get well steps - mistyblue cancer care foundation · get well steps the following steps ... vitamin...

Get Well Steps The following steps define a general get-well plan for fighting cancer or any similar systemic disease, no matter whether you are using alternative medicine, conventional medicine or a combination. Because there is no one-size-fits-all get- well plan, these steps have to modified and customized to fit your specific health needs. These steps are only guidelines, so make sure that you do your research and make your own decisions about how to improve your health based on more than one source of information. The 10 Steps of the "Death to Cancer" Get Well Program STEP 1. Increase your knowledge about cancer and its complications, nutrition, exercise, and drugs to provide direction on your journey to wellness. Visit your local library, go to medical-related websites, take classes, and talk to other people with cancer. Education is critical. There is nothing more empowering than learning about your disease, how it works and how it can be treated with and without drugs. This may seem daunting, but, once you get started, you'll gain invaluable insights into your disease, your doctors, Big Pharma, and so much more. STEP 2. Eat the “live” super foods, especially green and bright-colored organic vegetables, dark-colored fruits, raw juices, sea vegetables, grasses, plant protein, plant oils, cold-water fish, legumes, filtered water, and organic whole grains. Buy a steamer, blender, juicer, Foreman grill, and grinder (for flaxseeds). Eat Lots of Vegetables and Some Fruits: Eating lots of vegetables is one of the best ways to nourish the normal cells of your body and not feed too much sugar to the cancer cells. If you have trouble with eating a lot of vegetables, then, try raw juicing and green smoothies. Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage (cruciferous

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Get Well Steps

The following steps define a general get-well plan for fighting cancer or any

similar systemic disease, no matter whether you are using alternative medicine,

conventional medicine or a combination. Because there is no one-size-fits-all get-

well plan, these steps have to modified and customized to fit your specific health


These steps are only guidelines, so make sure that you do your research and make

your own decisions about how to improve your health based on more than one

source of information.

The 10 Steps of the "Death to Cancer" Get Well Program

STEP 1. Increase your knowledge about cancer and its complications, nutrition,

exercise, and drugs to provide direction on your journey to wellness. Visit your

local library, go to medical-related websites, take classes, and talk to other people

with cancer.

Education is critical. There is nothing more empowering than learning about your

disease, how it works and how it can be treated with and without drugs. This may

seem daunting, but, once you get started, you'll gain invaluable insights into your

disease, your doctors, Big Pharma, and so much more.

STEP 2. Eat the “live” super foods, especially green and bright-colored organic

vegetables, dark-colored fruits, raw juices, sea vegetables, grasses, plant protein,

plant oils, cold-water fish, legumes, filtered water, and organic whole grains. Buy

a steamer, blender, juicer, Foreman grill, and grinder (for flaxseeds).

Eat Lots of Vegetables and Some Fruits: Eating lots of vegetables is one of the best

ways to nourish the normal cells of your body and not feed too much sugar to the

cancer cells. If you have trouble with eating a lot of vegetables, then, try raw

juicing and green smoothies.

Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage (cruciferous

vegetables) contain powerful anti-cancer phytonutrients such as sulforaphane,

indole-3-carbinol (I3C), and Diindolylmethane (DIM). And other vegetables such

as onions and garlic (Allium family) contain sulfur, which help to weaken cancer


Some mushrooms have anti-cancer benefits because they contain a large amount

of beta glucan, a polysaccharide carbohydrate that builds the ability of

macrophages in the blood to destroy cancer cells. Examples are Agaricus blazei

murril, maitake, shitake, and reishi. These are powerful anti-tumor mushrooms.

But, keep in mind that mushrooms are not a vegetable but rather a fungal growth.

So mushrooms can disperse their seed-like spores of the fungus throughout the

blood and tissues. For example some edible mushrooms can induce bladder


Avocados: Avocados are an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fat,

vitamins and antioxidants, making it one of the healthiest foods you can eat.

What you may not know, however, is that these super fruits also have cancer-

fighting properties. In one of the latest studies, avocatin B, a type of fat found in

avocados, was found to combat acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which is a

particularly rare and deadly form of cancer.

The study, published in Cancer Research, revealed that avocatin B targets

leukemia stem cells, which are responsible for causing most cases of AML

recurrence. The avocado fat was able to wipe out the leukemia stem cells while

leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Avocados are rich in cancer-fighting carotenoids, which are most plentiful in the

dark-green portion of the flesh that's closest to the skin.

Beans: A study out of Michigan State University found that black and navy beans

significantly reduced colon cancer incidence in rats, in part because a diet rich in

the legumes increased levels of the fatty acid butyrate, which in high

concentrations has protective effects against cancer growth. Another study, in the

journal Crop Science, found dried beans particularly effective in preventing breast

cancer in rats.

Some beans provide genistein from isoflavones with anti-angiogenesis activity

that prevents tumors from growing by inhibiting their ability to create new blood

vessels and working as inhibitors of protein kinase C, an enzyme that fosters

tumor growth.

Beetroot: This dark-red vegetable is a super food with multiple health benefits.

Beets contain anthocyanins which kill cancer cells. It also contains resveratrol, a

potent antioxidant that fights cancer especially blood and brain cancer.

Berries: All berries, especially blueberries, contain ellagic acid and other

polyphenol antioxidants that inhibit tumor growth. But black raspberries, in

particular, contain very high concentrations of phytochemicals called

anthocyanins, which slow down the growth of premalignant cells and keep new

blood vessels from forming (and potentially feeding a cancerous tumor),

according to Gary D. Stoner, PhD, a professor of internal medicine at The Ohio

State University College of Medicine.

Broccoli/Brussels Sprouts: All cruciferous vegetables (e.g. Brussels sprouts,

cauliflower, cabbage, kale) contain sulfur and other cancer-fighting properties,

but broccoli is the only one with a sizable amount of sulforaphane, a particularly

potent compound that boosts the body's protective enzymes and flushes out

cancer-causing chemicals, says Jed Fahey, ScD. A recent University of Michigan

study on mice found that sulforaphane also targets cancer stem cells—those that

aid in tumor growth.

These vegetables are rich in isothiocyanates and indoles, compounds that put the

double whammy on cancer by inhibiting enzymes that activate carcinogens and

stimulating enzymes that deactivate them.

Citrus Peel: Orange, Tangerine, and Lemon Peels: All contain limonene which

stimulates liver detoxification of carcinogens, anti-tumor activity, and induces

differentiation (maturation of cancer cells into healthy cell types).

Tangerine peel supplies tangeritin and nobiletin, which have shown the ability to

inhibit the MMP enzymes that promote the invasive properties of cancer cells.

Carrots: There is no other single food that has been as well-documented as a top

cancer-fighting food. The key however is to select organic carrots and juice the

carrots to obtain optimum benefits.

Drinking carrot juice is one of the best ways to prevent cancer or fight cancer.

According to the "Antioxidant Miracle," carrot juice provides powerful

antioxidants that support health and the immune system. Eating raw or cooked

carrots are great ways to obtain vitamins, minerals and even fiber, yet it would be

difficult to consume enough carrots in your daily routine to meet your body's

cancer prevention needs. The juice from 1 lb. of raw carrots makes one glass of


Carrots contain the carotenoids alpha carotene and beta-carotene, along with

potent antioxidants. Recent studies published in the "Antioxidant Miracle,"

indicate that alpha carotene is a more potent cancer preventative and fighter

than even beta-carotene. Carrots contain one of the few carotenoids with pro

Vitamin A activity, which means that the body converts the beta-carotene into

Vitamin A as needed. In addition, carrots contain calcium pectate, a source of

soluble fiber, Vitamin B-complex, C, D, E and K, iron, calcium and phosphorous

and manganese.

Carrots also contain an antioxidant called falcarinol that has proven to have

anticancer properties. Researchers in the UK and Denmark reduced cancerous

tumors by 1/3 in mice and rats with lab induced cancers.

Additionally, a human study found that consumption of carrot juice increased

blood levels of carotenoids in breast cancer survivors. The researchers believe

that increased carotenoid blood levels acts as a cancer preventive.

Carrot Juice Preparation:

Remove the tops from the carrots. Use organic carrots for juicing to ensure that

you do not introduce pesticides into your juice. Wash the organic carrots before

juicing, but do not peel them. If you do not use organic carrots, wash them using a

vegetable wash solution to remove pesticides and scrape the peel, if desired,

before juicing. The authors from "Juicing for Life, recommend preparing carrot

juice to work in combinations with other nutrient-filled vegetables, to boost

nutrients to fight cancer.

Serve your juice immediately after juicing. According to "Juicing for Life," that is

when the juice is at its peak for flavor and antioxidants. If you cannot drink your

juice immediately, place the juice in an air-tight thermos or cover the juice and

refrigerate it to slow down the oxidation. Begin and end juicing with the softest

vegetables or fruits. For example, to create an cucumber-carrot cocktail, begin

with half of the cucumber, then add the carrots next and end with the remaining

half of the cucumber.

Juicing Recipes Ebook: If you want a lot of juicing recipes and recipes for green

smoothies, get the Death to Diabetes Power of Raw Juicing ebook or hardcopy


Cruciferous and Allium Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables and vegetables from

the allium family contain sulfur, which is able to penetrate the cell walls of cancer

cells, which allows oxygen and nutrients such as Vitamin C to get into cancer cell

and kill it.

Cruciferous vegetables contain myrosinase, a key enzyme involved in the

formation of sulforaphane, which is an anticancer phytonutrient. The myrosinase

is released when the vegetable's cell walls are damaged and it converts

glucoraphanin into sulforaphane.

Scientists believe sulforaphane protects us from bacterial damage in the intestinal

tract which can eventually lead to the development of stomach ulcers and cancer.

Ingredients in broccoli are said to lower your risk of developing breast and

(smoker's) lung cancers, as well as heart disease.

Cruciferous vegetables include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,

broccoli sprouts; and, foods from the allium family include garlic, onions, and


If you don't like to eat raw vegetables, then, you can lightly steam cruciferous

vegetables. Several studies found that lightly steaming Brussels sprouts, broccoli,

cauliflower or cabbage rendered the sulforaphane and glucosinates three times

more bioavailable. Chop up the Brussels sprouts, cabbage or cauliflower and let

them sit for a few minutes so that the myrosinase gets to work. Stick to four or

five minutes of steaming. After steaming, add turmeric, curry powder, cayenne,

sea salt, and/or black pepper for seasoning.

And, don't forget to add the fat (e.g. extra virgin coconut oil, olive oil) after you

finish steaming the vegetables to help with the absorption of the fat-soluble

vitamins and nutrients.

If possible eat the garlic and onions raw. If you can't stand eating raw garlic, slice

them up and let them sit for at least ten minutes before cooking. This will allow

the alliinase enzyme to release alliin, which is converted into allicin, which kills

cancer cells.

Fish: Cold-water fish such as wild salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids, which act

as an anti-inflammatory; strengthen healthy cellular structure, function, and

communication; stimulate immune cells and function; support cancer prevention

and may promote anti-cancer activity. Omega-3 fatty acids also promote brain

and nervous system health.

“Omega-3s can reverse tumor metastasis as well as a tumor’s resistance to

radiation or chemotherapy, and may also enhance the effectiveness and minimize

the toxic side effects of some chemotherapy drugs.” Keith Block, MD,Life Over


Caution: Many fish contain high levels of toxins such as mercury. Generally, the

bigger the fish, the more toxins, and the smaller the fish, the less toxins. Deep-

water, northern ocean fish are best, including salmon, cod, haddock, mackerel,

and sardines.

Garlic: Phytochemicals in garlic have been found to halt the formation of

nitrosamines, carcinogens formed in the stomach (and in the intestines, in certain

conditions) when you consume nitrates, a common food preservative. In fact, the

Iowa Women's Health Study found that women with the highest amounts of garlic

in their diets had a 50 percent lower risk of certain colon cancers than women

who ate the least.

Garlic, onions and leeks and other foods in the Allium Family enhance immune

function and promote the death of cancer cells; and, help to remove carcinogenic

substances such as nitrosamines and N-nitroso compounds that are created in

over grilled meat and during tobacco consumption. In addition, these foods

provide sulfur compounds that help to penetrate the cell wall of cancer cells and

promote the detoxification of carcinogen and cancer-promoting compounds

These foods also help to regulate blood sugar levels that reduces insulin secretion

and IGF and thereby the growth of cancer cells; and, reduces blood clotting and

lowers blood pressure.

Ginger: Ginger, a cousin spice of the super anti-cancer substance turmeric, is

known for its ability to shrink tumors. The subject of one study based out of

Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate

tumor size by 56% in mice.

The anti-cancer properties were observed in addition to ginger’s role in reducing

inflammation as well as being a rich source of life-enhancing antioxidants.

Green Tea: With nearly 200 studies against various types of cancer over the past

10 years, the catechins in green tea are proving to be especially beneficial for

cancer patients. The best amount of green tea includes 3 cups daily. You can

consume it iced, as well as refrigerated then used in other types of food such as

soups and rice.

Herbs and Spices: Various herbs and spices provide health benefits for fighting

cancer, heart disease and diabetes: cayenne, turmeric, ginger, rosemary, thyme

and basil.

Juicing and Green Smoothies: Drink raw juices at least 4 to 6 times a day, if

possible. This is the quickest and easiest way to get critical nutrients into your

cells to fight the cancer. Start with lots of organic carrots; and, then, add

cruciferous vegetables and other green vegetables along with sulfur vegetables

such as garlic, onions and leeks.

If you don't like to juice or if you tired of juicing, then, you can order frozen

wheatgrass and have fresh wheatgrass within a minute! Just make sure that

you're ordering from a reputable company.

Mushrooms (Maitake, shiitake, enoki, crimini, portobello, and white button

mushrooms): These mushrooms stimulate the reproduction and activity of

immune cells such as natural killer cells and helps to suppress cancer metastasis.

In addition, these foods enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy while reducing

side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Mustard Seeds: Mustard seeds are surprisingly rich in phytonutrients called

isothiocyanates, which have been extensively studied for their anti-cancer

benefits. For example, a study published in the International Journal for Vitamin

and Nutrition Research in 2002 found that isothiocyanates can inhibit mitosis and

stimulate apoptosis (cell death) in human tumor cells.

Another study published in Carcinogenesis in 2010 discovered that mustard seed

powder, which is rich in a particularly beneficial group of isothiocyanates called

allyl isothiocyanates (AITC), can significantly inhibit the growth of bladder

cancer. These impressive results suggest that adding more mustard seeds to our

diets can prevent, and possibly even treat, the development of cancer.

One tablespoon of mustard seeds contains approximately 21 percent of our

recommended daily allowance of the essential trace mineral selenium. Aside

from being an antioxidant that helps scavenge disease-causing free radicals,

selenium is also responsible for transforming the sluggish thyroid hormone T4

into the more active T3. Indeed, selenium actually works alongside iodine to help

maintain thyroid function. Since a malfunctioning thyroid can wreak havoc in the

body (including preventing us from losing weight), it's always important to

consume foods rich in selenium as well as iodine.

Papaya Leaf Extract: A study conducted by University of Florida researchers Dr.

Nam Dang and colleagues in Japan has documented papaya’s powerful anticancer

properties and impact against numerous lab-grown tumors – and without the

negative consequences of chemotherapy. The researchers used papaya leaf

extract for the study conduction, with the anticancer effects being even stronger

with a larger dose of the extract. What’s more, the extract can be taken for a long

time without nasty side-effects.

Seaweed: Seaweed foods such as Nori, kombu, wakame, arame, and dulse

stimulates immune cells such as T-cells and natural killer cells and help to inhibit

tumor growth.

These foods help reduce the formation of new blood cells needed for cancer

growth (angiogenesis) and also act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce

inflammation, which fuels cancer and other systemic diseases such as heart

disease and diabetes.

Selenium-rich Foods such as Brazil nuts, tuna, sunflower seeds, oysters, Shiitake

mushrooms, and vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, spinach) are vital to immune

system function and help to keep your thyroid functioning properly. Selenium

works in conjunction with vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione and vitamin B3 as an

antioxidant to prevent free radical damage and some cancers by affecting

oxidative stress, inflammation and DNA repair, especially breast cancer and

prostate cancer. .

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes and yams are other foods that can be enjoyed

year round. They are rich in phytonutrients called carotenoids, such as beta- and

alpha-carotenes. Including even small but consistent amounts of carotenoid-rich

foods may help reduce the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Other foods rich in carotenoids include carrots, acorn or butternut squash, and


Carotenoids stimulate the growth of immune cells and increases their capacity to

attack tumor cells through lutein, lycopene, phytoene, and canthaxanthin. With

over 600 carotenoids available in the diet, Vitamin A, beta carotene, and lycopene

all have demonstrated growth against cancer cells.

Quinoa: Quinoa (keen-wah) is a great source of protein. It’s naturally gluten-free

and often called an ancient grain because it’s been grown for thousands of years.

Quinoa is actually a seed that can be ground into flour. It is considered a complete

protein, which means that it contains all nine essential amino acids, just like meat.

Quinoa is also rich in fiber and minerals like iron, magnesium and calcium plus

phytonutrients like quercetin, an antioxidant that we just learned is also found in

the skin of apples.

Quinoa is a nice alternative to protein-rich foods like meat and fish. Other

alternatives include lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, and other whole grains.

Super Seeds: Eat super seeds such apple, apricot, chia, flax, grape, and/or hemp --

but, amke certain that they are organic.

Apricot seeds contain an anti-cancer compound called amagdylin, which kills

cancer cells before they develop in a full-blown tumor. A primitive tribe, the

Hunzas, were known to consume large amounts of apricot seed kernels and had

no incidence of cancer -- ever. And they had long, healthy life spans. Laetrile (also

known as Vitamin B17) was created by a Dr. Krebb, who extracted the amagdylin

from the soft apricot kernels, purifying it and putting it into a concentrated form.

Other foods that provide a similar benefit are apple seeds and raw bitter


Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 oils, protein, anti-oxidants, calcium, and fiber;

and, may reduce CRP levels. They are great for thickening smoothies.

Flaxseed (freshly ground) and flax hulls are great for smoothies because they

contain lignans (super anti-oxidants that help fight cancer) plus a lot of fiber that

can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Cold-pressed organic

flax oil is the best source of parent omega-3s. Flax can reduce hypertension and

its lignans reduce oxidized LDL, an independent risk factor for heart disease.

Hemp seed is one of the few sources of stearidonic acid, an intermediate omega-3

fat in the conversion pathway from ALA to EPA with a knack for increasing the

EPA content of red blood cells in humans. Hemp seeds contain a host of bioactive

compounds with potentially beneficial health effects (PDF), including cannabidiol,

beta-sitosterol, methyl-salicylate, tocopherols, and unique antioxidants.

Note: Avoid the peanut, because it can contain a carcinogenic mold called

aflatoxin, and they are notorious for being one of the most pesticide-

contaminated crops. Instead of peanut butter, eat organic nut butters like almond

butter and walnut butter.

Tip 1: Buy a bunch of your favorite raw organic nuts and seeds and use Ziploc bags

to create your own personalized trail mixes.

Tip 2: If you want to maximize the nutrients you get from nuts, soak them in

distilled or purified water overnight. This helps neutralize enzyme inhibitors and

phytic acid both of which may affect digestion and absorption of the nutrients in

seeds and nuts. It can also help reduce the amount of pesticides on them if they

are not organically grown.

Tomatoes: This juicy fruit is the best dietary source of lycopene, a carotenoid that

gives tomatoes their red hue. The lycopene is best absorbed when the tomato is

cooked and includes a healthy fat like olive oil or avocado, packing more of a

nutritional punch.

And that's good news, because lycopene was found to stop endometrial cancer

cell growth in a study in Nutrition and Cancer. Endometrial cancer causes nearly

8,000 deaths a year.

Turmeric: Among the most currently researched of cancer fighting foods,

turmeric has repeatedly been shown to be an effective cancer-fighter and even

block cancer growth. Previously found to reduce tumors by an astounding 81%,

the naturally occurring compound found in turmeric, curcumin, exhibits

numerous anti-cancer properties.

Researchers at UCLA found that curcumin is the component harnessing the ability

to actually block cancer growth. Not surprisingly, the cancer-fighting ability that

turmeric possesses makes up only a single facet of the many benefits of turmeric.

Walnuts: Their phytosterols (cholesterol-like molecules found in plants) have

been shown to block estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells, possibly slowing

the cells' growth, says Elaine Hardman, PhD, associate professor at Marshall

University School of Medicine in Huntington, West Virginia.

Wheat Grass (and, other Super-Green Foods: Chlorella, Spirulina, Blue-Green

Algae and Barley Greens): These chlorophyll-rich foods help nourish the blood by

providing oxygen and chlorophyll for detox purposes. These super greens chelate

and remove excess copper from the body, which may help inhibit angiogenesis.

Specifically, wheat grass has been shown to fight breast cancer, prostate cancer

and several other cancers. Studies indicate that chlorella boosts energy and

possibly prolongs survival.

Whey Protein: Whey protein helps to fight cancer because it contains lactoferrin

which helps our bodies increase our glutathione levels and it provides an easy-to-

digest protein that helps the body rebuild and repair its cells due to the damage

from the cancer. Lactoferrin is attracted to the cancer cells, attaches to them and

triggers a process that kills the cancer cell; as well as blocking angiogenesis – the

growth of blood vessels that feed cancer cells.

STEP 3. Reduce/stop eating the “dead” processed foods, especially white flour,

high fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, “enriched” foods, starches, trans fats,

animal meat, and dairy. Avoid your food triggers, e.g. driving past fast food place.

Stop Eating Flour, Sugar and Processed Foods: All malignant cancer cells must

have glucose to survive. This is because, unlike normal healthy cells, cancer cells

must rely on the anaerobic pathway called “glycolysis” for producing energy for

themselves. For this reason, malignant cancer cells are unable to survive without


Refined sugar goes into the bloodstream very quickly and is the most effective

way to feed cancer cells exactly what they need to survive. Sugar promotes the

growth of pleomorphic bacteris, yeast, fungus, and mold and suppresses the

immune system response up to five hours

So, whenever a person with cancer eats refined sugar in any form (sugar, honey

maple syrup, corn syrup, sucrose, rice syrup, barley malt; flour, cakes, cookies,

candies, bottled juices, and processed foods), it fuels the cancer and prevents

your immune system from fighting the cancer!

Avoid Trans Fats and Hydrogenated Oils: Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated

oils like margarine, shortenings and vegetable oils are altered fat substances

(trans fats) which are known to be detrimental to health because they interfere

with normal biochemical processes. These oils have been shown to increase

cholesterol, decrease beneficial high-density lipoprotein (HDL), interfere with our

liver's detoxification system, interfere with essential fatty acid function, and alter

the fat composition in neurons and other cells.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners: New ground-breaking research reveals that

SPLENDA® may cause diabetes irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and cancer! This

comes as a shock to many people in the diabetes and weight loss community who

were told by the creators of Splenda that it would not affect their blood sugar and

metabolism in any way.

Can Splenda cause cancer? First, remember that chlorine is one of the its

ingredients. Any animal or human that consumes chlorine on a regular basis is at

risk for developing cancer. The Merk Manual and OSHA Harzardous Waste

Handbook states that chlorine is carcinogenic (means causes cancer) and

emergency measures should be taken when exposed via swallowing, inhaling or

through the skin.

If you are only exposed to a small amount of chlorine on occasion, your body can

eliminate chlorine through detoxification channels like your bowels, kidney’s and

liver. But if you consume it daily, chlorine could increase cancer risk.

Avoid Animal Meat: Most animal meat, especially beef and pork, contain

antibiotics, growth hormones and other chemicals that are carcinogenic. They

contain the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin

A associated with many different documented cancers.

If you do eat any meat, make sure that it's free range to avoid the antibiotics,

growth hormones and other toxins. Even still, avoid meat intake during the first

several months of recovery; and, then, limit your intake to no more than once or

twice a week.

Avoid Cow’s Milk and Most Dairy: Though there is no complete agreement on

this in the alternative cancer treatment field, a number of health experts suggest

avoiding dairy products made from cow’s milk if you have cancer. The exception is

if you are on the Flaxseed Oil/Cottage Cheese protocol, and in that case you

should be using low fat organic rBGH-free cottage cheese in small amounts mixed

well with organic flaxseed oil every day. The sulfur-based proteins in the cottage

cheese combine with the essential fatty acids in the flaxseed oil to help normalize

cancer cells.

Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream, butter,

etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus ochraceus

which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A. These foods are also high in sugar

which promotes the production of pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, and fungus.

Avoid All GMO Foods: Most soy and corn grown in the U.S. is now genetically

modified and GMO foods have been linked to all kinds of health problems,

including cancer. Corn and all associated products contain over 25 different

strains of fungus, all disease causing including cancer.

Most canola oil is also genetically modified, along with other food items. Your

best chances for a full recovery will be aided by avoiding all genetically modified

foods. If you’d like more details as to the history of this issue and why these types

of foods are so dangerous, just google on GMO foods.

Avoid Tap Water: Tap water contains cancer-causing agents including antibiotics,

hormones, pesticides, fluoride, chloride, and many other contaminants.

Unfortunately, most bottled waters are just as bad.

Instead get your own water filter, but, make sure that it can remove all of these

contaminants, especially the fluoride and other carcinogenic chemicals.

The use of chlorine for water treatment to reduce the risk of infectious disease

may account for a substantial portion of the cancer risk associated with drinking

water. The by-products of chlorination are associated with increased risk of

bladder and rectal cancer, possibly accounting for 5000 cases of bladder cancer

and 8000 cases of rectal cancer per year in the United States. Fluoridation of

water has received great scrutiny but appears to pose less of a cancer risk.

Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol: Tobacco contains yeasts and sugars which ferment

the tobacco into the form which reaches the human blood and tissues causing

disbiosis of the blood and tissues leading to every degenerative disease known

including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, etc.

Alcohol is the second leading cause of cancer, right behind tobacco use. Excessive

drinking is known to cause heart failure, stroke, and sudden death; and, is linked

to cancers of the mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and breast.

STEP 4. Record and track your progress by performing your own home testing for

things like blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, pH, etc. Use a

journal/logbook to record, track, analyze and make corrective changes, especially

to what you’re eating and how frequently you’re exercising.

Journaling: Keep good records and notes of your daily activities, drug dosages,

how you feel, what you eat, etc. Keeping track of your daily activities will take

some of the load off of you mentally.

STEP 5. Exercise consistently by stretching/walking 25 to 30 minutes four to six

times a week. Once you're comfortable with walking, add some weight

resistance/strength training on alternate days for 15 to 20 minutes.

Exercise will help with oxygen intake and detox (lymphatic system). If you don't

like to exercise, go for a daily walk with a friend or visit the mall.

STEP 6. Perform cleansing/detoxification to remove the toxins and waste that

have accumulated in your cells and tissues. Make sure that your liver and kidneys

can handle the toxic waste load!

Because of how cancer and chemotherapy weaken your immune system, one of

the key elements of a successful wellness recovery plan is to detox your liver,

kidneys and colon to remove the toxins from the chemotherapy and the

toxins/carcinogens from the foods that you've been eating for years.

In addition, it is imperative to detox your lymphatic system to help strengthen

your immune system so that it can fight the cancer.

Eating raw vegetables and raw juicing will help with cleansing and detoxifying

your liver and kidneys. But, given the large amount of toxins in your body, you

may need to go through a comprehensive cleanse/detoxification process to help

purge your liver, kidneys and colon of the various toxins.

Other detox methods include: eating organic, using organc herbs, colonic

hydrotherapy, eating more fiber, exercise, enemas, Epsom salt baths, and using

organic body products and cosmetics.

Note 1: Avoiding flour, sugar, trans fats, processed foods, dairy and animal meat

helps to detox your body because you're no longer putting more toxins into your

body that your liver, colon, kidneys have to handle.

Note 2: Relaxing, calming your mind and avoiding negative-thinking people are

ways to "detox"" your mind and stabilize yourself emotionally. Calm your mind

with yoga and meditation to reduce cortisol levels significantly (cortisol is linked

to cancer risk). Relax by having a warm bath or by reading a funny book or

watching a funny film. Find a hands-on healer; have a massage.

STEP 7. Take wholefood nutritional supplements to complement your nutritional

program and accelerate the body’s healing process.

Use ant-cancer supplements such as turmeric, ginger, cayenne, CoQ10, lipoic acid,

whey protein, Vitamin D3. But, be very careful, since most supplements are

synthetic and may contain lead and other heavy metals.

STEP 8. Work with your doctor, oncologist, cancer expert and other healthcare

professionals to review your lab test results; and, communicate your health goals

and build your relationships. Ensure your treatment is focused on repairing your

body and reducing your drug usage/dependency and not just suppressing the


Work with a naturopathic doctor, holistic practitioner and/or an expert in the

field of cancer alternative treatment -- especially for the specific protocol that you

plan to use.

In addition, always ask your doctor's admin/secretary for a copy of your lab work

after your doctor's appointment. This will be important, especially when you're

working with other people in the healthcare industry.

Rely on More Than One Diagnostic Tool to Assess Your Progress: Use as many

diagnostic tools as you can, including X-rays, MRIs, CT scans and PET scans, to

assess the status of your cancer. Scans should be considered only one of several

tools and may not always be accurate.

Dr. Mercola has written an article about the inherent inaccuracy of CT scans for

lung cancer, for instance. In it, he states, “It’s important to understand that many

medical procedures are not an exact science, and this includes CT scans used to

measure cancer growth. In the case of CT scans for lung cancer, this new study

showed that radiologists reviewing images of the same patient taken just minutes

apart found substantial ‘changes’ in the tumors, in some cases noting they had

gotten up to 31 percent bigger or 23 percent smaller.

In addition, all “alternative tests” are not perfect. For example, alternative tests

such as the AMAS blood test and the HCG urine test are certainly better than

anything conventional medicine has for detecting cancer early, but they are not

perfectly accurate at assessing a patient’s progress after they have been treating

their cancer for a while. Once again, use any of these tests as one of the tools in

your diagnostic tool kit, but don’t rely completely on only one diagnostic test for

verification of how you are doing, and use common sense whenever possible.

STEP 9. Set up a support team to help you and provide emotional support.

Connect with your inner spirit by utilizing exercise, prayer, yoga, or other

meditation techniques to relax and help relieve the stress. Find some quiet time

for yourself each day, even if it’s only 5 minutes.

Join a local support group to get information and share your problems with other

people with cancer. Your insight may help someone in the group and will

motivate you to continue making progress.

Also, join one or more online cancer support groups or forums. Connecting with

other people who are struggling or have struggled with your disease can be

educational and therapeutic. Learn about the successes and failures of other

cancer patients to help you on your journey.

STEP 10. Develop an complete wellness plan that addresses both your normal

cells and your cancer cells. Your wellness program must nourish the normal cells

(e.g. cancer diet) and it must also kill the cancer cells (e.g. alternative treatment

protocol). If possible, work with a cancer expert to help you with your cancer diet

and alternative treatment protocol.

Note: In most cases, the alternative treatment protocol includes its own diet. If it

doesn't, make certain that your diet program does not conflict with your

alternative treatment protocol.

Alternative Treatment Protocol: In addition to implementing a diet program, you

need to select and implement a cancer treatment protocol that is designed to

fight and kill the cancer cells. The cancer diet may help to kill some cells, but the

diet is primarily to help nourish your normal cells, especially if they were damaged

from chemotherapy and/or radiation.

So, do your research and find an alternative cancer treatment protocol that

you're comfortable with and has online support of the protocol. Also, find people

who have used the protocol and discuss with them what they liked and disliked

about the protocol and the support.

Do Your Homework on the Alternative Approach You Have Chosen: Any person

with cancer who decides to use an alternative non-toxic approach must do their

homework and research about the treatment they have chosen in order to

achieve optimum results. Read as much as you can about the approach, talk to

consultants on that approach if there are any, or speak with other cancer

survivors who used the approach successfully already. This is less critical if you are

working with a doctor who is administering the alternative approach to you, but

many people using alternative therapies are self-administering the method and

basically treating themselves.

Even though some of the cancer successes reported on Internet and from other

sources may sound like “miracle cures,” the reality is that alternative approaches

are not magic, so don’t look at them that way and think all you have to do is take

the basic recommended dose and not look into it anymore. Knowing how to use

your chosen alternative approach for optimum results may make the difference

between recovering completely or not.

Remember: Just eating a better diet is not sufficient as an alternative treatment

strategy for most cancers.

A common misconception is that all a cancer patient has to do is make their body

optimally alkaline through diet and health food store supplements and their

cancer will go away. This, of course, is based on Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto

Warburg’s work with cancer cells. He proved that cancer cells cannot thrive in an

optimally alkaline environment. This is absolutely true, but unfortunately many

people have misunderstood how to use that information.

When a person has malignant tumors in vivo (meaning in their body) they are

dealing with many millions of cancer cells all in one place, maybe hundreds of

millions, and each of those cells is producing lactic acid as a by-product of the

anaerobic cell respiration that malignant cells use to produce energy for

themselves. This lactic acid builds up around tumors and creates its own little

acidic environment around the cancer. So, a healthy person can use optimum

alkalizing techniques to help themselves avoid a cancer diagnosis, but once they

have active cancer, most alkalizing techniques may simply alkalize the rest of their

body but not be able to effectively alkalize the areas around the cancerous


For the most part, since the alkalizing diet helps to nourish the normal cells, it's

important to have a strategy that specifically targets how to kill the cancer cells.

Don't Stop After the “All Clear” Remission Point: One of the worst things that

you can do is to use only conventional medicine (chemotherapy/radiation) or to

stop your alternative approach too soon. It is heartbreaking to get onto a good

alternative approach and go into complete remission, then stop the treatment

too soon, before having gotten rid of all the cancer.

Please understand that remission just means all visible signs of cancer are gone

and diagnostic tests cannot detect any cancer. Unfortunately, oncologists tend to

mislead cancer patients into thinking that remission means they are cancer-free.

They don’t tell their patients that up to about 10 million cancer cells can fit on the

head of a pin! That’s how microscopically small they are, just like any other cell in

the body. Such a small dot, which could be millions of cancer cells, will be

impossible to see on any scan and the patient would not be showing any

symptoms. So it is critical that people stay on the alternative approach that is

working for them long after the remission point to be sure they get rid of every

last cancer cell.

Note: This is possible with a non-toxic approach, but not possible with

conventional methods because conventional treatments are too toxic to keep

taking long after remission. As an example, cancer patients using Protocel are

often advised to keep taking the Protocel for at a least a full year after they have

reached the “all-clear” remission point. If the alternative approach that brought

you to remission is too difficult or too expensive for you to continue, then at least

switch to another non-toxic method that is easier for you after the remission

point has been reached.

Unfortunately a lot of people who bring themselves into remission with an

alternative approach get a false sense of security and start to think they are

invincible and “done” with fighting cancer. They stop their alternative approach

as soon as their diagnostic scans or other tests can’t find any cancer.

Often this is understandably due to the desire to get back to a normal life again.

Then the person finds out a year or two later that they did not get every last

cancer cell in the first go-around and their cancer is now back and has spread,

possibly at this point into their bones, brain or liver. This does not mean the

alternative method they used did not work. It just means that they did not stay on

it long enough to get rid of every last cancer cell. Make sure that you do not fall

prey to this mistake!

Note: For those of you who have used the Death to Diabetes Wellness Program,

these 10 steps should look very familiar. They are based on the Death to Diabetes

10-Step Wellness Program.

Additional Website Resources

Here are some additional resources that can help you, especially with selecting an

alternative treatment protocol. For more details, refer to the blog post titled

"Alternative Treatment Protocols".

Here is a complete list of the many cancer treatment protocols and some of the

many cancer supplemental treatments that are explained in detail on the Cancer

Tutor website:

The following is a summary of a few of these many cancer treatment protocols

and some of the many cancer supplemental treatments that are explained in

detail on the Cancer Tutor website:

Cellect-Budwig Protocol A Stage IV Cancer Treatment

pH Therapy (a.k.a. Cesium Chloride Protocol)

The Ultimate Simple Protocol for Cancer Stage IV Protocol

The Dirt Cheap Protocol for Cancer Stage IV Protocol

Note: Here is are lists of other alternative treatments on other websites:

Cancer Supplemental Treatments

The following supplemental treatment protocols should be used in conjunction

with one of the major cancer treatment protocols listed above. Work with a

cancer expert/adviser who can recommend which combination would be best for

your specific cancer.

The Dirt Cheap Protocol for Cancer Stage IV Protocol

The MSM / Vitamin D3 Protocol For Cancer

Protocols for Killing Cancer Microbes

Hydrogen Peroxide Cancer Treatment


Note: Germany cancer clinics is well-known for hyperthermia treatments. But

there are only a small number of German cancer clinics which use alternative

medicine, and use such treatments as hyperthermia, oxygen therapy, mistletoe

therapy, magnetic-field therapy, etc.

Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment


Other Cancer Treatment Strategies

Cancer Fighting Strategies


How To Decide Which Cancer Treatments to Use

Cancer Diets

There are many cancer diets, but most of them contains similar attributes, e.g.

lots of vegetables, no dairy, low glycemic, plant-based, etc.

The Cancer tutor website explains the key attributes of an effective cancer diet.

Other website references for cancer diets:

Note: They strongly recommend Robert O. Young's book, Sick and Tired? –

Reclaim Your Inner Terrain. If you're not sure about this book, go and read some of the book reviews and testimonials to decide if

you should get the book.

Alternative Treatment Clinics

If you have the financial resources, you may want to consider one of the

alternative cancer clinics in places like Mexico, Germany or Japan.

Note: There is one clinic in the U.S. with a good track record, the Burzynski Clinic:

Website References

Note: The majority of the information in this post was taken from the following



The information in this Article (and throughout this website) is not intended to

prescribe any form of treatment for any illness or medical condition. This

information should not be considered a substitute for expert medical opinion.

Always consult with your doctor to determine your specific course of action for

your health. The author shall have no liability or responsibility to any person or

entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury, caused or alleged to be caused

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