genre and target audience research

Genre and target audeiecnce

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Genre and target audeiecnce

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Hannibal is a tv series that ran from 4th april 2013 and still runs now, with the 4th season to be announced.

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What is hannibal about?

Hannibal is a tv show about an FBI agent battling with insanity, he seeks the help of a psychiatrist - Hannibal lecter - and they begin to bond. Little does will know that dr. Lecter has been messing with his mind over the years and has been causing most of the murders that will has to investigate.

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Hannibal is a horror/Crime/Drama.The show constantly used conventions of all of the genres above and does so to create a very tense atmosphere throughout the show.

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Interview with Bryan Fuller (writer)Bryan being asked why he made the show, and what gave him inspiration to do so.I was on a fateful plane ride, sitting in front of the CEO of Gaumont TV, Katie O'Connell. I asked her how she was, and

she told me she'd acquired the rights to the Hannibal Lecter character. "Do you think there's a show there?", she said.

It's not like she asked me to work on it, she just was looking for my thoughts.

I said, "Absolutely there's a show. You just said the words 'Hannibal Lecter TV Show' and I know I would tune in, even

if just out of curiosity, because I love the character and the books and the films." I read Red Dragon back in high

school. I love Thomas Harris' approach to the crime thriller that crossed over into horror in a way that nobody really

tapped into. I'd seen crime thrillers in their traditional male-penetrative-control-issues type of murderers, and he was

offering something that was a real departure.

So my first question to Katie was, "Do you have the rights for the Will Graham character?" And she said yes, so I was

like, "That's your show." Because Hannibal Lecter says to Will Graham in Red Dragon, "You caught me because you're

more like me than you care to admit." And I just thought that relationship was a relationship worth exploring. Then as I

pitched her what I would do if I were in charge, she was like, "I need to bring you in."

From this we can see just how passionate that Bryan was about his work on the show, for no other

reason than he wanted to make a good show.interview from :

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Themes within Hannibal

Hannibal is one of those shows that has many different genre’s within it, as a Crime, horror and drama tv series the whole show is packed with suspense and romance throughout.

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Horror conventions

The horror in Hannibal comes from the crime scenes when they are shown on screen. The crime scenes often have a lot of closeups of a dead body or some horrific scene.

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Drama conventions

Drama conventions in hannibal are apparent throughout with there being a romantic subplot that includes Will and Alana that is back and forth through the whole season.

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Crime Conventions

The TV show hannibal has a lot of typical crime conventions because of its close links to the FBI and the fact that all the main characters all work for the FBI

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Target audience

The target audience is the late teens - aged adult age range because of the complex themes some younger people might now be able to understand subtle hints that are important to the plot at the end.The target gender however is complicated, people of a male persuasion may stereotypically like it more because of the violence involved and the horror aspects of the show, but some people that identify as a girl may also be able to enjoy the show because of the more drama like conventions within.

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Hannibal - tv show running since 2013Horror / Crime / Drama conventionsAimed at a wide audience of mature people of all genders.