get to the point issue 22

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 22 Get to the Point: The NCCC News An NCCC Atlantic Region Publication Perry Point, MD September 11-17 , 2011 Volume XVII Issue 22

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Get to the Point is the weekly campus newsletter for the AmeriCorps NCCC Atlantic Region campus based at Perry Point, MD


Page 1: Get to the Point Issue 22

Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 22

Get to the Point: The NCCC News An NCCC Atlantic Region Publication

Perry Point, MD September 11-17 , 2011 Volume XVII Issue 22

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Get to the Point Volume XVII Issue 22 2

Inside Issue 22:

Strengthen communities and

develop leaders through

direct, team-based national

& community service

I‟m a member of the National

Civilian Community Corps, an

AmeriCorps program.

N-triple-C members are 18 to

24 years old & spend 10

months getting things done

for America while developing

their own leadership skills.

We serve on teams to help

communities prepare for &

respond to disasters, build

homes & help the


Faces of the Week 2

Buffalo 6 Update 3

Shout Outs 4, 8

AmeriGourmet 5

AmeriCount Down 5

Keep Healthy 6

Brain Food 7

Alumni Spotlight 7

Counselor‟s Corner 9

Brain Food 9

Letter to Sriracha 10

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Buffalo 6:The Awesome Adventures of the Adventurous 8

Buffalo 6, has never stayed in one place for an entire round. Word of

their amazing work ethic and just general beastliness has spread so much

so that members of their team have been whisked away for other

composites and such to spread the wealth and inspire the masses. Now,

finally, Buffalo 6 has been fully reunited and is back to full strength, hence

making them unstoppable.

Perhaps this is what made them so ready to face their challenges

with such vigor and aptitude, and still come out the other side without so

much as a (slightly frazzled) hair out of place.

When asked what would be the best description for this round,

Buffalo 6 came up with one word: variety. 4 sponsors, 6 housings, 7 project

sites, 3 festivals, and a multitude of jobs, all within in the span of a six-week


Buffalo 6 started Round 3 working with Delaware State Parks

(Where in fact, they worked with nearly all the Delaware State Parks) and

Valley Forge National Historic Park. The road was long and wearying, but

they triumphed through. The Awesome 8 started their adventures at

Bellevue, where they worked tearing down everything from invasive plant

life to tearing down a building, and then fixing up and painting another to

balance out their karma.

They then trekked on down to the other end of the state to Delaware

Seashore State Park and worked on their tans while playing with kids and

being fastidiously festive and fun as well as becoming masters of „faking‟ (a

very long, complicated way of winding a large amount of rope) at 2 days of

festivals. Then, they chopped wood at Trap Pond for four days to replenish

the stock that had been stolen by villainous bandits. B6 to the rescue! They

chopped probably close to 18 tons worth of wood. (Beastin‟ it, B6 style.)

Back to Delaware Seashore for some time at the beach to further their tans

and fix some fencing and they were off!

This time to Fort Delaware where, for 3 days, they moved from

painting at Killens Pond with a substance that can only be accurately

described as a glue the likes of which will never come off of anything and

never cease to be sticky, to building a boardwalk at Lums Pond, to boating

across the river to Fort DuPont to explore the fort on an epic adventure of

ghost-hunting (alas, or fortunately, depending on your view, it was a

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fruitless quest) and bring water, and then truckin‟ on over to clear out an old barracks building from the

1980‟s. Throw in a little grounds work for good measure and they‟re out!

After a little reprieve at the Point, the Adventurous 8 returned to an old project of theirs in Valley

Forge, PA. This time, they were here to stay. For the final 2 weeks of the round the team was scraping,

spraying, scaffolding, and slathering white-wash onto Knox‟s Estate.

Hectic? A little. Unbelievable? Not really. Action-packed? You bet your granny‟s walker!

“Fly or die!”

Buffalo 7 Shout Out:

Dear President Obama,

Thanks so much for inviting B7 to the White House on

Saturday night, it was an absolute blast! You made our

time in DC so magical, and the Lincoln bedroom is

exquisitely comfortable. Perhaps we could use the

bowling alley next time we’re in town?


Buffalo 7

P.S. Don’t tell B3 or B5 that we ditched them to spend

the night with you. They’ll only get jealous ;)

Moose 3 Shout Out: I couldn’t think of any

other way to do this? Will you marry me Jacob

Brewer? – Bethany

Holy smoke column! I greatly miss the not so

DISMAL phoenix 3 and hope ya’ll aren’t

SWAMPed with too much work! - Megan

Moose TLs sure do love and miss you all…all of

you but Bradley =] oh and “All I do is win” Hunter

and Slavics meet me in the middle somewhere or

come to Boston! – Jamie

Reminder to all CAPs!

The Winter 2012 Application

Deadline has been extended to

September 30th!

Follow in Logan’s Footsteps & CAP!

Raven 4 Shout Out: We heard rumors that

Hot Wax Party will be doing a reunion tour and we couldn’t be more excited

Moose 6 Shout Out: Why did Bradley cross the road? To give the moose some sawyer training. Moose Six is rocking out in Middletown, CT! Harley: Valentine! Brandon: For the last time, Buffalo is not “New Yolk!” Rachel: Eliza, I miss your face! Brittney: Buttscratcha!

Megan TL of Buffalo 1 wants to remind you to get your rest, stay health and keep well!

Also enjoy your 4th Round!

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AmeriGourmet: The Cooking Corner Ingredients Serving: 10-12 people

1/4 cup vegetable oil 2 onion, chopped 2 tablespoons curry powder 4 pounds carrots, chopped 8 cups vegetable broth 4 cups water, or as needed


1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Sauté onion until tender and translucent. Stir in the curry powder. Add the chopped carrots, and stir until the carrots are coated. Pour in the vegetable broth, and simmer until the carrots are soft, about 20 minutes.

2.Transfer the carrots and broth to a blender, and pu-ree until smooth. Pour back into the pot, and thin with water to your preferred consistency.

Curried Carrot Soup

Ingredients Serving: 10-12 people

3 (16 ounce) packages spinach fettuccine pasta 4-1/2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes 3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint 3/4 cup chopped black olives (optional) 2-1/4 cups crumbled feta cheese 3 pinches salt and ground black pepper to taste


1. Fill a large pot with lightly salted water and bring to a rolling boil over high heat. Once the water is boil-ing, stir in the fettuccine, and return to a boil. Cook the pasta uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the pasta has cooked through, but is still firm to the bite, about 8 minutes. Drain well in a colander set in the sink.

2.Place the tomatoes, mint, and black olives (if using) into a saucepan over medium-low heat, and bring to a bare simmer. Stir in the feta cheese, and allow to melt slightly.

3.Place the spinach fettuccine into a serving bowl, and toss with the tomato mixture. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.

Greek Fettuccine

22 Days until

Open House

38 Days until

Member for a Day

51 Days until Return to the


64 Days until


AmeriCount Down

47 Days until Halloween

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Keeping Healthy During Disaster

Hello fellow Corps Members. I know many of you are working on disaster

projects at the moment and many of you are probably moving heavy items

and we can‟t have your bones giving you problems now can we? I did a

little bit of research on things you can do to keep your bones strong and

one of the parts of keeping them strong is nutrition. Your bones need both

Vitamin D and Calcium to keep strong. Now I‟m certain many of us know

that calcium is in milk and dairy products but let‟s take a look at what

other foods have them. Natural foods that have them are Veggies,

Nuts, Grains, Fish, and fruits.


Veggies that contain Calcium are: Broccoli, Water Cress, Curly Kale, Okra, Red Kidney Beans,

Chick Peas, Green Beans & Baked Beans

Nuts that have calcium are: Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Hazelnuts, Sesame Seeds, Walnuts &Tahini

Grains that have calcium are: White Rice & Whole meal

Fish that have calcium in the meat are: Sardines, Whitebait & Salmon

Fruits that have calcium are: Apricots, Figs, Currants & Oranges

Tofu also has calcium

...And now onto the mysterious Vitamin D...

Vitamin D helps your body to absorb the calcium it needs to keep your bones strong

and ways to get are simple for a meat eater but slightly more difficult for vegetari-

ans and vegan. Many fish have Vitamin D in them but for Vegetarians and Vegans I could only

find that Mushrooms have them through my research. Many foods are fortified with Vitamin D in

present times and you can also get it from being in the sun without sunscreen at least 10 minutes

but it is a minimal amount of Vitamin D. On the off chance that you don‟t want to eat these foods or

can‟t because of the budget just go ahead and take a supplement the idea is to get enough calcium

and Vitamin D.


I also found out that exercise can help keep your bones strong and that when you don’t

exercise you lose bone mass but there is such a thing as doing too much exercising and

to keep in mind what your body is telling you. If it hurts to do an exercise don‟t participate

and figure something else out pain is a way to let you know to take it easy, just as heavy breathing

can mean to rest up for a little bit.

By: Hurley Combs, Moose 1 Putting a personal spin on Health Knowledge

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Alumni Spotlight: Peter Winfrey

Peter Winfrey, served as a Corps Member in Class XVI: Badger 7 at the Atlantic Region Campus at Perry Point. How did you find out about AmeriCorps NCCC? I first

discovered NCCC from going to college in New Orleans after Hurricane

Katrina. My college had a service day, and I went to volunteer with

Habitat for Humanity on the North Shore of Lake Ponchartrain. At the

worksite, I met some gray shirted individuals who were helping out,

and it spurred my curiosity, and I found out that they members of a

program called NCCC. I thought it was interesting but put it into the

back of my mind, until I saw some NCCC volunteering at the T-shirt

booth I was working at the New Orleans Jazz Festival two years later. I

was just about to graduate from college, and after that encounter, I started to seriously look into

NCCC for myself.

What was your favorite project with NCCC? With Badger 7, it always seemed like we always

got the really interesting projects, and some off-the-wall ones (the mosquito project comes to

mind), and all of them had some great moments. However, working with Habitat for Humanity in

Portland, Maine, was hands down my favorite project of the year. This was our last round as a team,

and we had a great sponsor (shout out to Steve) and an awesome locale (MAINE!) for our project. I

feel it really put the exclamation point on our team Getting Things Done!

Is there a special memory that sticks out in your mind of

your NCCC experience? I think it is the amalgamation of all the

different people we met and were able to help in different ways,

from St. Bernard Parish in Louisiana to Portland, Maine. I always

remember the happiness and sincere gratitude of the people who

we were able to help.

How has NCCC impacted your life after AmeriCorps? The

wide array of experiences I encountered being in NCCC gave me a

wide range of skills to work with in different situations. I really

think it gave me a mindset that made me ready and

prepared...for anything I encounter.

What are your current plans? I'm currently finishing up a AmeriCorps State term in Mississip-

pi, working as a volunteer coordinator/land manager for a Land Trust in Biloxi, MS. I'm currently

looking doing a SCA internship in a National Park once my AmeriCorps term ends.

…And any reflection points or recommendations to the general mass of Class 17…

I remember last year, everyone told us that our year was going to go SO fast, but it really is true. It (Continued on page 8)

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seemed like a whirlwind from Induction to Graduation. But if there is one thing I would say to the

current class, is that now that the year is coming to a close, cherish the time you have left in the

program, and make good memories and experiences with your team that will last a lifetime.

Carpe Diem.

Moose 1 & 4 Shout Out: -MEOW to all our

dispersed Moose 4’s!

-Ms. Snyder do I still get paid. Ms. Gougeon said I



U GUYS r HAVING FUNN..Can’t wait to see You

when we get back J

-Bradley where is our chainsaw training?

Raven Zero Shout Out: Rod is all by his

lonesome in the great white north. But hey...the Ruminations

do not have to end. Case in point: It seems like there are

many hot button political issues related to legalizing things.

But when you people are arguing about that kind of stuff,

think about this. Isn’t taking a taxi somewhere

essentially legalized hitch hiking?

Raven 7 Shout Out: Raven 7 has very

quickly formed a New England accent, made

friends with the likes of Dale and Richard, and

loves the good life at the White Mountains


The Situation Shout Out: THE

SITUATION has taken over New Jersey. There is

no Situation 1-3. It’s just THE SITUATION!

Watch out Situation because THE SITUATION is

here and cleaning New Jersey up one day at a time.

Buffalo 1 Shout Out: Shout out to P3, I miss and love

all of you! - from King Sweet Meat Rubicon Ding!

Missing all of my TLs, hope 4th round is amazing and get ready for those

last 3 weeks….!

Raven 5 Shout Out: Raven 5 is awesome. I really don’t know what to say. – Rachel Woods

Raven 6 Shout Out: We miss you

Courtney, Dania & Mia! We are never coming

back, so you better get up here soon. Allen: I

never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death.

Buffalo 6 Shout Out: To Nikki R7- Don’t go stir-

crazy! – Tiffany /To Zac R7 – Happy (belated) Birthday! – Emily

It’s business time. – George

Buffalo 5 Shout Out: Dear President Obama,

I guess we missed you at the 9/11 event, but not to

worry, we’re still in town for another week. Think we

could meet up for a hot dog or something? We’d be

willing to drive to your place. Sincerely, Buffalo 5

Buffalo 3 Shout Out: Dear President Obama,

Soooo, B5, B3 and B7 are all is DC this weekend and I

think we ALL would like to have a hot dog with you,

hopefully before B3 and B7 depart for PA and DE respec-

tively. We are near subway stops, so we could really meet

you anywhere, you name it. Sincerely, B3!B3!B3!B3!B3!

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Counselor Corner: HAWL Edition By: Sophia Neil, Raven 7

Health and Wellness Liaison

Being a Health and Wellness Liaison (HAWL) has been nothing but enjoyable. For three rounds, I have had the great pleasure to do what I love, which is getting to be this specialty role. When I first learned about this specialty role, I knew that it was something that I would love and would be perfect for me. I remember the first official day of becoming a Health and Wellness Liaison. So after getting the role and seeing what it was like I thought to myself “hmmm….I don‟t have paperwork for this role and that part seems easy”. So I started trying different things out and thinking of different thoughts.

Although I loved having no weekly paperwork for this role, I felt that this role would not be official unless more action was taken. So I started creating work for myself. It‟s not like I was not important, I just wanted to feel more successful in my work. So I came up with ideas for my team: cooking partners, stress relievers, team dates, check- ins, team discussions, contests and an anonymous box. I also started creating and implementing presentations on remaining stress free and other health awareness. The HAWL role has been nothing but an exciting path for me. To me, being a Health and Wellness Liaison was more than just making sure that my team was hydrated and receiving enough sleep. This is because there is more to AmeriCorps life than that. My advice for other HAWLS is to step up and make this specialty role the best that it can be. I know it may not seem like it right now, but the great efforts and hard work will shine through. If things feel like they are going downhill, kick it up with positivity or take some of the steps that I took. In the end, being a HAWL is more than just fulfilling a specialty role, it is also a wonderful job that is greatly looked upon.

What is NCCC-Activity: First team to get back to CRSTL Laura Mack will win!

What is NCCC Mission Statement?

Brain Food: L & M Trivia By: Those Crazy STLs L. Mack & M. Jabat

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An Open Letter to Sriracha

Dear Sriracha (aka Hot Rooster Sauce),

We, the members of Moose 5, would like to stop for a moment to

acknowledge your legendary status as the greatest hot sauce in the

history of the world. Other sauces tremble in your wake as you swagger

your red rooster bottle past. You make crappy food taste delicious and

delicious food taste like ambrosia from Mt. Olympus. We use you on

every meal we make and even on some of the ones we don‟t. Sometimes,

desperate for a spark to get us through the work day, we‟ll squirt your

hot rooster sauce straight into our mouths. As we savor the scalding

napalm burn that is your fury, we are reminded of the heat wave of

July we endured in Maryland; and we laugh at the comparison. We

laugh smoke and flames as we consume our meals of Sriracha and

Sriracha, with a side of Sriracha.

Saucily Yours,

Moose Five

Ps-Here‟s a great recipe that goes great with the fabulous rooster sauce:

Spicy Peanut Chicken Pasta


2 pounds chicken thighs 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 cup chicken broth 2 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon soy sauce ¼ cup peanut butter

1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon ground ginger

½ tablespoon Sriracha Sauce 2 green onions

2 cloves garlic 1 green pepper


Heat up the oil in a large skillet. Cut up the chicken and add it to the pan. Cook 5-7 minutes or until

lightly browned. In a bowl, whisk together the broth, honey, soy sauce, peanut butter, cornstarch,

ginger, and Sriracha. Pour into the skillet and cook until thickened and smooth –stirring constantly.

Add the green onions, garlic, and peppers and cook for a bit. Serve over thin pasta, spaghetti is good.

Add Sriracha sauce.

You can substitute vegetable broth for Vegetarians & add any vegetables you want.

From Moose 5