geopathic stress and the elementals

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what elements have an effect on out or planet


  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals


    Geopathic Stress and the Elementals

    Earth Acupuncture and Geopathic Stress

    March 1998--By Shakura Rei

    Geopathic stress may be defined as deelopin! bodily imbalance or illness" due to

    lines of harmful ener!ies" #hich radiate from the earth$ Earth acupuncture is the

    process used to neutrali%e these fields$

    Geopathic stress has been found to be the common factor in many serious and

    minor illnesses and psycholo!ical conditions" especially those conditions in #hich the

    immune system is seerely compromised$

    &ardioascular deficiencies" attention deficit disorder" immune deficiency disorders"

    chronic fati!ue" and can--r" are samples of chronic !eopathic stress influence$

    Some lesser effects of influence are chronic body pains" headaches" and sudden si!ns

    of physical a!in!" irritability" and restless sleep$ 't is also a common factor in cases

    of infertility and miscarria!es" learnin! difficulties" behaioral problems and

    neurolo!ical disabilities in children$

    (hen treatin! patients #ho continue to be affected by earth radiation durin!

    periods of sleep or #ork" response to treatment tends to be slo# or uneentful"

    ho#eer #hen their home or #ork place is neutrali%ed" the !eopathic stress

    conditions resole themseles and the body be!ins to heal$ )here are four lines of

    !eopathic ener!y" #hich can be detected and neutrali%ed* )he +artmann Grids and

    Geopathic ,ones adersely affect the cellular structure of liin! or!anisms$'nterference ,ones and ersonal ,ones effect one.s emotions and ob/ecties$

    ersonal ,ones may also affect one.s physical health$

    A German medical doctor" Ernst +artmann" discoered +artmann Grids in 190$

    )he lines form a !rid around the earth" runnin! north to south and east to #est" and

    e2tend to a hei!ht of 3 - 3 feet$ )he north-south lines appear appro2imately eery

    3 feet 3 inches and the east-#est lines appear appro2imately eery 8 feet 4 inches$

    Accordin! to 5r$ +artmann" the #orst place that a person can sleep or #ork is oer

    a +artmann knot" #here t#o +artmann lines cross" as harmful radiation is

    intensified at this /uncture$

    Geopathic ,ones hae a ran!e of influence from 4 to 4 feet" and reach a hei!ht of

    3 to 6" feet$ )heir direction is random and may be hori%ontal" ertical or

    dia!onal$ (hen natural radiation rises throu!h the earth" its #aelen!th is distorted

    by #eak electroma!netic fields emanatin! from subterranean runnin! #ater"

    mineral concentrations" fault lines and under!round caities$

  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals


    )hese distorted fields of radiation are harmful to liin! or!anisms" and produce the

    !eopathic %ones$ 't is not uncommon to find them parallel to" or imposed upon the

    +artmann Grids$ Geopathic %ones can also be man made$ )hese #ould include

    electroma!netic fields" #hich emanate from such structures as hi!h tension" or

    satellite to#ers" electrical street poles" or fuse bo2es$

    ersonal ,ones are also random in direction" #ith a ariable ran!e of influence and

    hei!ht$ )hese %ones produce ener!ies that uni7uely affect an indiidual on a

    personal leel$ Simply stated" they produce an ener!y that !rates on the ener!y of

    any !ien person" producin! a chronic subtly annoyin! and irritatin! effect$ )hese

    %ones also affect animals$

    'nterference ines" as #ith ersonal ,ones" are random in direction" #ith a ariable

    ran!e of influence and hei!ht" and produce an ener!y" #hich interferes #ith one.s

    personal !oals$ 'nterference lines #ere only discoered seeral months a!o" and '

    can attest to the po#er of their ne!atie influence" and the 7uick and incredible

    positie chan!es that occurred #hen they #ere neutrali%ed$

    ' stron!ly recommend that one.s house be checked for 'nterference lines if one has a

    home-based business" #hich seems to be hindered in some #ay" or feels that

    somethin! is blockin! one.s !oals$

    ' personally had 1 interference lines runnin! throu!h my house$ )he day after

    neutrali%in! them clients and money be!an pourin! in: ' #as truly astounded$ )here

    #as a definite shift that occurred" and continues to this day$ ;ffice buildin!s should

    also be neutrali%ed to increase production and cash flo#$

    the Elementals

    )here is another method of neutrali%in! !eopathic lines usin! a more co-creatie

    method #ith nature$ (e do this by assistin!

  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals


    (hen #e bury copper rods oer a !eopathic %one" #e are basically usin! hard#are -

    a third dimensional tool$

    )his method #orks #ell and is e2cellent for those #ho need to see or do somethin!

    physical before they can comfortably beliee in an intended effect" especially if that

    effect is ob/ectie$ 't also #orks #ell for clearin! small areas" such as under a houseor a small plot of land$

    )here are certain dra#backs to this method ho#eer" particularly #hen one

    considers the !reat masses of land that are in need of clearin!$

    Also be a#are that not only land" but also all bodies of #ater" includin! the oceans

    and riers" hae !eopathic %ones coursin! throu!h them$ )hese are beyond our

    ability to neutrali%e throu!h the techni7ue of buryin! rods$

    )o better e2plain the manner in #hich #e can #ork #ith nature spirits to neutrali%e

    these %ones" let me briefly e2plain the nature of deas and elementals$

    Elementals are the creators of form" or the form builders$

    As an e2ample" consider the process that occurs #hen a seed sprouts" !ro#s and

    becomes a onderosa ine tree$

    &onsider the difference in appearance bet#een a small seed from a pine cone" and

    the end result of that seed - a to#erin! adult tree$ )he elementals are the intelli!ent

    sparks of consciousness #ho #orked #ith the ener!y of the seed" eentually formin!

    it into a tree$

    All liin! thin!s take their form throu!h the actiities of an elemental" and not all

    elementals are part of the plant kin!dom$

    A dea is an intelli!ent ener!y that #orks in con/unction #ith the elementals" but

    more in an oerseein! capacity$ )he deas do not create form" but are responsible

    for the actiities of the form builders$ (here an elemental may hae responsibility

    oer a pine seed" the oerseein! dea may hae responsibility for the entire ine


    (ith this understandin!" #e can see the !reat ability and kno#led!e that nature

    spirits possess of their !ien enironment$ (e also kno# that they can literallybuild into that enironment certain elements or 7ualities$

    )herefore" if humans #ere a#are of an element that #ould be helpful to the

    enironment" and discussed it #ith the deas #ho a!reed and chose to build it

    into their enironment" then #e #ould be #orkin! co-creatiely #ith

  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals


    )#o indiiduals" Slim Spurlin! and Bob 5ratch combined their efforts and

    produced an audiotape called S#ept &lear$ )his tape contains holoforms of pure

    #ater" and emanates sound fre7uencies" #hich are used to free stuck patterns$

    (hen played throu!h Slim Spurlin!.s +armoni%er #e hae seen tremendous results

    in air pollution reduction in arious cities$ 't #as su!!ested that the fre7uenciesproduced by the holoform tape literally alter the structure of pollutants" and could

    neutrali%e emanations from !eopathic %ones$ 'f this #as true" then inte!ratin! the

    tape.s fre7uency into the enironment should produce a continuous reduction in air

    pollutants and an elimination of !eopathic emanations$

    )o test this theory ' did an e2periment$ ' #ent to a local lake and do#sed seenteen

    feet alon! its shore$ ' #as lookin! for +artmann and !eopathic lines" lines

    interferin! in the #elfare of the inhabitants of the lake" and personal %ones for the

    inhabitants of the lake$ ' found 14 lines$

  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals



    )he .tree. is dynamic life itself" the result of +EAE

  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals


  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals


    )he C)he )ree of ifeD

  • 5/20/2018 Geopathic Stress and the Elementals


    #hich creates all thin!s in the =nierse$

    Become ;ne #ith your .)ree.$ $ $

    ou are tall and stron! $ $ $

    ou are the .)ree of ife. $ $ $

    E2perience the unierse from the point of ie# of bein! that .tree of creation.@@

    &reate a unierse - one in #hich can you manifest #hateer you #ant@@

    'f you are feelin! analytic -

    see if you can determine #hy you created the unierse the #ay you did@