gender and development (gad) plan and budget fy 2021

Organization Hierarchy: DENR, Environmental Management Bureau 134,766,000.00 6,742,000.00 % of GAD Allocation: 5.00% Gender Issue Cause of GAD Result Relevant Organization Performance Source Responsible Unit /GAD Mandate Gender Issue Statement MFO/PAP or PPA Indicators of Budget /Office /GAD Objective /Targets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Women have particular needs, risks and vulnerabilities in health emergencies including Covid-19 owing to their gendered roles and social position Women are more likely to be at risks and vulnerable due to exposure to COVID-19 while at work and exposed to community. Ensure that extra protective measures are being taken into consideration to mitigate the possible effects of COVID-19. MFO: Support to Operations Conduct Information-Education Campaign for the proper protective measures and proper hygiene practices Gender Sensitive IEC materials 20,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA Project Monitoring,GAD Focal Point System EEIS 2 Program responses to emergencies like Covid-19 tend to overlook women’s involvement, their potential roles and opportunities Limited leadership roles of women members of the community Ensure that community engagement teams are gender- balanced and promote women’s leadership. Women's full, equal and meadningful participation and leadership in COVID-19 response plan and post pandemic governance should be promoted. MFO: Support to Operations Conduct IEC on Gender empowerment programs that provide adequate resources to ensure women’s full and equal participation in decision-making at all levels on environmental issues, particularly on strategies related to the impact of COVID 19 pandemic . Women Empowerment IEC materials on gender based violence and inequalities from the COVID-19 crisis. that puts capabilities at risk as well as women's ability to face the effects of the pandemic and economic crisis. 20,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Hazwaste ,Water, Air, EIA Project Monitoring,GAD Focal Point System EEIS 3 Women in natural resource-dependent communities are most vulnerable to climate change related risks and hazards Limited awareness of stakeholders on gender issue in the ENR programs Increase awareness on gender and development access to Environmental issues and solution and development programs that can help them increase participation in MFO: Support to Operations Conduct IEC on gender consciousness and gender- responsiveness in environmental concerns that may lead to more environmentally friendly decision making at household and community Webinars/seminars/ Video- lectures on environmental management i.e. climate change risk and environment related and livelihood trainings 100,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA Project Monitoring,GAD Focal Point System EEIS 4 Greater vulnerabilities of women to risks and hazards, and disasters, in natural resource-dependent communities (other than due to climate change), and particular vulnerabilities of women to the same that are not being addressed Women are more likely to be engaged in the informal sector and be hardest hit economically by the impact of climate change Establishing knowledge management systems on climate change based on science and experiences of communities. Reducing climate change risks and vulnerability of human and natural ecosystems through ecosystem-based management approaches and appropriate technologies. MFO: Support to Operations Design IEC materials in combating climate change risks , adaptation and mitigation . Seminars/Webinars/Video- lectures /livelihood trainings with integration of GAD 50,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA Project Monitoring,GAD Focal Point System 5 Vulnerability of women and children in ENR communities to domestic violence inlocked-down or quarantine situations Women and children may experience increased risks of gender-based violence, including sexual exploitation. This is due to lack of appreciation on the importance of women's rights and roles in the society. As well as lack of information campaign on gender based violence. Provide counseling for people - usually women -from who care for children, the elderly and other vulnerable groups in quarantine from depression and anxiety. and who may not be able to avoid close contact. MFO: support to Operations Design IEC materials to ensure that women, elderly and vulnerable groups are able to get proper information on how to prevent infection from COVID 19 pandemic and information on human rights and how to prevent gender base violence. IEC materials on gender based violence and gender equality. 50,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA Project Monitoring,GAD Focal Point System EEIS GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT (GAD) PLAN AND BUDGET Organization: Environmental Management Bureau Region 04A Total Budget/GAA of Organization: Total GAD Budget : ORGANIZATION-FOCUSED ACTIVITIES CLIENT-FOCUSED ACTIVITIES FY 2021 GAD Activity GAD Budget

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Organization Hierarchy: DENR,

Environmental Management Bureau 134,766,000.00


% of GAD Allocation:5.00%

Gender Issue Cause of GAD Result Relevant Organization Performance Source Responsible Unit

/GAD Mandate Gender Issue Statement MFO/PAP or PPA Indicators of Budget /Office

/GAD Objective /Targets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Women have particular needs, risks

and vulnerabilities in health


including Covid-19 owing to their

gendered roles and social position

Women are more likely to be at

risks and vulnerable due to

exposure to COVID-19 while at

work and exposed to


Ensure that extra protective

measures are being taken into

consideration to mitigate the

possible effects of COVID-19.

MFO: Support to


Conduct Information-Education

Campaign for the proper protective

measures and proper hygiene


Gender Sensitive IEC materials 20,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA

Project Monitoring,GAD Focal

Point System EEIS

2 Program responses to emergencies like

Covid-19 tend to overlook women’s

involvement, their potential roles and


Limited leadership roles of

women members of the


Ensure that community

engagement teams are gender-

balanced and promote women’s

leadership. Women's full, equal

and meadningful participation

and leadership in COVID-19

response plan and post

pandemic governance should be


MFO: Support to


Conduct IEC on Gender empowerment

programs that provide adequate

resources to ensure women’s full and

equal participation in decision-making

at all levels on environmental issues,

particularly on strategies related to the

impact of COVID 19 pandemic .

Women Empowerment IEC

materials on gender based

violence and inequalities from

the COVID-19 crisis. that puts

capabilities at risk as well as

women's ability to face the effects

of the pandemic and economic


20,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Hazwaste

,Water, Air, EIA Project

Monitoring,GAD Focal Point

System EEIS

3 Women in natural resource-dependent

communities are most vulnerable to

climate change related risks and


Limited awareness of

stakeholders on gender issue in

the ENR programs

Increase awareness on gender

and development access to

Environmental issues and

solution and development

programs that can help them

increase participation in

MFO: Support to


Conduct IEC on gender

consciousness and gender-

responsiveness in environmental

concerns that may lead to more

environmentally friendly decision

making at household and community

Webinars/seminars/ Video-

lectures on environmental

management i.e. climate change

risk and environment related and

livelihood trainings

100,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA

Project Monitoring,GAD Focal

Point System EEIS

4 Greater vulnerabilities of women to

risks and hazards, and disasters, in


resource-dependent communities (other

than due to climate change), and

particular vulnerabilities of women to

the same that are not being addressed

Women are more likely to be

engaged in the informal sector

and be hardest hit economically

by the impact of climate change

Establishing knowledge

management systems on

climate change based on

science and experiences of

communities. Reducing climate

change risks and vulnerability of

human and natural ecosystems

through ecosystem-based

management approaches and

appropriate technologies.

MFO: Support to


Design IEC materials in combating

climate change risks , adaptation and

mitigation .


lectures /livelihood trainings with

integration of GAD

50,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA

Project Monitoring,GAD Focal

Point System

5 Vulnerability of women and children in

ENR communities to domestic violence

inlocked-down or quarantine situations

Women and children may

experience increased risks of

gender-based violence,

including sexual exploitation.

This is due to lack of

appreciation on the importance

of women's rights and roles in

the society. As well as lack of

information campaign on gender

based violence.

Provide counseling for people -

usually women -from who care

for children, the elderly and other

vulnerable groups in quarantine

from depression and anxiety.

and who may not be able to

avoid close contact.

MFO: support to


Design IEC materials to ensure that

women, elderly and vulnerable groups

are able to get proper information on

how to prevent infection from COVID

19 pandemic and information on

human rights and how to prevent

gender base violence.

IEC materials on gender based

violence and gender equality.

50,000.00 GAA Solid Waste, Water, Air, EIA

Project Monitoring,GAD Focal

Point System EEIS


Organization: Environmental Management Bureau Region 04A

Total Budget/GAA of Organization:

Total GAD Budget :



FY 2021

GAD Activity GAD Budget


6 Observance of the first week of March

each year as Women's Week and

March 8 as Women's Rights and

International Peace Day (Proclamation

No. 224 s. 1988), Observance of the

Month of March as Women's Role in

History Month (Proclamation No. 227 s.

1988); and March 8 of every year as

National Women's Day (Republic Act

(RA) 6949 s. 1990).

Limited of appreciation on the

importance of women's rights

and roles in the society.

Inform, inspire and engage

women as stakeholders of

government programs and

services to promote gender

equality and the empowerment

of all women.

MFO: Support to


Conduct of annual activities to

celebrate Women's Month

Gender Sensitive IEC materials 30,000.00 GAA EMB GAD Committee & EMB


7 Commemoration of 18-day VAW

Campaing on November 25 to

December 12 of Every Year as National

Consciousness Day for the Elimination

of Violence Against Women and

Children (Republic Act 10398).

Limited of information campaign

on gender based violence.

Promote zero-tolerance to

gender-based violence including

sexual harassment and other

gender-related issues.

MFO: Support to


Conduct of orientation on Magna Carta

of women (RA9710) / Violence Against

Women and their children for


Gender Based Violence

awareness IEC materials


8 Limited access to information to GAD

Policies, Plans and Programs

Limited of awareness of EMB IV-

A internal and external clients

on gender-relatedlaws, policies

and other issuances

Increased awareness on gender-

related laws, policies and other


PAP: Environmental

regulations Service

Maintain /Sustain of GAD Bulletin

Board/ e-corner at EMB IVA website

1 GAD Bulletin Board/ e corner



9 Difficulty/Lack of coordination,

monitoring and evaluation of GAD plans

and programs

Limited of EMB personnel to

handle monitoring and

evaluation of GAD plans and


Ensure sustainability of

assignments of personnel to

EMB Regional GAD

FocalPoints. Orientation of EMB

GAD Committee members on

GAD issues and concerns, plans

and programs to Improve

monitoring of GAD plans and

PAP: Environmental

Regulations Services

Hiring of GAD personnel solely for

GAD activities

TOR (Job Contract) - 1 216,000.00 GAA PERSONNEL/ORD

10 Lack of monitoring and evaluation of

GAD plans and programs

Limited of EMB personnel to

handle monitoring and

evaluation of GAD plans and


Ensure sustainability of

assignments of personnel to

EMB Regional GAD

FocalPoints. Orientation of EMB

GAD Committee members on

GAD issues and concerns, plans

and programs to Improve

monitoring of GAD plans and


PAP: Environmental

Regulations Services

Issuance of Regional Special Order

emphasizing the guidelines on

orientation of new GFPS Members/

Reconstitution of GFPS (Inclusion of

Section Chiefs as Program


No. of Regional Special Order

emphasizing the guidelines on

orientation of new GFPS

Members issued - 1

2,000.00 GAA RGADEC, ORD

11 Unequal gender burden in child-rearing,

childminding in families of DENR

employees and difficulties of staff in

parenting role to balance work and

family life, especially during Covid-19

locked down or quarantine situation

Women tends to bear

responsibility for caring ill family

members and the elderly. The

closure of schools adds the

burden of additional work for

attending the needs of their


1. Provide parents with skills to

handle their own anxieties and

help manage those in their

children. 2. Provide the essential

needs of women to ensure that

employees especially women

are protected against COVID-19

exposure at workplace

MFO: Support to


1. Conduct and promote fun activities

that parents and children can do

together to reduce anxieties and

tension through child-fiendly IEC

materials to to promote Psychosocial

support. 2. Provision of PPE's and

Vitamins to ensure that employees

men and women are protected for any

exposure or risk from COVID 19

1.No. of webinars/seminars/

Video-lectures on climate change

risk and environment related and

livelihood trainings. 2. Distribution

of PEEs, disinfection materials

and Vitamins.

500,000.00 GAA EMB GAD Committee & EMB




12 Participation of women in Solid Waste

Management Programs and Projects to

abate pollution

limited involvement of womens

in Solid Waste Management as

policy maker and community


Increase level of environmental

awareness thru womens

participation in promoting solid

waste management

MFO: Support to


Conduct Technical assistance on

Ecological Solid Waste Management

Program (MRF, SWEET, 10 year plan

SCRP, NEP) in support to RA 9003

No of iEC / Awareness to

mainstream the program to

LGUs/ in proper handling of

household health care waste /

solid waste management

2,887,000.00 GAA ESWM, GAD Committee

13 Participation of women in Water Quality

Management Programs and Projects to

abate water pollution

limited involvement of womens

in WQMA,Adopt a-River water

body program and Manila Bay

Rehabilittaion as policy maker

and community player

Increase level of environmental

awareness thru womens

participation in promoting water


MFO: Support to


Conduct IEC /Technical assistance

with Program partners /LGUs in the

efficient operation of the WTF

procedure prior to discharge to any

water body in support to RA 9275.

No of IEC /Webinars / with the

Program partners/ LGUs to

mainstream the program .

1,443,500.00 GAA WQMS, GAD Committee

14 Participation of women in Air Quality

Management Programs and Projects to

abate pollution

Gender-role stereotyping with

regard to roles, responsibilities

in maintaining clean air


Increase level of awareness of

womens in policies and

programs in promoting air


MFO: Support to


Conduct Air Quality Management

awareness (Airshed Emission

Inventory, GHG Inventory, Climate

Change) in support to RA 8749

No. of IEC/ Awareness

/Mainstreaming with the program

partners/ LGUs in the abatement

of air pollution.

1,443,500.00 GAA AQMS, GAD Commitee


5,774,000.00 GAA


Reviewed By:




OIC, Regional Director  


Approved By:




Prepared By:


GAD Focal Point System