generate more leads through social media

Generate More Leads Through Social Media Sources of Information: Scott Adams Orbit Media SiteproNews Luanne Tierney (Global Channel Chief and Influencer) Matt Cutts - Google LinkedIn Best Practices Guides

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Post on 09-May-2015




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On August 5th, ContentMX presented at ChannelCon, hosted by CompTIA on how to 'generate more leads through social media'. Many solution providers often think of social media as a way to build brand awareness, but not as a lead generation tool. If you haven’t tried using social media for lead generation, your business may be missing out on a lucrative marketing channel. Learn how to develop a strategy to generate and track social media leads.


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Generate More Leads Through Social Media Sources of Information:

Scott Adams Orbit Media SiteproNews Luanne Tierney (Global Channel Chief and Influencer) Matt Cutts - Google LinkedIn Best Practices Guides

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Is this what you are expecting?

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Spent tons of money and what did you get?

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What does it mean?

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Find & be found by target market

Create Engagement

Sales Lead

Let’s work our path through the sales funnel!

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What if you could have all your sales leads in a single room?

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Are you part of the conversation?

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Great! Top of the funnel is nice but….

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Find & be found by target market

Create Engagement

Sales Lead

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Integrate Linked

IN Google

+ Twitter


Break Down The Walls

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The content funnel

Your marketing plan needs to leverage all mediums

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Social, search, and email, all work together!

Panda 4.0:

●  Original Content ●  Social Engagement ●  Return visits

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Work together: sales and marketing

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Find & be found by target market

Create Engagement

Sales Lead

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NEW GAME “It’s important to build a personal brand because it’s the only thing you’re going to have. Your reputation online matters, which in the new business world is pretty much the game, so you’ve got to be a good person. You can’t hide anything, and more importantly, you’ve got to be out there at some level.”

Gary Vaynerchuk Entrepreneur, Author, Investor

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It is personal

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STEP 1: Have a great presence

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Don’t be sloppy

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Where do they hang?

Go to IT forums & see what

customers are saying

What are their interests?

What are they reading?


STEP 2: Research your audience

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STEP 3: Before doing anything…. listen!

▪  What’s being said? ▪  What are customers’ hot topics? ▪  What are their key concerns? ▪  What are latest trends? ▪  What is the current IT news?

This will help you know the content to share

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STEP 4: Engage Share relevant content & start conversations

✓  Post a very intriguing question like: “Want to know the top security mistakes every company makes? Download xyz” ✓  Link the download to your site so marketing

team can monitor who is clicking on the links ✓  Follow up within a week with a question or

conversation starter

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Lets help our sales people start the engagement

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Target the best groups

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Sales people pick off the engaged prospect for more direct conversation

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Cross promote

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Who can you find?

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Who are you connected to?

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What can we learn?

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Real results when done right

Sources:  IBM    |    Hubspot  2013  |    State  of  Inbound  Marke;ng  2013  

✓  78% of salespeople using social media outsell their peers

✓  Social media produces almost 2x the leads of trade

shows, telemarketing, direct mail or pay-per click ✓  52% of all marketers sourced a lead from Facebook

in 2013

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Your competition is using Social Selling

15% 31% 21% More customer

renewals Greater team

margin attainment More reps

reaching their targets

Source: Aberdeen Group

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LinkedIn conversations in email and websites increase engagement

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If sales and marketing get together

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Find & be found by target market

Create Engagement

Sales Lead

Deals Closed

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#Breaking NEWS!! Panda 4.0 say’s NO to replicated websites!! Make sure you stay up to date on the fast paced changes!

Emergency Announcement

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Turn sales into social selling pro’s!




Review  &  update  your  LinkedIn  and  Social  profiles,  current  role  descrip;on,  adding  in  new  talking  points  &  achievements  respec;vely  

Schedule  ;me  to  spend  in  key  LinkedIn  Groups  to  add  comments,  start  discussions  and  reach  out  to  ‘qualifying’  individuals  

Write  an  ar;cle  highligh;ng  your  perspec;ve  on  one  of  the  major  challenges  in  one  of  the  markets  you  serve,  &  post  it  into  LinkedIn  Long  form    

Share  an  on-­‐topic  ar;cle  –  from  a  trusted  source,  your  company’s  website,  or  LinkedIn  Pulse    (;p:  pre-­‐schedule  the  week  using  Content  MX)  




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1.  Use headlines to stimulate attention; your title is not always the best headline

2.  Create a summary showing value you bring. Write in the 1st person

3.  Use data or industry stats to gain credibility 4.  Show your expertise 5.  List skills your customers will want to hear 6.  Use LinkedIn "Professional Portfolio” to share presentations,

videos, links, PDFs etc.

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LinkedIn Premium – Sales Professional •  Improve your professional identity

•  Discover who’s interested in you •  Get analytics to improve your professional presence •  Be prepared with key information on business contacts

•  Grow your professional network •  Make new business contacts outside your network •  Get introduced through your network •  Make yourself available to new contacts

•  Promote and grow your business •  Zero in on the right people •  Easily stay on top of your search •  Reach out credibly to anyone on LinkedIn

Price – Starting at US$23.99/MO  

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Share buttons in each article

Personalize and connect to LinkedIn profile

Conversations in email

Integrate the communication

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Search | Learn | Engage

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Follow these steps and win

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Content and Management

Strategy Sales Lead Data

Resources to help: