general informa on an invite from molly havlicekapr 14, 2019  · molly havlicek holy thursday the...


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Page 1: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the
Page 2: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the

Lord’s Day Mass Saturday: 5:00 p.m., Sunday: *8:00 & 10:00 a.m. *Mass with parts in La n first Sunday of the month.

Daily Mass Tuesday—Saturday: 8:00 a.m.

Adora on Chapel Hours Sunday 4:00 p.m.—Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconcilia on Tuesday—Friday: 7:35—7:50 a.m. Wednesday: 4:45– 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:35 a.m. & 3:30—4:40 p.m. or by appointment

Sacrament of Bap sm: Pre‐bap sm mee ngs are held with Father Barnes. Please call for an appointment.

Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements must be made a minimum of six (6) months in advance.

Communion Call: If you or someone you care for must receive communion at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office.

Care Fund: Help is available for emergency situa ons & special needs. Please contact the parish office.

Prayer Line: This group is designed to help pray for specific concerns or special inten ons. To add someone to the prayer line or if you are interested in becoming one of 45+ who pray, please contact Mary Zweber at 952‐461‐2366 or George Rhein at 952‐461‐4230.

Pastor Fr. Patrick Barnes, [email protected]

Parish Administra ve Assistant Jackie Berry, [email protected]

Music Coordinator/Choir Director MaryKatherine Deschamp, [email protected]

Director, LNMV Religious Educa on Kathy Chlan, [email protected]

Administra ve Assistant, LNMV RE Lenae Addabbo, [email protected]

Maintenance/Custodian Jerry Bedeaux, 952‐461‐2403 Meghan Lannon, 952‐461‐2403

Communica on & Mission Coordinator Karen Johnson, [email protected]

Bulle n Deadline: Tuesdays by 4:00 p.m. In wri ng to the parish office or email to [email protected]

St. Nicholas Catholic Church 51 Church Street Elko New Market, MN 55054 952‐461‐2403

Parish Office Hours Monday: Closed

Tuesday—Friday: 7:45 a.m.—4:15 p.m.

General Informa on An invite from Molly Havlicek

Website: Twi

Welcome to St. Nicholas Catholic Church!

There is no be er way for me to prepare for Easter than to walk with Jesus Christ through His passion, death, and resurrec on. There is a solemn richness to the liturgies that move me into contempla ve prayer. Holy Week opens my disposi on. My senses overflow as I witness Christ pouring out His love for me in these last three days of His life. I choose to console Jesus and accept this gi of His love by par cipa ng in the sacred Triduum. A ending Holy Week Masses and services is not something I have to do ‐ it’s something I wouldn’t miss, and I invite you to join me!

Molly Havlicek

HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemora ng the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles, we recall the ins tu on of the sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders. Following the homily is the ceremony of the washing of feet, like Jesus washed the feet of the disciples reminding us that our discipleship is one of service. At the end of Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is brought in procession to the altar of repose in the church basement where we give thanks in prayer for the gi of the Eucharist. The main altar is then stripped and le bare un l the Easter Vigil.

GOOD FRIDAY In the a ernoon is the Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion, which is always read from the Gospel of John. There are special intercessions which are presented in the most ancient form. The faithful also have the opportunity to venerate the Cross. There is no Mass on Good Friday, but Holy Communion that was reserved from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be distributed.

EASTER VIGIL This is the high point of the liturgical year in which we keep watch during the night in an cipa on of Christ’s Resurrec on. The vigil begins with a blessing of fire and ligh ng of the candles throughout the church. As the Easter Candle is brought into the sanctuary, the priest sings an ancient chant, the Easter Proclama on. Then there is the Liturgy of the Word, recalling the most important events of salva on history, culmina ng with the Gospel proclama on of Christ’s Resurrec on. A er the homily, the catechumens are bap zed and/or received into the Catholic Church and share in the Eucharist with the en re church family for the first me.

Triduum is La n for “three days.” It’s the heart of the year for Catholic‐Chris ans.

Arrange your calendars now so your family can par cipate in the PASSOVER OF OUR LORD through these holy days.

Page 3: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the

Lord, Let it be You who lives in me today,

Mon Apr 15 Mass is not scheduled on this day.

Tue Apr 16 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 7:30am Rosary 7:30am Confessions 8:00am Mass: Dave Roufs+ 8:30am Fa ma Rosary Group, All are welcome

Wed Apr 17 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 7:30am Rosary 7:30am Confessions 8:00am Mass: Merlin, Mary, and Lori Merfeld+ 4:45pm Confessions 7:00pm Penance Service

Thu Apr 18 Holy Thursday 8:00am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 11:00am ‐ 12:00 pm Confessions 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Jim Filipiak+

10:00pm Night Prayer

Fri Apr 19 Good Friday 8:00am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 11:00am ‐ 12:00 pm Confessions 3:00pm Venera on of the Cross 7:00pm Sta ons of the Cross


Apr 20 Holy Saturday 8:00am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 8:30pm Easter Vigil: Molly Havlicek

Sun Apr 21 Easter Sunday 7:30am Rosary 8:00am Mass: For the Parish 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass: Joyce and John Anderson

Sun Apr 14 Palm Sunday Doughnut Sunday 7:30am Rosary 8:00am Mass: Shelley Gifford+ 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass: For the Parish 10:00am Sunday School 5:30pm Youth Group Gathering at Holy Cross 7:00pm Lenten Book Study

St. Nicholas News & Events This week at St. Nicholas

April 14, 2019 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Readings for the Week Readings for the week of April 14, 2019 Sunday: Lk 19:28‐40 (37)/Is 50:4‐7/Ps 22:8‐9, 17‐18, 19‐20, 23‐24 [2a]/Phil 2:6‐11/Lk 22:14‐‐23:56 or 23:1‐49 Monday: Is 42:1‐7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13‐14 [1a]/Jn 12:1‐11 Tuesday: Is 49:1‐6/Ps 71:1‐2, 3‐4a, 5ab‐6ab, 15 and 17 [cf. 15ab]/Jn 13:21‐33, 36‐38 Wednesday: Is 50:4‐9a/Ps 69:8‐10, 21‐22, 31 and 33‐34 [14c]/Mt 26:14‐25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1‐3a, 6a, 8b‐9/Ps 89:21‐22, 25 and 27 [2]/Rv 1:5‐8/Lk 4:16‐21 Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1‐8, 11‐14/Ps 116:12‐13, 15‐16bc, 17‐18 [cf. 1 Cor 10:16]/1 Cor 11:23‐26/Jn 13:1‐15 Friday: Is 52:13‐‐53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 12‐13, 15‐16, 17, 25 [Lk 23:46]/Heb 4:14‐16; 5:7‐9/Jn 18:1‐‐19:42 Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1‐‐2:2 or 1:1, 26‐31a/Ps 104:1‐2, 5‐6, 10, 12, 13‐14, 24, 35 [30] or Ps 33:4‐5, 6‐7, 12‐13, 20‐22 [5b]/Gn 22:1‐18 or 22:1‐2, 9a, 10‐13, 15‐18/Ps 16:5, 8, 9‐10, 11 [1]/Ex 14:15‐‐15:1/Ex 15:1‐2, 3‐4, 5‐6, 17‐18 [1b]/Is 54:5‐14/Ps 30:2, 4, 5‐6, 11‐12, 13 [2a]/Is 55:1‐11/Is 12:2‐3, 4, 5‐6 [3]/Bar 3:9‐15, 32‐‐4:4/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/Ez 36:16‐17a, 18‐28/Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3, 4 [42:2] or Is 12:2‐3, 4bcd, 5‐6 [3] or Ps 51:12‐13, 14‐15, 18‐19 [12a]/Rom 6:3‐11/Ps 118:1‐2, 16‐17, 22‐23/Lk 24:1‐12 Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37‐43/Ps 118:1‐2, 16‐17, 22‐23 [24]/Col 3:1‐4 or 1 Cor 5:6b‐8/Jn 20:1‐9 or Lk 24:1‐12 or Lk 24:13‐35

INVITE SOMEONE TO HOLY WEEK! The most effec ve way to welcome someone to church is with a personal invita on done face‐to‐face. As you gather with friends, family, or neighbors over coffee, a meal, at the playground, at the gym, at the office, or at school, be prayerful and a en ve for opportuni es to simply invite someone to join you for Easter. 82% of people who don’t a end church say they would visit a church if they were personally invited (“The Unchurched Next Door” by Dr. Thom Rainer). A personal invita on is a powerful opportunity for someone to find their way back to church. We made this easy for you! We have invite cards in the back of church. Please take one or ten and start invi ng!

Page 4: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the

St. Nicholas News & Events

St. Nicholas Catholic Church Elko New Market, MN

Website: Twi

EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS Jesus warns us in the Gospel of Ma hew, "If anyone wishes to come a er me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." It is an invita on to a way of life, and a plan that leads to holiness. But make no mistake, it is a warning as well. The cross is a sign of victory, but only in light of the Resurrec on. Alone, it is a symbol of ul mate sacrifice: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for a fallen world, and the sacrifice we are called to make to truly follow him. The power of this symbol has been diminished in popular culture. It is o en used in fashion and simple wall art and on bumper s ckers and T‐shirts, some mes with Chris an clichés and some mes not. But the cross is something so much more. It is a reminder of the pain, suffering, and death of one who loved us so much that he would give his very life for us. It is our God on that cross. It is God who cries out in despair, feeling the ul mate depth of human emo on. And there lies the key for us in trying to live this life of carrying our crosses. For those who suffer the death of a loved one, the Father lost his Son. For those who suffer the ravages of disease, his body was broken, beaten, and pierced. For those who feel they have no way out ‐ whether due to prisons that are physical or prisons that are of the mind ‐ he hung on a cross and cried out, "Why?" For those who feel alone and abandoned, he hung on a tree where no one could comfort him, not even his own mother. He has walked in all our shoes, and now we are called to walk in his. In the cross, we find solidarity with the human condi on. In an empty tomb, we find our hope.

GOSPEL MEDITATION ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE Palm Sunday is a strange day in our liturgical calendar. We begin by waving palms, but somewhere in the middle, we call for Jesus to be crucified. We celebrate today an equally paradoxical God, one who comes to save through suffering. "I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!" Jesus, who so o en in the Gospels tries to hide his true iden ty, speaks thunderously to the Pharisees who would s ll the rejoicing crowd. At the Last Supper, Jesus confirms the Mes‐sianic promise to his disciples, saying "I confer a kingdom on you, just as my Father has conferred one on me." Yet, before the night is over, Jesus has been betrayed. We hear the tragedy unfold in Luke's Passion narra ve. Jesus is abused by the council of elders, denied by Peter, whipped by Roman soldiers, and condemned to death by Pilate. But what else do we see? Jesus heals someone who came to ar‐rest him, forgives his torturers, promises a repentant man paradise, and ‐ by his loving endurance ‐ converts a centuri‐on at the foot of the cross. Jesus is both Redeemer of the World and Suffering Servant. In taking on the mantle of Mes‐siah, Jesus does not only receive our praise and our acco‐lades, but he bears our burdens and sins and does so with the deepest love. He may go about our salva on in a para‐doxical way, but he is dearer to our own suffering hearts for it. This week, we remember that no sorrow of our own is beyond the reach of the compassion of God.

On Wednesday, April 24, the Golden Hearts will be mee ng to take a tour of Leo's South in Lakeville (16375 Kenrick Ave.). A er the tour we will have lunch at the Cracker Barrel in Lakeville (17189 Kenyon Ave.). All parishioners 55 and older are welcome to join us for fun, food, and

fellowship! For ques ons please call Joyce Hanke (952‐461‐1963) or Mary Hilpisch (952‐894‐9272).

The Easter collec on has become a very important part of our parish’s annual income. We invite our families to consider making a $77 gi . This will enable the parish to meet increased costs and to serve our people with many ongoing parish programs. We thank you for your generosity and ask for the con nued blessings of the Risen Christ on our parish this Easter Season.

Amount $ 7. 0


Planned Parenthood, 671 Vandalia St., St. Paul Join with Pro‐Life Ac on Ministries in prayer on Good Friday at Minnesota’s highest volume abor on facility; over 6,000 ba‐bies killed here each year. Fi een area pastors will lead those gathered in the reading of scripture and prayer. This is a sol‐emn event focused on the cross of Jesus. No signs are needed. All ages are welcome. Free parking at the University of St. Thomas Anderson parking facility at the intersec on of Cre n Ave. and Grand Ave., St. Paul, with shu le buses running all day to and from the vigil. Visit for more infor‐ma on or call 651‐771‐1500.

Page 5: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the

Jesus, I trust in You!

St. Nicholas News & Events

April 14, 2019 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

LNMV Religious Educa on More informa on at Classes run from 6:30 ‐ 7:45 p.m. and are held

at Holy Cross Catholic School Wed., April 17, 2019 NO CLASS – Holy Week Wed., April 24, 2019 Regular Class Night Penny Power Lenten Project: Please bring back your penny power cans to RE on Wed. night. Last collection date is April 24th. First Communion Interviews: Classroom interviews for RE and Home school families will be during RE class time on Wed. night April 24th. Holy Cross students will also have interviews in the classroom that same week during the school day.

For kids:

A Catholic adventure story about voca on, spiritual ba le and the

call to heroic virtue.

We are currently accep ng dona ons for Easter Flowers. For those of you who do not receive weekly collec on envelopes and would like to contribute to Easter Flowers, please feel free to use this form and return with payment to the parish office or drop in the collec on basket. For ques ons, please contact the parish office at 952‐461‐2403.







Page 6: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the

Area News & Events

St. Nicholas Catholic Church Elko New Market, MN

Website: Twi

CALLING ALL 6TH‐12TH GRADERS!!!! New to YOUTH MINISTRY... Please join Fr. VanDenBroeke and Angie Nicolai in this Informa ve Mee ng about an AMAZING Authen cally Catholic Summer Camp called Extreme Faith Camp lead by high school teens. What: Extreme Faith Camp Informa ve Mee ng ... quick and to the point! When: 11:30 a.m. April 14th Where: Immaculate Concep on, Lonsdale Date of EFC: July 7‐12 Any ques ons contact Angie Nicolai at [email protected] or 701‐330‐1166 GOOD FRIDAY HOLY LAND COLLECTION: APRIL 19, 2019 Pope Francis has asked us to help Chris ans in the Middle East through a parish collec on for the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land. This collec on aids the Church in nourishing parishes, providing support for Catholic schools, offering religious educa on, and providing food and housing for the poor. Dona ons also help in maintaining important Holy Land shrines of the Catholic faith. This year because of wars, unrest and instability in the Holy Land, including Syria, a por on of the overall collec on will be designated for our archdiocesan rela onship with the Archeparchy (Archdiocese) of Damascus to help with humanitarian aid and rebuilding the Church. Join Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. Please be as generous as you are able! For more informa on, contact Mickey Friesen at [email protected]. RELEVANT RADIO® TO HONOR ARCHBISHOP BERNARD HEBDA AT THE CHRIST BRINGS HOPE BANQUET Friday, April 26 at JW Marrio – Mall of America, Bloomington. 6 p.m. Social Hour, 7 p.m. Dinner. All are cordially invited to join Relevant Radio Execu ve Director Father Francis Hoffman (“Father Rocky”) and show hosts Patrick Madrid and Father Richard Simon, along with special guest Bishop Andrew Cozzens, as we honor Archbishop Bernard Hebda at the Eighth Annual Christ Brings Hope Banquet. This fes ve evening will benefit the mission of Relevant Radio here in the Archdiocese as well as in other markets across the country. Matching funds are also available for Twin Ci es Catholic schools (K‐12), thanks to an anonymous benefactor. To register, visit h ps://‐brings‐hope‐twin‐ci es/ or call Mary May at 612‐643‐4117. 87TH ACCW CONVENTION: MISSIONARY DISCIPLES REFLECTING GODS JOY May 3‐4, 2019, St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Eagan Join the Saint Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) for their annual conven on. The event includes Mass with Archbishop Hebda, silent auc on,

marketplace, Friday evening banquet, awards, orienta on, entertainment and more! For more informa on visit CATHOLIC WATCHMEN RALLY Thursday, May 2, 6:30 ‐ 9 p.m., Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Robbinsdale Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. The evening includes Eucharis c Adora on, Reconcilia on and dinner. Bishop Andrew Cozzens will present on the soon to be canonized Blessed John Henry Newman, “Christ calls men to be perfect. Is it possible?” Cost is FREE ($10 suggested dona on). Ques ons? Contact Enzo Randazzo at [email protected] or 651‐291‐4483. FAMILY ROSARY PROCESSION Sunday, May 5, 1:30 p.m., State Capital As a public witness to our Catholic faith during this month dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary, come with family and friends to the Archdiocesan Family Rosary Procession led by Archbishop Bernard Hebda. Gather at the State Capitol at 1:30 p.m. The procession to the Cathedral of Saint Paul begins at 2 p.m. Those who cannot walk the route may go directly to the Cathedral to pray the Rosary. Find more details at and at

Page 7: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the

Liturgical Stewardship

Apr. 19, 3:00pm Lectors: Chuck Mathews, Gail Mathews

Ministers: Mike Cole, Mary Kay Forland, Angie Nicolai

Ushers: Ron Chlan, Tom Wagner

Apr. 21, 8:00am Lector: Mike Cole Ministers: Jolene Pierson, Julie Nelson Ushers: Todd Hertaus, Sco Steele

Apr. 21, 10:00am Lectors: Paul Panka Ministers: Leaner Wagner, Norleen Lane Ushers: Steve Addabbo, Lenae Addabbo

Apr. 18, 7:00pm Lectors: Mike Cole, Tom McCabe

Ushers: Ron Chlan, Dave DeGonda

Ministers: Chris Kuehl, Angie Nicolai, Kathy Chlan, Dana Meyer, Mary Kay Forland

Apr. 20, 8:30pm Lectors: Mary Kay Forland, Jan Freeman

Ministers: Angie Nicolai, Chris Kuehl, Dana Meyer Ushers: Ron Chlan, Jan Freeman, Doug Serie

Dan Heselton

April 14, 2019 Have a great week! Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

St. Nicholas, Pray for us!

The collec on numbers were not available at the me of the prin ng of this bulle n.

Measure of Our Treasure to the Lord April 7, 2019 ‐ Week 41 in Fiscal Year

Our Parish School News

CAN YOU SPEND JUST ONE HOUR WITH THE LORD? Adorers are needed. If you would like to spend me with our Lord in adora on, please contact our lead coordinator, Mary Rose Rynda at [email protected] or sign up online at h p://‐adora on‐hours. OPEN ADORATION HOURS: Friday, 6 pm and Saturday, 1 am

Eucharis c Adora on

LIVE THE LITURGY INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK Once hailed with blessings and hosannas as he approached the Mount of Olives, the same God is nailed to a cross amid cries for His crucifixion. What an ironic twist of fate. What an unjust end to this compassionate, simple, and loving life. Life's ironies and cruel es are drama cally witnessed today and throughout this Holy Week. The thread of God's love is woven through it all as it reveals God's transforming, redemp ve, and salvific plan. It is all necessary: the hardship and the joy, the suffering and the glory, the disappointment and the inheritance. When life takes a turn for the worse, we o en ques on where God is. Are we ready to walk through our lives as did Jesus, with a persistent trust that regardless how difficult our journey, all will work out in the end. "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."

“Gree ngs to all Holy Cross Families and Friends!

What a pleasure it is for me to welcome you to Holy Cross Catholic School and invite you to explore our website. What you will find as you look through it is that Holy Cross is a Christ‐centered school that strives for academic excellence and a deep understanding of the Catholic faith.

Teachers, staff, students, and families work together to provide a hope‐filled Chris an atmosphere where students have opportuni es every day to encounter Christ.

#weloveholycrosswebster because at the very heart of our school is our faculty. Our teachers are knowledgeable, experienced, and more than ready to challenge our students with high levels of academic rigor. Our class sizes are small, we have an exci ng digital curriculum in every classroom, and we bring a strong sense of catholicity into every subject area taught. Strongest of all, there is a true love of God and a willingness to serve that is pervasive throughout our school day in and day out.

If we are to tell the story of who we are as a school, it could be said that Holy Cross is a reflec on of the core values of faith, joyful service, love, working together, knowledge, integrity, and perseverance.

If you are interested in finding out more about Holy Cross Catholic School for your son or daughter, I welcome the opportunity to meet with you, discuss what Holy Cross Catholic School has to offer, and give you a tour of our wonderful school.” ‐ Principal Constance L. Krocak, Ed.D.

It’s me to consider Holy Cross Catholic School!

Learn more at h ps://


Page 8: General Informa on An invite from Molly HavlicekApr 14, 2019  · Molly Havlicek HOLY THURSDAY The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins the Sacred Triduum. In commemorang the

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