gathering pentecost 2 2019 prayers for worship  · web viewwe live in the assurance that this...

Prayers for Worship Gathering PENTECOST 2 2019 1 PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP Creation Time 1 to Reign of Christ Sunday....................................2 What Is Creation Saying to Us?...............................................2 For Creation Time............................................................2 For Autumn..................................................................14 For World Communion Sunday..................................................33 For Thanksgiving Sunday.....................................................35 For World Food Day..........................................................37 For Reformation Day – October 31............................................39 For All Saints’ Day.........................................................40 For Remembrance Day and Peace Sabbath.......................................43 For Reign of Christ Sunday..................................................45 Note to Readers Gathering subscribers can download these prayers for free—and with unlimited access. Subscribers receive 4 issues a year starting in 2013. To start your Gathering subscription: Phone: 416-231-7680 Ext. 4024 Toll-free: 1-800-268-3781 Ext. 4024 Fax: 416-231-3103, attn: Gathering Subscriptions E-mail: [email protected] Excerpted from Gathering: Resources for Worship Planners Published four times a year, Gathering is a worship planning magazine for ministers and lay leaders, music directors, and United Church of Canada worship committees. Subscribe or browse single issues at . Please include this statement when using material from Gathering: Written by: ___________. Gathering, PENTECOST 2 2019, page ___________. Used with permission.

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Prayers for Worship Gathering PENTECOST 2 2019 1

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIPCreation Time 1 to Reign of Christ Sunday..............................................................................2What Is Creation Saying to Us?...............................................................................................2For Creation Time....................................................................................................................2For Autumn...........................................................................................................................14For World Communion Sunday..............................................................................................33For Thanksgiving Sunday......................................................................................................35For World Food Day...............................................................................................................37For Reformation Day – October 31........................................................................................39For All Saints’ Day.................................................................................................................40For Remembrance Day and Peace Sabbath...........................................................................43For Reign of Christ Sunday....................................................................................................45

Note to ReadersGathering subscribers can download these prayers for free—and with unlimited access. Subscribers receive 4 issues a year starting in 2013.

To start your Gathering subscription:Phone: 416-231-7680 Ext. 4024Toll-free: 1-800-268-3781 Ext. 4024Fax: 416-231-3103, attn: Gathering SubscriptionsE-mail: [email protected]

Excerpted fromGathering: Resources for Worship PlannersPublished four times a year, Gathering is a worship planning magazine for ministers and lay leaders, music directors, and United Church of Canada worship committees. Subscribe or browse single issues at

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WHAT IS CREATION SAYING TO US?Alternative Lections for Creation TimeFor further resources, go to and look under Leadership, Worship Resources, then scroll down to Featured Themes.

First Sunday (Sunday after Labour Day)Enjoy my songs! Exodus 15:1–18; Psalm 57:7–10; Psalm 98:4–6; Ephesians 5:19–20a; Luke 15:25

Second SundaySeek my intelligence! Ezekiel 34:11–31; Psalm 65 or Psalm 15; Luke 6:12–16

Third SundayWalk lightly upon me! Genesis 13:1–17; Matthew 10:29; Mark 2:23; Matthew 6:28; Psalm 119:64a, 90b, 133

Fourth SundayStand up for me! Jeremiah 4:23–28; Psalm 146; 1 Corinthians 3:6–9

Fifth Sunday (World Communion)Sustain me! Lamentations 1:1–6, 3:19–26; Habakkuk 1:1–4, 2:1–4; Psalm 37:1–9; 2 Timothy 1:1–14; Luke 17:5–10

Thanksgiving SundayCherish me! Isaiah 55:12, Romans 8:22, Numbers 35:33–34

FOR CREATION TIMESee also Celebrate God’s Presence, pp. 528 and 613–636, and Voices United 291–311.

Lighting the Christ CandleWe all experienced God’s wonderful creation on our way to church this morning. We light the Christ candle to remind us of God’s wonderful works around us and within us as well.Thanks be to God!All sing: MV 156 “Dance with the Spirit”Allison Abbott-Wiebe, St. Paul’s U.C., Graysville, Man.

Calls to WorshipEveryone among us today, alight here.Cease your flying about for a moment.Alight here and rest your movement, your wings, your daily things.Alight here and sing, sing the praise of our Creator.God, the hovering, brooding Spirit, is safely guarding this nest of worship.Alight here, and call on the winged Spirit of God.Carol O’Neil, Westminster U.C., Whitby, Ont.

This is the Creator’s world.And we are the Creator’s people.An important part,but not the only part,of all that is.

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We are called to be blessing,to be caretakers, to be overseers,to have “dominion,” on God’s behalf.For what will we use that responsibility?To create? To destroy?We will use all our abilities to worship Godand to live out the call we have been givento care for creation in love and respect,now and always.May it be so.May it be so.Richard Bott, Vancouver, B.C.

Blackbird calls,iris opens,Creation responds to God’s call:Live, blossom, sing!Life renews itself!Let us give praise.Let us worship God today.

Les corneilles renchérissent de leurs cris,les iris s’épanouissent voluptueusement,toute la Création exhale l’appel divin :vitalité, éclosion, ramage!Vie ravivée d’instant en instant.Qu’à l’unisson s’élève notre louange,et qu’en ce jour nous adorions Dieu.Sheryl Spencer, Mount Forest P.C., Mount Forest, Ont.traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

Let us wake up to the presence of God in us and around us.Let us attend to the Word of God, for us and for all people,communicated through the voices of creation. Let us respond with everything we have and are.Come let us worship God, our Creator, with praise and thanksgiving.Linda Pennock, Trinity U.C., Newmarket, Ont.

Small worship bell rings and people settle in.Come in awe of God’s creation; let us rejoice together this day.We consider all the gifts of God’s tapestry.We honour all living beings to the east, to the south, to the west, and to the north. We honour all dimensions and directions of the Creator’s handiwork.On the seventh day, the Almighty One saw that it was good and rested from the labour.We, too, rest today in the goodness of creation, as we worship together.Jani Francis, St. Andrew’s U.C., Indian Head, Sask.

Praise God! Praise God,as the sun rises at dawn!Praise with trumpets,as the day unfolds.Praise with piano,as the people gather.

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Praise with saxophone,as our bodies fill with wonder.Praise with drums,as we see the creatures stirring.Praise with guitar,as we view all of creation.Praise with flutes,as we nourish our bodies.Praise with violins,as we slow to end our day as the sun sets.Praise with French horn,as we lay to rest with thanks and prayers.Praise with harps,in all times and places. Praise God! Praise God!Doris Van Den Eeckhout, Richmond U.C., Aylmer, Ont.

Hey, everyone, there’s so much that shows God’s hand in life.Do you mean the wonder we perceive in all of creation? Like the magnificent col-ours of falling leaves? Like the crisp smell of the air in a fall evening breeze? Like the rough rasp of a cat’s tongue licking your knuckle?Well, that certainly qualifies as wonder filled and it surely shows God’s hand in creation.Do you mean the way people have made the world better? Like the comfortable courts, places, and crescents of our city? Like the immediacy of Internet connec-tions and smartphones? Like the cultural richness of theatre, dance, and song?Okay, that’s pretty special, but there is so much more.Oh, is this where we get serious and ponder issues of faith? Like the understand-ing of God’s creation as “very good”? Like God’s decree that humans are to care for creation? Like the prophetic call to justice flowing like a stream? Like the struggle of faith, which leads to hope in new life?Not bad! Not bad at all. But there’s something missing.Is that a broad hint to pray as a community of faith?Sure! Let’s pray together:God of Abundance, you call us by love self-given. Touch our minds with the breadth of your plenty. Touch our open arms with your invitation to hospitality. Touch our perceptions to see the Christ within each of us. Touch our insights with wisdom to care for creation. Touch our hearts that we may know your will. Touch us, O God, we pray. Amen.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.

Opening PrayersSacred ground, sacred being;holy space, Holy Spirit:we gather to honour Mother Earth and Father Sky,Holy Ground of all Being, to offer ourselves as children of the Beloved, to turn to the vision of wholeness for all creation,and to give our thanks and praise.Robin Wardlaw, Toronto, Ont.

Gracious God, as the birds of the earth sing to the sun, we praise you with our song. As the laws of the earth show balance and correction, we taste your righteousness and justice. As the mother hen shelters her chicks, we lean into your steadfast love. Today, as we worship you, please fill us with your Spirit and speak your word to our very souls. Amen.Chelsea Masterman, Grace U.C., Edmonton, Alta.

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We pause in the opening of this worship to sense your presence, Gracious God. Your presence can be seen in the rustling wind or in the warming rays of the sun; your presence can be felt in the gathering of your people or in the melodic tones of our musical offerings. Wherever we are, we know that you are there with us, O God. May we continue to experience you as a source of goodness in our lives, this day and always, as we pray the words of Jesus that bring both assurance and challenge to our lives: “Our Father…”Bill Steadman, Goulais River U.C., Goulais River, Ont.

Creator God, we glimpse your beautyin setting sun, mountaintop, eagle’s wing.We sense your power in thunder crash,lightning flash, and ocean roar.And we praise you!We continue to see your power all around us,in lives transformed and miracles that happen every day.We listen for your still, small voice,comforting, guiding, calling us.From the moment we awaketo face the day ahead,you are with us.Through good times and bad,your presence is enough for our needs.Every day we will praise you,through all the hours of the day.In our travels and at work,you are with us;in decisions we make,your wisdom is enough for our needs.As we lie down to restat the end of the day,you are with us;as we lay our fears at your feet,your peace alone is enough for our need. Amen.Doug Reid, Eglinton St. George’s U.C., Toronto, Ont.

Dear Creator, who has placed the sun in the sky and who, from sunrise to sunset, indeed from sunset to sunrise, continues to create all life, show us how to cherish and honour what you create.Show us all how to acknowledge, obey, and honour your wise and wonderful laws of nature so that our children and all future generations may enjoy the beauty of your planet.We ask this in the strong name of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.Margaret West, Knox U.C., Roblin, Man.

Great Creator, Lord of the earth, air, and water, we come to celebrate your creation on this holy day of rest. We come to praise your works in all that is seen and unseen. The stars above give witness to your bounty; the waters below give refreshment for all and home for some. May our time together be a blessing now and forevermore. Amen.Jim McKean, Orillia, Ont.

O God,as we look at the land,the water, the air,and all its inhabitants,

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we can hear and feel their cries.Help us to notice.Help us to act.Help us to heal.With our wordsand with our actions,let us be re-creators,in your love.In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Ô Dieu,lorsque nous prêtons attention au sol,à l’eau, à l’air,et à tous les êtres qui les peuplent,nous entendons leurs cris, ressentons leur douleur.Accorde-nous de vraiment nous y arrêter,d’agir résolument,et d’œuvrer à la guérison du monde.Que par nos parolestout autant que nos gestes,nous soyons co-créateurs, co-créatrices,dans la vitalité de ton amour.Nous prions au nom de Jésus. Amen.Richard Bott, Vancouver, B.C. traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

Creator,Thank you for all you have brought to life on this planet:animals that run, fly, and swim freely,plants that feed and shelter us,people who make up vibrant community.Thank you for the beautiful nature that surrounds us here:wide open spaces and beautiful river valleys,*strong trees and delicate wildflowers,gentle deer and pesky wood ticks.*Thank you for our ever-changing prairie* weather: rains that grow the crops,sunshine that warms our faces,and the breeze that keeps the mosquitoes away.Thank you for our own unique, complex bodies:limbs that embrace in comfort or passion,minds that research, ask questions, or invent,and breath that can hit the high notes or blow out the candles. Creator, help us to care for all that you have made.Remind us that everything is sacred and special,that to care for our surroundings, our communities, and ourselves is to praise you.Thanks be to God. Amen.Heather Tober, St. Paul’s U.C., Oxbow, Sask. *Adapt images for your context.

Divine Spirit, force for all that is good in creation,sparkling in the waterfall, running with the deer,

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author of a billion star stories,we adore you.Divine Spirit,ever-present within us, a strength in the years gone by, there for us in the years that lie ahead,we praise you.Divine Spirit,source of faith community, calling us to sacrifice, calling us to service, binding us together in love,we honour you.Divine Spirit,supporter and our best friend, confidante to the family circle, giver of joy in the happiest and liveliest moment,we rejoice in your presence. We rejoice as we worship you this morning. Amen.David Sparks, Summerland, B.C.

Holy and Awesome God, Giver of Life Eternal, we bring praise and thanksgiving for this beautiful world you have made and given us in which to live. We thank you for the word of hope that you spoke through Jesus, in whose name we gather. We thank you for the presence of your Holy Spirit alive in and among us to teach us your way of life more abundant. Be with us as we worship, that our faith might be deepened, our hope reawakened, and our desire to be your people increased. Inspire us to be at work in the world, caring for and living with respect in creation. Amen. Dianne Astle, Hope U.C., Hope, B.C.

We thank you, O God, for the wonders of your world. The mountains proclaim your greatness, the rivers sing forth your praises, and all creatures testify to your abundant mercy. The universe with all its complexity reflects your glory. Help us, O God, to marvel at your magnificence and acknowledge your wisdom. May we follow in your way and find our place in the world, and thus live in peace and harmony with all creation. Amen.Jean Leckie, Heart Lake U.C., Brampton, Ont.

Generous God,you call us to make the world a better place.We ask for answers;you give us the curiosity to seek them.We ask for truth;you give us the humbleness to accept it.We ask for fairness;you give us the empathy to notice it.We ask for solutions;you give us a reflection to find it.We ask for hope;you give us persistence.Generous God, may we use these giftsto make the world a better place.Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Kevin Dorma, Innisfail U.C., Innisfail, Alta.

Prayers of Confession and LamentHoly God, you spoke and creation was formed; you breathed out and life came into the world; you moved and the land became holy. Yet we walk upon it as if it is nothing. We poison it as if it is worthless. Today we beg for your mercy and pray that your Spirit would

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empower us to walk gently upon this ground, inspire us to care for the earth, and remind us that deep within the soil beats the heart of the One who created us, the One who loves us.(silent prayers of confession)Words of AssuranceWe are an integral part of the creation story; our lives are a direct reflection of the presence of God. As we bask in the forgiveness Christ has offered, we will dance in the light of God’s unconditional love, knowing that we are called to live in peace and respect with creation. Amen.Nora Vedress, Calvary U.C., Prince Albert, Sask.

Holy God, we confess that we often do not act responsibly when living in your creation. We forget that all we have is yours, instead believing that it is ours alone. We have not loved creation or our neighbours or looked to the generations coming after us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us into the courage, the wisdom, and the will to change.(a time of silent reflection)Words of AssuranceLet us receive the Good News. God has entrusted us to be wise and faithful stewards. In the voice of a bird or the clap of thunder, we understand the message of our faith, calling us to renew our commitment as stewards of the earth. We are a forgiven people. Thanks be to God.All sing: MV 143 “We cannot own the sunlit sky”Allison Abbott-Wiebe, St. Paul’s U.C., Graysville, Man.

When will it end, O God?We become aware of the damage being done to your earth and of your name being expressed in anguish by those who suffer. War, violence, hatred, poverty, and injustice continue. We feel powerless to change the world. Answer our pleas, the pleas of all humanity, O God. When will it end?We become aware of your existence in the beauty and wonder of this world and all your creation. We notice your name spoken in praise and whispered in reverence. Through your Holy Spirit, guide us in your wisdom, that we may show the world that you exist and are a loving, forgiving God.We pray that someday all will live in peace, love, and harmony with all creation. We trust that you will answer our pleas, that you will create a new heaven and new earth. We praise you, Creator God, and know that you will do these things in your own time.Carol Frost, Minnedosa U.C., Minnedosa, Man.

O God, you have called us to come to worship you, to remember that we are only one of your creatures and that our devotion belongs to your creative power. We confess our arrogance, our stubbornness, and our narrow-mindedness, which can lead us to thoughts and actions that are harmful to your creation, to ourselves, and to you. Forgive us, guide us, and inspire us to be the people you would have us be. Amen. Jean Leckie, Heart Lake U.C., Brampton, Ont.

God of great compassion, we have wandered from your way and turned our hearts from your purposes. Rejecting your call to stewardship of the earth, we have become takers rather than tenders. We have abused both seas and land to satisfy our gluttony; harvesting all our hands can grasp, we store rather than share what we cannot use. Watching people who are barely surviving harsh poverty in the midst of such plenty, we are too quick to blame them for their lack and to take credit for our own wealth. We twist your call to priestly service into a mandate of arrogant political power. Forgive us for these sins of vanity and selfishness. Turn us from the pride of thinking we are “early birds who have gotten many worms” into a humble people who find joy in serving others. Let us gladly offer the

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abundance we easily reap in support of those who struggle to eke out the simplest life. Recognizing your grace toward our weakness, may we be gentle with the situations of others and thankful always for your providence in redeeming love. Amen.Carol E. Bayma, Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, Virginia

Great Creator, we look around us on these fall daysand we see, smell, hear, and experience evidence of your continuing creation.In so many ways, our cups run over with your abundance.But sometimes, our awareness of climate change and habitat destruction drags our spirits down.We fear that our planet may be doomed,and that there is nothing we can do about it.Forgive us, O Great Creator, when we forget to pay attention to your voice.Forgive us, O Great Creator, when we forget to place our trust in youand follow the inspiration of your voice.(a time of silent prayer)Words of AssuranceFriends, be assured that the God who created the earth in love is still creating in our midst.There is hope. There is possibility as we join with God in mending and tending to creation.We are God’s forgiven and beloved people.This is God’s beloved earth. Thanks be to God. Amen.Phyllis Flemming, Grace U.C., Thornbury, Ont.

OfferingsInvitationGod calls us to share in God’s work of caring for creation and for one another.Creation reminds us of God’s generosityand invites us to live with abundant giving.The offering will now be received.The offering is collected.

Sung response: MV 188 “I thank you, thank you, Jesus” verse 1

Let us pray:We do indeed offer our thanks to you, dear Jesus.You have promised always to be with us.You have welcomed us to share in your workof justice-making, peace-bringing, and hope-embodying.May our offerings further this workand deepen our love for you and all creation. Amen. Bob Root, Peterborough, Ont.

We have shared these gifts as a symbol of the ways in which we seek to be a presence of peace and justice in our world, for the well-being of all creation. Help us, O God, to keep our focus on the needs of others and the well-being of our neighbours and the earth, as we go forward in Christ’s name. Amen.Bill Steadman, Goulais River U.C., Goulais River, Ont.

May these gifts, may our hands and our hearts,

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proclaim good news in the face of povertyand the restoration of a vision,a vision where all of creationis able to proclaim the glory of God. Amen.Don Uhryniw, Emmanuel U.C., Peterborough, Ont.

So many gifts from you, our Creator and Inspirer:the gift of life and all that makes life worthwhile, the gift of family and friends and all that flows from our relationships, the gift of faith community and all that comes from having Christ at the centre, the gift of compassion and all the oppor-tunities to do justice and love kindness, the gift of creation and all that sustains us. Bless these gifts that they may enable us to be counted among your faithful people.Amen.David Sparks, Summerland, B.C.

Prayers of the PeopleHoly God, you are present in every moment, and we can choose to trust that, even at times when we’re not sure that it’s true. You are more constant than our momentary doubt.We long for our home, on planet Earth, to be more like the world that Christ foreshadowed for us, where greed, hatred, cruelty, power struggles, dishonesty, and jealousy become traits and behaviours belonging to the past.We long for a world where every person has enough to eat, pure water, clean air, adequate shelter, suitable clothing, loving families and friends, assured health and dental care, appropriate education, meaningful activity, and freedom to make life-giving choices.We long to praise you, to engage with you, and to sense your presence in the peaks and valleys of our lives and in all the moments in between.You have provided us with everything that we need to ensure that all creatures, including human beings, are well treated, well cared for, happy, joyous, and free. May we use wisely the resources you give.Loving God, teach us to care for all that you have given us. Help us to learn how to share, how to handle conflict, how to befriend, and how to accept differences as blessings.Through the power and grace of your Triune Self, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, we offer you our best selves. Amen.Kathleen Honeychurch, Nanton U.C., Nanton, Alta.

Spirit of Love,We thank you for the gift of the earth and for the example of all life, interrelated and interdependent, in which we participate and for which we are created:may we and the earth be whole.We pray for the places in the world that are damaged, injured, limping, and struggling; we ask that you give us the wisdom to act as your healing hands:may we and the earth be whole.We thank you for the ability to reach out with our hearts and touch both those we know and those afar, through our common heritage as your children:may we and the earth be whole.We pray that those illusions that divide us might be banished—blown away on the breath of the wind, burned up in the fire of love and reason:may we and the earth be whole.We thank you for our bodies and minds, that in myriad ways and diverse forms, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”:may we and the earth be whole.We pray that those who feel injured, disjointed, disconnected—in pain or wounded, in body or mind—should find peace and wholeness in your Spirit of oneness:may we and the earth be whole.

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We thank you for your presence here among us and in our hearts; we thank you that we can be your presence to each other:may we and the earth be whole.We pray that when we feel lost, alone, isolated, insecure—when we feel separate—we may be healed with your spirit guiding us back to you and to each other. We pray further for the grace to notice those among us who need us to be your presence, your breath, your fire, and your language, and for the grace to act on that insight:may we and the earth be whole.Spirit of Wholeness, we know it is your will that we be whole through you, in you, with you, with each other, and with the earth. We live in the assurance that this wholeness is possible, present, and manifest. We live to make it obvious, and so to bring the kingdom of God to each other. May it be so. Amen.Anna Atkinson, Cedar U.C., Nanaimo, B.C.

Let Me DreamLet me wander among the starsbefore I am to meet you there.Let me paint the sky at sunset before you call me to be sky.Let me decide to love vastly before you let me see the full measure of your own.Let me ask all my questions, then realize they have been answered along the way.Let me hope all peace will come and blanket humankind.Let me dream beyond today to when Power acts to end poverty.Let me love so wide and deep all ill will is truly healed.May Earth’s creatures see the light as their ownand live among themselves in the peace you give alone.Then let me be thankful that I can be a blessing,and let me accept the universe as my hearth and home.And, my God, wherever my there is, it is where your there is, too.I am not alone…and so…pssst…neither are you.Diane Trollope, St. Andrew’s U.C., Sudbury, Ont.

CommissioningsIn the days ahead, may we cherish and remember that we are one connected, human familyon one fragile planet,with one amazing God.May we be like:

Treessheltering, sharing, shielding,

bending with winds of change in our lives,feeding, sustaining all manner of creatures,

cleansing the air around usgrowingreaching


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strong and uprightconnecting through our roots.

Amen.Jani Francis, St. Andrew’s U.C., Indian Head, Sask.

By grace are we born into this world of God’s making.By grace are we given one another, and the good news of Christ.By grace, then, live out your life as neighbour, friend, steward of the earth, apostle of peace.We will share the gift of life,the gift of peace,the gift of joy with all we meet.

Par la grâce nous sommes venus en ce monde que Dieu a créé.Par la grâce nous sommes confiés les uns, les unes aux autres, de même que la Bonne Nouvelle du Christ.Par la grâce alors vivons notre existence en tant que voisins, voisines, amis-es, responsables des soins de la Terre, apôtres de la paix.Ainsi, nous partagerons le don de la vie,le don de la paix,et le don de la joie avec tous ceux et celles que nous recontrerons.Robin Wardlaw, Toronto, Ont.traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

You are God’s voice in creation; are you ready to speak out?We are ready.Speak out for a reduction of methane and carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere.We will speak out for a good world for our children and their children.Speak out for a reduction in the use of fossil fuels.We will speak out for energy from the sun, the wind, and the tide.Speak out for an end to urban sprawl. We will speak out for communities where neighbours and stores are close by. Speak out for areas in our towns and cities where vehicle traffic is a danger.We will speak out for pedestrian areas and cycle lanes. Are you willing to speak out on behalf of the Creator?We are the only voices God has; we are willing. Then, go, speak for creation and know that God goes with you. Amen.David Sparks, Summerland, B.C.

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FOR AUTUMNSee also Celebrate God’s Presence, pp. 11–78 and 532–533, and Voices United 259, 275, 302, 311, 319, 349, 404, 428, 502, 525, 564, 576, 587, 616, 621, 719, and pp. 928–930.

Lighting the Christ CandleWe are a people of light.We are called to bring light into all the shadowed places of living.We light this candle, remembering that Jesus is the light of the world.The Christ candle is lit.Bob Root, Peterborough, Ont.

Every day offers us potential and possibilities, opportunities and challenges, sometimes even storms. Every day is a gift.Every day, Jesus Christ offers us potential and possibilities, opportunities and challenges, grace amid the storms. Every day, Jesus is God’s grace. We light this candle naming that grace with us always.The Christ candle is lit.Bill Perry, Tweed, Ont.

for an anniversary serviceTime passing: that’s the reason for anniversaries, for drawing together past experiences and people and events, and for honouring the faith journey created.We remember with gratitude; we acknowledge gifts given and received. Today, holding up the (number) years the (name of church) community of faith has lived and served God as disciples of Jesus Christ.An anniversary is an occasion to acknowledge that the grace of God in Jesus Christ doesn’t change with time. We light this candle naming that timeless grace calling us, nurturing us, and lead-ing us into tomorrow. The Christ candle is lit.Bill Perry, Tweed, Ont.

By lighting this candle, we are acknowledging that God and Jesus are here with us today, bringing light into our lives.Doug Reid, Eglinton St. George’s U.C., Toronto, Ont.

Calls to WorshipYou and I are here this morning because God has called us to worship.You and I are not so different.God made you in God’s image. God made me in God’s image too.We gather together, as the great people of God’s making.We gather to be transformed into tighter unity with one anotherand to further cement our connection with our Creator.Let us worship God boldly!Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Lutheran, Rugby & Leeds, North Dakota

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Lift your eyes from daily cares and look to our God,for God is Master of all our days.Turn from the scorn of a profane world;come to worship God, who is Mistress of mercy. Carol E. Bayma, Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, Virginia

God, we gather here together in this glorious autumn season of cool starry nights and bright sunny days, and we wonder how tragedy, illness, and evil can coexist with such beauty.Where are you, O God, in this foolish, mixed-up world? How do we make sense of apparent nonsense?We come to you, seeking comfort, answers, and wisdom, knowing that, in your compassion, you are near us. Amen.Fern Gibbard, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.

People of God, come to this place singing, come lifting your voices in praise and thanksgiving to the One who raises us up.All Sing: VU p. 835 “Praise to the Lord” verse 1People of God, come to this place just as you are. For we are assured that all will be lifted high in God’s presence, none will be forgotten. All Sing: VU p. 835 “Praise to the Lord” verse 2Nora Vedress, Calvary U.C., Prince Albert, Sask.

We call this house of prayer home to some of life’s greatest transitions, times of joy, and times of struggle, where we have felt God’s presence. We gather now in this mystery we call worship, in this place we name a house of prayer, daring to believe that we can connect with the One who made us. Come, let us worship God!David Lander, Grafton, Ont.

Praise the Lord, it is Sunday!Praise the Lord, we are here!Praise the Lord, in this place, at this time.This is the day the Lord has made.We are the people the Lord has made.And we are made to worship.Let us worship with strength this fine day!Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Lutheran, Rugby & Leeds, North Dakota

for Joel 2:26The words of Joel the prophet:“Praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you.”In our griefs and trials,we are surprised by companions who hold us,neighbours who comfort us.God has dealt wondrously with us.In our struggles to be faithful,we are surprised by people who point the way,witnesses to truth and goodness.God has dealt wondrously with us.In moments of delight—a grandchild’s laugh, a friend’s touch—we are surprised by bearers of grace.God has dealt wondrously with us.

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Thus, we come to praise the name of the Holy One,ready to be surprised by the love of God.May it be so. Amen.Rod Sykes, Calgary, Alta.

Come, all God’s people, come and praise your Maker!We come to worship God with joy and delight!Come into God’s presence with singing!We come singing!Come, ready also to be silent.We come prepared to listen* to God’s still, small voice.Come, ready to offer prayer,to praise, to pray, to listen.* We are here. Let us worship God!Kate Gregory, while at Belwood-Metz P.C., Belwood, Ont.*or attend

for Jeremiah 32We have come to worship todayin hope and expectation.We await God’s word.Listen as Jeremiah buys land in a war zone.Jeremiah speaks God’s word of hope.Listen as Paul advises Timothy to trust in God and not in worldly wealth.Paul’s advice is to focus on things that last.Listen as Jesus tells people to truly pay attention.Jesus wants people to truly notice the need around them and to act in love and generosity. Come let us worship today, in hope and expectation.Beth W Johnston, Hantsport P.C., Hantsport, N.S.

When will a little child bring peace to the world?Peace will come when the world turns its values upside down and sees its chal-lenges through the eyes of a child.When will a little child bring peace to the church?Peace will come when the church gives priority to the youngest and most vulnera-ble and shares the resources they need. When will a little child bring peace to our time of worship?Peace will come when joy resounds from our singing and we are freed to ask the simplest questions.When will we experience the peace of a little child?Peace will come when we welcome Jesus as if we are a little child, when we are open, curious, vulnerable, loving, and generous of heart.Come, let us worship the One who sent a child to lead us to peace.David Sparks, Summerland, B.C.

for Jeremiah 31:27–34The prophets reveal to the peoplethat the covenant of the past is gone.The people are worried about the present:

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What happens now?But the prophets proclaim the good news:God is revealing a new covenantto be written on our hearts.We will be free from our worries,for God’s love is etched within us. Come, let us praise our God!Sandy Ferguson, Strathearn U.C., Edmonton, Alta.

for Luke 18:9–14(said in extremely pious tones)Oh, God! We are so glad that we are not likethose people. The ones out there.We come to church.We know what it is like to...Wait a minute!Pardon me?Stop right there!Excuse me?We aren’t better than “those” people.We aren’t better than anyone.But—No. We are “those” people.We are happy and sad,lost and found,loved and loving.We are people trying to live our livesthe best way we know how.And in that living—we engage with Godand move with God.We celebrate that we are not alone.We celebrate that God is with usand that God is with everyone!There is no them, only us!Thanks be to God! Alleluia!Richard Bott, Vancouver, B.C.

Come and rejoice!For God is here with us.Let us join our hearts and voicesin praise and thanksgiving.For we are truly loved by Godjust as we are,for who we are.Thanks be to God!Dianne Young, St. Martin’s U.C., Saskatoon, Sask.

We leave behind the home that is ours to greet our faith-community friends.It is good to be together again.We leave behind our practical needs and concerns,to listen, to pray, and to praise.We bring with us the troubles we cannot let go.There is nothing that God cannot enable us to handle.

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This is the moment of the Spirit.This is the time of renewal.We are followers of Jesus the Christ.We will rejoice, we will worship, and we will serve faithfully.David Sparks, Summerland, B.C.

I see a new heavenand a new earth,the promise of God for all,a re-creation of life, and death, and life beyond death,a re-creation of the here and now,where the sound of weeping shall be no moreand the sound of rejoicing echoes throughoutGod’s holy mountain.Come, let us worship God!

Voici que je vois des cieux nouveauxet une terre renouvelée,promesse de Dieu pour toutes et tous;recréation de la vie, de la mort, de la vie au-delà de la mort,recréation de ce qui est ici et maintenant,alors que le chuintement des larmes ne résonnera pluset que les clameurs de joie retentiront partoutsur la sainte montagne de Dieu.Venez, adorons Dieu!Chelsea Masterman, Grace U.C., Edmonton, Alta.traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

You may know the story of the boys’ private school where on one end of a long table was a huge bowl of apples with a sign saying, “Take only one; God is watching!” and at the other end of the table was an almost as large bowl of cookies where someone had placed a sign, “Take all you want; God is watching the apples!”So, did we gather this morning because God is watching? Or because God has shouted out to us, “Come and get all you want of me, of life, and of grace abundant”?Did you come to cower under God’s judgment or to feel better by fixing God’s judgment on others? Or did you come to glean, and glow, and go forth in love?Did you come this morning for a message to “keep your nose clean” or a message to “go forth at full speed to share God’s love”? Is the message you expect to hear about being “celibate,” as in restricting yourself, or is it to “celebrate,” putting an R in it and exuding God’s goodness?We worship.David Lander, Grafton, Ont.

Whom do you seek here in this place?We seek God, the Creator, who brought us to life.Who has told you of God?Jesus Christ, God’s Son, has shown us the love of God through his life.Discipleship is difficult. Are you ready?We want to be ready. May God strengthen and sustain us

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through this day’s worship. Heather Tober, St. Paul’s U.C., Oxbow, Sask.

Gather in, fellow travellers. Gather in this sanctuary and bring your prayers,your wounded spirits, your questions, your hopes and fears. We wake to a world of beauty and catastrophe,a world of visions and violence,compassion and cowardice.We wake and gather and pray and seek the Godwho is always looking for, and loving, the lost.Juanita L. Austin, Salmon Arm, B.C., from a draft of “Cup of Wine & a Piece of Bread.” Used with permission.

Find a seat, climb a tree, look to the distance.Jesus is coming, we want to see* him!Hear* him speak. Listen* to his stories.Jesus is here, we want to meet him!Be changed by this encounter.Jesus has come, we want to follow him!Ryan McNally, St. Mark’s U.C., Cannifton, Ont.*or experience, notice, pay attention to…

What a joy it is to worship.What a privilege we have.We worship the Lord.*We worship together.In this place, at this time, let us worship.God deserves our praise.Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Lutheran, Rugby & Leeds, North Dakota*or God

Be in this quiet place and rest awhile. This is a place of sanctuary—peace is in each breath we take.Come away from all that distracts you.We find communion with the Holy One. Thanks be to God!Laura Turnbull, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.

Leap and dance with joy,for the rains have ended and the sun has returned,bringing joy to one and all.Splash through the puddles, tumble on the grass,for life is good again.Let music and praise rise into the air,like flights of birds in the fall.Remember this is God’s plan that you are part of and this is God’s world.God made us and this world, and it is good.Know that God wants to hear from you,with all your concerns and broken bits,so that God may help restore you to joy.Let us embrace life and the world as a place to frolic, dance, and play music on many instruments, proclaiming our praises!

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Let us proclaim our praise to our God.We must celebrate this gift of life with every step and with every breath.Let us enjoy the goodness that is God.If we do this, God will surely smile upon us. Doug Reid, Eglinton St. George’s U.C., Toronto, Ont.

We call from the sidelines,asking God to be present with us,seeking to be seen and understood,to be known, loved, and healed.You’ve come to this place following the voice of the One who calls us. We come with faith that God knows what we need.All we need to do is ask;God’s mercy and love will open up to us. Éric Hébert-Daly, while at Quyon P.C., Quyon, Que.

Opening PrayersLoving and Merciful God, we are here today as clay ready to be moulded. Like jars of clay, we have been filled by your love and have gifts that you intend for us to share. We come here today, ready to share those gifts, to offer up all that we have and all that we are so that your glory may be shown here. Be with us as we worship here today. Amen.Deborah Ambridge Fisher, Forest Hill U.C., Fredericton, N.B.

Holy One, we have been toldthat you know us—from before we were born,today, tomorrow, forever.You know us in our difficulties.You know us in our successes.And you love us, no matter what.Thank you.In our words and in our worship, bless us.Help us to know, deep within,that you are with all your creation—now and always! Let it be so.Richard Bott, Vancouver, B.C.

God of Creation, Ever-creating God,you are always at work in us,changing us, reshaping us and our faith,opening our hearts and mindsto many ways of knowing you.Act upon us, we pray, in this time of worship,and in the midst of our everyday lives,reminding us who we are and whose we are,through Jesus, our Christ. Amen.George Allan, Chatham, Ont.

Glorious God, be with us as we worship today.Remind us that you are God and larger than we can dream.You take us by surprise, you confront us,

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and you love the whole world,so much more than we can imagine. For this we give thanks. Amen.Linda Roberts, South Peace U.C., Dawson Creek, B.C.

Loving God, the one who searches for us always,find us this morning, we pray.Find our fears and hold us in the night.Find our sorrows and comfort us in the light.Find our anger and soothe us in your embrace.Find our joy and dance with us to the drum.Find our celebration and sing us into harmony. Amen.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.

Triune God, we come into this time of worshipfrom many different places and states of mind.We come with shouts of joy and hearts filled with gratitude.We come weighted with burdens and hardened with hardships. May you receive our praise and relieve us of our burdens.Salt us with your grace and flavour us with your mercy.Bind our hearts together, that we may be at peace with one another and in unity worship you. Amen.Cheryl Hutchcroft, Oakridge U.C., Vancouver, B.C.

O God, as we come to the wonder of worship time,may your radiant work in us be revealed,that we may rise like the sun of this day,aware and thankful for your gift of kindness and goodness in us,ready to surrender every shadow growing within us, freed enough to embrace the glory and greeting of this day.For this grace, we pray. Amen. Daryl Webber, while at St. Paul’s U.C., Oakvillle, Ont.

Creator God, we need you, every hour of every day. Be with us here today as we worship you in song, in word, and in thought. Be with us here, in this moment, in this time, and in this place. Quietly, patiently, and completely. Amen.Deborah Ambridge Fisher, Forest Hill U.C., Fredericton, N.B.

Ever-present God, we come to you this morning seeking comfort, seeking answers, seeking peace. We pray that in this hour, we will find all of those things, and that we will become even more aware that you are with us always, in all places. Listening God, hear our prayers. Amen.Kate Gregory, while at Belwood-Metz P.C., Belwood, Ont.

God, we have many faces:a home face, a work face, a school face,a with-friends face, a church face.Each of these faces shows something

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and hides something.Often, what we want to show is hiddenand what we want to hideis there for everyone to notice.We’re not as good at putting on facesas we think we are.You look at the heart.You notice what we don’t want you to notice;you notice what we can’t, both good and bad;and you love us always.We gather now to worship in the name of Jesus,in whom you have shown us how to truly live. Amen.John Moses, Aylesford U.C., Aylesford, N.S.

Ever-present God,you are the hope that overcomes despair.You are the peace that overcomes anxiety.You are the joy that overcomes discontent.You are the love that overcomes apathy.We thank you and praise your name.You are the way, and in faith, we will follow your guiding light. Amen.

Dieu, présence indéfectible, tu esl’espérance qui dissipe tout désespoir,la paix qui apaise toute anxiété,la joie qui efface tout mécontentement,l’amour qui stimule toute lassitude.Nous te rendons grâce dans la louange à ton nom.Tu es le chemin,et dans la foi, nous avançons guidés par ta lumière. Amen.Dianne Young, St. Martin’s U.C., Saskatoon, Sask.traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

Steadying One,as we enter this fall season, where this part of the earth prepares for winter, we notice the chipmunks and squirrels gathering food; we notice birds flying south for warmth and food; we notice the coats of the deer and horses are thickening as protection from winter weather; we notice country folk laying up wood for winter warmth and preserving the harvest for winter sustenance.*For each, quiet prayers are lifted to you that it will be enough for the winter.Today, we have come to soak in the knowledge that we are not the only faithful followers, to hear words of life-giving inspiration, to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit’s message that gives us hope, and joy, and refreshment. All of this reminds us that you are enough! We love you. We are in awe of you. We trust you. We are open to your working in us. Amen. Sheryl McLeod, Admaston P.C., Admaston, Ont.

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*Adapt to your context.

Prayers of ConfessionInvitation to ConfessionWe gather together as God’s people—in our strength, but also in our weakness.We acknowledge that in the journey of faith,there are moments we stumble,moments we do not live for God,but only for ourselves.Let us turn to God, seeking the strength to be God’s faithful people once more.Let us join together in our prayer of confession.Frances Flook, Emo/Devlin P.C., Emo, Ont.

Creator God, we want and we need, but we use these two words interchangeably so often that we confuse them. We believe we need our wants and often live beyond our means. Rather than living in thanksgiving and gratitude for the abundance you offer to us, we complain about our wants, proclaiming them to be our needs. Forgive us, God, for failing to live in gratitude for the already-present abundance you provide for us.Words of AssuranceThe Good News is that we are a forgiven people. We have so much to be grateful for each and every day. God will continue to guide us with the knowledge we need to live a life of gratitude and generosity. We only need to open our hearts and minds to let God be our guide to living in abundance. Thanks be to God.Allison Abbott-Wiebe, St. Paul’s U.C., Graysville, Man.

We confess, O God, that in answer to your call,we often come up with more excuses than we do actions.We confess that we often put off answering your call until a “better time.”We confess an unwillingness to place everythingin your hands and to live in trust and faithfulness.Forgive us and call us once again, we ask. Amen.

Ô Dieu, nous confessons que nous répondons à ton appelplus souvent par des excuses que par un plus grand engagement, en repoussant à demain ce qui devrait être amorcé dès maintenant.Nous confessons notre entêtement à ne pas tout remettre entre tes mains, à ne pas vivre dans la confiance et la fidélité.Pardonne-nous et, encore une fois, appelle-nous, nous t’en prions. Amen.Beth W Johnston, Hantsport P.C., Hantsport, N.S.traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

for a baptism SundayGlorious God, in the fullness of autumn, the beauty of the colours, and the mystery in this changing season, we glimpse your creative power. In the changing seasons of our lives, in the celebrations and in the struggles, we sense your holy presence. Today in worship, we again seek a closeness with you. We seek to know you, our God, more fully. We seek to recognize your hand at work in our world and in our lives. We seek your blessing on our children and grandchildren. We seek your wisdom and your grace. We seek to be right with you, O God. So, as we begin worship, we want to cleanse ourselves of any guilt or wrongdoing that weighs us down, anything that might separate us from you. We seek an unburdened heart and the strength to live purely.(a time of silent prayer)Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Lutheran, Rugby & Leeds, North Dakota

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You provide what we need, O God, but we don’t believe you. You send us prophets and we don’t accept them unless they display credentials we recognize and respect. You offer us healing but we are so focused on an immediate cure that we are really not interested in the long-term changes that healing brings. Forgive us, God. Turn our focus away from that which promises everything and delivers nothing and back to you, who provides everything we need. Amen.Words of AssuranceOur focus may stray but God’s never does.God continues to accept us, forgive us, and offer us a chance to start again.Thanks be to God. Catherine Tovell, Kilworth U.C., Komoka, Ont.

When we sacrifice for others, O God, we better understand what it means to love. When we take everything we’ve known and push it aside for something we haven’t yet seen, we know what it means to risk. Christ put everything on the line for us. As we gather here, remind us what it means to be “of Christ,” Christians, your people. It’s not a small thing—it’s everything…even when it is hard. Especially when it’s hard. When we don’t fully live into our calling to be your people, forgive us. When we choose to give up rather than stick with it, forgive us. When we despair, give us your hope. When we get angry, channel our anger properly. When we love, help us do it well, so that we may be your people, united in your love. Amen. Words of AssuranceWhat does it mean to love like God? We can’t possibly know. God knows how impossible it is, which is why we can be forgiven when we fall short. Rest assured that even when you don’t meet the goal, you are enough. Grace fills the gap. Thanks be to God. Amen.Éric Hébert-Daly, while at Quyon P.C., Quyon, Que.

Words of AssuranceFriends, we know this about our God:God forgives our shortcomingsand opens a new path before us.Let us dare to follow where God leads us,knowing that as we do,we will become whole and holy.Thanks be to God. Amen.Frances Flook, Emo/Devlin P.C., Emo, Ont.

How shall we measure ourselves, O God?To whom shall we compare ourselves?Usually, we look at the people we know—our neighbours, our friends, our family.Stacked up against them, we are not doing so badly. We’re no worse than most and a lot better than many we could name. Sometimes, we look at those we consider the really bad folk—the terrorists, those corrupted by power,the wilfully cruel and dishonest.We thank you that we are not like them.However, you ask us, instead, to measure ourselves against your call to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly.Therefore, we seek your mercy and forgiveness.Words of AssuranceBefore we loved God, God loved us.God’s love never ends; it endures and abides.Love only waits to forgive and to heal.

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Take heart, my friends in Christ.Our past need not be our future.Thanks be to God. Amen.John Moses, Aylesford U.C., Aylesford, N.S.

for an anniversary SundayMerciful God, we confess that on occasions such as this, it is so much easier to look back rather than to look forward. We appreciate the work of our ancestors in the faith, but we assume it was easier or more satisfying in their time. We forget the cost, the sacrifice, and the hard work that brought this community of faith to where it is today. Forgive us, God. Help us to look forward and to work forward, knowing that the same Spirit that enabled past generations also enables us. Amen.

Words of AssuranceWhile we forget important lessons, God forgets our sins and shortcomings. Let us live a more godly and generous existence, daring to look forward in hope, accepting God’s forgiveness and grace, and offering them to others. Amen.Catherine Tovell, Delaware-Kilworth P.C., Komoka, Ont.

Loving Creator, we, your fragile children, sometimes worry that when we colour outside the lines, we are somehow failing. When we believe that we can only love our bodies if they are perfect according to society’s standards, when we think we can only be loved if we change who we are, when we think we need to wait for others to reach out in love and therefore miss an opportunity to share our love—for these things, we are sorry, and we come to you today in humble supplication, asking your healing love to fall upon us and free us. Amen.

Words of AssuranceChildren of God, know that even in the times when you forget that you are worthy of love, God has not forgotten you. God shaped you, God filled you with love, talents, and gifts, and God knows your worth. You are filled with the love of God and you are forgiven. And, in that forgiveness, you are set free. Thanks be to God. Amen.Deborah Ambridge Fisher, Forest Hill U.C., Fredericton, N.B.

Words of Assurance “Assurance of pardon” we say. Do you feel that you need to be pardoned, that you have sinned and that, because you have just confessed, I’m to give words of pardon and then everything’s cool? How often did Jesus say “I pardon you” or even “I forgive you”? He didn’t! Those times he addressed the issue of sin, he tended to say, “Your sins are forgiven.” Not an action, but a statement of fact that you live in a state of “forgiven-ness,” because you are loved, you are even “died for.” So as Jesus says to you, as you could say to one another, I say to you: Your sins are forgiven; you live in a state of forgiven-ness! Thanks be to God!David Lander, Grafton, Ont.

Words of AssuranceGod is closer to us than even our breath.As a church, we proclaim the Good News that God is with us; we are not alone.Let us live out of this promise.Let us follow in trust.Thanks be to God. Amen.Frances Flook, Emo/Devlin P.C., Emo, Ont.

Words of AssuranceRemember that Jesus came into the world

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to save sinners.Remember that God will forgive any of your failures.Remember that God will accept you as you are.Remember that God will set you free from all evil.Remember that God will make you into what you were meant to be.Remember that God will make you strong.This is the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ.Thanks be to God. Amen.Doug Reid, Eglinton St. George’s U.C., Toronto, Ont.

Prayers for IlluminationAlmighty God, you gave us your son to teach us the power of your love and redemption. As we receive your written word, keep our spirits clear and our hearts open. With your presence through the Holy Spirit,allow us to pay attention to this scriptureand move forward with understanding and hope.In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.Robert Partridge, Red Lake Anglican United Church Shared Ministry, Red Lake, Ont.

God, it’s Sunday morning and we are gathered here at (name church) to sing hymns, to read scripture, and to attend to a message. We are just plain, ordinary people who have come here because we love you and are part of your living community. It’s not always easy to have lives that are open to your message, hearts that are receptive, or the willingness to commit to the Way of Jesus. We pray that we, your ordinary people, will attend to your voice this morning during our time of worship. Amen.Fern Gibbard, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.

Surprising God, your ways are often not the ways of the world, yet the simple things in life can teach us a great deal about you.Open us to your message as we read familiar passages about people whose lives are not all that different from our own.Help us through our encounter of the scriptureto make decisions day by day to be your loving disciples. Amen. Beth W Johnston, Hantsport P.C., Hantsport, N.S.

God of the ages, we come to the scriptures this day seeking the fulfillment of age-old hopes and dreams. Help us to find the fulfillment of these hopes in the words we receive today. Amen!Beth W Johnston, Hantsport P.C., Hantsport, N.S.

Enlighten the perceptions of our hearts, O God, and grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation through the reading of this, your Word. Amen.Cheryl Hutchcroft, Oakridge U.C., Vancouver, B.C.

God of the ages,we come this day seeking guidance and inspirationfrom the words and stories of the Bible.Open our hearts and minds so that these words may inspire, comfort, and challenge usto be a Living Gospel as your servants. Amen.

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Beth W Johnston, Hantsport P.C., Hantsport, N.S.

I wait and I listen,* Holy God, but not as much as I should. Will this bring me closer to you in my busy life? I long to long for you, but first I must make room. Help me make room in this time of worship. Help me make room for your Word today. Amen.Millie Lewis, Cloverdale U.C., St. Andrew’s, Man.*or attend

Loving and Enlightening God, often we encounter stories within scripture that do not agree with each other and might even challenge each other if we focus on them as literal history. As we read and receive your message for us today, help us to welcome it in an open and enlightened way. Help us experience the truth expressed in it rather than just the words of the story. Amen.Jim Warburton, Meadow Lea U.C., Marquette, Man.

Your creative spark ignites our being, our very selves, O God.Your deep connection, O Spirit, within and among us all,creates our relationship though you and in you.Your self-giving is our heartbeat within, O Christ.As we receive your Word among us today,keep us open to your spark, to your relationship, to your heartbeat, we pray. Amen.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.

OfferingsInvitationWe live our faith in all that we do. We share our faith in the ways that we engage with others and support one another. We reveal our faith through the words that we use, the thoughts that we share, and the gifts that we offer for the work of the church here and elsewhere. We are now invited to share that faith through the gifts that we bring as a faithful response to the needs of others, as part of the ministry of this congregation and as a living way to share in God’s mission to the world. Our offering will be received.Bill Steadman, Goulais River U.C., Goulais River, Ont.

InvitationTruly all that we are, all that we do, all that we offer is in response to our God. Let us respond, trusting that our gifts not only support the ministry of this church but God’s work in the broader church family, neighbourhood, and around the world where needs call and the Spirit directs us. Your offerings will now be received.Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Lutheran, Rugby & Leeds, North Dakota

InvitationThis morning we think of the lost:lost things, lost people, lost chances,lost desires, lost energy, lost dedication.We bring to God our offerings,praying that the lost will be found.

PrayerWe turn our thoughts to you,

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the Finder of the Lost, praying that in our offerings, you will find money to finance the work of your kingdom,providing and inspiringcompassion for those who are sick and lonely,support for the exiled and the refugee,and a zeal for truth and justice. Amen.Fern Gibbard, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.

Creator God, take these gifts of money that represent the fruits of our love for you, for our community, and for our congregation. Use these gifts as you use us to spread your message of love throughout the world. Amen.Deborah Ambridge Fisher, Forest Hill U.C., Fredericton, N.B.

InvitationGiving, in a world that is more concerned with getting, is a radical act. It is one of the simple spiritual practices Jesus calls us to, supporting our faith community and those marginalized by society by sharing our financial gifts in common. We give generously, because our God has given generously to us.Selina Mullin, Wesley U.C., Montreal, Que.

Loving God,please accept these gifts that we bring to you.We give them,not because you expect it,but because you have given us so much,and we want to share with youand with others in return.We give them in Jesus’ name,in order to continue his work in the world. Amen.Frances Flook, Emo/Devlin P.C., Emo, Ont.

Reshape us, Surprising Spirit, until generosity in faith and in expectation proclaims us passionate followers of the Way of Jesus.May you bless what we give for radical discipleship, working in us—and despite us—to let your kingdom come. Amen.

Remodèle-nous, Esprit d’étonnement,pour que la libéralité de notre foi et de nos aspirations atteste en nous de passionnés disciples de la Voie de Jésus.Bénis ces offrandes au service d’une vie de disciple radicale, en œuvrant en nous, parfois malgré nous, à l’avènement de ton règne. Amen.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

Creator God, you know us through and through. You know how complicated giving can be for us: How much is enough? How often? Where to give? What is clear is that you are the source of all we have. You have entrusted us with much. Guide our investing and circulating of all we have, all of which is truly yours. Bless these offerings and tithes this morning and the holy work made possible because you have grown gracious and generous hearts within us. Amen.

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Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Lutheran, Rugby & Leeds, North Dakota

In this season of thanksgiving, O God,we celebrate how we see your light in Jesus. Now we experience you in Christ’s body—your church gathered in worship. Our individual givings are magnified by your graceand directed to where they are needed. For this we give you thanks. Amen.Karen Boivin, City View U.C., Nepean, Ont.

Dear Lord, we bring these gifts before you. We offer them to you so you may guide us and show us the best way to use these gifts in making the world a better place for everyone. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.Scott Martin, St. Andrew’s U.C., Georgetown, Ont.

Gracious God, we give you this offering today.Please now take it and use it as you see fit, here and throughout the world.Extend and multiply its reach and influence, we pray. May it be a great blessing to many. Amen.Doug Reid, Eglinton St. George’s U.C., Toronto, Ont.

Your many gifts surround us each day: from each breath we take to the bounty of our lives.Receive these gifts, which we offer with faith, so that this community may continue to be strong and so that our faith may reach out from this place in acts of peace and justice.We ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.Kate Crawford, Huron Shores U.C., Grand Bend, Ont.

The gifts we work hard to achieve,the gifts that fall into our laps,the gifts that come from our labour,and the gifts that our time and natural talent make possible have one Originator, one Creator, one Motivator:you, Most Gracious God.These varied yet wonderful gifts are ours to share, within this church family,in this neighbourhood, and in a beautiful but troubled world.We cannot thank you enough for them, Gracious God,and we ask you to bless them as you show us how to use them wisely. Amen.David Sparks, Summerland, B.C.

Like a mustard seed, like a pinch of yeast, may our offerings work together for good. God, please take what we offer and give life to your world. Amen.Chelsea Masterman, Grace U.C., Edmonton, Alta.

CommissioningsBe willing to live the truth of Christ wherever you go.Go from this place with a new and right spirit, filled with the joy and gladness of the Lord.

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Bill Steadman, Goulais River U.C., Goulais River, Ont.

Knowing the love and grace of God,go out and share it with your neighbours,through example and through action,today and every day.George Allan, Chatham, Ont.

for Luke 16:19–31, following the singing of VU 104 “We have come at Christ’s own bidding”Go forth in the power of resurrection,for you have been given the chance to live, again.Go with courage that your daily lives may prove you to be children of God.We will go, to forgive, to reach out, to bless.Robin Wardlaw, Toronto, Ont.

for Philippians 4:4–9And now may the peace of God, which surpasses all human understanding and is of greater worth than anything we can say or do,be with us as we leave. May we carry this peace into our hearts,our lives,our world,until God’s reign of peace is known in fullness everywhere.The God of Peace is with us.The Son of Peace befriends us.The Spirit of Peace surrounds us,this day, this night, and always.Bob Root, Peterborough, Ont.

Fill us, O Lord, with gratitude and strength, with hope and joy. In our troubles, hold us close to receive your comfort. Grant each one of us the confidence of your everlasting love and mercy as we go from this place. Amen.Gill Le Fevre, Walton Memorial U.C., Oakville, Ont.

for Luke 18:1–8And now may patience, perseverance, and hope be our gifts as we leave this time and place of worship.May we know the patience of God with one another and the impatience of God with injustice; persistence when the going is tough;and hope enough to carry us through,for God is with us. And may the blessing of the patient Creator be with us,the blessing of the Christ who was true to the end,and the hope of the ever-freshening Spirit blowing through our livesbe with us this day, this night, and forevermore.Bob Root, Peterborough, Ont.

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Go as people who are flawed and not perfect.We go to share the journey toward Jesus’ wholeness.Go as people who are disciples and leaders.We go enthused with the Spirit to dance love’s joy.Go as people who are blessed and beloved.We go to share the Good News of God’s grace. Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.

Go out into the world in peace.Have courage; hold on to what is good.Return no one evil for evil; strengthen those who are faint-hearted;support those who are frail and suffering.Honour all people. Love and serve the Lord always. Go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God. Amen.Robert Murdock, Collier Street U.C., Barrie, Ont.

As you go into the world, look beneath your feet.We see God’s foundation beneath our feet, a solid ground of being upon which we grow our faith.As you go into the world, breathe deeply.We inspire the Spirit’s passion and purpose, filling our souls with life and connec-tion.As you go into the world, measure your heartbeat.We share Christ’s life blood as the pulse of self-giving, bounding from challenge to challenge in love.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.

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FOR WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAYSee also Celebrate God’s Presence, pp. 239ff, especially Prayer H (p. 262) and Thanksgivings (pp. 284 and 311).

Calls to WorshipWheat, barley, rye, maize, oats, rice, sorghum, buckwheat, wild rice, millet, fonio, and quinoa:grains of the world, cooked whole or ground into flour,breads of the world for people of the world.God’s abundant diversity is on display for all to see!Let us celebrate our unity and diversity, as people of God.Ryan McNally, St. Mark’s U.C., Cannifton, Ont.

As friends of Jesus,we gather here today.We have come from many places:many homes, many cultures, that we might be one community in Christ.May our time together bring us closer to the heart of Godand closer to one another.Bob Root, Peterborough, Ont.

Opening PrayerInfinite One, we gather this morning…on our way from something…on our way to something…but here we stop.We stop to rest,to turn our attention to all that is holy.We stop to gather in community,held and loved,to break bread together.We stop to give praise, to sing, to pray, to listen,to experience your Spirit moving among us.Gracious God, it is good to be here.Blessed be. Amen.

Ô toi, l’Infini, nous nous sommes rassemblés en ce jour…chemin faisant, après avoir terminé quelque chose…chemin faisant, avant d’entamer quelque chose…et nous avons choisi de faire halte ici.Un arrêt pour nous reposer,pour porter attention à tout ce qui est sacré;un arrêt pour faire communauté,dans le soutien et l’amour mutuels,pour ensemble rompre le pain;un arrêt pour vivre la louange, le chant, la prière, l’écoute,

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pour ressentir et manifester ton Esprit qui souffle parmi nous.Dieu de grâce, il est bon d’être ici ensemble.Béni sois-tu. Amen.Sheryl Spencer, Mount Forest P.C., Mount Forest, Ont. traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

OfferingsAbundant God, full of surprises! A simple loaf of bread becomes food for a hungry world. A chalice of unfermented wine becomes hope for the young and not so young. Today, we join hands with siblings in Christ all around the world. Today, we share our offerings, knowing that they, like the loaf and cup, will help to bring new life to this congregation and to the world that you so love. Receive them with delight, we pray. Amen.Laura Turnbull, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.

Passing the PeaceOnce again, we extend our hands in peaceto greet family and friends gathered here.Gracious God, you know that we do not always have a peaceful relationship with our family, friends, and neighbours.Before we rise from our seats, we remember thosewith whom we are not at peace and pray that by your grace, we will be led into ways of peace with all people. (a moment of silence)Let us now greet one another with the peace of Christ.Fern Gibbard, for Okanagan Falls U.C., Okanagan Falls, B.C.

Invitation to CommunionWe are invited to this table where our living finds wholeness.We bring our woundedness to be healed, and we bring our hope for abundant life in Christ.We are invited to this table where the humble foods of life are offered.Bread and cup to nourish, love and acceptance to nurture.We are all one in the body of Christ,joining today with the body of Christ worldwide.Thanks be to God.Wanda Burse, Rural United P.C., Thamesville, Ont.

CommissioningStrengthened and fed, people of God, people of courage, go forth as love-bearers to a hurting world.Susan Girard, Riverview U.C., Atikokan, Ont.

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FOR THANKSGIVING SUNDAYSee also Celebrate God’s Presence, pp. 539–542, and Voices United 557.

Call to WorshipOur lives are a blessingand so we give thanks.Our loved ones are a blessingand so we give thanks.This earth is a blessingand so we give thanks.Each meal we enjoy, every time we share, is a blessing.and so we give thanks.In thanksgiving, let us worship God. Carol O’Neil, Westminster U.C., Whitby, Ont.

Opening PrayersO God, we praise you for the richness of your blessings, the abundance of your creation, the potential for goodness in each of us, and the love you have shown us in Jesus. Open our spirits to your wisdom, our hearts to your love, and our wills to your service so that our lives might reflect your glory and our world reflect kindness and gratitude. Amen.Jean Leckie, Heart Lake U.C., Brampton, Ont.

For what we have received, O God,make us truly thankful.For the breath of life,for the tears that fall,for the moments of love,for the times we are not surequite what to do next.Make us truly thank-full, O God,make us truly thankful.Amen. Amen. Amen.Richard Bott, Vancouver, B.C.

Prayers of Confession“Give us more,” has been the plea:more money, more power, more material things.Your world has forgotten your promise that you will provide us with all that we need.Forgive us for not trusting in your promise of abundance.Instead of sharing, we have hoarded;instead of reaching out, we have turned away;instead of sowing seeds of peace, we have joined in the war.Forgive us, O God of Mercy.Enable all to move toward living within the abundance you have givenand leave fear of scarcity behind. Amen.Words of AssuranceWe have all that we need:the breath of the Spirit,

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the peace of Christ,and the promise of everlasting life with God.God also provides loving forgiveness of our sins.Praise to God the Creator for abundant blessings!Cheryl Hutchcroft, Oakridge U.C., Vancouver, B.C.

OfferingsInvitationEach of us has experienced many blessings. Each of us has given many blessings, too. May the giving and receiving be a constant sign of God’s grace, in this congregation and beyond. The offering will now be received. Jim McKean, Orillia, Ont.

We just sang to you, O God, that we are giving you our first fruits.Yet, as our offering was collected, we looked closer.Bits of paper and clinking coins don’t seem like first fruits,but we offer them to you as symbols of our witness and our work—in our collective discipleship,in your work among and within us,in our commitment to good news,in what continues to emerge from us in faith.Bless and use these gifts—and us—in Jesus’ name,that they and we may glow with holy fire,and indeed be our offering of first fruits. Amen.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.

CommissioningGo into the world ready to live with gratitude and generosity.Go into the world knowing that God’s intention is abundance for all.Go into the world and share this life-giving abundance with all you meet. Today and every day. Amen.Allison Abbott-Wiebe, St. Paul’s U.C., Graysville, Man.

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FOR WORLD FOOD DAYSee also Celebrate God’s Presence, p. 543, and Voices United 525 and 645.

Call to WorshipFrom a world where more is best,we have come to hear of stewardship and of sharing.From a world where people look out for number one,we have come to follow Jesus who lived for others.From a world where advantage over others is a priority,we have come to love our neighbour as ourselves.From a world where everything has to be new and shiny,we have come to cherish and celebrate our heritage.From a world that tries hard not to feel,we have come to open our hearts to God’s embrace.As we receive God’s Word and sing and pray this morning,may we be filled with a new understanding.As we offer our prayers,may we be forgiven, comforted, and challenged by God’s guidance and strength.As we sing our praises for God’s gift of grace,may we be encouraged to live as those who bear Christ’s name.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.

Opening PrayerIn our prayers today we rememberthose who are playing “second fiddle”and patiently waitingfor their turn to receive food, justice, peace, safety, clean water;for reconciliation with friends, for reunion with loved ones;for protection from the cold or from abusive relationships;for relief from pain, suffering, grief;for freedom from jail cells, degrading occupations, addiction;for the gift of healing, medicine, health care.Gracious God, may we never forget to pray for each other and for all people,remembering and lifting up all who might feel second best or last in line. In the name of the One who said that the first shall be last,and the last shall be first. Amen.

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Norah Laverty, St. Andrew’s U.C., Sioux Lookout, Ont.

Prayer of ConfessionToo often, God, we allow our hungers to consume us instead of looking to you to satisfy them. We confuse hunger for meaning with hunger for food, filling our stomachs with food instead of filling our souls with your word, leaving us even more starved. We confuse hunger for service with looking after our own wants, leaving us impoverished while self-satisfied. Forgive us, God, and send us on your path, where our hungers can be named, addressed, and fulfilled. Amen. Words of Assurance When we honestly name our hungers before God,God hears us and accepts us.Through Jesus, God offers us forgiveness and offers the opportunity to begin anew.Thanks be to God.Catherine Tovell, Kilworth U.C., Komoka, Ont.

OfferingGood and gracious God, Creator of all. We try to grasp the depth of your love…and we fail every time. Yet, gratitude bursts from our hearts and our voices!Help us to love as you love. Help us to see beyond every label we attach so easily to others, to those we often call “them” when we are really all “us.” Your love knows no lines, no boxes, no labels. Give us the heart and mind to love as you love, loving all regardless of the labels society gives. May these offerings know no bounds, as we seek to be your church, dear God, following Jesus’ example and the Spirit’s direction. Amen. Glad Klassen, Stamford Lane U.C., Niagara Falls, Ont.

CommissioningReturn to the world and pray that God will help you to be faithful in little things and in large, in material things, in spiritual things, and in love of God and neighbour, now and always.George Allan, Chatham, Ont.

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FOR REFORMATION DAY – OCTOBER 31Call to WorshipThroughout the decades and centuries, we have been led by truth-tellers and justice-seekers. They heard the challenge. They accepted the costs.We are indebted to courageous leaders of bygone eras. They followed Jesus’ path of radical love. Love, peace, and justice is not just the way of the past, but also the way into the future. Laura Turnbull, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.

OfferingTruth-seeking God, we praise you in song and action. We present our offerings so that your way of peace, justice, and hope is known by your people. We thank you for courageous visionaries of our past who have dared to speak out on issues of inclusion and welcome. May we continue along the path they have trodden. Amen.Laura Turnbull, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.

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FOR ALL SAINTS’ DAYSee also Celebrate God’s Presence, pp. 214–216, and Voices United 719.

Call to Worship We gather here this morning in God’s presenceand in the midst of the communion of saintsto remember all those who have died,to do more than remember.Together, we acknowledge the loneliness we still feel.We come to give thanks for the lasting influence they have in our lives.We come seeking God’s transforming power,that we may carry on the caring work begun by them in God’s name.Let us join our hearts and voices* together with all the saints throughout time as we worship God this day!Bev Leadbeater, Rock Lake P.C., Crystal City, Man.*or lives or actions or love

Opening PrayerLord God, by your grace, we are running a race.We are surrounded by many spectators.Patriarchs, matriarchs, prophets, disciples, martyrs, saints.We thank you for their example and praise you for their lives of faith, their faith-ful lives of following, obeying, and adoring you.Lord God, by your grace, we are running a race.We are surrounded by many spectators.Loved ones now residing with you, who guided us, nurtured us, cared for us. They worked, lived, and died so we could be the believers we are today.We thank you for their example and praise you for their lives of faith.For all the saints, who believed that you are the great one, accept our thanks.Lord God, by your grace, we are running a race.We are surrounded by many spectators.Members and fellow believers in this world, our friends who help, guide, and uplift us; all are saints of your redeeming.We thank you for their example and praise you for their lives of faith. We bless and pray that we may live and die as holy in our lives.Lord God, by your grace, we are running a race.We are surrounded by many spectators.Let us set aside the guilt of sin and look to Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.We thank you for his example and praise you for his life of faith. May we do unto others, in love, as we would have them do unto us. Amen.Doris Van Den Eeckhout, Richmond U.C., Aylmer, Ont.

Prayer of ConfessionWe come into your presence today, O God, confessing lives that fall short of your wishes for us. Jesus cautioned us to count the cost of faithful living before embarking on a journey of new life in the Spirit. He warned that such a life may be marked by rejection from family, scorn in the community, and shunning by those bound to rigidly follow religious laws and tradition. On this Sunday, which we set aside to remember Christian saints and pray for all who are persecuted for their faith today, we realize that too often we have counted the cost and decided not to pay. Living according to our Saviour’s example of humility and simplicity just doesn’t make sense when we can afford better. Turning the other cheek does not seem

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an effective way to demonstrate your sovereignty. Caring for the least of your children would be a good idea if we could be sure it didn’t enable what we consider sinful behaviour that keeps them sick and in prison. Forgive us for second-guessing your grace, Lord. Cleanse us from worldly judgments that mock your divine rule. Turn us into your obedient children. Let your reign begin in our hearts. Amen.Carol E. Bayma, Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, Virginia

In MemoriamInvite people to come forward and light candles for those saints and loved ones they are remembering.We remember, living Spirit, those we have named.In our memories we cherish and we honour them:their gifts, their personalities, their foibles, their charms, their relationships, their love.Sometimes words fail, so we hold them in our hearts silently.(silent prayer)There may be others, gracious God, we have not named.They, too, have touched our lives, our hearts, and our living.We remember them in the silence, naming them aloud or in our hearts.(silent prayer)Thank you, that in the mystery of your love, Gracious God, they continue to journey with us as we journey with you. Amen.

En souvenirL’assistance est invitée à venir allumer un cierge et ainsi exprimer le souvenir de personnes aimées et remarquables.Esprit de vie, nous faisons mémoire des personnes que nous avons nommées. Elles sont chéries et honorées dans notre souvenir : leurs dons, leurs personnalités, leurs faiblesses, leur charme, leurs relations, leur amour.Parfois, les mots ne suffisent pas, alors nous les portons en silence.(prière en silence)Dieu de grâce, il y a bien d’autres gens que nous n’avons pas nommés. Ces personnes aussi ont touché nos vies et nos cœurs.Nous faisons mémoire d’elles dans le silence, et nous laissons monter leurs noms sur nos lèvres ou se déposer dans nos cœurs. (prière en silence)Dieu de grâce, nous te remercions, car enveloppées dans le mystère de ton amour, elles continuent de faire route avec nous alors que nous poursuivons notre chemin avec toi. Amen.Gord Dunbar, Kincardine P.C., Kincardine, Ont.traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF

OfferingInvitation We bring before our God and this community of faith our dreams and our nightmares, our hurts and our joys, our successes and our failures, our convictions and our doubts, our mentors and our villains, our best and our worst, our confession, our thanksgiving, and our praise. We offer, in symbol and in fact, our offering. We give.Prayer

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May our giving this day uplift the values of the mentors, the heroes, and the saints of our lives so that their faith and values might be a benchmark for all those in leadership of any sort, and that would be all of us. Amen.David Lander, Castleton-Grafton P.C., Grafton, Ont.

CommissioningLike the saints before us,each one of us has special talents and giftswith which to serve. Go forth, discern your gifts, and share them with your neighbour, with your community, with the world, in love and peace. Amen.George Allan, Chatham, Ont.

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FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY AND PEACE SABBATHSee also Celebrate God’s Presence, pp. 535–539, and Voices United 349, 683, 692, and 693.

Calls to WorshipWe gather to lift our devotion to the God of all creation.May God receive our worship and praise.We may be loyal to this nation, proud of our province, grateful to our country’s heroes,yet our first devotion is to God.May the Ever-Faithful God receive our true worship this day!Elaine Bidgood Sveet, First Lutheran, Rugby & Leeds, North Dakota

We gather this morning to worship our God, to pray for peace, and to remember the ways in which times of war have destroyed God’s creation: the land, the water, and the people. We gather as the people of God.We come to worship this morning with all kinds of feelings: sadness, regret, repentance, pride, hope, gratitude, and thanksgiving.We come as the people of God.In all that we have been, in all that we are, in all that we hope to be, we come in song, in scripture, in poetry, and in prayer to worship this day.Heather McClure, Wesley U.C., Montreal, Que.

Opening PrayerO God, our Help in ages past, our Home for today, and our Hope for the future, be with us now as we gather for worship this day. Support our voices as we sing songs that celebrate your presence with us. Raise our spirits as we remember those who have died in times of war. Deepen our relationship with you as we pray and consider our faith. Open our hearts to understand your call to peacemaking and peacekeeping, empowering us to answer that call in all we say and do, in this service and in our daily lives. Amen.Heather McClure, Wesley U.C., Montreal, Que.

Prayer of ConfessionWe confess to you, O God, as part of the world community,our inability to keep the peace that so many sacrificed to win and preserve, our inability to care for those in poverty and to seek justice for the marginalized,our lack of attention for issues that do not touch us personally,our inability to live out what we believe because it seems too hard.Forgive us. Restore us. Enable us to begin again to live the journey of faith. Amen. Beth W Johnston, Hantsport P.C., Hantsport, N.S.

OfferingGod, sometimes your people are required to offer much,even their lives, in the service of justice and of freedom.We offer lesser gifts,

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time, talent, and money,but we too serve justice and freedom.May our offering be pleasing in your sight.In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.Kate Crawford, Huron Shores U.C., Grand Bend, Ont.

CommissioningIn your thoughts, words, and deeds, honour those who have gone before you and strive to spread their love and the love of God to friend and stranger on your way.George Allan, Chatham, Ont.

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FOR REIGN OF CHRIST SUNDAYSee also Celebrate God’s Presence, p. 217, and Voices United 214, 648, and 656.

Calls to WorshipCome to this sacred place where neighbours and friends gather.We come to worship God in community.Come to this sacred place where strangers are embraced.We come to worship God in community.Come to this sacred place where those who are stigmatized, bullied, minimized, ignored, or simply forgotten are now called friends.We come to worship God in community.Catherine Tovell, Kilworth U.C., Komoka, Ont.

Allons à un nouveau pays, une nouvelle vie.Qu’allons-nous apporter avec nous?Votre amour, votre patience, votre fidélité.Où se trouve ce nouveau pays?Il se trouve dans nos entretiens, nos relations, nos ouvertures envers l’autre.Quand partons-nous?Maintenant, et à chaque fois que l’Esprit nous invite à intervenir auprès de l’autre.

Let us go to a new country, a new life.What will we take with us?Your love, your patience, your faithfulness.Where will we find this new country?It is found in our conversations, our relationships, and our openness toward each other.When do we leave?Now, and each time the Spirit calls us to be there for one another. Éric Hébert-Daly, responsable des ministères en français, L’Église Unie du Canada.French original and English translation by Éric Hébert-Daly.

Opening PrayerDear God, you have given us life for reasons we cannot fathom. Jesus is the hint you have given us of the lessons we are here to learn. Let us learn them. We live in times we cannot comprehend much less condone. Jesus is the guide you have given us to help love conquer chaos. Let us follow him. We are confused and afraid. Jesus transformed vulnerability into power, power beyond the limits of earthly time. He is the guidepost you have given us as we seek a path higher than the one that we can see. We can learn from Jesus’ anger at injustice and work to right systemic wrongs. We can feed from Jesus’ love to cherish and include. We can follow Jesus’ path by manifesting love in action, not just thought.

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We can use our hands and feet and voices. We can hold each other up and we can cry together. We can reflect in a real world the real power and love that is you. As Jesus did. Let it be so. Amen. Cheryl Stenson, Glebe Road U.C., Toronto, Ont.

Prayers of ConfessionLoving God,we have heard so much talk from political leadersthat it is hard to trust the voices of faiththat promise a king* who listens to you.Free us from the noise that makes us oblivious to the cries of an aching planet.Free us from the exhaustion that drains our confidence and leaves us weary.Free us from the cynicismthat blocks the possibilities of change and hope.Tender Shepherd of our hearts and souls, lead us today into the confidence of new life in you. Amen.Wendy MacLean, Christ U.C., Lyn, Ont.*or sovereign, ruler, leader

Invitation to ConfessionWhen we live our lives following the risen one, Jesus the Christ, God knows we are not perfect. With this understanding, let us now pray together the prayer of confession: God, you have called us to be one, but at times, we seem to be divided. We are di-vided because of fear, anger, and jealousy. Sometimes we are divided by the words we speak to each other or actions we direct toward one another. God of un-derstanding, please forgive us for the times when we have sinned against each other, and thus against you. Draw us closer to each other and to you, once again. Amen.Words of AssuranceGod has heard our confessions. As a loving parent, God has promised to love us unconditionally. Knowing this, we can live together as a forgiven people.Thanks be to God. Amen.Fraser Williamson, Loring P.C., Port Loring/Golden Valley, Ont.

Offerings InvitationLet us come to God with thanksgiving for our lives and the life of creation.Let us come to Christ in dedication for the new life we have received.Let us come to the Spirit in anticipation of the possibility of God’s kingdom among us.Let us join together in our morning offering.Frances Flook, Emo/Devlin P.C., Emo, Ont.

We believe that everything shall be

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made new again.We believe that your kingdom will come.We believe that you are not waitingbut that your great work has begun.Let our offerings, our generosity, and our commitmentbe a part of the remaking of your worldin your image, Gracious God. Amen.Kate Crawford, Huron Shores U.C., Grand Bend, Ont.

CommissioningBe patient, beloved ones, and let your hearts be strong,for the coming of the Lord is near.Bless the Lord with all your soul. May God’s blessing be with us all. Amen. Beth W Johnston, Hantsport P.C., Hantsport, N.S.

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