genre soap operas 2

By Chloe White, Tori O'Mara & Jake Phillips CONVECTIONS OF SOAP OPERAS

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Genre soap operas 2

By Chloe White, Tori O'Mara & Jake Phillips


Page 2: Genre soap operas 2

In Soaps there are various genres that directors try to get across to the audience. Here are some for example: Romance, Thriller, Conflict, Love, Sexuality, Fights.

The genre of a scene chosen chooses what's going to happen in a episode.

The whole episode is chosen around the genre.


By Chloe White

Page 3: Genre soap operas 2

I think the biggest audience for soap operas is women aged 20-40 mainly because the time they are shown and the

storyline’s that the use.

These early radio series were broadcast in weekday daytime slots, usually five days a week, when most

listeners would be housewives this was to target the right sort of audience they are trying to attract.


By Tori O'Mara

Page 4: Genre soap operas 2

Representations are used to stereotype and countertype. Gossip is used to create conflict, based in real life but with

more tragedy. They have a range of characters to get a wider audience. The name of the soap will help with the

connotations of its themes, lifestyles and conflicts.


By Jake Phillips

Page 5: Genre soap operas 2

Based around 19-25 year olds (Chloe)

The whole soap will be based around uni and the clubbing scene (Tori)

All of the characters will be interlinked (Jake)

The soap will be set in a student village. (Jake)

All of our story lines will be controversial including: Gay relationships, sexual harassment, jealous twins, heartbreak and murder. (Chloe)

The soap will also be based around exams (Tori)

Our new soap idea.

Page 6: Genre soap operas 2


Lacey turner- Steph (bitchy)

Georgie Porter- Lucy (Promiscuous)

Simon Bird-Lucas (geek)

The veronicas- Courtney and Charmaine (twins)

Brooke Vincent-Jess (Lesbian)

Channing Tatenum –Chase (Hot guy)

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Plot for our soap opera

Steph (is in a relationship with Chase) goes to the club with Chase and they meet up with the other main characters. They all start drinking and Lucy takes advantage of Chase and starts kissing him passionately. Although Steph is looking on from the corner with the twins she decides to get revenge by kissing Lucus. Then Jess see’s the jealous kiss and punches Steph which breaks out into a fight, that ends up as a street brawl. This continues down the street back into their houses.