right click the instance row

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Note: When you terminate an instance, all user

work is wiped out. Starting a new AMI instance

provides a clean environment.

Page 38: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle


In Oracle Data Miner,this error message may mean tunnelingis either not configured or configured incorrectly

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Page 39: Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud...Getting Started with Oracle Data Mining on the Cloud A step-by-step graphical guide to launching and connecting to the Oracle

To access the database via SQLPLUS

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1-login as root

2- login as “oracle” using su - oracle

3-login to the dmuser schemasqlplus dmuser/dmuser

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