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Environmental and CRZ clearance for construction of berthing & allied facilities off Tekra near Tuna, Gujarat by Kandla Port Trust – Reg.Dated – 01/11/2011

Conditions5. Specific Conditions: Action

i) Consent for establishment shall be obtained from State Pollutioncontrol board under Air and Water Act and copy shall besubmitted to the Ministry before start of any construction work atthe site.

NOC has already been obtained from Gujarat State PollutionControl Board vide letter dated 28th july,2009

(Copy enclosed at Annexure-A)

ii) Scientific study shall be carried out by some expert and organizationlike BHNS focusing among other thing the marine environment andgeneral and the preservation of the mangroves in particular againstany possible adverse impact due to creation of the proposedactivities.

KPT awarded the work of to M/s Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology ,Bhuj for carryout scientific studies.

(Copy of work order enclosed at Annexure--B)

iii) Proponent shall explore the possibilities of plantation of mangroves inthe entire mud flat area and submit the action plan to the theMinistry prior to the commencement of the activity.

Point noted.Mangrove Plantation Plan:1) Implemented Mangrove Plantation in 170 hectors till date2) Proposed Mangrove Plantation in 200 hectors for the period2011-2012,3) Proposed Mangrove Plantation in 300 hectors in 2012-20134) Proposed Mangrove Plantation in 330 hectors in 2013-2014Through state Forest department

iv) The dredge material shall be reused for low level rising whereverpossible and excess shall be dumped into sea at the designateddumping areas identified based on mathematical model studies.

Point Noted

v) Though the project proponent has carried out EIA for individualcomponents and it were examined by the committee before the issueof clearance, it is suggested that proponent shall update and submitto the ministry and Regional office of the Minstry at Bhopal priorto commencement of the activity.

Point Noted

vi) The Project Proponent shall set up separate environmentalmanagement cell for effective implementation of the stipulatedenvironmental safeguard under the supervision of senior Executive.

Kandla Port has strengthened the Environment Cell byappointing two Environment Experts from Netel India Pvt.

ConditionsLtd. KPT also established separate environment cell(Copy of office order enclosed at-C)

vii) The funds earmarked for environmental management plan shall beincluded in the budget and this shall not be diverted for any otherpurpose.

Point Noted .Kandla Port has kept Rs.169.30 Lakhs in the RBF 2011-2012and Rs.150.00 Lakhs inn B.E.2012-2013 till the Expendituremade under the scheme of “General EnvironmentProgramme” is Rs.45,21,48.00 Lakhs( April-11 to March,2012) the year 2011-12.

6. General conditions: Action

i) Appropriate measures must be taken while undertaking digging activities toavoid any likely degradation of water quality.

Point Noted

ii) Full support shall be extended to the officers to the Ministry RegionalOfficers at Bhopal and the officers of the Central and State Pollution ControlBoards by the Project Proponents during the inspection for monitoringpurposes, by furnishing full details and action plans including the action takenreports in respect of mitigative measures and other environmental protectionactivities.

Point Noted

iii) A six monthly monitoring report shall need to be submitted by the projectproponents to the Regional Office at this Ministry at Bhopal regarding theimplementation of the stipulated conditions.

Point Noted

iv Ministry of Environment and Forest or any other competent authority maystipulate any additional or modify the existing ones, if necessary in the interestof environment and the same shall be complied with.

Point Noted

v) This Ministry reserve the right to revoke this clearance, if any of theconditions stipulated are not complied with to the satisfaction of the Ministry.

Point Noted

vi) In the event of a change in project profile or change in the implementationagency, a fresh reference shall be made to the ministry of environment andforest.

Point Noted

Conditionsvii) The project proponent shall inform the Regional Office at Bhopal as well asthe Ministry the date of financial closure and final approval of the project bythe concerned authorities and the date of start of Land Development Work.

Point Noted

viii) A copy of the clearance letter will be marked to the concerned panchayat /local NGO, if any, from whom any suggestions / representation has beenreceived while processing the proposal.


ix) The State pollution Control Board shall display a copy of clearance letter atthe Regional Office, District Industries Centre and Collectors office / Tehsildarsoffice for 30 days.


7) These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions ofwater (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974, Air (prevention andcontrol of pollution) Act 1981 the environment (protection) act, 1986, the publicliability (insurance) act, 1991 and EIA notification 1994, including theamendments and rules made thereafter.

Point Noted.

8) All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage diesel fromChief Controller of explosive,Fire department, civil aviation, forestconservation Act,1980 and wild life protection act,1972 etc. shall be obtained ,as applicable by project proponent from the respective competent authorities.

Point Noted

9) The project proponent shall advertise in at least two local news paperswidely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the vernacular languageinforming that the project has been accorded environmental clearance copiesof clearance letters are available with the state Pollution Control Board andmay also be seen at website of the Ministry of Environment & Forest athttpt//www.envfornic.in. The advertisement shall be made within 10 days fromthe date of the issue of the clearance letter and a copy of the same should beforwarded to the Regional Office of this Ministry at Bhopal.

Complied and news paper cuttings already sent to Regionaloffice, Bhopal of MoEF vide letter No. :EG/WK/4604(EC)/1036 dated 25/11/2011

10) Environmental clearances is subject to final order of the Hon’ble SupremeCourt of India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in WritPetition (Civil) No. 460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project.

Point noted

11) Status of compliance to the various stipulated environmental conditions andenvironmental safeguards will be uploaded by the project proponent in thewebsite.

Point Noted

12) A copy of the clearances letter shall be send by the proponent to theconcerned Panchyat, Zila Parishad/Municipal Cooperation, Urban local bodyand the local NGO, if any, from whom suggestion/ representation if any where


Conditionsreceived while processing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put onthe website of the company by the proponent.

13) The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulatedenvironmental condition, including result of monitored data on their websiteand shall update the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be send to theregional office of MoEF, the respective Zonal office of CPCB & the SPCB.

Point noted

14) The environmental statement for each financial year ending 31st march inform V as is mandated to be submitted by the project proponent to theconcerned SPCB as prescribed under the environmental (protection) rules,1986, as amended subsequently shall also be put on the website of the companyalong with the status of the compliance of EC condition and shall also be send tothe respective regional offices of MoEF by email.

Point Noted.

Monitoring the implementation of Environmental Safe guardsMinistry of Environment & Forests

Regional office (W), Bhopal.

Monitoring ReportPart – I



1. Project type : River-valley/ : Dry Bulk Terminal for handlingMining/Industry/thermal/nuclear/ Dry Bulk Cargo.

Other (specify)

2. Name of the project : Creation of Berthing & Allied FacilitiesOff-Tekra near Tuna (Outside KandlaCreek) by M/S Kandla Port Trust (UnderMinistry of Shipping, GoI.

3. Clearance Letter (s).OM no and : Environment clearance issued bydate Govt. of India, Ministry of

Environment & Forest–New DelhiVide letter No. 10-10/2008-IA-IIIDated 1/11/2011.

4. Location Kandla Port Trusta) District (s) : Gandhidham- Kutchb) State (s) : GujaratLocation/latitude/longitude : Jetty Head Latitude : 22 53’ 18” N

Longitude: 70 06’ 20” E5. Address for Correspondence : Office of the Chief Engineer

a) address of Concerned Project Kandla Port Trust, A.O. buildingchief Engineer(with pin code & Post box No.-50, Gandhidham-

Kutch. Pin- 370201telephone/telex/fax numbers Tel:02836- 233192,


b)Address of Executive project : Office of the Superintending EngineerEngineer/manager/(with pin code Project.Fax numbers) : Nirman Building,

New Kandla-(Kutch) pin-370210.

6. Salient features of the project : The dimension of berthing facility (T-shape) will be 600m X 60 m andresting on 1200mm and 1000mmR.C.C. bored cast-in situ piles. The

berthing facility shall be connected by2000MX18 m piled approach on 1000mm dia piles & 1700 m X 18m rubblemould approach (Total 3.7 KM uptoback up area).The back up area of size80 hectares will be developed by using

suitable sundries material. The back uparea shall be connected to existing TunaPort by Road of 5.0 km length and alsowith railway line along the road of 5.0km length. The berth will be designedfor a live load of 5T/m2 for loading. Thequantity of capital dredging worked outby CWPRS, Pune shall be 7.85 MM3 &Maintenance dredging quantity shall be1.0 MM3/annum. The proposed capacityof terminal is worked out to 14.00MMTPA. The work also includesconstruction of custom fencing wall,electrification, water supply and firefighting lines and environmentalmeasures also.

b) Salient Features of the : NIOT, Chennai has already suggestedEnvironmental Management Environmental Management PlanPlan for both construction & operation face

of the project and sighed in EIA studyreport.The details of existing EMP of KPT arefurnished as under

Kandla Port Trusthad entrusted the work ofEstablishment of its EnvironmentalMonitoring Laboratory(EML) withthe equipments, chemicals andglassware to NIO, Goacompletion of all formalities forinstallation of the same at

Kandla Port Trust’s environmentalmonitoring laboratory at costof Rs. 1.5 lakhs. The installation ofequipments, chemicals, glassware etc.was completed by N.I.O Goa is Rs.29.25 lakhs and equipments, chemicals,glassware etc. in the month of June –2006.

K.P.T. has awarded the work ofmanning operation and maintenance ofEML at a cost of Rs. 4.8 lakhs per yearand analysis of samples for assessment ofsome of the environmental parameters ata cost of Rs. 2 lakhs per year to RRL,Thiruvananthapuram on nomination basisfor a period of 5 years.

K.P.T. has awarded the work ofPreparation of waste managementplan to Regional ResearchLaboratory, Thiruvananthapuramwith amount of Rs. 9.20 lakhs.

Waste management Plan alreadyprepared by RRL, Thiruvananthapuramand its recommendations are underimplementation stage.

Construction of emergency responsecenter completed on 30/4/2004 .

K.P.T has awarded the work of removalof sludge, waste oil, Dirty Ballast, scrap,garbage etc. from vessels calling atKandla Port through various firms.

KPT has already completedEnvironmental Auditing for the year2010 through M/S GITCO,Ahmedabad(Schedule I auditor of Gujarat PollutionControl Board) and the Environmentalparameters are within prescribed limit.

Further, for the year 2011, environmentalaudit report is under preparation.

KPT has awarded the work ofpreparation of oil spill contingency planfor proposed SPM at Veera toNIO,Goa.Further, KPT has signed MOUwith Public Sector Oil CompaniesIOC,BPCL ,HPCL for updating ofexisting Oil Spill Contingency Plan atKandla.

KPT has already initiated action forappointment of EnvironmentalConsultant for routine monitoring ofenvironmental parameters and which isunder approval stage.

7. Break up of the project areaa) submergence area: forest &

non-forest : Nilb) Others : Nil

8. Breakup of the project affectedpopulation with enumeration of thoselosing houses/dwelling units onlyagricultural land & landlesslabourers/artisen : Nila) SC.ST/Adivasis : Nilb) Others : Nil(please indicate whether thesefigures are based on any scientificand systematic survey carried out oronly provisional figures, if a surveyis carried out give details andyears of survey).

9. Financial details : Block estimated cost ofa) Project cost as originally planned Rs. 587 crores

and subsequent revised estimates Revised Block Estimateand the year of prices reference Cost 1060 crores(sep 2010)

b) Allocation made for environ-mental management plans withitem wise and year wise break-up : Rs. 50.00 lakhs in original

Rs.50.00 lakhs in Revised

c)Benefit cost ratio/Internal rate ofReturn and the year of assessment: FIRR EIRR

14.22% 15.22%Whether (c) includes the cost ofenvironmental management plansso far. : Yes

c) Actual expenditure incurred onthe project : Project Construction activity yet

to be started.

d) Actual expenditure incurred on theenvironmental managementplans so far : - do -

10. Forest land requirement :a) The status of approval for

diversion of forest land for non-forestry use : Nil

b) The status of clear felling : Nil: Not related

c) The status of compensatoryafforestation, if any :

•Following plantation has beenundertaken by KPT.1) Year 2005-06 – 20 hectares2) Year 2008-09 - 50 hectares3) Year 2010-11 – 100 hectares

Total - 170 hectares•Kandla Port had submittedrevised undertaking to the stateForest & EnvironmentalDepartment, GoG for Plantation ofMangroves in an area of 1000hectares Phase wise (Copyenclosed).* Work Order has been issued infavour of M/S Gujarat EcologyCommission and work is underprogress by GEC for plantation

of mangroves in an area of 200Hectares for the year 2011-12.

* The proposal for mangrovesplantation in an area of 300hectares in year 2012-13 and 330hectares in 2013-14 has beenapproved by Kandla port TrustBoard through State ForestDepartement as advised by Forest& Environmental Departement,GoG.

d)Comments on the viability & Kandla Port Trust have plantedsustainability of compensatory about one lakhs trees in roadafforestation programme in the side dividers, colony areas atlight of actual field experience Kandla and Gopalpuri, in greenso far belt area of Gandhidham &

Adipur Township, SewageTreatment Plants at Gopalpuri &Kandla and some green beltdevelopment plans initiated atdifferent locations in Town shipareas.Mangroves Plantation hassuccessfully planted mangroves inan area of 170 hectares till date.

11. The status of clear felling innon-forest areas(such as submergencearea of reservoir, approach roads),if any with quantitative information. : Nil.

12. Status of constructiona) Date of commencement (Actual

and/or planned) : Project construction activity yet toStart.

b) Date of completion(Actual and/of planned) : Project construction activity yet to


13. Reasons for the delay if the projectis yet to start : Financial Bids has been opened on

30/12/2011 .LOA will be issued tosuccessful bidder shortly.

14. Dates of site visits : ------a) The dates on which the project

was monitored by the RegionalOffice on previous occasions, if any.

b ) Date of site visit for this monitoring -------report :

Monitoring the implementation of Environmental Safe guardsMinistry of Environment & Forests

Regional office (W), Bhopal.

Monitoring Report ( up to June - 2008)Part – I


No. Date:

1. Project type : River-valley/ : General Cargo Berth (marine type)Mining/Industry/thermal/nuclear/Other (specify)

2. Name of the project : Construction of General 10th CargoBerth (Renamed as 12th CargoBerth) at Kandla Port.

3. Clearance Letter (s).OM no and : Environment clearance issued byGovt. of India, Ministry ofEnvironment & Forest–New DelhiVide letter No. J – 17011/11/2003-I A III dtd. 11/08/2004.

4. Location Kandla Port Trusta). District (s) : Gandhidham- Kutchb). State (s) : Gujaratc). Location/latitude/longitude : 22-59’- 15”N and 70-13’-30” E

5. Address of Correspondence : Office of the Chief Engineera) address of Concerned Project Kandla Port Trust, A.O. buildingchief Engineer(with pin code & Post box No.-50, Gandhidham-telephone/telex/fax numbers Kutch.

Pin- 370201, Fax-02836-233192

b)Address of Executive project : Office of the Executive EngineerEngineer/manager/(with pin code Construction-IFax numbers) : Nirman Building, Room No.110

New Kandla-(Kutch) pin-370210

6. Salient features : The berth will be 264.00m x 54.60of the project consisting of quay and transit area

resting on 1200mm and 1000mmR.C.C. bored cast-in situ piles.The berth will be designed for alive load of 5T/m2 for loading.The back up area of size249.00mX382.00m i.e. 95217.60 m2will be developed by murrumfilling. The work includes, capitaldredging , custom fencing wall,electrification, water supply and firefighting lines and environmentalmeasures also.

b) of the environmental :The work of monitoring ofmanagement plan environmental parameters of Kandla

Port Trust i.e. water quality and airquality has been awarded to NIO,Goa for a period of one yearand the results has shown that thevarious parameters are within thetolerable limits. Kandla Port Trusthas entrusted the work ofestablishment of its EnvironmentalMonitoring Laboratory(EML) withthe equipments, chemicals andglassware to NIO, Goacompletion of all formalities forinstallation of the same atKandla Port Trust’s environmentalmonitoring laboratory at costof Rs.1.5 lakhs. The installation ofequipments, chemicals, glassware etc.was completed by N.I.O Goa isRs.29.25 lakhs and equipments,chemicals, glassware etc. in the monthof June – 2006.

K.P.T. has awarded the work ofmanning operation and maintenance ofEML at a cost of Rs.4.8 lakhs per yearand analysis of samples for assessment ofsome of the environmental parameters ata cost of Rs.2 lakhs per year to RRL,Tiruannathpuram on nomination basis fora period of 5 years.K.P.T. has awarded the work ofpreparation of waste managementplan to Regional ResearchLaboratory, Tiruannathpuramwith amount of Rs.9.20 lakhs.The waste management planproposed to be carried out by theabove laboratory shall identifyexisting source of liquid andsolid waste in the port premisesi.e. At all dry cargo berths wherescraps, wooden logs, food grainsetc. are handled, open stacking

area where coal, sulphur, food grainsetc. are kept, generation of waste

water from Ships, port buildings,canteens etc. and the above laboratoryshall suggest Kandla Port Trust aboutthe method for waste reduction atsource / recycling etc.Construction

of emergency response centercompleted on 30/4/2004. K.P.T hasawarded the work of removal of

sludge, waste oil, Dirty Ballast, scrap,garbage etc. from vessels calling at

Kandla Port through firms vide workorder as MR/GN/1527-III/471 dtd.02/09/04.

7. Break up of the project areaa). submergence area: forest &

non-forest : Nilb). Others : Nil

8. Breakup of the project affectedpopulation witch enumeration of thoselosing houses/dwelling units onlyagricultural land & landlesslabourers/artisen : Nila) SC.ST/Adivasis : Nilb) Others : Nil(please indicate whether these It is based on the EIA reportfigures are based on any scientific prepared by M/s. NIOT,and systematic survey carried out or Chennai.only provisional figures, if a surveyis carried out give details andyears of survey).

9. Financial details : Revised Block estimateda) Project cost as originally planned cost of Rs.6806.00 lakhs.and subsequent revised estimates Approved by the Ministryand the year of prices reference vide letter No. PD-11015/1/

2006-KPT, dtd.08-05-08.RBE 2007-08 Rs.220 lacsB.E –08-09 –400 lacs

b) Allocation made for environ-mental management plans withitem wise and year wise break-up : Rs. 15.00 lakhs

c). Benefit cost ratio/Internal rate ofReturn and the year of assessment: FIRR EIRR

9.54% 16.16%Whether (c) includes the cost ofenvironmental management plansso far. : Yes.

d) Actual expenditure incurred onthe project : up to June-08

Rs.54.01 Crores.

e) Actual expenditure incurred on theenvironmental managementplans so far : From Scheme - Nil

10. Forest land requirement :a) The status of approval for

diversion of forest land for non-forestry use : Nil

b) The status of clear felling : Nil: Not related

c) The status of compensatoryafforestation, if any : The Sathsaida bet is

earmarked for “No ActivityZone” for growth ofmangroves etc. forprotection of Environment.

d)Comments on the viability & : Kandla Port Trust have plantedsustainability of compensatory about one lakhs trees in roadafforestation programme in the side dividers, colony areas atlight of actual field experience Kandla and Gopalpuri, in greenso far belt area of Gandhidham &

Adipur Township, SewageTreatment Plants at Gopalpuri &Kandla and some green beltdevelopment plans initiated atdifferent locations in Town shipareas.

In addition to aboveSatsaida bet is declared as noactivity zone in revised Land useplan for protection of mangrovesthere. Mangroves Plantation in 20hectares of land initially at this betin technical guidance of Dr. Maityexpert in this field at the cost ofRs.12.15 lakhs has been completedby 31.07.2006.

11. The status of clear felling innon-forest areas(such as submergencearea of reservoir, approach roads),if any with quantitative information. : Nil.

12. Status of construction :a) Date of commencement (Actual

and/or planned) : January - 2005b) Date of completion(Actual and/

of planned) : October- 2008.

13. Reasons for the delay if the project 1)The const. of main civil workis yet to start was completed by Dec.-2006.

2)Tender for the Work ofOSG/backup area stage–I start on05/05/08.Work orderNo.CN-1/WK/2123 -II/319,dtd.23-05-08.The scheduled date of completionis 04-10-08.3) Tender for the work ofOSG/Backup area stage – II tenderinvited and opened on 11-06-08under consideration foracceptance. The work will becompleted in Oct-2008.4) Work awarded to M/sSahara Dredging Ltd. tostart work on 03-12-07.W/ONo.EG/WK/4708/556. dtd. 03-12-07. The work willbe completed in July-08

14. Dates of site visits : ------a) The dates on which the project

was monitored by the RegionalOffice on previous occasions, if any.

b) Date of site visit for this monitoringreport : ------

15. Details of correspondence with projectauthorities for obtaining action plans /information on status of compliance tosafeguards other than the routine letterfor logistic support for site visits) : -----( The first monitoring report maycontain the details of all the lettersissued so far, but the later reports maycover only the letters issued subsequently.)

ANNEXURE – ISub : Compliance of stipulations made by various statutory authorities of Ministry of Environment

& Forest, GoI while granting Environmental/CRZ Clearance for the proposal of"Construction of 13th to 16th Cargo Berths at Kandla Port Trust".

Compliance of ConditionsSr. no. Conditions Remarks

(A) Special Conditions :1. All measures indicated in the letter dated 4/8/08 shall be

strictly complied withPoint Noted for compliance.

2. Necessary clearances from the Gujarat State PollutionControl Board shall be obtained before initiating the project.

NOC had already beenobtained from Gujarat StatePollution Control Boardvide letter dated 9/1/09.

3. The project proponent shall not undertake any destruction ofmangroves during construction and operation of project.

Kandla Port had furnishedundertaking to State Forest& Environment Departmentfor afforstation ofmangroves in an area of1000 ha. and plantedmangroves in an area of 170ha. till date. Through stateForest department

4. Sewage arising in the Port area shall be treated to conform tothe standards stipulated by Gujarat State Pollution ControlBoard and shall be utilized/re-cycled for gardening,plantation and irrigation.

Point Noted

5. Project proponent shall be prepare a Disaster ManagementPlan covering emergency evacuation mechanisms etc., dealwith natural disaster events and regularly update from timeto time

Kandla Port is alreadyhaving a updated DisasterManagement Plan preparedby M/S. Telos Consultancy,Mumbai.

6. There shall be no withdrawal of ground water in COASTALREGULATION ZONE area, for this project. The proponentshall ensure that as a result of the proposed constructions,ingress of saline water into ground water does not take place.Piezometers shall be installed for regular monitoring for thispurpose at appropriate locations on the project site.

Point Noted.

7. The facilities to be constructed in the COASTALREGULATION ZONE area as part of this project. shall bestrictly in conformity with the provisions of the COASTALREGULATION ZONE Notification, 1991 as amendedsubsequently.

Point Noted.

8. Green belt area shall be developed along the project andbudget earmarked.

Necessary greenbelt shallbe developed by BOToperator. Copy of the ECletter already sent to BOToperator for compliance ofcondition stipulated.

9. No product other then those permissible in the COASTALREGULATION ZONE Notification, 1991 shall be stored inthe COASTAL REGULATION ZONE area.

Point Noted.

B General Conditionsi. Construction of the proposed structures shall be undertaken

meticulously conforming to the existing Central/Local rulesand regulations including COASTAL REGULATIONZONE Notification, 1991 & its amendments. All theconstruction design/drawings relating to the proposedconstruction activities must have approvals of the concernedState Government Department/Agencies.

Point Noted. However,Kandla Port need notrequire any approval fromState GovernmentDepartments forconstructiondesign/drawings relating tothe proposed constructionactivity.

ii. Adequate provisions for infrastructure facilities such aswater supply, fuel, sanitation etc shall be ensured forconstruction workers during the construction phase of theproject so as to avoid feeling of trees / mangroves andpollution of water and surroundings.

The necessary infrastructurefacility will be provided bysuccessful BOT operator.

iii. The project authorities must make necessary arrangement fordisposal of solid wastes and for the treatment of effluents byproviding a proper wastewater treatment plant outside theCOASTAL REGULATION ZONE area. The quality treatedeffluents, solid wastes and noise level etc. must conform tothe standards laid down by the competent authoritiesincluding the Central/State Pollution Control Board and theUnion Ministry of Environment and Forests under theEnvironment (Protection) Act, 1986, whichever are morestringent.

Kandla Port is alreadyhaving STP of adequatecapacity and all waste waterwill be treated in thisexisting STP. Kandla Porthad appointed EnvironmentAuditor (Recognized byGPCB) for carrying out theEnvironment audit of KPTpremises for the year 2010.Environment auditor hassubmitted the audit reportfor year 2010 andparameters found to be inorder.KPT also appointedenvironment auditor for2011.

iv. The proponents shall provide for a regular monitoringmechanism as to ensure that the treated effluents conform tothe prescribed standards. The records of analysis reportsmust be properly maintained and made available forinspection to the concerned State/Central officials duringtheir visits.

Point notedKPT also initiated action forappointment of firm forcarrying out routinemonitoring of environmentparameters.

v. In order to carry out the environmental monitoring during theoperational phase of the project, the project authorities shallprovide an environmental laboratory well equipped withstandard equipment and facilities and qualified manpower tocarry out the testing of various environmental parameters.

Kandla Port is having a wellequipped Environmentallaboratory. Kandla Port hasalso strengthened theEnvironment Cell byappointing twoEnvironment Experts fromNetel India Pvt. Ltd.

vi. The sand dunes if any on the site shall not be disturbed inany way.

No sand dunes at projectsite prevails.

vii. A copy of the clearance letter will be marked to theconcerned Panchayat/local NGO, if any from whom anysuggestion/representation has been received while processingthe proposal.


viii. The Gujarat Pollution Control Board shall display a copy ofthe clearance letter at the Regional Office, District IndustriesCentre and Controller's Office/Tehsilar's Office for 30 days.


ix. The funds earmarked for environment protection measuresshall be maintained, in a separate account and there shall beno diversion of these funds for any other purpose. A year-wise expenditure on environmental safeguards shall bereported to this Ministry's Regional Office at Bhopal and theState Pollution Control Board.

Point Noted for compliance.Kandla Port has keptRs.169.30 Lakhs in the RBF2011-2012 and Rs.150.00Lakhs in B.E.2012-2013 tillthe Expenditure madeunder the scheme of“General EnvironmentProgramme” isRs.45,21,48.00 Lakhs( April-11 to March,2012)the year 2011-12.:

x. Full support shall be extended to the officers of thisMinistry's Regional Office at Bhopal and the officers of thecentral and State Pollution Control Board by the projectproponents during their inspection for monitoring purpose,by furnishing full details and action plans including theaction taken reports in respect of mitigative measures andother environment protection activities.

Point Noted.

xi. In case of deviation of alteration in the project including theimplementing agency, a fresh reference shall be made to thisMinistry for modification in the clearance conditions orimposition of new ones for ensuring environment protection.

Point Noted.

xii. This Ministry or any other competent authority may stipulateany other additional conditions subsequently, if deemednecessary, for environment protection, which shall becomplied with..

Point Noted.

xiii. The project proponent shall advertise in at least two localnewspapers widely circulated in the region around theproject, one of which shall be in the vernacular language ofthe locality concerned, informing that the project has beenaccrued environment clearance and copies of clearanceletters are available with the State Pollution Control Boardand may also be seen at website of the Ministry ofEnvironment & Forests at http;//www.envfornic.in. Theadvertisement shall be made within 7 days from the date ofissue of the clearance letter and a copy of the same shall beforwarded to the Regional office of this Ministry atBangalore.

Complied and news papercuttings already sent toRegional office, Bhopal ofMoEF vide letter No. :EG/WK/4660(EC)/01 dated31/10/2008.

ix. The project proponent shall inform the Regional office atBhopal as well as the Ministry the date of financial closerand final approval of the Project by the concerned authoritiesand the date of start of Land Development work..

For 13th Cargo .BerthKandla Port vide letter dt.23/03/2011 has informed toMoEF , New Delhi andRegional Office Bhopal

stating that KPT alreadygranted Award ofConcession to M/s. RASInfraport for 13th cargoberth on 15/3/2011 and theyhave already started thework of back up area of 13th

berth .For 15th Cargo Berth KPTvide letter 20/09/2011informed MoEF regardingaward of concessiongranted..

10 The above mentioned stipulations will be enforced amongothers under the water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1981, the Environment (Protection) Act 1986, the HazardousChemicals (Manufactures, storage and Import) Rules, 1989,the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 and itssubsequent amendments and the Public Liability InsuranceAct, 1991 and the Rules made there under from time to time.The project proponents shall also ensure that the proposalcomplies with the provisions of the approved Coastal ZoneManagement Plan of Gujarat State.

Point Noted.

ANNEXURE – IIMonitoring the implemental Safe guards Ministry of Environment & Forests

Regional office (W), Bhopal.Monitoring Report (up to Setember 2011)


1. Project type : River-valley/Mining/Industry/thermal/nuclear/Other(specify)

Multi purpose Cargo Berth (other than liquid &Container cargo).

2. Name of the project Construction of 13th to 16th Cargo Berth at KandlaPort by M/s Kandla Port Trust (Under Ministry ofShipping, GoI).

3. Clearance Letter (s). OM noand date

Environment Clearance issued by Govt. of India,Ministry of Environment & Forest – New Delhi videletter No. 11-70/2006-IA-III Dated September 08.

4. Locationa) District (s)b) State (s)c) Location/latitude/longitude

Kandla Port TrustGandhidham-KutchGujaratIn continuation with existing 12 Cargo berths.

5. Address for Correspondencea) address of Concerned

Project ChiefEngineer(with pin code &

telephone/telex/fax numbersb) Address of Executive

projectEngineer/manager/(withpin code fax numbers)

Kandla Port Trust, A.O. BuildingPost Box No.-50, Gandhidham- Kutch.Pin – 370201Tel : 02836-233192,Fax-02836-220050.

Office of the Superintending Engineer (C-I)Nirman Building, Room No. 110,New Kandla (Kutch) pin 370 210.

6. Salient features of theproject

The dimension of each berth will be 300m x 55mconsisting of quay and transit area resting on 1200mmand 1000mm R.C.C. bored cast-in situ piles. (Total be1200m x 55m wide for 4 berths) The berth will bedesigned for a live load of 5T/m2 for loading. Theback up area of size 21.7 Hectares/berth (Total arearequired will be 102.17 Hectares) will be developed bymurrum filling. The work includes, capital dredging,custom fencing wall, electrification, water supply andfire fighting lines and Environmental measures also.

b) Salient features of theEnvironmentalmanagement plan

NIOT, Chennai has already suggestedEnvironmental Management Plan for bothconstruction & operation face of the projectand sighed in EIA study report.The details of existing EMP of KPT arefurnished as under.

The work of monitoring of environmentalparameter of kandla port e.i water quality and airquality had been awarded to NIO Goa for a futherperiod of one year and result had shown that thevarious parameters were within the tolerable limit.Kandla Port Trust had entrusted the work ofEstablishment of its Environmental MonitoringLaboratory(EML) with the equipments, chemicalsand glassware to NIO, Goa completion of allformalities for installation of the same atKandla Port Trust’s environmental monitoring

laboratory at cost of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. Theinstallation of equipments, chemicals, glasswareetc. was completed by N.I.O Goa is Rs. 29.25 lakhsand equipments, chemicals, glassware etc. in themonth of June – 2006.K.P.T. has awarded the work of manning operation

and maintenance of EML at a cost of Rs. 4.8 lakhsper year and analysis of samples for assessment ofsome of the environmental parameters at a cost ofRs. 2 lakhs per year to RRL, Thiruvananthapuramon nomination basis for a period of 5 years.

K.P.T. has awarded the work of Preparation ofwaste management plan to Regional ResearchLaboratory, Thiruvananthapuram with amountof Rs. 9.20 lakhs.

Waste management Plan already prepared by RRL,Thiruvananthapuram and its recommendations areunder implementation stage.

Construction of emergency response center completedon 30/4/2004 .

K.P.T has awarded the work of removal of sludge,waste oil, Dirty Ballast, scrap, garbage etc. fromvessels calling at Kandla Port through various firms.

KPT has already completed Environmental Auditingfor the year 2010 through M/S GITCO,Ahmedabad

(Schedule I auditor of Gujarat Pollution ControlBoard) and the Environmental parameters are withinprescribed limit. Further, for the year 2011,environmental audit report is under preparation.

KPT has awarded the work of preparation of oil spillcontingency plan for proposed SPM at Veera toNIO,Goa.Further,KPT has signed MOU with PublicSector Oil Companies IOC,BPCL ,HPCL for updatingof existing Oil Spill Contingency Plan at Kandla.

KPT has already initiated action for appointment ofEnvironmental Consultant for routine monitoring ofenvironmental parameters and which is under approvalstage.

7. Break up of the project areaa) Submergence area : forest &

non-forestb) Others


Nil8. Break up of the project

affected population withenumeration of thoselosing houses/dwellingunits only agriculturalland & landlesslabourers/artisen

a) SC. ST/Adivasisb) Others(please indicate whether these

figures are based on anyscientific and systematicsurvey carried out of onlyprovisional figures, if asurvey is carried out givedetails and years ofsurvey).

NilNilNilIt is based on the EIA report prepared by M/s NIOT,Chennai.

9. Financial detailsa) Project cost as originally

planned and subsequentrevised estimates and theyear of prices reference

b) Allocation made for

Block estimated cost of Rs. 442.90 crores(Dec. 2005)

Revised Block estimated cost of Rs. 755.5 crores (Apr2009)

environmentalmanagement plans withitem wise and year wisebreak-up

c) Benefit cost ratio/Internalrate of Return and theyear of assessmentWhether (c) includes the

cost of environmentalmanagement plans so far.

d) Actual expenditure incurredon the project

e) Actual expenditure incurredon the environmentalmanagement plans so far.

Rs. 65.00 lakhs in R.B.E 10-11Rs. 43.00 lakhs in B.E 12-13

FIRR EIRR13.61% 14.62%


For 13th to 16th Cargo berths through internalResources of KPT: 1.02 Crores.BOT O operator 13th C.B:38.63 crores.BOT O operator 15th C.B :9.47 crores

For the year 2010-2011 -Rs12.7For the year 2011-2012 -Rs 33.25

10. Forest land requirementa) The status of approval for

diversion of forest landfor non-forestry use

b) The status of clear fellingc) The status of compensatory

afforestation, if any

NilNil- Not related.

Following plantation has been undertaken by KPT.1) Year 2005-06 - 20 hectares2) Year 2008-09 - 50 hectares3) Year 2010-11 – 100 hectares

Total - 170 hectares Kandla Port had submitted revised undertaking to

the state Forest & Environment Department, GoGfor Plantation of Mangroves in an area of 1000hectares Phase wise. (copy enclosed).

Work Order has been issued in favour of M/S GujaratEcology Commission and work is under progress byGEC for plantation of mangroves in an area of 200Hectares for the year 2011-12.The proposal for mangroves plantation in an area of300 hectares in year 2012-13 and 330 hectares in2013-14 has been approved by Kandla port TrustBoard through State Forest Departement as advised byForest & Environmental Departement, GoG.

Kandla Port Trust have planed about one lakhs trees inroad side dividers, colony areas at Kandla &Gopalpuri, in green belt area of Gandhidham &

d) Comments on the viability& sustainability ofcompensatoryafforestation programmein the light of actual fieldexperience so far

Adipur Township, Sewage Treatment Plants atGopalpuri & Kandla and some green belt developmentplans initiated at different locations in Town shipareas.Mangroves Plantation has successfully plantedmangroves in an area of 170 hectares till date

11. The status of clear fellingin non-forest areas (suchas submergence area ofreservoir, approachroads), if any withquantitative information. Nil

12. Status of constructiona) Date of commencement

(Actual and/or planned)b) Date of completion (Actual

and/or planned)

Project construction activity started on 23.03.2011.For 13th C.B

Schedule Dated of Completion is 30.09.2012.13. Reasons for the delay if the

Project is yet to start 1) Project activity of Construction of 13th CargoBerth has been started on 23.03.2011.

2) The Bidder for Berth No. 14 has Backed Outand re-tendering under process.

3) Concession Agreement for Berths 15 & 16 havebeen signed.

4) Award of concession granted concessionaire to15th cargo berth on 27/09/2011

Dete of site visiteda) The dates on which the

project was monitoredby the regional office onpervious occasion. ifany

b) The date site visit forthis monitoring report.



CN-I/WK/2118-VI/ Date : /12/2011

Dr. A. MehrotraDirector,Ministry of Environment & Forests,Regional Office, Western Region,Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan,Link Road No. 3,Ravi Shankar Nagar,Bhopal – 462 016 (M.P)

Sub. :- Construction of 13th to 16th Cargo Berth at Kandla Port byM/s Kandla Port Trust.

Ref. (1) Ministry of Environment & Forest Letter No. 6-37/2008(ENV)/1989Dated 05.08.2009.

(2) KPT compliance vide letter EG/WK/4660(EC) dted 5.10.2010

Sir,It is requested to kindly refer above cited references for the said subject. In this

connection, it is to state that as directed in above referred letters dt. 5/08/2009 of RegionalOffice, MoEF, half yearly compliance report of stipulation enclosed herewith for the period ofApril-2010 to Sept-2011.

Thanking you.

Encl : AS Above Yours Faithfully,

Chief EngineerKandla Port Trust

Consolidated Consent compliance:

Query ComplianceSubject to the following specific condition:

1. You shall not carry out any activity that may attract theprovision of the EIA Notification – 2006

Point noted for compliance

2. No ground water shall be used for the project coming underDark Zone without permission of competent authority.

Point noted

3. Condition under water act 1974:3.1 The generation and discharge of industrial effluent from the

manufacturing process and other ancillary industrialoperations shall be Nil.


3.2 The quantity of the domestic waste water (sewage) shall notexceed 800.0 KL/Day.

Point noted for compliance

3.3 The quantity of the sewage shall conform to the followingstandards. (as per GPCB Norms – whichever is applicable)Parameter Permissible limitBOD (5 days at 200C 20 mg/litSuspended solids 30 mg/litResidual chlorine Minimum 0.5 mg/lit

Point noted for compliance.

However, KPT alreadysubmitted the environmentalaudit report dated 18.08.2011toGPCB.

3.4 The sewage shall be treat in the sewage treatment plant andconforming to the above standard shall be utilised forplantation / gardening within the premises of the plant.

Point noted for compliance

3.5 The unit shall install flow meters at utilities for measuringcategory wise (category as given in water – cess act – 1977schedule II) consumption of water

Point noted for compliance

KPT already initiated action forpurchase of flow meter

4. Conditions under air act 1981:4.1 The following shall be used as fuel in the boiler/furnace/thermic

fluid heater/ D.G sets as following rates.Sr. No. Name of Fuel Quantity1. H.SD 500 lit/Hours


4.2 The applicant shall install & operate air pollution control systemin order to achieve flue gas emission norms as prescribed below.(As per GPCB Norms, whichever is applicable).Sr.no.

Stackattached to



Parameter Permissiblelimit

1. D.G set-2nos.(1000KVA)standby

10.0 --- PMSOXNOX


100 PPM50PPM

Point notedKPT has already initiatedaction for appointment ofadvisor/firm for routinemonitoring ofEnvironmental Parametersand will be submitted toGPCB in due course.

4.3 There shall be no process gas emission from the manufacturingactivities and other ancillary operations


4.4 The concentration of the following parameters in the ambient airwithin the premises of the industry shall not exceed the limitsspecified hereunder.Sr.no.

Pollutant Timeweightedaverage

Concentrationin ambient airin µg/N3

1. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Annual24 hours


2. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Annual24 hours


3. Particulate matter(Size less than 10 µm) orPM10

Annual24 hours


4. Particulate matter(Size less than 2.5 mm) PM2.5

Annual24 hours


Point Noted ForCompliance.The KPT has alreadyinitiated the action forappointment of firm forroutine monitoring forEnvironmentalParameters.However, KPT alreadysubmitted theenvironmental auditreport for 2010 dated18.08.2011 prepared byGITCO.

4.5 The applicant shall provide portholes, ladder, platform etc. atchimney (s) for monitoring the air emission and shall be open forinspection to and for use of Boards staff. The chimney(s) ventsattached to various sources of emission shall be designed bynumbers such as S-1, S-2, etc. and these shall be painted/displayed to facilitate identifation.


4.6 The industry shall take adequate measures for control of noiselevels from its own sources within the premises so as to maintainambient air quality standards in respect of noise to less than 75dB(a) during night time. Daytime is reckoned in between 6:00a.mand 10:00 p.m and nighttimes is reckoned between 10:00 p.m and6:00 a.m

Point noted forCompliance

5. Authorization for the (management, handling & transboundary Movement) of Hazardouswastes Form – 2 (see rule 5 (4) form for grant of authorization for occupier or operatorhandling hazardous waste rule, 2008.

5.1 Authorization number: AWH-43365 and validity up to 21/07/20155.2 M/s. KANDLA PORT TRUST is hereby granted an authorization

to operate facility for following hazardous waste on the premisessituated KANDLA, TALUKA:GANDHIDHAM DIST:KUTCH-370201S.No. Waste Quantity Schedule Facility1. Used

spent oil1125.00MT/Year

1-5.2 Collection, storage,transportation.Disposal by sellingout to registeredrecyclers /reprocesser.

2. Wasteresiduecontainingoil


1-5.1 Collection, storage,transportation.Disposal by sellingout to registeredrecyclers /reprocesser.

Point noted.

5.2 The authorization is granted to operate a facility for collection, -

storage, within factory premises, transportation, and ultimatedisposal of hazardous waste by selling out to registered recyclers,incineration facility and TSDF,

5.3 The authorization is subject to the conditions stated below andsuch other conditions as may be specified in the rules from time totime under the environment (protection) act -1986


5.4 Specific condition of Hazardous Waste (MH & TM) Rules1. It shall be responsibility/duty of the occupier or operator of a

facility to take adequate steps while handling hazardous waste tocontain contaminants and prevent accidents and theirconsequences on human and environment, and prevent personworking on the site with information, training and equipmentnecessary to ensure their safety.

Point noted

2. The occupier, importer, transporter and operator of the facilityshall be liable for all damage caused to the environment to thirdparty due to improper handling of the hazardous wastes ordisposal of the disposal of the hazardous waste.


3. The occupier , and the operator of the facility shall be liable topay financial penalties as levied for any violation of the provisionunder Hazardous waste ( management), handling and transboundary movement)rules, 2008 by the state pollution controlboard with the prior approval of the central pollution controlboard.

Point noted

5. In case of transportation of hazardous waste through a state oforigin or desalination the occupier shall intimate the concernedstate pollution control boards before, he hands over the hazardouswaste to the transporter.

Point noted

6. In case of transport of hazardous waste for final disposal to afacility for treatment, storage and disposal existing in a state otherthan the state where the Hazardous waste is generated, theoccupier shall obtain “no objection certificate” from the statepollution control board of both the states.

Point noted

7. The occupier or operator of the treatment, storage and disposalfacility or recyclers shall ensure that the hazardous waste arepackaged and labelled, based on the composition in a mannersuitable for safe handling, storage and transport. The labellingand packing shall be easily visible and be able to with standphysical conditions and climatic factors as per the guidelinesissued by the central pollution control board time to time. Thetransport of hazardous waste shall be in accordance with theprovision of the rules made by the central government under themotor vehicles act, 1988 and other guidelines issued from time totime and the transporter shall comply with the provision s of thehazardous waste (management, handling and Trans boundarymovement) rules, 2008

Point noted.

8. The utilization of hazardous waste as a supplementary resourceor for energy recovery or processing shall be carried out by theunits only after obtaining approval from the central pollutioncontrol board.

Point noted.

9. In any case, import of hazardous waste from any country to India Point noted

for the disposal shall not be permitted.10. The occupier facility operator shall use hazardous waste tracking

system of Xtended green note (XGN) for online real time data forpreparing online manifest system for regular updation retrieval &maintain record thereof by generator as well as receptor. Thecompile data shall be submitted at the end of the year after dueverification by facility operator to the concern GPCB, Regionaloffice & head office Gandhinagar.

Point noted

5.5 Terms & conditions of authorization:a) The applicant shall comply with the provision of the environment

(protection) act -1986 and the rules made there under.Point noted.

b) The authorization shall be produced for inspection at the requestof an officer authorized by the Gujarat pollution control board.


c) The person authorized shall not rent, lend, sell, and transfer ofotherwise transport the hazardous wastes without obtaining priorpermission

Point noted

d) Any unauthorised change in personnel equipment or workingconditions as mentioned in the authorization order by the personsauthorized shall constitute a breach of this authorisation


e) It is the duty of the authorised person to take prior permission ofthe Gujarat pollution control board to close down the facility.


f) An application for the renewal of an authorization shall be madeas laid down in rule 7.


g) Industry shall submit annual report within 15 days and subsequent by 31st January every year.

Point noted

h) Hazardous waste shall be disposed off in accordance with the haz.Waste (management, handling & transboundary movement) rules2008 and unit shall have to obtain authorization of this board forall applicable categories of waste.

Point noted

6.0 General conditions:6.1 Any change in personnel, equipment or working conditions as

mentioned in the consent form/order should immediately beintimated to this board.

Point noted

6.2 Applicant shall also comply with the general conditions given inannexure I

Point noted

6.3 The waste generator shall be totally responsible for (I.E.collection, storage, transportation and ultimate disposal) of thewaste generated.

Point noted

6.4 Records of waste generation, its management and annual returnshall be submitted to Gujarat pollution control board in form – 4by 31st January of every year.

Point noted

6.5 In case of any accident, details of the same shall be submitted inform -5 to Gujarat pollution control board.

Point noted

6.6 As per “public liability insurance act – 91” company shall getinsurance policy, if applicable.


6.7 Empty drums and container of toxic and hazards material shallbe treated as per guideline published for management & handlingof discarded containers”. Records of the same shall be maintainedand forwarded to Gujarat Pollution Control Board regularly.

Point noted.

6.8 In no case any kind of hazardous waste shall be imported withoutprior approval of appropriate authority.

Point noted.

6.9 In case of transport of hazardous waste to facility for (I.ETreatment, storage and disposal) existing in a state other than thestate where hazardous waste are generated, the occupier shallobtain “no objection certificate” from the state pollution controlboard, the committee of the concerned state or union territoryadministration where the facility exists.

Point noted

6.10 Unit shall take all concrete measures to show tangible results inwaste generation reduction, voidance, reuse and recycle. Actiontaken in this regards shall be submitted within 03 months and alsoalong with form 4.


6.11 unit shall have to display the relevant information with regard tohazardous waste as indicated in the Hon Supreme Court’s orderin W.P. No. 657 to 1995 dated 14th October 2003

Point noted

6.12 Industry shall have to display on-line data outside the mainfactory gate with regard to quantity and nature of hazardouschemicals being handled in the plant, including wastewater andair emissions and solid hazardous waste generated within thefactory premises.

Point already complied.


Sector-l0-A, Gandhinagar-382 010.Phone: (079) 23226295

Fax: (079) 23232156Websi.te : www.gpcb.goY.in

BYRPAD.In exercise oIlhe power conferred under sectioo-25 of the Water (Prevention and Control 01 Pollution) Act·

1974, under section-21 c:A the Air (Prevention and Control 01Pollution)·1981 and Authorization under rule 5(4) of theHazardous Waste (Management, Handling & T.M.) -Rules·2008 & as amended, framed under the Environment(Prolection) Aet-l986.

And whereas Board has received consolidated consent application Inward I,D.NO. 23430 dated20106/2011for the Renewal Consolidated Consent and Authorization (ee & A) of this Board under theprovisions/rules of the aforesaid acts. Consents & Authorization are hereby granted as under:

CONSENTS AND AUTHORISATION:(Under the provisions lrules of the aforesaK1environmental acts)To;MIS KANDlA PORT TRUST,A.D. BUilDING,P.O.BOX - 50, KANDlA,TAlUKA: GANDHIDHAM,DIST: KUTCH·370 201.

,. Consent Order No.: AWH -43365, Date of Issue: 08109I201,.2. The consent Ofder shall be valid up 10 21107/2015 for use of outlet for the discharge of treated effluent and

emission due to operation of industrial plant for manufacturing of lhe following products at KANOLA.TAlUKA: GANDHIDHAM, DlST: KUTCH·370 201





1. You shall not carry out any activity that may attract the provisions of the EIA Notification - 2006.2. No ground water shall be used for the project coming under Dark zone without permission of competent



3.1 The generation and discharge of industrial effluent from the manufaetunng process and other arcinaryindustrial operations shall be NIL.

3.2 The quantity of the domestic waste water (Sewage) shall not exceed 800.0 KUOay.

Clean GujaratGreen Gujarat

3.3 The quality of the sewage shall conform to the following standards. (As per GPCB norms - whichever isapplicable)

PARAMETER PERMISSIBLE LIMITBOD (5 days at 20" C) 20 mgtliterSuspended Solid 30 mglliterResidual Chlorine Minimum 0.5 mglliter

All efforts shall be made to remove colour & unpleasant odour as far as practicable.

3.4 The sewage shall be treat in the sewage treatment plant and conforming to the above standards shall beutilized for plantation / gardening wnhin the premises of the plant.

3.5 The unit shall install flow meters at utilities for measuring category wise (Category as given in Water -CessAct-1977 schedule II) consumption of water.


4.1 The following shall be used as fuel in the boiler/furnace / Thermic fluid Healer I D.G Sets as followingrates:

Sr. no. Name of Fuel1. HSD 500 Liter/Hours

4.2 The applicant shall install & operate air pollution control system in order to achieve flue gas emission normsas prescribed below. (As per GPCB Norms, whichever is applicable).Sr. Stack attached Stack height Air Pollution Control Parameter Permissible limitno. to in meters System1. D.G. Set- 2 10.0 PM 150 mgtNM3

Nos (1000 S0, 100 ppmKVA) stand by Nox 50 ppm

4.3 There shall be no process gas emission from the manufacturing activnies and other ancillary operations.4.4 The concentration of the following parameters in the ambient air within the premises of the industry shall not

exceed the limits specified hereunder.Sr. No. Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in

Average Ambient air in LJQ/M31. Sulphur Dioxide (502) Annual 50

24 Hours 802. Nitrogen Dioxide (NOd Annual 40

24 Hours 803. Particulate Matter Annual 60

Size less than 10 IJm) OR PM10 24 Hours 1004. Particulate Matter Annual 40

Size less than 2.5 mm) OR PM 2.5 24 Hours 60



Sector-l0-A. Gandhinagar-382 010.Phone: (079) 23226295

Fax: (079) 23232156Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

4.5 The applicant shall provide portholes, ladder, platform elc al chimney(s) for mon~oring the air emissionsand the same shall be open for inspection Io/and for use of Board's slaff. The chimney(s) vents attached 10various sources of emission shall be designed by numbers such as 8-1, 8-2, elc. and these shall be paintedI displayed to facil~ale identification.

4.6 The industry shall lake adequate measures lor control of noise levels from its own sources within thepremises so as 10maintain ambient air Quality standards in respect of noise to less than 75dB(a) during daytime and70 dB (A) during night lime. Daytime is reckoned in between 6a.m. andl0 p.m. and nighttime isreckoned between 10 p.m. and 6 a,m.

5. Authorization For the (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement] Of Hazardous WastesForm·2 (See rule 5 (4) Form for grant of authorization for occupier or operator handling hazardouswaste rule, 2008.

5.1 Authorization Number: AWH·43365 and Validity up to 21/07/20155.2 MIs. KANOLA PORT TRUST is hereby granted an aut!lofizatioo to operate facility lor following hazardous

wastes 00 the premises s~uated KANDLA, TALUKA: GANDHIDHAM, DlST: KUTCH-370 201

Sr. Waste Quantity Schedule FacilityNo.1. Used Spent Oil 1125.00MTNear 1·5.2 Collection, S1orage, Transportation ..

Disposal by selling out to registeredrecvclers!re-orocesser

2. Waste Residue 99.50 MTNear 1·5.1 Collection, storage, Transportation"Containing Oil Disposal by selling out to registered


5.2 The authorization is granted to operate a facility for collection, storage, within factory premises, transportation,and uhimate disposal of Hazardous wastes by seUingout to registered recyclers, incineration facility and TSDF.

5.3 The authorization is subject to the conditions stated below and such other conditions as may be specified in therules from time to time under the Environment (Protection) Act-1986.


1. It shall be the responsibility/duty of the occupier or operator of a facility to take adequate steps while handlinghazardous wastes to cootain contaminants and prevent accidents and their consequences 00 human andenvironment, and prevent person working on the site with information. training and equipment necessary toensure their safety.

2. The occupier, importer. transporter and operator of the facility shall be liable for all damage caused to theenvironment or third party due to improper handling of the hazardous wastes or disposal of the hazardouswastes.

3. The occ~ier and the operatOf of the facility shall be liable to pay financial penalties as levied for any violation dthe provisions under Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans Boundary Movement) Rules, 2008by the State Pollution Control Board with the prior _ov~ of the Gentral Polution Control Board.

Clean GujaratGreen Gujarat3

4. In case of transportation of hazardous wastes through a State other than the State of origin or destination theoccupier shall intimate the concerned State Pollution Control Boards before, he hands over the hazardouswastes to the transporter.

5. In case of Transport of Haz.wastes fOf final disposal 10a facility for treatment, storage and disposal existing ina slate other than the state where the Hazardous waste is generated, the occl4Jier shall obtain -No ObjectionCertificate" from the State Pollution Control Board of both the states.

6. The occupier or operator of the Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility or Recycler shall ensure that thehazardous waste are packaged and labeled, based on the composition in a manner suitable for safe handling.storage and transport. The labeling and pac~ng shall be eas~ visible and be able to with sland pI1ys<a1con<iliorls and climatic factors as per the guide~nes issued by the Central Polution Control Board from time tolime. The transport of hazardous wastes shall be in accordance with ltle provisions of the rules made by theCentral Government under Ihe Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and other guidelines issued from time to time and thetransporter shall comply wilh the provisions of HazardouS Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans BoundaryMovement) Rules, 2008.

7. The utilization of hazardous waste as a supplementary resource or for energy recovery or after processing shanbe carried out by the unils only after obtaining approval from the Central Pollution Control Board.

8. In any case, import of hazardous waste from any country to India for the disposal shall not be permitted.9. The occupier/facility operator shall use hazardous waste tracking system of Xtended Green Node (XGN) for

onWne real time data fOf preparing online man~est system for regular updatation retrieval & maintain recordttlereol by generator as welt as receptor. The compile data shan be submitted at the end of the year alter dueverification by fac~iIy operator to the concern GPCB, Regional office &Head office Gandhinagar.


a) The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act - 1986 and the rulesmade there under.

b) The authorisation shall be produced for inspection at the request of an officer authorized by the GujaratPollution Control Board.

c) The persons authorized shall not rent, lend, sel, and transfer of aherwise transport the hazardous wasteswithout obtaining prior permission of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board.

d) Any unauthorized change in personnel, equipment or working conditions as mentioned in the authorisationorder by the persons authorized shall constitute a breach of this authorisation.

e) It is the duty of the authorised person to take prior permission 01the Gujarat Pollution Control Board to closedown the faciity.o An application for the renewal of an authorisation shan be made as laid down in rule 7.

g) Industry shall submit annual report wilhin 15 days and sub sequent by 31$lJanuary every year.h) Hazardous waste shall be disposed off in accordance with the Haz. Waste (Management, Handling &

Transboundary Movement) rules, 2008 and unil shall have to obtain Authorization of ltlis Board for allapplicable categories of waste.

6.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS: •6.1 Any change in personnel, equipment or working condilions as mentioned in the consents forworder should

immediately be intimated to this Board.6.2 Applicant shaft also compty with the general conditions given in annexure I.



Sector-l0-A, Gandhinagar-382 010.Phone: (079) 23226295

Fax: (079) 23232156Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

6.3 The waste generator shall be totany responsible lor (I.E. Collection, storage, transportation and uhimatedisposal) of the wastes generated.

6.4 Records ci waste generation, ~s management and annual return shall be submitted 10 Gujarat Pollution ControlBoard in Form - 4 by 3151 January of every year.

6.5 In case of any accident, details of the same shall be submitted in Form - 5 to Gujarat Pollution Control Board.6.6 As per ·PlbIi:: liability Insurance Act - 91" company shall get Insurance policy, if applicable.6.7 Empty drums and containers of toxic and hazards malelial shall be treated as per guideline published for

~management & handling of discarded containers". Records of the same shall be maintained and forwarded toGujarat PoIkJlion Control Board regu~r1y.

6.8 In no case any kind of hazardous waste shall be imported without prior approval d appropriate authority.6.9 In case of transport of hazardous waste to a facility for (I.E. Treatment, Storage and disposal) existing in a state

other than the state where hazardous waste are generated, the occupier shall obtain ~No Objection certificate"from the slate pollution Control Board, the Commillee of the concerned state Of Union territory Administrationwhere the facility exists.

6.10 Unlit Shall take all concrete measures to show tangible reslAls in waste generation reduction, voidance, reuseand recycle. Action taken in this regards shall be submitted within 03 months and also along with Form 4.

6.11 Industry shall have to display the relevant information with regard to hazardous waste as indicated in the HonS~reme Court's order in W.P. NO.657 of 1995 dated 14th October 2003.

6.12 Industry shall have to display on-line data outside the main factory gate with regard to quantity and nature dhazardous chemicals being handled in the plant. including wastewater and air emissions and solid hazardouswaste generated within the factory premises.

For and on behalf ofGujarat Pollution Control Board




Dale:· OS- \0 - 2 ell

5Clean GujaratGreen Gujarat