gazelle competitive

STRATEGY MANAGEMENT Sumber : Harvard Business School, 9-711-446, Andrei Hagiu, James Weber Gazelle in 2010 Oleh: Kelompok Ardiansyah 9112202306 Angga Hudayana (9112202312) Vieqi Rakhma Wulan (9112202311)

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Page 1: Gazelle competitive


Sumber :Harvard Business School, 9-711-446, Andrei Hagiu, James Weber

Gazelle in 2010


Ardiansyah 9112202306Angga Hudayana (9112202312)

Vieqi Rakhma Wulan (9112202311)

Page 2: Gazelle competitive

Gazelle in 2010Our vision is nothing short of redefining

consumption, changing the way people buy, sell and recycle electronics – Israel Ganot

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Gazelle Business ModelRe-Commerce, Gazelle Start this in 2008

Seller (Person) Secondary MarketBuyer

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Why Gazelle re-Commerce (Opportunity)

Economic Recession in 2007

People Careful Spent Money

Cash Advance

New Product Entrance

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Why Gazelle re-Commerce (Opportunity)

Gazelle’s Estimate of the Lifecycle of a Cell Phone

Source : Exhibit 6. Gazelle in 2010, HBR-Andrei 2010

No Easy Options for Consumers to Sell

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Why Gazelle re-Commerce (Business Concept)

Deliver Green Concept with Profit Opportunity

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Gazelle Operation

Gazelle categorize as many as 20 electronic products that can

be purchased

Gazelle created a “pricing engine” to determine price to offer

the seller.

Gazelle made arrangements to help with the shipping process.

Fixing necessary condition for product, and clear all private

data from previous user

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Gazelle Operation – How to Transaction

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Porter Five Force Analysis - Gazelle

Threat of New Competitors LOW

New Business player untuk reCommerce memerlukan jaringan yang kuat antara penjual dan secondary market sebagai penghubung

Bargaining Power of SuppliersHIGH

Semua produk berasal dari personal customer, dimana semua produk yang

akan dijual ke secondary market seperti e-Bay

Bargaining Power of CustomersMODERATE

Calon pembeli memiliki kecenderungan memiliki produk elektronik dengan kondisi




Trade In Program from Supplier

Intensity Of Existing Rivalry

Best Buy Trade InNext worthCEX ChangeTrade UpsFlipswap

Traditional Second Market

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Gazelle Strengthening Business Concept

Partnership with :

Online Partnership

•Costo (2009), Sears/Kmart (2009),

•WalMart (2009), Office Depot (2010),

In-Store Experiments Partnership with a small chain of discount consumer electronic retail stores.

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Gazelle scheme of corporate profits(cost leadership)

Source : Exhibit 9. Gazelle in 2010, HBR-Andrei 2010

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Gazelle Competition

Source : Exhibit 10. Gazelle in 2010, HBR-Andrei 2010

Direct Competitor :

InDirect Competitor :

Buy new products

Trade-in services offered by retailers

Individual sales

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Case Assignment - 1

Pada tingkat umum, bagaimana Gazelle menciptakan nilai

lebih dari pelanggannya? Apakah sumber utamanya dari

keunggulan kompetitif ?

1. Pemanfaatan produk yang tidak terpakai,

re-sell product

2. Pricing Strategy

3. Shipping and Handling Strategy

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Case Assignment - 2

Bagaimana seharusnya Gazelle menggunakan sumber dayanya untuk tumbuh? Pilih antara: a.Fokus terutama pada mengemudi dan melaksanakan kemitraan ritel.b.Fokus terutama pada konsumen sendiri-menghadapi inisiatif (misalnya membangun merek sendiri, meluncurkan pembeli menghadap website, mengembangkan teknologi proprietary harga).c.Membagi sumber daya secara merata di antara kedua jalan untuk pertumbuhan.

1. Branding strategy

2. Competitive price

3. Reliable safe previous customer data

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Case Assignment - 3

Haruskah Gazelle bergerak ke arah pasar (dua sisi platform) model ? Jika ya, bagaimana model platform yang dua-sisi dan bekerja persis apa yang akan menjadi keuntungan relatif terhadap model saat ini? Jika tidak, mengapa tidak?

1. Memperluas kategori produk

2. Penjual langsung bertemu pembeli

3. High marjin (Short Supply Chain)


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