gene therapy for prph2-associated ocular disease...

Gene Therapy for PRPH2-Associated Ocular Disease: Challenges and Prospects Shannon M. Conley and Muna I. Naash Department of Cell Biology, Universityof Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 Correspondence: [email protected] The peripherin-2 (PRPH2) gene encodes a photoreceptor-specific tetraspanin protein called peripherin-2/retinal degeneration slow (RDS), which is critical for the formation and main- tenance of rod and cone outer segments. Over 90 different disease-causing mutations in PRPH2 have been identified, which cause a variety of forms of retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration. Given the disease burden associated with PRPH2 mutations, the gene has long been a focus for preclinical gene therapy studies. Adeno-associated viruses and compacted DNA nanoparticles carrying PRPH2 have been successfully used to mediate improvement in the rds 2/2 and rds þ/2 mouse models. However, complexities in the path- ogenic mechanism for PRPH2-associated macular disease coupled with the need for a precise dose of peripherin-2 to combat a severe haploinsufficiency phenotype have delayed the development of clinically viable genetic treatments. Here we discuss the prog- ress and prospects for PRPH2-associated gene therapy. T he peripherin-2 (PRPH2) gene, previously known as retinal degeneration slow (RDS), encodes a photoreceptor-specific glycoprotein, which is essential for the morphogenesis of rod and cone outer segments (OSs). Although pri- marily a structural protein, it is absolutely re- quired for vision. Because of the convergence of a combination of factors, this gene has been a target for ocular gene therapy for more than two decades. First and foremost, more than 90 different mutations in PRPH2 are known to cause varying forms of rod- and cone-domi- nant, blinding retinal degeneration in patients, making PRPH2 a logical therapeutic target. In addition, there are several extremely well-char- acterized animal models for PRPH2 mutations, with ocular pathologies that mimic many of the patient disease phenotypes, making pre- clinical testing straightforward. Finally, the PRPH2 cDNA is relatively small ( 1.1 kb cod- ing region), making it easy to deliver using a variety of different therapeutic approaches. However, in spite of these resources and the length of time researchers have dedicated to PRPH2 gene therapy, the complex nature of peripherin-2 protein function and regulation, combined with variability in disease mecha- nism, have thus far precluded development of clinically viable PRPH2 genetic treatments. Here we discuss these complexities, consider the significant advancements that have been made, and explore barriers that will be over- Editors: Eric A. Pierce, Richard H. Masland, and Joan W. Miller Additional Perspectives on Retinal Disorders: Genetic Approachesto Diagnosis and Treatment available at Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017376 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2014;4:a017376 1 Press on February 22, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Downloaded from

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Page 1: Gene Therapy for PRPH2-Associated Ocular Disease Therapy for PRPH2-Associated Ocular Disease: Challenges and Prospects

Gene Therapy for PRPH2-Associated OcularDisease: Challenges and Prospects

Shannon M. Conley and Muna I. Naash

Department of Cell Biology, Universityof Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104

Correspondence: [email protected]

The peripherin-2 (PRPH2) gene encodes a photoreceptor-specific tetraspanin protein calledperipherin-2/retinal degeneration slow (RDS), which is critical for the formation and main-tenance of rod and cone outer segments. Over 90 different disease-causing mutations inPRPH2 have been identified, which cause a variety of forms of retinitis pigmentosa andmacular degeneration. Given the disease burden associated with PRPH2 mutations, thegene has long been a focus for preclinical gene therapy studies. Adeno-associated virusesand compacted DNA nanoparticles carrying PRPH2 have been successfully used to mediateimprovement in the rds2/2 and rdsþ/2 mouse models. However, complexities in the path-ogenic mechanism for PRPH2-associated macular disease coupled with the need for aprecise dose of peripherin-2 to combat a severe haploinsufficiency phenotype havedelayed the development of clinically viable genetic treatments. Here we discuss the prog-ress and prospects for PRPH2-associated gene therapy.

The peripherin-2 (PRPH2) gene, previouslyknown as retinal degeneration slow (RDS),

encodes a photoreceptor-specific glycoprotein,which is essential for the morphogenesis of rodand cone outer segments (OSs). Although pri-marily a structural protein, it is absolutely re-quired for vision. Because of the convergenceof a combination of factors, this gene has beena target for ocular gene therapy for more thantwo decades. First and foremost, more than 90different mutations in PRPH2 are known tocause varying forms of rod- and cone-domi-nant, blinding retinal degeneration in patients,making PRPH2 a logical therapeutic target. Inaddition, there are several extremely well-char-acterized animal models for PRPH2 mutations,

with ocular pathologies that mimic many ofthe patient disease phenotypes, making pre-clinical testing straightforward. Finally, thePRPH2 cDNA is relatively small (�1.1 kb cod-ing region), making it easy to deliver using avariety of different therapeutic approaches.However, in spite of these resources and thelength of time researchers have dedicated toPRPH2 gene therapy, the complex nature ofperipherin-2 protein function and regulation,combined with variability in disease mecha-nism, have thus far precluded developmentof clinically viable PRPH2 genetic treatments.Here we discuss these complexities, considerthe significant advancements that have beenmade, and explore barriers that will be over-

Editors: Eric A. Pierce, Richard H. Masland, and Joan W. Miller

Additional Perspectives on Retinal Disorders: Genetic Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment available at

Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017376

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come as next-generation genetic therapies aredeveloped.


Peripherin-2 is a �39 kDa member of the tet-raspanin superfamily of proteins. In commonwith other family members, it has four trans-membrane domains, cytoplasmic amino- andcarboxy-termini, and a large extracellular loop(called EC2 or D2). Whereas most tetraspaninsare located on the plasma membrane, periph-erin-2 localization is restricted to the rim regionof rod and cone discs/lamellae. Because the roddiscs are completely separate from the plasmamembrane, the peripherin-2 D2 loop is intra-discal rather than extracellular in rods. Aftersynthesis in the photoreceptor inner segment,peripherin-2 forms noncovalently linked tet-ramers with itself and its nonglycosylated ho-molog rod outer segment membrane protein-1(ROM1) (Goldberg and Molday 1996; Chakra-borty et al. 2008a). These complexes subse-quently assemble into covalently linked, largerhetero-octamers and peripherin-2 homo-olig-omers that localize to the OS rim region (Gold-berg et al. 1998; Loewen and Molday 2000;Chakraborty et al. 2008a).

Peripherin-2 is required for the morpho-genesis and maintenance of the OS, specifical-ly the rim region. Although the complete roleof peripherin-2 in this process is not yet fullyelucidated, the carboxy-terminal domain of pe-ripherin-2 has been shown to play a role inmembrane fusion (Boesze-Battagliaa and Stefa-no 2002, 2003), initiation of rim membrane cur-vature (Khattree et al. 2013), and OS targeting(Tam et al. 2004; Tian et al. 2014). The D2 loopand covalently linked peripherin-2 complexesare required for the maintenance of the flattenedrim morphology (Wrigley et al. 2000; Chakra-borty et al. 2009, 2010). Peripherin-2/ROM1complexes are also thought to play a role in reg-ulating disc size and alignment (Cheng et al.1997; Kedzierski et al. 1997), and, in commonwith other tetraspanins, are hypothesized toorganize a protein microdomain in the rim re-

gion (Conley et al. 2011). Interestingly, evi-dence from disease phenotypes and animalmodels (discussed below) suggests that periph-erin-2 may be differentially required for rodsand cones, thus adding a complicating factorfor gene therapy.


Mutations in PRPH2 lead to a wide variety ofdisease phenotypes (excellently reviewed inBoon et al. 2008). PRPH2-associated disease isdominantly inherited and, depending on themutation, can manifest as autosomal-dominantretinitis pigmentosa (ADRP), digenic ADRP,pattern dystrophy (including butterfly shapedpigment dystrophy and adult vitelliform mac-ular dystrophy), central areolar choroidal dys-trophy, and other forms of late-onset maculardegeneration (MD) (see PR-PH2-associated monogenic and digenic formsof ADRP primarily target rod photoreceptors;patients usually present with night blindnessand progressive loss of peripheral vision. Theytypically exhibit standard clinical signs of reti-nitis pigmentosa, including decline of the rodelectroretinogram (ERG) response, appearanceof bone spicules in the fundus and attenuationof retinal arterioles (Boon et al. 2008). Althoughthe age of onset can be as early as the first tothird decade of life in a few cases (Farrar et al.1991; Gruning et al. 1994), disease presentationtypically occurs between the third and fifth de-cades (Saga et al. 1993; Gruning et al. 1994).

The age of onset for macular and cone-dominant diseases is often similar to that forADRP, but clinical signs differ dramatically. Al-though there is a wide spectrum of clinical phe-notypes, patients with cone-dominant diseaseoften experience central vision loss (Wickhamet al. 2009) and have abnormal multifocal orpattern ERGs, even in the presence of a normalfull-field ERG. When full-field ERG defects arepresent, consistent with the cone-dominant na-ture of the disease, cone function is usually af-fected earlier and more severely than rod func-tion (Boon et al. 2008). Common clinical signs

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include abnormal fundus phenotypes charac-terized by central retinal pigmentation changes,regions of hyperfluorescence and hypofluores-cence, and macular defects (Michaelides et al.2005; Wickham et al. 2009). In addition, pa-tients often exhibit atrophy of the retinal pig-ment epithelium (RPE) and choriocapillaris,and sometimes choroidal neovascularization(Boon et al. 2007b; Vaclavik et al. 2012), pheno-types that are thought to contribute to the se-verity of the vision loss (Moshfeghi et al. 2006;Vaclavik et al. 2012).

One difficulty in defining disease type isthat there is often transition from one clinicalclassification to another; for example, patientsthat begin by presenting with a purely MD phe-notype will later transition to a more generalcone-rod or rod-cone dystrophy (Boon et al.2008). In addition, there can be pronouncedinter- and intra-familial phenotypic variability,even among patients all carrying the same mu-tant allele (Michaelides et al. 2005; Boon et al.2007a; Vaclavik et al. 2012). Recently, it has beensuggested that some of this variability may be aresult of the presence of other genetic modifiers.Two genes have thus far been proposed as geneticmodifiers: ROM1, mutations in which have onlythus far associated with digenic RP (with PRPH2[Kajiwara et al. 1994]), and ABCA4, mutationsin which are typically associated with auto-somal recessive Stargardt dystrophy (Koene-koop 2003), but which have also been reportedto cause some visual impairment in patients car-rying only one mutant allele (Maia-Lopes et al.2008). One study assessing potential modifiersfor PRPH2-associated disease reported that pa-tients carrying only the R172W PRPH2 muta-tion (i.e., no alterations in ROM1 or ABCA4)exhibited well-characterized MD, while thosecarrying only sequence alterations in ROM1or ABCA4 exhibited only mild phenotypic ab-normalities, such as slight lowering of multi-focal ERG amplitudes in the central retina(Poloschek et al. 2010). However, clinical phe-notypes were worsened and accelerated whenmutations in ROM1 and/or ABCA4 accompa-nied the R172W PRPH2 mutation (Poloscheket al. 2010). However, in other families withPRPH2-associated disease phenotypes, changes

in ROM1 have been ruled out as a modifyingfactor (Leroy et al. 2007), underlining the factthat this issue remains under exploration, andthe presence of modifying factors is likely to behighly variable. The multiplicity of mutant al-leles and potential modifiers combined with thevariability of disease phenotypes contributes tothe difficulty in designing rational treatmentstrategies for PRPH2-associated diseases.


One of the greatest assets for the developmentof PRPH2-associated genetic therapies is theavailability of a plethora of well-characterizedanimal models, which mimic a variety of thehuman disease phenotypes. In addition to serv-ing as systems for preclinical testing, these mod-els have also been critical for our understand-ing of the way peripherin-2 functions in rodsand cones, both normally and in the presenceof disease-causing mutations. The first, andstill predominant, peripherin-2 animal modelis the naturally occurring rds mutant mouse(also known as rd2). It was first described in1978 (van Nie et al. 1978) as a model exhibitingslow retinal degeneration (Jansen and Sanyal1984; Reuter and Sanyal 1984; Sanyal and Zeil-maker 1984; Hawkins et al. 1985), and, subse-quently, the genetic and molecular defect waslocalized to the peripherin-2 gene (Travis et al.1989, 1991; Arikawa et al. 1992). This mousecarries a large insertion in the first intron ofthe gene and no detectable peripherin-2 proteinis produced (Ma et al. 1995; Ding et al. 2004),making it a functional knockout model. Inaddition to slow photoreceptor cell loss, micehomozygous for the mutant allele (rds2/2)form no OSs (Jansen and Sanyal 1984). Instead,the connecting cilium terminates with a smallmembranous bleb, and the subretinal space isfilled with abnormal membranous material. Inthe absence of OSs, the photopigment rhodop-sin accumulates in the inner segment and inthese abnormal extracellular membranes (Usu-kura and Bok 1987), a phenomenon thought tocontribute to retinal degeneration in the rds2/2

model. In addition to these severe structural

PRPH2 Gene Therapy

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defects, the mouse exhibits no significant rodor cone photoreceptor ERG signal (Reuter andSanyal 1984; Chakraborty et al. 2009), empha-sizing the role of peripherin-2 in OS morpho-genesis and the importance of the elaboratedOS structures for proper vision.

Mice heterozygous for the rds mutant alleleexhibit a striking haploinsufficiency phenotypesimilar to that seen in patients with ADRP(Cheng et al. 1997). In contrast to the rds2/2

mice, rdsþ/2 mice do form OSs, but they areshort and highly abnormal, characterized bywhorls of disc membranes rather than properlyformed and aligned discs. The rdsþ/2 mice alsoexhibit gradual photoreceptor degeneration,but it is much slower than in the rds2/2 ani-mals. These structural defects are associatedwith severe, early onset loss of rod function,detectable as early as ERGs are recorded, withonly late-onset cone dysfunction, first appear-ing �4 mo of age (Cheng et al. 1997). Because ofthe genetic (i.e., one wild-type, WT, allele andone mutant allele) and phenotypic (early rodfunctional deficits followed by late cone deficits)characteristics, the rdsþ/2 mouse has been ex-tensively used as a model for PRPH2-associatedADRP.

Because PRPH2 mutations are also associ-ated with cone-dominant macular diseases butthe WT mouse has very few cones, a cone-dom-inant peripherin-2 knockout was generated bycrossing rds2/2 mice onto the Nrl2/2 back-ground. Nrl is a transcription factor requiredfor the development of rod cells, and in its ab-sence developing rods adopt a cone-like fate(Mears et al. 2001). Studies in rds2/2/Nrl2/2

mice have highlighted the differential role ofperipherin-2 in rods and cones. In contrast torods lacking peripherin-2 (in the WT back-ground), cones lacking peripherin-2 (in therds2/2/Nrl2/2 mice) form OSs, albeit dys-morphic ones (Farjo et al. 2006b, 2007). TheseOSs lack the elaborate folded lamellae structureof normal cones and have no rims at all, butnonetheless retain the ability to mediate photo-transduction.

In addition to knockout models, severaltransgenic models that express different dis-ease-causing-mutations in peripherin-2 have

been generated. These include models carryingthe ADRP mutations C214S (Stricker et al. 2005;Nour et al. 2008) and P216L (Kedzierski et al.1997, 2001), and the MD mutation R172W(Ding et al. 2004; Conley et al. 2007, 2014). Bycrossing these mice onto different rds back-grounds, researchers have been able to studythe associated disease mechanisms. Expressionof the C214S allele on a WT background causesno defects; however, when expressed on therdsþ/2 background (as would be the case inpatients), the phenotype is quite similar to thatof the nontransgenic rdsþ/2 (Stricker et al.2005). This observation suggests that theC214S mutation is a loss-of-function allele, andother biochemical studies have shown that theC214S protein is unstable, possibly misfolded,and cannot bind to ROM1, likely leading to ag-gregation in the inner segment and subsequentdegradation (Goldberg et al. 1998; Stricker et al.2005; Conley et al. 2010). In contrast, expressionof the MD mutation R172W causes severe, dom-inant structural and functional degeneration ofcones, on either the WTor rdsþ/2 background.Rod function, on the other hand, is improved bythe presence of the R172W transgene (i.e.,R172W/rdsþ/2 vs. rdsþ/2) (Ding et al. 2004).On a biochemical level, the R172W protein traf-fics normally to the OS and assembles into com-plexes with ROM1, although these complexesare not quite normal, especially in cones (Dinget al. 2004; Conley et al. 2014). Combined, thesedata have led to an overarching hypothesis pos-tulating that rods are more sensitive to the totalamount of peripherin-2, whereas cones are moresensitive to having properly assembled periph-erin-2 complexes. The corollary to this is thatrod-dominant, PRPH2-associated disease (e.g.,ADRP) is caused by haploinsufficiency, whereascone-dominant disease is caused by toxic dom-inant-negative mutations.

Although this hypothesis may be generallyuseful, the situation is likely more complicated.In the first place, transgenic mice carrying theP216L ADRP mutation exhibit some domi-nant-negative rod defects such as worsening inOS ultrastructure in P216L versus WTeyes andfaster degeneration in P216L/rdsþ/2 eyes thanin rdsþ/2 eyes (Kedzierski et al. 1997). This

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observation suggests that while haploinsuffi-ciency certainly causes rod-dominant disease,some ADRP mutant alleles may also have tox-ic gain-of-function or dominant-negative ef-fects in rods. In addition, the mechanism bywhich R172W (and possibly other PRPH2 mu-tations) causes MD is likely more complex thana primary defect in cones. A key phenotypeof PRPH2-associated MD (including that as-sociated with R172W) is maculopathy andthe development of atrophic patches in theRPE, which are visible by fundus examination(Downes et al. 1999) and often appear beforeERG changes or vision loss are apparent. Thesevere MD coupled with choroidal/RPE atro-phy seen in PRPH2-associated MD patients istherefore likely the result of a combination ofprimary molecular defects in cone photorecep-tors (caused by mutant peripherin-2 protein)coupled with secondary sequellae that impactthe RPE as well as the choriocapillaris andchoroid. These phenotypes likely present firstin the macula, due to the concentration of conesin that region and the metabolic demands onthe RPE there, but at a molecular level probablyoccur throughout the retina (Boon et al. 2008).Exploring the connection between the primaryphotoreceptor defect and the development ofmacular changes in the RPE/choroid will becritical for the development of effective genetictherapies. Unfortunately, because the mouselacks a macula, modeling this interaction is notnecessarily straightforward.


There are at least four different gene therapyapproaches for the treatment of PRPH2-associ-ated retinal disease: (1) gene replacement ther-apy; (2) gene knockdown and replacement ther-apy; (3) delivery of neurotrophic factors; and(4) genetic treatment of disease sequellae suchas neovascularization. Typical gene delivery re-quires packaging of the genetic material of in-terest (DNA or RNA) into either viral or non-viral particles, as DNA alone is not readily takenup by photoreceptors (Farjo et al. 2006a; Caiet al. 2009). Delivery is usually by subretinalinjection to promote access to photoreceptors;

however, the invasive nature of this approachmakes development of effective alternatives ahigh research priority. There is great variety inthe types of nucleic acid packaging approachesthat can be used for ocular gene therapy, and asthey have been reviewed elsewhere (e.g., Conleyand Naash 2010; Han et al. 2011) we will notdiscuss them here.

Gene Replacement Therapy with Transgenesin Peripherin-2 Models

The earliest proof-of-principle for PRPH2 genereplacement therapy consisted of attempts tocorrect the degenerative phenotypes in therds2/2 and rdsþ/2 by transgenic expressionof WT peripherin-2. These attempts were high-ly successful; expression of a WT peripherin-2 transgene in rods driven by the rod-opsinpromoter on the rds2/2 background preservedphotoreceptors and rod OS ultrastructure(Travis et al. 1992). Similarly, subsequent stud-ies showed that expression of a WT peripherin-2 transgene in rods and cones driven by theinterphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein(IRBP) promoter rescued rod and cone OSstructure and function when expressed on therdsþ/2 background (Nour et al. 2004). Thesestudies were later extended to show that trans-genic expression of WT peripherin-2 could me-diate structural and functional improvement inthe presence of disease-causing mutations asso-ciated with ADRP (C214S) and MD (R172W)(Conley et al. 2007; Nour et al. 2008). Severalobservations that arose from these studies have adirect bearing on the success of future gene ther-apy studies. The first was that the dose of thetransgene was absolutely critical. This is notsurprising given the haploinsufficiency pheno-type associated with ADRP in patients, but wasreemphasized in the transgenic studies. Modelscarrying anywhere from 10% (Travis et al. 1992)to 150% (Nour et al. 2004) of WT peripherin-2were characterized and the amount of periph-erin-2 correlated with the severity of the pheno-type. Mice expressing �80% of WT levels hadsignificant structural and functional improve-ment compared with haploinsufficient rdsþ/2

mice, but photoreceptors still exhibited some

PRPH2 Gene Therapy

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defects. Lower levels of expression resulted incorrespondingly more severe phenotypes. Pos-itively, overexpression of peripherin-2 elicitedno toxic outcomes; so while having too littleperipherin-2 results in incomplete rescue, hav-ing too much is not detrimental (Nour et al.2004). The second interesting observation wasthat WT peripherin-2 expression mediatedstructural and functional improvements evenin the presence of dominant-negative mutationssuch as R172W (Conley et al. 2007). Unfortu-nately, although some improvement was noted,it was not to the same magnitude and did notlast as long as the improvement observed whenWT peripherin-2 was expressed in the presenceof loss-of-function mutations (e.g., C214S) as-sociated with ADRP (Nour et al. 2008).

The partial rescue we observe with transgen-esis in R172Wanimals suggests that the R172Wmutation behaves as a dominant-negative (rath-er than a toxic gain-of-function mutation) andthus may be at least somewhat amenable to res-cue via gene supplementation. However, it isnot clear whether other dominantly inheritedMD mutations in PRPH2 are gain-of-functionor dominant-negatives. Traditional gain-of-function mutations would not likely be rescuedby gene supplementation, and the only partialrescue seen in the R172W model suggests thatthat full rescue for dominant-negative or gain-of-function mutations may require concurrentknockdown of the mutant allele.

Gene Replacement Therapy withAdeno-Associated Viruses (AAV)in Peripherin-2 Models

In the last 15 years, gene replacement therapyfor peripherin-2 has been attempted using bothviral and nonviral approaches. Initial studies byDr. Robin Ali’s group used recombinant AAV(rAAV) carrying a 2.2 kb fragment of the rod-opsin promoter and the murine peripherin-2cDNA (rAAV.rho.prph2) (Ali et al. 2000). Thisapproach has been quite promising for otherocular gene therapy studies, and AAVs are cur-rently in clinical trials for the treatment of RPE-associated Leber congenital amaurosis (recentlyreviewed in Boye et al. 2013). Initially, rAAV.

rho.prph2 was delivered subretinally to rds2/2

animals at postnatal day (P) 10, and animalswere assessed at times ranging from 3–9 wkpostinjection (Ali et al. 2000). The investigatorsreported exciting improvements in scotopicERG amplitudes and rod OS structure (Aliet al. 2000), although levels did not meet thoseseen in WT or rdsþ/2 animals. Subsequentstudies evaluated the efficacy of treatment atmultiple ages (ranging from P5 to P95), withevaluation at 1 mo postinjection (Sarra et al.2001). Although the best improvements in OSstructure were observed when treatment was de-livered early (P5 or P10), some minor improve-ments were noted at later delivery ages. Interest-ingly, in spite of transducing �30%–40% ofphotoreceptors, there was no reduction in therate or magnitude of photoreceptor cell loss af-ter treatment with rAAV.rho.prph2. The investi-gators hypothesize that this is tied to the factthat the onset of expression of the rAAV is �2wk postinjection (Sarra et al. 2001), a time pointat which the rds2/2 retina is already undergo-ing significant degeneration. Although this pro-vides another argument for early interventionand the development of treatments with rap-id-onset expression, it is worth rememberingthat degeneration in the rdsþ/2 retina (whichmore closely mimics that in patients) is muchslower than in the rds2/2 retina.

In a final study, researchers asked whethermultiple injections could enhance the beneficialeffect and how long the benefits of AAV-associ-ated therapy would last (Schlichtenbrede et al.2003). Repeat injection 5 d after the initial treat-ment (at P15) resulted in better rescue than wasachieved with a single injection, but in bothcases improvements in scotopic b-wave ampli-tude peaked at 5 wk postinjection, and by 15 wkpostinjection retinal function in treated rds2/2

mice was comparable to levels observed in un-treated rds2/2 animals (Schlichtenbrede et al.2003). Although these results were promising,the magnitude of the improvement was fairlysmall; maximum b-wave amplitudes in animalstreated with AAV were �150 mV (improvedfrom �60 mV in uninjected rds2/2 mice) com-pared to 400–500 mV in age-matched WT ani-mals (Schlichtenbrede et al. 2003). Further-

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more, significant improvements in scotopic a-wave amplitudes, a more direct measure of rodphotoreceptor function, were not reported. Ex-citingly, the AAVs appeared to be well-toleratedand there was no sign of an inflammatory re-sponse in any of the eyes tested (Ali et al. 2000).

The reasons for this incomplete rescue maybe tied to the partial transduction (investigatorsestimate �30% transduction) or the levels ofexpression, but also highlight some issues relat-ed to the rds2/2 model. This model has thebenefit of “starting from zero”; that is, becausethere are no detectable OSs and no detectablefunction or protein, small improvements areeasy to detect. On the other hand, the absenceof even baseline OS structure/function and theongoing degeneration may make it more diffi-cult to initiate OS formation by exogenous ther-apeutic delivery. More importantly, this modeldoes not accurately mimic the case in patientswho have haploinsufficiency-associated disease.A more clinically relevant model would be therdsþ/2 mouse, which has a much slower rateof degeneration and exhibits OSs, albeit high-ly malformed. However, it is not clear whetherimprovements on the scale reported with AAVwould be detectable in that model.

Gene Replacement Therapy withNanoparticles in Peripherin-2 Models

Based on the positive initial results using AAV todeliver peripherin-2, we have more recently ex-plored the use of compacted DNA nanoparticles(NPs) to deliver WT peripherin-2. These NPsare composed of polyethylene glycol-conjugat-ed polylysine (CK30-PEG) and a plasmid DNA,and we have shown that they are capable oftransducing a variety of retinal cell types (Farjoet al. 2006a; Han et al. 2012a). In addition to ourmurine studies on PRPH2-associated ADRP(discussed further below), we have showedthat these NPs can mediate long-term ocularphenotypic improvements in mouse models ofRPE65-associated Leber congenital amaurosis(Koirala et al. 2013a,b) and ABCA4-associatedStargardt macular dystrophy (Han et al. 2012b).Importantly, these NPs are well-tolerated in theretina, even after repeat injections (Ding et al.

2009; Cai et al. 2010; Han et al. 2012a,c), andhave a large DNA capacity (tested up to 14 kbin the eye [Han et al. 2012b] and 20 kb in thelung [Fink et al. 2006]). To determine whetherthey were capable of mediating improvementsin the PRPH2-associated retinitis pigmentosaphenotype, we generated NPs carrying the full-length mouse peripherin-2 cDNA (called NMPfor normal mouse peripherin-2) under the con-trol of the rod- and cone-specific IRBP promot-er or the ubiquitously expressed chicken betaactin (CBA) promoter (Cai et al. 2009). Weelected to use the rdsþ/2 model, as it moreclosely mimics the patient situation, and subre-tinally delivered the NPs (or controls) at P5.Gene expression and disease phenotypes weretracked for up to 4 mo postinjection. We ob-served appreciable expression levels of the trans-ferred gene message as early as 2 d postinjection,and by 1 wk postinjection, levels of peripherin-2 message in treated eyes had stabilized at lev-els two- to threefold higher than was observedin uninjected eyes, and these levels persistedthroughout the study (Cai et al. 2009). As con-trols, we injected eyes with naked (i.e., uncom-pacted) plasmid; no increases in gene expressionwere observed in eyes treated with naked DNAcompared to uninjected controls. The NP-me-diated expression of peripherin-2 resulted inimproved photoreceptor OS structure at both1 and 4 mo postinjection, detected mostly inthe region near the site of injection. Function-ally we observed small but nonsignificant im-provements in scotopic a-wave, and significantimprovement in photopic (cone)-b waves, forNP-injected eyes compared to naked DNA in-jected eyes (Cai et al. 2009). Interestingly, therewas no significant difference in efficacy for thetwo promoters.

To qualitatively assess the longevity of phe-notypic improvement, a small subset of rdsþ/2

animals injected at P5 with IRBP-NMP NPswere aged out to 15 mo postinjection. We ob-served pronounced preservation of outer nucle-ar layer thickness in the treated eye comparedto a matched region from the uninjected con-tralateral eye (Fig. 1A, green bar vs. red bar inlower panels). This preservation was most pro-nounced in the peripheral retina and on the side

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of the eye at which injection had occurred (seethe red bars in the lower left column of Fig. 1A).We also observed that the thickness of the OSlayer was better preserved on the side of the eyethat had been injected compared to the oppos-ing side (Fig. 1A, yellow vs. blue bar in lowerpanels). This preservation was reflected on theultrastructural level as well (Fig. 1B) in the re-gion of injection. Whereas nicely stacked (blackarrows) and highly dysmorphic (red arrow-heads) OSs were observed in both the IRBP-NMP NP-treated eye and the uninjected con-trol, overall ultrastructure was improved in theNP-treated eye (Fig. 1B). These data suggest thatcompacted-DNA NPs can mediate long-termimprovements in retinal structure, but only ina limited region of the treated retina.

In common with those testing AAVs, we alsoasked whether treatment of rdsþ/2 at a later age(P22) could mediate improvements in photore-ceptor structure and function. For these studies,

we elected to use NPs carrying the murine pe-ripherin-2 cDNA (NMP) under the control ofa 221 bp fragment of the mouse opsin promoter(MOP), which is expressed in rods and cones(Glushakova et al. 2006). As before, we observedonly small, nonsignificant improvements in thescotopic a-wave after treatment with MOP-NMP NPs irrespective of treatment age (P5 orP22), although modest improvements in thescotopic b-wave were observed after treatmentat either age. Again, we observed significant im-provement in cone function (photopic b-wave)up to 4 mo posttreatment—the longest periodtested—compared to controls injected withnaked DNA. Although some functional im-provements were detected after treatment atP22, structural improvements were quite minorcompared to those seen after treatment at P5,confirming that earlier intervention yields bet-ter results. Because ERG does not always corre-late with vision, we also tested visual acuity and


600 μm

400 μm



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d 200 μm

IRBP-NMP treated rds+/–A B IRBP-NMPtreated rds+/–




Uninjected rds+/–

Uninjected rds+/–

Temporal Temporal

Figure 1. IRBP NPs carrying peripherin-2 mediate improvements in retinal function at 15 mo postinjection. AtP5, rdsþ/2 animals were injected in one eye with compacted DNA NPs carrying the peripherin-2 cDNA (NMP)under the control of the IRBP promoter. The contralateral eye served as an uninjected control. Fifteen monthslater, eyes were harvested for histological analysis. (A) Light micrographs showing improved outer nuclear layer(green and red bars) and OS thickness (blue and yellow bars) in the peripheral retina on the side of the eye thatreceived the injection. NMP, peripherin-2-carrying nanoparticles; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; OS, outersegment; IS, inner segment, ONL, outer nuclear layer; INL, inner nuclear layer. Scale bar, 25 mm. (B) Trans-mission electron micrographs of the same eyes taken from the temporal region. Black arrows identify nicelystacked OSs whereas red arrowheads show the dysmorphic swirl OS typical of rdsþ/2 eyes. Scale bar, 10 mm.

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contrast sensitivity under photopic conditionsusing the OptoMotry system in a subset of eyestreated at P5 with MOP-NMP NPs (Cai et al.2010). Assessments were performed at 9–10 mopostinjection; treated animals exhibited visualacuities and contrast sensitivities similar tothose observed with WT animals, whereas sa-line-injected eyes were not different from age-matched uninjected controls.

Combined, these studies suggest that geneaugmentation with either NPs or AAV is feasiblefor PRPH2-associated RP; however, achievingfull rescue has been difficult, likely because ofthe requirements of a precise dose of periph-erin-2 to support OS structure and the difficultyin transfecting the whole retina.

Gene Knockdown Therapy in Peripherin-2Models

Because PRPH2-associated disease is oftencaused by gain-of-function or dominant-nega-tive alleles (such as R172W) and pure gene re-placement (e.g., with transgenes) improved butdid not completely correct the dominant phe-notype in mice carrying that mutation (Conleyet al. 2007), knockdown approaches may needto be developed to eliminate the mutant allele.From a practical standpoint, these will need tobe combined with gene replacement therapy, asperipherin-2 haploinsufficiency makes knock-down of the mutant allele alone unlikely to besuccessful. Furthermore, the sheer number ofdifferent mutant alleles combined with the in-frequency of any given allele means that devel-oping a knockdown strategy for each mutationwould be both time consuming and economi-cally disadvantageous. As a result, developmentof a mutation-independent knockdown ap-proach is desirable. This approach has been ex-plored with relative success for rhodopsin genetherapy. Like PRPH2, there are a plethora ofdifferent dominant, disease-causing mutantrhodopsin alleles that cause inherited retinal de-generation, and knockdown has been attemptedin vitro and in vivo with varying degrees of suc-cess using multiple methods, including ribo-zymes (Chakraborty et al. 2008b), siRNA (Teus-ner et al. 2006; Gorbatyuk et al. 2007; O’Reilly

et al. 2007; Mao et al. 2012), and zinc fingernucleases (Mussolino et al. 2011). Thus far,shRNA is the most well-developed approach,and recent results suggest that a single AAV vec-tor carrying an shRNA capable of knockingdown WT- and mutant rhodopsin, coupledwith a WT rhodopsin that is resistant to silenc-ing, results in long-term (up to 9 mo of age)preservation of photoreceptor structure andfunction in the P23H mouse model of rhodop-sin-associated ADRP (Mao et al. 2012).

Recently, the same group that has led thefield in the development of rhodopsin-associat-ed knockdown has begun to apply this approachto peripherin-2 (Petrs-Silva et al. 2012). Afteridentifying two different siRNAs that couldknockdown WT peripherin-2 in vitro, research-ers packaged the shRNAs into rAAV vectorsand delivered them to the subretinal space ofWT mice. Peripherin-2 message was reducedby �75% in shRNA-treated eyes, and a corre-sponding 30%–50% decrease in the scotopic a-wave was reported. Subsequently, a version ofperipherin-2 resistant to the shRNAs was placedunder control of the CBA promoter in an AAVvector and codelivered with the shRNA AAVinto WT mice. Codelivery of the two virusesled to rescue of the functional defect causedby the shRNA knockdown and partial recoveryof total peripherin-2 protein levels (Petrs-Silvaet al. 2012). A similar approach was taken bydifferent investigators, who injected WT micewith a shRNAvector and a resistant WT periph-erin-2 gene, using electroporation rather thanviral compaction. They reported knockdownof the endogenous WT allele and stable expres-sion of the resistant, exogenously delivered allele(Palfi et al. 2006). Although the efficacy of thisapproach in disease models has yet to be evalu-ated, these exciting studies show proof of prin-ciple for allele-independent knockdown com-bined with gene supplementation to combatPRPH2-associated disease.

Gene-Based Delivery of NeurotrophicFactors in the Peripherin-2 Model

Although gene augmentation therapy is themost obvious strategy for PRPH2-associated

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disease, delivery of neurotrophic factors was ac-tually the first option to be explored. This ap-proach does not correct the underlying geneticdefect, but it has the benefit of being inherentlyallele- and gene-independent and therefore po-tentially applicable to a variety of forms of de-generation. In 1998, a French group deliveredciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) to the intra-vitreal space of rds2/2 mice using an adenoviralvector (Cayouette et al. 1998). Excitingly, theyreported preservation of outer nuclear layerthickness at 2 wk and 2 mo postinjection. How-ever, they reported only very small improve-ments in rod function and no improvementsin cone function. The retardation of retinal de-generation was enough to promote further re-search in that direction, however, and a separategroup reported similar preservation of structurebut not function after AAV-mediated deliveryof CNTF in the rds2/2 model (Liang et al.2001). In later work, rAAV was also used to de-liver CNTF in the P216L/rdsþ/2 ADRP model.A rescue of retinal degeneration similar to thatseen with the rds2/2 mouse was reported, butthe investigators also observed dose-dependentabnormalities in photoreceptor nuclei and adecrease in rod and cone function (Bok et al.2002). Subsequent studies using this modelshowed that CNTF significantly altered retinalsignaling pathways and down-regulated manyimportant phototransduction genes, includingcone opsins (Rhee et al. 2007). Although thistoxicity precludes the further use of CNTF forPRPH2-associated disease, other neurotrophicfactors have also been tested. Lentivirus carry-ing either human fibroblast growth factor-2(FGF-2) or human pigment epithelial-derivedfactor (PEDF) was reported to improve scotopica- and b-waves in rds2/2 mice, but it did notimprove photoreceptor survival (Miyazaki et al.2008). Conclusions from that study are compli-cated, however, by significant inconsistenciesbetween the baseline ERG values reported (Mi-yazaki et al. 2008) and those from other groupsusing the same model (Reuter and Sanyal 1984;Ali et al. 2000; Chakraborty et al. 2009). Manyneurotrophic factors have been explored for theprevention of degeneration in other forms ofretinal degeneration, and one may be identified

which is clearly beneficial for PRPH2-associateddisease. However, it is evident that extensivetesting in the right models will be required toidentify a clinically relevant choice.

Other drugs and hormones which do notfall into the category of traditional neurotrophicfactors have also been used to provide some lev-el of neuroprotection (i.e., retardation of reti-nal degeneration) and, in some cases, improvedfunction, in the rds2/2 and rdsþ/2 models.These include the hormone erythropoietin(Rex et al. 2004, 2009), the calcium channelblocker nilvadipine (Takeuchi et al. 2008), andthe monoamine oxidase inhibitor rasagiline(Eigeldinger-Berthou et al. 2012). It is possiblethat genetic interference in the pathways reg-ulated by these compounds may prove to be abeneficial approach, or that simple delivery ofpharmacologic agents in conjunction with genesupplementation therapy may be effective. Fur-ther studies will be needed to assess the safetyand efficacy of this method.

Antineovascularization Therapy forPeripherin-2-Associated Disease

The final type of potential genetic therapy istargeted at the specific clinical signs of disease.Much like neurotrophic therapy, this approachdoes not correct the underlying genetic defect,and it is also allele- and gene-independent. As inmost age-related MD, vision loss in many formsof PRPH2-associated macular- or pattern dys-trophy is caused or exacerbated by neovascula-rization of the retina or choroid (Moshfeghiet al. 2006; Boon et al. 2008). In a patient carry-ing the PRPH2-pattern dystrophy mutationY141C who exhibited choroidal neovasculariza-tion, repeat injections with the anti-VEGF drugranibizumab ameliorated the neovasculariza-tion and improved visual acuity (Vaclavik et al.2012). Benefits have also been reported in otherstudies using anti-VEGF drugs (bevacizumab orranibizumab) to treat various forms of patterndystrophy-associated choroidal neovasculariza-tion (Parodi et al. 2010; Gallego-Pinazo et al.2011). Because repeated injections of this typeof drug are usually required for efficacy, age-re-lated MD research has focused on development

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of effective, long-lasting genetic therapies thatcan inhibit VEGF-associated neovascularization(e.g., Askou et al. 2012; Pihlmann et al. 2012),and has resulted in the initiation of severalclinical trials (NCT01494805, NCT01367444,NCT01301443, NCT01024998). This approachhas not been directly tested in rds models,but utilization of anti-VEGF drugs in PRPH2patients with neovascularization may havemerit.


Here we have discussed a variety of differentoptions for the genetic treatment of PRPH2-as-sociated ADRP and MD. Because of the differ-ential requirements for peripherin-2 for OSstructure and function in rods and cones, ef-fective gene augmentation for loss-of-functionalleles or gene knockdown plus supplementa-tion for gain-of-function alleles will likely be amainstay of any truly curative therapy. However,given that vision loss is sometimes associatedwith secondary (i.e., nonphotoreceptor) defectssuch as choroidal neovascularization, combina-torial therapy that includes a neuroprotective orantineovascular agent could increase treatmentefficacy.

Several obstacles to the development of tar-geted genetic therapies for peripherin-2 remain.These include the lack of understanding of theactual disease mechanism for PRPH2-associat-ed macular disease, and specifically a lack ofunderstanding of the connection between pri-mary photoreceptor defects that are well-toler-ated for several decades and secondary RPE/choroidal defects that lead to late-onset visionloss. The lack of a mouse model with a maculaand the large clinical and genetic heterogeneityin peripherin-2 patient populations furtherconfound studies of this disease mechanism.Another complicating factor is the structuralnature of the peripherin-2 protein, and the as-sociated requirement for a very precise dose.Peripherin-2 haploinsufficiency means that ef-fective disease treatment must generate a fairlylarge quantity of protein, and a result of con-stant OS renewal, effective treatments must re-sult in prolonged, elevated gene expression. In

addition, early treatment is clearly optimal, butthe age at which treatment of mice is most ef-fective (P5 to P10) has an in utero developmen-tal equivalent in humans; that is, by birth thehuman retina has already passed the stage thathas been identified as optimal for gene deliveryin mice. This, combined with the fact that dis-ease presentation often follows, rather than pre-cedes, the onset of degeneration, means thatearly intervention is nearly impossible. Finally,there are obstacles that affect many forms ofphotoreceptor-associated gene therapy, such asthe difficulty in achieving pan-retinal trans-fection and the difficulty of transfecting photo-receptors to any extent. Although both AAVsand compacted DNA NPs can transfect photo-receptors, they are not nearly as easy to target asother cell types (such as the adjacent RPE). Thishas implications for the development and tar-geting of delivery strategies. In addition, expres-sion is usually limited to the region of retinadetached during the subretinal injection proce-dure (i.e., the retinal bleb). Because retinal de-tachment in itself can be harmful, developmentof effective intravitreal gene delivery vehicleswould be ideal.

Despite these limitations, advances in vectorengineering to increase, prolong, and regulategene expression, combined with advances in de-livery technology, such as precisely engineeredAAV capsids and targeted NPs, make the devel-opment of a clinically applicable peripherin-2gene therapy more likely than ever before. Giventhat current vectors (both AAVs and NPs) areable to drive per cell gene expression at fairlyhigh levels; key targets for immediate preclinicalresearch in this field include increasing distribu-tion of gene expression throughout the retinaand development of therapies that are effectiveafter intravitreal delivery.


The authors thank Ms. Barb Nagel for her ex-cellent technical assistance with the histology.This work was supported by the National EyeInstitute (EY10609, EY022778, EY01865 toM.I.N.), the Foundation Fighting Blindness(M.I.N.), and the Oklahoma Center for the Ad-

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vancement of Science and Technology (M.I.N.and S.M.C.).


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August 28, 20142014; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017376 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Shannon M. Conley and Muna I. Naash Prospects

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MacLarenAlun R. Barnard, Markus Groppe and Robert E. For additional articles in this collection, see

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