genetic control of protein

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  • 7/25/2019 Genetic Control of Protein


    Features of genetic molecule

    Carry instructions for the construction andbehaviour of cells

    The ability to be copied perfectly over andover again: nuclei of each of daughtercells

    DNA= deoxyribonuleic acid

    !NA=ribonucleic acid"are polymers #ith smaller molecules=

    nucleotides so they are polynucleotides

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    $ components:"nitrogen containing base

    There are five different organic bases but they all contain the elementscarbon hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen% They fall into groupspurines&t#o rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms' and pyrimidines&a single ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms'% The base thymineis

    found in DNA only and the base uracilis found in !NA only sothere are only four different bases present at a time in one nucleicacid molecule%

    "a phosphoric acid

    "a deoxyribose &("carbon or pentose sugar'% )y convention the carbonatoms are numbered as sho#n to distinguish them from the carbon

    atoms in the base% *f carbon + has a hydroxyl group &,-' attachedthen the sugar is ribose found in !NA%

    )ase :Adenine &A' Cytosine &C' .uanine &.' Thymine &T' /racil &/'

    Adenosine& part of AT0' 1 is adenine #ith a sugar 2oined to it

    Thiamine = a vitamin

    0urine: A. pyrimidines: CT/

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    Nucleotide Polymerisation

    Nucleotides can 2oin together by a condensation reaction &results inthe removal of #ater' bet#een the phosphate group of onenucleotide and the hydroxyl group on carbon $ of the sugar of theother nucleotide% The bonds lin3ing the nucleotides together arestrong covalent phosphodiester bonds%

    The bases do not ta3e part in the polymerisation so there is asugar"phosphate bac3bone #ith the bases extending off it% Thismeans that the nucleotides can 2oin together in any order along thechain% 4any nucleotides form a polynucleotide%

    5ach polynucleotide chain has t#o distinct ends

    a $6 &7three prime6' end carbon $ of the deoxyribose is closest tothe end

    and a (6 &7five prime6' end carbon ( of the deoxyribose is closestto the end

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    Structure of DNA

    The three"dimensional structure of DNA #as discovered in the 89(;s by

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    Complementary base pairing

    A al#ays pair #ith T as A=T

    C al#ays pair #ith . as C=.

    A purine in one strand must be al#ays theopposite a pyrimidine in the other

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    !NA is a nucleic acid li3e DNA but #ith >


    !NA has the sugar ribose instead of


    !NA has the base uracil instead of


    !NA is usually single stranded

    !NA is usually shorter than DNA

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    Function of DNA

    DNA is the genetic material and genes are made of DNA% DNA

    therefore has t#o essential functions: replication and expression% !eplication means that the DNA #ith all its genes must be

    copied every time a cell divides%

    5xpression means that the genes on DNA must controlcharacteristics% A gene #as traditionally defined as a factor that

    controls a particular characteristic &such as flo#er colour' but amuch more precise definition is that a gene is a section of DNA thatcodes for a particular protein%DNA is a code for proteins determiningthe exact order in #hich the amino acids 2oin together #hen proteinsare made in a cell%

    Characteristics are controlled by genes through the proteins they

    code for li3e this:

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    5xpression can be split into t#o parts:transcription &ma3ing !NA' and translation&ma3ing proteins'% These t#o functions

    are summarised in this diagram &called thecentral dogma of genetics'%

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    Replication - DNA Synthesis

    =semi"conservative replication because half of the original moleculeis 3ept &conserved' in each of the ne# molecule

    DNA is copied or replicated before every cell division so that one

    identical copy can go to each daughter cell% The method of DNA

    replication is obvious from its structure: the double helix un?ips and

    t#o ne# strands are built up by complementary base"pairing onto the

    t#o old strands

    !eplication starts at a specific seuence on the DNA molecule called

    the replication origin%

    An en?yme un#inds and un?ips DNA brea3ing the hydrogen bonds

    that 2oin the base pairs and forming t#o separate strands% *n the nucleus are nucleotides to #hich t#o extra phosphates have

    been added #hich activate the nucleotides enabling them to ta3e part

    in the next reactions

    The ne# DNA is built up from the four nucleotides &A C . and T'

    that are abundant in the nucleoplasm%

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    These nucleotides attach themselves to the bases on theold strands by complementary base pairing%

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    The Meselson-Stahl Experiment

    This replication mechanism is sometimes called semi"conservative replication because each ne# DNAmolecule contains one ne# strand and one old strand%This need not be the case and alternative theories

    suggested that a @photocopy@ of the original DNA couldbe made leaving the original DNA conserved&conservative replication'% The evidence for the semi"conservative method came from an elegant experimentperformed in 89( by 4eselson and Btahl% They used

    the bacterium E. colitogether #ith the techniue ofdensity gradient centrifugation #hich separatesmolecules on the basis of their density%

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    8% .ro# bacteria on medium #ith normal 8>N->

    These first t#o steps are a calibration% They sho# that the method can distinguish bet#een DNA containing 8>N and that containing 8(N%

    +% .ro# bacteria for many generations on medium #ith 8(N->

    $% !eturn to 8>N-> medium for + minutes &one generation'

    This is the crucial step% The DNA has replicated 2ust once in 8>N medium% The resulting DNA is not heavy or light but exactly half #ay

    bet#een the t#o% Thus rules out conservative replication%

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    >% .ro# on 8>N-> medium for > mins &t#o generations'

    After t#o generations the DNA is either light or half"and"half% This rules out dispersive

    replication% The results are all explained by semi"conservative replication%

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    DNA controls protein synthesis

    The seuence of bases or nucleotides in a DNA molecule is a codefor the seuence of amino acids in a polypeptide%

    The code is a $ letter or triplet code: each seuence three basesstands for one amino acid% The seuence is al#ays read in oneparticular direction and on only one of the t#o strands of the DNA

    molecule% The code of DNA molecule is used to determine ho# thepolypeptide molecule is constructed%

    The part of the DNA molecule #hich codes for 2ust only onepolypeptide or protein =gene &$'

    .enome"total set of genes in a cell& total information'

    The triplet of bases of t!NA&anticodon' lin3s up #ith acomplementary triplet of m!NA& codon'

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    A mutationoccurs #hen a DNA gene is damaged orchanged in such a #ay as to alter the genetic messagecarried by that gene%

    The nucleotide seuence is altered thus changing theseuence of the m!NA codons% This causes the #rongamino acid to be produced resulting in a non"functionalpolypeptide% ,ccasionally there is no effect or the proteinis actually improved%

    Bic3le"cell disease and Cancer are both results ofmutations%

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    DNA and Protein Synthesis

    Transcription - RNA Synthesis

    DNA never leaves the nucleus but proteins are synthesised in thecytoplasm so a copy of each gene is made to carry the message from thenucleus to the cytoplasm% This copy is m!NA and the process of copying is

    called transcription% The start of each gene on DNA is mar3ed by a special seuence of bases%

    The !NA molecule is built up from the four ribose nucleotides &A C . and/' in the nucleoplasm% The nucleotides attach themselves to the bases onthe DNA by complementary base pairing 2ust as in DNA replication%-o#ever only one strand of !NA is made using one strand of the DNA as atemplate

    % The DNA stand that is copied is called the template or sense strand

    because it contains the seuence of bases that codes for a protein% Theother strand is 2ust a complementary copy and is called the non"template orantisense strand%

    The ne# nucleotides are 2oined to each other by strong covalent bonds bythe en?yme !NA polymerase%

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    ,nly about base pairs remain attached at a time since the m!NAmolecule peels off from the DNA as it is made% A #inding en?yme

    re#inds the DNA% The initial m!NA or primary transcript contains many regions thatare not needed as part of the protein code% These are called introns&for interruption seuences' #hile the parts that are needed arecalled exons &for expressed seuences'% All eu3aryotic genes haveintrons and they are usually longer than the exons%

    The introns are cut out and the exons are spliced together byen?ymes The result is a shorter mature !NA containing only exons% The

    introns are bro3en do#n% The m!NA diffuses out of the nucleus through a nuclear pore into

    the cytoplasm #here is attaches to a ribosome%

    *n the cytoplasm there are molecules of transfer !NA and freeamino acids &at least + molecules of t!NA' "have a triplet of basesat one end and a region #here an amino acid can attach at theother%

    5ach amino acid is coded for by $ bases%

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    t!NA is an adapter that matches amino acids to their codon% t!NA is onlyabout nucleotides long and it folds up by complementary base pairing toform a looped clover"leaf structure% At one end of the molecule there isal#ays the base seuence ACC #here the amino acid binds% ,n the middleloop there is a triplet nucleotide seuence called the anticodon&$ unpairedbases'% There are E> different t!NA molecules each #ith a differentanticodon seuence complementary to the E> different codons% The aminoacids are attached to their t!NA molecule by specific en?ymes% These arehighly specific so that each amino acid is attached to a t!NA adapter #iththe appropriate anticodon%

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    Messenger RNA mRNA! m!NA carries the @message@ that codes for a particular

    protein from the nucleus here the DNA master copy is'to the cytoplasm here proteins are synthesised'% *t issingle stranded and 2ust long enough to contain one

    gene only% *t has a short lifetime and is degraded soonafter it is used%

    Ri"osomal RNA rRNA! r!NA together #ith proteins form ribosomes #hich are

    the site of m!NA translation and protein synthesis%

    !ibosomes have t#o subunits small and large and areassembled in the nucleolus of the nucleus and exportedinto the cytoplasm%

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    Translation - Protein Synthesis

    8%A ribosome&rA!Nproteins'

    attaches to the m!NA at aninitiation codon &A/.' formethionine%The m!NA binds tothe small subunit% The ribosomeencloses t#o codons%

    +% met"t!NA diffuses to theribosome and attaches to them!NA initiation codon bycomplementary basepairing& t!NA" anticodon /AC'

    $% The next amino acid"t!NAattaches to the ad2acent m!NA

    codon &leu in this case'%

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    >% The bond bet#een theamino acid and the t!NA is cutand a peptide bond is formedbet#een the t#o amino acids%

    (% The ribosome movesalong one codon so that a ne#amino acid"t!NA can attach% Thefree t!NA molecule leaves to

    collect another amino acid% Thecycle repeats from step $%

    E% The polypeptide chainelongates one amino acid at atime and peels a#ay from the

    ribosome folding up into a proteinas it goes% This continues forhundreds of amino acids until astop codon&/AA/AC/.A' isreached #hen the ribosome fallsapart releasing the finishedprotein%

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    A single piece of m!NA can be translated by many ribosomes simultaneously somany protein molecules can be made from one m!NA molecule% A group ofribosomes all attached to one piece of m!NA is called a polysome or polyribosomes%

    Bo the base seuence on the DNA molecule determines the base seuence on them!NA #hich determines #hich t!NA molecules can lin3 up #ith them%

    The seuence of bases on DNA codes for the seuence of amino acids in proteins%)ut there are + different amino acids and only > different bases so the bases areread in groups of $% This gives >$ or E> combinations more than enough to code for+ amino acids% A group of three bases coding for an amino acid is called a codon andthe meaning of each of the E> codons is called the genetic code%

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    Post-Translational Modification

    *n eu3aryotes proteins often need to be alteredbefore they become fully functional%

    4odifications are carried out by other en?ymesand include: chain cutting adding methyl orphosphate groups to amino acids or addingsugars &to ma3e glycoproteins' or lipids &to ma3e


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    5xpression can be split into t#o parts:transcription &ma3ing !NA' and translation&ma3ing proteins'% These t#o functions

    are summarised in this diagram &called thecentral dogma of genetics'%

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    Nuclear division

    Cell reproduce by dividing and passing on

    their genes to daughter cells &has its o#n


    The nucleus al#ays divides before a cell


    .ametes are derived from one cell" the

    ?ygote&= the cell formed #hen + gametes

    from parents fused'

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    Chromatin and chromosomes

    The DNA molecule in a single human cell is 99 cm long so is 8 timeslonger than the cell in #hich it resides &G 8mm '%

    *n order to fit into the cell the DNA is cut into shorter lengths and eachlength is tightly #rapped up #ith histone proteins to form a complex calledchromatin% During most of the life of a cell the chromatin is dispersed

    throughout the nucleus and cannot be seen #ith a light microscope% Atvarious times parts of the chromatin #ill un#ind so that genes on the DNAcan be transcribed% This allo#s the proteins that the cell needs to be made%

    Hust before cell division the DNA is replicated and more histone proteinsare synthesised so there is temporarily t#ice the normal amount ofchromatin% Follo#ing replication the chromatin then coils up even tighter toform short fat bundles called chromosomes &in interphase'%

    5ach chromosome is roughly I"shaped because it contains t#o replicatedcopies of the DNA% The t#o arms of the I are therefore identical% They arecalled chromatids and are 2oined at the centromere% &Do not confuse thet#o chromatids #ith the t#o strands of DNA%'

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    Chromatin DNA histones at anystage of the cell cycle

    Chromosome compact I"shaped formof chromatin formed

    &and visible' duringmitosis

    Chromatid single arm of an I"shaped chromosome

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    #omologous $hromosomes%

    matching pairs of chromosomes *f a dividing cell is stained #ith a special fluorescent dye and

    examined under a microscope during cell division the individual

    chromosomes can be distinguished% They can then be photographed

    and studied% This is a difficult and s3illed procedure and it often helps

    if the chromosomes are cut out and arranged in order of si?e%

    This display is called a 3aryotype and it sho#s several features:

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    Different species have different number of chromosomes but allmembers of the same species have the same number% -umanshave >E chic3ens have J goldfish have 9> fruit flies have potatoes have > and so on% The number of chromosomes doesnot appear to be related to the number of genes or amount of DNA%

    The chromosomes are numbered from largest to smallest% Chromosomes come in pairs called homologous pairs &@same

    shaped@'% Bo there are t#o chromosome number 8s t#ochromosome number +s etc and humans really have +$ pairs ofchromosomes%

    -omologous chromosomes are a result of sexual reproduction and

    the homologous pairs are the maternal &inherited from the mother'and paternal &inherited from the father' versions of the samechromosome so they have the same seuence of genes fro thesame characteristics%

    ,ne pair of chromosomes is different in males and females% Theseare called the sex chromosomes and are non"homologous in one ofthe sexes% *n humans the sex chromosomes are homologous infemales &II' and non"homologous in males &IK'% &*n birds it is theother #ay roundL' The non"sex chromosomes are called autosomesso humans have ++ pairs of autosomes and 8 pair of sexchromosomes%

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    The position of the sex chromosomes is to on one side in3aryotype

    Female has +I and male has IK

    5ach chromosome has a characteristic code for differentfeatures%

    The -.0 is investigating #hich genes are located on#hich chromosomes

    The chromosome number is halved from the diploidnumber &+n' to the haploid number &n'% This is necessaryso that the chromosome number remains constant fromgeneration to generation% A +n body=>E

    -aploid cells have one copyset of each chromosome#hile diploid cells have homologous pairs of eachchromosome%.ametes are haploid cells so has +$

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    The gene for a particular characteristic is al#aysfound at the same position or locus &plural loci'on a chromosome%

    A gene controlling a characteristic may exist indifferent forms &alleles'"are expressed differently

    *f both homologous chromosomes have a copyof the faulty"the person #ill suffer the disease if

    has only one copy of the faulty allele"termed acarrier

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    T#o types of nuclear division

    8%gro#th"4*T,B*B &the daughter cell 3eep

    the same number of chromosomes as

    parent cell'

    +%sexual reproduction" 45*,B*B &halves

    the chromosomes and result gamets'

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    The mitotic phase can be sub"divided into four phases&prophase metaphase anaphase and telophase'%

    4itosis is strictly nuclear division and is follo#ed bycytoplasmic division or cyto3inesis to complete cell

    division% The gro#th and synthesis phases arecollectively called interphase &i%e% in bet#een celldivision'% 4itosis results in t#o daughter cells #hichare genetically identical daughter nuclei to each otherand is used for gro#th and asexual reproduction%

    *s part of cell cycle= period bet#een one cell division andthe next and has $ phases: interphase nuclear divisionand cell division

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    During interphase" a signal received that

    the cell should divide again

    Nuclear division follo# interphase

    *n animal cells cell division involves

    constriction of the cytoplasm bet#een the

    t#o nuclei= cyto3inesis

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    4itosis is a type of cell division that

    produces genetically identical cells%

    During mitosis DNA replicates in the

    parent cell #hich divides into t#o ne#cells each containing an exact copy of the

    DNA in the parent cell% The only source of

    genetic variation in the cells is viamutations%

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    Asexual reproduction is the production ofoffspring from a single parent using mitosis% Theoffspring are therefore genetically identical toeach other and to their parent" in other #ordsthey are clones% Asexual reproduction is verycommon in nature and in addition #e humanshave developed some ne# artificial methods%The Matin terms in vivo&in life i%e% in a living

    organism' and in vitro&in glass i%e% in a testtube' are often used to describe natural andartificial techniues%