getting back on the horse presented by shawn bakker mbti ® professional development conference

Getting Back on the Horse Presented by Shawn Bakker MBTI ® Professional Development Conference

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Getting Back on the Horse

Presented by Shawn Bakker

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


• Reintroduction to the MBTI & Personality Type• Review the MBTI feedback process• Cover steps for effective interpretation• Try some workshop activities

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Why the MBTI Instrument?

The MBTI assessment is a useful tool for• Identifying your “default style”• Understanding how this impacts your

approach to life• Recognizing individual differences• Determining specific needs of other people

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

MBTI AssessmentForm M (Step I) instrument: • 93 items• Produces only Step I results• Available online and self-scorable

Form Q (Step II) instrument: • 144 items (including the 93 Step I items)• Produces Step I and Step II results• Must be computer scored to produce Step II





MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Introducing the MBTI• Purpose and Objectives • Not a test• Participation is voluntary, results are

confidential• No time limit

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Introducing the MBTI

“Try to respond from your most natural self, not who you “have to be” due to work or personal demands; who others think you are; who you wish you were; or who you are trying to become.”

“Inconsistent answers are normal”

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

The Interpretation Process

• Step 1: Introduction of MBTI Theory and “Preferences” using Handedness exercise

• Step 2: Define the 4 Dichotomies with Self-Assessment

• Step 3: Hand back results• Step 4: Verify Type• Step 5: Take Action

MBTI® Professional Development Conference



• Your MBTI results belong to you• The MBTI instrument is not a skills or

intelligence assessment • Certain personality types are not “better” or

“worse” than others, nor are certain types better or worse for certain jobs

• Our goal is to make constructive use of type differences

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

MBTI ® Results

Indicate preferences—inborn predispositions—on four pairs of opposite preferences, called “dichotomies”





















MBTI® Professional Development Conference




Extraversion or Introversion

This dichotomy is about energy

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Extraversion or Introversion

People who prefer Extraversion:

• Focus their energy and attention outward

• Are interested in the world of people and things

People who prefer Introversion:

• Focus their energy and attention inward

• Are interested in the inner world of thoughts and reflections

We all use both preferences, but usually not with equal comfort.

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

E-I Effect on Work Styles

Extraversion• Prefer to communicate by talking• Work out ideas by talking them

through• Learn best by doing or discussing• Have broad interests• Sociable & expressive• Readily take initiative in work &


Introversion• Prefer to communicate by writing• Work out ideas by reflecting on

them• Learn best by reflection, mental

“practice”• Focus in depth of their interests• Private & contained• Take initiative when the situation is

very important to them

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Sensing or Intuition

This dichotomy is about perception

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Sensing or Intuition

People who prefer Sensing: • Prefer to take in

information using their five senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste

People who prefer Intuition:

• Go beyond what is real or concrete and focus on meaning, associations, and relationships

We all use both preferences, but usually not with equal comfort.

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

S-N Effect on Work Styles

Sensing• Oriented to present realities• Trust experience• Factual & concrete• Focus on what is real & actual• Observe & remember specifics• Build carefully & thoroughly toward

conclusions• Understand ideas & theories

through practical applications

Intuition• Oriented to future possibilities• Trust inspiration• Imaginative & verbally creative• Focus on patterns & meanings• Remember specifics when they

relate to a pattern• Follow hunches• Want to clarify ideas & theories

before putting them into practice

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Thinking or FeelingThis dichotomy is about decision making

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Thinking or Feeling

People who prefer Thinking:

• Make their decisions based on impersonal, objective logic

People who prefer Feeling:

• Make their decisions with a person-centered, values-based process

We all use both preferences, but usually not with equal comfort.

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

T-F Effect on Work Styles

Thinking• Analytical• Use cause-and-effect reasoning• Solve problems with logic• Strive for an objective standard

of truth• Reasonable• Can be “tough-minded”• Fair – want everyone treated


Feeling• Empathetic• Guided by individual needs• Assess impact of decisions on

people• Strive for harmony & positive

interactions• Compassionate• May appear “tender-hearted”• Fair – want everyone to be

treated as an individual

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Judging or PerceivingThis dichotomy is about the attitude you bring to

your external life

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Judging or Perceiving

People who prefer Judging: • Want the external world

to be organized and orderly

• Look at the world and see decisions that need to be made

People who prefer Perceiving:

• Seek to experience the world, not organize it

• Look at the world and see options that need to be explored

We all use both preferences, but usually not with equal comfort.

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

J-P Effect on Work Styles

Judging• Scheduled• Organize their lives• Systematic• Methodical• Make short- & long-term plans• Like to have things decided• Try to avoid last-minute stresses

Perceiving• Spontaneous• Flexible• Casual• Open-ended• Adapt, change course• Like things loose & open to

change• Feel energized by last-minute


MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Working with Teams and Individuals

Verify type – then make it MATTER Activities combined with Action Plans to build


Activity Suggestions For Individuals: Address strengths and

developmental areas For Teams: Splitting activities and action

planningMBTI® Professional Development Conference

Splitting Activities for Teams

E and I: Ideal work Environment To communicate with us effectively...

S and N: What do you See? Directions to the Airport?

T and F: A Friend’s Wardrobe. Working with a friend/slacking colleague.

J and P: Work - Play Would you take a dream trip?

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

As a Facilitator…. Capture similarities and differences Discuss impact of differences on team

communication, performance, dynamics Highlight the value that comes from having both

preferences in a team; acknowledge contributions!

Acknowledge the need to give each side what they need to be their best – How do we do this? Help the team action-plan during each activity

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Type is Not . . .

• Intelligence• Maturity• Development• Stress• Emotional health

There is variation within each type and type does not measure:

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Extraversion – Introversion

Form groups based on your preference for Extraversion or Introversion

• Describe your ideal working environment• Record its characteristics on a flip-chart

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


E – I Effect on Work StylesPeople who prefer Extraversion tend to:

People who prefer Introversion tend to:

Talk things through Think things through

Take action, get going Reflect before acting

Want to be involved Want to be informed

Prefer face-to-face communication Prefer writing or one-on-one communication

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Sensing - Intuition

What do you see?

MBTI® Professional Development Conference



S – N Effect on Work StylesPeople who prefer Sensing tend to:

People who prefer Intuition tend to:

Focus on practical realities Focus on future possibilities

Want practical data Want the big picture

Build carefully to conclusions Look for connections and patterns

Rely on experience Rely on innovative ideas

Say, “If it’s not broken, don’t fit it.” Say, “Let’s try something new.”

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Thinking - FeelingForm groups based on your preferences for

Thinking or Feeling• You are a sales manager for a team of 6 sales

people.• You can award two all-expenses-paid trips to

Hawaii.• Each salesperson wants to go.• How do you decide who is going?

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


T – F Effect on Work StylesPeople who prefer Thinking tend to:

People who prefer Feeling tend to:

Step back to get an objective view Step in and identify with the people involved

Analyze pros and cons Assess impacts on people

Focus on tasks Focus on relationships

Value competence Value harmony and support

Be “fair” Be “fair”

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


Judging - Perceiving

• How comfortable would you be with leaving this room, going to the airport, and catching a flight to a dream location?

• Comfortable?• Uncomfortable?• Somewhere In-between?• What thoughts go through your mind?

MBTI® Professional Development Conference


J – P Effect on Work StylesPeople who prefer Judging tend to:

People who prefer Perceiving tend to:

Want clear goals See goals as moving targets

Make plans and follow them Want flexible plans, options

Develop schedules and time frames Follow general parameters and time frames

Drive to “wrap it up” Wait for decisions to emerge

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Action Planning Every Individual and Group session should wrap-up with an

action plan What will we change? What will we improve given our insights?

Framework Suggestions Start, Stop, Continue Johari Window Activity Personal Operations Manual: Contributions, what I need, What I

overdo/Overlook, what Annoys me, how I annoy others Benefits of: E-I, S-N, T-F, J-P

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Start, Stop, ContinueStart: Stop: Continue:

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

MBTI® Professional Development Conference

Personal Operating ManualAnswer the following questions to create an “Operating

Manual” on how others can best work with you.• The special contributions I make are...• I do my best work when...• I struggle to do my best work when...• On the job, I get irritated by...• I know that I annoy others by...• The most important thing I want you to know about

me is...

MBTI® Professional Development Conference