g.a.s ginigaddara, phd rajarata university of sri …...in polonnaruwa era, sri lanka offered more...

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Page 1: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Page 2: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


Table of Contents

1. Transformation of Rice cultivation .................................................................................................................. 3

2. Traditional rice varieties over improved rice varieties .......................................................................... 6

3. Health benefits from traditional rice varieties ........................................................................................... 8

4. Traditional rice varieties found in Sri Lanka. ............................................................................................ 11

4.1. List of Traditional rice varieties. ........................................................................................................... 12

5. Most common traditional rice varieties in Sri Lanka ............................................................................. 24

5.1 Pachchaperumal ............................................................................................................................................. 24

5.2 Suwadel ............................................................................................................................................................. 25

5.3 Kalu heenati ...................................................................................................................................................... 27

5.4 Sudu heenati ..................................................................................................................................................... 28

5.5. Goda heenati ................................................................................................................................................... 29

5.6 Kuruluthuda ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

5.7 Maa-Wee ............................................................................................................................................................ 31

5.8 Pokkali ............................................................................................................................................................... 33

5.9 Rath el ................................................................................................................................................................. 34

5.10 Dik wee ............................................................................................................................................................ 36

5.11 Masuran .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

5.12 Murungakayan ............................................................................................................................................. 38

5.13. Dahanala ........................................................................................................................................................ 38

5.14 Madathawalu ................................................................................................................................................ 40

5.15 Gonabaru ......................................................................................................................................................... 41

Page 3: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


1. Transformation of Rice cultivation

As early as 800 B.C. Sri Lankan people have started cultivating rice and further

improved with the construction of enormous irrigation structures, reservoirs and

interconnected canals. Since 390 B.C. From ancient times, rice cultivation was not

only an economic activity, but a way of life for the people of Sri Lanka. Those

passed down rice varieties are called traditional or indigenous rice varieties.

In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice

varieties to the rest of the world, it known as the “Granary of East”. During the 16th

-18th centuries, with European colonization of Sri Lanka, was given more attention

to other plantation crops. But, in the 20th century, rice was once again given

attention with an increased population. For that "the H series," of rice was

introduced in the 1950s. At this time fertilizers were also introduced to increase

harvested yield. As a result, the average yield of rice increased from 0.65 metric

ton/hectare (mt/ha) to 1.73 mt/ha in 1950.

Figure 01: Traditional rice varities

Traditional rice varieties have been conserved, developed and used by Sri Lankan

farmers for over 3000 years (Figure 01). The varieties of rice passed down from

preceding generations are known as ‘traditional’, ‘indigenous’ or ’inheritant’ rice

Page 4: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


varieties of Sri Lanka. These varieties have strong characteristics that help them

to survive from climate change impacts such as droughts, heavy rains, and floods,

compared to newer varieties used in chemical intensive paddy cultivations. These

are the unique features which having the traditional rice varieties over the newly

improved rice varieties.

In early 1960s, Sri Lankan traditional rice cultivation was dispirited due to the

introduction of new improved rice varieties. Before 1940s there were around 150

Sri Lankan traditional varieties of four age groups which were very popular among


• Varieties of 5-6 months - Podi wee, Molagu samba, Kohu ma wee, Ma wee,

Gonabaru, El wee, Hathi el, Rath el

• Varieties of 4-4.5 months - Devareddari, Kurulu thuda, Akuramboda, Bala

ma wee, Hodarawalu, Murungakayan, Suwanda samba

• Varieties of 3.5 months - Vellai illankalayan, Mada al, Sulai, Pachchaperumal,

Dahanala, Murunga, Pokkali

• Varieties of 3 months - Suwadal, Herath banda, Sudu heenati, Kalu heenati

Most of these traditional rice varieties are red rice varieties those are much

nutritios and having more health benefits over the white rice varieties.

• Red rice varieties - Pachchaperumal, Kalu heenati, Rath el, Kuruluthuda,

Marathawalu, Ma wee

• White rice varieties - Suwadal, Sudu heenati, Rath el, Murungakayan

In 1940s the Department of Agriculture identified 150 of traditional rice varieties

and released them for cultivation. A hybridization program was carried out and H

series varieties (old improved varieties) were released. Later the newly improved

varieties replaced the traditional rice varieties. Improved varieties exploited the

farmer fields.

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At present, very small extend of traditional rice cultivation is practiced in Sri Lanka

and that is around 0.1% of the total cultivated land area, which extends about 1000

ha annually. Sri Lankan Government is attempting to re-introduce traditional rice

to farmer fields as a component in organic agriculture, mainly due to its nutritive

and ayurvedic value and resistance to insects, diseases and adverse climatic

conditions as well due to the huge human demand for traditional rice.

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2. Traditional rice varieties over improved rice varieties

Traditional rice varieties are also known as heirloom varieties. Traditional rice

varieties showing better performance with the natural farming methods and with

the sustainable practices from the early years ago and having higher nutritional

and medicinal qualities unique to them. Due to this, farmers were engaged in

cultivating these varieties from generation to generation, thus conserving the gene

pool. Even though these new improved paddy varieties were short in terms of age

and high yielding, they depend on chemical fertilizer and are labour intensive, thus

pose a negative externality to the environment. Therefore still 8-10% of farmers

are adopted to grow traditional rice varieties fully or part of their whole extend of

cultivated land even at present.

Traditional rice farming involves low external inputs. It does not need synthetic

fertilizer, as the technology binds the natural forces to its maximum potential, by

using natural sources of fertilizer such as compost, green leaves as organic soil

amendments. The technology itself looked after the pests and diseases and no

agrochemical (pesticides, herbicides etc.) was necessary for the traditional rice


And also traditional rice varieties show a beter tolerance to abiotic stresses such

as drought tolerance, flood conditions. For example, Niyan wee, El wee, Rathal,

Suwadal, Goda al wee, Kolanathi wee, Podi niyan wee, Mada el, Magoda el and

Pachchaperumal were screened using leaf folding score (Genetically determind

Leaf rolling (outward) and folding (inward) morphological characters for which

tremendous genetic variation exists among different rice genotypes). Niyan wee,

Podi niyan wee, Kolanathi wee, El wee, Mada el and Magoda al cultivars showed

drought tolerant ability.

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Also they can withstand from the biotic stresses as pest and diseases. Most of

traditional rice varieties were grown under natural environmental conditions and

they were not affected with such kind of pest and diseases. For example, Masuran

variety is resistant to lodging and also resistant to blast disease. That proves that

they are highly tolerant for the biotic stress conditions. Dahanala variety showed

resistance to Brown Plant Hopper attack due to its presence of hairs on their


But newly improved rice varieties were being produced in greater quantities, it

was not as nutritious as the traditional rice that had once sustained the Sri Lankan

people. But they are highly adopted with synthetic chemicals from their seedling

to harvesting stage. Most rice varieties are producing highest yield with chemical

fertilizer, and at the same time they are away from pest until they are applied with

chemicals. Otherwise they will be highly attacked with pest and diseases and also

gives lower yield.

Nutritional properties of the traditional rice varieties are higher than the

improved rice varieties. Most of the evidences proved that the medicinal and

ayuruvedic properties of traditional rice varieties. Those rice varieties are much

helpful for the treatments of such heart diseases, diabetics, cancers etc. But newly

improved varieties do not show this type of beneficial characters.

But most of the traditional rice varieties are growing vigorously from the

seedling stage and very taller than the newly improved varieties. Therefore, such

traditional varieties very prone to logging. That becomes major drawback in

traditional rice varieties. Other than that traditional rice varieties have much more

advantage than improved rice varieties.

Page 8: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


3. Health benefits from traditional rice varieties

Traditional rice varieties contain higher nutritional components and have

ayurvedic and medicinal value. It contains antioxidants, vitamin B, higher

fiber, Selenium and a lower glycemic index. These values help to safeguard

humans from heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. and for

performing healthy lives.

Most of the evidences specify that traditional rice has being helping to

reduce diabetic conditions, minimize cardiovascular disease conditions

due to its presence of antioxidantal properties, lower glycemic index and

preventing fatty liver. Higher Vitamin B content in traditiona rice helps in

muscle recovery and reducing or completely preventing blood sugar.

Further traditional rice varieties are rich in fiber and selenium, and

contain zero cholesterol. Traditional rice also is known to prevent

gallstones and breast cancer. Studies conducted on antioxidant properties of

traditional rice varieties of Sri Lanka have shown that red rice contains a

significantly high antioxidant properties compared with white rice.

As far information regarding the health benefits of traditional rice

varieties, Ma-Wee has been used in ayuruvedic medicine for tuberculosis

patients and as an effective medicine for purging of constipation and

hemorrhoids. Ma vee is also highly useful in religious ceremonies.

Heenati varieties composite with various juices are used to treat diabetic patients

and maintain immune system. Physicians recommend Kaluheenati which is

having higher fiber content for controlling the toxic effects of snakebites ,

hepatitis patients, lactating mothers and also said to enhance physical

strength and male sexual potency. Rathu heenati is rich in iron, zinc and

natural antioxidents. It contains more fats and is highly recommended for

Page 9: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


expecting mothers as well as the first meal of infants while it can be used to treat

hepatitis and diarrhea patients. Sudu heenati is rich in vitamin E, iron, zinc and

other natural antioxidants and suitable for the treatment of inflammations,

diabetes, cancer, neurological diseases, cholesterol, constipation, oxidative stress

and helps to improve the human immune system.

Suwendel is very common and popularized variety at present. Due to containing of

more carbohydrate, vitamin, fat and micro nutrients, Suwandel is specially

recommended for hard working people. It promotes fair and glowing skin,

improves the functioning of the excretory system, enhances the male sexual

potency and helps control diabetes, ulcers and constipation. And also, it reduces

high blood pressure while inducing the nerve system of the human body, specially

the nerve cells connected to the eyes and the brain.

El Wee varieties were used to feed pregnant mothers and also infants due to its’

easy digestibility and high nutritional values. Kalubala Wee, Pachchaperumal,

Dahanala, Rathu Heeneti, Kattamanjal and Rath El had high iron contents (2.25–

3.73 mg/100 g), while Kalu Bala Wee, Wanni Dahanala, Rathu Heeneti, Dahanala,

Rathal and Kalu Heeneti had high zinc (2.51–3.91 mg/100 g) content and help to

iron and zinc supplement for body functioning. Rath el variety is suitable to control

cirrhosis, viral fever, skin rashes, diabetes, diseases in urinary system and

prevents the formation of stones in the urinary system.

Pachchaperumal, Madathawalu rice varieties are rich in protein and highly

recommended in Ayurveda treatment to strengthen the immune system.

Pachchaperumal rice variety helps to cool the human body and used in

Ayruvedic medicines. It has the ability to increase the insulin production

by pancrease, reduce the thyroxin production by thyroid gland, help proper

functioning of excretory system and production of some enzymes and hormones

which are needed for the development of red blood cells. In addition, it is good for

Page 10: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


diabetes and cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure. Significant

character in most of the traditional rice varieties are performing valuable

nutritive properties in developing the human body, boosting the immune

system and preventing various illnesses.

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4. Traditional rice varieties found in Sri Lanka.

According to the Withanawasam, in 1902 by Government agent Mr. Nugawela

Dissawe, displayed around 300 traditional rice varieties in Kandy agro

horticultural and industrial exhibition. The inventory and the description was

documented in Journal of Tropical Agriculturist in April, 1924 by Mr. W. Molagoda.

The names of traditional rice varieties were derived from the names of founders,

locations invented, age, morphology and nature of varieties etc. Due to the

influence of foreign rulers, rice cultivation was neglected and almost all existing

cultivated traditional rice varieties were mixed. There after, Department of

Agriculture started to purify them in 1920/30s based on the pure line selection.

Most of these purified varieties through pure line selection are now being

cultivated by farmers. If there are many newly improved varieties introduced by

the Department of Agriculture and most farmers are willing to cultivate those

varieties, a considerable number of farmers still forcus on traditional rice varieties

due to their nutritional and functional properties.

Table 01: Cultivated extent of most prominent Sri Lankan traditional rice

verieties in year 2013

Traditional rice variety Cultivated extent (ha) Pachchaperumal 607 Suwendel 243 Sudu heenati 182 Mada thawalu 94 Mudu kiriel 44 Kalu heenati 66 Sudu wee 35 Kuruluthudu wee 41 Batapola el 20 Rath suwendel 146 Murungakayan 1090

Source: www.doa.gov.lk/rrd

Page 12: G.A.S Ginigaddara, PhD Rajarata University of Sri …...In Polonnaruwa era, Sri Lanka offered more than thousands of indigenous rice varieties to the rest of the world, it known as


4.1. List of Traditional rice varieties.

The attached name list (table 02) contains 1505 of traditional rice varieties. The

same variety has been named by different names in different places. Because there

were not any research publication found at present, its difficult to prepair hundred

percent correct name list. Within the brackets the age of the crop is indicated. “*”

Mark is allocated for that variety which is conserving in- situ in the Plant Genetic

Resources Center- Gannoruwa. This name list was taken from the “Kethaka

mahima” magazine (2013).

Table 02: List of traditional vareties

1. Adala al 2. Anda hal 3. Atha wee*

4. Agurali 5. Athakuru 6. Asurambada

7. Ahamban* 8. Aranoliyal (4)* 9. Anaykoodan (5)

10. Ahatu wee (5) 11. Al polayal (5) 12. Ale wee (5-5 ½ )

13. Akkarei pattan* 14. Ankei kooduyakka* 15. Andaragaha wewa*

16. Akuramboda * 17. Bala thatu wee 18. Atha wee*

19. Al wee 20. Kuru Hondarawala 21. Kuru ma wee

22. Alakayyaranam 23. Ajantha wee (4) 24. Ambala al wee (4 ½)

25. Alpathkal (3) 26. Al handiran (5) 27. Adigama al

28. Amalawariya samba (5) 29. Amba kuuru wee (5) 30. Ahamba*

31. Amathi wee* 32. Adoora batta* 33. Alu El

34. Amu wee (4 ½) 35. Esmail* 36. Eri wee*

37. Anai kinan samba 38. Alagayya wannan* 39. Amani

40. Andara wewe* 41. Andikulaan* 42. Ani koda*

43. Andun kottan 44. Ahunal wee (4-5) 45. Aduku chellai*

46. Ani konda* 47. Anil wariyanan* 48. Andar nellu*

49. Anoda wee (3-4) 50. Awasura samba(115 days) 51. Anchu moligan karupan*

52. Arnolis wee* 53. Adukaara al wee (5-6) 54. Allei piddi*

55. Aruchadan chellai samba (4) 56. Abedheera wee* 57. Ath samba*

58. Askarayal (4) 59. Ahaskara al wee (5-6) 60. Alagu samba (5)

61. Ath dewa raddiri 62. Athwa hella 63. Aththoru wee

64. Atha rali samba (4) 65. Adigamu 66. Anawakka (4-4 ½)

67. Baba wee* 68. Buruma wee (5) 69. Boro (6)

70. Bada thaewalu 71. Bada heenati 72. Maha hathiyal (7)*

73. Bakki ella – 1* 74. Bandi wee* 75. Baranas*

76. Bala dik wee (4) 77. Bala heen wee (4) 78. Bala kalu wee (4)

79. Bala goda wee 80. Heen dik wee 81. Bala Ma Vee

82. Bala goda wee (3) 83. Bala kalu ba wee (3) 84. Bala kiri kottiyaran (3)

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85. Bala kottiyaran (3) 86. Bala madathawalu (3) 87. Bala pannati (3)

88. Bala kuru wee (4) 89. Bala mada wee (4-5) 90. Bala mukala wee (4)*

91. Bala ma wee (4 ½ ) 92. Bala murunga (4 ½ ) 93. Bala kampan al

94. Bala murunga 95. Heen rath el 96. Moddi samba

97. Bala murunkayan* 98. Bala kaharamana 99. Bala samba*

100. Bala rata wee (4) 101. Bala rathu wee (4) 102. Bala sudu karayal (4)

103. Bala rathkunda 104. Balakara* 105. Bala ma wee (6)*

106. Bala sudu wee (4)* 107. Bala sudu kuru wee (4) 108. Bala thatu wee (4)

109. Bala thudu wee (4-5) 110. Batapola * 111. Batapola wee*

112. Bala wee (2 ½)* 113. Bala al wee 114. Badshaboy

115. Baladha el (5) 116. Bala hathiyal (5) 117. Bala kohu ma wee (4 ½)

118. Balal wala* 119. Bada el 120. Bada kiri el

121. Balasoriya – a* 122. Balasooriya – b* 123. Bana wee*

124. Bandara heththewa (4-4 ½ )* 125. Batu dal* 126. Batu al

127. Bankok (4)* 128. Barapoth el 129. Baru el

130. Baru kottan 131. Bombuwala wee (3) 132. Banda wee (4)

133. Bath boo wee (6) 134. Basmathi (4 ½ ) 135. Bandi rata wee (4 ½ )*

136. Batu kiri el* 137. Batapola el (3 ½ )* 138. Batapolayal*

139. Batu kuruwee (4 ½ )* 140. Bata sudu wee* 141. Buruma samba

142. Bawani* 143. Boota* 144. Bandi wee*

145. Beheth heenati 146. Dampata podi wee 147. Dik heenati

148. Bodi wee* 149. Banjan khaharamana (4-5) 150. Bibili el (4)

151. Bollu wee 152. Belithagga 153. Beheth henati (3 ½ - 4)*

154. Boralu wee (5) 155. Bopath wee (5) 156. Bera wee *

157. Buruma kura* 158. Buruma thawalu* 159. Badulu pitiya wee*

160. Cheenati 161. Deman wee 162. Dik wee

163. Chemmani* 164. Chemjawala samba* 165. Jarman wee (4- 4 ½ )*

166. Chinirai keeli 167. Chinna podiyan* 168. China wellai ilannayan*

169. Daha el wee (4 ½ )* 170. Dampota podi wee* 171. Dandumar (4- 4 ½)

172. Dahanala 173. Deveradhari 174. Dosthara heenati

175. Dahanala (4 ½) 176. Dasayawakara wee (4) 177. Dalada wee

178. Dahayal wee (4) 179. Danumara wee* 180. Dath

181. Dampothu wee (4)* 182. Dandu el (3)* 183. Dandu el (4)*

184. Danduwel* 185. Dhanapathi samba* 186. Doluwa el

187. Dediki (6) 188. Dothalu wee (5) 189. Dik heenati

190. Dehilinpath el 191. Dewaraja el 192. Dewaraddiri*

193. Demala kotan* 194. Demala bala wee* 195. Delpath el

196. Demarara wee (6) 197. Dehe wee (3 ½) 198. Denuwara wee (5)

199. Demas 200. Denapola el wee (4-5) 201. Deni karayal

202. Dena wee (4)* 203. Dena kaha naran (5) 204. Dena kara el (5)

205. Dik kalu wee (5) 206. Dik thudu wee (5) 207. Derabath kalyan*

208. Dik wee (4)* 209. Dhora wee (4 ½) 210. Dik sudu wee (5)

211. Dothalu wee 212. Duru samba 213. Gal hondarawalu

214. Driver wee* 215. Dolar* 216. Dosthara heenati*

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217. Duru wee (4)* 218. Duru samba* 219. Dingiri manika*

220. Ek al samba (5) 221. Ekawai 222. Ekka seiya paha*

223. Gal hodarawala (5)* 224. Gal oya* 225. Gallawa*

226. Gal siyambala 227. Gambada heenati 228. Gambada samba

229. Galboda hali 230. Galkada (4)* 231. Galkada el wee (4-5)

232. Galoya wee* 233. Galwaka handiram* 234. Galu sulai*

235. Galpa wee (3 ½-4)* 236. Galboda el 237. Galboda hodarawalu

238. Galu wee* 239. Gal paw* 240. Galkangahewa*

241. Gambada wee* 242. Gambada heenati (3 ½)* 243. Gambada samba (3 ½)*

244. Gampola samba* 245. Gampoda* 246. Galkatta wee*

247. Ganawara (2 ½) 248. Gana thumba wee (5) 249. Gangala wee (5)*

250. Gawri samba (5 ½) 251. Gana thumba el wee (4 ½) 252. Gana kudu el

253. Geeressa (4-5)* 254. Gata lawlu 255. Guru hanili

256. Gini maa 257. Giranga samba* 258. Gira kudu el

259. Ginirathna 260. Gini kurumba wee (4) 261. Gisman wee*

262. Gira el (4-5) 263. Girange manawee (5) 264. Gunarathna Wee*

265. Gira path el 266. Gira kurumba 267. Gira thuda (4)

268. Goda heenati 269. Goda manel 270. Goda wee

271. Goda heenati* 272. Goda manel* 273. Godawel*

274. Goda honarawalu (4 ½) 275. Goda el (3)* 276. Goda mada el (3 ½)

277. Goda samba (4) 278. Goda handiran (4-5) 279. Goda ma wee (4 ½)

280. Godathawalu (4) 281. Goda wee (3-4)* 282. Goldan seel wee (6)

283. Golfae wee (3-3 ½) 284. Gona baru (5-5 ½)* 285. Gonawaru*

286. Gonabaru 287. Kuruluthuda wee 288. Pulli wee

289. Gonaru uru* 290. Thatu wee (4 ½)* 291. Thatu wel (4)*

292. Guru podi wee (5 ½)* 293. Gurulu el 294. Guru murungakayam (4)

295. Guru wee 296. Puwak mal wee 297. Pushpa raga

298. Guru wee (5) 299. Gurusinha wee* 300. Goliya wee*

301. Hal boo wee (6) 302. Hal wedi wee (5) 303. Hathi el (5-6)*

304. Hal el* 305. Hal eliya* 306. Hal sudu (3 -3 ½ )

307. Hal nuwdu kuru wee* 308. Hal bewa* 309. Haliyal*

310. Hal sudu heenati* 311. Haramas murunga* 312. Hal eliya wee*

313. Han pin el 314. Hapudewa 315. Hamba wee(5)

316. Handagiri hhenati* 317. Hebagangbare* 318. Hediral*

319. Hankara wee 320. Heras* 321. Hapude dewaraja*

322. Hapumal wee 323. Hata da wee 324. Bala dik wee

325. Hapumal wee (5) 326. Huruthalu wel (6) 327. Hankalayan (4)

328. Haputu kota* 329. Hawalu wee* 330. Holayal*

331. Hata pasda wee* 332. Hal sudu el 333. Hata panduru wee (4)*

334. Hatada wee (2)* 335. Hal sudu wee 336. Hangimuththan*

337. Hathiyal (6)* 338. Hathili(5)* 339. Hal sudu wee (4-5)*

340. Heegul el 341. Hunu 342. Manamalaya wee*

343. Heen boralu wee (4) 344. Heen kalu el 345. Heen kalu wee

346. Heen dik wee (4-5)* 347. Heen panniti (4-5) 348. Heen horana ma wee*

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349. Heen diwa karayal (6) 350. Heen dewaraddiri (6)* 351. Heen hamba(5)*

352. Heen Handiran 353. Masuran 354. Rath Kara

355. Heen kaha naran (5) 356. Heen kaha naran (5) 357. Heen kalu dahanala(5)

358. Heen kara el (5) 359. Heen karalina (5) 360. Heen kohu ma wee (6)

361. Heen karulu wee 362. Heen kurumba wee 363. Heen kuru wee

364. Heen madayal* 365. Heen murunga* 366. Heen wee*

367. Heen mukala wee (5) 368. Heen pinnala el (5) 369. Heen puluk hamba (5)

370. Heen muthu kiriyal 371. Heen nadu wee (4) 372. Heen rathu wee (4-5)

373. Heen naran el 374. Heen herena wee (4 ½ ) 375. Hichchi nangi wee (4 ½ )

376. Heen naran wee* 377. Heen podi wee* 378. Heennuk kulama*

379. Heen rath el (5) 380. Heen sapumal wee (5) 381. Heen sudu hathiyal (6)

382. Heen rath kunda* 383. Heen el (5) 384. Heen dena karamana (5)

385. Heen siwru wee (4) 386. Heen sudu wee(4) 387. Heen thawala (4)

388. Heen suwanda el (5) 389. Heen kudu wee (6) 390. Heen askarayal (4)

391. Heenati* 392. Heen sulai (4 ½ )* 393. Hindikki*

394. Herath wee* 395. Hotal samba* 396. Hiwal ma wee (6)*

397. Hezak 398. Heen kiri naran 399. Heen pola el*

400. Horana ma wee(5 ½ )* 401. Horanawalu 402. Horanawalu (4 1/2 )

403. Horana wee* 404. Hothead wee (3-3 ½) 405. Herath banda (3-3 ½ )*

406. Horanawalu (4- 4 ½ ) 407. Handiram (5-6) 408. Hanthiriyal (7)

409. Idi path al 410. Ilankeeli* 411. Ilangamattan

412. Ilankalai (5) 413. Indrasal (5) 414. Induru karayal (5)*

415. Ilankaliyan (4-4 ½)* 416. Indian kuru wee (2 ½) 417. Inasiman (144 days)

418. Illanellai (4) 419. Ilankolyan (5) 420. Ilan balayan (5)

421. Iluppu paipu samba* 422. Iyan basu* 423. Itu al

424. Indian karuppu 425. Indian kara* 426. Idi al wee (4-5)

427. Induru kiriyal 428. Ingris wee* 429. Ejantha wee

430. Irumbu wee (5)* 431. Ikel samba 432. Irunga wannan (4)

433. Japan heenati* 434. Japan sulai* 435. Sudu el

436. Japan wee (2 ½ )* 437. Jeera samba (3 ½ ) 438. Jemis wee*

439. Kaha el (7) 440. Kaha kottambe (6) 441. Kaha naran (5)

442. Kaha malau* 443. Kahamala wee* 444. Kaharamana*

445. Kaha podi el (5) 446. Kaha siwru wee (5) 447. Kaha thatu el (5)

448. Kaha thawalu* 449. Kaha karalina 450. Kaha malan*

451. Kaha thuda wee (4) 452. Kaha samba* 453. Kaha sinnanayam*

454. Kahata el 455. Kahata samba 456. Kahata wee

457. Kahata el 458. Kahata kirilla* 459. Kaha ma

460. Kahata hamba (4-5)* 461. Kahata kiri ella* 462. Kahata kuru wee*

463. Kahata kunda 464. Kahata ma 465. Kahata handiram*

466. Kahata malawariya* 467. Kahata karayala* 468. Kahata rata*

469. Kahata path el 470. Kahawanu* 471. Kaluhali*

472. Kahatakaraya (3 ½) 473. Kahatanal (7) 474. Kahata wee (5)*

475. Kahawanu 476. Kalu bala maa wee 477. Kalu heenati

478. Kalaba wee (4) 479. Kala el 480. Kachchipota (3 ½)

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481. Kalamada* 482. Kumugampu samba* 483. Kampu sinadi*

484. Kalamba (6)* 485. Kambi wee (5) 486. Kandukara wee (5-6)

487. Kalu bala wee (4) 488. Kalu hoda heenati (4) 489. Kalu heen dik wee (4)

490. Kalu bora el* 491. Kalu weeralu el* 492. Kekiri ata baala wee*

493. Kalu galpa wee* 494. Kalu hodayal* 495. Kalu ilankayan*

496. Kalu hamba heenati (6) 497. Kalu handiriyan (6)* 498. Kalu hathiyal (6)

499. Kalu hondarawalu (3)* 500. Kalu nara kuru wee (3 ½) 501. Kaluthara wee*

502. Kalu kahata samba (5) 503. Kalu wiyan kaliyan (4) 504. Kalu boralu wee (5)

505. Kalu Kanda 506. Kalu samba 507. Keeri murunga

508. Kalu kandala* 509. Kalu kantha* 510. Kalu kottiyaran*

511. Kalu kara wee (6) 512. Kalu kiri handiriyan (6) 513. Kalu kochchi (5)

514. Kalu karayal (4 ½) 515. Kalu murunga wee (3 ½) 516. Kalu akurambada (3 ½)

517. Kalu kiriella* 518. Kalu kiri naran* 519. Kalu madathwalu*

520. Kalu kohu maa wee (7) 521. Kalu kumara (5)* 522. Kalu kumara maa wee (7)

523. Kalu kos ata 524. Kalu dana hala 525. Kalu duru

526. Kalu kumara samba (5) 527. Kalu kurumba wee (5) 528. Kalu kuru wee(5-6)

529. Kalu kumbara* 530. Kalu kuru wee* 531. Kalu randai*

532. Kalu kundan 533. Kalu kuuru 534. Kalu koth wila

535. Kalu madayal* 536. Kalu mahaththaya* 537. Kalu manikkan

538. Kalu nadu madaluwa (5-6) 539. Kalu hatada* 540. Kalundai*

541. Kalu nahatu wee (6) 542. Kalu kombila* 543. Kalu kudda (5)*

544. Kalu pan nati* 545. Kalu thuru wee 546. Kalu samba*

547. Kalu thumas wee* 548. Kalu walai* 549. Kalu hal ali*

550. Kalu wee (4-6) 551. Kalu madaluwa (5-6) 552. Kalu muukala wee (6)

553. Kalu wel wee 554. Kalu ma wee (6)* 555. Kalu mirissa wee

556. Kaluda wee 557. Kalu kada wee (4) 558. Kalu kara el

559. Kaludena karayal (5) 560. Kalu al wee (5) 561. Kalu heerassa (5)*

562. Kalundai wellai* 563. Kalu balam* 564. Kalu dewaraddiri*

565. Kamata path el 566. Kara el (4)* 567. Kadei kulaththan*

568. Kanchinadi* 569. Kandi murungan* 570. Kanni murunga*

571. Kandu pahala bala wee (2 ½) 572. Kara samba (3) 573. Kal koran

574. Kaputu hota* 575. Karabewa* 576. Kaiwara samba (5)

577. Karal kalu wee (5) 578. Karal namuu wee (6) 579. Karayal

580. Karo wee 581. Kalamadu el 582. Kawdu el

583. Karuppan (5) 584. Kattiyanam 585. Karuppan seethadi*

586. Karuppu cheenadi* 587. Karupu kolomban* 588. Karutha peranillu

589. Karuppu seehetti* 590. Karutha cheenadi* 591. Karutha kumaran*

592. Karutha wannan* 593. Katu el 594. Kahata samba*

595. Kathurumurunga* 596. Thatu wee* 597. Keera samba*

598. Keeli el 599. Kerandu samba 600. Keerali

601. Keera (4) 602. Kekiri kota samba (4) 603. Kekiri mahaththaya

604. Kerolina (5) 605. Kelan pee (5) 606. Karkaruppan (3)

607. Kewatta samba (5) 608. Kaki mahaththaya* 609. Thal wellai*

610. Kikara (3)* 611. Kiribandu el 612. Kiri kumba

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613. Kiri handa* 614. Kiri naru* 615. Kirikayan*

616. Kiri kurumba (5)* 617. Kiri kurumba el 618. Kiri baru el

619. Kiri murunga wee (4- 4 ½)* 620. Kiri kottiyaran (5) 621. Kiri naran (5)*

622. Kiri rath el (5) 623. Kiri sudu el (7) 624. Kirihal

625. Kiriella handiran (4-5) 626. Kiri kara wee (4-4 ½) 627. Ki kunda (3)*

628. Kiriyal* 629. Kunchi nelli 630. Kurachei kolondiyan*

631. Kith wee* 632. Kiwl handiran 633. Kiri el (4 ½-5)

634. Kithul path wel (6) 635. Kithul kota el 636. Kithul path ata

637. Kochchi aran 638. Koththamalli wee (5) * 639. Kolonni wee

640. Kohu bala wee (4) 641. Kohu koratu wee* 642. Kohu madathawalu*

643. Kohu karamana wee (5) 644. Kohu maladuwa wee (5) 645. Koho maa wee (7) *

646. Kohu sudu wee* 647. Kohu rata wee* 648. Kiribath*

649. Kohumudu kiriyal (5) 650. Kohu wee (5-7) * 651. Kohu rath el*

652. Kola al (3-4) * 653. Kottiyaran (4-5) * 654. Kositha el (4) *

655. Kola karayal* 656. Kolayal* 657. Kolombo chellai*

658. Koli kuttu* 659. Kobei wee* 660. Kokkali wee*

661. Kolomba wee (6) * 662. Kota handiran (5) 663. Kottamba wee (5)

664. Kolyan Kalyan* 665. Kor karuppan* 666. Kos ata samba*

667. Kombi 668. Koora wee (4-4 ½) * 669. Koraneria el

670. Koral* 671. Kodikara wee 672. Kokkaliyan*

673. Kos ata wee (4) 674. Kohu dewaraddiri 675. Kohu hondarawalu (5)

676. Kosata wee (4-4 ½) * 677. Koha samba (4-4 ½) 678. Koku chellai*

679. Kota el (3-4) * 680. Kolol (3 ½) 681. Koronkai

682. Kota gedara wee* 683. Koththamalli samba* 684. Kottakaram*

685. Kota kekulu 686. Kothyaran 687. Kottayar

688. Kotanawalu (3 ½) * 689. Kombila (4-4 ½) 690. Kottayaran (4- 4 ½)

691. Kotapola el* 692. Kota sulai* 693. Kota thawalu*

694. Kottinaran* 695. Koth el 696. Komadhu el

697. Kuda karalina 698. Kudu el 699. Kula vallai

700. Kulai wannan* 701. Kumula munai* 702. Kunawadu*

703. Kumburu el 704. Kambili 705. Kara hal

706. Kunchi samba* 707. Kupon siwappu* 708. Kipon wellai*

709. Kurachei kallandiyan* 710. Kula karuppan* 711. Kula wallai*

712. Kuru 713. Kuru maa wee samba* 714. Kuru wee nelli (4)

715. Kuru bala samba (4) 716. Kuru bala wee (3-4) * 717. Kuru wee (5) *

718. Kuru dewaraddiri* 719. Kuru hathiyal* 720. Kuru samba*

721. Kuru hondarawalu (4 ½) 722. Kuru maa wee (6) * 723. Kuruchei (2 ½)

724. Kuru malu* 725. Kuru wee perunellai* 726. Kura karuppan*

727. Kuru rata wee (5) 728. Kuru nara wee (5) 729. Kuru rathu wee (5)

730. Kuru sudu wee (5) 731. Kurulu thudu wee (5) * 732. Kurulu wee (5-6)

733. Kuru wee path el 734. Kurulu el 735. Kurulu pihatu

736. Lekam samba* 737. Leena el* 738. Loku samba (5 – 5 ½) *

739. Liyan wellai* 740. Luwak ton (5) 741. Luwak tuwang (5)

742. Local wellai* 743. Lomadu el 744. Loku hangimuththan (4)

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745. Loku giressa (5) 746. Lonsge haniyal (6) 747. Lokuniyan wee*

748. Lumbini (4-4 ½) 749. Lemasooriya wee (5) 750. Liyankana*

751. Maala 752. Malawaran (3) * 753. Malayalakan wellie

754. Maan 755. Mapanaluwa*

756. Mada heenati* 757. Mada badu* 758. Mada baru*

759. Mada pola el (6) 760. Madathawalu (6) * 761. Mada wee (4-6)

762. Madakalapu bala wee (6) 763. Madol (3) 764. Madar*

765. Madakalapu wee (5- 5 ½) * 766. Mada el (4 ½) * 767. Mada el (6) *

768. Madayal-galla* 769. Madayal-kaluthara* 770. Madakalapu samba*

771. Madol wee* 772. Madusu samba* 773. Madu walli*

774. Maha bami kottal (5) 775. Maha boralu el (5-6) 776. Maha dandu el wee (7)

777. Maha dik wee (6) * 778. Maha raja wee 779. Maha ate*

780. Maha goda el (4 ½) * 781. Maha sudu wee (6) * 782. Maha bibili el (4-5)

783. Maha hondarawala (6) * 784. Maha kaha naran (5) 785. Maha kalu madaluwa (5)

786. Maha kara naran (4-5) 787. Maha mada el (4-5) 788. Maha madol (4)

789. Maha karalina 790. Maha kalu wee (5) 791. Maha duru

792. Maha karamana* 793. Maha murungan- badulla* 794. Maha pannati *

795. Maha karayal (7) * 796. Maha kiri naran (5) 797. Maha kottamba (6)

798. Maha kiriyal 799. Maha kuuru* 800. Maha da wee

801. Maha ma (5 ½) 802. Maha munthan 803. Maha batapolal (3 ½)

804. Maha ma wee (4 ½ )* 805. Maha hal sudu wee* 806. Maha heenati*

807. Maha madaluwa (6) 808. Maha maha wee (8) 809. Maha mukala wee (7)

810. Maha nandu (6) 811. Maha nandu madaluwa 812. Maha munnas (7)

813. Maha naran 814. Maha dewaraddiri 815. Maha dikki wee

816. Maha pinna el (4-5) 817. Maha rath el (5-6) 818. Maha wekala el (4-6)

819. Maha rata wee* 820. Mahala wee 821. Madal (3 ½ -4)*

822. Maha rath kunda (7)* 823. Maha rathu wee (6) 824. Maha sudu kochchi (5)

825. Maha samba* 826. Maha banan* 827. Maha manikkan*

828. Maha sudu madaluwa (6) 829. Maha wee (7-9) 830. Maha baru

831. Mal hatha* 832. Mal waththa wee* 833. Mal wedilla*

834. Mal kadu* 835. Mantriyannayan 836. mantriyan

837. Mala mariyan* 838. Mala wariyan* 839. Malakada wee

840. Malei alagan* 841. Mal badu* 842. Mal thora*

843. Mana samba (4) 844. Mara wee (4) 845. Mari wee

846. Manamala samba* 847. Mana wee 848. Matara heenati*

849. Manapal heenati (3) 850. Magan (170 days) 851. Maluwarana

852. Maniggam* 853. Marjuwana 854. Muthumala*

855. Manikkam 856. Rath el 857. Maha maa wee

858. Mantha natta wel* 859. Mas samba* 860. Mas handiran*

861. Manwal angi* 862. Yakada maran* 863. Yakna*

864. Manwan perunal 865. Manwal parawa kalyan* 866. Manwal paragahakeleyan*

867. Mapadal wee 868. Mapadaluwa* 869. Martin samba (5-5 ½ )*

870. Mapan el 871. Ma goda wee* 872. Ma wee samba*

873. Masuran (5 5 ½ )* 874. Manduru galu wee 875. Ma wee (6)*

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876. Mathara wee* 877. Maa eli 878. Maa el

879. Mathra wee (4 ½ ) 880. Maralgan wee* 881. Mapanal wee (6)

882. Medoluwa* 883. Meerigama samba (4) 884. Meepan el wee (6)

885. Miltai (5) 886. Miniran 887. Meepan hal

888. Miti riyan* 889. Mittadi* 890. Manik wee*

891. Molagoda hathiyal (6) 892. Molangu samba (5)* 893. Molligoda*

894. Molagu samba 895. Unakola samba 896. Valihandiran

897. Monaragala* 898. Molligoda handiran* 899. Molligoda wee*

900. Motta natu el(4) 901. Monara el 902. Bopath el

903. Mudali wee (4 ½ )* 904. Muhudu rella (4) 905. Muthu maniggan (4)

906. Mudu alu 907. Muruga wee 908. Moona samba*

909. Mudu kiriyal (4-5)* 910. Murungan (4 ½)* 911. Muthu galunda (4-5)

912. Muduthal 913. Munnas* 914. Mungiriyan

915. Mulapan (4 ½ ) 916. Mullu galunda (5) 917. Murunga bala wee*

918. Mullai nellu 919. Muthu randai 920. Muthu raja (4 ½ )

921. Murunga gayam (4 ½ )* 922. Mula rathu wee* 923. Muhandiran wee

924. Murunga wee (4)* 925. Muthu samba (4)* 926. Mugala wee(5)*

927. Murungakayan 928. Muthu manikkam 929. Muthu samba

930. Nadu kalu rata wee (5) 931. Nadu magalpa wee (5) 932. Nadu maha rata wee

933. Nadu maha kiri naran 934. Nadu mahakuru wee 935. Nadu murukkan

936. Nadu mukala wee (5) 937. Nadu wee (6)* 938. Nadu maha bala wee (4)

939. Nahu nati 940. Nat seeranga samba* 941. Nellu

942. Nal mollikaruppu* 943. Nal molli karuppan* 944. Nana wee*

945. Nala wariya 946. Niwdu rata 947. Niwdu samba*

948. Nallu molli* 949. Nai handiriyan* 950. Naru haniyal*

951. Nandu diga heenati* 952. Nandu diga 953. Nandu heenati (4-4 ½ )*

954. Nandu kalu handiriyan* 955. Nandu munnas* 956. Nandu weda heenati*

957. Nandu sudu 958. Nandu ma wee (7)* 959. Nandu hota*

960. Nandu sula* 961. Nala el 962. Nala mal heli

963. Naran el 964. Nara kuru wee (3 ½ ) 965. Nagoda kiriyal*

966. Naru katuwel* 967. Naru wee* 968. Nawa samba*

969. Niyan wee 970. Nugapath El 971. Pachchaperumal

972. Niyan wee (4)* 973. Niri wee rathhal* 974. Noru nal chellai

975. Niyara wee* 976. Niwdu podi wee* 977. Niwdu sudu wee*

978. Nombara 20* 979. Naththandi samba* 980. Podi wee (4)*

981. Nona wee 982. Norukkan (4)* 983. Nugapath el

984. Nurthi ondru* 985. Numuhun wee* 986. Nuwara bala wee*

987. Oran samba 988. Ottawalan* 989. Kadan wee (4)

990. Padi heenati* 991. Pana moran* 992. Pandiwalan*

993. Paindi kulam* 994. Panakali* 995. Paththu nellu*

996. Panaati (4)* 997. Payakuru 998. Pala el

999. Panan kalayan 1000. Pallai sittarei 1001. Pannan kalayan samba

1002. Pandi nelli 1003. Pahamara wee (5 ½) 1004. Pachcha perunal

1005. Panduru samba* 1006. panseeya 1007. Pathma wee*

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1008. Panduru wee 1009. Peria karuppan 1010. Periavellai

1011. Panduru wee* 1012. Pan witi 1013. Panni (144 days)

1014. Parakada samba* 1015. Paragaha kele* 1016. Parawakkalai*

1017. Parawai ilankayan* 1018. Patharu kunthi* 1019. Parana samba*

1020. Path el 1021. Pathu 1022. Panan keliyan*

1023. Pawa koda samba* 1024. Pawakkulama* 1025. Punellu*

1026. Peradeniya wee (4- 4 ½ ) 1027. Peradeniya wee (5-7) 1028. Pola el (4-5)*

1029. Perinel (5)* 1030. Periya nelli (6) 1031. Periya samba (5)

1032. Periya chitrakali* 1033. Periya ranga moddan* 1034. Periya siwappan*

1035. Periya karuppan 1036. Periya nel 1037. Periya ilinkulai (6)

1038. Periya puwallai* 1039. Periya ilankayan* 1040. Perum karuppan (4- 4 ½ )

1041. Periya siwappu* 1042. Perumal* 1043. Pokkaliyan- madakalappu*

1044. Periya wellai* 1045. Pachcha perumal (3 ½ -4) 1046. Paligu samba (4)

1047. Perunal samba (6) 1048. Perennial wee* 1049. Periya murugan*

1050. Pihatu wee 1051. Podi Heenati 1052. Podi wee

1053. Pinlin deni el (171 days) 1054. Pihatu al wee 1055. Pil leeta*

1056. Pinna el 1057. Piyum el 1058. Pini el

1059. Piya el 1060. pakiripathan 1061. Bala samba-gampola

1062. Podi heenati (4)* 1063. Podi kalu heenati (4) 1064. Podi sudu dahanala (4-5)

1065. Podi kirinaran (3 ½ ) 1066. Podi sayam (3)* 1067. Podi madaluwa (5-6)

1068. Podi kumara 1069. Podi sulai (5) 1070. Podi sulu wee (5)

1071. Podi ma wee (7) 1072. Podi munnas (5) 1073. Podi mada el*

1074. Podi nakili 1075. Podi heenati 1076. Podi hangimuththan (4)

1077. Podi niyan wee* 1078. Podi sinyo 1079. Podi sinyo wee*

1080. Podi samba (5-5 ½ ) 1081. Podi kuru wee path el 1082. Podi rata wee (4)*

1083. Podi sinyo naran* 1084. Pola 1085. Poson el

1086. Pokkali 1087. Pokuru wee 1088. Polael

1089. Pokuru mee path el 1090. Pokuru samba (4)* 1091. Pakuru wee (5 ½)

1092. Pokuru panseeya* 1093. Pon wee* 1094. Polbare mayan pancha*

1095. Pokuru podi wee* 1096. Ponaati (4) 1097. Pothu wee (4)

1098. Polon wee 1099. Polayal* 1100. Pokkali (4- 4 ½ )

1101. Polon wee 1102. Lumbini 1103. Haal sudu wee

1104. Polonnaru samba (4) 1105. Pokkaliyan* 1106. Peraya sudu wee (4 - 4 ½ )

1107. Potas wee 1108. Pota wee (5 ½ ) 1109. Pokkali*

1110. Poth el 1111. Polis kotayal 1112. Ponni wee*

1113. Puk samba 1114. Pushparaga* 1115. Puluk samba (5)*

1116. Puk wee* 1117. Pungudu* 1118. Puwakmal ata samba*

1119. Punchi jinna el (4 ½ ) 1120. Pusbaraha wee (4-5) 1121. Purupallai

1122. Pura samba 1123. Puwilan kalyan* 1124. Pulli wee (5-5 ½ )*

1125. Pusmarga* 1126. Puspa samba 1127. Puspa el

1128. Puvilnal 1129. Pihatu wee (4)* 1130. Pingoda el (4 ½ )

1131. Puwak mal el 1132. Puwak ata hathiyal* 1133. Puwak mal hathili

1134. Puwak mal wee 1135. Puwak bil ali (4 ½ ) 1136. Punchi bibili el (4 ½ )

1137. Puwallai 1138. potkiliyan 1139. Pala sidari

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1140. Puwalu 1141. Pino (5) 1142. Pal murunga*

1143. Puwedi* 1144. Punagari karuppu* 1145. Punagari perumal

1146. Raan murunga* 1147. Raan pachchaperumal* 1148. Raan kadum (3 ½ -4 )

1149. Rajeep* 1150. Raja wee* 1151. Ruwan*

1152. Ran hal wee(5) 1153. Ran kuru wee (5) 1154. Ran karayal (5)

1155. Ran kiriyal* 1156. Ran thatu el 1157. Ranpath el

1158. Ran namodan 1159. Ran kiriyal 1160. Ran kiri

1161. Ran pon wee (5) 1162. Ran wee (5) 1163. Ran monara lumbini

1164. Ran thambili el 1165. Ran karal 1166. Ran ruwan

1167. Randa el 1168. Raman samba (6) 1169. Rawana el

1170. Ranpath raththaran (5-5 ½ ) 1171. Ran manikkan (3) 1172. Rambuttan (4 ½ )

1173. Ranrath wee 1174. ranmadilla 1175. Ranmalawariya

1176. Rata el ratayal * 1177. Rata wee (4 ½ ) 1178. Rata dewaraddiri

1179. Rata karayal (5) 1180. Rat ma wee (6-7) 1181. Rata samba (6)

1182. Rata sudu wee (5) 1183. Rat wee (4-7) 1184. Raththal (5 ½ )

1185. Rata thawalu 1186. Rata lawlu (4) 1187. Rata nawalu

1188. Rath karael 1189. Bala samba 1190. Heen samba

1191. Rath madal (4 ½) 1192. Rathna samba (5 ½ ) 1193. Rathnadama

1194. Rath ruwan 1195. Bandara haththawa 1196. Mookala Vee

1197. Rath wel (4) 1198. Rathnawalu 1199. Rath el

1200. Rathel samba (5 ½ ) 1201. Rath kara el (4 ½ ) 1202. Rathkaara*

1203. Rathkarawa 1204. Rathkarayal (4 ½) 1205. Rath kambha

1206. Rathkunda maa 1207. Rathran podi wee 1208. Ran kiriyal

1209. Rathkunda* 1210. Rathdaal (4)* 1211. Rath hal

1212. Rathnawalu (3) 1213. Ratheli 1214. Rath handiram

1215. Rathu gireppa (5) 1216. Rathu hathiyal (6) 1217. Rathu path el (7)

1218. Rathu hal wee 1219. Rathu mapan el 1220. Rathu hathili

1221. Rathu hodarawalu 1222. Rathu heenati 1223. Rathu suduru

1224. Rathu manikkan 1225. Rathu ma 1226. Rathu ma pan el

1227. Rathu samba (4 ½ ) 1228. Rathu murunganayam (4) 1229. Rathu ponni wee (4)

1230. Rathu wee (4) 1231. Rathu bala wee 1232. Rathu madayal

1233. Rayana el 1234. Raja el 1235. Raan*

1236. Ruwan el 1237. Roomaja wee (5-5 ½ ) 1238. Rangun samba*

1239. Ruwan sara* 1240. Ruwan rathran* 1241. Ruhunu (4- 4 ½ )

1242. Saathi* 1243. Swaarkaruppan* 1244. Swar nellu*

1245. Samulu wee* 1246. Sandatham* 1247. Sandu madayal*

1248. Sayam* 1249. Sedis wee* 1250. Sebinis

1251. Seedevi* 1252. Samba Kaluwella* 1253. Sambur walan*

1254. Seenadi* 1255. Seeni samba* 1256. Seeni chamba*

1257. Seera samba* 1258. Seeranga

1259. samba-madakalapu

1260. Seewali- rathnapura*

1261. Seeraka nellu* 1262. Sori kurumbai* 1263. Sedukkan samba*

1264. Seewali 1265. Sekara samba* 1266. Semballai samba*

1267. Semparalen* 1268. Sempawla samba* 1269. Seeruwallai*

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1270. Sengal (5) 1271. Sena wee* 1272. Sekudan samba*

1273. Senpuran (4 4 ½ ) 1274. Sellakkai 1275. Seeigun (4)

1276. Sepirits wee* 1277. Seeetam* 1278. Seegards*

1279. Sinhala chandaran* 1280. Siru karuppan* 1281. Surumaniyan*

1282. Siraga samba (4-5)* 1283. Siruwallai (4)* 1284. Siththeriyay keeli(4)

1285. Siru modai karuppan* 1286. Siru pachchai perumal* 1287. Siru thumbai*

1288. Sithrakali* 1289. Suwansa samba* 1290. Hal*

1291. Sudu akuramboda (3) 1292. Sudu bala wee* 1293. Sudu kohu wee

1294. Sudu al 1295. Rathu Sooduru 1296. Rath thambili el

1297. Sudu deni karayal (5) 1298. Sudu dewaraddiri (6)* 1299. Sudu duru wee (5)

1300. Sudu giressa (5)* 1301. Sudu handiran (6)* 1302. Sudu hathiyal (6)*

1303. Sudu hathili 1304. Sudu kahata hamba (5) 1305. Sudu kanda wee (5)

1306. Sudu heenati 1307. Seenadi 1308. Rath thambili el

1309. Sudu heenati (2) 1310. Sudu madal (3 ½ -5)* 1311. Sudu murungakayam (4)

1312. Sudu heenati (4 ½ )* 1313. Sudu kumara 1314. Sudu kok wil

1315. Sudu kara el (5)* 1316. Sudu kiri wee (5) 1317. Sudu kochchi (5)

1318. Sudu kohu maa wee (7) 1319. Sudu kottiyaran (5)* 1320. Sudu kuru maa wee (5)*

1321. Sudu kos ata 1322. Sudu naran (4 ½ )* 1323. Sudu dana el

1324. Sudu Maa Wee 1325. Rathu Vee 1326. Rathkaya

1327. Sudu mada el 1328. Siththarakali 1329. Rathu bala wee

1330. Sudu madaluwa (5)* 1331. Sudu mal wee (5)* 1332. Sudu maa wee (7)*

1333. Sudu malawariyan 1334. Sudu maa 1335. Sudu maha wee

1336. Sudu manikkam 1337. Sudu munnas 1338. Sudu hal

1339. Sudu meepath el (6) 1340. Sudu muukala wee (6) 1341. Sudu nadu madaluwa (5 ½ )

1342. Sudu murunga wee* 1343. Sudu dahanala (4-5) 1344. Sudu heenati (4)*

1345. Sudu podi el 1346. Sudu pannati 1347. Sudu mada el (3 ½)*

1348. Sudu rata wee (5)* 1349. Sudu thatu wee (5) 1350. Sudath samba (4)

1351. Sudu suduru 1352. Sudu galkoda* 1353. Sudu halei*

1354. Sudu surumaniyak 1355. Sudu hondarawala* 1356. Sudu ilakki

1357. Sudu wee (4)* 1358. Sudu handiram (4- 4 ½ )* 1359. Sudu maa wee (6)

1360. Suduru samba 1361. Suramaniyam 1362. Sivuru wee

1363. Suduru samba (3 ½ -5)* 1364. Sudu kirinaran* 1365. Shangale (3)

1366. Suduru wee 1367. Sulai 1368. Suwanda samba

1369. Suwandel 1370. Thatu wee 1371. Thawalu Heenati

1372. Thanamal el 1373. Thawalu* 1374. Thattan samba (4)

1375. Thanamala* 1376. Thanakala* 1377. Thampata*

1378. Thanas wee 1379. Thawalu heenati (2 ½) 1380. Thana samba

1381. Thandikpan (6) 1382. Thanjor samba(5) 1383. Thana suka (6)

1384. Thandumaran 1385. Thana el (5) 1386. Thambalingam el

1387. Thani sudu wee* 1388. Thatta wee* 1389. Thissa (4- 4 ½ ) *

1390. Thatu el 1391. Thatupath el 1392. Thala mal el (4-5)

1393. Thewarath hiri* 1394. Thudu wee 1395. Thunmas hamara*

1396. Thiranayagam samba (5) 1397. Thulunu el 1398. Thulunga

1399. Thisala heli 1400. Thimbiri wewa* 1401. Thillanayagam*

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1402. Thonnur (3) 1403. Thirankanthana 1404. Thillanagakan (4)

1405. Thullasalei* 1406. Kochchi wee (4) 1407. Kolabara wee (4)

1408. Thumpata wee* 1409. Thunmas wee (3) 1410. Thun korale wee*

1411. Thuththiri el (4-5) 1412. Tikiri samba* 1413. Thali

1414. Tsimakata (9) 1415. Thanthiribalan* 1416. Thanthiripola*

1417. Udarata samba (6) 1418. Obiyas wee* 1419. Onnarai valan

1420. Ugu samba* 1421. Udammita* 1422. Usa batapolel*

1423. Uk puruk wee 1424. Udarata ma wee 1425. Udarata wee (5)

1426. Ur pachcha perumal* 1427. Ur viku* 1428. Urugu samba*

1429. Uru wee (6)* 1430. Uran samba (6)* 1431. Uru el

1432. Uwar chellai* 1433. Uwar karuppan* 1434. Uwar sarali*

1435. Wal hurakdiran 1436. Wellai sithadi* 1437. Chemba wallai samba*

1438. Wal karuppan 1439. Waal samba 1440. Walan

1441. Wal wee(4 – 4 1/2 ) 1442. Wai koko 1443. Wadam samba (4)

1444. Wanan 1445. Walagambahuwa* 1446. Walawe wee*

1447. Wanan (3)*warisan (2 ½ ) 1448. Wanni heenati (2 ½ -3) 1449. Wanni wee (3)

1450. Wandaran* 1451. Weli handiram* 1452. Wedi rata wee (2)

1453. Wanduru wee* 1454. Wanni dahanala* 1455. Wanan wellai

1456. Wanniya* 1457. Weleeleei (5-5 ½ ) 1458. Wellei ilannayam (4 ½ )*

1459. Warikkayan (3 ½ ) 1460. Wattu kiriyasi 1461. Wattu kottai

1462. Wattu pittan 1463. Wasanga samba 1464. Walkannay

1465. Watuwa el 1466. Wathu kande wee 1467. Wanduru hal

1468. Wayran wayran karuppan 1469. Wagu el 1470. Wak wee

1471. Wedilla* 1472. Wiskm* 1473. Wickrama wee*

1474. Wellai chethumiyala 1475. Wellai samba 1476. Wellai perik el (5)*

1477. Wellai vikadi* 1478. Wellai ilakkali* 1479. Wellai karuppu*

1480. Wellakasan* 1481. Wellai kolomban* 1482. Wellai perumal*

1483. Wellakasanga wee* 1484. Choori kurumbai 1485. Chikadi (3)*

1486. Wellonniram 1487. Wekola 1488. Weda heenati (4 ½ )*

1489. Weyaka samba (4) 1490. Welei kurukellai (4) 1491. Wellai wanan (4)

1492. Weyal welei 1493. Welei garandu samba 1494. Welei samba

1495. Wokoola el (4 ½ ) 1496. Wellai wennamuyla (3) 1497. Wellappa wee (3)

1498. Yaka samba (4) 1499. Yahin (3) 1500. Yapanai (5)

1501. Yakada* 1502. Yakada wee (5-5 ½ )* 1503. Ma sumudu giriyal*

1504. Yal samba* 1505. Yapalu* 1506. Yashodara*

Source: Kethaka Mahima, 2013 March- April

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5. Most common traditional rice varieties in Sri Lanka

5.1 Pachchaperumal

Figure 2: Pachchaperumal paddy (left) and rice (right)

➢ Plant characteristics:

Cultivated in all parts of the country specially and North-Central

areas in the country.

Maximum height of the plant is 120cm

At the stage of ripening the plant stem becomes light bluish in


Plant is highly susceptible to insect attack

➢ Grain/ Seed characteristics:

Short grain, red rice rich in nutrients and protein.

When cooked it takes on a deep rich burgundy colour (deep red

colour) (Figure 2).

➢ Crop Duration: Three and half months

➢ Average Yield: 70 to 80 bushels per acre

➢ Special uses: Most in case of alms giving, this rice variety is used in

religious point of view. The word ‘Pachchaperumal’ means the ‘Lord

Buddha’s complexion’ and has been considered a divine rice variety in the

traditional Sinhalese culture.

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➢ Proximate composition: Protein 13%, fat 3.8%, crude fiber 0.8%, Ash

1.7%, Carbohydrates 69-72%, Iron 3% and Zinc 3.2% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Perfect diet for those with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Pachchaperumal is believed to be particularly good for children as it

is rich in nutrients and proteins.

Consuming this rice helps cool the body and is beneficial for

the treatment of wounds

Rich in naturally occurring antioxidants.

5.2 Suwadel

Figure 03: Suwadel paddy (left) and rice (right)

➢ Plant characteristics:

Comes under "El Wee" group.

Other varieties which are coming under El wee group:

- The most popular one was "Suwandel”.

- In addition, "Suwanda Samaba" and "Rath Suwandel” were also


Resistant to the rice blast disease

Tolerance against again Brown Plant Hoppers attack

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Fairly drought tolerant

Cultivated in both the dry and wet zone

Mostly cultivated organically with traditional rain-fed methods.

➢ Seed/grain characteristics:

Medium-grain red rice variety (rath Suwandal) while rice

varorty (Suwandal) (Figure 03)

The name implies “fragrance”. Fragrance due to it has “fgr genotypes”

that possessed mutated BAD2. The fragrance specific to themselves

and that information and investigation could be applied in breeding

studies on aromatic rice suitable for the Sri Lankan environment,

using marker assisted selection with local germplasms. By addition

of this aromatic compounds to the rice varieties, it enhances the

aroma and also improve the appetite. It is finely producing delicious

white rice with a unique aroma mostly used in preparation of Milk


➢ Crop Duration 3 ½ months

➢ Average Yield: 45 to 60 bushels per acre

➢ Proximate composition: Protein 7%, fat 0.7%, crude fiber 0.1%, 1.7%,

Carbohydrates 90%, (SNA, 2013)

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities: Contains higher amounts of glutamic

acid and higher concentrations of vitamins than other common rice


Its creamy taste makes it ideal for festive occasions and ceremonies

Promoting fair and glowing skin

Improving the functioning of the digestive system

Help to control diabetes

Aphrodisiac properties that helpful in sweetening the voice,

improving vocal clarity and the sharpness.

To support a balanced growth of the body.

Treatment of diabetes and oxidative stress

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5.3 Kalu heenati

There are various types of Heenati varieties coming under Heenati group such as

Kalu heenati, Rathu heenati, Sudu heenati, Nandu heenati, Nandu wedha heenati,

Dik heenati, Podi heenati, Maha heenati, Bada heenati, Thawalu heenati, Mada

heenati, Dosthara heenati, Gam heenati, Mathale heenati, Matara heenati and

Wanni heenati etc.

Figure 04: Kaluheenati paddy (left) and rice (right)

➢ Plant characteristics:

Different varieties have been identified to cultivate in different

climatic zones and seasons such as, soil conditions, water supply and

drainage levels

This variety of rice is named Kalu Heeneti because of the color

of its lemma and palea which turn blackish at maturity

Plant develops to a maximum height of 120cm

Crop performs well in the dry zone

It bares 5 to 8 tillers per plant

➢ Seed/grain characteristics:

Red medium sized grain

Grain is dark, fine grain (Figure 04).

➢ Crop duration: 3½ months

➢ Average Yield: 30 to 50 bushels per acre

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➢ Proximate composition: Protein 9-11%, fat 2.7%, crude fiber 2%, Ash 2%,

Carbohydrates 70-72%, Iron 3% and Zinc 3.5% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Perfect for daily consumption and particularly recommended for

lactating mothers.

Enhances sexual potency and physical strength

High fiber content help to regulate bowel movement.

It is effective in keeping diabetes under control

Controlling the toxic effects of snakebites

Porridge made with Kaluheenati rice is recommended for hepatitis


Kalu Heenati is used as a treatment for snake bite

Scientific studies have found evidence of medicinal properties

useful for the treatment cholesterol and hepatitis

5.4 Sudu heenati

Figure 05: Suduheenati paddy (left) and rice (right)

➢ Plant characteristics:

Culm height is around 135cm.

Straw is whitish colour hence gives gives the name “Sudu heenati”

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It is traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka

➢ Seed characteristics: produces a bold red grain (Figure 05).

➢ Crop duration: 4 months for harvesting.

➢ Average yield: 60 to 80 bushels per acre

➢ Proximate composition: Protein 9-12%, fat 2.6%, crude fiber 1.1%, Ash

1.6%, Carbohydrates 71-74%, Iron 3% and Zinc 3% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Helps to enhance the human immune system.

Used as a remedy for constipation.

Useful for the treatment of inflammation

Use as agood medicine for diseases like diabetes, cancer,

neurological diseases, cholesterol and oxidative stress. It is

also a rich source of vitamin E and contains naturally occurring

antioxidants. Consumption with the bran is important in

obtaining such valuable nutritional and medicinal properties.

5.5. Goda heenati

Fgure 06: Goda heenati rice

➢ Plant characteristics:

Plant develops to a maximum height of 160cm

Could be seen cultivated at high elevations

Presently it is cultivated in all parts of the country.

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➢ Seed/Grain characteristics:

Medium grain rice variety (Figure 06).

Grain is brownish red in colour, its lemma and palea are brown

➢ Crop Duration: 3½ months

➢ Avegare yiled: 60 to 65 bushels per acre

➢ Proximate composition: Protein 8.6%, fat 2.2%, crude fiber 1.1%, Ash 1.8%,

Carbohydrates 70.7-74.3%, Iron 2.2% and Zinc 3.3% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Helps enhance the human immune system

Useful for the treatment of inflammation, diabetes and oxidative


Rich in proteins, vitamin E and naturally occurring antioxidants

5.6 Kuruluthuda

Figure 07: Kurulthudu paddy (left) and rice (right)

➢ Plant charateristics: Cultivate this variety for both flash flood and salinity


➢ Seed/Grain characteristics:

Red long grains rice variety

Rich in proteins, fiber and necessary fatty acids. It has a pleasant

taste (Figure 07).

➢ Crop duration: 3 ½ month

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➢ Average yield: 40 bushels per acre

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Has a peasent odour

Good source of magnesium essential for musclecontraction

Full of B vitamins which are vital for the production of energy

Rich n proteins and fiber Improve bladder functioning

Enhance male sexual potency and helps evade Impotency.

It provides comparatively high energy.

It is recommended for consumption to person having high

cholesterol in the blood.

5.7 Maa-Wee

There are sub varieties of Maa wee:

Kuru Maa Wee - Dwarf variety

Baala Maa Wee- Short-aged variety

Maha maa wee

Sudu maa wee

Kalu bala maa wee and

Palatuwa maa wee

Figure 08: Ma wee paddy (left) and rice (right)

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➢ Plant charactoristics:

It is one of the tallest rice plants cultivated and develops to a

maximum height of 350cm.

It is having strong root systems and healthy tillers.

It bares 15 to 20 tillers per plant

It is widely cultivated in flood prone areas in the low country

wet zone and intermediate zone. Mostly popular in the Ratnapura

district. Other cultivating areas are Kalutara, Galle, Gampaha, Matara,

Digamadulla and Trincomalee

The plant is able to regenerate new tillers after the flood under the

fertile condition.

Maa wee only can be cultivated in major seasons because “Maa Wee”

varieties are photoperiod sensitive and panicle initiation needs to

meet short day time in the flowering stage.

Old farmers start to cultivate this variety from August to mid of

September in the year.

➢ Grain/seed quality charactoristics:

Reddish-brown rice variety with a unique texture (Figure 08).

The grain varies in size and shape from short and round

varieties to long medium sized varieties.

Lower Glycemic Index (GI) 25% - 30% in comparison to other

common rice varieties

➢ Crop duration:

It takes 5 to 6 months from seeding

Maha Maa Wee, Baala Maa wee - four-months variety

➢ Average yield: 65 to 70 bushels per acre

➢ Proximate compositon: 84.5% carbohydrates, 9.4% protein 3.6% fat and

1.1% fiber

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➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Commonly used in orthopedic treatments in Ayruveda medicine.

Rice from Maa Wee is considered as a heavy diet which digests


The red pericarp used in the preparations of various indigenous

medicines for tissue and mussel pains.

It is a traditional medical treatment which cools the body.

Consumption of meat and Ma-Wee rice together reduces alcohol


It is recommended for tuberculosis patients as an effective remedy

for purging

Recommended for diabetes, constipation, hemorrhoids and

cardiovascular disease and is known to control corpulence.

It has high levels of protein and antioxidants

5.8 Pokkali

Figure 09: Pokkali paddy (left) and rice (right)

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Plant Characteristics:

Pokkali is cultivated in saline affected rice fields located at south

western coastal belt and concentrated to Hambantota, Matara, Galle,

Kalutara, Colombo and Puttalam districts.

It can tolerate very high saline conditions and is a very good source

for national and international rice breeding programmes for

improvement of saline tolerant improved rice varieties.

The plant height varies between 130-140 cm.

It produces around 10 tillers.

➢ Grain/Seed charactoristics:

Bold red grains (Figure 08).

➢ Crop duration: 3½ months

➢ Average Yield: 60 to 80 bushels per acre

➢ Proximate composition: 72% carbohydrates, 10.9% protein 2.3% fat

and 0.9% fiber, Ash 1.9% (Kariyawasam et al., 2016)

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Due to the high content of iron, zinc, potassium and antioxidants, it helps

to treatment for various deseases.

5.9 Rath el

Figure 10: Rath el rice

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➢ Plant Characteristics:

Mainly cultivated in wet zone of the country

Plant height is around 120 cm

It is moderately tolerant to submergence and saline conditions of rice


➢ Seed/grain characteristics:

Rath el produces small sized grains with white colour pericarp

(Figure 10).

Cooked rice may have dull colour but it is tasty and slightly sticky

➢ Crop duration: 3-3½ months.

➢ Average yield: 40 bushels per acre

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

It is recommended to control cirrhosis, virus fever, skin rashes,

diseases in urinary path way and prevent formation of stones in the

urinary system.

Recommended for patients who are suffering from fever and


Porridge and soup made with Rath el can help fight against viral fever.

It also helps flush toxic excretory matter and cools the body. Roasted

and ground rathdel raw rice tempered with ghee can be an effective

remedy for purging

Recommended for rashes caused by mental stress and provides relief

for ailments in the urinary system.

It is proven for preventing the formation of stones in the bladder and

gall bladder.

Porridge made out of rathdel rice, sarana (Boerhavia diffusa), sugar,

raisins and fresh cow’s milk is suitable for those suffering from

tuberculosis and lung ailments.

Consumption of boiled rathdel rice mixed with ghee enhances male

sexual potency

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5.10 Dik wee

Figure 11: Dik wee

➢ Plant characteristics:

Cultivated in Wet Zones of Sri Lanka

The culm height is around 145 cm

Bears about 10-12 tillers.

When the grains begin to ripen, the stems of the plant turn to light

bluish tinge.

Varoety is resistant to lodging

➢ Grain/Seed charatoristics:

Red rice variety.

Dik wee name is given due to its lengthiness of seeds (Figure 11).

➢ Crop duration: 4-4½ month.

➢ Average yield: 80-85 bushels per acre.

➢ Proximate composition: Protein 11.7, fat 8.4%, crude fiber 1.1%, Ash

1.6%, Carbohydrates 71-74%, Iron 2% and Zinc 3.3% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Nutritional and medicinal qualities:

Grains contain high level of zinc and natural antioxidants.

This is used to treat gangrene, jaundice, inflammations, diabetes,

cancer, neurological diseases, high cholesterol and oxidative stress.

It is highly recommended to expecting mothers because of high

nutritional value.

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5.11 Masuran

Fugure 12: Masuran paddy (left) and rice (right)

➢ Plant charateristics:

The plant develops to a maximum height of 120 cm

It is resistant to lodging

It is resistant to rice blast disease

It plays an important role in weed control as its leaves tend to

turn downwards during maturity

Average culm height is around 145 cm

Masuran is the word on Sinhala used to explain most valuable things.

Therefore, farmers believed that the name was derived based on the

medicinal value of this variety.

➢ Grain/Seed charactoristics:

Medium-grain red rice variety (Figure 11)

➢ Crop duration:

3½ months in Yala season

4½ months in Maha season

➢ Proximate composition: Protein 7.8-10.6%, fat 2.7%, crude fiber 1.0%,

Ash 1.4%, Carbohydrates 73-75%, Iron 2.4% and Zinc 2.5% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Average yield: 80 bushels per acre

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

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Traditionally it is useful for preventing and treating diabetes,

inflammations, cancer and neurological disease patients.

It is able to reduce cholesterol level of the body and oxidative stress.

5.12 Murungakayan

➢ Plant Characteristics:

It is very popular in North central province in the island and

cultivated in both Yala and Maha season.

The height ranges between 125 to 135 cm.

➢ Crop duration:

➢ Average yield:60- 65 bushels per acre

➢ Seed/grain charactoristics:

The grain is white in colour and has medium size grain.

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

It is used as a remedy for gangrene, jaundice and good for expecting


High nutritional value enhances the growth of the foetus and useful

for the mother at her confinement.

5.13. Dahanala

Figure 13: Dahanala paddy (left) and rice (right)

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➢ Plant charactoristics:

Widely cultivated in the wet zone of Sri Lanka

The culm is about 120cm in height

When comparing with other traditional rice varieties, it produces

lesser number of tillers in average, 4-5 tillers per plant.

It is susceptible to rice blast disease

Due to the presence of hairs on the leaves, plants are resistant to

Brown Plant Hopper attack.

It is resistant to the seedling pest called Trips

➢ Seed/grain charactoristics:

Dahanala is a type of long-grained red rice (Figure 13)

➢ Crop Duration: 3½ months

➢ Average Yield: at 30 to 35 bushels per acre

➢ Proximate composion: Protein 9-12%, fat 2.6%, crude fiber 0.9%, Ash

1.9%, Carbohydrates 69-72%, Iron 3% and Zinc 3.7% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Medicinal and Nutritional qualities:

It is rich in protein, zinc and the high presence of iron.

These grains make it a good food source for those suffering from

anaemic conditions.

Indigenous doctors also recommend Dahanala for lactating mothers,

young children and diabetic patients.

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5.14 Madathawalu

Figure 14: Madathawalu paddy (left) and rice (right)

➢ Plant characteristics:

This variety much more aggressively grown under the organic soil

condition and also grown all around the country.

Culm height is around 140cm

Producing 20-30 tillers per plant. The number is much higher when

compared with the other traditional rice varieties, this is

considered as highest yielding traditional rice varieties in Sri


Specially this variety is recommended to acidic soils.

This variety is reported to perform well as an organic crop

Madathawalu rice plant has special mechanism to store proteins and

minerals in the rice seed and hence vey nutritions rice variety

➢ Seed /grain charactoristics: Red rice variety (Figure 14)

➢ Crop duration: 4 months

➢ Average yield: 110 bussals per acre

➢ Proximate composition: Protein 7.9-11.5 fat 3.0%, crude fiber 1.0%, Ash

1.5%, Carbohydrates 70-73%, Iron 2.8% and Zinc 3.4% (SNA, 2013)

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➢ Nutritional and Medicinal qualities:

Protein, mineral and fat content of these grains are comparatively

higher than most of the other heirloom varieties of rice.

Madathawalu is a good source of vitamins

Beneficial for lactating mothers and their infants as it has

components which help to strengthen the immune system.

It flushes off body toxins, removes cancer causing agents from the


It helps in improving reproductive ability of humans

5.15 Gonabaru

Figure 15: Gonabaru rice

➢ Plant charactoristics:

It is cultivated in both the dry and wet zone

The plant develops to a maximum height of 140cm

The number of tillers per plant is 3 to 5, which is low compared

to other traditional rice varieties

➢ Seed/grain charactoristics: Red rice variety, medium-grain rice variety

(Figure 15).

➢ Crop Duration: Five months old

➢ Average yield: 50 to 60 bushels per acre

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➢ Proximate composition: Protein 8.4 fat 2.2%, crude fiber 1.0%, Ash 1.5%,

Carbohydrates 71-73.5%, Iron 2.2% and Zinc 3% (SNA, 2013)

➢ Medicinal and nutritional qualities:

Useful for the treatment of diabetes and oxidative stress.

It’s a good source of zinc.

Consumption with the bran is important in obtaining such

valuable nutritional and medicinal properties.

It has medicinal effect on constipation and very good for

preparation of porriage. A very rare rice varity that was the staple

diet of both peasanta and kings in ancient times.

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