gender research in the livestock and fish program

Focus of gender research for livestock and fish Capacity development activities Gender research in the Livestock and Fish program Value Chain partner training in Ethiopia (60 people) Value Chain partner training in Uganda (26 people) Partner training on “Integrating Gender and Rights into Development Projects” (25 people) Production of ‘Closing the Gender Gap in Agriculture: A trainer’s manual’ and research bulletin, “Integrating Gender into Rural Advisory Services” This document is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Licence May 2013 (Output 1): “Increasing gender capacity within CGIAR, partner organizations, and value chain actors to diagnose and overcome gender based constraints within value chains” (Output 2): “Developing strategies and approaches through which women and marginalized groups improve the nature and level of participation in livestock and fish value chains” (Output 3): “Developing strategies and approaches that increase women and marginalized groups’ entitlement to access markets and control resources, technologies, labor and the benefits of their work” (Output 4): “Developing strategies and approaches to promote increased level and equity in animal source food consumption within poor households” Milestones Identification of gender capacity gaps based on stakeholder enquiry and mapping in the value chains Indicators developed and included in the Livestock and Fish framework that integrate and track gender equitable interventions Proposals developed for value chain projects using Gender Transformative Approaches (GTAs) Collection of gendered consumption patterns for animal source foods among poor households in the value chains “Integrating Dairy Goat and Root Crop Production for Increasing Food, Nutrition and Income Security of Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania” “Enhancing the Level and Quality of Women Fish Retailers’ Work in 5 Governorates in Egypt” “Evaluating the Impacts of Livestock and Aquaculture Microcredit and Value Chain Programs on Women's Empowerment” “Evaluating the Impacts of Agricultural Development Programming on Gender Inequalities, Asset Disparities, and Rural Livelihoods” (GAAP) “Closing the gender gap in agriculture could increase yields on farms by 20–30% which could raise total agricultural output in developing countries by 2.5–4% which could reduce the number of hungry people in the world by 12–17%.” State of Food and Agriculture (FAO 2011) The gender research area of the Livestock and Fish CGIAR Research Program provides cross‐cutting analyses and capacity development on processes and outputs to ensure that program beneficiaries, including women and vulnerable groups, benefit from value chain targeted interventions Projects that contribute to the gender theme in livestock and fish

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Page 1: Gender research in the Livestock and Fish program

Focus of gender research for livestock and fish

Capacity development activities

Gender research in the Livestock and Fish program

Value Chain partner training in Ethiopia (60 people)

Value Chain partner training in Uganda (26 people)

Partner training on “Integrating Gender and Rights into Development Projects” (25 people)

Production of ‘Closing the Gender Gap in Agriculture: A trainer’s manual’ and research bulletin, “Integrating Gender into Rural Advisory Services”

This document is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Licence May 2013

(Output 1): “Increasing gender capacity within CGIAR, partner organizations, and value chain actors to diagnose and overcome gender based constraints within value chains” (Output 2): “Developing strategies and approaches through which women and marginalized groups improve the nature and level of participation in livestock and fish value chains” (Output 3): “Developing strategies and approaches that increase women and marginalized groups’ entitlement to access markets and control resources, technologies, labor and the benefits of their work” (Output 4): “Developing strategies and approaches to promote increased level and equity in animal source food consumption within poor households”


Identification of gender capacity gaps based on stakeholder enquiry and mapping in the value chains Indicators developed and included in the Livestock and Fish framework that integrate and track gender equitable interventions Proposals developed for value chain projects using Gender Transformative Approaches (GTAs) Collection of gendered consumption patterns for animal source foods among poor households in the value chains

“Integrating Dairy Goat and Root Crop Production for Increasing Food, Nutrition and Income Security of Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania” “Enhancing the Level and Quality of Women Fish Retailers’ Work in 5 Governorates in Egypt” “Evaluating the Impacts of Livestock and Aquaculture Microcredit and Value Chain Programs on Women's Empowerment” “Evaluating the Impacts of Agricultural Development Programming on Gender Inequalities, Asset Disparities, and Rural Livelihoods” (GAAP)

“Closing the gender gap in agriculture could increase yields on farms by 20–30% which could raise total agricultural output in developing countries by 2.5–4% which could reduce the number of hungry people in the world by 12–17%.” State of Food and Agriculture (FAO 2011)

The gender research area of the Livestock and Fish CGIAR Research Program provides cross‐cutting analyses and capacity development on processes and outputs to ensure that program beneficiaries, including women and vulnerable groups, benefit from value chain targeted interventions

Projects that contribute to the gender theme in livestock and fish