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~1 LOCKED CASE LB 3020 .G307 C6 1997

!May 30, 1997

(javilan Co{fege (jilroy, California



77 t1i J1lnnua{ Commencement

!frUfay, May 30, 199 7 6:30 p.m.

College (


Gavilan Community College Board of Trustees

Commander George Champion President

Laura Perry Vu:e-President

Bob Bouchard Clerle

Jean Ottmar, Herb Peckham, Elvira Robinson 'lbniteo Vaquez, Martha Hollis (Student Trustee)

Administration Dr. Glenn E. Mayle, Superintendent/President

B.A., Arizona State Colk/le; M.A., NorlltemArizona Universily; Ed.D., Nartlaem.Ari.zona Uniuusity

Dr. Bo• Marie Joyce. Dean of In.tractional Service• B.A.. Immaculate Hearl Colle/le; M.A.. Califomia State UniwnrUy. Dominlfuez Hilla; M.A., California State UllWersily, Lo. Alwela; Pla.D .• U.S. Intunationol Universily, San Diq/o

Dr. TJ OweJU, Dean of Student Support Servicee B.A., Fran.a State Colkge; M.A., Santo Clara Universily; Ed.D •• Ur&ivenUy of San Ftonci«:o

Steven Kin•lla, Dean of Bu.ine• Servicee B.S., B.A., Hawaii Pat:i{k University; M.B.A., Soutlaem IUinoia Universily

Dr. Carol Cooper, Auociate Dean of Technical and Public Service. A.A., Loa An/JGa Harbor Colkge; B.A., M.A., California State University, Sacramento;

Ed.D., University of Southem California

Kent Child,Auociate Dan of Liberal Art. and Bciencee A.A., Colle/le of San Moao; B.A., M.S., San Jo. Stale Universily

Sheman Carr-Ramo., Coordinator, Diubled Student-' Program• and 8erviCM

B.A., Uniuusity of California. Santa Barbaro; M.A., San JotJe State Univenrity

Las Maria Ortega, Coordinator, EOPS and Special Program. A.S., Wut l&Uey Colkge; B.S., Santo Claro UnivenrUy; &ill., HGnJOrd Uniwnrity


John llaJuell, Director Learniq Center B.A., Uniwnily of California, &rlteky; JI.A.. San Jot1e State UllWenrUy

Associate Student Body Officers Alfnclo H.-rwa, Student Body Pruidmt, 1996-91

'4artha HoW., Studmt 7hlatee 1996-91 8e&h llarbMu&b, St.dlml Bod~~,., ancomin/J) 11111'1·98

Mutba HoW., St.dlml nw.t.. ancomin/J) 11111'1-98

Graduation Theme: "'I believe I eon fly/"


Prelude Music ........................................................... Faye Pettner, Pianist Processional, "'Pomp and Circumstance• .....••••....•.... .Jl'a,e Pettner, Pianist

*Pledge of Allegiance ........••.............•...................................... ..Martba Bollis (Current) Student Trustee

*National Anthem ................................................................... ..Julia Sanchez Gavilan. College Student

Introduction and Remarks ............................................. Dr. Glenn E. Mayle Superinteruknt I President

Welce>me .•..•...................•...•.••..•.••••.•••..••.....••.....••••.••••••••••••• .Alfl-ed.o Be:rrera. (Outgoing) ASB President

Address ........................................................................ .I.aura A. Perry, Esq. Formq Gavilan. Student and Gavilan. College Trustee

"W'md Beneath My W"mgs• ....•...............•.........................•...... .d'alla Sanchez Gavilan. College Student

Presentation of Awards: . Faculty Award ................................................ Suan Dodd, Faculty Honor Society, Life Members ...................... Mark Levine, Faculty Outstanding Scholar Award. ....................... Dr. Rose Marie Joyce

Dean of Seroices

Addrees .........................•..•.......................................... .118. Estelle Condon•• Chief of the Earth Sciences Division., NASA Ames &search Center

Presentation of Candidat.ea. ..................................... .Dr. Rose Marie Joyce Dean. of Instructional Seroices

Conferring of Degrees and Certifi.catee ........................ .Dr. Glenn E. Mayle Superintendent I President

Commander George Champion President, Board of Trustees

*Receuional. ....................................... ·····-················.JP.,e Pettner, Pianist

•Audience pleue stand •• Biography on page 6 The audience wiU pkase remain seated until the graduates and platform guuts have exited. Pleaae join us immediately after the ·ceremony on. the

lawn. area outside the gymnasium for the reception. hosted by the Associated Student Body.


About our guest speaker: Ms. Estelle Condon Clti.( of tlw Borlla Seient:a Di'OUlon, NASA A.... a.-arclt Cenler

Eat.elle Condon bu been a NASA.Ames empJoyee 1ince 1980. She wu hired u a rell8U'Ch ICientiat in the Atmoepheric Eqleriment'• Bruch and u auch made uperimental meaaurementa of trace p.aee in the Earth'• atmoaphere to better undentand the cbemiatJy and dynamica of the atmoaphere.

She wu a member of the fint team ewr to make meuurementa of a volcanic c:ICR1d in the atratoaphere following the eruption of Mr. St. Helena. In 1987 lhe served u Project Manager or the tint Ahbome Antarctic Ezperiment. 'l1lia WU the ftnt time a bi&h altitude aircraft wu flown over the Antarctic and into the phenomenon known u the Hole. 'l'hi8 campaign made the tint inaitu meuurementa within the ozone hole and dert.ermined unequiviocally that man-made chemical• were involved in the deatruction of the ozone over the Ant.retie.

Eat.elle WU recently selected .. the Chief of the Earth Science• Diviaion or the NASA Amel Research The Diviaion penonnel are enpaecl in a variety of reeearc:h activ­itiel including atmospheric cbemilltry and phymca and ecoayatema ICience and technolOI)'.

Apicot.. ........ --....................................................... .Nur8iJc Brown ..................................................................... .Fine Ana Cltron. ................................................................ ..Bodal Work Copper .................................................................. Econoalial Crimmn. ............................................................. .Joarnalimi Dark Blue ........................................................... .Pbi)oqh.y S.pphire ........................................................ .Blue BulliDel9 Golclan. ................................................................ --.• .8c:iance ar.-----··--····-·--··-· .......... -Veterinary Science Le1DOn 'ldlow-······-.................................... .Llbrary Science Lichi; Blue.-.-· .................................................... Eclac:ation Kahe ..... - ····- ·· ............................................... .Apiculta.te 0rante ................................................ -·-···· ····~ Plnk.. ........................................................... - ............... .Kanc Puzpl.. ..................... - ... ······-··-.. ····--·-----·-...Law ~m .. .,•--•-••""'"•••••m•" -""""""'.""'_ ... , ,,_~ Sap Green ............................................ .Pb,ysical Education Sc:arlet. ....................................................... -····-·····,,..· SU.. Ckay •• ·--··-········ .. ······-·- ···· .... ·····--············.Speec:h White...·-····-· ............................ .Arta, Lett.en, Humanitiea

Jlorlar6oonl. an tM approved Madgear. De blacla taaela an worn on tM left 1ide of tM cape; gold May be uaed repraenlill6 an 1tonor-6"fM/Malie.

BOllOn an awarded to~ wltoee cumulatiw lf1'0M point avertl(Je

y 3.60 01' laitJMr. An °""""' y "-' in tM program to illdicatc tltoee atudentl wlto an groduatUw witlt ltortora.

trhe Preaitknt and hia party will lead the proceuional foUow«I by the Faculty, and finally the candidate. for the A.1ociate of Arla will ,,,.ec«k the candidate. of th.

.A..aciate of Science, Certi(U:ata of Completion and Award. of Aehieuanent.

Special IAanU to U.. 111e-6e,.. of U.. RAo Alplaa Mu Honor Soe~ do Nr'Oe cu...,,.,.. al~.,. eaclt ~

p ....

Candidates for the Associate of Arts Degree

David Gabriel Aguayo, Liberal Studies Diane S. Aiello,~ Avraham Avi Alalouf, Liberal Studies

Michael P. Alciati, Liberal Studies Claudia B. Alexander, BusineBB-Paralegalism Joyce Almanza, Liberal Studies

Adrian R. Andrade, Liberal Studies Leila Capili Arias-Oeler, Performing Arts I 1l?chnical, Performing

Arts I Acting * Delia Arreola, Liberal Studies Melissa Yvette Augustyn, Liberal Studies

Elizabeth Baker-Chapman, Liberal Studies* Linda P. Bartolo, BusineBB-Paralegalism• Robert M. Beebe, Music Tamara L. Bell, Child Development Gary A. Bettencourt, Liberal Studies Kristin K. Blomquist, Liberal Studies Sonya D. Borchers, BusineBB Wendy Branch, Liberal Studies* Raquel Godinez Brink, Liberal Studies Ginni R. Brown, Liberal Studies Joshua I. Brown, Physical Education Michelle Marie Bull~, Liberal Studies Jeff Burgees, Liberal Studies

Enrique Calderon, Jr., Administration of Justice Clementina Camarena, Liberal Studies Karan Cantrell-Thomaey, Liberal Studies* Benjamin Micheal Canzano, Liberal Studies

Cecilia Ojeda Carapia, BusmeBB-General Office Lorraine Marie Carrasquillo, Liberal Studies

Maria R. Cerda, BusineBB-Medical Office Ym Y. Chan, Liberal Studiea



Benjamin M. Chamot.a, Liberal Stuclka Lori Ann Chavarria, Busineas-Medical O/fke Ryan C. Chavez, Liberal Studks Venancia Chavez, Child Development* Cherry Chiling Cheung, Liberal Studies Michael P. Christman, Jr., Liberal Studks St.effanie Clark, Liberal Studies, Social Science St.affan~ Marie Claus, Liberal Studks Jeff Conlin, Liberal Studks Clementina Per~z Contreras, BusineBB-Medical Office Bertha Corral-Loza, Child Development Michelle Christine Crowell, Liberal Studks Maria Elena Cummings, Child Development

Nikki Lee Dequin, Liberal Studks Darin Dixon, Liberal Studks Gina M. Donnelly, Liberal Studks Gabriel Lerma Duenas, Liberal Studks

Adrian Espinoza, Liberal Studies Abrem S. Estorga, Liberal Studks Christine Marie Estrada, Liberal Stuclks, Administration of Justia Joseph G. Evans, Liberal Studies

Humberto Faria, Liberal Studies Gino Julio Filice, Liberal Studies Paul Anthony Filice, Liberal Studks Michael Jason Fortino, Liberal Studks Imelda Sandoval Fregoso, BusineBB-General Office Vedana Y. Freitas, BusineBB* Zoa M. Freitas, BusineBB-Management* Yau-Wai Fu, Administration of Justice

Charles Gallegos, Liberal Studks Carlos Garcia, Jr., Liberal Studks Laurence A. Glover, Music Louis David Godinez, Jr., Liberal Studks Jesus Gonzales, Social Scknce Andrew Gonzalez, Business P..-B

Arturo Gonzalez, BusineBB-Accounting Brenda Gonzalez, Liberal Studks Vanessa Tinel Gonzalez, Liberal Studks Michael Ray Gorman, BusineBB-General Kelly Marie Gray, Liberal Studks Kelly Kim Guerrero, Child Development Rebecca R. Gutierrez, Liberal Studks Tyson Raymond Gwinn, Liberal Studies

Jason Charles Hackney, Liberal Studks Ashley Hammond, Liberal Studks Lucina Vega Hanamoto, Liberal Studks Jacob L. Haney, Liberal Studks Sherri Lynn Hanna, Business-Accounting Maggie Hannum, Liberal Studks* Heather Leigh Hays, Liberal Studks Charles Heino, Liberal Studks Ena Hernandez, Liberal Studks Thomas P. Hernandez, Liberal Studks Alfredo Herrera, Liberal Studks Philip A. Hess, Administration of Justice Michelle Hindman, Liberal Studks Dyanne C. Hofst.ead, Child Development• Jessica Lynn Holt, Liberal Studks · Jennifer Huntzinger, Child Development-Early Childhood Education

Elena Lehan Jennings, Liberal Studies Jennifer A. Jones, Liberal Studks

Eric B. Kadluboski, Liberal Studks Andrea Kostielney, Child Development Lisa L. Kretz, Liberal Studks

Chung-Wai Lee, BusineBB Ann-Marie Lemmerman, Child Development Darrin Tanner Locsin, Liberal Studks Michael A. Lomas, Liberal Studks Joffre David Longoria, Jr., Liberal Studks Carlotta Lopez, Liberal Al't8



Maria Teresa Lopez, Liberal Stud.ks, Business Leah Loscutoff, Liberal Studks* Marc A. Lottermoser, BusineBB Esmeralda Luna , Liberal Studks Juana Macias, Liberal Studks Julie Maciolek, Liberal Studks Sergio Mar, Liberal Studks Rosa Mata,' Liberal Studks, Administration of Justice Jessica D. Maya, Liberal Studks Monica Brooke McAllister, Liberal Studies• Joshua Kenneth McMillan, Liberal Studks Concepci6n Medina, Humanitks/ Social Scknce Belen Mendoza, Liberal Studks Judith Lynne Mireles-Janisch, Child Development Daniel S. Mitchell, Liberal Studks Koji Mitsuya, Liberal Studks Rodolfo Luis Molina, Liberal Studks Melissa A. Molina-Casas, Liberal Studks Brandy Ray Montagna, Child Development Ruben Montes, Liberal Studks Rudy Moralez, BusineBB-General Office Rosary Moreno, Liberal Studks Netsuko Mukumoto, BusineBB Esmeralda Del Carmen Mufiiz, Liberal Studks

Rose M. Navarro, Social Scknce Sandra Navarro, Liberal Studks Andrew Christopher Nemeth, Liberal Studks Shawn Michael Nolan, Liberal Studks

Sabrina Ortega, Liberal Studks Alice Faith Packard, Child Development Monica Pauka, Liberal Studks Ada Louise Perales, Child Development Jeff Percival, BusineBB, Liberal Studks Anastasia E. Perez, Liberal Studks Lucy R. Perez, Liberal Studks Luis A. Perez, Liberal Studks Nina E. Pisano, Liberal Studks P~lO

Heather Jean Quatre, Liberal Studies Adrian Ramirez, Liberal Studks Elba Patricia Ramirez, Liberal Studks Ramon N. Ramos, Liberal Studks Deja M. Rangel, Liberal Studks Robert Reggiani, Liberal Studks David B. Rengers, Liberal Studies* Llesenia Reyes, Liberal Studks Robert P. Rocco M.D., Art* Irma Irene Rodriguez, Liberal Studks•

J Jose Miguel Rodriguez, Liberal Studks ) Lourdes Rodriguez, Liberal Studies

Manuel Rodriguez, BusineBB-Accounting Marimonte M. Rodriguez, Liberal Studks Elizabeth Ann Romero, Liberal Studks• Robert R. Romo, Social Scknce

Mark Kojiro Sakamoto, Administration of Justice Julie K. Sanchez, Liberal Studks Karina Sandoval, BusineBB Steven Brian Santillan, Liberal Studks Julia A. Sauer, Liberal Studiu Jennifer Ellen Schultz, Liberal Studks Robert E. Schultz, Liberal Studks• Heather Renee Scofield, Administration of Justice* Catherine Arline Silva, Liberal Studks Brian Lawrence Smith, Liberal Studks•

1 Amie Karen Snyder, Liberal Studks ) Alfred John Soto, Physical Education, Liberal Studks

Kristen Suzanne Spencer, Liberal Studks Michael Spencer, Liberal Stud.ks, Business Administration Jennifer M. Stafford, Liberal Studks Janice Stafford, Liberal Ami Multiple Subjects* Dixon L. Stureman, Liberal Studks . Sheila Louise Swift, Liberal Studies


Sandra M. Talavera, BusineBB Debbie E. Taylor, BusineBB-Medical Office Dawn Michelle Stephens Thomas, Liberal Studks



Adina Geraldine Padron Trujillo, Liberal Patrick I. 'furturici, Administration ofJu.sti.ce Dorothy L. Valenzuela, ChUd Development Josefa Nava Varela, General BusineBB Fernando Vasquez, Liberal Studies Michael A. Velez, Liberal Studies Daniel E. Villalobos, BusineBB

' Brian Vye, Liberal Studies*

Bryon Scott Wharton, Liberal Studies, Musi.c* William W. Whitmore, Liberal Studies• Marc E. Wiener, Liberal Studies Elizabeth Wmkelmann, Liberal Studies

Cindy Yang, BusineBB-Accounting Jorge Zaiden, Social Sciencu* David Zavala, Liberal Studies

Candidates for the Associate of Science

Murad Abdulwadud, Biology Candy Y. Aguirre, Health Science Jennifer S. Anglin, Lict!nsed Vocational Nurt1in/l Teresa Arbulu, Registered Nuning Grace N. Asobo, Lict!nsed VOcational Nurt1in/l

Susan B. Bada, Lict!nsed VOcational Nuning* Lisa Beltran, Registered Nuning Tamara A. Bianco, Health Science Catherine L. Bosworth, Lict!nsed Vocational Nuning

Judith Rene~ Cardona, Lict!nsed Vocational Nuning* Byron Muk Chan, Aviation Maintenance nchnology Lillian Nicole Corral, Cosmetology Nancy Lynette Crandall, Registered Nuning

Evelyn Reyes Sabio Dacumos, Lict!nsed Vocational Nunin/l Kathleen M. Finnigan, Registered Nuning*

Jennifer L. Francis, Lict!nsed \f)cational Nuning Errol Gabrielsen, Physical Science & Engineering John A. Genise, Aviation Maintenance 'nchnology Renee L. George, Lict!nsed \.bcational Nuning Colleen Gibson, Lict!nsed \.bcational Nuning* Gerry L. Grio, Lict!nsed \.bcational Nuning Jose Angel Gutierrez, Jr., Computer Graphics-&sidential Architecture

Marilyn Joyce Harrison, Lict!nsed \.bcational Nuning Peggy Stewart Hayes, Lict!nsed \bcational Nuning* Juanita Hernandez, Li.censed \bcational Nuning Lisa Takako Hirahara, &gistered Nuning Heidi L. Hodges, Lict!nsed \.bcational Nuning

Celia Jimenez, &gi.Btered Nursing* Colleen F. Keahey-Chapin, Li.censed \bcational Nuning* Kim-Lien Le, Health Science Luzviminda A. Lewis, Registered Nurt1in/l Michelle Love-Escobar, Registered Nuning

Susana Catarina Machado, Regi.Btered Nuning Donna Anne Marqueling, Lict!nsed VOcational Nuning* Angelina Estrada McClure, Registered Nurt1in/l Irene Rufina Medriano, Regi.Btered Nuning* 'Iina E. Miller, Li.censed \.bcational Nurt1ing Ivette Montes, Lict!nsed \.bcational Nuning Eufrocina Nacar, Li.censed \.bcational Nurt1in/l

Angela Denise Pacheco, Lict!nsed VOcational Nuning* Paula Theresa Perez-Orosco, Li.censed \.bcational Nuning Terry Ann Provence, Lict!nsed \.bcational Nuning

Llesinia Reyes, Health Science Lori Silacc Scorsur, Health Science* Matthias J. Smith, Jr., Registered Nunin/l Rachel Christine Starks, Registered Nuning

Jill R. Tau, Lict!nsed VOcational Nurt1ing* Sonia Tavarez, Health Science



Yvonne Mary Villarreal. Health Science Michelle Yanez, Regi8tered Nursing

Sylvia L. Zavaleta, Regi8tered Nursing Yan Zhu, RegiBtued Nursing*

Candidates for the Certificate of Completion

Victor M. Alarcon, Auto Collision &pair Claudia B. Alexander, Businea-Paralegaliam Jennifer S. Anglin, Licensed Vocational Nursing Teresa Arbulu, Regi8tered Nursing Grace N. Asobo, Licensed lf>cational Nursing

Susan B. Bada, Licensed Vocational Nursing* Linda Pina Bartolo, Businea-Parolegaliam• Rachel P. Becerra, Administration of Justice Lisa Beltran, Registered Nursing Allacyn D. Biesemeyer, Businea-Medical Office

. Deborah F. Billington, Businea-Medical Office, Accounti~ Catherine L. Bosworth, Licensed lbcational Nursing Grant Bright, Aviation Maintenance nchnology

Katherine M. Campbell, Business-Paralegalism• Denice Caprino, Child Development-Early Childhood Education• Cecilia Ojeda Carapia, Businea-General Office, MiCrooomputer

Applications, Information Processing Judith Rene~ Cardona, Licensed Vocational Nursi~ Nancy S. Caspary, Businea-Acoounting, Medical Office Byron Muk Chan, Aviation Maintenance nchnology Lori Ann Chavarria, Businea-Medical Office Esperanza V. Chavez, Child Development-Early Childlwod Education• Venancia Chavez, Child Development-School Age Child Care, Foder I

Family Day Care, Early Childhood Education• Jane Chipman, Cosmetology Clementina Perez Contreras, Businea-Medical Office Bertha Corral-Loza, Child Development-Early Childhood Education Maribel Banda Cortes, Child Development-School Age Child Care


Nancy Lynette Crandall, Regi8tered Nursing Maria Elena Cummings, Child Development-Early Childhood


Evelyn Sabio Dacumos, Licensed Vocational Nursing Juan Arturo Ort.ega Diaz, Administration of Justice-Law Enforcement Walfre Dias, Automotive Mechanic nchnology

Sherry Edith Finell, Cosmetology Kathleen M. Finnigan, &gilJtered Nursing* Noah L. Foss, Automotive Mechanics nchnology Daniel D. Fraga, Aviation Maintenance nchnology Imelda Sandoval Fregoso, Businea-General Office

David Garcia, Computer Gruphics & Design-Resi<kntial Architecture Cathy Lynn Gauger, Child Development-Early Childhood Education• Rene~ L. George, Licensed Vocational Nursing Colleen Gibson, Licensed Vocational Nursi~ Dusk Ann Gjertson, Computer Graphics & Design-Desktop Gruphics Frances Gonzales, Cosmetology Xiping H. Gonzales, Businea-Accounting, Microcomputer Applications Michael Ray Gorman, Businea-General Nanette K. Grant, BusineBB-Medical Office Gerry Lee Grio, Licensed Vocational Nursing Jose Angel Gutierrez, Computer Graphics & Design-Resi<kntial Architecture

Michelle D. Hamlin, Businea-Microcomputer Applications• Sherri Lynn Hanna, Business-Accounting Marilyn Joyce Harrison, Licensed Vocational Nursing Peggy Stewart Hayes, Licensed Vocational Nursing* Juanita Hernandez, Licensed Vocational Nursing Lisa Takako Hirahara, Registered Nursing Heidi L. Hodges, Licensed Vocational Nursing Dyanne C. Hofstead, Child Development-Early Childhood Education., FOBtec I Family Day Care, School Age Child Care•

Roseann Jetton, Automotive Collision Repair Celia Jimenez, Registered Nursi~



Socorro Jimenez, Cosmetology

Colleen F. Keahey-Chapin, Licensed WJcational Nuning* Elizabeth A. Kerr, Child Development* Andrea Kostielney, Child Development Frances Llanos, Cosmetology Candace Leier, Cosmetology LuzvimiDda A. Lewis, Registered Nuning Susan Long, BusineBB-lnformation ~BBing* Michelle Love-Escobar, Registered Nuning

Susana Catarina Machado, &gistered Nursing Donna A. Marqueling, Licensed Vocational Nuning* Rosa Mata, Administration of Justice-Law Enforcement Angelina Estrada McClure, Registered Nuning Victoria Ann Medina, Child Development, Early Childhood Education Irene Rufina Medriano, Registered Nuning* Tina E. Miller, Licensed Vocational Nuning Judith Lynne Mireles-Janisch, Child Development-Early Childhood

Ed, School Age Child Care Ivette Montes, Licensed Vocational Nuning Brandon R. Morales, Computer Graphics & Design-'nchnical Precision Rudy Moralez, BusineBB-General Office Ronda J. Morden, Child Development•

Eufrocina Nacar, Licensed Vocational Nuning Sokchhavy Nou, Child Development-Early Childhood Education•

Lori A. O'Neal, Cosmetology Sandra Dee O'Neal, Cosmetology

Angela Denise Pacheco, Licensed Vocational Nuning* Alice Faith Packard, Child Development-Early Childhood Education

Delfina Palomo, Registered Nuning Jeff Percival, BusineBB-Accoun.ting Blanca Esthela Perez, Cosmetology Paula Theresa Perez-Orosco, Licensed WJcational Nuning Lawrence Queisert, Aviation Maintenance nchnology

PGl/ll 16

Kelly Ribail, BusineBB-General Office, Medical Office• Manuel Rodriguez, BuBineBB-Accounting Sandra H. Rodriguez, BusineBB-Medical Office

Heather Renee Scofield, Administration of Justice-Law Enforcement* Matthias J. Smith, Jr., Registered Nuning ·

Brian V. Stafford, Computer Graphics & Design-Desktop Graphica Rachel Christine Starks, Registered Nuning Paul E. St. John, Auto Collision &pair, Auto Mechanics nch.nology

Sandra M. Talavera, BusineBB-General Business Marina Mata Tamayo, Administration. of Justice-Law Enforcement Jill R. Tau, Licensed Vocational Nuning* Debbie E. Taylor, BusineBB-Medical Office Karen Rae Teel, Child Development-Early Childhood Education.• Erica 'lrevino, Business-Microcomputer Applications, Medical Office,

lnformatio": Processing, General Office

Dorothy L. Valenzuela, Child Development-School Age Child Care Josefa Nava Varela, Business-General BusineBB, Information

~BBing, Microcomputer Applications Mauro R. Vela, Jr., Computer Graphics & Design-nchnical Precision

Manufacturing Michelle Yanez, Registered Nuning Jorge Zaiden, Child Development-School Age Child Care • Sylvia Zavaleta, Registered Nuning Yan Zhu, Registered Nuning •

Candidate for the Award of Achievement

Daniel Hurst, Special Careers

L *Honors

PGl/ll 11


Rho A/,pha Mu Honor Society 1996-97

Honor society membership in America began at Harvard Uni­versity in 1926 when tutors and advanced assistants joined forces to share scholarship, discussion, and recognition of merit through an organization designated as Phi Beta Kappa.

In 1926 the California community college honor society was formed under the title Alpha Gamma Sigma. It affiliated with the National Junior College Honor Society and the Phi Beta Kappa organization of four-year institutions.

Rho Alpha Mu, the local chapter, was formed in 1976. The Greek letters stand for RAM, the college mascot. Eligibility for membership requires at least a 3.0 grade point average. In addition, members are required to complete ten hours of community service each semester, participate in fundraising and other club activities.

'lb be eligible for life membership in Alpha Gamma Sigma, students must maintain a 3.25 g.p.a. in at least 60 units of college work and have been a member in good standing for at least two continuous semesters.


RhoAlphaMu of

Gavilan College present.

Lifetime Membership to these graduating students:

David G. Aguayo Diane S. Aiello

Linda P. Bartolo Elizabeth A Romero

Sheila L. Swift Dorothy L.Valenzuela

Gavilan College FuU-time Faculty

Marilyn Abad-Cardinalli Elaine Alster Bob Arnold Barbara Arredondo Shuk-Chun Au-Yeung Kay~~ Bed~u Dr. Marltme BllDlglll'ller David Connal Michael Connor Gary Cribb

*Susan Dodd Marcia Douglas Alice Dufresne-Reyes Dave Ellis Travis Flippen Jerry Flook Mark Friedman Robert Funk Dr. Peter Graff Leah Halper

Sharon Madhvani Jane Maringer Sara Maul Mary McKenna JeanMeehan Gary Miller Ken Miller William Mills Dr. Lorence Moeller Omar Nassery Dr. Jesus Olivas Lud Oliviera Dr. Sue Oliviera Robert Peacock Bill Perkins Clifford Pew Alan Porcella Jon Porter Susan Quatre Sophia Ramirez

Rose Hernandez GeorgeHinn Joanne Howell Martin Johnson

Margery Regalado-Rodriguez Dan Reyes

Art Juncker Walter Karcich Paul Latzke Russell Lee Mark Levine Dr. Tim Lister ~nLockhart Louise Loots Frances Lopez Frances Lozano Maria Machado

Rose Rivera-Sharboneau Anthony Ruiz Dr. Don Santana Karen Sato Dr. Marietta Segal Sandra Stewart-Haley Don Tettlebach Andrea Uram Kenneth Wegman Wmona Walker-Gamino Karen Warren Fred Young Bob Ziglar

Bold Name.: Betirinc May 199'7

• Instructor of the Year

Pa{/e 19


Pleue help keep Gavilan College a litter-free eampru and

p'l'etlerve it• park-like tlelting. . TlaanA you.

GAVILAN COLLEGE 5055 Santa Thresa Boulevard

Gilroy, California 95020 (408) 847-1400