genetics the scientific study of inheritance. terms allele barr body codominance dihybrid cross...

Genetics Genetics The Scientific Study of Inheritance

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Page 1: Genetics The Scientific Study of Inheritance. Terms Allele Barr body Codominance Dihybrid cross Dominant Epistasis Genotype Heterozygous Homozygous


The Scientific Study of Inheritance

Page 2: Genetics The Scientific Study of Inheritance. Terms Allele Barr body Codominance Dihybrid cross Dominant Epistasis Genotype Heterozygous Homozygous
Page 3: Genetics The Scientific Study of Inheritance. Terms Allele Barr body Codominance Dihybrid cross Dominant Epistasis Genotype Heterozygous Homozygous

Terms Terms • Allele • Barr body• Codominance • Dihybrid cross• Dominant• Epistasis• Genotype• Heterozygous • Homozygous

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• Inbreeding

• Incomplete dominance

• Linkage

• Locus

• Multi-allelic

• Phenotype

• Pleiotropy

• Polygenic

• Recessive

• Sex-linked

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Gregor MendelGregor Mendel

• Monk

• Austria; Czech republic

• 1st to analyze inheritance in a scientific manner

• Scientific method

• Careful record-keeping

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Gregor MendelGregor Mendel

• Studied garden peas

– Easy to grow

– Produce lots of offspring

– Easily distinguished characteristics

• Fruit flies - today

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Gregor MendelGregor Mendel

• “Parents pass ‘factors’ to their offspring that are responsible for traits”

• ‘Factors’ = genes• Garden peas self-pollinate• True-breedingTrue-breeding = parents

produce offspring identical to themselves

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Gregor MendelGregor Mendel

• Control cross-pollination• Cross-pollination produced

hybrids – Called a ‘cross’

• HybridsHybrids = offspring with mixed traits

• TraitsTraits = inherited characteristic

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Crossed pure-breeding and got one trait. What happened to the white trait?

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Gregor MendelGregor Mendel

• Allowed F1’s to self-pollinate

• Produced F2 generation

• F2’s; 705 purple; 224 white

• 3:1 ratio• The heritable ‘factor’ for

white was ‘masked’ but was not destroyed

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Gregor Mendel - 4 Hypotheses:Gregor Mendel - 4 Hypotheses:

1. There are alternate forms for ‘factors’ that control heredity

2. For each characteristic, there are 2 factors inherited; one from each parent

3. A gamete carries only one form for each factor’; during fertilization, the 2 ‘factors’ unite

4. One form of the factor is fully expressed (visible) and the other has no effect

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Page 13: Genetics The Scientific Study of Inheritance. Terms Allele Barr body Codominance Dihybrid cross Dominant Epistasis Genotype Heterozygous Homozygous

Modern GeneticsModern Genetics• ‘FactorsFactors’ = genesgenes• Alternate ‘forms’Alternate ‘forms’ == allelesalleles • GenesGenes = sections of DNA; code for making

proteins• Expression of proteins determines trait• Dominant Allele= allele that IS expressed;

protein is expressed (made)• Recessive Allele = allele that is NOT expressed

(made); or masked; protein is not made

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Structure Of A ChromosomeStructure Of A Chromosome

• Chromosomes are homologous pairs

– Same size, banding, centromere location and genes

• Made of DNA

• Sections of chromosomes are genes

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Chromosome 1 Homologue

Gene Allele Allele

Two alleles to a gene; alleles

may be dominant or


From momFrom dad

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• GenotypeGenotype = an organism’s genetic makeup– PP

• PhenotypePhenotype = an organism’s expressed or physical traits– Purple

Modern GeneticsModern Genetics

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Mendel’s Principle of Mendel’s Principle of Segregation:Segregation:

Law of SegregationLaw of Segregation

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Principle of SegregationPrinciple of Segregation

• All organisms have 2 sets of homologous chromosomes; one from each parent;

– Diploid

• One allele located on each chromosome; one from mom, one from dad

– 2 alleles = 1 gene

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Principle of SegregationPrinciple of Segregation

• Pairs of alleles separate (segregate) during gamete formation

• 1 form of a ‘factor’ goes into 1 gamete while the other form separates and goes into another gamete (handout)

• LocusLocus = location of a gene on a chromosome; loci (pl.)

• Alleles are at the same locus on each homologous chromosome

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• HomozygousHomozygous = both alleles for the trait are the same (homo)

– PP, pp = homozygous

• HeterozygousHeterozygous = the two alleles are different

– Pp = heterozygous

Principle of SegregationPrinciple of Segregation

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Fertilization Fertilization • During fertilization, the sperm unites with the egg• 1 haploid sperm + 1 haploid egg = 1 diploid diploid

zygotezygote• Which sperm unites with which egg is by random

chance– Flipping a coin

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This is too hard to do!!!!

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Use The Laws of ProbabilityUse The Laws of Probability

• Probability = chance that something will occur

• How can we predict what will happen easier?

• Punnett SquarePunnett Square

• How does it work, you say?

• I’m so glad you asked ……

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Punnett Square Punnett Square

1. Use letters to represent each allele

a. Use the CAPITAL for dominant and small case for recessive

b. Ex. P = purple; p = white

c. T = tall; t = short

d. Y – yellow; y - green

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2. Draw a square PURPLE PURPLE x white

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3. Determine what letters to use to represent the alleles


a. Cross a PURPLEPURPLE with a white flower

b. . PURPLEPURPLE is dominant over white in pea plants so use P = PURPLEP = PURPLE and p = white

c. Every gene has 2 alleles so use 2 letters

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Crossing a homozygous purple flower with a homozygous recessive white flower



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4. Separate letters (alleles) around the square – this represents segregation








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5. Combine the letters (alleles) into each box of the square







pp pp

pp pp

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6. Determine the results




PPpp PPpp

PPpp PPpp

Genotype = 4 Pp

Phenotype = 4 PURPLEPURPLE

1 2

3 4

Purple Purple

Purple Purple

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• Genotype – combination of letters (alleles);

– Pp

• Phenotype – appearance (what do they LOOK like?

– PurplePurple

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What If You Crossed heterozygous

purple with heterozygous purple?

PPpp x PPpp


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Separate letters (alleles) around the








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Combine the letters (alleles) in the






pPP pp

PurplePurple PurplePurple

PurplePurple white

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PPp x PPp








Genotypes –

Phenotypes –

1 - PP

2 - Pp

1- pp


1 - white

PurplePurple PurplePurple

PurplePurple white

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Practice ProblemsPractice Problems

• Tall is dominant to short

• What genotypic and phenotypic results would be expected if you crossed a HOMOZYGOUS tall with a HOMOZYGOUS short?

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Practice ProblemsPractice Problems

• What genotypic and phenotypic results would

be expected if you crossed a HOMOZYGOUS tall

with a HOMOZYGOUS short?


t t

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Tt Tt

Tt Ttt


Genotypes -

4 - Tt

Phenotypes -

4 - tall

100% tall





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• In pea plants, yellow is dominant to green. What results would be expected if you crossed a homozygous yellow with a homozygous green?

• Homozygous = same• Yellow – Y; green – y• Homozygous yellow = YY• Homozygous green = yy


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Yy Yy

Yy Yy

Yellow Yellow

Yellow Yellow

Genotype – 4 Yy

Phenotype – 4 yellow; 100% yellow

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• Black fur is dominant to brown fur in mice. What results should you expect if you crossed a homozygous black with a homozygous brown?– Black is dominant so use B; brown - b– Homozygous black = BB– Homozygous brown = bb


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BbBb BbBb

BbBb BbBb

Black Black

Black Black

Genotype – 100% Bb

Phenotype – 100% black

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Law of Independent Law of Independent AssortmentAssortment

Are Traits Inherited Together (dependently) or Separately (independently)?

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Law of Independent Assortment Law of Independent Assortment

• Round (R) is dominant to wrinkled (r)

• Yellow (Y) is dominant to green (y)

• Result from crossing two traits?

– If you inherit a dominant trait does the other trait also have to be dominant?

• Dihybrid cross – result of crossing two traits together

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Dihybrid CrossDihybrid Cross

• Homozygous (pure-breeding) round (RR), and yellow (YY) with:

• Homozygous recessive; wrinkled (rr), green (yy)

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Dihybrid CrossDihybrid Cross

• Are the two traits inherited together (in a ‘package’) or can they be inherited separately?

• Mendel crossed the P’s (yellow, round x green, wrinkled)

– F1’s were all dominant (yellow, round)

• Allowed the F1’s to self-pollinate

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Dihybrid CrossDihybrid Cross

• 9:3:3:1 ratio

• 9/16 = yellow, round

• 3/16 = yellow, wrinkled

• 3/16 = green, round

• 1/16 = green, wrinkled

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Independent Assortment:Independent Assortment:


YR Yr yR yr

Parent: 1 & 2

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YR Yr yR yr





Law of Independent Assortment

Yy Rr

Yy Rr

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YR Yr yR yr


Yr YYRr YYrr YyRr Yyrr

yR YyRR YyRr yyRR yyRr

yr YyRr Yyrr yyRr yyrr

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Law of Independent Assortment:Law of Independent Assortment:

• Each pair of alleles segregates independently of other pairs of alleles

• Can recombine independently of each other

• Genetic Genetic vvaarriiaattiioonn – Biggest cause of genetic variation in sexually Biggest cause of genetic variation in sexually

reproducing organismsreproducing organisms

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Independent AssortmentIndependent Assortment

• Budgies inherit two colors INDEPENDENTLY

• Color (Yellow) or no color on the outer surface of the feather

• MelaninMelanin or no melanin in the inner core of the feather

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Variation and Patterns of VariationVariation and Patterns of Variation

• Wild type - most common traits in the wild

– Budgies = green feathers

• Knowing patterns and rules of inheritance allows breeders to produce blues, yellows, and whites

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Budgie ColorBudgie Color

Two genes inherited separately1. Outside color of feather2. Inside color of feather

Independent assortment; the two characteristics are inherited independently of each other

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GreenGreen = Y_B_

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Blue = yyB_

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Yellow; Y_bb

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White; yybb

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Test CrossTest Cross

How can We Use Genetics to Determine if Our Organism is Pure-


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Test crossTest cross

• Mate an individual whose genotype is not known (dominant phenotype) with a homozygous recessive for that trait

• Ex. Is your favorite Labrador a ‘pure’ black or does he carry a recessive allele?

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Test crossTest cross

• Cross the unknown with a homozygous recessive

• Eight puppies born, 3 are brown (recessive)

• ?

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Bb Bb

Bb Bb

If the unknown is homozygous (pure) then all the offspring are dominant

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B b



Bb bb

Bb bb

If the unknown is heterozygous (carrier) then some offspring are recessive

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Variations of MendelVariations of Mendel

1.1. Complete dominance Complete dominance

2.2. Incomplete dominanceIncomplete dominance

3.3. CodominanceCodominance

4.4. Multiple allelesMultiple alleles

5.5. PleiotropyPleiotropy

6.6. Polygenic inheritancePolygenic inheritance

7.7. LinkageLinkage

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Incomplete DominanceIncomplete Dominance

• Dominant allele does not totally mask recessive allele

• Some recessive trait is expressed: blended

RedRed x white = pink pink

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Curly hair + straight hair = wavy

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Incomplete DominanceIncomplete Dominance

• Heterozygotes express a trait between the dominant and recessive

• Familial hypercholesterolemia

– hh = very high cholesterol

– Hh = mild cholesterol

– HH = low cholesterol; ‘normal’

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• Both traits are EQUALLY dominant;

• Both traits are expressed (not blended)

– Roan color

– Sickle cell

– Blood types

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CodomCodominanceinance • Two different traits and both show

equally– Roan color– Blood types

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Blood TypesBlood Types

• Antigens = proteins on the surface of red blood cells (RBC’s)

• Antibodies = proteins floating in the plasma of blood that bind with ‘foreign’ proteins (antigens)

• Antibodies stick to ‘foreign’ antigens forming a clot

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Blood TypesBlood Types

• ‘B’ into ‘A’ causes a clot

• ‘A’ into ‘B’ causes a clot

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Blood TypesBlood Types

• Antibodies will be the opposite of the antigens

– “A” blood will have “B” antibodies

– ‘B’ blood will have ‘A’ antibodies

• Antibodies are like guard dogs; they attack foreign cells with the wrong antigens

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Blood TypesBlood Types

• CodominanceCodominance

• Multiple allelesMultiple alleles = 1 gene but three possible allele combinations– A, B, O

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Blood Types: PhenotypesBlood Types: Phenotypes

• AntigensAntigens = proteins on the surface of cells (RBC’s)

• Cell-to-cell recognition

• AntibodiesAntibodies = proteins floating in the plasma of blood that bind with ‘foreign’ proteins (antigens)

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Blood Types: PhenotypesBlood Types: Phenotypes

• Antibodies agglutinate to antigens that are ‘foreign’

• Agglutinate = clot, clump

• “B” into “A” causes agglutination

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Blood Types: PhenotypesBlood Types: Phenotypes

• Blood type = type of antigens on the surface

• Antibodies will be the opposite of the antigens

• “A” blood will have “B” antibodies

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‘A’ antigens


‘B’ Antibodies

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‘B’ antigens


‘A’ Antibodies

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‘B’ antigens


‘B’ AntibodiesB antibodies attach

to B antigens; causes blood to agglutinate

Person with ‘A’ blood:

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‘A’ antigens


‘A’ Antibodies

Person with ‘B’ blood:

‘A’ antigens are attacked by ‘A’


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A, B antigens


No antibodies

Person with AB blood:

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No antigens


A and B antibodies

Person with O blood:

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Blood Types: GenotypesBlood Types: Genotypes

• Dominant allele = I

• Recessive allele = i (inability)

• II, Ii, ii

• Dominant allele can carry A or B

• Ia or IB

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Blood TypesBlood Types

• 2 alleles for each gene:

• ‘A’ = IAIA or IA i

• ‘B’ = IBIB or IB i

• ‘AB’ = IAIB

• ‘O’ (zero) = ii

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phenotype genotype antigens antibodies Receive




A Anti-B A or O



B Anti-A B or O

AB IAIB A,B None A, B, O

O ii None Anti-A



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How to do Punnett Squares With How to do Punnett Squares With BloodBlood Types: Types:

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IA i





IA i

IA i



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Can 2 people With A and B Can 2 people With A and B Blood Have a Child With O Blood Have a Child With O


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IA i




IA i

IB i

i i

Heterozygous A

Heterozygous B



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Pleiotropy Pleiotropy

• One gene has multiple effects

• Sickle-cell anemia; p. 160

– Abnormal blood cells

– Difficulty breathing

– Brain, heart, kidney damage

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PleiotropyPleiotropy:: Heterozygote AdvantageHeterozygote Advantage

• High incidence of sickle-cell in areas where there is a lot of malaria

• Malaria does not effect sickle-cell

• People w/ sickle-cell don’t suffer malaria

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Polygenic InheritancePolygenic Inheritance

• Multiple genes produces a continuous effect; very dark-very light

– Skin, hair, eye color

– 6 – 10 alleles

– AABBCC - aabbcc

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• Early 1900’s; TH Morgan

• Fruit flies

• Inheritance patterns did not follow Mendelian Laws of Probability (?)

• Genes are linked

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• Genes on the same chromosome are inherited together

• Sex – linked genes

• Gene located on the sex chromosome (usually X)

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Sex linkage and Punnett Sex linkage and Punnett SquaresSquares

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• The sex-linked trait is usually on the X chromosome

• X X = female• X Y = male• XH = ‘normal’• Xh = hemophilia

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• Sex-linked, recessive disorder

• ‘Bleeders disease’; lack protein for blood clotting

• Czar Nicholas’ son “Nicki”; p. 168

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Normal phenotypes:

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Hemophilia phenotype:

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Sex-linked Traits:Sex-linked Traits:

• Hemophilia

• Duchenne’s Muscular dystrophy

• Color-blindness

• Mostly males

• Smartness

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Sex-linked Traits: Y ChromosomeSex-linked Traits: Y Chromosome

• “Maleness”

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Pedigrees Pedigrees

• Tracing traits back over generations

• Dominance does NOT mean that a phenotype is ‘normal’ or more common

• Wild type

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• Dominance = heterozygote displays the trait

• Recessive expression occurs only if the genotype is homozygous

• bb, tt, ff

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• Used to predict probability of genetic disorders

• CarriersCarriers = individuals who do not express the trait but have the recessive allele in their genotype

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Human DisordersHuman Disorders

• Single gene:

• 2 types;

– Dominant expression

– Recessive expression

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Human Disorders: Dominant Human Disorders: Dominant

• Only requires one allele for trait to be expressed

– Polydactyly; multiple fingers

– Achondroplasia; dwarfism, heterozygotes

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Human Disorders: DominantHuman Disorders: Dominant

• Most dominant disorders are not lethalMost dominant disorders are not lethal – Huntington’s diseaseHuntington’s disease; midlife

expression, degeneration of the nervous system

– HypercholesterolemiaHypercholesterolemia – high cholesterol; heart disease

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Human Disorders: RecessiveHuman Disorders: Recessive

• Homozygous for the disorder to be expressed

– Cystic fibrosis; Cystic fibrosis;

– Sickle cell anemiaSickle cell anemia

– Tay-Sachs diseaseTay-Sachs disease


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Fetal TestingFetal Testing

• AmniocentesisAmniocentesis = removal of amniotic fluid (surrounds the developing baby); 20 ml– Biochemical tests (spina bifida, infections)– Cells karyotyping (Down’s, Tay-Sachs)

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Fetal TestingFetal Testing

• Chorionic villus samplingChorionic villus sampling (CVS) fetal cells removed from placenta

– Karyotyped quickly

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Fetal TestingFetal Testing

• UltrasoundUltrasound = view of baby

• FetoscopyFetoscopy = direct view of baby

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Recessive DisordersRecessive Disorders

• Cystic fibrosis – whites; build up of mucus in lungs, pancreas

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Recessive DisordersRecessive Disorders

• Sickle cell anemiaSickle cell anemia – Black and SE Asia; 1/500 (lethal), 1/10 carrier;

– Codominant – one allele is normal, other forms hemoglobin that crystallizes in low oxygen

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Recessive DisordersRecessive Disorders

• Tay-SachsTay-Sachs – Jewish; lack gene that produces enzyme that breaks down lipids in the brain; causes brain degeneration, lethal by age 3-4

• PKU – phenylketonuria; lack the gene needed to make the enzyme that breaks down phenylalanine. Phenylalanine accumulates causing nervous disorders. Treated with diet

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Pedigrees Pedigrees

• Tracing traits back over generations

• Dominance does NOT mean that a phenotype is ‘normal’ or more common

• Wild type

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• Used to predict probability of genetic disorders

• CarriersCarriers = individuals who do not express the trait but have the recessive allele in their genotype

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Pedigree Pedigree

• Family tree• Shows how a trait is passed down from one

generation to the next

= male

= female

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Pedigree number 1

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Pedigree number 2

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Pedigree number 3

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