generative adversarial networks: part ii · generative adversarial networks: part ii nuha mohammed...

Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II Nuha Mohammed June 2019 1 Introduction We will explore common problems in GAN training and take a deeper dive into a few different iterations of GANs that have been introduced after Ian Goodfellow’s initial paper. 2 Review Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) consist of two neural networks: a gen- erator and a discriminator. These two models are trained at the same time; the generator tries to recover the training set while the discriminator estimates the probability that the a given sample came from the training set rather than the generator. Ultimately, the generator learns to recover the training distribution and the discriminator outputs 0.5 for all samples, meaning it was equally likely to have come from the generator as from the training set. 3 Problems in Training 3.1 Non-convergence The convergence of GAN training near an equilibrium can be assessed by looking at the Jacobian matrix of eigenvalues (i.e. the matrix of partial derivatives) at that point. υ(θ, ψ)= -∇ θ L(θ,ψ) θ L(θ,ψ) (1) The Nash equilibrium occurs at a specific parameter assignment where the nei- ther the generator nor the discriminator will change its action regardless of what the other will do. Note that GANs may not always converge and this is where problems in training originate. 1

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Page 1: Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II · Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II Nuha Mohammed June 2019 1 Introduction We will explore common problems in GAN training and take

Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II

Nuha Mohammed

June 2019

1 Introduction

We will explore common problems in GAN training and take a deeper diveinto a few different iterations of GANs that have been introduced after IanGoodfellow’s initial paper.

2 Review

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) consist of two neural networks: a gen-erator and a discriminator. These two models are trained at the same time; thegenerator tries to recover the training set while the discriminator estimates theprobability that the a given sample came from the training set rather than thegenerator. Ultimately, the generator learns to recover the training distributionand the discriminator outputs 0.5 for all samples, meaning it was equally likelyto have come from the generator as from the training set.

3 Problems in Training

3.1 Non-convergence

The convergence of GAN training near an equilibrium can be assessed by lookingat the Jacobian matrix of eigenvalues (i.e. the matrix of partial derivatives) atthat point.

υ(θ, ψ) =

(−∇θL(θ, ψ)∇θL(θ, ψ)


The Nash equilibrium occurs at a specific parameter assignment where the nei-ther the generator nor the discriminator will change its action regardless of whatthe other will do. Note that GANs may not always converge and this is whereproblems in training originate.


Page 2: Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II · Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II Nuha Mohammed June 2019 1 Introduction We will explore common problems in GAN training and take

3.2 Mode Collapse

Mode Collapse occurs when there is no progress in optimization and all inputimages map to the same output image

3.3 Diminished Gradient

In many GANs, in the cost function, the gradient vanishes as the discriminatorbecomes optimal which means learning gradually becomes harder.

In a neural network, the gradient is integral for gradient descent to back-propagate the signal. Therefore, diminished/vanishing gradients make learningharder.


4.1 Strided Convolutions

Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGANs) use stridedconvolutions for the Discriminator and fractional-strided convolutions for theGenerator (instead of pooling layers). You can refer to the CNN lecture to re-fresh your memory on strided convolutions which is a method of spatial down-sampling. Using strided convolutions instead of pooling allows the network to”learn” its own downsampling, contributing to greater stability in training thisGAN architecture.

Figure 2. DCGAN Generator with strided convolutions for spatial downsam-pling.

4.2 Batch Normalization

Another feature of DCGAN is the use of batch normalization (batchnorm) inboth the generator and discriminator. With batchnorm, the output of a previ-ous activation layer is normalized by subtracting the batch mean from it and


Page 3: Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II · Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II Nuha Mohammed June 2019 1 Introduction We will explore common problems in GAN training and take

dividing by the batch standard deviation. In practice, batchnorm helps preventmode collapses and helps with gradient flow in deeper models.

4.3 Activation Functions

DCGAN uses ReLU activation in all layers of the generator except for outputlayer which uses Tanh. The discriminator uses the leaky ReLU function which,in contrast to the regular ReLU function, allows small negative values to passthrough (*ReLU truncates negative values to 0). Therefore, leaky ReLU helpswith gradient flow in the discriminator.

5 ProGAN

ProGAN was a major improvement to GANs by NVIDIA. It proposed the pro-gressive growing of the GAN, a layer at a time. The GAN starts out by pro-ducing very low resolution images. Everytime training stablizes, a new layer isadded and the resolution is doubled. This process continues until the desiredresolution is reached. ProGAN provides a stable way of training GANs at higherresolutions.


Page 4: Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II · Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II Nuha Mohammed June 2019 1 Introduction We will explore common problems in GAN training and take

6 CycleGAN

CycleGAN is different from conventional GANs as it has to do with style trans-fer. Furthermore, CycleGAN deals with image-to-image translation with un-paired training samples which consist of a source set and target set with nopairs between the two datasets.

This type of mapping is prone to mode collapse. CycleGAN combats modecollapse by introducing a new loss function for ”cycle consistency”.


Page 5: Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II · Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II Nuha Mohammed June 2019 1 Introduction We will explore common problems in GAN training and take

6.1 Loss Function

If we define a translator F and another translator G, the cycle consistency losspromotes F and G to be inverses of each other. It follows that F(G(X))x andG(F(x))y. This cycle consistency loss is combined with the adversarial loss.Adversarial Loss is expressed as that of a conventional GAN.

While, cyclic consistency loss is expressed as such:

Both are combined to yeild this loss function:

and the GAN aims to solve the following:

7 Challenge!

Complete the two challenges below!1. Implement a DCGAN2. Build a CycleGAN and use it to translate emojis between Windows andApple emojis.


Page 6: Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II · Generative Adversarial Networks: Part II Nuha Mohammed June 2019 1 Introduction We will explore common problems in GAN training and take

Instruction for both assignments are here: rgrosse/courses/csc3212018/assignments/a4−handout.pdf

Shell Code here (scroll down to ”Programming Assignment 4”): rgrosse/courses/csc3212018/

8 Acknowledgements

I did not create any of the images in this lecture. I acquired images and infor-mation from the following sources:

• DCGAN paper

• CycleGAN paper

• ProGAN paper

• OpenAI’s blog on GANs

• Medium’s articles on GANs

• ML Club’s GAN lecture

*The Challenge problem was taken from Univeristy of Toronto’s CSC321 course.