general navigation exam 3

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  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    General NavigationExam 3, 70 questions; time allowed 2 hours

    1. The length of daylight changes with the declination of the sun. In mid-

    latitudes (e.g. 45N/S) the rate of change will be greatest at:

    (a) the solstices(b) perihelion(c) the equinoxes(d) aphelion

    2. The angle between the ecliptic and the plane of the Equator is:

    (a) 0(b) 23(c) 66(d) 90

    3. An aircraft is at position A (4910'S 17822'W). It flies due North for2950 nm and then due West for 382 nm to position B. Position B is:

    (a) 4248'S 13228'E(b) 0000'N/S 17154'E(c) 4248'S 11423'E(d) 0000'N/S 17516'E

    4. The duration of Civil Twilight is:

    (a) the period between either sunrise or sunset and the time when theSun is 6 below the horizon

    (b) the period between either sunrise or sunset and the time when theSun is 12 below the horizon

    (c) the period between the time when the Sun is 6 below the horizonand the time when the Sun is 12 below the horizon

    (d) the period between sunset and sunrise

    5. What is the UTC of sunrise at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada(5000'N 12300'W) on 6th December ?

    (a) 1554(b) 2330(c) 1542(d) 2342

    6. What is the LMT at 6525'N 12345'W at 2200UTC on 6th SeptemberUTC date ?

    (a) 0615 on 7th(b) 1345 on 6th(c) 1738 on 6th

    (d) 0220 on 7th

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.1

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    7. An aircraft leaves Guam (1300'N 14345'E) at 2300 Standard Time on30th April to fly to Los Angeles, California, USA (3350'N 11715'W). Ifthe flight time is 11 hours 15 minutes what is the Standard Time ofarrival in Los Angeles ?

    (a) 0615(b) 0830(c) 1740(d) 1715

    8. Track required 348T, drift 17 port, variation 32West, deviation4East. The required compass heading will be:

    (a) 033(b) 359(c) 337

    (d) 303

    9. The definition of compass deviation is:

    (a) the angle between the horizontal component of the Earth's

    magnetic field and the flux lines of the Earth's magnetic field atany point

    (b) the angle between Magnetic North and True North measured indegrees East (+) or West (-)

    (c) the angle between the vertical component of the Earth's magneticfield and the flux lines of the Earth's field at any point

    (d) the angle between Magnetic North and Compass North measuredin degrees East (+) or West (-)

    10. What is the distance in kilometres from 49S 180E/W to 58S180E/W ?

    (a) 540(b) 621(c) 1000

    (d) 1223

    11. From position A, 04N 030W, an aircraft flies 600 nm due South, then

    600 nm due East, then 600 nm due North, then 600 nm due West.The final position of the aircraft in relation to A will be:

    (a) due East of A(b) at A(c) due West of A(d) due North of A

    12. The Magnetic Equator is:

    (a) an isogonal(b) an agonic line(c) an isoclinal(d) an aclinic line

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.2

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    13. An aircraft accelerates on a westerly heading in the northern

    hemisphere. The effect on a direct reading magnetic compass will be:

    (a) indicate a turn to the South(b) continue to indicate the correct heading(c) indicate a turn to the East(d) indicate a turn to the North

    14. An aircraft accelerates on a westerly heading in the northernhemisphere. The effect on a direct reading magnetic compass will be:

    (a) the compass needle will turn clockwise(b) the compass needle will continue to indicate correctly without

    being deflected(c) the compass needle could be deflected either clockwise or anti-

    clockwise depending on the extent of the acceleration(d) the compass needle will turn anti-clockwise

    15. What is the cause of permanent magnetism in an aircraft ?

    (a) change of magnetic latitude only(b) change of magnetic heading only

    (c) change of magnetic latitude or change of magnetic heading(d) hammering during aircraft production

    16. When should a compass swing be carried out on a direct readingcompass ?

    (a) on replacement of the detector unit, the amplifier or any majorcomponent

    (b) on permanent change of magnetic latitude(c) only after a lightning strike or exposure to static electricity(d) when residual deviation is found to be less than 3

    17. What is the purpose of the annunciator in the gyromagnetic compass ?

    (a) to prevent turning errors

    (b) to achieve and indicate synchronisation of the gyro and magneticelements of the compass

    (c) to prevent both turning and acceleration errors

    (d) to prevent acceleration errors

    18. When should a compass swing be carried out on a direct readingcompass ?

    (a) on replacement of the gyro component(b) on permanent change of magnetic longitude(c) after a lightning strike or exposure to extensive static electricity(d) before each flight

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.3

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    19. What is the advantage of a gyromagnetic compass over a direct readingcompass ?

    (a) no electrical power supply is required(b) a significant reduction in turning and acceleration errors(c) it can be used to feed heading information into the Inertial

    Navigation System (INS)(d) it can be compensated for density error

    20. What is the main use of an Oblique Mercator chart ?

    (a) topographical maps in equatorial areas(b) route charts for selected great circle routes(c) route charts for trans-polar routes(d) accurate depiction of rhumb line tracks

    21 On a Mercator chart the scale at the Equator is 1:3,704,000. What isthe scale of the chart at 60S ?

    (a) 1:3,207,664(b) 1:3,704,000(c) 1:1,852,000(d) 1:7,408,000

    22. The convergence factor (n) of a Lamberts chart is given as 0.78535. Atwhat latitude (to the nearest degree) is chart convergence correct ?

    (a) 25(b) 38(c) 52(d) 78

    23. What is the convergence factor of a Polar Stereographic chart?

    (a) sine of the Standard Parallel(b) n = 1(c) sine of the parallel of origin(d) zero

    24. On a chart with a scale of 1:600,000 the distance between two point is42 mm. What is the distance on the Earth between these two points ?

    (a) 2.52 km(b) 25.2 km(c) 252 km(d) 2,520 km

    25. Where, on a Lamberts chart, is a great circle an exact straight line ?

    (a) the Equator only(b) all great circle tracks are depicted as straight lines(c) meridians of longitude(d) any parallel of latitude including the Equator

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.4

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    26. Where is the scale correct on a Transverse Mercator chart ?

    (a) at the Standard Parallels(b) along the central meridian and its anti-meridian(c) at the Parallel of Origin(d) scale is constant over the entire chart

    27. On a Lamberts chart a straight line track crosses one meridian at an

    angle of 043T and a second meridian at an angle of 055T. If theconstant of the cone is given as 0.75 what is the difference in longitudebetween the two meridians ?

    (a) 49(b) 16(c) 12(d) 9

    28. An aircraft on a magnetic heading of 321 with 10 port drift measures

    the relative bearing to an NDB as 270. Variation is 10 East at theaircraft and 15 East at the NDB. What is the QDM to the NDB?

    (a) 216(b) 221

    (c) 231(d) 241

    29. If the groundspeed is 236 kts and the distance to go is 354 nm the timeto go is:

    (a) 1 hr 30 mins(b) 40 mins(c) 1 hr 50 mins(d) 1 hr 40 mins

    30. Required track 070T, variation 30W, deviation +1, drift 10S. Whatis the required compass heading ?

    (a) 089(b) 091(c) 099

    (d) 101

    31. Required track 300T, drift 8S, variation 10W, deviation +4. What isthe required compass heading ?

    (a) 298(b) 306(c) 314(d) 316

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.5

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    32. If the groundspeed is 135 kts and the distance to go is 433 nm the timeto go is:

    (a) 3 hrs 03 mins(b) 3 hrs 12 mins(c) 3 hrs 21 mins(d) 3 hrs 30 mins

    33. An aircraft travels 100 km in 20 minutes. How long will it take totravel 215 nm?

    (a) 43 mins(b) 1 hr 09 mins(c) 1 hr 20 mins(d) 1 hr 33 mins

    34. Fuel flow is recorded as 22 US gallons per hour. With 83 Imperial

    gallon available the aircraft's endurance is:

    (a) 4 hrs 52 mins(b) 4 hrs 31 mins(c) 3 hrs 46 mins

    (d) 3 hrs 14 mins

    35. Heading 145T, TAS 270 kts, wind velocity 205T/30 kts. What is thedrift and groundspeed?

    (a) 6 left 257 kts(b) 5left 252 kts(c) 6 right 257 kts(d) 5 right 252 kts

    36. The QDM of runway 08 is 083. The wind, as given by Air TrafficControl, is 035/30 kts. Variation is 20W. What is the headwindcomponent?

    (a) 16 kts

    (b) 26 kts(c) 23 kts(d) 20 kts

    37. Required track is 260T, TAS 220 kts, wind velocity 275T/30 kts.Variation is 15W. What is the required true heading andgroundspeed?

    (a) 258 191 kts(b) 266 240 kts(c) 253 201 kts(d) 262 191 kts

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.6

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    38. Track 210M, heading 215M, TAS 360 kts, variation 15 East. If theaircraft covers 64 nm in 12 minutes the wind (T) which has affectedthe aircraft is:

    (a) 250/50(b) 260/60(c) 265/50(d) 195/50

    39. The required track is 003T, TAS 130 kts, wind velocity 190T/40 kts,variation 15 West. What is the required true heading andgroundspeed?

    (a) 001 170 kts(b) 005 170 kts(c) 013 210 kts(d) 012 152 kts

    40. An aircraft is to land on runway 22 and the wind is given by Air TrafficControl as steady from 260. A 10 kts headwind component is requiredand the aircraft has a 35 kts crosswind limit. Variation is 20W.What are the minimum and maximum wind speeds which the aircraftcan accept?

    (a) 20 kts 40 kts(b) 10 kts 35 kts(c) 13 kts 40 kts(d) 13 kts 54 kts

    41. Heading 074T, TAS 230 kts, track 066T, groundspeed 242 kts. Whatis the wind velocity?

    (a) 000T/45 kts(b) 140T/35 kts(c) 320T/45 kts(d) 180T/35 kts

    42. Magnetic track 212, TAS 220 kts, wind velocity 160M/50 kts. What

    is the groundspeed?

    (a) 245 kts

    (b) 220 kts(c) 194 kts(d) 185 kts

    43. Indicated outside air temperature -30C, TAS 438 kts; what is COAT?

    (a) 050C(b) 045C(c) 040C(d) 030C

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.7

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    44. CAS 300 kts, pressure altitude 31,000 ft, IOAT -35. What is TAS?

    (a) 463 kts(b) 485 kts(c) 474 kts(d) 452 kts

    45. Pressure altitude 5,000 ft, COAT ISA +20C. What is the density


    (a) 5,600 ft(b) 6,500 ft(c) 7,800 ft(d) 8,700 ft

    46. CAS 250 kts, pressure altitude 25,000 ft, COAT -15C. What is theMach No?

    (a) 0.59(b) 0.61(c) 0.63(d) 065

    47. The distance from A to B is 3,016 nm, TAS is 480 kts and there is aheadwind of 90 kts outbound and a tailwind of 75 kts from B to A. Ifthe aircraft leaves A at 1320 UTC what is the ETA at the Equal TimePoint?

    (a) 1752(b) 1701(c) 1631(d) 1535

    48. Heading 276M, an island bears 30 left on the Airborne WeatherRadar. Variation is 12W. What is the true bearing of the aircraft fromthe island?

    (a) 054

    (b) 066(c) 078(d) 114

    49. On a heading of 120M an island bears 15left on the Airborne WeatherRadar. Variation is 17W. What is the true bearing from the aircraft tothe island?

    (a) 088(b) 122(c) 118(d) 152

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.8

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    50. To maintain an ILS glideslope of 3.5 at a groundspeed of 150 kts therequired rate of descent is:

    (a) 725 ft/min(b) 760 ft/min(c) 875 ft/min(d) 930 ft/min

    51. Under normal circumstances, if climbing at constant CAS, the TAS andMN will:

    TAS Mach No.

    (a) increase increase(b) increase decrease(c) decrease increase(d) decrease increase

    52. An aircraft is approaching a co-located VOR/DME at FL390 and is to

    descend to be overhead the VOR/DME at FL70. If the rate of descentis 2,500 ft/min and the mean groundspeed in the descent is 248 ktsthe descent should commence at a DME range of:

    (a) 64 nm

    (b) 58 nm(c) 53 nm(d) 47 nm

    53. An aircraft is 100 nm from a DME station at FL 370 and is instructedto commence descent to be overhead the DME at FL120. If the meangroundspeed in the descent is 396 kts the required rate of descent willbe:

    (a) 1,000 ft/min(b) 1,650 ft/min(c) 2,310 ft/min(d) 2,440 ft/min

    54. An aircraft is using a southern hemisphere Lamberts chart with a

    'standard' grid (i.e. a grid aligned with the Greenwich meridian) and theConstant of the Cone is given as 0.9. If the aircraft is at 080Wsteering a heading of 190G with 10S drift its true track will be:

    (a) 272(b) 128(c) 282(d) 200

    55. What is the first screen to be seen when the FMS is switched on?


    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.9

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    56. What causes the seasons?

    (a) the rotation of the Earth around its North/South axis(b) the angle between the Earth's axis and the plane of its orbit

    around the Sun(c) the variation in the Earth's distance from the Sun at different

    points on the orbit(d) the variation in orbital speed of the Earth at different points on its

    orbit around the Sun

    57. What is the highest latitude at which an observer could see the risingand setting Sun every day?

    (a) 62(b) 64(c) 66(d) 72

    58. If a VOR has an error of 1 degree what is the error in nautical miles ata distance of 200 nm?

    (a) 3.3(b) 2.0

    (c) 1.2(d) 4.2

    59. An aircraft is flying at M0.86 at FL370/COAT -44C with a headwind of110 kts. The next reporting point is 420 nm away and the aircraft isinstructed to reduce speed immediately to delay arrival at the reportingpoint by five minutes. What is the required Mach No?

    (a) 0.81(b) 0.78(c) 0.68(d) 0.65

    60. Using a Lamberts chart overprinted with a 'standard' grid and a Parallelof Origin of 76N an aircraft at 100E flying a grid heading of 050 will

    have a true heading of

    (a) 147

    (b) 313(c) 126(d) 334

    Using the Mid Atlantic Plotting (MAP) Chart answer questions 61 to 64

    61. Lajes VOR/DME (LM) shows RMI 358/ 135 nm. The position of theaircraft is:

    (a) 3635'N 02700'W(b) 3640'N 02625'W(c) 3620'N 02620'W(d) 3640'N 03625'W

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.10

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    62. 1320UTC, an aircraft position at 3730'N 2130'W is routing direct toPorto Santo, TAS 450 kts, wind velocity 360T/50 kts. What is theestimated time of arrival at SNT?

    (a) 1406(b) 1410(c) 1346(d) 1352

    63. An aircraft is routing from Porto Santo via Irkid and Foxtrot Two toSanta Maria. The TAS is 470 kts and the wind velocity is 290T/50 kts.What is the required initial heading (M) and groundspeed from Irkid toFoxtrot Two?

    (a) 307 422 kts(b) 305 410 kts(c) 314 442 kts(d) 314 420 kts

    64. When entering the Santa Maria Control Area at Delta the PDLRMI/DME readings would be:

    (a) 280/ 80 nm

    (b) 270/ 80 nm(c) 090/ 80 nm(d) 100/ 80 nm

    Using Chart E(LO)1 answer questions 65 to 70

    65. An aircraft is overhead TRN (N5518.8' W00447.0) at 0952 UTCrouting to PTH (N5626.6' W00322.1'), FL180/COAT -10C, TAS 210kts, heading 038M, groundspeed 245 kts. What is the estimated timeof arrival at CBN?

    (a) 1008(b) 1012(c) 1004

    (d) 1000

    66. An aircraft is overhead GOW (N5552.2' W00426.7) routing to SAB

    (N5554.5 W00212.4'). CAS 270 kts, FL270/COAT -38C, windvelocity 190T/50 kts. What true heading is required?

    (a) 088(b) 095(c) 102(d) 106

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.11

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    67. An aircraft is overhead SAB (N5554.5' W00212.4') at 1511 UTCrouting to LST (N5804.3' E00641.2'). CAS 170 kts, FL170/COAT -20C, wind velocity 290T/50 kts. The TAS is 220 kts, drift is 10 Sand the groundspeed is 247 kts. What will be the estimated time ofarrival (UTC) at LST?

    (a) 1703(b) 1639

    (c) 1633(d) 1628

    68. An aircraft is overhead SAB (N5554.5' W00212.4') at 1511 UTCrouting to LST (N5804.3' E00641.2'). CAS 170 kts, FL170/COAT -20C, wind velocity 290T/50 kts. The TAS is 220 kts, drift is 10 Sand the groundspeed is 247 kts. Which of the following statements iscorrect?

    (a) SAB VOR should be received up to 1550 UTC but not after

    1550UTC(b) SAB VOR should be received after 1550 UTC(c) SAB VOR should be received up to 1600 UTC but not after 1600

    UTC(d) SAB VOR should be received after 1600 UTC

    69. SAB (N5554.5' W00212.4') RMI 284, NEW (5502.3' W00141.9') RMI230. The aircraft's position is:

    (a) 5545'N 00030'E(b) 5550'N 00017'W(c) 5545'N 00030'W(d) 5540'N 00027'W

    70. TRN (N5518.8'W00447.0') 35nm DME TLA (N5530.0'W00321.2')45nm DME The aircraft position is:

    (a) 5545'N 00422'W(b) 5552'N 00427'W(c) 5546'N 00433'W

    (d) 5552N 00436'W

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.12

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    General Navigation

    Exam 3, 70 Questions. Time allowed: 2hrs.

    A B C D











    A B C D































    A B C D































    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.13

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    Intentionally Blank

    Bristol Groundschool General Navigation Exam 3.14

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    Intentionally Blank

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3


    Intentionally Blank

  • 7/28/2019 General Navigation Exam 3



    1. (c) 36. (c)2. (b) 37. (d)3. (d) 38. (c)4. (a) 39. (a)

    5. (a) 40. (d)6. (b) 41. (d)

    7. (d) 42. (d)8. (a) 43. (a)9. (d) 44. (a)10. (c) 45. (c)11. (a) 46. (b)12. (d) 47. (a)13. (d) 48. (a)

    14. (d) 49. (a)15. (d) 50. (c)16. (b) 51. (a)17. (b) 52. (c)

    18. (c) 53. (b)19. (b) 54. (a)20. (b) 55. (a)21. (c) 56. (b)22. (c) 57. (b)23. (b) 58. (a)24. (b) 59. (a)25. (c) 60. (a)26. (b) 61. (b)27. (b) 62. (a)28. (c) 63. (a)

    29. (a) 64. (a)

    30. (a) 65. (c)31. (a) 66. (b)32. (b) 67. (d)33. (c) 68. (a)34. (b) 69. (c)35. (a) 70. (b)