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  • 8/7/2019 GEHungary_tech


    a report by

    R i c h a rd F o r s t e r

    Lighting Consultant and Editor, Society of Light and Lighting Newsletter

    I n t r odu c t i o n

    Any hospital complex encompasses a broad range

    of functional elements and is almost a self-

    supporting community. The occupancy is both

    complex and dynamic and, therefore, any lighting

    has to meet the separate, and even conflicting,visual needs of staff, patients and visitors.

    Furthermore, many areas are in use 24 hours a day,

    seven days per week. Extending the natural

    working day is possible by electric lighting, but for

    hospitals the use of artificial lighting occurs to a

    much greater extent than in normal commercial

    and industrial premises.

    Recommended illuminations vary from one lux for

    night-lighting to 100,000 lux in operating theatres.

    The first objective is the provision of adequate

    illumination. Attempts to save energy by under-lighting are a false economy, as without sufficient

    light errors and mistakes increase and visual fatigue

    reduces the rate of work.

    It is impossible to deal with all the lighting issues in

    a single article, so a small number of aspects have

    been selected. Their relative importance will vary

    from site-to-site, but hopefully it will be possible to

    audit local conditions either by a walk-through

    survey or by asking a few key questions of facilities

    management and procurement.

    Day l i g h t

    This is a good starting point and immediately

    recognisable. Daylighting is an important element in

    building design, as it provides variety, a link with the

    outside world and a temporal scale. These aspects are

    particularly important for visitors and patients who

    are in an unfamiliar environment. Well-designed

    daylighting of a space can reduce the reliance on

    electric lighting, thus saving electricity. The

    inconsistency of natural light, however, often results

    in electric lighting being left switched on when it isnot needed. In fairness to the occupants of a space

    there is no clear indication of the relative

    contribution from electric light and daylight by

    which a decision can be made to switch off electric

    lighting. The potential for daylighting to save energy

    is thus rarely realised.

    L i gh t i n g Con t ro l s

    There are various options available for the automated

    control of lighting based on presence detection,photo-sensors that can measure the amount of

    natural light, timers and building management

    systems. Which is deemed to be the most suitable

    will depend on the type of location and its usage

    pattern. There are two basic rules in providing

    automated switching. Firstly, there should always be

    safety of movement so occupants are never deprived

    of all lighting in a space and secondly there should

    always be a convenient local manual override so that

    the function of a space can continue.

    Lighting controls are called for in Part L of theBuilding Regulations for England and Wales, either

    automated or by local manual switching. For the

    latter, it is important that the switching circuitry

    relates to a sensible sub-division of the space. Large

    open spaces can be reorganised and it is important

    that the switching is changed to match the current

    arrangement. Manual switching does not have to be

    hard-wired and where change is likely switching by

    infrared handsets, similar to the domestic TV remote

    control, can be considered. Other options include

    switching via telephones or PCs.

    Sudden abrupt changes in lighting levels can be

    disturbing and even construed as a fault condition, so

    dimming is becoming more popular. With modern

    light sources, such as fluorescent tubes, the

    relationship between light output and power

    consumed is almost linear dimming saves electricity

    consumption. With filament lamps, however, the

    light output decreases much more rapidly than the

    power consumption, so the potential for energy

    saving is less significant. Simple resistive dimmers do

    not save energy but merely transfer consumption

    from the lamp to the dimmer itself.

    Grea t e s t Co s t

    It is not normally appreciated that the greatest cost

    Ef f i c ient hospi ta l l ight ing

    B U S I N E S S B R I E F I N G : H O S P I T A L E N G I N E E R I N G & F A C I L I T I E S M A N A G E M E N T 2 0 0 5


    Technology & Services

    Richard Forster worked for Atlas

    Lighting from 1957 to 1961, as

    commercial trainee, Lighting

    Engineer and Senior Lighting

    Engineer. He then worked as

    Lighting Designer for Isora

    Integrated Ceilings in 1969 and

    won the Illuminating Engineering

    Society (IES) National Floodlighting

    competition for Coventry Cathedral

    in 1972. From 1972 to 1991 Mr

    Forster worked for Thorn Benham

    Environmental Engineering and in

    1974 as Marketing Manager for

    Thorn Lighting. He was an

    Independent Lighting Consultant in1991, specialising in light sources,

    providing technical articles,

    education and industrial training.

    From 1993 to 2000 Mr Forster was

    Editor of the Chartered Institution

    of Building Services Engineers

    (CIBSE) Lighting Division Newsletter

    and was also Editor of the Society

    of Light and Lighting Newsletter in

    2000. He has also written various

    technical articles in Building

    Services Journal, Light Magazine

    and other lighting trade journals as

    well as papers given to IES and

    CIBSE National Lighting Conferences.

    Mr Forster has a City and Guild

    Full Technological Certificate in

    Illuminating Engineering, is a

    Diploma Member of the IES and is

    a Member Institution of Lighting

    Engineers. He also has a lighting

    diploma from the CIBSE.

  • 8/7/2019 GEHungary_tech

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    Technology & Services

    associated with lighting is the energy consumed.

    Typical through-life costs are shown in Figure 1.

    Changing from a normal nine-to-five, five-day

    week, to 12 hours per day every day doubles the

    hours of use and thus the energy consumed. For

    many situations in a hospital complex this may be a

    conservative estimate. Energy costs are currently

    predicted to rise after a period of stable, and even

    falling, prices. This is partially due to market forces,but concern about global warming and increasing

    environmental pollution is applying additional

    pressure to reduce energy consumption. It is,

    therefore, important that hospital lighting is based on

    only the most efficient light sources.

    F l u o r e s c en t T ube L i g h t i n g

    Probably the most common lamp in use today is the

    fluorescent tube. Developed just before WWII, its

    availability was restricted during the years of the

    conflict and became part of the post-war buildingprogramme. Significant technical progress was made

    in the 1950s with the introduction of improved

    phosphor coatings generically called halophos-

    phates. There were two groups of white lamps for

    general lighting called white, warm white and cool

    white. Better colour rendering was possible if

    required, but only with approximately two-thirds of

    the light output. This group was given names such as

    Natural and Northlight. With this choice, good

    colour rendering was restricted to situations where it

    was important, such as retail premises and industrial

    colour matching.

    In the 1970s, new phosphors were introduced that

    created white light by the addition of red, green and

    blue colours and became known as triphosphors.

    These had three main advantages:

    increased light output typically +10% initially,

    35% at end of life;

    good colour rendering no longer was itnecessary to compromise efficiency for colour

    rendering or vice versa. Colour rendering is

    explained in more detail below;

    good lumen maintenance (see Figure 2); and

    longer life.

    This extra performance carried a cost penalty with

    triphosphor lamps at approximately twice that of their

    halophosphate versions. The construction industry

    has been traditionally structured so that through-lifecost benefits are not properly recognised. The

    installing contractor is only interested in initial costs

    and not operating costs. The purchasing department

    compares component costs and favours low-cost

    replacement lamps. Facilities management can

    identify energy consumption, but have little

    opportunity to influence equipment specification.

    Higher lamp costs can be easily justified (see Figure

    1). More light emitted means less luminaires to

    purchase, fewer lighting points to install, lower

    installed load and less equipment to maintain.

    The better durability of triphosphors results in the

    light output being maintained at a higher level for a

    longer period.

    The reduction in light output with time from the

    triphosphor lamp is only approximately 5%, which is

    not readily detectable by the naked eye.

    Consequently, if one lamp fails its replacement will

    not appear at different brightness.

    With halophosphate lamps there is a much greaterfall-off in light output, which, after 9,000 hours, is

    approximately 20%. A single replacement lamp

    would be 25% brighter and would be apparent. This

    is why the curve for the halophosphate lamp is only

    Figure 1: Typical Through-life Costs. Fluorescent Luminaire Over 10 Years

    Figure 2: Typical Luminous Performance Comparison

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  • 8/7/2019 GEHungary_tech
