geologic investigations no. 7 core photos pay zonewell core: file # 10758; api: 33-105-01111 sesw...

Ratcliffe Interval, Charles Formation Well Core: File # 10758; API: 33-105-01111 SESW Sec. 31 – T153N – R102W Core Photo - Log Depth: 8,967.8 – 8,968.2 feet Calcitic dolostone; dolomudstones overlain by thin laminated packstones and a thin intraclastic grainstone textures (mud dominated overlain by mud filled grain supported and rounded intraclast above an erosion surface); interpreted to be overwash deposits on supratidal flat Porosity appears to be fine grained intercrystalline dolomite and vugular resulting from primary deposition or replacement and the dissolution of grains. Core plug porosity 10.7% Ratcliffe Interval, Charles Formation Well Core: File # 10758; API: 33-105-01111 SESW Sec. 31 – T153N – R102W Core Photo - Log Depth: 8,980.8 – 8,981.4 feet Dolomitic limestone; wackestone texture (mud dominated with less than 50% grains); few skeletal grains and disturbed bedding interpreted to be subtidal deposits burrowed by sediment dwelling organisms Porosity appears to result from dolomitization of limestone and minor dissolution of grains. Core plug porosity 19.1% Frobisher Alida Interval, Mission Canyon Fm. Well Core: File # 12498; API: 33-053-02247 SENE Sec. 21 – T151N – R100W Core Photo - Log Depth: 9831.8 – 9,832.7 feet Limestone; wackestone to packstone textures (mud dominated with less than 50% grains to mud filled grain supported); grains appear to be dominated by peloids, ooids, and a few skeletal fragments and oncolites; suture seam stylolites indicate compaction dissolution Porosity appears to be intraparticle and vugular resulting from dissolution of grains and incomplete cementation; fractures contribute to porosity and permeability. Core plug porosity 9.5% Frobisher Alida Interval, Mission Canyon Fm. Well Core: File # 12498; API: 33-053-02247 SENE Sec. 21 – T151N – R100W Core Photo - Log Depth: 9839.2 – 9,839.9 feet Limestone; packstone to grainstone textures (mud filled grain supported to grain supported); grains appear to be dominated by peloids, ooids, pisolites and a few skeletal fragments including brachiopods; cemented crusts interpreted to indicate subaerial exposure surfaces Porosity appears to be vugular and interpartical resulting from dissolution of grains and incomplete cementation. Minor reduction of porosity by cementation, probably anhydrite and/or calcite. Dissolution of grains suggest subaerial exposure. Core plug porosity 7.8% CORE PHOTOS PAY ZONE Ratcliff Representative Log Mission Canyon Representative Log Ratcliffe Interval Cross Section Location of Cross Sections Frobisher Alida Interval, Mission Canyon Formation Ratcliffe Interval, Charles Formation Frobisher Alida Interval Cross Section Geologic Investigations No. 7

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Post on 14-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Geologic Investigations No. 7 CORE PHOTOS PAY ZONEWell Core: File # 10758; API: 33-105-01111 SESW Sec. 31 – T153N – R102W Core Photo - Log Depth: 8,967.8 – 8,968.2 feet Calcitic

Ratcliffe Interval, Charles FormationWell Core: File # 10758; API: 33-105-01111SESW Sec. 31 – T153N – R102WCore Photo - Log Depth: 8,967.8 – 8,968.2 feetCalcitic dolostone; dolomudstones overlain by thinlaminated packstones and a thin intraclastic grainstonetextures (mud dominated overlain by mud filled grainsupported and rounded intraclast above an erosionsurface); interpreted to be overwash deposits on supratidalflatPorosity appears to be fine grained intercrystallinedolomite and vugular resulting from primary deposition orreplacement and the dissolution of grains. Core plugporosity 10.7%

Ratcliffe Interval, Charles FormationWell Core: File # 10758; API: 33-105-01111SESW Sec. 31 – T153N – R102WCore Photo - Log Depth: 8,980.8 – 8,981.4 feetDolomitic limestone; wackestone texture (mud dominatedwith less than 50% grains); few skeletal grains anddisturbed bedding interpreted to be subtidal depositsburrowed by sediment dwelling organismsPorosity appears to result from dolomitization of limestoneand minor dissolution of grains. Core plug porosity 19.1%

Frobisher Alida Interval, Mission Canyon Fm.Well Core: File # 12498; API: 33-053-02247SENE Sec. 21 – T151N – R100WCore Photo - Log Depth: 9831.8 – 9,832.7 feetLimestone; wackestone to packstone textures (muddominated with less than 50% grains to mud filled grainsupported); grains appear to be dominated by peloids,ooids, and a few skeletal fragments and oncolites; sutureseam stylolites indicate compaction dissolutionPorosity appears to be intraparticle and vugular resultingfrom dissolution of grains and incomplete cementation;fractures contribute to porosity and permeability. Coreplug porosity 9.5%

Frobisher Alida Interval, Mission Canyon Fm.Well Core: File # 12498; API: 33-053-02247SENE Sec. 21 – T151N – R100WCore Photo - Log Depth: 9839.2 – 9,839.9 feetLimestone; packstone to grainstone textures (mud filledgrain supported to grain supported); grains appear to bedominated by peloids, ooids, pisolites and a few skeletalfragments including brachiopods; cemented crustsinterpreted to indicate subaerial exposure surfacesPorosity appears to be vugular and interpartical resultingfrom dissolution of grains and incomplete cementation.Minor reduction of porosity by cementation, probablyanhydrite and/or calcite. Dissolution of grains suggestsubaerial exposure. Core plug porosity 7.8%


Ratcliff Representative Log

Mission Canyon Representative Log

Ratcliffe Interval Cross Section

Location of Cross SectionsFrobisher Alida Interval, Mission Canyon FormationRatcliffe Interval, Charles Formation

Frobisher Alida Interval Cross Section

Geologic Investigations No. 7