getgo glasgow research


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Getgo Glasgow research presentation for regional final Sustain our Nation 2010


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Page 2: Getgo Glasgow Research

Stakeholder Interviews

Tool Use

October November December JanuarySeptember

Set- up of GetGo

GetGo branding

Co-creation Workshop

Co-development Workshop




Green GorillazTool Development




Finding the Community

Community Council Meeting

A quick overview of our project so far.

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19/01/2010 13:30wyndford, glasgpw - Google Maps

Page 1 of 1…gdom&ll=55.883953,-4.283552&spn=0.016319,0.037036&z=15&pw=2

Address Wyndford RdGlasgow, Lanarkshire G20UK

©2009 Google - Map data ©2009 Tele Atlas -

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19/01/2010 13:30wyndford, glasgpw - Google Maps

Page 1 of 1…gdom&ll=55.883953,-4.283552&spn=0.016319,0.037036&z=15&pw=2

Address Wyndford RdGlasgow, Lanarkshire G20UK

©2009 Google - Map data ©2009 Tele Atlas -

city centre

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19/01/2010 13:30wyndford, glasgpw - Google Maps

Page 1 of 1…gdom&ll=55.883953,-4.283552&spn=0.016319,0.037036&z=15&pw=2

Address Wyndford RdGlasgow, Lanarkshire G20UK

©2009 Google - Map data ©2009 Tele Atlas -

city centre

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19/01/2010 13:30wyndford, glasgpw - Google Maps

Page 1 of 1…gdom&ll=55.883953,-4.283552&spn=0.016319,0.037036&z=15&pw=2

Address Wyndford RdGlasgow, Lanarkshire G20UK

©2009 Google - Map data ©2009 Tele Atlas -

city centre

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this is Wyndford.

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there’s lots of open space

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it’s an enclosed community

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it’s got lots of potential projects

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a developing community spirit

picture from–-but-the-battle-continues/

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and the people talked to us!

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We made lots of tools to help us find out people’s opinions, gain recognition and engage the community.

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“we want more fun things to do!”

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mapping out the best and worst places on the estate

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door to door interviews

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“there is community spirit but it’s invisible”

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tea and biscuits

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“the kids have nothing to do so they drink and commit crimes and he’s scared of them like alot of the community are.”

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the wish board

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Alex Dingwall, SNP Councillor

Marie & Aileen, CUBE Housing Association

Wendy Gorman, Ruchill Youth Project

stakeholder interviews

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research analysis

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e i

n W




Communal lighting is on 24/7

The estate is ugly

Rubbish on the streets

Unsafe areas

The physical environment creates a stereotype of the community members from both outside and within.

Find opportunities to improve the physical environment.

The physical environmentmanufactures a stereotype of the community members from both outside and within.

Lack of communication between o�cial organisations and the community.

police don’t understand the real issues

CUBE don’t deal with issues

CCTV is not reviewed

Regeneration o�ce could be better used

CUBE create problems and then don’t deal w ith them or try to treat them, not prevent them in the �rst place.

Open communication channels between CUBE and the community.

Anti-social behaviour


There is nothing to do

kids left on their own




kids not allowed to go out to activites

Youths lack role models, inspiration, and challenges.

There are no inter-generational meeting opportunities.

Parents don’t take time to do things with their kids.

Opportunities that are attractive for all ages and creates a community space.

Open communication channels between youths and adults.

United community spirit is invisible.

lack of hope

con�ict between groups

community spirit is invisible

No place for parents to meet each other

no community voice

con�ict of interests


no meeting point

Poor relationships within families and the community mean kids don’t have role models and therefore lack aspiration and challenges.

The closure of the school means there is nomeeting point for parents and has led to social bullying by parents from other schools.

Opportunities for family activities, either as a single unit or with other families.

Create interaction opportunities for parents both within and outside of the estate.

Issues Insights Opportunities Co-Creation Workshop Proposals

Green Gorillaz

The goal we had was to create pride and ownership in the community. Inspired by the Guerrilla Gardening movement to reclaim urban landscapes, Green Gorillaz was formed out of the idea of acts of urban terrorism on the right side of the law. The Green Gorillaz is a collective of residents spanning the generations, coming together to create short term and long term projects that promote communication, healthy environments and eating habits.

Wyndford Olympics

Wyndford olympics is a monthly event that uses the physical space to hold competitive events. It promotes intergenerational activities, provides young people with something to do and inspires communities to rediscover their surroundings in a new and inventive way. It is fun, involves minimal costs and is organised by a small team of residents. The olympics are organised via a central scoreboard that is in the centre of Wyndford where events and winners are announced.

Super Duper School

It would have numerous facilities, and open 24h. The people of Wyndford would be asked what they wanted there. Bingo would run one evening because everyone likes bingo, and the money raised would be invested back in the school as resources. The children would use these resources to put on a show at the next Bingo, to get people to come back and show that their money is really re-invested back into the children.

Go Wyndford Leisure Centre

A community hub that runs projects for young and old encouraging inter-generational involvement. The community hub is shaped closely with the community and the local agencies integrating skills development schemes and the activities will be run by community members.

Green Gorillaz

Green Gorillaz


Consultation Platform

This proposal will focus on spanning the generations, and bringing together the communityto fight the war of Glasgow Marble (cement)! Bringing back an injection of pride into their community by a series of projects that promote communication, healthy environments and active healthy eating habits.

This proposal will focus on providing Wyndford community with diversionary activities. Some activities will raise funds to support others. Activities will be focussed for all age groups in the community and use the local surroundings as inspiration. Funding could be put towards permanent installations as well as regular events and meetings. Key is incentives and regular evaluation.

This proposal will focus on making the consultation process for regeneration and development work more transparent, leading to more sustainable outcomes. It will enable communication between authorities and key community members and these key community members and other members of the community. The proposal will use the situation in Wyndford as a prototype scheme.

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Councillor Alex Dingwall

The Police

Glasgow City Council

Councillor Dingwall lobbies the Council for better policy decisions

CUBE’s policies make their lives harder

Kids like going there

Still doesn’t trust the project

Thinks CUBE’s policies are detrimental for the area

Finds CUBE’s policies unhelpful and makes their work harder

The council provides funding to the Regeneration Agency & the Shaky

Thinks the Council is useless

Doesn’t feel trusted by the police

Regeneration Agency


Would like to do a project in Wyndford but can’t get the funding

Active but very little uptake

Work with the police on minor offences

Frustrated that CUBE didn’t apply for funding for a new youth engagement officer

Wants to create an environment of trust and loves within the environment

Negative attitude


Postive attitude

Could try harder!

Background activities

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our key insights...

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The physical environment creates a stereotype of the community members from both outside and within.

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Parents don’t take time to do things with their kids.

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There are no inter-generational meeting opportunities.

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Poor relationships within families and the community mean kids don’t have role models and therefore lack aspiration and challenges.

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The closure of the school means there is no meeting point for parents and has led to social bullying by parents from other schools.

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CUBE create problems and then try to deal with them, rather than preventing problems in the first place.

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building trust and getting to know the community champions

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co-creation workshop

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community members and stakeholders came

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showing our insights

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generating ideas

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and sandwiches!

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We mixed up all the ideas from the co-creation workshop to develop two proposals...

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feedback from the community

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community council meeting

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So that was our research. Now here are our proposals...