gender research in the cgiar research program on maize

Gender Research in MAIZE Implementa)on Status of MAIZE Gender Strategy: Formally approved, implementa=on ini=ated in 2013. Specific examples of progress to date include: Comple=on of Gender Audit. Development of support tools for gender integra=on in process e.g. Protocol for gender disaggregated data collec1on and analysis; Guidelines for integra1on of gender considera1ons in par1cipatory varietal selec1on (PVS); Gender in project proposal design. Doubling of gender ini=a=ves in maize projects. Highlights Female farmers and marginalized groups have become the main actors for communitybased seed produc=on in Nepal (Hill Maize Research Project). Women’s role in smallholder agriculture and its rela=on to technology adop=on in Mexico (Take it to the Farmer). Strengthening shared knowledge and decisionmaking for improved family nutri=on (Nutri=ous Maize for Ethiopia). Gender explored as a customer aXribute for market opportuni=es in maize seed sector development (Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa). Business models for women: Efforts to ensure inclusion of women farmers in the development of service provider enterprises related to equipment, inputs, etc. (Cereal Systems Intensifica=on in South Asia). Impact pathway Pictures Partnerships and Capaci)es Inter CRP/CGIAR Centers => Strategic, methodological and research collabora=on (CGIAR Gender and Agricultural network, CCAFS, IITA, IFPRI, WorldFish, ICRISAT, IRRI, CIFOR, CIP, etc.) NonCG development and research partners; NARES, NGOs, Universi=es => research, implementa=on, strategic guidance (Kenyan Agricultural Research Ins=tute, Ethiopian Ins=tute of Agricultural Research, ASARECA, Royal Tropical Ins=tute, African Conserva=on Tillage Network) This document is licensed for use under a Crea=ve Commons AXribu=on –Non commercialShare Alike 3.0 Unported License October 2013 Vision To increase the quality, efficiency and impact of maize Research for Development (R4D) so that its outputs benefit as many men, women and youth as possible; and promote equality of opportunity and outcomes for female and male maize farmers and socially disadvantaged groups. Measures of success Maize R4D contributes to improved gender equality in maizebased systems and among professionals contribu=ng to MAIZE. MAIZE projects systema=cally assess and address gender and social differen=a=on, which is ar=culated in gender commitments and budge=ng throughout the project cycle. Systems/procedures guiding appropriate gender integra=on in maize R4D are broadly implemented. Par=cipatory research ac=vi=es involve and collect feedback from female and male farmers of different ages/social groups as a standard procedure. Systema=c sexdisaggrega=on is used in data collec=on and analysis. Strategic gender research and experiences from integra=ng gender in specific MAIZE projects combine to define prioritysegng, targe=ng and maize R4D progress along the impact pathways. Key contacts Lone Badstue, MAIZE Gender Specialist [email protected] Amare Tegbaru, IITA Gender Specialist [email protected] Implementa)on challenges Need for greater knowledge on genderrelated (specific? differen=al?) opportuni=es along the impact pathway. Feasible training opportuni=es for women professionals with young children. Enabling gender integra)on: 1. Gender Audit – situa=on analysis 2. Consolida=on of m/w gender knowledge base and strategic gender research 3. Integra=on of gender in Research Management Framework, including gender screening and M&E 4. Tools, policies and capacity for gender integra=on Integra)ng gender in projects: R4D projects: Breeding, Crop mgt., Seed systems, Socioeconomics Project formula=on Impact assessment studies Adop=on studies Special studies Integra)ng Gender in MAIZE CGIAR is a global research partnership for a food secure future

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Part of the collection of posters developed for CGIAR Knowledge Day, Nairobi, 5 November 2013


Page 1: Gender Research in the CGIAR Research Program on Maize

Gender Research in MAIZE

Implementa)on  •  Status  of  MAIZE  Gender  Strategy:  Formally  approved,  

implementa=on  ini=ated  in  2013.  •  Specific  examples  of  progress  to  date  include:  

-­‐  Comple=on  of  Gender  Audit.  -­‐  Development  of  support  tools  for  gender  integra=on  in  process    e.g.  Protocol  for  gender  disaggregated  data  collec1on  and  

analysis;  Guidelines  for  integra1on  of  gender  considera1ons  in  par1cipatory  varietal  selec1on  (PVS);  Gender  in  project  proposal  design.    

-­‐  Doubling  of  gender  ini=a=ves  in  maize  projects.  

Highlights  •  Female  farmers  and  marginalized  groups  have  become  the  main  

actors  for  community-­‐based  seed  produc=on  in  Nepal  (Hill  Maize  Research  Project).  

•  Women’s  role  in  smallholder  agriculture  and  its  rela=on  to  technology  adop=on  in  Mexico  (Take  it  to  the  Farmer).  

•  Strengthening  shared  knowledge  and  decision-­‐making  for  improved  family  nutri=on  (Nutri=ous  Maize  for  Ethiopia).  

•  Gender  explored  as  a  customer  aXribute  for  market  opportuni=es  in  maize  seed  sector  development  (Drought  Tolerant  Maize  for  Africa).  

•  Business  models  for  women:  Efforts  to  ensure  inclusion  of  women  farmers  in  the  development  of  service  provider  enterprises  related  to  equipment,  inputs,  etc.  (Cereal  Systems  Intensifica=on  in  South  Asia).  



Impact  pathway  

Pictures    Partnerships  and  Capaci)es    •  Inter  CRP/CGIAR  Centers  =>  Strategic,  methodological  and  research  

collabora=on  (CGIAR  Gender  and  Agricultural  network,  CCAFS,  IITA,  IFPRI,  WorldFish,  ICRISAT,  IRRI,  CIFOR,  CIP,  etc.)  

 •  Non-­‐CG    development  and  research  partners;  NARES,  NGOs,  

Universi=es  =>  research,  implementa=on,  strategic  guidance  (Kenyan  Agricultural  Research  Ins=tute,  Ethiopian  Ins=tute  of  Agricultural  Research,  ASARECA,  Royal  Tropical  Ins=tute,  African  Conserva=on  Tillage  Network)    This  document  is  licensed  for  use  under  a  Crea=ve  Commons  AXribu=on  –Non  

 commercial-­‐Share  Alike  3.0  Unported  License  October  2013  

 CGIAR  is  a    global    research  partnership  for  a  food  secure  future  

Vision  To  increase  the  quality,  efficiency  and  impact  of  maize  Research  for  Development  (R4D)  so  that  its  outputs  benefit  as  many  men,  women  and  youth  as  possible;  and  promote  equality  of  opportunity  and  outcomes  for  female  and  male  maize  farmers  and  socially  disadvantaged  groups.      

Measures  of  success  •  Maize  R4D  contributes  to  improved  gender  equality  in  maize-­‐based  

systems  and  among  professionals  contribu=ng  to  MAIZE.    

•  MAIZE  projects  systema=cally  assess  and  address  gender  and  social  differen=a=on,  which  is  ar=culated  in  gender  commitments  and  budge=ng  throughout  the  project  cycle.  

•  Systems/procedures  guiding  appropriate  gender  integra=on  in  maize  R4D  are  broadly  implemented.    

•  Par=cipatory  research  ac=vi=es  involve  and  collect  feedback  from  female  and  male  farmers  of  different  ages/social  groups  as  a  standard  procedure.  

•  Systema=c  sex-­‐disaggrega=on  is  used  in  data  collec=on  and  analysis.  

•  Strategic  gender  research  and  experiences  from  integra=ng  gender  in  specific  MAIZE  projects  combine  to  define  priority-­‐segng,  targe=ng  and  maize  R4D  progress  along  the  impact  pathways.    

Key  contacts  Lone  Badstue,  MAIZE  Gender  Specialist    [email protected]  Amare  Tegbaru,  IITA    Gender  Specialist    [email protected]      

Implementa)on  challenges    

•  Need  for  greater  knowledge  on  gender-­‐related  (specific?  differen=al?)  opportuni=es  along  the  impact  pathway.    

•  Feasible  training  opportuni=es  for  women  professionals  with  young  children.  

Enabling  gender  integra)on:  1.  Gender  Audit  –  situa=on  analysis  2.  Consolida=on  of  m/w  gender  

knowledge  base  and  strategic  gender  research  

3.  Integra=on  of  gender  in  Research  Management  Framework,  including  gender  screening  and  M&E    

4.  Tools,  policies  and  capacity  for  gender  integra=on    

Integra)ng  gender  in  projects:  R4D  projects:  

• Breeding,  Crop  mgt.,  Seed  systems,  Socio-­‐economics  • Project  formula=on  •  Impact  assessment  studies  • Adop=on  studies  •  Special  studies  

Integra)ng  Gender  in  MAIZE  

 CGIAR  is  a    global    research  partnership  for  a  food  secure  future