geo papyrus overview

GeoPapyrus Overview

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Post on 17-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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GeoPapyrus Overview

WhyWith the increasing popularity of augmented reality, and the wearable devices reality, the need for applications that interact with real world objects around us will rise.

GeopaPyrus is betting in a new way to consume social content: a mobile software platform connecting the physical world.

Download GeoPapyrus

How GeoPapyrus works

• Detect physical elements around you

• Consume or add social content overlaying those physical elements

• Share geolocalized multimedia content with your social network

How it works?

1. Physical elements detection

Physical elements are rectangular regions of interest (a painting, a wall, a frame, a window, a business facade, etc) that the app highlights in green and prompts the user to touch it to add content. GeoPapyrus is the first app to detect physical elements for selection. When no content is added, the app displays random pictures from your Facebook news feed

2. Real time image recognition You can add a wide variety of social content to overlay a physical element: a) Photo (take a picture, select from device library, facebook, Instagram, Flickr) b) Video (record a video, select from device library, facebook, YouTube) c) Music (from iTunes) d) Drawing (app provides a pencil mode) e) Website (link to any web page is shown as clickable thumbnails) f) Record a voice message

3. Share the messageOnce content has been added to a surface, users can:

a) Add a comment (through Facebook comments)

b) Share the surface via Email, Twitter, Foursquare, Flickr, Tumblr

c) Like the surface on Facebook

d) Download the media content associated with the surface (a video, photo, audio, etc)

Your social content


A post can only be viewed from the specific location where it

has been posted

A post overlays an augmented reality view

Each post can be browsed from a map

A post can appear for a limited or unlimited period of time (future release)

A post is always localizedPosts are exchanged within a

private or public social network

A post can only be viewed by authorized people (future


How users interact?

• Find physical elements nearby

• Check Social Content

• Get notified when something new is around you

Find physical elements nearby

The map icon displays the number of elements around you. By Touching it you can check how the surface element looks like and where to find it. You can modify the content of the surface with your own message.

Check Social Content feed

See what surfaces are trending on the GeoPapyrus user base or among your friends. Check on the map where they are and post your own message on the same surface.

Push Notifications

Get notified when:

1) whenever physical elements you own (where you posted content) has been modified

2) when you get around an area where there are physical surfaces (the app tracks your location in background)


From your iDevice Settings, control the speed/accuracy of the app for physical elements and image recognition detection

Who are we? We are a small team of young and "software veteran" entrepreneurs with backgrounds in mobile and cloud computing software. We know how to design scalable service oriented architectures in the cloud. We are experienced people in software design and User eXperience. We love mobile app development, and we love C, C++, Objective-C and JavaScript. Our vision is to allow you to see what you can't see in the real world, and we are going to make it happen. We love Social Networking, Augmented Reality and big challenges.

GeoPapyrus Technology

GeoPapyrus uses proprietary physical element and surface detection, as well as image recognition technologies. The key innovation behind GeoPapyrus is the ability to store up to thousands of surfaces in the users device cache without having to do all the hard processing on the cloud. GeoPapyrus uses the cloud only as a storage to sync all the information, whereas the processing power is leveraged locally, on the user device, for real time communication.