generating researcher networks with identified persons on a semantic service platform

Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI 1 BlogTalk2009 Generating Researcher Networks with Identified Persons on a Semantic Service Platform 15 Sep. 2009 Hanmin Jung KISTI

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Hanmin Jung(KISTI)


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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI1BlogTalk2009

Generating Researcher Networkswith Identified Persons

on a Semantic Service Platform

15 Sep. 2009

Hanmin Jung


Page 2: Generating Researcher Networks with Identified Persons on a Semantic Service Platform

Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI2BlogTalk2009

Research networks would be useful for finding


Speakers (Key persons of a researcher group)


Getting sources

Resolving identities

Finding experts

Generating networks


Page 3: Generating Researcher Networks with Identified Persons on a Semantic Service Platform

Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI3BlogTalk2009

Getting sources …

Page 4: Generating Researcher Networks with Identified Persons on a Semantic Service Platform

Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI4BlogTalk2009

Identified Entities

Papers: 453,124Elsevier international journal papers with full-texts and metadata

Persons: 1,352,220

Topics: 339,947

Institutions: 91,514

Locations: 409,575 (with GPS coordinate)

RDF Triples: 283,087,518 (2008.11)


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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI5BlogTalk2009

Resolving identities … How to resolve identities?How to merge different identifiers as one?

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI6BlogTalk2009


RDF Triple Store





OntoFrame 2008 Service




SQL/Expanded Triples


DB Tables

Legacy DB Table

Legacy DB Table

… FieldInformation


OntologySchemataOntologies Search Engine





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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI7BlogTalk2009


Reference and Academic Knowledge Ontologies

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI8BlogTalk2009


Select Database & OntologySelect Database & Ontology

Edit Mapping RulesEdit Mapping Rules

Design Ontology ModelDesign Ontology Model Edit URI Generation RulesEdit URI Generation Rules

Edit Identity Resolution RulesEdit Identity Resolution Rules

Crawl DatabaseCrawl DatabaseNormalize Field ValuesNormalize Field Values

Extract TopicsExtract TopicsResolve IdentitiesResolve Identities

Refer Authority DataRefer Authority Data

Apply sameAs RelationsApply sameAs Relations

Apply Mapping RulesApply Mapping Rules

Test Mapping ProcessTest Mapping Process

Apply Identity Resolution RulesApply Identity Resolution Rules

Apply URI Generation RulesApply URI Generation Rules



Generate RDF TriplesGenerate RDF Triples

Assign URIsAssign URIs

Syntactic-to-Semantic Process


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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI9BlogTalk2009

Identity Resolution

One or TwoPersons?

Barry G.T.Lowden


One or TwoPersons?



case 1case 1 case 2case 2

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI10BlogTalk2009

Identity Resolution

Rules for Resolving Personal Identities

Class Resource Kind Match Relation Source Weight

Person Order 1

Person Name Pivot Exact Single OntoURI

Person hasInstitution Feature Exact Single OntoURI 2

Person Email Feature Number Single 4

Person hasCoauthor Feature Number Multiple OntoReasoner 1

Person hasTopic threshold 0.8

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI11BlogTalk2009

Identity Resolution

Authority Data

Normalized Form Variant Form Kind Class

IBM International Business Machines Corporation Abbreviation Institution

Microsoft MS Abbreviation Institution

Microsoft 마이크로소프트 Korean Institution

London 런던 Korean Location

Academic Inc. Academic Press Inc, LTD Alternative Publication

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI12BlogTalk2009

Identity Resolution



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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI13BlogTalk2009

Identity Resolution



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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI14BlogTalk2009

ReSIST (2006 ~ 2008)

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI15BlogTalk2009

ReSIST (2006 ~ 2008)

Resilience Knowledge Base

"Deliverable D31: Final Workshop report" by ReSIST

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI16BlogTalk2009

LOD Project

Linking Open Data Community Project

Available in RDF and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) versions


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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI17BlogTalk2009

Finding experts … How to extract topics?How to determine topics of a researcher?

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI18BlogTalk2009

Topic Extraction

System Architecture

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI19BlogTalk2009

Propagating Topics of Entities

Topic Propagation

Article Person

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI20BlogTalk2009

Experts Finding


Knowledge expansionMaking direct relations for shorter access path

Experts retrievalQuerying with SPARQL for a given topic

Converting SPARQL-to-SQL

Using backward chaining path

Post-processingGrouping and counting retrieved authors

Ranking by names or the number of achievements

Making an XML document as the result

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI21BlogTalk2009

Knowledge Expansion

Inference Rule

@prefix isrl: <>

(?x isrl:hasCreatorInfo ?y) (?y isrl:hasCreator ?z) ->

(?x isrl:createdByPerson ?z)








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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI22BlogTalk2009

Experts Retrieval

Backward Chaining Path

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI23BlogTalk2009

Generating networks … How to find a researcher group?How about similar researchers?

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI24BlogTalk2009

OntoFrame 2008

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI25BlogTalk2009

Researcher Networks (T, P)

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI26BlogTalk2009


Getting co-author pairs for a target topic (T) SELECT DISTINCT ?person1 ?person2


?article aca:yearOfAccomplishment ?year .

FILTER(?year>=startYear && ?year<=endYear) .

?article aca:hasTopicOfArticle <topURI> .

?article aca:createdByPerson ?person1 .

?article aca:createdByPerson ?person2 .

FILTER(?person1 < ?person2) .


Selecting a target researcher (P) in the pairs

Tracing group members connected with him (seed)

Researcher Networks (T, P)

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI27BlogTalk2009

Researcher Networks (P)

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI28BlogTalk2009


Getting co-author pairs including a target researcher (P) SELECT ?per1 ?per2


?article aca:yearOfAccomplishment ?year .

FILTER(?year>=startYear && ?year<=endYear) .

?article aca:createdByPerson ?per1 .

?article aca:createdByPerson ?per2 .

FILTER(?per1 < ?per2) .

FILTER(?per1=<perURI> || ?per2=<perURI>) .


Ranking them with the frequency of co-authorship

Researcher Networks (P)

Page 29: Generating Researcher Networks with Identified Persons on a Semantic Service Platform

Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI29BlogTalk2009

Similar Researchers

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI30BlogTalk2009

Process (1/2)

Getting topics of a target researcher (P) SELECT ?per1 ?topic


?article aca:createdByPerson ?per1 .

?article aca:hasTopicArea ?topicArea .

?topicArea aca:hasTopicOfTopicArea ?topic .

FILTER(?per1=<perURI>) .


Ranking and selecting top n topics for him

Similar Researchers (P)

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI31BlogTalk2009

Process (2/2)

Getting researchers who largely share topics with him SELECT DISTINCT ?per2


?per2 aca:hasTopicOfPerson ?topic1 .

?per2 aca:hasTopicOfPerson ?topic2 .

?per2 aca:hasTopicOfPerson ?topic3 .

?per2 aca:hasTopicOfPerson ?topic4 .

FILTER(?per2!=<perURI>) .

FILTER(?topic1 < ?topic2 && ?topic2 < ?topic3 && ?topic3 < ?topic4) .


FILTER(?topic1=<topic[0]> || ?topic1=<topic[1]> || ?topic1=<topic[2]> || ?topic1=<topic[3]> || ?topic1=<topic[4]>) .

FILTER(?topic2=<topic[0]> || ?topic2=<topic[1]> || ?topic2=<topic[2]> || ?topic2=<topic[3]> || ?topic2=<topic[4]>) .

FILTER(?topic3=<topic[0]> || ?topic3=<topic[1]> || ?topic3=<topic[2]> || ?topic3=<topic[3]> || ?topic3=<topic[4]>) .

FILTER(?topic4=<topic[0]> || ?topic4=<topic[1]> || ?topic4=<topic[2]> || ?topic4=<topic[3]> || ?topic4=<topic[4]>) .


Similar Researchers

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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI32BlogTalk2009

Processes to Generate Researcher Networks

Getting sources: Papers

Resolving identities: Rules, Authority data, sameAs

Finding experts: Topics, Reasoning

Generating networks: Topic-, Person-constrained

Next Research Topic

Service mashup to get researcher networks directly


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Copyright © 2004-2009, KISTI33BlogTalk2009

Thank you

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