geechee one magazine - jan 2015


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Death and dishonor, loss of innocents, street legends, rappers and producers, models and beauties, and more... this is the first edition of 2015...


Publisher/Editor In Chief  
Chief/Advice Columnist 
Chiina Coutour 
 ABigT Flick  
Jay Mixx 
Jules City  
Ben Freezy  
Now that we are on a crisp of a new year,
each of us needs to reflect on the previous
12 months. Allow this new year to be
considered a second chance. Instead of
coming up with consistent new years
resolution that everyone tends to break,
 work on small steps to reaching that BIG
goal. For example those always planning
to lose x amount of pounds instead come
up with various ways to be healthy. Taking
steps like eating less fast food, walking,
drinking more water, and hitting the gym
 will help you be healthy and even loss
some extra pounds.
Felicia Rivers
[email protected] 
P.S. Nominations for the 2015 Geechee One Awards starts in May!
Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents 
Page 5 - Feelings About Ferguson 
Page 7 - The Ariel Morgan Story 
Page 10 -  Hazel Delights 
Page 17 - Black Out 2016 
Geechee One Magazine is published bi -monthly by Geechee One, P.O. Box 41114, North Charleston, S.C. 29423. Adversing rates are also
available to by emailing [email protected]. Reproducon or use of any part of this issue is prohibited.
Editorial by Jay Mixx 
 We’ve all been touched by the recent  verdict in the indictment of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. I live in Jacksonville, FL where we experienced the Jordan Davis case that was finally brought to justice. Today is a very crucial time for black  young men and women living in  America. I say this because, we are constantly under attack. 
Statistics shows right now that a  black man is killed every 28hrs.  While black people constitute only 13% of the nation's population, we make up nearly 40% of the prison population. These stats about prison population have practically remain the same in the past 100 years.  Another thing that has remained the same is the fact that we own just as much as we did as a people, than we did a 100 years ago. Not much progress if you look at the numbers. Gotti already told us numbers don't lie. So with that being said there are some changes that still need to be made in America. 
 We don't understand the significance of unifying. This is the only way we can compete in a system against us. For example about unity, when it was all said and done we found out a lot of Caucasian people and organizations funded Darrin Wilson throughout this crime. Why, because there are unified people behind him from all walks of life. What did we do? We protested and caused destruction. 
Like sheep being led to the slaughter house, todays youthful masses blindly follow a degenerate portion of society down a path of destruction. The current social climate promotes a certain “code of the streets” an illogical, an unethical attitude toward assisting in police investigations. The “Stop Snitching Movement” encourages people not to cooperate with authorities, regardless of the implications caused by this stance. Many crimes that could easily be solved end up going cold for lack of substantial evidence by possible witnesses. 
In a classic example of when keeping it real goes wrong, I invite you the reader to accompany me upon a journey for justice, as we travel toward the slippery slope of the truth to try and bring some form of closure to the  bereaved loved ones of Ms. Ariel Morgan. 
her beloved daughter would not be returning home that evening. Her innocence would be cut short by a random act of senseless violence. The family and friends of Ms. Ariel Morgan, suffer unjustly. Forced to deal with the bleak reality that a culture that Ariel actively avoided, ultimately claimed her life. One of the last tweets to her Twitter account reflects that sentiment, where she states that she hopes the “ratchets don’t come out, and mess up the event for people that love life and  want to live. 
 Ariel Morgan was with nearly 800 people at a block party when a gunfight broke out. Detectives  believe that someone must have seen  who was shooting before a bullet hit  Ariel, fatally wounding her. But no one has told the authorities enough about what happened, confounding the investigators who have made no arrests in her death. It might be  because the shooting, which  wounded five other people, stemmed from a dispute between rival gang members who live by and enforce a no snitching code of the streets. This
attitude has led the lead investigators to enlist help from state law enforcement agency SLED, which has units that were created especially for, and to deal with, gangs and gang  violence. This story has garnered much attention from the media, as  well as lawmakers. Rep. Wendell Gilliard D-Charleston, who has railed against a culture that leads to  violence between youths, has said he  was particularly moved by Ariel’s story, a young woman who shied away from violence, only to have her life ended by it. Like Morgan's mother, he longs to see the crime solved.
 When is your company's anniversary?
Hazel's Delights anniversary is July 21st. It has been 2 years that we became a registered company! 
 What would you say is the most important part of baking?
The most important part of  baking for me is satisfying the customer! The customer is always right. I believe in customer focused quality. I'm always communicating with customers and getting their feedback about our products. 
 What is your favorite dessert to make?
My favorite dessert to make and eat is Red Velvet Cake  with cream cheese icing. Every since the first time I tasted a red velvet cake over 20 years ago, it has been my favorite cake! 
 What was your first baking job?
My first baking job was baking  various cakes and treats for a company's Thanksgiving party, the first year I began  baking. It was a great opportunity for me. 
 Are you willing to travel to cater?
 Yes, I am willing to travel to other cities and states for catering! 
 What are your favorite flavor combinations?
My favorite flavor combinations are strawberries, chocolate and homemade whipped icing. Based on a customer poll, we created a cake called "Strawberry Seduction", and all these flavors are in this cake. The combinations are heavenly to my taste buds! 
 Where do you see your business in five years?
I see growth for Hazel's Delights in the next five  years. I involve customers in many aspects of the  business and this business practice has been a major part of our continued success and growth. In addition to the bakery side,  we intend to branch out into other areas of catering based on consumer demand. 
Is there an ingredient you believe is overused?
I believe sugar is overused. In my beginning years of  baking, I thought more sugar, more sugar. However, I listened to the customers and discovered that too much sugar is overwhelming and can ruin the taste of a cake or treat. So with a lot of my desserts, I find the icing and other naturally sweetened ingredients  balance the dessert's sweetness. 
Do you find that there are more female pastry chefs then male?
 Yes, from my observation of other bakeries and cupcake shops, there are more female pastry chefs. 
 What is your known specialty?
A Musical performing artist born & raised in Saint Louis Missouri, Supadupaextramegaultra (SUPA) has been recording and writing since he was 8 yrs
old. With a passion for lyricism that shows through his music, Supa's ruthless approach and aggressive content is smoothed by amazing production and sound.
Inspired by producers from Timberland and Pharrel to Bangladesh and Ryan Leslie; and artist from Pusha T and Lupe Fiasco to 8ball & Pimp C Supa has
developed a unique style with brilliant taste. Supa is sure to leave a lasting impression on the music industry.
How long have you been rapping? 
 Actually since I was 8, I was able to form
rhyme patterns and having fun with it. I
started rapping because a friend of mine
 was dating a girl who only dated rappers,
and her friends did too. I was put on the
spot to rap to impress the females, so I
guess you can say that it all started there,
 but I have always loved and been a part
of music. 
I was approached by A&R reps from
BMF in the early 2000’s. They wanted to
put me out as an upcoming artist from
the Midwest (St. Louis). I went on tour
 with Mike Jones when he was hot, we
 were doing the Texas circuit, things
happened on the road, and I left the
tour. That’s when I thought yeah I can do
coming from St. Louis, was it hard
to find your voice here? 
It was easy for me, I grew up as a
military kid so I was exposed to different
dialects and cultures throughout my
childhood. England, France, Germany,
tongues and things, so I expected a
difference, but one that I could easily
adjust to. I love a new challenge. 
 Who would you compare yourself
to and who inspired you? 
influenced by a different crop of
artists. Bun B, 8Ball & MJG,were my
Tupac and Biggie. I Listened to Kanye,
Outkast, Lupe Fiasco, and others. I
 would best describe my sound as a
combination of Lupe and Pimp C that
is me Supadupaextramegaultra! 
rapper or a lyricist? 
of my career was battle rapping. That
is real big in the St. Louis area. The
freestyle battles are fierce. Shout out to
“A VERB” for putting it down for St.
Louis as a battle rapper. That was the
early stages. My styles have evolved.
Then, I started to realize I needed
hooks for people to be able to identify
my sound, my brand, so I started
 working on crafting songs and building
records. If you like the beat, you like
lyrics, I got it all for you. 
How are the fans able to interact
 with you? Where can they find
 your music, videos and show date
Supa. Links to my music sites, my
 videos, and my entire catalog is online.
Including my Early 90’s hit. I got the
 video for that joint on there too. My
latest project, Supamerica the Mixtape
is on the site.All my videos up on there
as well, just check it out. You won’t be
savvy are you as an artist in this
I like to create when in creative mode,
and once I have enough material for a
release, then switch into business
mode to market and promote the
material. It is a lot to handle, but I
make it happen. All of the business
 won’t interfere with the creative
show dates we should know
my mixtape series, B.O.R.N In
Supamerica, that’s coming between
now and next year via the website. We
 will be releasing tracks periodically
throughout the year. Just basically
pushing this music to the masses and
grinding getting myself out there. We
got some big things coming up. 
 Are there any closing statements,
or last words for the readers? 
 Yeah, I just want to let the fans know
that they don’t have to worry about
 being a fan of my music. I will not let
 you down as an artist. All artists today
are doing some questionable things.
I’m that good in life, I’m that good on
the mic, I got bars son! I don’t wear
dresses; I’m not beating up women.
I’m just a good guy, I bring it
consistently. Just being a stand up
dude. You won’t be ashamed to be a
fan of my music. 
making a major push for the industry. I
salute the whole Carolina though, it's a lot
of talent out there, now more than ever.
JW: Well, I come from a long line of
singers and musicians. I started out
making beats at the age of 12, started
rapping at the age of 16. I just felt like I
had something to say, and have been
focused on it every since really.
JW: I feel like I can step in the studio with
anybody and hold my own. From
underground to major! I always knew, it's
 jus time to show the world. Don't really
have a set goal date or anything, just
focused on making millions once I get
there I'll figure the rest out lol.
JW: "Cindy Laupa's" my new single Prod
 by ChillGoHard(Street Execs). It was
really just a term in the hood coming from
Cindi Lauper the singer, I was vibing to
some beats and it jus came to me. You
really don't have no choice, but to turn up
on a ChillGoHard Beat though! S/O to
ChillGoHard and the whole STREET
JW: Yea, it's a new mixtape I'm working
on called Street Legend. It's basically a
compilation of everything I've been
through until now. Got some heavy
production on there so far. I got
placements from Supah Mario, P. Porter,
and ChillGoHard to name a few. It's
coming real soon!
music if you log on toDjservicepack.Com
and search J.Ward. Or just Google J.Ward
aka BigBankHank. Be sure to look up
some prior mixtapes also "Chronicles Of
BigBankHank"/ and Trapped Out With
Piazo!! Hood Classics!!
JW: Salute! 
has stated that she is against aboron
and for the death penalty, but her
vong record shows otherwise. In her
write-in response to a 1998 survey, Clin-
ton stated her posion as “Aborons
should be legally available.” She re-
ceived a 100 percent rang from The
Planned Parenthood Council. Clinton
speeches about these two subjects to
try and gain the vote of “middle of the
road” republicans. These facts are easily
available to anyone who wants to know,
so before you go and believe everything
some one says, you may want to check
into it, I don’t think we need a hypocrite
running our country.
and use of ethanol. She’s right, a cheap-
er, cleaner fuel would be nice, but this
ethanol is being produced from corn.
now, but if we connue to use up all the
corn for fuel, we will have a food short-
age. Corn is a vital food for feedlot mar-
ket animals. Farmers that raise the ani-
mals are starng to not be able to
aord the sky rockeng price of corn, so
they’re killing o their stock. If these
prices connue to rise, and farmers
connue to not pay, we will have a
shortage of meat, milk, and corn in our
country. There are already people starv-
ing to death in Mexico because their
main food source is corn, and it has all
been taken to be used as fuel. We
should respect our Earth, God gave it to
us to use and take care of. Take care of
at some extent, when it comes to pol-
lung the atmosphere or eang, I think
we should go with the eang.
Another concern of Clinton’s is global
warming. She wants a law that says it’s
illegal to drive any car in the U.S that
doesn’t get at least a 35 mpg highway
rang or beer. I believe global warm-
ing is happening, but there isn’t any-
thing we can do to stop it. The exhaust
from cars may be speeding the process
up a lile bit, but I think there is nothing
we can do to stop global warming, its
 just a cycle, it could’ve been what killed
the dinosaurs, and we could be next.
Hillary said “we need to modernize
healthcare with a prescripon drug ben-
et and provide targeted tax cuts for
healthcare to the poor and have every-
one else’s taxes risen to pay for it.
Barrack Hussein Obama
are inconsistent. Barrack Obama also has
a mpg law, but his is a lile higher then
Clinton’s. He wants a law that states that
any motor vehicle must get at least a 50
mpg highway rang to be legally driven.
There is not a car produced today in this
country that exceeds a 40 mpg highway
rang. So if this law ever did come into
aect, car manufacturers would spend
billions of dollars planning and building a
“legal car.” The Toyota Prius Hybrid only
gets about a 35 mpg highway rang when
run o of gas. This law is completely un-
reasonable. Sorry Obama, but I grew up
in big ‘ol gas hog trucks and I plan on driv-
ing one for the rest of my life.
Another plan of Obama’s is to try and
shut down any store that sells guns that
is located within ve miles of a school or
a park. This is a way that he is trying to
outlaw guns without actually out lawing
them. If we removed every gun dealer
that was within ve miles of a school or a
park, that would eliminate most, if not all
dealers in the United States. If we outlaw
guns, only the outlaws will have guns.
He also called for higher pay for teachers
in one of his recent campaign speeches.
This would be great, but do you know
where he plans on geng this 18 billion
dollars annually from? He’s going to cut
funding for Naonal Security and NASA.
Teachers may deserve a higher pay, but
cung out our country’s safety net to do
so is absurd.
Health care is a big deal in this elecon
for these two candidates. Obama said
that “I am absolutely determined that by
the end of the rst term of the next presi-
dent, we should have universal
healthcare in this country.” If the govern-
ment funds more healthcare for people
who cannot aord it, you know where
that money’s going to come from? Taxes,
we are already paying $15 billion annual-
ly for other peoples healthcare, and to
reach Obama’s goal, we are going to have
to pay a lot more.
Barrack is a big me supporter of abor-
on and stem cell research, and against
the death penalty. Aboron is wrong, 100
percent wrong, and I don’t care what the
hell any one else thinks about my opin-
ion. Deliberately going in and taking the
life of an unborn child is horrible. Stem
cell research also es in with aboron; it
is also killing an unborn embryo to study
it. I think when jused, the death penal-
ty is a very appropriate punishment. If
some one murders someone else, I be-
lieve they should have a fair trial, and if
found guilty, sentenced to death as soon