generalized quadrangles of order (s, s2), i · journal of combinatorial theory, series a 67,...

JOURNALOF COMBINATORIAL THEORY,Series A 67, 140-160 (1994) Generalized Quadrangles of Order (s, s2), I J. A. THAS Department of Pure Mathematies and Computer Algebra, University of Gent, Krijgslaan 281, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Communicated by Francis Buekenhout Received January 5, 1992 In this paper generalized quadrangles of order (s, s2), s > 1, satisfying property (G) at a line, at a pair of points, or at a flag, are studied. Property (G) was intro- duced by S. E. Payne (Geom. Dedicata 32 (1989), 93-118) and is weaker than 3-regularity (see S. E. Payne and J. A. Thas, "Finite Generalized Quadrangles," Pitman, London, 1984). It was shown by Payne that each generalized quadrangle of order (s2, s), s > 1, arising from a flock of a quadratic cone, has property (G) at its point (~). In particular translation generalized quadrangles satisfying property (G) are considered here. As an application it is proved that the Roman generalized quadrangles of Payne contain at least s 3 + s2 classical subquadrangles Q(4, s). Also, as a by-product, several classes of ovoids of Q(4, s), s odd, are obtained; one of these classes is new. The goal of Part II is the classification of all translation generalized quadrangles satisfying property (G) at some flag ((oo), L). © 1994 Academic Press, Inc. 1. GENERALIZED QUADRANGLES 1.1. Introduction A (finite) generalized quadrangle (GQ) is an incidence structure 6 e = (P, B, I) in which P and B are disjoint (nonempty) sets of objects called points and lines (respectively), and for which I is a symmetric point- line incidence relation satisfying the following axioms: (i) Each point is incident with 1 + t lines (t>~ 1) and two distinct points are incident with at most one line. (ii) Each line is incident with 1 + s points (s >i 1) and two distinct lines are incident with at most one point. (iii) If x is a point and L is a line not incident with x, then there is a unique pair (y, M) e P x B for which x I M I y I L. 140 0097-3165/94 $6.00 Copyright © 1994 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY, Series A 67, 140-160 (1994)

Generalized Quadrangles of Order (s, s2), I


Department of Pure Mathematies and Computer Algebra, University of Gent, Krijgslaan 281, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

Communicated by Francis Buekenhout

Received January 5, 1992

In this paper generalized quadrangles of order (s, s2), s > 1, satisfying property (G) at a line, at a pair of points, or at a flag, are studied. Property (G) was intro- duced by S. E. Payne (Geom. Dedicata 32 (1989), 93-118) and is weaker than 3-regularity (see S. E. Payne and J. A. Thas, "Finite Generalized Quadrangles," Pitman, London, 1984). It was shown by Payne that each generalized quadrangle of order (s 2, s), s > 1, arising from a flock of a quadratic cone, has property (G) at its point (~). In particular translation generalized quadrangles satisfying property (G) are considered here. As an application it is proved that the Roman generalized quadrangles of Payne contain at least s 3 + s 2 classical subquadrangles Q(4, s). Also, as a by-product, several classes of ovoids of Q(4, s), s odd, are obtained; one of these classes is new. The goal of Part II is the classification of all translation generalized quadrangles satisfying property (G) at some flag ((oo), L). © 1994 Academic Press, Inc.

1. G E N E R A L I Z E D Q U A D R A N G L E S

1.1. Introduction

A (finite) general ized quad rang le ( G Q ) is an incidence s t ructure 6 e = (P, B, I ) in which P and B are d is jo int ( none mpty ) sets of objects cal led po in t s and lines (respectively) , and for which I is a symmet r ic poin t - line incidence re la t ion satisfying the fol lowing axioms:

(i) Each po in t is inc ident wi th 1 + t lines (t>~ 1) and two dis t inct po in ts are inc ident wi th at mos t one line.

(ii) Each line is inc ident with 1 + s po in ts (s >i 1) and two dis t inct lines are incident wi th at mos t one point .

(iii) If x is a po in t and L is a line no t inc ident with x, then there is a unique pa i r (y, M ) e P x B for which x I M I y I L.

140 0097-3165/94 $6.00 Copyright © 1994 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.


The integers s and t are the parameters of the GQ and 5: is said to have order (s, t); if s = t, 50 is said to have order s. There is a point-line duality for GQ for which in any definition or theorem the words "point" and "line" are interchanged and the parameters s and t are interchanged. Normally, we assume without further notice that the dual of a given theorem or definition has also been given.

Given two (not necessarily distinct) points x, y of the GQ 5 e, we write x ~ y and say that x and y are collinear, provided that there is some line L for which x I L I y. And x % y means that x and y are not collinear. Dually, for L, M s B, we write L ,-~ M or L 4 ~ M according as L and M are concurrent or nonconcurrent, respectively. If x ~ y (resp., L ~ M) we may also say that x (resp., L) is orthogonal or perpendicular to y (resp., M). The line (resp., point) which is incident with distinct collinear points x, y (resp. distinct concurrent lines L, M) is denoted by xy (resp., L M or L A M ) .

For x s P put x ± = { y e P II y~x}, and note that x e x ±. The trace of a pair {x, y} of distinct points is defined to be the set x ± n y± and is denoted t r{x ,y} or {x,y} ±. We have I { x , y } ± l = s + l or t + l according as x ~ y or x 4 ~y. More generally, if A c P , A "perp" is defined by A ± - - N {x ± II x~A}. For x#y, the span of the pair {x,y} is sp{x,y} = { x , y } ± ± = { u ~ P l [ u ~ z ± V z ~ x ± n y ± } . We have [{x,y}±± I = s + l or I{x, Y}±±I ~< t + 1 according as x ~ y or x "k y.

A triad (of points) is a triple of pairwise noncollinear points. Given a triad T = {x, y, z}, a center of T is just a point of T ±.

For definitions, notations, and results neither given herein nor cited explicitly, we refer to the monograph by Payne and Thas [11].

1.2. Restrictions on the Parameters

Let 5: = (P, B, I) be a GQ of order (s, t). If IPI = v and [BI = b, then v = (s + 1)(st + 1) and b = (t + 1)(st + 1); see [ 11, 1.2.1 ]. Also, s + t divides st(s+ 1) ( t+ 1); see [11, 1.2.2].

If s > 1 and t > 1, then t<~s 2, and dually s<<.t2; see [11, 1.2.3]. Also, for s > 1 and t > 1, s 2 = t i f f each triad (of points) has a constant number of centers, in which case this constant number of centers is s + 1; see 1-11, 1.2.4].


Let 5: = (P, B, I) be a GQ of order (s, t).

2.1. Regularity

If x ~ y , x # y , or if x @ y and [{x,y} ±±1 = t + 1, we say that the pair {x, y} is regular. The point x is regular provided {x, y} is regular for all


142 J . A . THAS

y ~ P, y # x. A point x is coregular provided each line incident with x is regular.

If 5 a contains a regular pair {x,y}, then either s = l or s>>.t; see [11, 1.3.6]. A coregular point in a GQ of orders, s > 1, is regular iff s is even; see [11, 1.5.2].

Let x be a regular point of 6 a. Then the incidence structure with pointset x ± - {x}, with lineset the set of spans {y, z} ±±, where y, z ~ x ± - {x}, y 4~ z, and with the natural incidence, is the dual of a net (cf. [2]) of order s and degree t + 1; see [11, 1.3.1]. If in particular s = t > 1, there arises a dual affine plane of order s. Also, in this ease the incidence structure rex with pointset x ±, with lineset the set of spans {y , z} ±±, where y, z s x ±, y ~ z, and with the natural incidence, is a projective plane of order s.

EXAMPLES. (a) Let Q(n, q) be the GQ arising from the nonsingular quadric Q of Witt index 2 in PG(n, q), n~ {3, 4, 5}. All lines of Q(n, q) are regular [11, 3.3.1]. All points of Q(3, q) are regular; all points of Q(4, q) are regular iff q is even; and no point of Q(5, q) is regular [11, 3.3.1].

(b) Let H(n, q2) be the GQ arising from the nonsingular Hermit±an variety H of PG(n, q2), n~ {3, 4}. All points of H(3, q2) are regular and no line of H(3, q2) is regular [11, 3.3.1]. No point and no line of H(4, q2) is regular [11, 3.3.1].

(c) Since the GQ W(q) arising from a sympletic polarity ~ of PG(3, q) is isomorphic to the dual of Q(4, q) (cf. [11, 3.2.1]), all points of W(q) are regular for all q and all lines of W(q) are regular iff q is even.

(d) Let I'2(0) be the GQ arising from an oval O of PG(2, q). Then the point (Go) is coregular for T2(O ) [11, 3.3.2].

Let T3(O) be the GQ arising from an ovoid O of P(3, q). Then the point (oo) is coregular for T3(O) [11, 3.3.2].

Other results on regularity in Tn(O), n~{2,3}, can be found in [11,3.3.3].

(e) For any translation generalized quadrangle Seep) the base point p is coregular [11, 8.1 and 8.2].

(f) Let re(F) be the GQ of order (q2, q) arising from the flock F of the quadratic cone K of PG(3, q); see [16]. Then it is easy to check that the point (oo) is regular.

THEOREM 2.1.1. A GQ 5 a of order s (s> 1) is isomorphic to W(s) iff all its points are regular.

Proof See [11,5.2.1]. |


2.2. Ant±regularity

The pair {x, y }, x -~ y, is ant±regular provided [z±c~ {x, y } ±[~< 2 for all z ~ P - {x, y}. A point x is ant±regular provided {x, y} is ant±regular for all y ~ P - x ±.

If {x,y} is ant±regular with s=t , then s is odd; see [11, 1.5.1]. If l < s < t , then 5e has no ant±regular pair of points; see [11, 1.3.6]. A coregular point in a G Q of order s, s > 1, is ant±regular iff s is odd; see [11, 1.5.2].

Let x be an ant±regular point of the G Q 5 ¢ = (P, B, I) of order s, s ~ 1. Then the incidence structure with pointset x ~-- {x}, with lineset the set of spans {x, y} ±±, y-,~ x, and y # x, with circleset the set of traces {x, z} ±, z ~ x, and with the natural incidence, is a Laguerre plane 50 of order s; see [10]. For each point u of 50 the derived or internal affine plane of 5 ° at u will be denoted by 50u or z(x, u); points of re(x, u) are the points of x ± not coil±near with u, and the lines of re(x, u) are the spans {x, y}±±, with y ~ x and y ~c u, and the traces {x, z} ±, with z -~ x and z~u .

EXAMPLES [11, 3.3.1]. All points of Q(4, q) are ant±regular iff q is odd; no line of Q(4, q) is ant±regular. Since W(q) is isomorphic to the dual of Q(4, q), all lines of W(q) are ant±regular iff q is odd, and no point of W(q) is ant±regular.

THEOREM 2.2.1. Let 5e be a GQ of orders, s # 1, having an ant±regular point x. Then 5¢ is isomorphic to Q(4, s) iff there is a point y, y~ x ± - {x}, for which the associated affine plane re(x, y) is Desarguesian.

Proof See [11,5.2.7]. |

2.3. 3-Regularity

Let s 2 = t > l , so that by 1.2 we have I { x , y , z } ± l = s + l for any triad {x, y, z }. Evidently J {x, y, z }-L± I ~< s + 1. We say { x, y, z } is 3-regular provided I{x, y, z}±±[ = s + 1. The point x is called 3-regular iff each triad containing x is 3-regular.

Let 5e be a G Q of order (s, s2), s # 1, and suppose that any triad con- tained in {x,y} ±, x ~ y, is 3-regular. Then the incidence structure with pointset {x, y}±, with circleset the set of elements {z, z', z"} ±±, where z, z', z" are distinct points in {x, y} ± and, with the natural incidence, is an inversive plane of order s; see [11, 1.3.3].

If {x, y, z} = T is a 3-regular triad of the GQ O ° = (P, B, I) of order (s, s2), s # 1, then each point of P - (T ± u T ±±) is coil±near with precisely two points of T ± u T±±; see 1-11, 1.4.1].

Let {x, y, z} = T be a 3-regular triad of the GQ 5 e = (P, B, I) of order (s, s2), s > 1, and let P ' be the set of all points incident with lines of the

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form uv, u e T ±, and v e T ±±. If L is a line which is incident with no point of T a u T ±± and if k is the number of points in P' which are incident withL, then k e { 0 , 2 } if s is odd and k e { 1 , s + l } if s is even; see[11, 2.6.1]. If s is even, if B' is the set of all lines in B which are incident with at least two points of P', and if I' is the restriction of I to ( P ' x B ' ) u (B' x P'), then 6`,' = (P', B', I ') is a subquadrangle of 6`, of order s; moreover {x,y} is a regular pair of 6O', with {x ,y}± '= {x ,y , z } J- and { x , y } ± " ' = {x,y, z} ±a (see [11, 2.6.2]).

EXAMPLES. (a) All points of Q(5, q) are 3-regular [11, 3.3.1]. Since H(3, q2) is isomorphic to the dual of Q(5, q), all lines of H(3, qZ) are 3-regular.

(b) The point (oo) of the GQ T3(O) is 3-regular [11, 3.3.2]. If 7"3(0) has a 3-regular point other than (oo), then O is an elliptic quadric and T3(O ) is isomorphic to Q(5, q) [11, 3.3.3].

THEOREM 2.3.1. (i) A GQ of order (s, s2), s > 1, is isomorphic to T3(O) iff it has a 3-regular point.

(ii) Let 5" be a GQ of order (s, s2), s > l , with s odd. Then 6`, ~- Q(5, s) iff 6`, has a 3-regular point.

(iii) Let 6" be a GQ of order (s, s 2) with s even. Then 6`, _~ Q(5, s) tff one of the following holds:

All points of 5" are 3-regular.

6O has at least one 3-regular point not incident with some regular


(b) line.

Proof. See [11, 5.3.1 and 5.3.3]. |

2.4. Property (G) for GQ of Order (s, s 2)

Let 6O= (P, B, I) be a GQ of order (s, s2), s # 1. Let x l , y l be distinct coUinear points. We say that the pair {x l , y l } has property (G) or that 6O has property (G) at {x l ,y l} , if every triad {XI,X2, X3} , with y l e {Xl, x2, x3} ±, is 3-regular. Then also every triad {Y~,Y2, Y3}, with Xl ~ {Yl, Y2, Y3} ±, is 3-regular. The GQ 5`" has property (G) at the line L, or the line L has property (G), if each pair of points {x,y}, x # y , and x I L I y, has property (G). If (x, L) is a flag, that is, if x I L, then we say that 6`, has property (G) at (x, L), or that (x, L) has property (G), if every pair {x, y}, x # y , and y I L, has property (G).

The point x of the GQ 50 is 3-regular iff each flag (x, L), x I L, has property (G).

If s is even and if 6`, contains a pair of points having property (G), then by 2.3 6`, contains subquadrangles of order s.


In [-9] property (G) is defined for any G Q of order (s, t), t > s > 1.

EXAMPLE. If 5e(F) is the G Q of order (q2, q) arising from the flock F of the quadratic cone K of PG(3, q), then by [9] 5 ° has property (G) at the point (oo).

Goal of the paper. In the subsequent sections GQ of order (s, s2), s ~ 1, having property (G) at some pair of points, or at some line, or at some flag, will be considered. In particular translation generalized quadrangles of order (s, s2), s ¢ 1, with base point (oo) and having property (G) either at some flag ((oo), L) or at some line L incident with the point (oo), are studied in detail.


3.1. The Affine Space 5ey (S. E. Payne and J. A. Thas)

Let 5e - (p, B, I) be a GQ of order (q, q2), q ~ 1, for which the pair of points {x,y}, x,,~y, has property (G). Now we introduce the following incidence structure 5a~y = (P~y, B~y, I~y):

(i) Px,=x l - { x , y } (ii) Elements of Bxy are of two types: (a) the sets {y, z, u} ±± - {y},

with {y, z, u} a triad having x as center, and (b) the sets {x, w} ± - {x}, with x ~ w 4 ~ y.

(iii) Ixy is containment.

Then [exy[ = q3, Bxy contains q3(q3 _ q)/q(q _ 1) = q4 + q3 elements of type (a) and qZ elements of type (b).

LEMMA 3.1.1. Let M 1, M2 be different elements of type (a) of Bxy , let LI, L2 be different elements of type (b) of Bxy , and assume that Lic~MjC fg for all i, j e {1, 2}. Then each element of type (b) of Bxy which contains a point of M1 also contains a point of M2.

Proof Let Lic~Mj={xo. }. Since M I C M 2 , we have {x~l ,x21}¢ {x12, x22}. Suppose, e.g., that x21¢x22. Let u e M 1, u¢Lx, u(~Lz, N = {x, u} ± - {x}. If N does not contain a point of {y, Xai, x22} j-j- then by 2.3, and since the point x e {y, x~ , x22} ± is collinear with u, the point u is collinear with a second point x' of {y, x~ , x22} ±. So x' is collinear with y, x~ , x22, u. Hence x ' e {y, Xx~, u} ± and so x'~x21, giving a triangle {x', x2~, xa2}, a contradiction. Consequently N contains a point of

146 J.A. a'nAS

{y, x11 , 9C22} ±J-. If xllv~x12, then an analogous argument shows that N contains a point of M2; if xla =xa2, then, as {y, x~ , x22} ±± = M 2 u {y}, it is clear that N contains a point of 3//2. ]

Now we introduce the set H~y. The elements of H~y are of two types:

(a) The sets {x, z} ± - {y), with x + z and y e {x, z} 1, and

(b) each set which is the union of all elements of type (b) of B~cy containing a point of some line M of type (a) of B~y.

The set H~y contains q3 elements of type (a), and by Lemma 3.1.1 it contains (q4 + q3): q2(q2 _ q)/q(q _ 1) = q2 + q elements of type (b).

LEMMA 3.1.2. The elements of exy and nxy in an element of Hxy are the points and lines of a 2 - (q2, q, 1 ) design, that is, an affine plane of order q.

Proof Easy, using property (G) and Lemma 3.1.1. |

THEOREM 3.1.3. The elements of Pxy, Bxy, and H~y, respectively, are the points, lines, and planes of affine space AG(3, q).

Proof We have IPxy I = q3, each element of Bxy contains q elements of Pxy, and any two distinct elements of Pxy are contained in a unique element of Bxy. Hence 5°~y is a 2 - (q3, q, 1 ) design.

If q=3, then by [11,5.3.2] we have 6a=Q(5 ,3) . By 1-11, 3.2.4] Q(5, 3 ) ~ T3(O), with O an elliptic quadric of PG(3, 3). Now the statement of the theorem is easily checked by taking for y the point (m) and for x any point distinct from (m) but collinear with (~ ) .

Now assume q > 3. By a theorem of Buekenhout [1] it is sufficient to show that any three points of Pxy, not contained in a common element of Bxy, are contained in a common element of Hxy , Let z, u, w be three dis- tinct points of P~v, not in a common element of Bxy , and not in a common element of type (b) of Hxy. Then no two points of {z, u, w} are collinear in 6 e (that is, no two points of {z, u, w} are incident with a common line of 5e through x), and {y, z, u} ±J- has no point in common with {x, w} ~. Since w,,~x and x~ {y, z, u} ±, so by 2.3 w is collinear with a second point x' of { y, z, u } ±. Clearly { x, x'} ± contains y, z, u, w, and hence z, u, w are contained in an element of type (a) of Hxy. |

COROLLARY 3.1.4. I f 5 ¢ = (P, B, I) is a GQ of order (q, q2), q va 1, for which at least one pair of points {x, y}, x ~ y , has property (G), then q is a prime power.

Proof Immediate from Theorem 3.1.3. |


TI~OREM 3.1.5. Let 50 = (P, B, I) be a GQ of order (q, q2), q even, for which at least one pair of points {x, y}, x ~ y , has property (G). By 2.3 each element of type (a) of Bxy defines a subquadrangle 5"' of order q 0f50. In this way there arise q3 + q2 subquadrangles of order q of 50. Also, in any such subquadrangle each pair {y, u} with x e { y, u } ± (and so each pair {x,z} with y e {x, z} ±) is regular.

Proof Assume that the elements Mr, M2 of type (a) of Bxy define the same subquadrangle 50' of order q. Let M~u {y} = {y, u~, z~} "±, i= 1, 2. Then by 2.3 the pair {y, u~}, i= 1, 2, is regular in 5 °, and {y, u~}±"'= M~u{y} , i=1 ,2 . Since {y,u~}'" '={v~,we} ±'±" for any two points vi, w;e {y, u,} "'±', i= 1, 2, we have {y, u,}-L'±'c-~ {y, u2} " '± '= {y}. Also, as x e {y, u,} ±' with i= 1, 2, any element of type (b) of Bxy containing a point of M, also contains a point of M2. Hence M, and M2 are parallel lines in the affine plane of type (b) of AG(3, q) defind by M 1.

Conversely, let M~, M2 be distinct parallel lines of type (a) of an affine plane of type (b) of AG(3, q). Suppose that M ; u {y} = {y, u~,ze} ±±, i=1 ,2 , where u ~ u 2 and zl,,,z2. If w~{y , u l , z l } ± n { y , u2, z2} ±, w # x , then there arises a triangle {W, Ul, U2}, a contradiction. Hence {y, u l , z l}Zc~{y , uz, z2}±={x} . Now we show that each point r of {y, Uz, Z2}±--{X} is incident with a line of 50 joining a point of {y, u~,zt} ±± to a point of {y, Ul,Zl} ±. Suppose the contrary. By 2.3, r is coil±near with two points y,y ' of {y, u l ,z l} "±. Now, let {y"}= {y, u2, z2}±± c~ {x, y'}±. Then there arises the triangle {y', y", r}, a con- tradiction. Consequently r is incident with a line of 50 joining a point wa of {y, ut, z~} ±± to a point v~ of {y, u~, Zl} ±. (If Wl #y , then there arises a triangle {y, r, va}, a contradiction. So wl = y and the line ry of 50 con- tains a point v~ of {y, Ua, z~}±.) Hence r is a point of the subquadrangle 50' of order q defined by Mr, and so { y, u2, z2 } ± is contained in 50'. Since M2 is a line of the affine plane of type (b) defined by M~, also M2 is con- tained in 50'. We conclude that 50' is also the subquadrangle of order q defined by M2.

From the preceding sections it follows that the elements of type (a) of Bxy define (q4 + q3)/q = q3 + q2 subquadrangles of order q of 5 °.

Now consider a point u of the subquadrangle 50' defined by M1, with y ~ u and x e {y, u} ±. As {x, u} -L has a point in common with M1, the point u belongs to the affine plane rc defined by M1. Let M2 be the line of rc parallel to Mr. Then M2 also defines the subquadrangle 50'. It follows that {y, u} is regular in 50'. |

Remark 3.1.6. Assume q even or odd. From the second section of the proof of the preceding theorem and by interchanging roles of x and y in defining affine planes of type (b), we see that M1 and M2 are parallel lines

148 J.A. THAS

of type (a) in an affine plane of type (b) of AG(3, q) iff (M 1 u {y})± - {x} = N1 and (M2 w { y } ) ± - {x} = N2 are parallel lines in the affine plane defined by y and N1, I

3.2. 50 Has Property (G) either at the Line L or at the Flag (x, L)

Let 50= (P, B, I) be a GQ of order (q, q2), q even, which satisfies property (G) at the flag (x, L), with L = xy. Further, let x be a center of the triad { y, z, u } and let 50' be the subquadrangle of order q containing {y, z, u} ± and {y, z, u} ±±.

THEOREM 3.2.1. at the line L, then L is regular in 50.

The point x is regular in 50'. I f 50 satisfies property (G) all points of L are regular in 50', L is regular in 50', and

Proof. Let w be a point of 50', with w 4 ~ x and w ~p y. Further, let r,r', r" be distinct points of {x, w} ±', with r l L . Then {r, r', r"} ± and {r, r', r"} 1± are contained in a subquadrangle 50" of order q of 50. Clearly the lines xr, xr', xr", wr, wr', wr" are common lines of 50' and 5 °'. Then by [11, 2.3.1] the common points and lines of 50' and 50" form a sub- quadrangle 50 'n 50" of order (q, t'), t ' > 1, of 50". Now by [11, 2.2.2] we have 50'c~50"=50', and so 50'=50". It follows that {r , r '}± '± '= {r, r', r"} ±±, {r, r ' }± '= {r, r', r"} ±, and so {r, r'} and {x, w} are regular in 50'. Hence x is regular in 50'.

Assume now that 50 satisfies property (G) at the line L. With the nota- tions of the previous section and interchanging the roles of x and y, we see that also y is regular in 50'. Since y and r play the same role in 50', also r is regular in 50'. It follows immediately that all points of L are regular in 50'. Hence also the line L is regular in 50'(cf. 2.1). Consider now a line M of 50, M 4 ~ L. Let y ~ x ' I M , x , , ~ y ' I M , and x " ~ { y , y ' } ± - { x , x ' } . The subquadrangle 5 ~- of order q defined by x, x', x" contains L and M. Since L is regular in50, the span {L, m } ± ' ± ' = {L, M} ±± has size q + 1. We conclude that L is regular in 50. |

From now on let q be odd or even and let 50 satisfy property (G) at the flag (x, L). Let R be {u, ul, u2} ±± = {u, ul, u2, ..., Uq}, with {u, ul, u2} a triad having x as center and with u I L, and let Li be the line incident with x and the point ui, i = 1, 2, ..., q. Further, let PxR be the set of all points, different from x, collinear with x and a point of R, let BxR= {L, L1, L2 ..... Lq}, and let CxR be the set having as elements the sets {w, wl, w2} ±± with w I L, wl I L1, w2 1L2, and x ¢ {w, wl, w2}. Also, let incidence I~R between elements of PxR and elements of B~R be induced by the incidence in 50, and let incidence I~R between elements of PxR and elements of CxR be containment.


THEOREM 3.2.2. The incidence structure ~ = (Pxn, BxR, CxR, IxR), with pointset P~R, lineset BxR, circleset Cxn, and incidence IxR, is a Laguerre plane of order q. Also, for each point y I L, y ~ x, the derived or internal affine plane ~ of SF at y is the affine plane AG(2, q); hence, for q odd ~q~ is the classical Laguerre plane, that is, arises from the quadratic cone in PG(3, q).

Proof Clearly [PxR[ =q2+q, IBxRI = q + 1, ICxRI =q3, each line of L,~ is incident with q points of ~ , and each circle of S¢ is incident with q + 1 points of ~ .

Let {w, Wl, w2} ±± and {w', w,, w2} ±± be elements ofCxR, w l L , w ' IL , w # w', wl I L , , w2 1 L2. Consider w"e {w, Wl, w2} ±± -- {W, W1, W2} and assume {x, w"} ± has no point in common with {w', w~, w2} ±±. As there are no triangles in St, w" is coil±near with no point of {w', wl, w2} ±±. Hence w" is coil±near with two distinct points x, r of {w', wl, w2} ±. Since r~w", r ~ w l , and r"~w2, we have r,,~w. So there arises a triangle with vertices w, w', r, a contradiction. Consequently {x, w"} ± has a point in common with {w', W1, W2} ±±.

Consider again {w, wl, w2} ±±. We show that {w, wl, w2} ±± has a point in common with each of L, LI, L 2 .... ,Lq. If w=u we are done by Lemma 3.1.1. If w # u, then consider {u, wl, w2} ±±, and apply the previous case to {u, ul, u2} ±± and {u, wl, w2} ±± and the first section of this proof to {u, wl, w2} ±± and {w, wl, w2} ±±.

It follows that each line of ~e and each circle of 5¢ have exactly one point in common.

Since 5 e satisfies property (G) at (x, L), each circle of ~ is uniquely defined by any three of its points; hence two distinct circles of 5¢ have at most two points in common. Since each triad of points of 5e is on at most one circle of 5¢, there are at most [(q2+q)q2(q2_q)]/ [(q + 1 ) q ( q - 1 ) ] = q3 circles. As there are exactly q3 circles, we conclude that each triad of points of ~e is on exactly one circle of ~ .

Consequently ~ is a Laguerre plane of order q. Let y I L, y # x. Then the derived or internal affine plane ~ey of ~q' at y

is the affine plane in the statement of Lemma 3.1.2. Now by Theorem 3.1.3 this affine plane ~y is AG(2, q). Finally, if q is odd, then by 1-10] &o is the classical Laguerre plane, that is, the Laguerre plane arising from the quadratic cone of PG(3, q). |

Let O be an oval (that is, a set of q + 1 points no three of which are coil±near) in a plane PG(2, q) of some PG(3, q), and let x be a point of PG(3, q) not contained in PG(2, q). Further, let K be the cone projecting O from x. Then the points of K - {x}, the lines on K, and the intersections of K by planes not containing x, are the points, lines, and circles of a Laguerre plane denoted ~g(O) (the incidence is the natural one). If q is

150 J.A. THAS

odd, then O is necessarily an irreducible conic (see 8.2.4 of [4]) and so ~ ( O ) is the Laguerre plane arising from the quadratic cone; that is, 5e(O) is the classical Laguerre plane. Further, each known Laguerre plane is isomorphic to a 5°(O), for some oval O of some PG(2, q).

THEOREM 3.2.3. Suppose that q is even and that the Laguerre plane ~ of Theorem 3.2.2 is isomorphic to some £P(O). Let C be a circle of SY and let St' be the subquadrangle of order q containing C and C ±. Then the projective plane rc~: defined by the regular point x of St' is Desarguesian.

Proof So we assume that q is even and that La_ ~ ( O ) for some oval O of some plane PG(2, q) of PG(3, q). The lines of rex not containing x are circles of ~ (cf. 2.1 and 3.2). Any two of these lines have exactly one point in common, so we have q2 circles of ~ which are mutually tangent. Let C1, C2, ..., Cq2 be the corresponding circles of ~e(O). Since q is even, the q + 1 tangent planes of the cone K defining 5e(O) contain a common line, the nucleus line N of K. The nucleus of the oval C~. is the intersection of N with any tangent line of C;. Since any two ovals of {Ca, C2 . . . . . Cq2} are mutually tangent, they have a common tangent line, hence have the same nucleus. Consequently C1, C2 .... , Cq2 have a common nucleus n~N. Projecting K minus its vertex ~ from n, we see that the incidence structure formed by the points of K - { i f } and the circles C1, C2,..., Cq2 is isomorphic to the dual affine plane with as points the lines of PG(3, q) con- taining n and a point of K - {if}, and with as lines the planes of PG(3, q) containing n but not 2. Clearly this dual affine plane is Desarguesian. Hence the dual affine plane obtained from the projective plane rG by deleting x and the lines through x is Desarguesian. We conclude that the projective plane n~ is Desarguesian. |


4.1. GQ Arising from Flocks

Let F be a flock of the quadratic cone K with vertex x of PG(3, q), that is, a partition of K - {x} into q disjoint irreducible conics. Then, by [16], with F there corresponds a GQ St(F) of order (q2, q). In [9] it was shown that St(F) satisfies property (G) at its point (oo). If St(F) satisfies property (G) at some point ze (~ )± - {(~)}, then by [12], St(F) is isomorphic to the classical GQ H(3, q2) arising from the nonsingular Hermitian variety H of PG(3, q2). Also, St(F) ~ H(3, q2) iff all the planes of the conics of F contain a common line of PG(3, q); see [16]. Using the fact that any St(F) is an elation generalized quadrangle (EGQ) (that is, admits a group G


(elation group) of collineations, each fixing the point (or) linewise, which acts regularly on the points not collinear with (oe)) it is then clear that for any nonclassical 5f(F) the point ( ~ ) is fixed by any collineation and that a nonclassical GQ of order (q2, q) is a 5P(F) for at most one point (or).

Now suppose that the nonclassical GQ 5P(F) of order (s, t), s = t 2, is a translation generalized quadrangle (TGQ) with base line L; that is, assume that:

(i) The GQ 5°(F) admits a group G of collineations, each fixing L pointwise, which acts regularly on the set of lines not concurrent with L (that is, 5e(F) is an EGQ with base line L and elation group G).

(ii) The group G is abelian.

In such a case, G - { 1 } is the set of all collineations of 5e(F) fixing L pointwise and having no fixed line M with M 4, L (see [11, 8.6.4]). The group G is called the translation group of the TGQ with base line L. As 5~(F) is not classical, the point (oe) is fixed by all elements of G. Conse- quently (oe) is incident with L. Also, N. L. Johnson [6] proved that for such an 5~(F), s (or t) is necessarily odd.

By [11, Section 8.7J, the dual 5P(F) of the GQ 5~(F) is then isomorphic to a GQ of type T(n, 2n, q) = T(O). A GQ T(n, 2n, q) is described as follows.

In PG(4n - 1, q) consider a set O(n, 2n, q) = O of q2n + 1 (n - 1)-dimen- sional subspaces ( ~ ) = PG(°~(n - 1, q), P G ° ~ ( n - 1, q) .... , PG(q2")(n- 1, q), every three of which generate a PG(3n - 1, q), and such that each element P G ( ° ( n - 1, q) of O is contained in a PG(° (3n-1 , q) having no point in common with any PG(J~(n- 1, q), j # i and i = 0, 1, ..., q2n. It is easy to check that PG(°(3n - 1, q) is uniquely determined, i = 0 , 1, ..., q2n. The space PG(° (3n - 1, q) is called the tangent space of O at P G ( ° ( n - 1, q). Embed P G ( 4 n - 1 , q) in a PG(4n, q), and define T(n, 2n, q ) = T(O) as follows. Points are of three types:

(i) The points of PG(4n, q) - P G ( 4 n - 1, q).

(ii) The 3n-dimensional subspaces of PG(4n, q) which intersect PG(4n - 1, q) in one of the PG(°(3n - 1, q).

(iii) The symbol (L).

Lines are of two types:

(a) The n-dimensional subspaces of PG(4n, q) which intersect PG(4n - 1, q) in a PG°~(n - 1, q).

(b) The elements of O.

Incidence in T(O) is defined as follows: A point of type (i) is incident only with lines of type (a); here the incidence is that of PG(4n, q). A point of

152 J.A. T ~ s

type (ii) is incident with all lines of type (a) contained in it and with the unique element of O contained in it. The point (L) is incident with no line of type (a) and with all lines of type (b). This GQ T(O) has order (q", q2,).

Here the base point ( ~ ) of the EGQSa(F) corresponds to the line PGI°)(n - 1, q)= ( ~ ) of type (b) of T(O), and the base line L of the TGQ 5e(F) corresponds to the point (L) of type (iii).

Consider any GQ T(n, 2n, q)= T(O). By [11, 8.7.2] the q2n+ 1 tangent spaces of O = O(n, 2n, q) form an O*= O*(n, 2n, q) in the dual space of PG(4n-1, q). So in addition to T(O) there arises a TGQ T(O*), also denoted T*(O), with the same parameters. The TGQ T*(O) is called the translation dual of the TGQ T(O).

Each TGQ 50 of order (s, s2), s ~ 1, with base point x has a kernel ~(, which is a field with a multiplicative group isomorphic to the group of all collineations of 5P fixing the point x, and any given point not collinear with x, linewise; we have [~[ ~<s (see [11]). The field GF(q) is a subfield of ~ iff 5e is of type T(n, 2n, q) (here s=q"); see [11]. The TGQ5 ¢ is isomorphic to a T3(O) of Tits, O an ovoid of PG(3, s), iff I~t~[ =s.

Finally, the TGQ T(O) of order (q", q2,) and its translation dual T(O*) have isomorphic kernels.

4.2. The Known GQ 5e(F) which Are also TGQ If 5e(F) is the classical GQ H(3, q2), then it is a TGQ with base line L,


L any line of 5e(F). The dual 5e(F) of 5e(F) is isomorphic to T3(O), O an elliptic quadric of PG(3, q). Hence the kernel W is the field GF(q). Also,


5P(F) is isomorphic to its translation dual 5P(F) *. Let K be the quadratic cone with equation XoX1 = X~ of PG(3, q), q odd.

Then the q planes ~t with equation tXo- mt~X1 + X3 = O, t ~ GF(q), m a given nonsquare of GF(q), and a a given automorphism of GF(q), define a flock F of K; see [16]. All the planes rct contain the exterior point (0, 0, 1, 0) of K. This flock F is linear; that is, all the planes rot contain a common line, iff o- = 1. Conversely, every nonlinear flock F of K for which the planes of the q conics all contain a common point, is of the type just described; see [16]. The corresponding GQ 5e(F) were first discovered by W. M. Kantor [8]. Any such GQ 5e(F) is a TGQ for some base line, and

so the dual 5e(F) of 5e(F) is isomorphic to some T(O). The kernel ~ is the fixed field of a; see [13]. Also, in [9] it is proved that T(O) is isomorphic to its translation dual T(O*).

_ X'2 Let K be again the quadratic cone with equation XoXI - 2, q = 3r, and r > 2. Then the q planes st with equation tXo-(rot + m - t t 9) X 1 Jr t3X2 + X3 =0, t~ GF(q), m a given nonsquare of GF(q), define a flock F of K; see [9]. The corresponding GQ 5e(F) is a TGQ for some base line, and so the

dual 5e(F) of 5e(F) is isomorphic to some T(O). By [13], the kernel ~ff is


here GF(3). Payne [9] proves that T(O) is not isomorphic to its transla- tion dual T(O*). Also, he shows that T(O*) is an E GQ which does not arise from a flock. These G Q were called by Payne the Roman GQ.

4.3. TGQ of Order (s, s2), s ~ 1, Satisfying Property (G)

Let 5 ~ = (P, B, I) be a G Q of order (s, s2), s ~ 1, having property (G) at a pair of points {x,y}, x I L I y. Further assume that 5 e is a TGQ with base point x, x I L. As the collineation group of 5 e is transitive on the points of L different from x, it follows that 5e satisfies property (G) at the flag (x, L). The GQ 5e is isomorphic to a GQ T(O), O = {if, if1, ..., ~q2O} with qn= s. The point x corresponds to the point (oo) of type (iii) of T(O), and we assume that L corresponds to the line ff of type (b) of T(O). The tangent spaces of O at the elements ~, if1,-.., are respectively denoted by

"C, ~'i~ ....

TrIeOREM 4.3.1. A GQ T(O) satisfies property (G) at {(oo) , ( ) [or, equivalently, at the flag ((oo), ~)], with ( a point of type (ii) incident with the line ~ of type (b) iff for any two elements ~,, ~j (i ~ j) of O - {~} the (n - 1)- dimensional space PG(n - 1, q) = • c~ zi c~ zj of PG(4n - 1, q) is contained in exactly q" + 1 tangent spaces of O.

Proof. Suppose that T(O) satisfies property (G) at ((m), ~). Let ~i, ~j be distinct elements of O - { ~ } and put P G ( n - l , q ) = z n z i c ~ z j . By r l l , Section 8.7] each point of PG(n -1 , q) is contained in exactly q"+ 1 tangent spaces of O. Let u ~ P G ( n - 1 , q), let N be a line of PG(4n, q) through u not contained in PG(4n - 1, q), and let ul, u2 be distinct points of N not contained in PG(4n - 1, q). Then each of the points N'c, Nzi, Nzj of type (ii) of T(O) is collinear with each of the points (oo), u,, u2 of T(O). Then {(o~), uj, u2} x is the set {Nz, Nz,, Nzj, ...} with z, z,, zj, ... the qn+l tangent spaces of O through u. As T(O) satisfies property (G) at ~, we have I{(oo),Ux, U2}±±l=qn+l. Hence N z n N z i ~ N ' r i ~ . . . . q contains q~ points of PG(4n, q ) - PG(4n- 1, q). Consequently ~/ is an n-dimensional space. That is, z n z~ c~ zj c~ ... is ( n - 1)-dimensional; that is, v c~ r i n v jn ... is PG (n -1 , q). We conclude that P G(n -1 , q) is contained in exactly qn+ 1 tangent spaces of O.

Conversely, let ~e, ~j be any two distinct elements of O - { ~ } , put PG(n -1 , q ) = r C ~ Z l n % , and assume that PG(n -1 , q) is always con- tained in exactly q "+ 1 tangent spaces of O. Let (, (~, ~_be distinct points of type (ii) collinear with (oo), where ~ c (, ~ec (i, ~ j c ~j. Then (c~ ( i ~ (~ is an n-dimensional space PG(n,q). The (n-1)-dimensional space PG(n - 1, q) = PG(n, q) ~ PG(4n - 1, q) = z n z; ~ zj is contained in exactly q " + l tangent spaces z, zi, zj .... of O. The q " + l spaces PG(n,q)~=(, PG(n, q) z, = (~, PG(n, q) ~]. = (., ... are points of type (ii) of T(O), each of which is collinear with (oo) and with the q" points of type (i) in PG(n, q).

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Hence the triad {(, (~, (j} is 3-regular. We conclude that 5~ satisfies property (G) at ((oo), (). |

THEOREM 4.3.2. I f q is even and if the TGQ T(O) satisfies property (G) at the flag ( (~ ) , ~), then the translation dual T(O*) satisfies property (G) at the flag ( (~ ) , z), with z the tangent space of O ate.

Proof Suppose that T(O) satisfies property (G) at the flag ( (~ ) , if), with q even. Let (, (i, (j_be distinct points of type (ii) collinear with ( ~ ) , where ~ ~ (, ffi ~ (i, []C ffj. Then {(, (i, ~.}± and {(, (~, ~}±± are contained in a subquadrangle 5P' of order q" of T(O). The space (c~ (~c~ (j is an n-dimensional space PG(n, q), and the space PG(n-1 , q)= PG(n, q )n PG(4n- 1, q) = z c~ r~ c~ zj is contained in exactly q" + 1 tangent spaces z, % -cj .... of O. Then the points of PG(4n, q ) - PG(4n- 1, q) in PG(n, q)~, PG(n, q) (~, PG(n, q) ~j .... are the points of type (i) in 5 a'. Now we consider a line of type (a) concurrent with ~ and incident with a point of type (i) in the space PG(n, q) ~t. As this line is also a line of 5P', it is incident with a point of type (i) in each of the spaces PG(n, q) ~j ..... Hence the spaces PG(n, q)~j, ... are contained in the 3n-dimensional space PG(n, q ) ~ i = PG(3n, q). Consequently the spaces PG(n - 1, q), ~, ~, ~j, ... are contained in a common PG(3n- 1, q)= PG(3n, q) c~PG(4n- 1, q). So, by [11, 8.7.2], the ( 3 n - 1)-dimensional space ~ j contains exactly q " + 1 elements of O. Applying Theorem 4.3.1 to O* now gives that the translation dual T(O*) of T(O) has property (G) at the flag ((oo), ~). |

Remark 4.3.3. From the proof of Theorem 4.3.2 follows that for q even the (n-1)-d imensional space zc~z~nzj is contained in the ( 3 n - 1 ) - dimensional space ~;~j.

Assume again that the TGQ T(O) has property (G) at the flag ((oo), ~). We consider now the translation dual T(O*) of T(O). We have O * = {z, Zl, ..., Zq:,}, ff is the tangent space of O* at ~, and ~i is the tangent space of O* at zi, i = 1, 2, ..., qZn. A l s o , in the space PG(4n-1 , q) of O* the (3n-1)-dimensional space PG(3n-1 , q)= zz,zj ( i~j) , with zi and zj any two distinct elements of O*, contains exactly q" + 1 elements of O*. In the PG(4n, q) containing T(O*) we now consider a PG(3n, q) containing P G ( 3 n - l , q ) but not contained in PG(4n- l, q). Then the point (oo) together with the points and lines of T(O*) in PG(3n, q) define a TGQ T(O*) of order s = q", where 0 * is the set of all elements of O* in PG(3n- 1, q) (see 1-11, Section 8.7]).

THEOREM 4.3.4. The TGQ T( O* ) contains at least s 3 + S 2 subquadrangles ( TGQ ) T( O*) of order s. The projective plane lr~ of order s defined by the regular line z of T(O*) is Desarguesian. It follows that for s odd, each of the s 3 + s 2 GQ T(O*) is isomorphic to the classical GQ Q(4, s).


Proof Project the elements of O* - {z} from z onto a (3n - 1)-dimen- sional space r/skew to v. The projection of zi from z onto q is denoted by

t z~, i = 1, 2, ..., qZn. Then z] u z~ u --. w Zq2, is t/-- ~', where ~' is the (2n - 1)- dimensional space ~c~r/. Further, the set of all intersections zzizjnq, i ~ j , is denoted by M. Then with respect to inclusion the elements of ~ = {z] ..... Z'qZ,} a n d S , are the points and lines, respectively, of a 2 - (q2,, q,, 1) design d , that is, of an affine plane of order qn = S. If #' and Q" are distinct parallel lines of d , then Q'n Q" is necessarily an ( n - 1)- dimensional subspace of if'. Hence all lines of ~¢ parallel to Q' contain a common ( n - 1)-dimensional subspace of~'. These qn+ 1 (distinct) sub- spaces of ~' are denoted by v o, vl ..... Vq.. If for some i ¢ j v i ~ v j ¢ ~ , say x e v; c~ vj, then lines Q' and Q" of d containing respectively v~ and vj, do not intersect in a point of d , so are parallel, that is v~ = vj, a contradiction. Hence {vo, v~,..., vq,} is a partition (a spread) of~'. It is clear that the elements Vo, vl ..... Vq. and ~' extend ~¢ to a projective p l a n e / / o f order q". Now by a theorem of Segre [14] such a p lane /7 is always Desarguesian; that is, in q there are n planes rh, re2 .... , re, over GF(q"), which are con- jugate with respect to the nth extension GF(q") of GF(q) and which generate 0, such that each plane rc~ has a point in common with each ele- ment of the pointset o f /7 (any point o f /7 is generated by a point of rh and its conjugates).

Now we consider the projective plane rc~ of order s = qn defined by the regular line z of T(O*). Let O* be defined by PG(3n - 1, q) = zz;vj and let T(O*) be contained in PG(3n, q). Further, let zz i z jn r /= 0 and let 0 = PG(2n, q) ~ PG(3n, q), with PG(2n, q) ¢ zzezj. The points o f / 7 in 6 form the spread S. Identifying each line of type (a) of T(O*) concurrent with z with its intersection with PG(2n, q), each line of type (b) of T(O*) distinct from z with its projection from z onto 6, and z with ~ c~ 0, we see that rc~ is isomorphic to the projective translation plane re(S) defined by the spread S (cf. [3]). By the end of the previous section, S is a regular ( n - 1)-spread (see [5, Sect. 25.6]) of 0. Hence ~(S), and so rc~, is Desarguesian (see [5, Sect. 25.7]).

Finally, suppose that s is odd. As the spread S is regular, it follows from a result by Casse, Thas, and Wild (see 1-11,8.7.7]) that T(O*) is isomorphic to the classical GQ Q(4, s) arising from the nonsingular quadric of PG(4, s). |

LEMMA 4.3.5. Suppose that T(O*) is isomorphic to the classical GQ Q(4, s), with O* being contained in the space PG(3n - 1, q). Then O* can be extended to an (n - 1 )-spread S of PG(3n - 1, q) having the property that any (2n - 1)-dimensional space generated by two distinct elements of contains exactly q" + 1 elements of S. These (2n - 1)-dimensional spaces

156 J.A. THAS

together with the elements of ~, and with containment as incidence, are the lines and points of a Desarguesian plane PG(2, qn).

Proof The last part of the statement follows from a theorem of Segre [14]. The first part easily follows from:

(a) Let x, ,~(oo)~y, x ~ y. If u , v ~ { x , y } ± with u ~ ( ~ ) ~ v , (m) I L with x I L, Y I L, and u I U,-~ L, v I V..~L, then each point of {x, y}± is incident with a line of {U, V} ± (or, equivalently {U, V}±±).

(b) Consider {LI, N1} ±, {L2, N2} ±, with (~)ILI , (~)IL2, (oo)J[Ul ~ L1, ( ~ ) I N 2 4" L2, L2¢ {L1, Ul} ±± k) {L1, N1} ±. Then the lines of {La, NI } ± and {L2, N2} ± are incident with qn+ 1 common points. The set of these points is denoted by D. If u, v are two distinct points of D, with u ¢ ( ~ ) ~ v, if ( ~ ) I L with L ¢ {Li, Ni} ±± w {L i, Ng} ±, i= 1, 2, and if u I U,-~ L, v I V~ L, then each point of D is incident with a line of {U, V} ± (or, equivalently {U, V}±±).

(c) From (a) and (b) follows that (3* can be extended to an ( n - 1)- spread ~ of P G ( 3 n - 1, q), that each conic of Q through ( ~ ) is in 7"2(0*) of the form { ( ~ ) } u ( P G ( n , q ) - P G ( 3 n - l , q ) ) with PG(n,q) an n-dimensional subspace of PG(3n, q) intersecting P G ( 3 n - 1, q) in an ele- ment of ~ - 0", that each ( 2 n - 1)-dimensional subspace of P G ( 3 n - 1, q) containing at least two elements of 0* contains exactly qn+ 1 elements of S, and that each ( 2 n - 1)-dimensional subspace of P G ( 3 n - 1, q) contain- ing exactly one element of O* and being disjoint from all other q" elements of O* contains exactly q" + 1 elements of S.

(d) From (c) follows that each elliptic quadric on Q through (oo) is in I'2(0") of the form {(or)} w (PG(2n, q ) - P G ( 3 n - 1 , q)) with PG(2n, q) a 2n-dimensional subspace of PG(3n, q) intersecting P G ( 3 n - 1, q) in a (2n- 1)-dimensional space containing exactly q" + 1 elements of S - 0". The number of these (2n - 1)-dimensional spaces is equal to (q" - 1) q'/2. |

COROLLARY 4.3.6. The dual 5e(F) of a TGQ 5a(F) of Kantor (el 4.2) contains at least s 3 + s 2 classical subquadrangles Q(4, s). Equivalently, 5e(F) contains at least s 3 + s 2 classical subquadrangles W(s). Any Roman TGQ of Payne (cf. 4.2) contains at least s 3 + s 2 classical subquadrangles Q(4, s).

Let 5 ~ be a GQ of order (s, s2), s even, having property (G) at the flag (x, L) and suppose that 5e is a TGQ with base point x. Further, let x be a center of the triad { y, z, u}, with y I L, and let 5 a' be the subquadrangle of order s containing {y, z, u) ± and {y, z, u} ±±. As L is a regular line of the TGQ 5 e, it is also a regular line of 5a'.

THEOREM 4.3.7. For s even, the projective plane ~L arising from the regular line L of 5 ~' is Desarguesian.


Proof By Theorem 4.3.2 the translation dual T(O*) of T(O)~ 50 has property (G) at the flag ((oe), v) with z the tangent space of O at ~. So by Theorem 4.3.1 the ( 3 n - 1)-dimensional space PG(3n- 1, q )= ~iffj, with ~. and ~j any two distinct elements of O - { i f } , contains exactly qn+ 1 elements of O. If 0 is the set of these qn + 1 elements, then 6 °' is of type T(O), where T(O) is defined by 0 and a 3n-dimensional subspace PG(3n, q) containing PG(3n- 1, q) but not contained in PG(4n - 1, q) (cf. proof of 4.3.2). By Theorem 4.3.4 the projective plane rcc of order s defined by the regular line ~ of T(O) is Desarguesian; hence rc z is Desarguesian. |


5.1. Definition and Known Results

An ovoid (9 of the GQ Q(4, s), s odd, is a set of s 2 + 1 points, no two of which are collinear; equivalently (9 has a point in common with each line of Q(4, s).

If Q c PG(4, s) and if the hyperplane PG(3, s) intersects Q in an elliptic quadric (9, then (9 is an ovoid of Q(4, s). For s an even power of 2 no other ovoids of Q(4, s) are known. For s = 2 2h ÷ 1, h ~> 1, one other type of ovoid is known; its projection from the nucleus n of Q onto a hyperplane not containing n, is the Tits ovoid; see [15]. For s odd, Kantor [7] con- structed two types of nonclassical ovoids: (i) type ~ff~, here s =ph, p an odd prime and h > 1, and these ovoids are characterized by the property that they are in just one way the union of s conics which are mutually tangent at a common point (see also [16]), and (ii) type ~ , here s = 3 2h+1, h~> 1, and each such ovoid arises from a Ree-Tits ovoid on a nonsingular quadric in projective 6-space.

With each ovoid of Q(4, s) there corresponds a spread, which is a parti- tion by lines, of the dual GQ W(s). And with a spread of W(s) there corresponds, by the standard argument, a translation plane ~ of order s 2. If (9 is the elliptic quadric, then ~ is Desarguesian. If C is of Tits type, then

is the Lfineburg plane; see [15]. If (9 is of Kantor type ~ , then ~ is a Knuth semifield plane; see [7].

5.2. Subquadrangles and Ovoids

Let 50' be a subquadrangle of order (s, t') of the GQ 5 ° of order (s, t), t' < t. If z is a point of 50 which is not contained in 50', then the 1 + st' points of 50' collinear with z form an ovoid 0 of 50'; see [11, 2.2.1]. For example, if 50 = Q(5, s) and 50' = Q'(4, s), with Q' c Q, then (9 is an elliptic quadric on Q'.


158 J, A. THAS

5.3. Ovoids of T(O*)~-Q(4, s) Arising from T(O*)

Assume that the TGQ T(O), with O = ( f f , ~ ..... ~q2,} consisting of q2,+ 1 ( n - 1)-dimensional subspaces in PG(4n- 1, q), has property (G) at the flag ( (~) , if). Let T(O*) be the translation dual of T(O). Then O * = {'17, "~1, "", 27q2n}, with z the tangent space of O at ( and z~ the tangent space of O at (e, i = 1, 2 ..... q2n. Further, let q be odd. Then by Theorem 4.3.4 the GQ T(O*) has s 3 + s 2, s = q", subquadrangles T(O*) isomorphic to Q(4, s).

If z is a point of T(O*) which is not contained in the subquadrangle T(O*), then the corresponding ovoid of T(O*) will be denoted by O(z).

THEO~M 5.3.1. I f T(O) is a TGQ of Kantor type (including the classical GQ Q(5, s)), then (9(z) is always an elliptic quadric or of Kantor type ~ .

Proof Let T(O) be a TGQ of Kantor type (cf. 4.2). Then T(O)'~ T(O*). Let O* be contained in PG(3n-1 , q) and assume that (~*= {z, zl, ...,-Cq,)_Then z L (resp. z) is contained in exactly one (2n-1)-dimen- sional space (i (resp. () of PG(3n - 1, q), having an empty intersection with each element of O* - {~'i} (resp. O* - {~'}), i = 1, 2, ...,q".Since T(O*) has property (G) at the flag ( (~) , z), the (n-1)-spaces ~ c~ ~i are exactly the ( n - 1)-spaces ~'c~ ~i, i = 1, 2, ..., q", and j = 1, 2 .... , q2n.

First, let z be a point of type (ii) of T(O*) which is not contained in T(O*). Then (9(z)= { (~)} u (PG(2n, q ) - e G ( 3 n - 1, q)), where eG(2n, q) is a subspace of the space PG(3n, q) in which T(O*) is defined and with PG( 2n, q) n eG( 3n - 1, q) of the form ~j c~ PG( 3n - 1, q ), j ~ { q" + 1 ..... q2n }. Let us now identify T(O*) with the GQ T2(C), where C is a conic of PG(2, s). Then in T2(C) the ovoid (.0(z) consists of (m) and the points of type (i) on s lines of PG(3, s) containing a common point on a tangent line of C. So in Q(4, s ) ~ T2(C), (9(z) consists of s conics which are mutually tangent at a common point (m).

Next, let z be a point of type (i) of T(O*) which is not contained in T(O*). Then (9(z) consists of s + l points of type (ii) and the s 2 - s points ui, with {uj} = zjz c~ PG(3n, q) and j = s + 1 ..... s 2. The s 2 - s spaces zj, j = s + 1 z .... s 2, are distributed over s - 1 ( 3 n - 1)-dimensional spaces containing~. Hence the s 2 - s points u s a r e distributed over s - 1 2n-dimensional spaces zq ..... rc s_ 1 containing ~. If u s and uj,,j ¢ j ' , belong to a common space rCk, then usu j, is skew to z and zsz s, c~ ~ is one of the spaces

c~ ~i, i = 1, 2 . . . . . qn (cf. Lemma 4.3.5). It follows that for any three distinct points uz, us-,, and u]., of a comrnonspace ~k, the points usu s, n ~, usus,, n ~, us,us,, n ~ lie in different spaces ~ n ~;. In T2(C) the ovoid (9(z) consists of s + 1 points of type (ii) and s 2 - s points u s of type (i) distributed over s - 1 planes na ..... zc,_ ~ containing a common tangent line Z of C. The common point of Z and C is denoted by t. By a preceding argument the point t together with the s points u s in a common plane ZCk constitute a set of s + 1


points no three of which are collinear, that is, an oval of rCk. As s is odd this oval is a conic Ck (see 8.2.4 of I-4]). Clearly Z is the tangent line of Ck at t. In T2(C) all points of Ck-- {t} are collinear with the point Zk of type (ii). Now it is clear that in Q(4, s ) - T2(C) O(z) consists of s + 1 points collinear with (m) and of the s 2 - s points of s - 1 sets Ck, where C; = Ckw {Zk} is a conic and the points zl, z2 ..... zs_l are on a line T through (m). All points of C~ are collinear with a point Wk on T, and hence also with a second point w~. If zl ¢ ~(z), then, as each line through zl contains exactly one point of (9(z), the point zl is necessarily one of the points Wk, say w2. As v e C 2 is collinear with no point of C1, the line ZlV contains the point w]. Hence w] is on each line zl v, a contradiction. Consequently zl = z2 . . . . . zs_ ~ = 2 is the point of (9(z) on the line T. As w] is collinear with no point of Ck, k S 1, we necessarily have w~ ,,~w~-. It follows that

t ! W t Wl, w2 . . . . . . . 1 are on a common line if" through 5. Hence the planes of the conics C], C~ are in the polar space q of w~w'~c~w2w'2 with respect to Q. So C], C~ are on the elliptic quadric q ~ Q, and since C] n C~ = {5} they are tangent at g. Consequently C] ..... C'~_ ~ are mutually tangent at ~.

' w' coincide. Let w'~ be the Clearly no two of the points2, wl , . . . . . -1 remaining point of the line W. No point of C1 w ~2 k.J ' '-k..)Cs-1 is collinear with w'~, and so w'~ is collinear with the s + 1 points of (9(z) in (o~) -L. It follows that the set C'~ of all points of O(z) collinear with ( ~ ) is the conic {(oo), w'~} ±. Now an argument used before shows that C'~ and C~, k = 1, 2 ..... s - 1 , are mutually tangent at L Consequently the conics C], C~ ..... C's are mutually tangent at 2; that is, (9(z) is an elliptic quadric or of Kantor type ~(¢~. |

Conjecture 5.3.2. If T(O*) is a Roman GQ and q = 3 ~ with r > 2, then for each point z of type (i) not contained in T(O*), the ovoid d~(z) is neither an elliptic quadric nor of Kantor type o,Y~. Then it is clear that for r even, the ovoid (9(z) is new.

Note added in proof This conjecture is proved in: J. A. Tr~s AND S. E. PAYNE, Spreads and ovoids in finite generalized quadrangles, Geom. Dedicata, to appear. For any r i> 3 the avoid, and also the corresponding plane, are new.

Part II. The goal of Part II is the classification of all translation generalized quadrangles of order (s, s2), s > 1, satisfying property (G) at some flag ( (~) , L). At this moment many partial results are already obtained.


I thank my colleague and friend S. E. Payne for many interesting discussions on the subject.

160 J . A . THAS


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