gender, power and career


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Post on 26-Mar-2016




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Which gender has the upperhand when climbing the ladder to success?







L I F E L E S S O N S y o u n g d r e a m s 8 Life happens to a l l o f us , but that ’ s no r eason to s top dreaming .

f o o d 1 0 Quick food ideas for the on- the-go

reader .

s t o c k m a r k e t 1 4 Learn how you can make money in the

s tock market .

S P E C I A L I Z E p r o c r a s t i n a t i o n 1 6 For the person that can ’ t s eem to ge t the

job done way ahead of the deadl ine .

e s c a p e m e n t a l c a g e 1 8 For the person that f ee l s burned out and s tuck in the same pos t ion .

c o v e r a r t i c l e 2 0 We are a l l t ry ing to succeed in Amer- i ca , but can our gender g ive us an invi s ib le upperhand?

g r i t o p e n s d o o r s 2 4 Work Ethic and Endurance pave the way to greatness .

C O N T R O V E R S Y w i l d a n d c r a z y s t o r i e s 2 8 For the person that f ee l s burned out and s tuck in the same pos t ion .

14 24 26



Publisher’s Letter

To be a Specialists is to love something so much that you dedicate yourself to learning the ins and outs of that thing. A specialist has a goal of being the best within his or her arena. To reach this goal, one has to be consistent, in-tune, and most of all unconventional! Thinking outside the box is what we do. Enter the arena!

WWW. SP E C IA L I S T L I F E . C OMWe would like to thank you for your support with The Specialist: A Visionary’s Guide.

The Specialist is a publication dedicated to the young dreamer. There are very few resources for young entrepreneurs to rely on for important information, inspiration and network insight. The Specialist fills this need.

Our articles range from inspiration to funny stories while promising a fulfilling reader experience. Take a look at some upcoming powerhouses or flip through the pages to see beautiful people. Whatever you do, be inspired.

–The Specialists



A mother and her son sit at a breakfast table on the morning of Career Day. In excitement, the young boy explains to his mother which visiting speak-ers he is most anxious to see. His young mind is so capti-vated by all of the different occupations that he can’t seem to choose which Career man or woman he thinks he will like the most. After all, he plans to be a firefighter, a cop, a lawyer and a doctor anyways, so why should he have to choose one person’s story over the next? This childhood thought process is actually an extremely healthy way of viewing life. To be able to see the half glass full is only part of the equation to find hap-piness. The larger part is the realization that half-full or half-empty, you are holding the water jug. This is the real-ization that most young chil-dren embody. They understand that they can be anything that they want to be, regardless of their familial circumstance. It is when we become older,

specifically when we reach pu-berty, that we began to doubt these possibilities. With the realization of skin color differences, econom-ic hierarchies, and social tiers, we begin to classify ourself. We are Black, White, Latin, Asian, Rich, Who’s Who, and the list continues. While there is no danger in the realization of parts of one’s identity, there is danger in losing purpose on the quest to figure out which box to check on a form. This danger is one that is accepted more often than it is challenged because so many people are fearful of their dreams and capacity to suc-ceed. Although it is difficult to still dream inspite of circum-stances, one must remember that the things that he or she is passionate about will lead them to their purpose. So don’t be afraid to dream young, just be wise enough to properly and legally execute the vision.


-Jelly Perservatives-Peanut Butter-Granola-Plain yogurt

Start with a layer of jelly, topped with peanut butter, granola, and finally yo-gurt. Mix the ingredients, and “Wah-lah” you will have PB&J Parfait!

-Spinach Tortilla Wrap-Rotisserrie Chicken Strips-Bag of Mixed Salad-Ranch Dressing

Create the mouth watering “chargrilled wrap” with a healthy edge.

-Dinner Rolls-Rotisserrie Chicken Strips-Broccolli Alfredo Bag-Asparagus

Mix chicken and alfredo together for a delightful combination of textures and add the asparagus for a pallette cleanse.

-Strawberries-Rasberries-Cherries -Strawberry or Chocolate Syrup

Opt out of the typical, heavy desserts and choose high flavored fruits and a warm syrup for sweetness.













Kanye West and Jay-Z illumi-nated the stage last year with their “Watch The Throne

Tour.” Among the hit songs in their set was the underground hit “Made it in America.” As these two commer-cially powerful men graced the stage, belting out lyrics to the likes of “I’m tryna lead a nation, to leave to my little man’s or my daughter,” there is not one awkward budge from the men or women in the audience. It’s 2013, and the idea of leaving a nation to one’s man or daughter is so normal now that it has become the underlin-ing message of one way that we have “made it in America.” It took years, but now every gender can get on the blocks and wait for that gun to fire off for them to begin sprinting their ass off in the rat race. The real ques-tion in all of this said equality is not whether men and women have equal opportunity. It is a question of which gender now has the upper hand. Half of a century ago, it would have been quite controversial for a man to stand in front of mil-lions of listeners and orate that he plans to leave his accomplishments in the hands of his daughter, or his son, whichever came first. Back then, the sentiment was more along the lines of “have a son, or your legacy will die.” But just a little over five years ago, an article was published that stated that the prison system is expanded based on the statistics of young men

who can not read by the fourth grade. Around this same time, three beau-tiful women whose claim to fame was an adult film, a local store and a highly accomplished father became the role models for young American teens. Less than a year after this shift, our televisions became satu-rated with the global takeover of housewives who do no domestic work on camera, but instead, lead a “vaca-tion-like” lifestyle. Since the repainting of luxury, wealth and “the American Dream,” half a decade ago, it seems as though there has been a shift in re-sponsibility between men and women in the home as well as in the work-place. No longer do you hear about the obstacles one faces while trying to hurdle across the academic finish line. After all, our new American dream doesn’t require you to have a degree. We also no longer hear about the qualms of balancing motherhood and bringing home the bacon. Nowa-days, men can be mothers and women can be bread winners. Right? Women who strip tease are now making more money than men who work in cubicles at Fortune 500 companies. Men who promote com-mercial brands by flooding social me-dia with still images of them “living the life” now make more money that school teachers. Then we turn on the television and we hear all the praises given to these reality star women,



meanwhile seventy percent of the nation has no idea that the current Surgeon General is a woman. Media praises the men with the most chains on his neck instead of the men that have built family based empires by teaching his children the ins and outs of the company he started. All of these situations are common, and unfortunate but each has a reoccurring theme. In situa-tions where media highlights the “new it” person, the women need men in order to make money and to cat-apult them into a social tier that is sensationalized enough to make them relevant. These men need women to validate their approach and approve their “coolness.” It is a situation that forces any thinking individual to wonder, is there any real power in the new money generation that we love and adore. After all, both gen-ders desperately rely on one another for their success. Even more so damning is the idea that the most stable careers are the ones that require an extreme amount of higher education; yet, no one seems to know the faces of the in-dividuals that occupy these positions. The culture we live in has put so much emphasis on consumer power that we no longer no what it means to have citizen power. Our most cher-ished careers are fly by night reigns in the media spotlight which lead us all to believe that “by any means necessary,” we must be seen in order to be considered successful. So when we begin the discus-sion on which gender has it easiest, we have to choose which niche group we are talking about. Because the ca-

reer path for reality stars is so drasti-cally different from that of someone in a career that requires education, it is important to establish what ease is. There is ease at being noticed. Then, there is ease at gaining stability. For the consumer niche, women seem to have the most ease at being noticed. A beautiful woman can gain exposure much faster than a beautiful man simply because women are more marketable. As it pertains to television and film, it is apparent

that education nor talent are prereq-uisites. Every business needs beau-tiful women, and we all know they come a dime a dozen. But, having the upper hand in a fleeting industry means that one must know how to capitalize on his or her fifteen min-utes of fame in order to have stabili-ty. For the educationally backed careers, men still have it the easiest. Pay raises and promotions are giving to men before women, as tradition-ally, men are the bread winners for their households. A woman can

be twice as beautiful and twice as smart but still unable to cross over the threshold of gender perception. When it comes to climbing the success ladder in this domain, men seem to be able to reach success much faster, and stability is guaranteed off of last name basis in many cases. Even though it may appear that the gender roles are beginning to have “equal opportunity,” it must be noted that the opportunity to be seen is now equal, but the opportunity to

be heard is not. Women still have to hit the grit iron in order to have the upper hand in any situation which the goal is stability and longevity in that industry. So, men take the belt in this ring, simply because they wear the pants.




What separates the Valedictorian from the B average student with the same learning traits and mental capacity: 9 times out of ten, it is grit. Grit is the least discussed wonder of the human mind. To have grit is to exercise an unparalleled amount of perseverance. Grit is a quality most people don’t know that they have, but one that it is typically found in success stories. A person with grit is described as one who has talent, intelligence and an overwhelmingly dominant work ethic. Typically their talent and intelligence is average, and they find themselves floating amongst their peers. Not so typical in nature, however, these “ordinary” beings teach themselves how to put themselves above the curve by applying their efforts towards perfection. A person with grit characteristically welcomes challenges and unexpected pitfalls as natural occurrences, so rather than being discouraged by them, they sim-ply maneuver through them. In order to really tap into one’s grit, he or she must establish a goal that is attainable and a plan to actually attain it. After the goals and strategies are established, one must exercise a strict form of self discipline. Among the rhetoric for this discipline is work ethic, studious-ness and a zeal for correction. Work ethic that can withstand the down-falls and unexpected disasters is the foundation of grit. This foundation is made strong by consisten-cy. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so consistent-ly making sure that time is used in a productive manner and tasks are being done is a major part of

a gritty work ethic. Through this type of dedication, a person can train themselves to adopt habits that are healthy and productive. Studiousness allows a person with grit to understand his or her craft from an outsider’s perspective. A person with grit will spend time learning their weaknesses and areas that need to be sharpened. From this behavior, they are able to master their craft in a more permanent manner as opposed to learning something that is only kept in the temporary memory bank (which is what hap-pens when a student crams for a test). From constantly studying and learning, the mind begins to adopt the zeal for perfection. As tasks start to seem easy, the mind will begin to challenge itself to rise to the occasion of duplicating something that it likes. The human brain functions in a strategic pattern of learning. First, the mind observes. Second the mind learns. Last and most importantly, the mind imitates the behavior. This functionality combined with studiousness and work ethic creates the zeal for perfection. With all of the three components of grit in line a person will inevi-tably crave achievement and will undoubtedly begin to push aside his or her competition. From being noted as the best, the doors will eventually fly open. That which once seemed unat-tainable will soon chase after the person with grit. At the end of the day we all want to be the best, be surrounded by the best, and have access to the best. The beginning of this journey begins with embody-ing grit.

Grit Opens Doors




So you walk into a room of strangers at a “networking event.” You look around and you see absolutely no one that you know, and everyone is huddled in groups having deep conversations. What do you have to do to sit at the table with the head haunches?! The answer is simple, turn on the gift of gab.

The gift of gab is necessary in every arena of life, albeit it recreation or occupation. To be able to host conversations that leave a lasting impression and make people want to continue building a relationship with you is how you establish a network. However, to actually start the conversation can be quite difficult if the environment is an uncomfortable one. The first and most important component to using the gift of gab is becoming comfortable in your own skin. It is so easy to get caught up in social media and blogs that we start to lose ourselves and misunderstand our worth. Be sure to take time out from the noise that this world offers to learn what your strengths and weaknesses are. After you understand them, decide what your conversation style is. Are you a critical thinker or a joker? Where does your charm come from: emo-tions or logic? Once you have answered this question, choose your favorite topics.

Your favorite topics should be something that other people enjoy as well. For instance, if you are a joker, you should choose topics like “family” or “recreation.” Ask people questions within these topics and when they ask you questions in return, use your answers as a way to show your personality. The most common topics that people enjoy will be family, occupation, recreation, sports and dreams. Choose topics that you can entertain without delving too deep into personal issues.

In order for people who enjoy your conversation to keep in touch, make sure you always have business cards available. Pass out your cards to everyone you speak with in the room. Remember you are not selling your product or service in your initial conversation, you are simply letting people get a feel for the type of person you are. If you are pleasurable, and you are able to hold a decent conversation, people will be more inclined to do business with you.


Loss VegasIf you have never been to Las Vegas, then spring break is the closest thing you will ever get to “what happens here stays here.” It is the time that me and my boys anticipate as we round the corner of each fall semester. This last spring break may have knocked the level of anticipation for next year down a notch. We were in Cabo San Lucas when the journey began. It was four of us guys total. We were partying in a club when a grove of ladies came up to dance with us. One of my biligerent boys spilled his drink on one of the girls, and she assumed he did it on purpose. What was a fun energetic crowd became women vs men on the dance floor. Everyone screaming and saying regretful words. So, we get kicked out of the club. We are walking down the sidewalk when a caravan of cars pulls up and a linebacker sized guy jumps out asking who threw a drink on his girl. In all of his biligerence, my friend clearly failed to see how big this guy was, or perhaps he felt his pride was much bigger. He bucks up to the guy and is immediately knocked out cold on the sidewalk. By instinct, the rest of us begin brawling with the guy and his other friend. We are just about to win this fight when one of the girls pops up out of nowhere and pops a beer bottle over my boys head. As blood starts gushing out of his fore-head everyone starts to scatter. We call the ambulance, tell them the story, and they call the police to us. As both of my “ER Patient” boys get into the ambulance, I began to think, this was definitely a hit or miss night I want no repeats of.


Ginger Shandies

3 bottle(s) (11.2-ounce) chilled Hoegaarden beer

1 bottle(s) (12-ounce) chilled ginger beer

1thinly sliced lemon

Mint sprigs, for garnish

In a large pitcher, combine Hoegaarden with ginger beer. Stir in most lemon slices and mint sprigs. Fill 6 rocks glasses with ice. Add remain-ing lemon slices to glasses and pour in shandy.

• “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.” shows each letter in the English alphabet used in a sentence.• Forest fires spread more rapidly going uphill than downhill.• The average adult will eat over 30,000 cookies within the span of his or her life.• A quarter of all Americans have been on television at one time or another.• Planes are safer than cars.• A dentist invented the electric chair.• Chicago has the second largest population of Polish citizen in the world.• The most universally recognized scent is that of coffee.• Camels can survive over two months in the dessert with the water they have stored.

• Sex is considered one of the most common instant cures for mild depression because of the amount of endor-phines it releases. • Scientists have said that when women make love they release hormones that make their hair shiny and their skin glow.• The average adult carries enough sperm in his testicles to spand the length of a football field.• Adults tend to tell more lies in bed than in any other location.• Four out of twenty women will have more than one sexual partner after they start to “shack up” with their boyfriend.

• Dogs are referenced in the Bible over ten times. • Rats physically cannot vomit.• White wales are born black.• A five year old and a parrot have compa-rable capacities of intelligence.• Your eyes are the same size from birth thru adulthood.• Your thumb and your nose are the same length.• Albert Einstein’s parents feared he was mentally retarded.



Bar HoppingAnytime my girls and I go out, we play games to see who can get the most random guys to holler at them. This particualr night, we were at a cigar bar, and it seemed as though all of the men were “random.” As we sit at the bar, ordering drinks, a strange man walks up behind us and offers to purchase the round. We cordially accept, and begin a conversation. After a short conversation with this man, we began to realize there is something very wrong with him mentally. He begins to tell other bar patrons that he is married to me, and gets highly offended if anyone speaks to me. I signal to my girls that I am ready to leave, and we get up to walk out of the build-ing. The man grabs my purse off the hook under the bar and stands up on top of a nearby table. He is screaming on the top of his lungs that he loves me and he doesn’t want me to leave. The bouncers had to grab him down and snatch my purse for us to leave. As the bouncers held him in the bar, while we paced back to our rental car, my girls burst out laughing. All they could say was “You definitely got a random to holler!”

Where Two or Three GatherMy parents go to church three times a week, to say they are religious is an understatement. My freshman year spring break, I couldn’t afford a fancy trip so I drove home. A few of my high school friends were back in town so we went out on Saturday night. I got completely wasted on accident. Around nine in the morn-ing there is a knock on my bedroom door and my parents barge in. They are pulling on my eyelids and com-menting about the alcohol smell of my clothes and skin. They force me to go to church, “If you can party, you can praise God” they said. As we are sitting in church, the pastor asks for all prayer requests. My mother stands up and asks for the church to pray for my healthy detox. The whole church gathers hands and begin praying for me. Awkward.t

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