gatorade social media case study

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Post on 17-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Gatorade, Mission Control Case Study 4/15/13

2. Repositioning the brandNEED TOREDESIGNPAGE Challenging year for Gatorade in 2009as sales plummeted and brand lost itscompetitive edge Issues with Brand: Legacy brand losing its vibrancy & positionon shelf Communication tactics were not relevantand heavily reliant on broadcast media Negative publicity on health risks associatedwith energy brands & use of high cornfructose syrup Became an older iconic American brand Challenge became to redefine brandsmarket positioning Create a refreshed vibrant brand connectingwith todays youth audiences 3. Overall Goal In launching a grand social media listening center, MissionControl is born from a desire to take the worlds largestsports brand into a participatory brandRefresh, redesign & redefinean iconic American brandMaintain #1 Market Share & ShelfPosition 4. Redefine the target Focused target, concentratemarketing dollars behind A18-24 Youth with sports & Original target focused on reachingathletic drivemore mass audiences A18-34 with a Teens (12+) with a focus on upheavy focus towards the male demo& coming athletes Heavily reliant on TV to broadly Changing the target made acover audiences dramatic shift in their advertising mix(combination of traditional & heavyuse of social media) 5. Social Media Listening Today more than ever, social media monitoring has become justas important as the campaigns that run on social platforms Listening allows for brands to learn, engage, help & collaboratewith consumers How it works: Monitoring is performed on a keyword basis, Gatorade identifiedrelevant phrases & keywords and developed tools to arrange foreasier digestion & analysis Typically its a three phased approach, collection, processing &analysis 6. What is Mission Control Designed a war room tomonitor, optimize & capturereal time activity regardingrelevant to thebrand, competitors, athletes& sports related topics Room contains 7 massivescreens tracking data acrossall social media outlets Leverages online conversations & allows Gatorade to react faster & more proactively 7. Gatorades Wide Scale of Social MediaFootprint 55K 6.1MM Fans Followers 127K Fans12MM+ Views acrossvideos10MM+ VideoViews 8. Win it From Within Online & social media chatter revealed key topics of interest amongstyoung athletesPersonal Overall Journey Inspirations & InnerHard Work &struggles & Wins & Losses Drive Performancechallenges Leveraging insights, launched the Win From Within Campaign preaching endurance,hard work and celebrating the athlete willing to sweat a littler more Spot features 6 page feature talkingMass Media famous about how the win athletes comes from inside, not seekingjust the apparel & gearTV improvement Social MediaOnline Media Brand channelfeaturing videos ofhigh profile playersRan contest encouraging young athletes talking about theirGseries page & High to share, post, tweet their personal Impact Digital Media todrive, inspiration & struggles/challenges & journeysdrive awarenessperseverance 9. David Banner video launch ofGatorade has evolved campaign Write out this tactic - 10. Learnings & Applications