gary j. kersey - exploring the language of your inner healer, a guide to muscle response analysis

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This book was like an introductory brochure for muscle response therapy. It was a nice introduction, but I was expecting a lot more information about muscle response therapy and how it works.


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Exploring the Language of Your Inner Healer 

A Guide to Muscle Response Analysis

Dr. Gary J. Kersey © 2013

foreword and bonus chapter by Christine Danyi


First Edition

 No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, copied or distributed in any form without written permission.


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Chapter 1........................So What Is Muscle Response Analysis?

Chapter 2........................Step By Step Procedure

Chapter 3........................What If Something Goes Wrong?

Chapter 4.........................It's not Voodoo

Bonus Chapt er.................Releasing Negative Emotions With Muscle Response Analysis


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I’ve been a big believer in muscle testing or Muscle Response Analysis since I first stumbled upon it nearly a decade ago at a Donna Eden

Seminar. I was both stunned and intrigued that you could get yes and no answers from the body without the involvement of the conscious

mind. It ignited my passion for new knowledge and I have since immersed myself in the field of subtle energy and energy medicine. Today,

as an Emotion Code Practitioner, I use M RA every day in my p ractice but I sometimes have some unanswered questions. I’m happ y to say

I found the answers to my questions in this book. Dr. Gary Kersey has been using MRA in his practice for over 30 years so it's somethinghe knows very well.

I had first heard about Dr. Kersey from a client back in 2005. She wanted me to meet him, except back then I knew that what he knew was

way beyond anything I could have comprehended at the time. I vividly remember going to his website and thinking there is no way I could

have a conversation with this guy because I had no idea what he was talking about. I had no reference points or belief systems in place to

help me make sense of the powers of the subconscious mind. And subtle energy? What was that? Now eight years later, I’ve come a long

way, baby! And the universe said in November of 2012 that it was time that we met up.

Our first meeting was at his Energy Medicine Seminar where I enthusiastically volunteered for an energy balancing with his new Quantum

Energy Transmitter or QET. (Oh, I need to mention here that Dr. Kersey is not only a Chiropractor, Author and Acupuncture Physician,

 but he’s also an inventor.) I was so impressed by the physical changes I got with the balancing by the QET that I emailed him the next day

to set up a meeting; I was so eager to learn more. And that I did, our first lunch meeting lasted 3 hours and I gotta say that the majority of 

our lunches since have lasted at least that long.

Dr. Kersey’s knowledge could fill volumes about the world of Energy Medicine and this book contains information about muscle response

analysis that you probably never heard before or even thought about. He teaches the reader what to do when someone is untestable and

what to be aware of when asking the body a question. He explains beautifully what to do when something goes wrong, like check for a

 polarity issue or for dehydration. He also tells you why t o have a box of raisins handy if you do MRA in your practice (yup, y ou’ll have to

read the book for that one).

A self-proclaimed seminar junkie, Dr. Kersey has attended seminars held around the globe by some of the best minds in energy medicine.

“Cont act Reflex Analysis” with Dr. Dick Versendall, “Quantum Reflex Analysis” with Dr. Bob Marshall and “Neuro Emotional Technique”

with Dr. Scott Walker are just a few of the leaders in the field that he has trained with. He also has over 30 years of experience in a brick and

mortar practice where he has helped thousands of patients heal themselves.

So don’t let this book slip by. For t hose of you who use muscle testing in your practice, you’ll love what y ou’ll learn within these pages.As for me, I’m so happy I listened to the universe and sought to meet Dr. Kersey. His information has been invaluable to myself as a

 person and as a practitioner. I hope you, the reader, will have the same experience.

Best wishes on your healing journey, whether it’s to heal yourself or helping to heal others!

Christine Danyi, HHP, NLP, CECP

Wellness Coach and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 

Orlando FL 2013


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Chapter One


So what is Muscle Response Analysis?

Muscle Response Analysis has been around a long time, and it is gett ing more and more popular every day . (see chart below) It has many

facets…it can be entertaining, it can be controversial, but it’s also a fundamental and valuable tool we should all be using daily. It can change

your life forever.


YOUTUBE (as of 08/01/2012)

Muscle Response Testing 443

Muscle Testing 4930

Applied Kinesiology 1770

Touch for Health 29,700


GOOGLE (as of 08/01/2012)

Muscle Response Testing 2,790,000

Muscle Testing 15,400,000

Applied Kinesiology (A) 2,850,000

Touch for Health 68,200,000

Clinical Kinesiology (CK) 2,420,000

Psychological Kinesiology (Psych-k) 805,000

Three in One Concepts 90,900,000


Many of the sites make it sound like MRA is difficult. It’s true that some things can occasionally 'go wrong', but t his is rare. MRA looks

simple, and it IS simple…to do. It is not s imple to explain. That certainly is not a reason not t o use it. Everyone uses a television at home,

 but almost NO ONE can explain how it works. So what is MRA?

As mentioned earlier, MRA, or Muscle Response Analysis has been around a long time. It goes by many names, such as muscle test ing,

muscle response testing, applied kinesiology, etc. There are hundreds of techniques and systems of evaluation that have been developed by

 people over the years which utilize muscle response analysis. M RA does not necessarily 'do' anything on its own, it’s only a tool. A

hammer does not build houses, but it certainly comes in handy when you want to build a house.

Basically, MRA is a tool that allows a person to ask the unconscious mind of a person a question and get an answer. For centuries

scientists, philosophers and great thinkers all over the world and from all cultures have talked about the idea that our mind can be divided

into two parts…a conscious mind and a subconscious, or sometimes called the unconscious mind. During our waking state, when we are

working, talking to friends or balancing our checkbook, we are using our conscious mind. When we are thinking we are conscious. A device

used by researchers called an electroencephalogram (E.E.G.) can even show us on a computer display when we are in a conscious state

versus an unconscious state. Sometimes you’ll see in the literature a reference about the left-brain versus the right-brain. When we are using

our left-brain we are 'thinking'. The right- brain is many times referred to as the creative side of the brain. Obviously, there is nothing wrong

with being in a conscious, waking state. But we also know that sometimes there is something very powerful that can occur when NOT in a

conscious, left-brain state. Some people look at it this way: your brain knows everything about you, even of things y ou are not necessarily

aware. Muscle testing is a way of asking questions of the brain itself, and then getting answers back from the brain.

What about insights, intuition, creativity , revelations, insp irations, epiphanies? All the famous authors, leaders, orators, speakers, inventors,

you name it…did unforgettable feats by NOT thinking. (Edison and Tesla, to just name two) In fact, Thomas Edison slept little and took 

what he called 'powernaps'. He would just climb up on a workbench and have a nap for twenty minutes. He soon noticed a funny thing.

Great flashes of insight on a particular problem seemed to come to him during these powernaps. He soon refined the process realizing that

his creative thinking went into overdrive in that space between being fully awake and fully asleep. He trained himself to remain in that in

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 between state for longer and longer. Nowadays we know that he was accessing the alpha and theta levels of mind. Edison, Tesla, Einstein,

may have laid the groundwork by using thinking, (left brain), but their inspiration came from a flash, a little voice, a hunch, an intuition (the

right brain). If you want to pursue this further, please do. You’ll find that many, many famous inventors used a similar technique.

 Now what about communication? We can talk to our left-brain with words, either spoken or printed, but how can we talk to the

unconscious mind? People find these methods very strange indeed due to the fact most people don’t really make a practice of 

communicating with the unconscious mind. There are even those that would tell us that it's off limits: we shouldn’t go 'messing around' with

the unconscious mind. Of course, that’s ridiculous. The conscious and unconscious mind are always in constant communication in one way

or another. That’s just the way we were made.

Let’s simplify things a bit. When you want to move a muscle that’s in your arm, you simply think about moving it, and the arm moves,

doesn't it? You can do the same thing with your leg, head, shoulder, etc. The muscles you are using are called voluntary muscles, because

you can consciously move or contract them at will. But there are also muscles that are involuntary, such as your heart, or the muscles that

make up the intest ines. These contract 'automatically'. As a rule, we don’t have conscious control over these typ es of muscles.

So what does MRA look like? Basically, when taken out of context (like many things) it looks pretty strange. A p erson holds out their 

outstretched arm. Another person comes up to them and tells them to resist, and they then proceed to att empt to push down the arm. The

arm will probably stay straight. The tester will now 'do something'. They will introduce some kind of physical, emotional or mental

stimulus to the person being tested. And if for some reason, the unconscious mind finds the stimulus noxious or negative in any way, the

arm, when pushed again will drop or at least become noticeably weaker. Again, this looks very strange if you don’t understand what’s

happening. But most things do, don’t they?

You can immediately see how this would be a big hit at parties. (and it is!) But it can also give you guidance in what to do about your health,

 because you can actually ask the unconscious mind, the right side of the brain….you know, that part where insights, revelations,

inspirations, and epiphanies come from, questions about things that the conscious mind cannot answer.

You see, we are dealing with the science of subtle energy. And subtle energy, being subtle, cannot be measured by rulers or test tubes,

calculators or p rotractors, microscopes or oscilloscopes, E.E.G.s or E.K.G.s. Measuring has its p lace, but measuring is not sensing. For 

sensing, you need a whole other set of tools. And one of those tools (there are many others) we can use to tap into the wisdom of the

magnificent unconscious mind is Muscle Response Analysis.

But just like you can’t get a haircut over the phone, you can’t understand MRA by reading about it. You need to experience it. And you will

go through the usual phases that most people go through. First, you go through the entertainment phase. You will be shocked and amazed

how a muscle can be strong one second and weak the next.

Phase two is the denial phase. This is quite normal. Most Homo sapiens out there tend to react to something new or different from what

they’ve previously seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled with fear and disbelief. (remember, any new, novel, unique event that comes alon

 presents t o the individual an opp ortunity of a paradigm shift…a change ..and we all know no one likes change but a wet baby) Phase two

has a little nickname. It ’s called the “hey wait a minute, you pushed harder the second time” phase. In other words, when the person’s arm

weakens they accuse you of pushing harder the second time. Our conscious mind thinks it’s supposed to be in control of the arm muscle.

After all, as we mentioned earlier, these muscles are supposed to be voluntary muscles, muscles that can contract by ones own volition. But

guess what? Muscles can also move automatically. And when this happens, some people will react in a very negative, skeptical manner,

even though they just witnessed it on themselves! Never try to ever explain muscle test ing to anyone…simply show them. The unconscious

 part of the brain and nervous system can also move muscles. Have you ever had your reflexes tested at the doctor’s office? When the doctor 

hits a spot just below your kneecap with a little rubber hammer, your leg kicks out, automatically. You didn’t have to think about it , it just


So, by using a muscle test, one can 'tap into' the all-knowing, unconscious mind, and the unconscious will 'talk' to us by creating an

automatic response of a weakening of the muscle indicator we are using. The technique is easy to do, easy to learn, and when used properly,

can make a dramatic change in your health. It will give you information about your health and about your body that exists in no book in the


When you approach another human being to do M RA you will have a conscious mind agenda and perhaps an unconscious mind agenda. The

 person you are evaluating will have a conscious mind agenda and an unconscious mind agenda while you are evaluating. You are 'linked' to

them on MANY levels, not just the link of your touch on their arm. When doing MRA (and we’ll go over this again later because it’s

important), we always approach our client with t he desire in our heart to help. Your intention controls or sets the stage. Repeating: Your 

intention controls or sets the stage. In your 'heart' you are basically saying, “I want to help, I want to be of service”. In your head, you

should be saying, “Gee, I wonder what the arm will do if I do this or do that?” You want to be in a state of curiosity, as opposed to a state

where you think you already know what’s going to happen. Later, we’ll talk about how that very belief can sabotage your results and is

why some people get poor results with MRA.

This is the reason it’s been said that Applied Kinesiology or MRA is very scientific and accurate UNTIL you t ry to p rove it in a laboratory

setting. Then everything falls apart. If someone says, “hey, I’ve read that muscle testing is fake because it’s not reproducible and gives false

readings”, just say to them, you are absolutely right, but it works anyway. Tell them that millions of people use it all over the world in the

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clinical setting and it’s an invaluable asset to the physician or practit ioner using it and it’s still being researched. Muscle testing is used by

medical doctors, dentist s, chiropractors, veterinarians, p sychologists, ministers, lay p eople, adults, children, and many, many others.

Muscle evaluation as well as other dowsing syst ems is a right-brain phenomenon. To the extent you approach this system while maintainin

a left-brain configuration will determine the amount of discord and confusion that you will experience. In other words, if you are extremely

left-brained, then muscle testing will not work for you, unless you can temporarily 'switch off' the left, analytical side of the brain for a few

minutes. If someone says to you that muscle test ing is quackery, trickery and unscientific drivel, they are absolutely correct….for them, but

not necessarily for you. The fact of the matter is, regardless of all the name calling and skepticism, when two people get together for the

express purpose of healing their life in some way and on some level, the body, through the use of muscle testing, will guide you to thesolution you are looking for…..always!

So again, what is MRA? In a very simple explanation, the body either says, hey, I like that or hey, I don’t like that. Hey, I like that food or 

I don’t like that food. Hey, I like that nutritional supplement or I don’t like that nutritional supp lement. I like that herb or I don’t like that

herb. The test muscle either stays strong or it weakens. It really isn’t more complicated than that.

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Chapter Two


Step by Step Procedure

As y ou step up to t he client explain to them you are going to simply ask their body some questions. You are using the response of a muscle

(usually the middle deltoid is used, but really, any muscle can be used) to tell you the answer to a question. The answer will either be yes or 

no. Explain to them that you will say the word 'hold', then you will push on their arm. Tell them you are not testing their st rength, t hat it’snot an arm wrestling contest. You are simply looking for a change. Tell them you will push, then introduce a stimulus, then you will push

again and you are only looking to see if the arm feels different the second time. Don’t say you are looking for a weakening of the arm or that

you want to see if the arm drops down. (of course, many times it does) You only want to know, does the arm go from a 'locked' feeling, to a

non-locked or 'rubbery, springy' feeling.

You can also say that t hey may or may not feel this shift. Explain to them that you know what y ou’re doing and that you have learned to

feel very slight changes in an evaluation. Then mention that sometimes the shift is a large one and that they may notice it’s more difficult to

hold the arm up in the locked position. (When I do a demo in front of a group I’ll push harder so everyone can see the change, but in

actuality , you can learn to feel a shift by using almost NO force when you p ress.)

Step ONE we have covered. You’ve told the person what you are doing and what are some of the possibilities concerning what they may

notice. [make sure you are in the right frame of mind. You approach the person with a desire to help them.]

Step TWO, you must find out if they are testable. You want to make sure that the arm (muscle being the middle deltoid) is going to work 

out for y ou. If the arm is weak to start with and doesn’t want to lock when tested, then how can it ever give you information? Have them

extend their arm in abduction (arm is held parallel to the floor, out to the side of the body). I like to place one hand lightly on the shoulder,

then the other hand just in front of the wrist joint (proximal to the wrist joint). Tell the person you are going to say the word 'hold', then

 push on the arm to see if it 'locks'. If it’s mushy or rubbery, have them try again and repeat the instructions. If the arm doesn’t lock, then

try the other arm. If the person is extremely strong, you may not be able to 'sense' the shift when you app ly the stimulus. In this case,

you’ll need to use a smaller muscle group. If the arm locks, then apply the test stimulus, then re-test. T his stimulus must be something that

will weaken EVERYONE’S muscle every time. For example, holding a packet of NutraSweet (actually, anything containing aspartame) or 

 placing the tip of the index finger on the bridge of the nose, or stroking down on the glabella with the thumb. If the arm changes (weakens,

drops down, becomes rubbery), then remove or reverse the stimulus and see if the arm returns to normal strength. If it does, then that arm is

'testable'. Now y ou’re ready to do y our testing. [see paragraph below entitled Why Would I Use MRA?]

When doing a challenge with a stimulus, e.g. placing the tip of the index finger on the bridge of the nose, you need to do your check immediately, because in a few seconds, the body will recalibrate. So if you touch a test point and then start talking to the client for 10 or 15

seconds, the muscle will probably test strong, because you gave the body a chance to re-coop so to speak.

Step THREE, you are ready to do an evaluation. Suppose for example you want to test and see if a person is being harmed by their cell

 phone. Test their arm first in the clear, then have them press their cell phone against t heir upp er chest, then test again. Most p eople will

have their arm weaken, get rubbery, drop down, etc. It’s possible to be super healthy and be able to tolerate the cell phone, but don’t expect

to see this, it’s rare.

In later chapt ers we’ll discuss how to use MRA for various other projects. The list is almost endless. See below for some possibilities we’ll

 be discussing later.

Why Would I Use MRA (things to test or look for)

1. Check the status of various joints.

2. Check the status of various organs using reflex points.

3. Check the tolerance of a food or nutritional supplement.

4. Check to see if a certain memory, name, date, etc. is 'charged'.

5. Check the status of various acupuncture points.

6. Check for food allergies, intolerances, etc.

7. Check to see if you have any unhealed scars (physical or emotional).

8. Check for toxic effects of cell phone towers, alarm clocks, electrical outlets, etc.

9. Check and see if you have any issues, injuries or negative events, or people in your 

 past that need forgiving. Non-forgiveness is one of the most powerful reasons people don’t heal.

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10. Check the safety of your bedroom. Evaluate a mattress at the store before buying. Evaluate that new pair of shoes you are thinking

about buying that may turn out to be very unhealthy for your feet.

Please never forget, muscle testing works by COMPARING!! You always have to start out in-the-clear, then introduce your stimulus, then

immediately test again. You’ll get better results if you follow this rule. You will notice on YouTube that many people do not follow this

rule. Also, never forget the 'mind' or 'intention' connection. When you approach a client, have the idea or feeling in you heart of being of 

service to them, of wanting to help. Do not have any preconceived notion of what you 'think' is going

to happen. Get it in your head right now. You NEVER know what is going to happen. You are basically saying to the computer that runs

that p erson’s body, “hmmm, let’s see, I wonder what will happen if I do this?”, then press on the arm. If you want, desire, or expect the

arm to go down, it will. And the test you just did will have been useless and and no helpful information will have been gained.


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Chapter Three


What If Something Goes Wrong?

First of all, it’s rare for something to 'go wrong'. But it can happen. Here are four of the most common issues.

 Number One: there is a polarity issue. Polarity is the organisms attempt to maintain its electromagnetic individuality and integrity, thusmaintaining its distinction from its electromagnetic environment. What you will see is the person will test strong when they should be

testing weak and vice versa. Also, they may test weak to something one minute and strong to it a minute later. To make the 'diagnosis' of a

 polarity imbalance is very simple. Test the arm, then have the person place their hand on the very t op of their head, palm down (palm

center over vertex). Then test again and see what happens. Then repeat the same test except have them turn their hand over so that the back 

of their hand is resting on the very top of the head. A NORMAL response will be that they will test st rong with the palm down, and weak 

with the palm up. If it’s just the opposite, then they have a polarity issue and this needs to be corrected before you go on.

Our bodies are like giant magnets. The body has a north pole and a south pole just like the Earth. The top of our head is north pole (+

energy). The palms are south pole (- energy), the back of the hands are north pole (+ energy), so when north goes to south (negative goes to

 positive, the muscle will remain strong. Back-of-hand to top-of-head SHOULD weaken everyone’s muscle. A weakening is normal in this

scenario. Palm to top -of-head SHOULD test strong for everyone ASSUMING they don’t have a reversed polarity . Before you can do

accurate testing, you have to temporarily fix this situation.

There are many tricks, for this, but here is one that seems to be fairly common and effective. Direct your client to do the following: tell them


1. Press the fingers of one hand firmly on their navel and keep them there.

2. Rub under their nose with the index finger of the other hand for 6 to 8 seconds.

3. Rub under their lower lip for 6 to 8 seconds.

4. Extend fingers and thumb to massage both collarbone points for 6 to 8 seconds, where the collarbone meets the breastbone.

5. Massage their tailbone for 6 to 8 seconds.

6. Reverse hands and repeat the procedure (optional, but recommended!).

After y ou’ve had your client do this, go ahead and continue your t esting, AFTER you recheck the polarity test . It should now be normal

again (arm tests strong with the palm down on the top of the head).

 Number Two: the client is too weak to be tested. When you t ry to test their muscle in the clear, they can’t hold their arm up. To

temporarily correct for this long enough to do your evaluations, stand behind the client and touch your chest lightly against their back for 1-

2 minutes. This should temporarily raise their life force enough to complete the MRA.

 Number Three: the client is so st rong, that y ou can’t feel the weakness or rubbery feeling when testing (this is only a problem with

newbies). Simply switch to a smaller muscle. Have the client stand up straight with their arms at their sides. Then have them rotate their 

hand around until it is facing backwards. Then have them rotate it around a little further (as far as they can go). When you test them, you are

going to try to pull their hand and wrist AWAY from their hip and they are going to try to resist you. Remember, one of the most common

reasons a person has trouble doing a proper muscle response analysis is because they are using an arm that never really tested strong and'locked' when tested in-the-clear in the first place. If you don’t have a good, strong, locked muscle to work with, it can’t be used in testing.

 Number Four: Occasionally, if a person is extremely mineral deficient or is very dehydrated, the person will not make a good test subject.

To check for dehydration, simply have them drink some water, wait a few moments, then try again. If you suspect minerals, you can have

them drink some water with a few drops of liquid minerals added (get at the health food store). After drinking the water, wait a few

moments and retry the evaluation. As an aside, sometimes you run into a person who t ests strong in the clear at first…but then if you check 

the muscle 3 or 4 more times in rapid succession, the arm fatigues immediately. This is not a normal response. It takes several muscle tests

executed in succession to actually fatigue a healthy muscle (try this with a small child and you’ll be surprised how long it takes for their arm

to fatigue). The cause of this phenomenon is an iron deficiency. Have the subject drink some water that has had added to it one tablespoon

of blackstrap molasses or have them eat a handful of raisins. The muscle response should go to normal instantly, temporarily giving you the

time to complete the evaluation.

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Chapter Four


It’s not Voodoo

Sometimes it's important to give a quick explanation of why MRA works. It doesn’t necessarily HAVE to be 100% accurate, (after all, NO

ONE knows everything about the human body), but it needs to make sense (a litt le bit at least). The purpose is to give the conscious mind

(ego) something to hang its hat on. The left-brain cannot process muscle testing but it will feel good if it 'thinks' it knows what’s going on.This may make things go a lot more smoothly in some clients. Try to study this manual as well as websites and videos until you can

develop t he ability to explain simply and quickly why muscle test ing works and why you are using it on the client.

Remember, you can test a skeptical person, but not a negative one. If you want to help them and they can see this and yet, they are resistin

you, t hen there is no reason to continue. It means they have not given you 'permission' to help. It could also mean they have not ASKED

for help. Either way, don’t waste your time. Try again later.

When you watch someone testing another person using an apple as the st imulus, it is not possible to really know what they are doing unless

you ask them. When you muscle test you are asking the body a question and ONLY one question, never ask more than one question at a

time. This might seem a very elementary st atement, but it is quite easy to THINK y ou’re asking one question when in reality you are askin

two questions. This will confuse the body and you will get erroneous results. Ask a clear, focused question and you will get back good


Muscle testing exists within the non-linear domain. Traditional, mainstream science functions within the linear domain. There is very litt le

overlap. (Actually, there is TOTAL overlap, but this is beyond our perception, due to the fact many of us are kept slaves to our 5 senses

and have not fully activated our other senses.) Please do not let skept ics and negative thinkers bother you. When they say, “Hey, this st uff 

doesn’t work, it’s voodoo”, in your mind I want y ou to hear them saying “I’m firmly and happ ily entrenched in my 5-sense reality , so

 please don’t rock my boat. I’ll be ready to accept this later, but not now!” You need to honor where they are at and move on. Remember,

you may have been there once too.

Please always remember if you are having trouble helping someone, I don’t care WHAT you’re doing, if you are having trouble helping

someone, ask yourself this question. Did they ASK for help? In other words, are you trying to impose or force a change into their paradigm

or worldview, or, are they actually in a 'help me' mode? Remember the phrase “Ask and ye shall receive”? Well, what’s the reverse of this?

Don’t ask…and you get squat, z ilch, nothing, zippo, nada. If the client didn’t ask, how can you help? It 's impossible, because it’s the

 person’s 'inner knower' that you want t o communicate with and if they don’t want help, how can you possibly accomplish anyt hing

meaningful? You can’t. You may want to help with all your heart, but you just can’t unless t hey are open to the help. And finally…..thereis NO test that is 100% accurate. And that includes Muscle Response Analysis.


Just a few examples of what can be done with M RA

To help find an organ imbalance and correct it.

To help figure out if a certain herb, homeopathic, or nutraceutical would be effective.

To help evaluate and correct energy dysfunction around joints.

To help find scar interference fields and correct them.

To help find and clear emotional blocks from intrauterine, neonatal, childhood, etc.

To help find blocks to financial abundance and money opportunities (sabotage patterns).

To help self-test without having a partner.


Legal/Ethical Stuff 

It’s always a good idea to avoid making a diagnosis by using Muscle Response Analysis. Also, even though most p eople use the term

'muscle testing', you are not really testing the muscle. Also, using the word 'test' or 'testing' may not be a good idea. The word 'test' implies

you are doing a medical procedure. Doctors do tests. You are doing an evaluation, or assessment, or analysis. When searching for articles on

Google the search phrase 'muscle testing' will work the best. Also, sometimes you may see someone using MRA as a sort of lie detector.

When it comes to using MRA as a lie detector, or as a divining tool to find out about upcoming events in the future that might impact the

 person, it is best t o avoid this practice. The information is not reliable and it casts a shadow of doubt over muscle testing. And there is

already a stigma against muscle testing and those who use it. The fact of the matter is, there are hundreds of variables which are impossible

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to control when using muscle testing as a fortune telling tool. If y ou enjoy that area of study, t here are many other tools out there for you to

explore. Let’s use M uscle Response Analysis for what it was put here for, to help someone who is sick get well.


Dr. Gary Kersey can be reached at:

Quantum Care R & D

5703 Red Bug Lake Rd.

Winter Springs, FL 32708

[email protected]

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Bonus Chapter


MRA For Releasing Negative Emotions

Christine Danyi, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 

First, let me thank Dr. Kersey for all the wonderful information he shared about M uscle Response Analysis (MRA) in the previouschapters.

In my practice I use MRA every day to help my clients get to the root of their emotional issues. Many of the folks that I help are very new

to t he concepts of MRA or muscle testing. In fact, I had to chuckle when Dr. Kersey mentioned in Chapter One that t here was a nickname

for people experiencing muscle testing for the first time. The nickname is “Hey wait, you pushed harder the second time” and it’s so true

 because that’s exactly what it feels like when you first experience it. But how can MRA help with y our emotions? It's very simple. Muscle

Response Analysis provides you with a technique to find and clear negative emotions from your subconscious mind, even those hidden in

its deepest p arts.

Let me share with you the energetic nature of your emotions. I’m going to assume that you understand the whole thing about your physical

 body being made of energy. T hat’s an easy one, you put your hand under a microscope and look deep enough and you'll see only swirling

electrons. But what if we took the science one step further and offered the concept that your thoughts are energy and so are your emotions?

 Now this is where a lot of us have a disconnect. It 's hard to imagine that your emotions are energetic, even more of a stretch is that negativeemotions can get trapped energetically in the body and cause physical problems. Huh? I know, it doesn't fit the paradigm. But let me

explain. We've all been taught to believe that you can feel some very strong emotions in your life but that's just it, you 'feel' them and then

they're gone. But are they? Do they just disappear into the 'ethernet' after we feel them? Why is it then, when you conjure up a disturbing

memory you can start to feel all the same emotions all over again? You probably have had this experience hundreds if not thousands of 

times- the memory comes up, it feels bad, and it usually feels bad in the same way time after time. Eventually, out of necessity, we learn to

shut off the feelings or stuff them down.

Let’s examine a particular memory that brings up negative emotions in a little more detail. Say you have a memory of being embarrassed in

grammar school by your teacher. When you break the memory down to its components you have the event of what happened and then you

have various emotions, or feelings that are triggered by that memory. You think about the memory and you may feel anger, humiliation,

confusion, whatever the emotions may be. We are so accustomed to believing that when the memory comes up, the emotions that are

associated with it are newly recreated each time we think of the memory. We don't often think of the emotions as always being there as part

of the memory. But what I'm offering to y ou is the concept t hat those emotions are always there, we just resist feeling them with our conscious mind but they are always there in our subconscious. The emotions are the glue that holds the memory together. The event is

simply something that happened, the memory is our interpretation of the event and this interpretation is a collection of emotions. Find a

way to release the glue, which are the emotions, and the memory will change. The event itself will not change but the memory will.

So much of the way we are in this world is because of what we have lived through. If you were abused, unloved, abandoned, whatever, you

have very strong memories associated with these feelings. Because of our memories we start to form beliefs about ourselves like we're not

good enough, not smart enough, not loved enough. We are conditioned to define ourselves by who we are not. We start to believe that our 

memories are our truth. Mom left me, dad didn't love me and therefore I am not OK. Now here's the part that rocks! Your beliefs about

yourself will change when the memories that created the foundation of those beliefs change. Its that simple. You no longer have to define

what y ou believe about yourself by what you have felt . And this is where the energy stuff comes in. The emotions you feel when you

think about a bad memory are indeed energy, plain and simple. They are a vibration, a frequency, and just as you can change the vibration or 

frequency of a note of music and create a different note, you can also change an emotion. You are in fact transforming it into a different

energy, an energy that can now be released by the body. Anger, resentment, sadness, grief, all hold their own energetic signatures. Your 

 body, by its beautiful nature, doesn't like the energy of these emotions. They have a heaviness that's uncomfortable. Your body will gladly

release them for you whenever you are willing. And when you release or transform the negative emotions in a memory, the memory changes,

and now your beliefs about yourself begin to change. You start to view yourself as 'I'm OK'.

We're living in an amazing time where the 'energy' of negative emotions, emotions that just feel heavier, are getting more and more difficult to

hold in our bodies. We are recognizing that these energies disrupt the flow of healthy energy that is in harmony with the way our bodies

work. The beauty of MRA or muscle testing is that it gives us a fast and easy way to find those t rapped negative emotions and energetically

release them from the body. That’s the basis of the wonderful technique called The Emotion Code. Check it out, y ou’ll be happ y you did.

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Surrogate Checking - The person being checked is not able to be evaluated. For example, the person is an infant, the surrogate touches the

infant (or dog, cat), then the MRA is done on the surrogate.

‘In the Clear’ - The subject is checked without any challenge (stimulus) in place.

A Challenge - Something that you are suspecting will cause the body to react against. Could be a food, a supplement, herb, thought,

emotion, reflex point, etc. Also called a stimulus.

Test Stimulus - A stimulus that has the ability of causing the muscle to change in ANY body ...e.g. a packet of NutraSweet or a downward

stroke over the glabella with the thumb or simply touch the index finger to the bridge of the nose directly under the glabella.

Testable- Is the person capable of being checked? (e.g. has the shoulder been injured, rendering it unsuitable for MRA)

Applied Kinesiology- A chiropractic diagnostic and therapeutic treatment modality using manual muscle strength testing for the medical

diagnosis and a subsequent determination of prescribed therapy. The system was developed by George Goodheart D.C. in 1964 and he died

in 2008. Applied Kinesiology is not really muscle response analysis. In AK, EVERY muscle is tested to determine a ‘diagnosis’ and IS

actually a ‘test of the muscle’. Many times people will say they are doing AK but they are really doing MRA. It could be said that MRA is

closely related to dowsing, where AK is not. The main stream science community has less of a problem with AK as opp osed to M RA,

which is considered inaccurate and ‘voodoo-ish’.

Charged- When something is charged, like a memory, or a person’s name, face, image, idea, word or phrase, etc., the arm strength will change

when the person accesses the thought, memory, p icture, etc.

Blown Muscle- Refers to when the arm drops down or weakens after the stimulus is applied.

Touch for Health- A very popular lay version of Applied Kinesiology developed by John F. Thie D.C. who died in 2005. Millions of 

 people all over the world use Touch for Health

T.L. - Stands for Therapy Localize. If you suspect a person’s knee was having a problem, you would check them ‘in the clear’, then have

them T.L. their knee (touch their knee) then check again. If their arms weaken, there is a problem of some kind with the knee.

Abduction- When the outst retched arm is held parallel to the floor, out to the side of the body.

Flexion- When the outstretched arm is held parallel to the floor, out in front of the body.

Glabella- Take your finger, touch the tip of your nose, then slide upward up the nose till you reach the bulge in the skull. This is the glabella


Dr. G. Kersey ©2013

This ebook is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without t he expressed consent of the author.