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Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery Residential Application

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Page 1: GENERAL INFORMATION - Brooklyn Zen Center – A New York ...€¦  · Web viewAncestral Heart welcomes and wants people of every gender, age, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation,

Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery Residential Application

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A Letter From Our Teachers

Dear Practitioner,

We would like to welcome your application to our monastery – a community grounded in understanding and love for ourselves, humanity, all beings and our precious Mother Earth. Please know we are interested in you, not some idea of a Zen student. As the founder of our American lineage, Shunryu Suzuki, said, “Zen is Zen when you are you.” We feel that as long as you are committed to doing your best to take full responsibility for your conditioned mind, we will do our best to meet you fully. Every person is a valued member of our community.

Ours is a young monastery in an old tradition where we intend to meet our current world with a fresh perspective on Zen practice. In addition to our traditional meditation schedule and intensive retreats, we will include other collective spiritual and social lenses through which we explore holding to views about ourselves and others. The landscape of one’s life with all its joys and difficulties is the path to freedom. Together we fully embrace its rich terrain with compassion.

At Ancestral Heart Monastery, we assume each person is responsible for their own practice. In turn the community as a whole takes responsibility to create a stable container and environment of support. This container is grounded in the following collective commitments: caretaking of ancestral wisdom and Mother Earth, meditation and inquiry into the nature of self, ethical conduct and the bodhisattva precepts, the schedule and practice forms, work practice and continuity of mindfulness, the intimacy and challenges of community and regular contact with the Head Teachers and practice leaders to discuss your practice. Fortunately we are able to do this together with the land, our ancestors and all living beings in the beautiful Hudson River valley where silence and activity exist in marvelous balance.

In the context of your broader life and path, please reflect on your intention to come to a training monastery and then share it with us in this application. We welcome, want, and affirm all who come here in search of freedom from habits that cause suffering and who will work toward respectful acceptance of others across our many differences.

Thank you for thinking of us and monastic residency. We are encouraged by your intention to deepen your practice in this way. May we all realize the one life we are together. May there be peace, joy and liberation for all beings.


Kosen (Ancient Well) Greg Snyder


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Shingetsu (Forest Moon) Laura O’Loughlin

Today’s Date:

Type of stay and dates you are requesting for arrival and departure:

Short-term (1 week to 3 weeks): $300/weekLong-term (1 month to 1 year): $850/month

Arrival Date: Departure Date:

The above costs cover only a small portion of the operations of the monastery and are necessary to keep our doors open. However, we do not want pricing to discourage anyone who wants to practice with us from applying. In the event that a student is unable to pay full fee, scholarships may be offered based on financial need and the sincerity of the student’s commitment. Please email [email protected] if you require a scholarship application. Thank you. 


The community of Brooklyn Zen Center acknowledges that suffering is a human condition often intensified by the biases, prejudices, behaviors and societal structures that favor or harm individuals and peoples because of race, class, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, political party, religious commitment or other beliefs and positions. At both our temples, Boundless Mind in Brooklyn and Ancestral Heart in Millerton, we welcome, want, and affirm all who come here in search of freedom from habits that cause suffering and who will work to live in a respectful, just and loving community of enduring differences, harmonizing the one and the many for the liberation of all beings.




Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery Residential ApplicationAncestral Heart Zen Monastery, 87 Kaye Road, Millerton, NY 12546General Office: (718) 701-1083

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Street Address (Including ZIP)

Phone Cell Phone

Email Address

Gender Pronouns Age


Name Phone

Address__________________________ __________________________________________

Email Relationship:

Physician’s Name Phone

Medical Insurance Co. Subscriber No. Group No.

How did you learn about Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery?


Please describe your meditation practice and your experience with formal Buddhist practice, including any sanghas where you have practiced.

Are you a member of Brooklyn Zen Center? Have you attended any a at Brooklyn Zen Center? If so, please list the sesshins you’ve attended as best you can recall.


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At Brooklyn Zen Center, are you a member of the People of Color Sangha, the Undoing Whiteness and Oppression group, the Unveiling the Sacred Feminine group, and/or the Undoing Patriarchy and Unveiling the Sacred Masculine group? Please describe your involvement.

Please describe any other formal work you’ve done on examining conditioning around race, gender, class, and ability.

Do you have a formal relationship with a teacher? If so, please describe length of time and frequency of contact. Please provide the name and contact information for any teachers with whom you currently have a formal relationship.

Have you engaged in a formal process/study of Buddhist precepts? Please describe.

Have you ever been in residence at any Shunryu Suzuki-lineage centers? If so, please list dates.

Tassajara ________________________________ San Francisco City Center__________________________ Green Gulch Farm ________________________


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Other Lineage Temples or Centers ___________________________________

Have you lived in residence at any other Buddhist practice places? Where and when?

What is your intention for residential monastic practice at this time?

How do you see your time at the monastery benefiting your life after you leave residential monastic practice?

Do you have the financial, residential, familial and/or other necessary supports for your reentry once your time at the monastery comes to an end? If not, please explain how you plan to be able to reenter and sustain yourself in lay society after your time at Ancestral Heart.


Housing is shared rooms. Do you have any sleep conditions that might make it challenging to share a room with others?

Meals are vegetarian and allow for dairy-free and gluten-free diets. Vegan choices will be offered, but we currently cannot accommodate more than this. Do you have any food allergies or other food concerns that would require special attention by the kitchen?


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Please review the attached daily schedule. Where do you feel you might need the most support in keeping this schedule? (We will do our best to be as flexible as possible, however an ability to follow the schedule is mandatory).

Please review the attached ethical precepts. All residents agree to keep these precepts. Where do you feel you might need the most support in keeping these precepts?

WORK SKILLSPlease be specific about your work background and skills.

Please give a brief personal history, including education and work experience.

Do you have any experience with plumbing, carpentry or operating trucks, tractors and other large machinery? Do you have experience with any hand and/or power tools? Please describe and feel free to include any other skills you feel we should know.

Please list any farm or garden experience you have. Any specific agricultural skills?


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HEALTH SUPPORT REQUIREMENTSThe following questions are so that we can support you skillfully.

Please indicate pertinent information that would be needed in a medical emergency (allergies, asthma, conditions, prescription medications, etc.)

Please list significant physical, psychological, or emotional difficulties, past or present, particularly those for which you have received professional help or been hospitalized. Please list dates, if applicable. Do you have any needs or requests regarding these conditions that we should be aware of?

Do you have any physical conditions that might impact your meditation or work practice? Please explain. Our meditation hall seating is flexible enough to accommodate most physical requirements. Knowing your specific needs may allow us to support you skillfully.

If you have had substance abuse issues, have you participated in a treatment program? How long have you been in recovery?


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Date of your last tetanus shot: _____________________

Please include any additional information you would like us to know or you feel is pertinent to your application for Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery.

Please review and carefully consider the following pages that include the Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery Guidelines of Conduct for Residents and Apprentices

Ancestral Heart Zen MonasteryGuidelines of Conduct for Residents and Apprentices

“The assembly of practitioners in the hall should blend like milk and water to support the activity of the Way. Although now for some period you are guest and host, later you will be Buddha Ancestors equally throughout time. Therefore, you should not forget the feeling of gratitude. It is rare to meet one another and to practice what is rare to practice. This is called the body and mind of Buddha-Dharma.”

– Eihei Dogen Zenji Since the birth of Zen training in China over a thousand years ago, it has been common practice for each monastery to compose “pure standards” that enable the residents to live with each other in mutual respect, peace, and harmony. This way of life is the body and mind of Zen training and practice. Please follow these guidelines completely and wholeheartedly.

THE SIXTEEN BODHISATTVA PRECEPTSThe basis of Zen practice and community life at Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery is our understanding of the Sixteen Great Bodhisattva Precepts—the Three Refuges, the Three Pure Precepts, and the Ten


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Essential Precepts. These Precepts are the expression of our vows and meditation practice in our work and relationships. All Ancestral Heart residents are asked to engage in study of the Precepts and our community endeavors to hold the following intentions in our hearts:

Three Refuges

To take refuge in Buddha – the vast stillness, clarity and kindness that is the true nature of all life.To take refuge in Dharma – the teaching of the way of life, day by day, that accords with Buddha.To take refuge in Sangha – the community of all beings that is our refuge and support.

Three Pure Precepts

To refrain from action that increases suffering.To perform all action that increases awareness.To live for the benefit of all beings.

Ten Essential Precepts

To nourish life and not kill.To honor life’s abundance and not take what is not freely given.To respect every person’s whole being and not misuse sexuality.To speak with care and not lie. To polish clarity and not misuse intoxicants, including alcohol, drugs, food, technology or doctrines.To create wisdom from ignorance and not slander.To value the expression of all life and not praise self at the expense of others.To share freely and not be possessive, especially with the dharma.  To dwell in equanimity and not harbor anger or ill will.To respect Buddha, unfold the Dharma and nourish the Sangha.

Saturday through Wednesday

5:20 am Wake-up bell 5:25 Preparing body for zazen (morning

stretching routine)

5:45 Han 6:00 Zazen 6:30 Kinhin 6:40 Zazen 7:10 Morning Service 7:30 Soji 7:45 Breakfast & Clean-up 8:30 Study (ends 9:30)

9:40 Work 11:25 Han11:40 Zazen

Thursday (Day off)

5:20 am Wake-up bell 5:25 Preparing body for zazen 5:45 Han 6:00 Zazen 6:30 Kinhin 6:40 Zazen 7:10 Morning Service 7:30 Soji 7:45 Breakfast & Clean-up 9:00 am Personal Time 8:30 flex Zazen 10:30 pm Lights out



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12:10 pm Noon Service12:20 Soji12:30 Lunch & Break

1:15 Work 4:15 Bathing & Exercise 6:00 Evening Service 6:10 Soji 6:25 Supper 7:15 Han or Densho 7:30 Zazen or Dharma Event 8:00 Kinhin 8:10 Zazen 8:40 Refuges 9:20 pm Lights out

7:00 am Wake-up bell 7:15 Han 7:30 Zazen 8:00 Short Morning Service 8:20 Open Breakfast 9:00 Personal Time11:25 Han (full schedule resumes)

11:40 Zazen12:10 pm Noon Service12:20 Soji12:30 Open Lunch & Break

1:15 Work 4:15 Bathing & Exercise 5:50 Densho 6:00 Evening Service 6:10 Soji 6:25 Supper 7:15 Han or Densho 7:30 Zazen 8:00 Kinhin 8:10 Zazen 8:40 Refuges

Off-Practice Period ScheduleAs Ancestral Heart is still in a building phase, we are not yet able to support a full practice period schedule. The following is our current schedule, which is far less restrictive than the future practice period schedule. Please note that when we are able to offer a full practice period, the schedule will change significantly with a much earlier wakeup time. 


● Ancestral Heart is a Soto Zen training monastery. It is not to be viewed as a place where you

carry on the same activities you would in lay society. Please put aside expectations that life in the monastery should accommodate your preferences. It is the very mind of preference that a Soto Zen monastery is designed to mirror, frustrate, and liberate.

● Residents are expected to follow the monastic schedule completely.

● Residents are expected to abide by the above-listed precepts.

● Ancestral Heart welcomes and wants people of every gender, age, race, ethnicity, class, sexual

orientation, political belief, and ability. It is central to Zen practice that each of us always pays close attention to the how the mind frames reality and others. Unconscious biases and


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unexplored assumptions can do great harm. When practicing with us, please make it a practice to clarify these habits of mind with practice leaders. If you feel hurt by the words or actions of another, or you observe a harmful situation, please speak to one of the guiding teachers.

● Attention to speech is critical to community life. While living at Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery,

if you notice you are engaging in harmful speech or gossip, please stop immediately. That said, do not remain silent when issues need addressing. We encourage you to bring light to ethical violations, grievances or other issues that require attention by bringing these to the guiding teachers.

● In the zendo, lay practitioners are to wear loose-fitting clothes in subdued colors that cover the

shoulders and knees. Black is preferred. Priests are to wear black priest robes and keep their heads shaved. Lay people are requested not to shave their heads.

● Work and temple cleaning are integral to Zen practice. All monks will be expected to

participate in work practice in accordance with their individual physical ability. All residents participate in maintaining the temple by performing a temple job. These may be jobs such as jisha and anja (attendants for Senior Dharma Teachers), administrative or zendo-related jobs. Training for and assignment of temple jobs (tenken, doan, kokyo, chiden, shoten, server) are given by the Ino.

● All residents are expected to meet regularly with the guiding teachers for practice discussion.

Students at Ancestral Heart should feel that they can carefully explore the Dharma and study the self in an atmosphere of trust. Ancestral Heart teachers and practice leaders will not disclose information they receive in dokusan or practice discussion when confidentiality is requested and agreed to, unless serious harm may result to individuals or to the sangha if the information is not disclosed. Even when there is no specific request for confidentiality, such information will not be shared casually by the people involved in the conversation. In the collaborative teaching process at Ancestral Heart, however, consultation among teachers regarding matters that are not strictly confidential may be appropriate. All those who engage in such consultations make every effort to ensure it is done in a sensitive, compassionate, fair, and respectful manner.

● In order to support all students in finding their practice without the distractions and

complications of forming new sexual or romantic relationships, residents are expected not to begin a new relationship at Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery. This includes refraining from expressing your romantic or sexual interest to another person. If you are struggling with romantic feelings for another student, please bring this to practice discussion. Should the need to start a new relationship arise, practitioners will be asked to leave the monastery in order to give full attention to the relationship for a period of no less than a year before returning. Never engage in non-committed or casual sexual relations at the monastery. Doing so is grounds for being asked to leave. Romantic or sexual advances by a teacher, practice leader or more senior practitioner are never acceptable under any circumstances and will be grounds for asking the more senior practitioner to leave.

● If you come to the monastery as a couple, please maintain behavior that supports a calm,

mindful environment. Do not isolate yourself from the community, respect silent times, and be


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sensitive about public displays of affection.

● It is our practice to accept the food offered by the kitchen. If you have special dietary needs or

need to use the kitchen, speak with the Tenzo (Head Cook) to make arrangements. Please be diligent in discerning personal food preferences, no matter how strong, from health requirements. We ask that you practice attentively with the former. Do not take food from any storage areas without permission from the Tenzo.

● Possession or use of alcohol or illegal or other inappropriate drugs are not permitted. Their use

or possession is grounds for being asked to leave. The use of tobacco is also not permitted.

● Silence is critical to seeing habits of mind clearly. Please honor all times of day designated as

silent. Conversations in residences and practice spaces should be quiet at all times.

● Storage space at Ancestral Heart is limited. Please only bring what you require beyond the

basic furnishings that will be provided. Take all your belongings with you when you leave. Ancestral Heart is not responsible for anything left behind.

● Do not bring personal pets to Ancestral Heart.

● Computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices will be stored in the upstairs study. You

are welcome to use them during personal days and daily exercise time. If making a private call, please do so in your room or in a private space where you will not be overheard. Otherwise all personal computer and smartphone use should only happen in the office.

If you have questions or difficulties with any of these practice guidelines while staying at Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery, please explore these with a practice leader. Thank you.

I have read and have made it my intention to live in alignment with these precepts and guidelines.

Name _______________________________________________

Signature _____________________________________________



Ancestral Heart Zen Monasteryc/o AHZM Director87 Kaye RoadMillerton, NY 12546


Page 14: GENERAL INFORMATION - Brooklyn Zen Center – A New York ...€¦  · Web viewAncestral Heart welcomes and wants people of every gender, age, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation,